SAINT PATRICK’S PRO-CATHEDRAL Serving God’s people in the City of Newark since 1850 For God and His Kingdom! 91 WASHINGTON STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 07102 SERVED BY RECTORY: 39 BLEEKER STREET Rev. Bismarck Chau, Pastor Mr. Leonides Aponte, Deacon Joselina Casllo, Parish Catechecal Leader RECTORY HOURS: 8 AM—3 PM TELEPHONE: (973) 623-0497 or (973) 623-0822 // FAX: (973) 623-2030 Gioconda Fallas, Spanish Adult Formaon WEBSITE: EMAIL: Brandon Ocampo, Director of Communicaons Margaret Clark, Administrave Assistant STAY UPDATED BY LIKING US ON FACEBOOK! Ana Perez, Secretary Search for “Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral” or go to WEEKEND ASSISTANTS FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM/TWITTER: @stppcnewark Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Wister - SACRAMENTAL LIFE - Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Hynes Rev. Esterminio Chica MASS SCHEDULE BAPTISM Please make arrangements at the Rectory. Bapsmal instrucons for parents and godparents are required beforehand. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SUNDAY Daily 12 PM—12:15 PM and by appointment. 9:15 AM — English MARRIAGE 10:45 AM — Spanish Couples planning marriage should contact the Rectory at least one year before wedding is scheduled. SATURDAY VIGIL ANOINTING OF THE SICK 4:00 PM — Now in the Main Church! Emergencies at any me by calling (973) 623-0497. In case of illness or incapacity, Holy Communion will be brought to the home on request. HOLY DAY VIGIL MASS VOCATIONS 7:30 PM If you are discerning a vocaon, please contact the Vocaons Office at (973) 313-6190 or by e-mail at For more informaon, visit or contact Fr. Bismarck. DAILY MASS 12:15 PM — In the Chapel Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe — 11/20/16 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 20, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS New Parishioners SATURDAY, NOV 19 4:00 PM Steven Shoemaker † Holy Souls In Purgatory 6:30 PM Nuestra Señora Del Quinche We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral! If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please contact us at (973) 623-0497 or visit us at SUNDAY, NOV 20 — The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 9:15 AM Howard W. Daly † 10:45 AM Jesus Andrade (Special Intenon) Jackeline Mosquera (Special Intenon) Robert and Felix Green † Almas Del Purgatorio 12:00 PM Newark Firemen Memorial Mass MONDAY, NOV 21 — Presentaon of the Blessed Virgin Mary 12:15 PM Teena Marziliano † Holy Souls In Purgatory TUESDAY, NOV 22 — Saint Cecilia 12:15 PM Chrisne Thakker † Holy Souls In Purgatory WEDNESDAY, NOV 23 12:15 PM Richard Ciccarelli † Holy Souls In Purgatory THURSDAY, NOV 24 — Thanksgiving Day 9:30 AM King Who? The Feast of Christ the King closes the liturgical year of the Church and this conclusion poses an affirmaon that proclaims Jesus Christ the King of the Universe. Jesus’ contemporaries did not recognize him as king and some even rejected him as such. The noon of kingship was one of power, authority and wealth, but Jesus did not reflect any of these, especially on the cross. Jesus established his kingship in suffering and in humiliaon in order to receive the glory he once possessed. Many people sll do not recognize Jesus today; therefore it is important that we celebrate this feast in a way fit to a King! As we proclaim Jesus Christ King of the Universe, let us proclaim him also King of our hearts, of our household, King of our lives. Come, Lord Jesus and reign in our country. We need your reign to be established here on earth, your kingdom of peace and of jusce. Amen. With much Love, (Bilingual) Holy Souls In Purgatory Fr. Bismarck FRIDAY, NOV 25 (No Mass) THE WINE consecrated and distributed at all Masses today has been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of Haydee Perez. THE CANDLES used today at all Masses have been offered for the spiritual and temporal welfare of Sarah Ameri. THE HOSTS used today at all Masses have been offered for the repose of the soul of Reynaldo Roman. THE TABERNACLE CANDLE used today at all Masses has been offered for the repose of the soul of Jose Sanago. In the month of November we pray for those who have died. We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrecon unl you come again. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 20, 2016 The Pope’s universal prayer intenon is: “That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity.” POPE FRANCIS' PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR NOVEMBER His intenon for evangelizaon is: “That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptaon of discouragement.” Please join us aer the 9:15 AM Mass on Sunday morning for English Mass Fellowship! There will be free food! This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow parishioners! Fellowship will be in the Rectory basement (you can enter through the front gate of the church!). Starng this Saturday, the 4:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass will be moved from the Chapel to the Main Church. THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Join us at 9:30 AM on Thursday, November 24th, for Thanksgiving Mass! Mass will be Bilingual. Come and give thanks to God for all the blessings you have received. SAVE THE DATE! Please join us on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 12 PM for a Firemen Memorial Mass. Saint Patrick’s “When I am called to duty, God, wherever flames may rage, give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.” Christmas Dinner Dance Saturday, December 17, 2016 We are hosng a raffle to benefit the Ecuador Mission! $50 adults, $25 children (6-12) The winner of the raffle will receive a Plasma TV. Tickets are $5 each and will be sold aer each Mass. The raffle ends on Christmas Eve. Please help us support this great cause! WEEKEND OF/FIN DE SEMANA: 11/13/16 Total Collecon/Colecta Total: $ 1,120.94 Second Collecon for November 19-20, 2016 will be for “Black & Indian Missions” Thank you for your support! Gracias por su apoyo! Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo El vino, el pan, y la vela del tabernáculo pueden ser ofrecidas en honor de un ser querido por un mes. Quien es Rey? La Fiesta de Cristo Rey concluye el año litúrgico de la Iglesia y esta conclusión supone una afirmación que proclama a Jesucristo Rey del Universo. Los contemporáneos de Jesús no lo reconocieron como rey y algunos incluso lo rechazaron como tal. La noción de realeza era de poder, autoridad y riqueza, pero Jesús no reflejó ninguno de estos, sobre todo en la cruz. Jesús estableció su reino en el sufrimiento y en la humillación para recibir la gloria que poseía una vez. Muchas personas, todavía no reconocen a Jesús hoy, por lo tanto, es importante que celebremos esta fiesta de una manera adecuada a un Rey! Al proclamar a Jesucristo Rey del Universo, proclamémosle también Rey de nuestros corazones, de nuestros hogares, Rey de nuestras vidas. Ven, Señor Jesús y reina en nuestro país. Necesitamos que su reino se establezca aquí en la erra, su reino de paz y de juscia. Amén. Con mucho amor, Padre Bismarck 20 de Noviembre de 2016 EL VINO que serán distribuidos hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidos por la salud y bienestar de Haydee Perez. LAS VELAS que serán usadas hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidas por la salud y bienestar de Sarah Ameri. LAS HOSTIAS usadas hoy en todas las Misas han sido ofrecidas por el descanso eterno de Reynaldo Roman. LA VELA DEL TABERNACULO usada hoy en todas las Misas ha sido ofrecida por el descanso de Jose Sanago. CÍRCULO DE ORACIÓN Todos los Lunes de 7:00 PM — 9:00 PM en la Capilla de la Iglesia Connuamos con los 4 temas de seguimiento del Seminario de Vida en el Espíritu. ¡Todos están Invitados! Charla de Oración de Intercesión y Reparación con el Padre Robinson Sábado 10 de Diciembre de 2016 en la capilla de la Iglesia. 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Rero de Matrimonios Con la Oficina de Vida Familiar de la Arquidiócesis de Newark Sábado 3 de Diciembre de 2016 de 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM en el Sótano/ Basement de la Iglesia. Nuestra preparación para la Consagración de Jesús por María esta transmiendo todos los días en vivo por nuestro pagina de Facebook! Busca: St Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral y dale “Like/Me Gusta” ¡Unete a nosotros en vivo o cuando puedas! A Jesús por María! On Saturday, November 5th the Confirmaon Class of St. Patrick's Pro-Cathedral had the opportunity to aend Catholic Underground, a night of praise and worship and Adoraon in NYC. The event was full of young adults on fire about their Catholic Faith. One of our students, Dorismar, (who didn't know what to expect) said, "When I went to Catholic Underground it was such an amazing experience. I was expecng just an ordinary Mass, but it was beer. The part that most touched me was the one hour of silence. When I was praying, I started crying out of no where. It really touched my heart." El Sábado, 5 de Noviembre, la Clase de Confirmación de San Patricio tuvo la oportunidad de asisr a Catholic Underground, una noche de Adoración. Uno de nuestros estudiantes, Dorismar, (que no sabía qué esperar) dijo: "Cuando fui a Catholic Underground fue una experiencia increíble, estaba esperando solo ir a Misa, pero era mejor. Empecé a llorar. Realmente me tocó mi corazón. The Newman Catholic Center at University Heights is happy to announce our first Internaonal Mission Trip to Ecuador this January! We heard the deep pain that the community of sisters, The Servers of the House of the Mother, has been facing over the past several months. Therefore, we felt called to serve these sisters who have given their lives to the Lord. The purpose of our trip is to assist the sisters in their day to day life as best as we can. We also want to encounter Christ in a deeper way through their ministry. However, in order to do this we need to come together as a community. We are asking for your collaboraon. We need to raise money not only to fund our trip, but to also assist the sisters in rebuilding their convent, which was destroyed by the Earthquake. If you can, please support us financially. Please also keep us in your prayers. Thank you in advance for your support for us and for the Sisters. May the Lord mulply your generosity! El Centero Catolico de University Heights está feliz de anunciar nuestro primer viaje internacional a Ecuador este mes de Enero! Hay un profundo dolor que la comunidad, Las Siervas del Hogar de la Madre, ha estado enfrentando durante los úlmos meses. Nosotos senmos llamados a servir a estas hermanas que han dado su vidas al Señor. El propósito de nuestro viaje es ayudar a las hermanas en su vidas y tranajo. Queremos tambien encontrar a Cristo de una manera más profunda a través de su ministerio. Sin embargo, para esto necesitamos reunirnos como comunidad. Estamos pidiendo su colaboración. Necesitamos recaudar dinero, no solo para financiar nuestro viaje, sino también para ayudar a las hermanas en la reconstrucción de su convento, que fue destruido por el terremoto. Si usted se siente llamado a ayudarnos, ayúdenos primeramente a través de sus oraciones, y si puede, por favor, colabore financieramente. Muchas gracias por su colaboración con nosotros y con las Hermanas. Que el Señor mulplique su generosidad! 29 Bloomfield Avenue Newark, NJ 07104 • Computer Diagnostic • Discount Brakes & Mufflers • Complete Front End • Specializing in Computerized Engine Systems • Import & Domestic • Tune Up 973-268-2799 Cell: 973-699-2587 TENEMOS MAS DE 30 AÑOS SIRVIENDO A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD. 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Mulligan, III, Manager N.J. Lic. No. 4221 Frank X. Mulligan, Jr. N.J. Lic. No. 2953 (973) 481-4333 All Major Insurances Accepted! GUARANTEED LOW PRICES! Easy Refill Reminders $4 GENERIC PRESCRIPTION PROGRAM Se Ha Españ bla ol! • RX Compounding • Gift Items • Surgical Supplies • Handbags • Toys • Jewelry • Perfumes & Colognes • Bill Payment • Fax & Copy Service $50 Office Visit Open Everyday • No Appointment Necessary 393 Mulberry St., Newark, NJ 0702 973-645-1555 • f: 973-645-0030 672 St. Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral & St. John’s Church, Newark, NJ (Back) John Patrick Publishing Company • • 1-800-333-3166