SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 1 7, 2016 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 10727 So. Downey Ave., Downey, CA. 90241 Phone: (562) 923-3246 Mary sat listening to Jesus speak PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: Fridays: Saturday: Sunday: 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am - 7:00pm 12 noon 7:00pm 3:00pm OFFICE CLOSED: (Monday - Friday) 1:00pm - 2:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: ENGLISH 5:00pm (Vigil) Sunday: ENGLISH 6:30am, 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:00pm ESPAÑOL 1:30pm, 7:00pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word (9:30am, 1:30pm, 7:00pm) Morning Prayer: 7:55am (Monday - Friday) Morning Mass: Monday - Saturday 8:15am JULY 17, 2016 PAGE 2 PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worry about many things …” Luke 10:38-42 The painful reality of worry afflicts us continuously. It seems at times, that we worry about everything in our lives. We must go to that which is most important in our journey of life. That is the Lord! We need to be still, silent and attentive before God. He is present always, waiting for us. We must be like Mary who sat before the Lord at His feet. When we go before the Blessed Sacrament, the peace and strength that He gives us is beyond words. Let us follow the example and advice of the Saints. Monsignor Lorenzo Miranda Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TOGETHER IN MISSION UPDATE A new round of thank-yous go out to our most recent group of parishioners who have completed their 2016 Together in Mission Pledges. They are: Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Avila Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benjamin Ms. Alesxandra Calderon Ms. Ann Cannady Mr. and Mrs. Edmundo Cordero Mr. and Mrs. Higino Cosio Ms. Ascencion Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Mario Egizii Mr. George Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Gaytan Mr. and Mrs. Osvaldo Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Jimenez Ms. Annie Juarez Mr. and Mrs. William Layton Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lugo Rev. Joseph Magdaong Ms. Maria Mancera Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Mario Matus Ms. Linda Mecklenburg Ms. Victoria Merino Mr. Robert Mescavage Mr. Ron Meyer Ms. Raquel Mireles Ms. Linda Mora Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Murray Ms. Maria Perez Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Robles Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Romero Mr. and Mrs. Jose Rosales Mr. and Mrs. David Rubio Mr. and Mrs. Elenilson Sibrian Mr. George Tupy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urubio Mr. and Mrs. Jose Villalobos Mr. and Mrs. Ceferino Vinas Our total pledge amount now sits at $65,679, out of our goal of $98,500, meaning we are just over 66% of our pledge amount. We have collected $59,494 of that amount and we have until the end of the year to meet our goal. We want to encourage everyone to do their part. PAGE 3 YOU ARE INVITED PRAYER AND LIFE WORKSHOPS OLPH - Parish Center begins Mon, August 1 (15 week session) 7:00pm – 9:00pm We invite you to end this Extraordinary Year of Mercy by giving yourself the opportunity to learn how to pray meaningfully and deeply, building an intimate and profound relationship with our Lord. “PLW (Prayer and Life Workshops) is a liberating and healing Workshop made possible through the knowledge of God and of oneself: through the life experience of Surrender, the participant nears a profound peace; and through messages and exercises, the participant slowly is able to liberate himself from sadness and anxiety; to heal all wounds; to surpass fears and complexes, while recuperating the meaning of life and the joy of living.” For more information contact: Steven & Haydee Gonzales (562) 397-9304 JULY 17, 2016 PAGE 4 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Fire safety: planning and preparation KIDS CORNER Jesus was a guest at the home of two sisters, Martha and Mary. While Mary sat next to Jesus listening to Him speak, Martha was serving everyone. Directions: enter the correct words in the boxes based on the shape of the letters. Sister Better Village Upset Chosen Woman Work Worried H LP O Bulletin Monday morning by 10am Email: or bring to Rectory office The United States has the highest fire death and injury rate in the world. Every 80 seconds, a family—somewhere in the U.S.—is impacted by a residential fire. A little planning and effort can help minimize your family’s risk. You can start by installing, testing, and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. For a list of other suggestions please email or call (213) 637-7227 to receive a copy of the VIRTUS® article “A Reminder About Fire Safety in the Home.” For more information, call our Parish Contact Theresa Nicholas at 562) 862-7268. STEWARDSHIP Thank you to all the parishioners who support our parish and various ministries. God bless you. Collection for Weekend of July 10, 2016 Sunday Regular Collection Electronic Collection National Needs (2 weeks = $6,834) School Support Capital Improvements HOLY HUMOR $12,877 $1,769 $90 $41 $3,000 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 The Gospel for this Sunday can sometimes give the impression that Jesus favored Mary over Martha. But if they had both sat down to listen, there would have been no dinner to serve to Jesus. He saw that Mary was content to listen to him, so Martha could have been content to prepare the meal for Him. Remember the first reading, in which Abraham insisted on serving the visitors, whom he came to recognize as the Lord and two angels. He was rewarded with the assurance that he would soon have a son. El Evangelio de este domingo a veces puede dar la impresión de que Jesús favoreció a María sobre Martha. Pero si se ambas se hubieran sentado a escuchar, no habría habido cena para darle a Jesús. El vio que María estaba contenta escuchándolo, por lo que Marta podría haber estado contenta preparando la comida para El. Recuerda la primera lectura, en la que Abraham insistió en servir a los visitantes, a quienes llegó a reconocer como el Señor y dos ángeles. Fue premiado con la seguridad de que pronto tendría un hijo. So simple acts of hospitality can also be how people can welcome the Lord into their homes. When we welcome someone into our homes as a visitor, or into our lives as a friend, we are also welcoming Christ. When we get to know someone better, we are also getting to know Christ. Simples actos de hospitalidad pueden ser cómo las personas pueden acoger al Señor en sus hogares. Dando la bienvenida a alguien en nuestros hogares como a un visitante, o en nuestras vidas a un amigo, también estamos recibiendo a Cristo. Cuando conocemos a alguien mejor, llegamos a conocer a Cristo. And what about that "better part" that Mary had chosen? Are we sometimes like Martha, with too many things on our minds to be aware of the Lord? Sometimes we can't avoid the distractions that are part of life. But if we keep the Lord on our minds we may be able to see which are distractions to be put aside, and which are opportunities to serve the Lord in a different way. As we spend more time with the Lord in prayer, we begin to experience God's peace, which gives us the ability to choose the better part. Y ¿qué pasa con la "mejor parte" que María había escogido? ¿Somos a veces como Marta, con muchas cosas en nuestra mente para estar conscientes del Señor? A veces no podemos evitar las distracciones que son parte de la vida. Pero si tenemos al Señor en nuestra mente, seremos capaces de ver cuáles son las distracciones que pondríamos poner a un lado, y cuales son las oportunidades para servir al Señor de una manera diferente. Cuando pasamos más tiempo con el Señor en la oración, comenzamos a experimentar la paz de Dios, que nos da la posibilidad de elegir la mejor parte. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. 17 DE JULIO 2016 PÁGINA 6 MINISTERIO HISPANO Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, “Martha, Martha, Tu te inquietas y te preocupas por tantas cosas …” Lucas 10:38-42 La dolorosa realidad de la preocupación nos aflige constantemente A veces parece, que nos preocupamos de todo en nuestra vidas. Tenemos que acudir a lo que es más importante en nuestro caminar por la vida. Esto es !El Señor! Tenemos la necesidad de estar quietos, en silencio y atentos delante de Dios. El esta presente siempre, esperándonos. Sigamos el ejemplo de María que se sentó delante del Señor a sus pies. Cuando visitamos al Santísimo Sacramento, la paz y fuerza que El nos da sobrepasa el pensamiento. Sigamos el ejemplo y consejo de los Santos. Monseñor Lorenzo Miranda “Ora, espera, y no te preocupes. La preocupación es inútil. Dios es misericordioso y escuchará tu oración …” DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO - VER LA PAGINA 8 DECIMOSEXTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PROTEGIENDO LOS NIÑOS SEGURIDAD CONTRA INCENDIOS: PLANEACIÓN Y PREPARACIÓN Estados Unidos tiene el índice más alto de muertes y heridas por incendio en el mundo. Cada 80 segundos, una familia en algún lugar del país, es impactada por un incendio residencial. Un poco de planeación y esfuerzo puede ayudar a minimizar el riesgo de su familia. Usted puede comenzar por instalar, probar y mantener detectores de humo y de monóxido de carbono. Para una lista de otras sugerencias, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al (213) 637-7508 para recibir una copia del artículo de VIRTUS®, “A Reminder About Fire Safety in the Home” (Un recordatorio de seguridad contra incendios en el hogar). UNIDOS EN MISIÓN 2016 Una nueva ronda de agradecimientos van para nuestro más reciente grupo de feligreses que han completado sus promesas 2016 Unidos en Misión. Ellos son: Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Avila Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benjamin Ms. Alesxandra Calderon Ms. Ann Cannady Mr. and Mrs. Edmundo Cordero Mr. and Mrs. Higino Cosio Ms. Ascencion Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Mario Egizii Mr. George Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Gaytan Mr. and Mrs. Osvaldo Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Jimenez Ms. Annie Juarez Mr. and Mrs. William Layton Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lugo Rev. Joseph Magdaong Ms. Maria Mancera Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Mario Matus Ms. Linda Mecklenburg Ms. Victoria Merino Mr. Robert Mescavage Mr. Ron Meyer Ms. Raquel Mireles Ms. Linda Mora Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Murray Ms. Maria Perez Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Robles Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Romero Mr. and Mrs. Jose Rosales Mr. and Mrs. David Rubio Mr. and Mrs. Elenilson Sibrian Mr. George Tupy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urubio Mr. and Mrs. Jose Villalobos Mr. and Mrs. Ceferino Vinas Nuestra meta para este año es $98,500. La cantidad total de compromisos es de $65.679, esto significa que es poco más del 66%. De esa cantidad hemos recogido $59.494. Tenemos hasta el final del año para cumplir con nuestra meta. Queremos animar a todos a hacer su contribución. Mensaje del Diácono Carlos PÁGINA 7 El mensaje bíblico de este domingo nos trae ejemplos de hospitalidad. En algunas culturas, como en la nuestra, recibir a un forastero con cariño es un deber social. Así era en tiempos de Abraham. En la cultura de aquella sociedad de nómadas. Algo parecido sucede en nuestra cultura Latina. Llega el viajero (la visita) a nuestro hogar e inmediatamente se le ofrece café o te, y mientras se platica en la sala, en la cocina se le prepara una buena comida y en algunas ocasiones hay música, buen humor, compañerismo. El dueño de la casa tiene el orgullo de ofrecer lo mejor de lo que tiene a los que lo visitan. Y este es el ejemplo que Jesús quiere señalar en el Evangelio de hoy, que abrir las puertas de nuestro hogar es algo religioso, eso es practicar la misericordia con nuestros hermanos. Regresando de una conferencia para Diáconos Hispanos donde asistí, la cual se llevo a cabo en la ciudad de Boston, el tema de esta conferencia fue “La Misericordia de Dios Expresada en Servicio del Diaconado”, fue una experiencia muy hermosa convivir con los hermanos Diáconos de todo el país y todos entregados a la misma misión, ser los heraldos de el mensaje de Cristo. Bendiciones, Diacono Carlos COLECTA EN VERANO Durante el verano, nuestra colecta semanal es más baja ya que muchos de nuestros feligreses están de vacaciones. ¿Sabías que tenemos un programa de donaciones en línea? Es fácil inscribirse para hacer su donación automática. Vaya a nuestra página en el internet. y haga click en GIVE. JULY 17, 2016 PAGE 8 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, July 16 8:15 am Nathan Avila (RIP) 5:00 pm Kelly Choi Sunday, July 17 6:30 am Bice Buccimazza (RIP) 8:00 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 9:30 am Eulaila Munoz (RIP) 11:30 am Esther Heckman (RIP) 1:30 pm Maria Andrade (RIP) 5:00 pm Julio Valtierra (RIP) 7:00 pm Carlos M. Mendez Monday, July 18 8:15 am Gladis Wall de Mendez Tuesday, July 19 8:15 am Aida R. Lopez (RIP) Wednesday, July 20 8:15 am Margaret Delgado Thursday, July 21 8:15 am Joe Trujillo (RIP) Friday, July 22 8:15 am Sergio & Luz Maria Wall Saturday, July 23 8:15 am Barbara Breen (RIP) 5:00 pm Terry Lambros (RIP) Sunday, July 24 6:30 am Chester Dorazio (RIP) 8:00 am Robert Biarnesen (RIP) 9:30 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 11:30 am Terry Lambros (RIP) 1:30 pm Jose Maria Ferrufino (RIP) 5:00 pm Manuel Ortiz (RIP) 7:00 pm Maria A. Yepez (RIP) WE PRAY TO THE LORD For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers. For those who have gone before us, Life has changed, not ended. Brian Mayfield Daniel Torres Cesar Caballero Matthew Lima Stephanie Ceja Visauño Mary Dixon Jennifer Kremser Silvia Fernandez Christine Mescavage Dittmer Julieta Dy Rodolfo Necessito Efrain Torres Reyes Melva Ortiz Norma Garcia Lord, Hear Our Prayers Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen DIRECTORY Pastor: Associate Pastor: Regular Sunday Supply: Deacon Couples: Parish Business Manager: Secretary: Bulletin Editor: Family Life Director: Liturgy Coordinator: Development/Facility: Director of Music: Pastoral Council: Finance Council: Regional Vocations Director: STAFF Monsignor Lorenzo Miranda Rev. Ambrose Udoji Bishop Joe Sartoris - Retired Charles and Olivia Denisac Carlos and Betty Origel Betty Origel - ext. 205 Patricia Inzunza ext. 201 Erika Sanchez - ext. 221 Olivia Denisac - ext. 204 Theresa Nicholas ext. 211 Hector Perez - ext. 220 Amy Brent - ext. 211 Chair: John Saavedra ~ Co-Chair:Vicki Carnavale Chair: Ray Brown ~ Vice-Chair: Debbie Hale Rev. Angel Castro - St. Helen’s (562) 563-3522 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday (3:30pm - 8:30pm) (562) 862-7268 ~ Director: Theresa Nicholas Secretary: Mary Rogers Confirmation Coordinator: Daniel Rodriguez Sunday Coordinator: Sara Ponce Communion Coordinator: Maria Estevez RCIA/RCIT Coordinator: Ruby Gaytan OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey ~ 562-869-9969 PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Women’s Guild: 3rd Wednesday of month at 10 am School Hall Paula Mayfield 923-3518 Sunday Scriptures Study Melodie Santana 544-8188 Gino Bosdachin 688-3836 Little Rock Bible Study Respect Life Committee Richard Ching 382-3360 Linda Malme 869-6491 Paul Lamotte 869-1234 Los Padrinos Detention Ministry Couples for Christ Sr. Teresa Doherty 940-8711 Albert Mendoza 951-264-1822 Knights of Columbus Ma Cecile Mendoza 858-2326 John Kirschner 923-1932 RESPONSABLES: Diácono Carlos Origel MINISTERIO HISPANO CORO: 1:30 pm y 7 pm Efrain Andrade (323) 560-9195 ENSAYOS DE LOS COROS jueves 7 pm GRUPO DE ORACIÓN lunes 7 pm Humberto Ascani GRUPO DE JOVENES Alejandra Rivera 382-3077 ROSARIO martes 6 pm Aaron Lugo 806-9823 COLABORADORES: Maria Bertieri • Rosa Bulnes • Emma Romo Teresa Morales • Higinio y Olimpia Cosio • Aaron Lugo APOSTOLADO DE LA CRUZ viernes 7 pm Rosa Bulnes 417-6624 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL miércoles 7 pm Juan y Estela Prieto 644-0038 CURSILLOS DE CRISTIA NDAD Miguel y Teresa Vela 879-9516 DIVORCIADOS Y SEPARADOS Maria Paredes 397-6444 SACRAMENTS & MORE Baptism: Pre-baptismal Preparation Classes required for parents and godparents prior to scheduling Baptism. It is highly recommended parents and godparents attend classes BEFORE the child is born. Marriage: Call the parish office at least six (6) months (strongly recommend one (1) year) in advance to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To schedule a visit by a priest, we highly recommend that you call early in the illness. Quinceañeras: Call the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make arrangements. The young lady must have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist. It is highly recommended that the young lady be enrolled in Confirmation. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Every Thursday after the Morning Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday (bilingual): 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm First Friday of the Month Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Benediction: 5:30 pm FOR MORE PARISH INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 12 JULY 17, 2016 RECTORY OFFICE ‘ During July and August the Rectory office will be open on FRIDAYS from 8:30 am until 12 noon ATTENTION: MARRIED COUPLES BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH OUR FATHER Come and join us for a workshop (8 meetings) that will allow us to grow as individuals and strengthen our relationship as married couples by coming closer to God through the exploration of the scriptures, Saints, and Virtues as they pertain to our daily lives. Begins Sunday, July 24 (8 meetings) meet every other Sunday 5:30pm to 7pm OLPH Parish Center REGISTRATION DATES: Tuesdays, July 25 NEW Wednesdays, July 26 DATES 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm To register you will need to complete the application (Incomplete applications will not be accepted). Registration forms are available on our website ( or you may pick one up in the office when you come to register. Also please bring a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate to complete your registration. Fee: $80 = Year 1 $205 = Year 2 If you wish to register your child for Year 2 of the Sacrament Preparation, please bring your completed We Believe workbook. We CANNOT register your child for year 2 without the completed workbook. Year 1 Confirmation Information Parent and teen must attend. ORIENTATION MEETINGS (in the School Hall): Monday, July 25- 7 pm to 8 pm Registration packets will ONLY be available at these meetings. It’s not too late. Limited space is still available. July 18 - 22 9am - 1:30pm Registration will be done at first day of the session. Fun Games Activities