The Rice and Beans Ghosts - Fisher Digital Publications

The Angle
Volume 2002 | Issue 2
Article 3
The Rice and Beans Ghosts
Imecca E. Rodriguez
St. John Fisher College
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Rodriguez, Imecca E. (2001) "The Rice and Beans Ghosts," The Angle: Vol. 2002: Iss. 2, Article 3.
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The Rice and Beans Ghosts
Cover Page Footnote
"Second Prize Winner" Appeared in the issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, 2001.
This poem is available in The Angle:
Rodriguez: The Rice and Beans Ghosts
IuBcce (E) RooRrcuEZ
Tnr Rrcr l.tvo Bper Gnosrs
When Her Grandmother died
She felt a split
tlre collard greens.
the platanos mas duros.
The rice and beans
The fried chicken
She had always hated ensalada de papas.
When her Grandmother died,
She took a piece of Her with Her.
La India. . . Boriqua Thino . . . Indian--Spirit.
Though it would . .
Rise, Rise, Rise! day
And night.
She fought with her inner spirits.
Mother in search of love.
Father in search of freedom.
She was searchin' for a clue.
A clue, to why she was bom.
What she was to do.
She danced
And She sang
Then She beat-boxed and spoke Slang
2Adonde estan mis arroz y habichuelas?
;Y mis chicharrones de pollo, donde estan?
lAye, bueno, y mis platanos mas duros?
iDonde? ; Donde?
;Viste mi abuelita?
Ah, si. Dile a ella que quiero hablar con ella cuando tenga tiempo.
Oh how long it has been since she ate pork-cured collard greens, Her other Grandmother doesn't
even make them anymore. And nobody leamed to make pasteles.
Published by Fisher Digital Publications, 2001