The Communicator - East Central Baptist Association

This month’s events:
Month of September at each church—State Missions Offering Emphasis
September 4, 10:00 a.m.—Leaders Lab / Pastors & Staff Luncheon, North Delaware Baptist Church, 809 E Royerton Road,
Muncie IN 47303
September 25, 6:00 p.m.—ECBA Team meetings, Old Town Hill Baptist Church, 3000 S Burlington, Muncie IN 47302
September 25, 6:30 p.m.—ECBA Council meeting, Old Town Hill Baptist Church, 3000 S Burlington, Muncie IN 47302
September 25, 7:00 p.m.—Annual Meeting, Old Town Hill Baptist Church, 3000 S Burlington, Muncie IN 47302
The Communicator
Volume 28, Issue 9
September 2014
Remedy City Church Donates Chairs
By Jeremiah Kinney
Remedy City Church donated 40 chairs to
Goldspace Theater, our landlord, in August.
Goldspace Theater works with at-risk and underserved youth in our community, teaching them drama
and music, as well as instructing their mothers in yoga.
The space is very nice, but many of the chairs were
breaking down.
We were blessed with a legacy gift from the
Mosely family of Tennessee. When asked how we
would like to receive it, we requested that they pay for
lasting items. In addition to logo design, sidewalk
music gear, the
Church so that
Remedy City Church poses for a selfie we could, in turn,
in the new chairs.
donate them to
On Sunday, August
3, our church gathered in
the evening, set up the
chairs, prayed together,
and then enjoyed dinner
together. While setting
attached a large bow and
a card on one of them.
The next day, Goldspace
visionary, Flo Lapin, and Two Remedy City kids admire
one of the GT instructors the bow and card on one of the
discovered the gift. In chairs.
reply, on the next
Sunday, Remedy City Church discovered a
posterboard Thank You card signed by numerous
students. Later, I enjoyed the privilege of crediting the
forgiveness of Jesus Christ as the motivation for all
involved in the gift.
May God build lasting relationships through the
gospel between both sets of people!
NDBC’s Christmas in August Carnival Nets Over 50
Filled Shoeboxes and Canned Tuna for Missions
By Tami Hubler
New Day Baptist Church held its first Christmas in
August Carnival on Saturday, August 16. There was
food, games, prizes, balloons, a cakewalk - fun galore!
We spread Christmas cheer early to our NAMB
missionaries Pastor Carlos and Ester Ana Pulgarín in
British Columbia, Canada. Admission was one filled
shoe box for Operation Christmas Child or a $10
Walmart gift card or canned tuna for our 2014 adopted
missionaries in Canada.
Although we've always had the shoebox monthly
donations and Women On Missions picking a NAMB
missionary from the WMU Christmas in August list, the
carnival was new this year. We had 4 carnival games,
each Christmas themed; throw cookies through Santa's
c a n d y
cane ring
toss, duck
p o n d
game and
b o w l
game with
ping pong
balls. We
also had
o l d -
fashioned cakewalk with donated cakes. There was a
photo booth area where you could take your own
photos either in a nativity, elf, or sleigh scene. We
played Operation Christmas Child Shoebox videos and
the WMU Christmas in August video on the main
sanctuary screen. We also served free hotdogs and
snacks. All areas were supported by volunteers.
Inside This Issue
ClearN the Err
Leader Lab / Pastor & Staff Luncheon
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Coming Next Month
Profit and Loss Statement
V O L U ME 28 , I S S U E 9
Page 2
"ClearN the Err"
(A feature dealing with passages or teachings that have been greatly misunderstood)
By Dr. Ron Ross
The churches of Galatia were comprised of an interesting group of folks,
much like the church of today. The majority were Jews who had received
Jesus as their Messiah, while the others were pagans with a variety of beliefs.
Actually, the New Testament letter of Galatians is a warning letter. Paul had
learned that though they appeared to be doctrinally okay, in actuality, they
were on the brink of spiritual disaster. Jewish trouble-makers had come to
their area to infiltrate Jewish legalism into their Christian belief system. These
Judiazers, as they were called, had convinced many within the rank, both
Jews and Gentiles, that they needed to practice the teachings of Moses for
salvation. For the Gentile believers, this meant the rite of circumcision. The
bulk of the letter is foundational in its rebuttal format. Paul eventually states,
“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do
not be subject again to a yoke of slavery” (5.1), and then, “I testify again to
every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the
whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be
justified by law; you have fallen from grace” (5.3-4).
This passage teaches us many things – note a few. First, these were
legitimate Christians. They cared for the one who had shared the message of
salvation and they loved the One who had died for them. They were eager to
learn and that eagerness, unfortunately, enabled them to believe a lie.
Secondly, the church family needed to be grounded in “thus saith the Lord.”
We need Bible-teaching pastors who believe the entirety of Scripture without
question. Thirdly, legitimate Christians can “fall from grace.” It must be noted
that Paul called them brethren, they were Christians, but they had “fallen from
grace.” The Greek term denotes someone “who has fallen from the realm
where grace operates.” Can you imagine being in such a state? The believers
of that day were instructed to “walk by the Spirit, and they would not carry out
the desires of the flesh” (5.16). As modern-day believers, we need to allow
God the ability to control our lives and our minds. Though this incident
occurred in the early A.D. 60’s, unfortunately, it is occurring in 2014. We have
done a poor job at “making disciples.”
Something to ponder in “ClearN the Err.”
This article was written and submitted by Dr. Ron Ross in hopes
of generating critical thought and the intelligent practice of Scripture.
Dr. Ross serves as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Portland, Indiana.
Unless noted otherwise, all scripture references are from
the New American Standard Bible, 1995.
Coming Next
October 2, 10:00 a.m.—Leader Lab and
Pastor and Staff Luncheon, Redeemer
Baptist Church, Anderson
October 27—28, — State Convention of
Baptists Annual Meeting @ Calvary
Baptist Church, Greenwood
Leader Lab / Pastors & Staff Luncheon
Thursday, September 4, 10:00 am—1:00 pm
Host Church: North Delaware Baptist Church
809 E Royerton Road
Muncie IN 47303
Please pray for our pastors and their wives
on these special occasions.
September 12—Melissa Reynolds
(Old Town Hill, Muncie)
V O L U ME 28 , IS S U E 9
Page 3
ECBA July Profit & Loss Statement
General Fund
4010-New Day -Alexandria
Discretionary Admin Team
4060-New Day - Pendleton
BCM Rent Deposit
4090-First Baptist, Portland
BCM Capital Fund
4120-Halteman Village (Muncie)
4230-Integris (Albany)
4140-Kingston Avenue (Anderson)
BCM Contingency Fund
Disaster Relief
Mission Building Capital Fund
4160-North Delaware (Muncie)
Church Planting and Health Fund
4170-Old Town Hill (Muncie)
On Mission Celebration
4180-Redeemer (Anderson)
Deacon Retreat
ECBA Endowment
4240-Remedy City
Funds Temporarily Restricted
TOTAL 4000-Church Receipts
Old National Checking Total
ECBA Endowment
5000-BCM Rental Income
Church Planting and Health ROI
Church Planting and Health Fund
Total Income
IBF Total
70000-Administrative Ministry
70200-Office Expense
General Fund
Discretionary Admin Team
BCM Capital Fund
BCM Contingency Fund
On Mission Celebration
ECBA Endowment
75100-BCM House
ECBA Endowment
Old National Checking Total
Total 73000-Associational Ministry
Funds Temporarily Restricted
73000-Associational Ministry
Church Planting and Health Fund
Total 70000-Administrative Ministry
Mission Building Capital Fund
Disaster Relief
Total 70200-Office Expense
BCM Rent Deposit
Total 75100-BCM House
Church Planting and Health ROI
Church Planting and Health Fund
IBF Total
75200-Mission Building
Total 75200-Mission Building
75400-Holland Street Property
Total 75400-Holland Street Property
Total 75000-Trustee
Total Expense
2004 W Euclid
Muncie, IN 47304
Phone: 765-289-6592
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