REGISTRATION FORM ENCUENTRO EMPRESARIAL ESPAÑA-ESTADOS UNIDOS California-Tejas 26-30 de octubre 2009 COMPANY'S BASIC DATA COMPANY NAME: IDOM, S.A. ADDRESS (including city, Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre 3, 48014 BILBAO zip code and province): E-mail: TEL.: +34 944797600 FAX: FAX 2: E-mail 2: TEL.2: + 34 91 4441150 C.I.F: CONTACT PERSON: A48070999 WEB: Elsa Pérez TITLE: International Department Ms. María Alfayate ( PEOPLE ATTENDING: Mr. Randal Lipps +34 944761804 International Manager TITLE: USA Director FINANCIAL DETAILS INDUSTRY SECTOR: EXPORTS €: Engineering, Architecture and EXPORT DESTINATION Consulting COUNTRIES: ESTABLISHED: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: SHARE CAPITAL €: 1957 2700 60,101 IMPORTS €: IMPORT SOURCE COUNTRIES: EXPORTS TO USA (€): TURNOVER €: 296,25 Million IMPORTS FROM USA (€): 57 Million North America, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa ----4,15 Million --- COMPANY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IDOM is one of the leading groups in the Spanish market for professional services in Engineering, Architecture and Consulting. Services offered by the company include: - ENGINEERING (Civil, Industrial, Energy, Environment, Telecommunications, Land Use Planning, Advanced Analysis) ARCHITECTURE CONSULTING In particular, in the sectors targeted by this commercial mission, the following facts and figures could be highlighted. 1. High speed railway systems: Services offered: planning, infrastructure and superstructure track, stations and big terminal, electrification, signalling, communication and control systems. Some figures: Implementation of more than 350 km of High speed railway lines (projects and supervision); seven stations and large terminals; Overhead contact lines with a total length of 740 km 11 substations and 32 autotransformers 248 km of signalling train protection systems with ERTMS 1-2 3 CentralTraffic Rail Control Centers 2. Renewable Energy: Services offered: Feasibility and Preliminary studies, Basic Engineering, Detail Engineering, Purchase Management, Services linked to the construction phase, Tests, Equipment and Certification, Project Management and Turn-key projects. Subsectors of activity: Photovoltaic, Thermosolar, Wind power, Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Biomass, etc 3. Water. Services offered: planning, comprehensive design of wastewater treatment, and freshwater supplying systems, hydraulic and hydrologic studies and projects INTENDED PROJECT IN CALIFORNIA / TEXAS There are no specific projects currently identified in California, nor in Texas. Though, in particular, there is a special interest in the California high speed project as well as in and other future railway projects in both states. POTENTIAL PARTNER PROFILE 1. In the railway sector: Civil engineering companies active in the railway sector in general and, with particular interest in the high speed railways, willing to cooperate with a large Spanish company, leader in this field in Spain and Portugal and with permanent offices in 11 countries. 2. In the renewable energy sector: Utilities: American Electricity companies that develop their power generation plans and sign PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) with promoters. Developers: Power plant promoters, working in permitting and looking for financing of power plants. EPC (engineering & Procurement & Construction) contractors: Turn-key builders (they often have their own engineering company, but their experience in the renewable energy sector is sometimes limited). Technology developers 3. In the environment/water sector: Civil engineering and consultancy companies active in the water sector. In addition to these companies, it would be extremely interesting to know about the government programmes and strategies for the development of these sectors in the both states. BENEFITS DERIVED FROM A POTENTIAL PARTNERSHIP Though IDOM could be considered as a newcomer in the American market, we believe that its vast experience in the three sectors targeted in this commercial mission, and in particular in the high speed railways and the renewable energy sectors could be of interest for American companies, whether in some areas as a “service provider” or in other cases as valuable partner to establish a long-lasting relationship. PAST AND CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS IN USA IDOM is present in the US market since 2006, when the company purchased The American AEC Engineering Inc. The main areas of activity include power, renewable energy, petrochemical, manufacturing as well as other industrial sectors. AEC has offices in Minneapolis (Minnesota) and Richmond (Virginia), though it has clients throughout all the US. In the field of renewable energies, there is a special interest and first steps have been done in the American market in the thermosolar sector. IDOM has not activity yet in the fields of civil engineering linked to transport infrastructure, neither in the environment. However, being these sectors cornerstones of the IDOM group in Spain and other countries, there is an interest to expand activities to these sectors in the American market. *POR FAVOR, RELLENE LO MÁS DETALLADAMENTE POSIBLE TODOS LOS APARTADOS. SU OBJETIVO NO ES OTRO QUE ASEGURAR EL ÉXITO DE SU PARTICIPACIÓN. Enviar debidamente cumplimentado hasta el día 11 de septiembre de 2009 a la siguiente dirección: Dpto. de Cooperación Empresarial – ICEX Paseo de la Castellana, 16 28046 Madrid Tel.: 91 349 6483 / 1949 Fax: 91 575 96 18 Conforme al art. 5 de la Ley 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos: 1º Que la finalidad de la recogida de esta información es su inclusión en el directorio INVER de la base de datos corporativa del ICEX (BDC), que el ICEX utiliza con los siguientes fines: como herramienta de trabajo para difundir oportunidades de inversión en el exterior y la celebración de Encuentros Empresariales y Foros de Inversiones y Cooperación Empresarial, así como para promocionar la internacionalización de la empresa española. 2º Que serán destinatarios de la información recogida los usuarios autorizados de la BDC a la que pueden acceder personal del ICEX, las Direcciones Territoriales y Provinciales de Comercio, la Red de Oficinas Económicas y Comerciales de España en el exterior y la Secretaría de Estado de Turismo y Comercio. 3º Que la negativa a suministrar sus datos personales implica no recibir información acerca de la celebración de Foros de Inversiones y Cooperación Empresarial, Encuentros y Seminarios de Inversiones en el exterior y oportunidades de inversión e información relativa a actividades del ICEX que puedan ser de su interés, si bien, le recordamos que Ud. no está obligado a que sus datos personales sean tratados por o comunicados a terceros, por lo que rogamos nos indique, en este mismo formulario, las reservas que quiera hacer al respecto. Si en este documento no se recoge ningún tipo de reserva por su parte, entendemos otorgado su consentimiento expreso e inequívoco para el tratamiento de sus datos por las entidades mencionadas en el punto 2º anterior, consentimiento que le recordamos podrá revocar en cualquier momento. 4º Que tiene Ud. la posibilidad legal de ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, en los términos establecidos en la Ley, dirigiéndose a la Dirección General de Información e Inversiones del ICEX – Dpto. de Información y Otros Programas de Apoyo a la Inversión, Pº de la Castellana, 14-16, 28046 Madrid, unidad del ICEX responsable del fichero.