KATHLEEN’S Toddler’s FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER We had a lot of fun in January and THANKFULLY the kids did a great job of jumping back into the routine! We talked about our five senses and did small activities pertaining to each. We also learned about snowmen and snowflakes (despite the lack of both in our world) I am excited for all the FUN to come in FEBRUARY! This month we will be making fun Valentines and continuing our lessons on LOVE and GOD’S LOVE for us! We will also focus on different types of pets and our ability to be active. It’s so amazing to see how fast the children pick up new concepts! THEME: I CAN LEARN ABOUT PETS RELIGION THEMES: I CAN MOVE, I CAN PLAY, ASH WEDNESDAY, GOD’S LOVE FOR US, GOD MADE ACTIVE SONGS: MOVE YOUR BODY, BE MY FRIEND, OLD MACDONALD, JESUS LOVES ME COLOR: PINK PUPPET: FISH SIGN LANGUAGE: Letters O and P RHYME: “Once I Caught a Fish Alive” SPANISH VOCABULARY : PEZ (FISH) RANA (FROG) MONO (MONKEY) VACA COW) PAJARO (BIRD) HA’MSTER (HAMSTER) SPANISH BOOKS: ALEER! A JUGAR (TO READ/PLAY) ANIMALES (ANIMALS) OSO CAFÉ (BROWN BEAR) MAS ALTO! MAS ALTO! (HIGHER/HIGHER) BOOKS: GOD MADE ME SPECIAL, PENNY RACES, FARM ANIMALS, TWO BY TWO IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER FEBRUARY 13th ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14TH VALENTINES PARTY AT 2pm FEBRUARY 18TH PRESIDENT’S DAY