Services Directive: Assessment of Implementation Measures in

Services Directive: Assessment of Implementation
Measures in Member States
National Report for Spain
Part Two: Analysis of
national requirements in
specific service sectors
This National Report has been prepared by Ana Barreira and Elisa Bouzada for Milieu Ltd.
under Contract No MARKT/2011/035/E1/ST/OP with the European Commission, DG
Internal Market and Services.
The views expressed herein are those of the consultants alone and do not necessarily represent
the official views of the European Commission.
Milieu Ltd. (Belgium), 15 rue Blanche, B-1050, Brussels, tel: 32 2 514 3601; Fax 32 2 514
3603; e-mail:; web address:
National Report Part Two
Analysis of national requirements in specific service sectors
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Retail ................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Tourism ............................................................................................................................................ 11
4. Food and beverages........................................................................................................................ 23
5. Real Estate ....................................................................................................................................... 25
6. Education ......................................................................................................................................... 32
7. Crafts, construction and certification services............................................................................ 38
8. Regulated Professions.................................................................................................................... 44
9. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 54
Boletín Oficial de las Islas Baleares (Official Journal of Baleares)
Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía (Official Journal of Andalucia)
Constitución Española (Spanish Constitution)
Autonomous Communities
European Economic Area
Royal Decree
Spanish Constitutional Court
1. Introduction
National measures implementing Articles 14, 15 and 16(2) of the Services Directive
The main act transposing the Services Directive into Spanish Law is the horizontal Ley 17/2009, de 23
de noviembre, sobre el libre acceso a las actividades de servicios y su ejercicio (BOE num. 283, de
24.11.2009) - Law 17/2009, of 23 November, on Free Access to Service Activities and its Exercise.
This Law entered into force on 25 December 2009 with the exception of some of its provisions, which
entered into force two days after.1
Chapter II of Law 17/2009 is entitled freedom of establishment for service providers. Article 14 of the
Services Directive is transposed by Article 10 of this Law which correctly reflects the prohibited
requirements in Article 14, literally in some cases.
Article 15 of the Services Directive is transposed through Article 11 of this Law. According to the
Report on the Transposition of the Services Directive in Spain,2 Spain carried out an in-depth
evaluation of the legal system as required by Article 15(1) of the Directive. Article 15(2) has been
expressly transposed. Article 15(3) has been transposed by Article 11.3 of Law 17/2009. Thus, this
Article allows exceptionally subjecting the access to a service activity or its exercise to requirements
in its second paragraph if they are in accordance to Article 5 of this Law,3 that is, that they are nondiscriminatory, are justified by overriding reasons of general interest and are proportionate. As
required by Article 15(5) Spain participated in the mutual evaluation process.4 To comply with Article
15(7), the horizontal law includes a Fourth Additional Provision on Notification to the European
Commission providing for the notification as required in the first paragraph of Article 15(7) of the
Services Directive.
Chapter III of Law 17/2009 contains the provisions on freedom to provide services applicable to
providers from other Member States. Article 12 of this Law specifically transposes Article 16 of the
Services Directive in Spain.
In addition to this Horizontal Law, and to ensure the correct implementation of these articles of the
Services Directive, sector-specific legislation has been adopted or amended at the State (national),
regional (Autonomous Communities or CC.AA) and municipal levels. The State and a number of
CC.AA passed omnibus laws introducing amendments to existing sector-specific laws. In addition
both have approved Royal Decrees and Decrees amending existing sector-specific regulations.
The analysis to check the implementation of Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Services Directive in Spain
has concentrated on a very detailed analysis of the provisions in force for each of the sectors covered
by this study. State and CC.AA legislation applicable to the sectors covered was examined. With
respect to the Article 14 analysis the previous legislation in force has also been reviewed.
It is important to take into consideration that the implementation of the Services Directive in Spain has
required a considerable effort from the State and the CC.AA to introduce the necessary amendments
and to abrogate provisions that were and still are not in line with the Directive. The report prepared by
the Spanish State on the transposition of the Services Directive in Spain stated that the regulatory
change has concentrated on tourism, trade and industry.5
The Sixth Final Provision of Law 17/2009 provides that this Law was to enter into force 30 days after from the
day of its publication at the Spanish Official Journal. The date of publication was 24 November 2009. Articles
17.2, 17.3, 17.4, 18 and 19 entered into force on 27 December 2009.
This Article provides that exceptionally and only authorisation can be required to access to a services activity
or its exercise if complies with the following conditions: non-discrimination, necessity and proportionality.
See Report on the Transposition of the Services Directive in Spain.
See Report on the Transposition of the Services Directive in Spain, page 3.
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2. Retail
2.1 Overview
Retail is one of the main economic activity sectors in Spain and is considered to be the second most
important subsector of the services sector behind tourism.
In Spain, several competence titles affect the retail sector. Article 148.1.13 of the CE provides that
CC.AA can assume competences in the “promotion of the economic development of the Autonomous
Community within the objectives established by the national economic policy”. This Article has been
interpreted by the Constitutional Court of Spain, which has held that this competence of the CC.AA
means that they have the exclusive competence on internal trade within the limits established by the
exclusive competence of the Spanish State to establish the basis and the coordination for economic
planning.6 In addition, CC.AA, according to Article 148.1.14, can assume competences in the crafts
Article 149.1.10 of the CE provides that the Spanish State has the exclusive competence on external
trade. The CC.AA have no competences in this field.
Article 149.1.13 of the CE provides exclusive competence for the State to establish the basis and the
coordination for economic planning. According to the Spanish constitutional case law, this exclusive
competence has its basis in the principle of economic unity, which is a projection of the unity of the
State (Article 2 CE). As a result, it corresponds to the State provision of guidelines for economic
activity. Nevertheless, this competence cannot be extended further than what is needed for the
implementation of that principle. This implies that the use of that competence may infringe upon the
competences that Autonomous Communities can exercise in the field of economic planning.7
Those Autonomous Communities having competences for the development and implementation of the
State plans can approve planning and complementary measures which are coordinated with those from
the State. These Autonomous Communities can also approve within the general guidelines “all those
measures that do not contradict the guidelines but which are complementary, concurrent and neutral”.8
As a result, the Autonomous Communities have the competence to develop and implement the basis
on economic planning established by the State.
Spanish basic legislation on retail, Law 7/1996, of 15 January, on Retail Trade,9 was amended in 2010
in order to implement the Services Directive. Almost all CC.AA have also amended their legislation
according to the Services Directive. For example, the requirement of registration and authorisation has
been changed to another less restrictive requirement, such as communication.10
TC rulings: 124/2003, of 19 June and 225/2004, of 22 December, among others.
TC rulings: 103/1989 of 8 June and 220/1992 of 11December.
TC rulings: 14/89 of 26 January, 29/1986 of 20 February y S 177/1990 of 26 January).
Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero, de Ordenación del Comercio Minorista (BOE num. 15, of 17.01.1996). .
Spain has been condemned by the court of the European Union for failure to fulfill the requirements of old
article 43 of the EC Treaty (Ruling of the ECJ of 24 March 2011, Case C-400/08) due to the existence of certain
requirements established in the State Law on Retail and in Law on Retail of the Autonomous Community of
Cataluña. The requirements discussed on the ECJ judgment are not under the scope of this study.
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2.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis
Article 14 checklist
Prohibited requirements
Situation preimplementation
Situation postimplementation
Requirements based directly or
indirectly on nationality or residency
Economic tests
Murcia required a market study
as one of the documents to be
included in the application for
Madrid required the provision
of the foreseen turnover and
market share as documents to
obtain the authorisation. This
requirement no longer applies
since the authorisation has been
Navarra required information
on foreseen turnover and a
study on the economic impact.
This requirement has been
Canarias Islands required a
study on the economic impact.
This requirement has been
Aragón required the report of
the competing operators for the
authorisation of new street
markets. This requirement has
been abolished.
None identified
Involvement of competing operators
in the decisions of competent
Obligations to obtain financial
guarantees or insurances from
operators established in the same
Member State
presentation of the national
identity document to obtain an
authorisation for a large size
requirement no longer applies
since the authorisation has been
Castilla-La Mancha required
licence applications to present
an economic study. This
Findings with respect to the Article 14 prohibitions
The legislation examined shows that some CC.AA required the evaluation of the economic impact of a
large sized retail establishment. These requirements have been abolished by amendments to the
respective laws.
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Castilla-La Mancha
Article 6.3 of Law 7/1998, of 15 October, on Retail of Castilla-La Mancha11 required the applicant for
an authorisation of an establishment to submit a study on the economic impact of the project,
highlighting the effects on the local economy: on prices, quality of life, local retail and market share in
the distribution sector. This Law and, as a consequence, this requirement were abolished by Law
2/2010, of 13 May, on Retail of Castilla-La Mancha.12
Article 17.2 of Law 9/1989, of 5 October, on the planning of commerce in Aragón13 required a
previous report prepared by the Official Chamber of Commerce, Consumers and Users Associations
and Ambulant Traders Associations to obtain an authorisation for a new street market. This
requirement was abolished by Law Decree 1/2010, of 27 April.14
Article 13.2 of Law 11/2006, of 22 December, on the Retail Regime of the Region of Murcia15
established that the licence application should contain the specific business type and features of the
commercial establishment that was planned to set, modify or extend, and be accompanied by, among
others, a market research that included an analysis of the viability, necessity or the convenience of the
establishment. This market research included an analysis of the circumstances of the influence zone,
commercial and socioeconomic characteristics of the influence zone, the market share and the
economic impact of the establishment.
This requirement has been abolished by Law 12/2009, of 11 December, amending diverse Laws to
adapt them to Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December
2006 on services in the internal market.16
Article 14.1 of Decree 130/2002, of 18 July, on internal trade of the Community of Madrid17 required
that the application of a natural person to obtain an authorisation for a large size establishment
includes the Spanish ID as one of the documents to be enclosed. This requirement constitutes
discrimination based on nationality because only Spanish nationals can obtain the national ID.
Article 14.2.d) of Decree 130/2002, of 18 July, established as a requirement for obtaining a licence to
open a large size establishment, the submission of a study which includes a provision of the foreseen
turnover and the market share.
Ley 7/1998, de 15 de octubre, de Comercio Minorista de Castilla-La Mancha (BOE num.13, of 15.01.1999). .
Ley 2/2010, de 13 de mayo, de Comercio de Castilla- La Mancha (BOE num. 178, of 23.07.2010). .
Ley 9/1989, de 5 de octubre, de ordenación de la actividad comercial en Aragón (BOE num 265, of de
04.11.1989) .
Decreto-Ley 1/2010, de 17 de abril, del Gobierno de Aragón, de modificación de diversas leyes de la
Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón para la transposición de la Directiva 2006/123/CEE del Parlamento Europeo y
del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior (BOA num. 86, of
05.05.2010). .
Ley 11/2006, de 22 de diciembre, sobre Régimen del Comercio Minorista de la Región de Murcia (BOE num.
111, of 09.05.2007) .
Ley 12/2009, de 11 de diciembre, por la que se modifican diversas leyes para su adaptación a la Directiva
2006/123/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el
. .
Decreto 130/2002, de 18 de julio, de comercio interior de la Comunidad de Madrid (BOCAM num. 186, of
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The authorisation scheme for large size establishments by the commercial authority has been
abolished by amendment to Commercial Law 16/1999 (Article 18). Article 18 establishes that "the
installation or extension of large retail establishments, as defined in the previous article, is not subject
to a commercial authorisation regime, and only requires the corresponding municipal licence, which
will be granted by the municipalities". Since the authorisation scheme has been abolished, the
requirements no longer apply. All Article 14 requirements laid down by Decree 130/2002 referring to
the authorisation scheme have thus been abolished by Law 1/2008 and Law 1/2009 amending Law
16/1999 on internal trade of the Community of Madrid.
Article 22.2.E) of Foral Law 17/2001, of 12 July, on Retail in Navarra18 required licence applications
for the opening of large size establishments to include the following studies:
An economic study on the economic viability of the project, including the foreseen turnover.
A report on the economic impact of the project, highlighting the effects on the local economy:
on the prices, quality of life, local retail and market share in the distribution sector.
Foral Law 6/2010, of 6 April, amending diverse Laws to adapt them to Directive 2006/123/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market19 has
abolished this requirement.
Canary Islands
Article 13 of Decree 232/2005, of 27 December, regulating the procedure of specific retail licensing
and establishing the general criteria for commercial facilities in the Canary Islands,20 required a study
on the economic impact of the project, highlighting the effects on the local economy. This legislation
has been abolished by Law 12/2009, of 6 December, regulating commercial licence21 and, therefore,
the requirement of a study on the economic impact. Law 12/2009 establishes a threshold for the
authorisation scheme. This requirement does not seem to be an economic test stricto sensu because the
objective of the threshold for the authorisation is to identify those commercial surfaces that require
more controls due to, for example, their environmental impact in a territory where there is a large
extension of protected areas (this reason is included in the Preamble of Law 12/2009 of the Canary
2.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis
Article 15(2) checklist
Requirements to be evaluated
Quantitative or territorial restrictions
RD 1376/2003 provides that fresh meat establishments can
only distribute fresh meat within a certain territory.
Ley Foral 17/2001, de 12 de julio, reguladora del comercio en Navarra (BOE num. 191, of 10.08.2001)
Ley Foral 6/2010, de 6 de abril, de modificación de diversas leyes forales para su adaptación a la Directiva
2006/123/CE, relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior. Comunidad Foral de Navarra (BOE num. 129, of
Decreto 232/2005, de 27 de diciembre, por el que se regula el procedimiento de concesión de la licencia
comercial específica y se establecen los Criterios Generales de Equipamiento Comercial de Canarias.
Ley 12/2009, de 16 de diciembre, reguladora de la Licencia Comercial.
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Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses
Spanish State (basic law)
Article 2.1 of Royal Decree 199/2010, of 26 February, on ambulant trade22 establishes that the
municipalities shall determine the areas enabled for the exercise of ambulant trade. In addition, this
Article provides that ambulant trade cannot be exercised in public buildings, commercial and
industrial establishments, or in locations that impede access and traffic. However, this is not a
territorial requirement falling under Article 15 of the Services Directive as such although it can be
seen as indirectly resulting in a quantitative restriction due to limited public space.
Article 4 of Royal Decree 1376/2003, of 7 November, establishing the sanitary conditions of
production, storage and commercialization of fresh meat and by-products on retail establishments,23
amended by Royal Decree 728/2011, provides that authorised establishments can provide fresh meat
to authorised catering establishments, whenever its distribution is made within the municipality in
which the establishment is located or within the local sanitary unity, health area or in a territory of
similar characteristics and purposes that shall be determined by the competent authority. The preamble
of the Royal Decree justifies the regulation on public health protection grounds.
2.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis
Article 16(2) checklist
Prohibited requirements
Obligation to have an establishment in the
territory where the service is provided
Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a
None identified
At national level, a municipal authorisation is
required to start any activities concerning ambulant
Andalucía requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Aragón requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Asturias requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
authorisation to start any activities concerning
ambulant trade.
Cataluña requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Galicia requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
La Rioja requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Baleares requires a municipal authorisation to start
Real Decreto 199/2010, de 26 de febrero, por el que se regula el ejercicio de la venta ambulante o no
sedentaria (BOE num. 63, of 13.03.2010).
Real Decreto 1376/2003, de 7 de noviembre, por el que se establecen las condiciones sanitarias de producción,
almacenamiento y comercialización de las carnes frescas y sus derivados en los establecimientos de comercio al
por menor (BOE num. 273, of 14.11.2003).
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any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Ban on setting up an infrastructure
Application of specific contractual
arrangements between the service provider
and the recipient restricting the provision
of the service by the self-employed
Obligation to possess a specific identity
Requirements affecting the use of
Restrictions on recipients
País Vasco requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Comunidad Valenciana requires a municipal
authorisation to start any activities concerning
ambulant trade.
Navarra requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Extremadura requires a municipal authorisation to
start any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Cantabria requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Canarias requires a municipal authorisation to start
any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Castilla-León requires a municipal authorisation to
start any activities concerning ambulant trade.
Madrid requires an authorisation and registration to
exercise ambulant trade.
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses
A number of authorisation requirements that apply both to national and cross-border providers were
identified in the retail sector and are expressly justified by the relevant laws.
National level
Article 54 of Law 7/1996 on Regulation of Retail,24 of 15 January, as amended by Law 1/2010,
provides the obligation to obtain a municipal authorisation to start any ambulant trade activities within
Spanish territory.
Therefore, Article 2.2 of Royal Decree 199/2010, of 26 February, on ambulant trade25 provides the
obligation to obtain a municipal authorisation for the two types of ambulant trade activities. This
authorisation is not linked to the service provision as such. The authorisation requirement is due to the
use of public space, which is the only space in which the service provision can take place. Since this
space is limited, there is a need to ensure equal access to that space by all service providers, including
those established in other Member States.
Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero, de Ordenación del Comercio Minorista (BOE num. 15, of 17.01.1996)
Real Decreto 199/2010, de 26 de febrero, por el que se regula el ejercicio de la venta ambulante o no
sedentaria (BOE núm. 63, de 13.03.2010)
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Further to the legislation adopted at state level, all the regions mentioned below have introduced local
level authorisation schemes for the use of public domain for the service provision with a view to
ensure equal access to that domain by all service providers, including those established in other
Member States.
Article 3 of Law 9/1988, of 25 November, on Ambulant Commerce,26 requires a municipal
authorisation for starting ambulant trade.
Article 26.2 of Law 9/1989, of 5 October, ordering commercial activity in Aragón27 requires a
municipal authorisation for starting ambulant trade.
Article 48 of Law 9/2010, of 17 December, on Retail of Asturias,28 requires a municipal authorisation
to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Castilla-La Mancha
Article 52.3 of Law 2/2010, of 13 May, on Retail of Castilla-La Mancha29 requires a municipal
authorisation to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Article 10 of Legislative Decree, of 5 October, to adapt laws to Directive 2006/123/EC,30 requires a
municipal authorisation to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Article 14.3 of Law 3/2002, of 9 May, on Retail of Extremadura,31 requires a municipal authorisation
to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade. Galicia
Article 77.1 of Law 13/2010, on Retail of Galicia,32 requires a municipal authorisation to start
commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Ley 9/1988, de 25 de noviembre, del Comercio Ambulante (BOE num 303, of 19.12.1988).
Ley 9/1989, de 5 de octubre, de Ordenación de la Actividad Comercial en Aragón (BOE num. 265, of
Ley 9/2010, de 17 de diciembre, de comercio interior (BOE num. 36, of 11.02.2011)
Ley 2/2010, de 13 de mayo, de comercio de Castilla-La Mancha (BOE num. 178, of 23.07.2010)
Decreto Legislativo 3/2010, de 5 de octubre, para la adecuación de normas con rango de ley a la Directiva
2006/123/CE, del Parlamento y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el mercado
interior (BOE num. 257, of 23/10/2010)
Ley 3/2002, de 9 de mayo, de Comercio, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura (BOE num. 140, of
Ley 13/2010, de 17 de diciembre, del comercio interior de Galicia (BOE núm. 25 de 29.01.2011)
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La Rioja
Article 35.2 of Law 3/2005, of 14 March, ordering commercial activity and ferial activities of the
Autonomous Community of La Rioja33 requires a municipal authorisation to start commercial
activities concerning ambulant trade.
Article 32 Law 11/2001, of 15 June, on Commercial Activity in Baleares34 requires a municipal
authorisation to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Article 5 of Law 1/1997, of 8 January, on ambulant trade,35 requires an authorisation and a registration
in the Ambulant Trade Register of the Community of Madrid for exercising the activity of ambulant
trade. The Preamble of this Law establishes that the purpose of this requirement is to coordinate the
management and control of ambulant trade between different competent authorities.
País Vasco
Article 15 of Law 7/1994, of 27 May, on commercial activity,36 requires a municipal authorisation to
start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Comunidad Valenciana
Article 45.1 of Law 3/2011, on Retal of Comunitat Valenciana,37 requires a municipal authorisation to
start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Article 4 of Foral Law 13/1989, of 3 July, on ambulant trade of Navarra,38 requires a municipal
authorisation to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Article 14.2 of Law 3/2002, of 9 May, on Retail of Extremadura,39 requires a municipal authorisation
to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Ley 3/2005, de 14 de marzo, de Ordenación de la actividad comercial y las actividades feriales en la
Ley 11/2001, de 15 de junio, de ordenación de la actividad comercial en las Illes Balears (BOE num. 164, of
Ley 1/1997, de 8 de enero, de venta ambulante (BOCAM num. 10, of
Ley 7/1994, de 27 de mayo, de la actividad commercial (BOPV num. 111, of 13.6.1994) .
Ley 3/2011, de 23 de marzo, de comercio de la Comunitat Valenciana (BOE num. 91, of 16.04.2011). .
Ley Foral 13/1989, de 3 de julio, de comercio no sedentario de Navarra (BOE num. 244, of 11/10/1989) .
Ley 3/2002, de 9 de mayo, de Comercio, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura (BOE num. 140, of
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Article 36.3 of Law 1/2002, of 26 February, on Retail of Cantabria,40 requires a municipal
authorisation to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Castilla y León
Article 46 of Law 16/2002, of 19 December, on Retail of Castilla y León,41 requires a municipal
authorisation to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
Article 25 of Law 4/1994, of 25 April, on Commercial Activity of Canarias,42 requires a municipal
authorisation to start commercial activities concerning ambulant trade.
2.5 Conclusions for retail sector
Spanish basic legislation on retail, Law 7/1996, of 15 January, on Retail Trade,43 was amended in
2010 in order to implement the Services Directive. Almost all CC.AA have also amended their
legislation according to the Services Directive. Certain registration and authorisation requirements
have been replaced by less restrictive requirements, such as communication.
One territorial restriction justified for public health protection grounds is kept in State legislation.
The State legislation and most of the CC.AA require an authorisation to carry out ambulant trade due
to the need to ensure equal access to the limited public space in which these sales can take place for all
service providers, including those established in other Member States.
Ley 1/2002, de 26 de febrero, del Comercio de Cantabria (BOE num. 79, of 2/4/2002)
Ley 16/2002, de 19 de diciembre, de Comercio de Castilla y León (BOE num. 26, of 30.1.2003)
Ley 4/1994, de 25 de abril, de Ordenación de la Actividad Comercial de Canarias (BOE num. 126, of
Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero, de Ordenación del Comercio Minorista (BOE num. 15, of 17.01.1996). .
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3. Tourism
3.1 Overview
Tourism is one of the main economic activity sectors in Spain and is considered to be the engine of the
Spanish economy.
Article 148.1.18 of the CE provides that CC.AA can assume competences in the field of “promotion
and planning of tourism within its territory”. Meanwhile, Article 149 CE does not attribute any direct
competence to the Spanish State in the field of tourism although indirectly it attributes certain
competences having an impact on tourism such as environmental protection, historical heritage,
immigration, transport and communication, among others. All CC.AA Statutes (Constitutions)
attribute to them exclusive competence in the field of tourism.
As a result of the distribution of competences in this field, the legislation analysed is legislation from
CC.AA since the State does not hold that competence. Due to the importance of this sector in Spain,
all CC.AA have legislation in the sector of tourism. Most of the CC.AA amended their tourism
legislation to implement the Services Directive through amendments to their tourism law and in some
cases through amendments to decrees in the field of tourism. However, not many CC.AA have
introduced amendments to their decrees in the field of tourism resulting in some inconsistencies
between the regulations in force and the Services Directive. The areas covered by the tourism
legislation include: hotels, apartments, camping, rural accommodation, active or adventure tourism,
travel agencies, tourist guides, professionals on organization of congress and restaurants.44
Those CC.AA which attract the most tourists have produced more pieces of legislation as is the case of
Canarias, Islas Baleares, Murcia and Valencia. Annex I contains an exhaustive list of the legislation on
tourism approved by CC.AA to implement the Services Directive in this sector.
3.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis
Article 14 checklist
Prohibited requirements
Requirements based directly or
indirectly on nationality or
establishment of service providers
to one Member State
Requirements limiting the choice
of the service provider between
Situation preSituation postimplementation
Cantabria required the owner of an
active tourism company to be
Baleares required natural persons who
owned a travel agency to be Spanish
None identified
Restrictions on the freedom to choose
between establishment in the form of
branch to travel agencies in Andalucía
Asturias only allows the opening of a
branch to travel agencies established
in other countries.
Tourist intermediaries not having
their domicile in the Canary Islands
These services will be analysed in Section 4 of this Report.
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representative registered
Canary Islands.
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Economic tests
Obligations to obtain financial
guarantees or insurances from
operators established in the same
Member State
Foreign tourist agencies including
those from EU Member States could
only operate in Cantabria in three
ways. This requirement has been
Foreign tourist agencies including
those from EU Member States can
only operate in Cantabria in two
Tourist agencies from EU Member
States were able to operate in
Extremadura only by opening
Obligation for travel agencies to make
a deposit in a public entity of Aragon.
A financial guarantee or deposit is
required from travel agents to cover
potential liabilities to be deposited in
a public entity of Asturias.
A financial guarantee or deposit is
required from travel agents to cover
potential liabilities to be deposited in
a public entity of Cantabria or the
Spanish one. This requirement has
been modified.
A financial guarantee or deposit is
required from travel agents to cover
potential liabilities to be deposited in
a public entity of Castilla-La Mancha.
A financial guarantee is required to
travel agents to cover potential
liabilities to be deposited in a public
entity of Castilla y León.
A financial guarantee is required from
travel agents to cover potential
liabilities to be deposited in a public
entity of Cataluña.
A financial guarantee is required from
travel agents to cover potential
Foreign tourist agencies including
those from EU Member States were
able to operate in Baleares in three
Foreign tourist agencies including
those from EU Member States were
able to operate in Navarra in three
ways. Now, it is required that they
establish a branch.
None identified
Financial guarantees from a national
provider to cover liabilities required
for travel agencies/tour operators in
National Report for Spain June 2011 /12
liabilities to be deposited in a public
entity of Valencia.
A financial guarantee is required from
travel agents to cover potential
liabilities to be deposited in a public
entity of Baleares.
A financial guarantee is required from
travel agents to cover potential
liabilities to be deposited in a public
entity of La Rioja.
A financial guarantee is required from
travel agents to cover potential
liabilities to be deposited in a public
entity of Murcia.
Professional congress organizers in
Murcia must constitute a financial
guarantee to cover potential liabilities
in accordance with the rules of a
public entity of Murcia.
A financial guarantee was required
from travel agents to cover potential
liabilities to be deposited in a public
entity of Navarra.
Findings with respect to the Article 14 prohibitions
Article 11 of Decree 301/2002, of 17 December, on travel agencies and travel booking centres45
required travel agencies (natural and legal persons) to constitute and to keep in force a financial
guarantee to cover an eventual declaration of liability as a consequence of their non-compliance or
deficient compliance with their obligations to final users who have hired a touristic service and
specifically to reimburse deposits and repatriation expenses in cases of insolvency or bankruptcy. This
financial guarantee should be deposited in the Cajas de Depósitos (Deposit public entity) of any of the
provincial delegations of the Consejería de Economía y Hacienda de la Junta de Andalucía
(Andalucía Ministry of Economy and Treasury). The same was provided for travel booking centres by
Article 30.46 This Article exonerates travel booking centres established by Public Administrations
from constituting such a financial guarantee. Amendments introduced by Decree 80/2010 of 30
March, regarding simplification of administrative procedures and amending diverse decrees to adapt
them to Law Decree 3/2009 amending diverse laws to transpose in Andalucía the Services Directive47
now provides that travel agents from other CC.AA, EU Member States or EFTA countries only have
to show evidence that they have constituted the corresponding financial guarantee in their countries of
origin. Nevertheless, Article 21.2 provides that in case those financial guarantees do not cover the
totality of the guarantees established by this Decree, they might be required to constitute a guarantee
to cover the difference in Andalucía. In such a case, the financial guarantee must be deposited in Cajas
de Depósitos.
Decreto 301/2002, de 17 de diciembre, de agencias de viajes y centrales de reservas. . After the
amendments it has disappeared from the title the reference to tourism booking centres.
This Article was repealed by the amendments.
Decreto 80/2010 de 30 de marzo, de simplificación de trámites administrativos y de modificación de diversos
decretos para su adaptación al Decreto Ley 3/2009, de 22 de Diciembre, por el que se modifican diversas leyes
para la transposición en Andalucía de la Directiva relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior.
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Article 21 of Decree 301/2002 established requirements for travel agencies authorised by other
CC.AA, EU Member States or EEA States. This Article provided that travel agencies domiciled and
authorised by those CC.AA or States may establish branches in Andalucía to exercise their activity
after submitting to the DG on Tourist Planning a certificate issued by the origin authority as evidence
of their authorisation as well as any documents proving their compliance with the requirements
provided in Article 19 of this Decree.48 Today the amendment introduced to this Article has eliminated
the requirement to submit a certificate to the DG on Tourist Planning. However, it keeps the reference
to branches. Therefore, this Article does not leave the door open to establish agencies or subsidiaries.
Article 13 of Decree 51/1998, of 24 February, of the Government of Aragon, approving Regulation on
Travel Agencies49 provides the same requirement as Article 11 of Decree 301/2002, of 17 December,
on travel agencies and travel of Andalucía regarding the constitution and maintenance of a financial
guarantee which may take two forms: through an individual financial guarantee to be deposited at the
Caja de Depósitos of Aragón or through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary
inclusion of travel agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund.
Article 7 of Decree 60/2007, of 24 May, approving Regulation of Tourist Intermediaries Business50
following the cases of Andalucía and Aragón also requires travel agents to constitute a financial
guarantee to response to potential liabilities which may take two forms: 1) through an individual
financial guarantee to be deposited at the Tesoro General de Asturias (Asturias General Treasury) or
2) through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary inclusion of travel agents in a
guaranteed solidarity fund.
Article 17 of Decree 60/2007, of 18 February only allows travel agencies from other countries to
operate in Asturias after securing their representation in Spain with Spanish travel agents established
in Asturias, by hiring direct accommodation or other tourist services or by opening branches.
Article 12 of Decree 135/2000, of 10 July, regulating travel agencies51 required travel agencies and
other tourist intermediaries and operators not having their domicile in the Canary Islands to appoint a
representative registered in the General Registry of tourists companies, activities and establishments.
This requirement was removed with the adoption of Decree 89/2010, of 22 July, regulating the tourist
intermediary activity52 whose third chapter is devoted to freedom of establishment and fourth chapter
is devoted to tourist services provisions by tourist intermediaries from EU Member States and EEA
Article 13 of Decree 135/2000, required travel agents to constitute a financial guarantee against
potential liabilities through an individual financial guarantee to be deposited at the Tesorería de
Canarias (Canary Islands Treasury) or through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the
voluntary inclusion of travel agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund. This requirement has been
modified by Article 5 of Decree 89/2010 which now only maintains the obligation to constitute the
This Article provides for requirements and procedures to open and close travel agencies establishments in
accordance with the provisions of the Services Directive.
Decreto 51/1998, de 24 de febrero, del Gobierno de Aragón, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Agencias
de Viaje
Decreto 60/2007, de 24 de mayo, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de las Empresas de Intermediación
Decreto 135/2000, de 10 de julio , por el que se regulan las agencias de viajes
Decreto 89/2010, de 22 de julio, por el que se regula la actividad de intermediación turística.
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National Report for Spain June 2011 /14
financial guarantee which may take the two forms but the obligation for the individual financial
guarantee to be deposited at the Canary Islands Treasury has been abolished. Third Transitional
Provision of Decree 89/2010 provides for the reimbursement of those guarantees that were deposited
in the Canary Islands Treasury.
Article 16 of Decree 31/1997, of 23 April, regulating tourist accommodation and activities in rural
areas of Cantabria53 established for active tourism business the documents to be shown in the Registry
of Tourist Business in order to be registered and allowed to work a series of documents which
included the Spanish Identity Card and Tax Identification. The Spanish Home Affairs Ministry only
issues the Spanish ID to Spanish nationals. The repealing provision in Decree 83/2010, of 25
November, regulating the establishments for tourist accommodation in rural areas in Cantabria54
repeals provisions of Decree 31/1997 dealing with tourist accommodation in rural areas while the rest
of them are still in force. Such is the case of the provisions dealing with active tourism.
Article 13 of Decree 50/1990 of September regarding travel agencies55 provided that foreign travel
agencies might operate in Cantabria by hiring a representative, hiring directly accommodation or other
tourist services or by establishing one or a series of delegations to assist their foreign clients
exclusively. This Decree was repealed by Decree 49/2011, of 19 May, regulating the activity on
tourism mediation developed by travel agencies, booking centres and professional congress organizers
within the Cantabria’s territory.56 As a result, there are no longer restrictions on the choice of the
service provider between principal and secondary establishment.
Article 15 of Decree 50/1990 established provisions on the constitution and maintenance of a financial
guarantee which might take two forms: 1) through an individual financial guarantee to be deposited at
the Tesorería General de la Diputación de Cantabria (Cantabria Treasury) or 2) at the Spanish Caja
General de Depósitos or through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary inclusion
of travel agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund. However, this requirement has been abolished by
Decree 49/2011 whose Article 10 allows several means to constitute the financial guarantee which
offer alternative ways which do not require a cash deposit in the Caja General de Depósitos de
Castilla-La Mancha
Article 11 of Decree 56/2007, of 8 May, on Travel Agencies and Tourist Booking Centres of CastillaLa Mancha57 requires the constitution and maintenance of an individual financial guarantee. The
individual financial guarantee is to be deposited at Caja General de Depósitos de Castilla-La Mancha
(Castilla-La Mancha Treasury).
Decreto del Gobierno 31/1997 de 23 de abril, por el que se regulan los alojamientos y actividades en el medio
rural de Cantabria
Decreto 83/2010, de 25 de noviembre, por el que se regulan los establecimientos de alojamiento turístico en el
medio rural en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria.
Decreto del Gobierno 50/1990 de septiembre por el que se aprueba la ordenación turística de las agencias de
Decreto 49/2011, de 19 de mayo, que regula la actividad de mediación turística desarrollada por agencias de
viajes, centrales de reservas y organizadores profesionales de congresos en el ámbito de la Comunidad
Autónoma de Cantabria, Article 14;
Decreto 56/2007, de 08-05-2007, de Ordenación de las Agencias de Viajes y Centrales de Reservas de
Castilla-La Mancha
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Castilla y León
Article 13 of Decree 25/2001, of 25 January, approving Regulation on Travel Agencies in Castilla y
León58 provides that foreign travel agencies may operate in Cantabria by hiring a representative or by
establishing a branch. This provision applies to EU Member States travel agencies to be established in
Castilla y León as the amendments produced by Law 14/2010, of 9 December, on Tourism in Castilla
y León do not make any mention of this issue.
Article 16 of Decree 25/2001 requires the constitution and maintenance of a financial guarantee. The
individual financial guarantee is to be deposited at Caja General de Depósitos de la Tesorería General
de la Comunidad de Castilla y León (Castilla-La Mancha Treasury)
Article 12 of Decree 168/1994, of 30 May, regulating travel agencies establishes provisions for the
constitution and maintenance of a financial guarantee which may take two forms: 1) through an
individual financial guarantee to be deposited at the Caixa General de Depósitos (Catalonia Treasury)
or 2) through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary inclusion of travel agents in a
guaranteed solidarity fund.59
Comunidad Valenciana
Article 14 of Decree 20/1997, of 11 February, of the Government of Valencia approving the
Regulation on Travel Agencies in the Valencia Community60 before its amendment by Law 12/2009,
of 23 December, regarding fiscal, administrative and financial measures and measures for the
organization of the Generalitat provided for the constitution and maintenance of a financial guarantee
which may take two forms: 1) through an individual financial guarantee to be deposited at the
competent body of the Consejería de Economía, y Hacienda (Valencia Ministry of Economy and
Treasury) or 2) through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary inclusion of travel
agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund. The amendment introduced by Law 12/2009 repealed the two
possible ways to constitute a financial guarantee but the obligation to deposit the financial guarantee at
the competent body of the Consejería de Economía y Hacienda remains.
Article 13 of Decree 119/1998, of 6 October, on Tourism Agencies in Extremadura61 allowed travel
agencies domiciled and authorised in other EU Member States to open branches, but it did not mention
another kind of formula such as delegations or subsidiaries. Law 2/2011, of 31 January, on
development and modernization of tourism in Extremadura abolished that requirement through Article
50.4, which provides “tourist companies established in EU Member States or associate States to the
EEA shall be able to establish in Extremadura by submitting their certification to the origin
Administration and a responsible declaration or communication before initiating their activity to the
tourism Administration of Extremadura in accordance with the provisions in this law and the
regulations on the initiations and exercise of tourist activities”.
Decreto 25/2001, de 25 de enero, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de las Agencias de Viajes, que ejerzan
Decreto 168/1994, de 30 de mayo, de reglamentación de las agencias de viajes .
Decreto 20/1997, de 11 de febrero, del Gobierno Valenciano, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de
Agencias de Viajes de la Comunidad Valenciana
Decreto 119/1998, de 6 de octubre, por el que se regula el ejercicio de las agencias de viajes de la Comunidad
Autónoma de Extremadura
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Article 14 of Decree 119/1998 provides for the obligation of travel agencies to constitute and maintain
a financial guarantee which may take two forms: 1) through an individual financial guarantee to be
deposited at the Caja de Depósitos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura (Extremadura
Treasury) or 2) through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary inclusion of travel
agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund.
Islas Baleares
Article 12 of Decree 60/1997, of 7 May, on Tourist Agencies in Islas Baleares62 provided that foreign
travel agencies, including those from EU Member States were able to operate in Baleares by hiring a
representative, hiring accommodation directly or other tourist services or by establishing one or a
series of delegations to assist their foreign clients exclusively. This requirement was repealed by
Decree 60/2009, of 25 September, establishing the unification and simplification of administrative
procedures in the field of tourism63 which was at the same time repealed by Decree 13/2011, of 25
February, establishing general provisions to facilitate the freedom of establishment and to provide
cross-border tourism services, so as to regulate the responsible declaration and simplification of
administrative procedures in the field of tourism.64
Article 4 of Decree 60/1997 required Spanish nationality for natural persons owning a travel agency.
This Article required the submission of the Spanish national ID among the documents required to
obtain a licence to open a travel agency. As in the case of foreign travel agencies, Decree 60/2009
repealed this requirement.
Article 13 of Decree 60/1997 required the constitution and maintenance of a financial guarantee which
may take two forms: 1) through an individual financial guarantee to be deposited at the administrative
competent body (we understand it to be the Treasury of Baleares) or 2) through a collective financial
guarantee consisting of the voluntary inclusion of travel agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund. Now,
after the reforms, the two possible ways to constitute the financial guarantee have been abolished but
the obligation to deposit the guarantee with the administrative competent body remains (Article 20
Decree 60/2009, Article 10 Decree 13/2011).
La Rioja
The provisions in Article 166 of Decree 111/2003, of 10 October approving the regulation developing
Law 2/2001, of 31 May, on Tourism of La Rioja65 which was repealed by Decree 14/2011, of 4
March, approving the regulation developing Law 2/2001, of 31 May, on Tourism of La Rioja66
allowed travel agencies domiciled and authorised by other EU Member States to open branches, but
the article did not mention another kind of formula such as delegations or subsidiaries. Article 146 of
Decree 14/2011 contains the same provision.
Decreto 60/1997, de 7 de mayo, de Reglamento de las Agencias de Viajes de la Comunidad Autónoma de las
Islas Baleares
Decreto 60/2009 de 25 de septiembre, por el cual se establecen la unificación de los procedimientos y la
simplificación de los trámites en materia turística, y también la declaración responsable de inicio de las
actividades turísticas
Decreto 13/2011, de 25 de febrero, por el cual se establecen las disposiciones generales necesarias para
facilitar la libertad de establecimiento y de prestación de servicios turísticos, la regulación de la declaración
responsable, y la simplificación de los procedimientos administrativos en materia turística
Decreto 111/2003, de 10 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley 2/2001, de 31
mayo, de Turismo de La Rioja
Decreto 14/2011, de 4 de marzo, por el que se por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley
2/2001, de 31 de mayo, de Turismo de La Rioja
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Article 163 of Decree 111/2003 required the constitution and maintenance of a financial guarantee
which may take two forms: 1) through an individual financial guarantee to be deposited at the
Treasury of La Rioja or 2) through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary
inclusion of travel agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund. Article 147 of Decree 14/2011 has
maintained the same requirement.
Article 19 of Decree 100/2007, of 27 May, regulating travel agencies and travel booking centres67
required travel agents to constitute and maintain a financial guarantee to cover potential liabilities.
This financial guarantee could be through an individual financial guarantee to be deposited at the Caja
General de Depósitos de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia or through a collective
financial guarantee consisting of the voluntary inclusion of travel agents in a guaranteed solidarity
fund. The same requirement remains in the reform introduced by Decree 37/2011, of 8 April, which
modified several decrees in the field of tourism.
Article 10 of Decree 280/2007, of 3 August, regulating Professional Congress Organizers in Murcia68
required them to constitute a financial guarantee to cover potential liabilities in accordance with the
norms of the Caja General de Depósitos de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia.
Article 13 of Decree 141/1988, of 4 May, approving Regulation on Tourist Agencies69 allowed foreign
tourist agencies, including those from EU Member States, to operate in Navarra hiring a
representative, hiring directly accommodation or other tourist services or establishing one or a series
of delegations to assist their foreign clients exclusively. The amendment introduced by Decree
10/2011, of 14 February, amending diverse regulations in the field of Tourism70 allows travel agencies
from other EU Member States to establish branches, or hire a representative or hire accommodation
Article 15 of Decree 141/1988 required travel agents to constitute and maintain a financial guarantee
to cover potential liabilities. This financial guarantee could be through an individual financial
guarantee to be deposited at Departamento de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (Department of
Industry, Commerce and Tourism) or through a collective financial guarantee consisting of the
voluntary inclusion of travel agents in a guaranteed solidarity fund. The amendment introduced to
Article 15 by Decree 10/2011 has repealed this obligation.
3.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis
Article 15(2) checklist
Requirements to be evaluated
Quantitative or territorial restrictions
Obligations to apply fixed minimum or maximum tariffs
None identified
None identified
DECRETO 100/2007, de 25 de mayo, por el que se regulan las agencias de viaje y las centrales de reserva
DECRETO 280/2007, de 3 de agosto, regulador de los Organizadores Profesionales de Congresos de la
Región de Murcia
Decreto Foral 141/1988, de 4 de mayo, por el que se aprueba el reglamento de las Agencias de Viaje
Decreto Foral 10/2011, de 14 de febrero, de modificación de diversos Reglamentos en materia de Turismo
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Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses
The examination carried out for tourism legislation did not identify any of the Article 15(2)
requirements covered by this study in the field of tourism.
A requirement in Decree 69/1997, of 27 May, of the Government of Aragón, regulating tourist
accommodation in rural tourism houses71 might be understood as a quantitative restriction.
Nevertheless, the provision that could be considered as a quantitative restriction refers to the
requirement for rural houses to be located in an urban area with less than 1.000 inhabitants or in case
the area is larger, then the rural houses must be located outside the urban centre. The experts do not
consider this as a restriction but as a necessary condition to be considered rural accommodation.
Otherwise, it would be an apartment or other kind of accommodation but not a rural house or lodge.
3.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis
Article 16(2) checklist
Prohibited requirements
Obligation to have an establishment in the
territory where the service is provided
Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a
Ban on setting up an infrastructure
arrangements between the service provider and
the recipient restricting the provision of the
service by the self-employed
Obligation to possess a specific identity
None identified
Obligation for tourist guides to be registered in:
the Tourism Registry of Aragón
the Tourism Registry of Asturias
the Tourism Registry of Cantabria
the Tourism Registry of Castilla-La
None identified
None identified
Obligation on tourist guides to hold an identity
card issued by DG on Tourism Planning of
Obligation on tourist guides to show an identity
card issued by the Aragón Tourism Department
after their registration.
Obligation on tourist guides to hold an identity
card issued by Tourism DG of Asturias.
Obligation on tourist guides to hold an identity
card while providing their cross-border services
in Cantabria and in Baleares.
Requirements affecting the use of equipment
Restrictions on recipients
Obligation on tourist guides to hold an
accreditation when providing cross-border
services in Murcia.
None identified
None identified
Decreto 69/1997, de 27 de mayo, del Gobierno de Aragón, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento sobre
ordenación y regulación de los alojamientos turísticos denominados Viviendas de Turismo Rural.
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Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses
Article 11 of Decree 214/2002, of 30 July, regulating tourist guides of Andalucía72 provides the
obligation for tourist guides to obtain an identity card or credential issued by the DG on Tourist
Planning. This ID must show an order number, personal data, a photograph, the languages they speak
and the province or provinces where their authorisation has been recognized. They must show this ID
when they are providing their services. In addition, this ID expires every five years and must be
renewed. This requirement would not seem to pass the test of the four overriding reasons of public
interest provided by Article 16(3) of the Services Directive.
Article 8 of Decree 264/2007, of 23 October of the Government of Aragón, adopting the Regulation
on Tourist Guides73 provides the obligation for tourist guides be registered in the Tourism Registry of
Aragón.74 It must be taken into consideration that Tourist Guides are a regulated profession in Spain.
However, the Decree does not distinguish between establishment and cross-border service. Article 10
of Decree 264/2007, provides that once the tourist guides are registered the Tourism Department they
will be issued with an ID or credential containing its order number, a photograph, personal data,
languages spoken as well as the category they hold and their territorial scope. This ID must be shown
by its holder while providing the services.
Article 8 of Decree 59/2007, of 24 May, approving regulation on the profession of tourist guide in
Asturias75 requires tourist guides to be registered in the Tourism Registry of Asturias after Asturias has
recognized their certifications.
Article 11 of Decree 59/2007, provides for the issuance of an ID or credential by the Tourism DG of
Asturias to tourist guides after their registration to be shown while they are providing their services.
Article 5 of Decree 32/1997, of 25 April, approving regulation to exercise private tourist-information
activities76 requires tourist guides to register in the Registry of Tourist Guides of Cantabria. This
registration would seem to apply to cross-border services since that Decree does not contain any
special provision applicable to cross-border services. The same applies to the obligation contained in
Article 8 of that Decree requiring tourist guides to show an ID or accreditation during the provision of
their services.
Decreto 214/2002, de 30 de julio, regulador de los guías de turismo de Andalucía
Decreto 264/2007, de 23 de octubre, del Gobierno de Aragón, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Guías
de Turismo
Article 58 of Law 6/2003 on Tourism of Aragón provides that all aspects related to formats, rights and duties
of tourism guides as well as procedures for accreditation of qualifications to exercise this profession shall be
subject to regulation in accordance with the provisions in this Law and in the legislation on freedom to provide
professional services and recognition of professional qualifications. Nevertheless, a new regulation has not been
approved yet.
Decreto 59/2007, de 24 de mayo, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento regulador de la Profesión de Guía de
Turismo en el Principado de Asturias
Decreto 32/1997, de 25 de abril, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento para el ejercicio de actividades turísticoinformativas privadas
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Castilla-La Mancha
Article 27 of Law 8/1999, of 26 May, on Tourism requires tourist guides to be registered in the
Registry of Regulated Tourist Professions.77 This obligation also applies to cross-border services.
Article 12 bis of Decree 62/1996, of 25 March, of the Government of Valencia, approving regulation
on tourist guide profession78 provides that in the case of freedom to provide cross-border services
before their first provision of services in Valencia the tourist guides from EU Member States and EEA
will have to inform in written form the Tourism Secretary of Valencia, by submitting the required
documents. In these cases, when exercising their activity, the service providers shall be subject to the
requirements in this Royal Decree. Although among the requirements in this RD are to hold an ID
(Article 6.2) this only applies to those tourist guides who have obtained their professional
authorisation from the Autonomous Community. Thus, this requirement does not apply to the freedom
to provide services. In the case of tourist guides from other Autonomous Communities, Article 12 of
this RD does not require them to inform the Valencia authorities to exercise their freedom to provide
services in Valencia. Thus, tourist guides which have been authorised by other Autonomous
Communities do not need to make any declarations or other communications when they provide their
services on a temporary or occasional basis.
Islas Baleares
Ley 2/1999, de 24 de marzo, General Turística de las Illes Balears does not contain any provision on
cross-border services by tourist guides. As a result, the requirements which apply to these services
include the obligation to show an accreditation while they are providing their services which is issued
once the tourist guide certificate is issued or recognized by the competent authority, according to
Article 14 of Decree 12/1996, of 21 June, regulating the certification on tourist guide in Baleares.79
La Rioja
Decree 111/2003 did not contain provisions on tourist guide cross-border services. As a consequence,
the requirement to hold an accreditation while providing these services was required. Article 221 of
Decree 14/2011 provides that for cross-border services, tourist guides established in other EU Member
States are subject to the requirements in Royal Decree 1837/2008, of 8 November, transposing
Directives 2005/36/EC and 2006/100/EC. This entails the obligation to communicate to the authorities
the intention to provide services. However, as there is no obligation for them to obtain the recognition
of their certifications by the authorities of La Rioja, there is no obligation to show the tourist guide
accreditation while they provide their services in La Rioja according to Article 231 of Decree 14/2011.
Ley 8/1999, de 26 de mayo, de Ordenación del Turismo de Castilla-La Mancha. The old version of this Law that was
amended by Law 7/2009, of 17 December, Amending diverse laws to adapt them to 2006/123/CE was written
Decreto 62/1996, de 25 de marzo, del Gobierno Valenciano, por el que se aprueba el reglamento regulador de
la profesión de guía turístico
This Decree was amended by Decreto 90/2010, de 21 de mayo, del Consell, por el que se modifica el reglamento
regulador de la profesión de guía de turismo en el ámbito territorial de la Comunitat Valenciana, aprobado por el
Decreto 62/1996, de 25 de marzo, del Consell which introduced article 12 bis.
Decreto 112/1996, de 21 de junio, por el que se regula la habilitación de guía turístico en las Islas Baleares.
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The amendment to Law 1/1999, of 12 March, on Tourism of Madrid introduced by Law 8/2009, of 21
December, on Liberalization and Supporting Measures to the Madrid Enterprises80 has derogated
Articles 16, 17 and 18 which established provisions for tourist guides. The amendment introduced by
that Law to Article 20 provides for the freedom to provide tourist information services. Although
Article 7 of Decree 47/1996, of 28 March, regulating the certification and activity of tourist guides in
Madrid81 requires them to show the tourist guide accreditation while they are providing their services
it is understood that by the provision on freedom to provide tourist information services that
requirement has been implicitly repealed.
Decree 178/1995, of 20 December, approving regulation on the tourist guide profession in Murcia82
does not contain any provision on cross-border services. Thus, Article 9 requires that tourist-guides
hold and show their accreditation while they are providing their services.
3.5 Conclusions for tourism sector
The main results of the analysis of the tourism legislation show that some restrictions still remain in
some CC.AA related to the freedom of the provider to choose between establishment in the form of an
agency, branch or subsidiary. Most of the CC.AA where this problem appears allow travel agents to
establish branches leaving no other options. This problem is mainly due to the lack of amendments to
legislation in force before the entry into force of the Services Directive. As a result, reforms are
The analysis also shows that the requirement to deposit financial guarantees in public bodies of the
respective CC.AA contained in legislation on tourist agencies is quite extensive.
Finally, the third most commonly found problem is the requirement for tourist guides providing crossborder services in most of the CC.AA to show a special ID issued to tourist guides by the competent
authorities while they are providing their services. Although the tourist guides profession is a
regulated profession those CC.AA that have amended their legislation in this field allow cross-border
services by tourist guides without requiring them to obtain the recognition of their professional
certification i.e. Canarias.
Ley 8/2009, de 21 de diciembre, de Medidas Liberalizadoras y de Apoyo a la Empresa Madrileña
Decreto 47/1996, de 28 de marzo, por el que se regula la habilitación y actividad de Guía de Turismo en la
Decreto número 178/1995, de 20 de diciembre , por el que se aprueba la regulación de la profesión de guía de
ULTADO_SUPERIOR=19&RASTRO=c834$m11272 This article was introduced by the amended operated by
Decreto n.º 37/2011, de 8 de abril, por el que se modifican diversos decretos en materia de turismo para su
adaptación a la ley 11/1997, de 12 de diciembre, de turismo de la Región de Murcia tras su modificación por la
ley 12/2009, de 11 de diciembre, por la que se modifican diversas leyes para su adaptación a la directiva
2006/123/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el
mercado interior (BORM núm. 84, of 12.04.2011).
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4. Food and beverages
4.1 Overview
Legislation in the field of food and beverages including catering services and bars are part of the
services provided by the tourism sector.83 Article 4 of the Order of 19 June 1970, included within the
tourist restaurant sector, the regulations on coffee-shops, bars, party rooms, clubs and similar
locations.84 This ministerial order together with various ministerial orders from the 1960s regulating
restaurants, bars and coffee-shops have been repealed by Royal Decree 39/2010, of 15 January,
repealing diverse State norms on access to tourist activities and their exercise.85 Some CC.AA did not
have legislation on restaurants, bars and coffee-shops and followed the State legislation. Thus, not all
CC.AA have legislation in this field yet. However, most of the Laws on Tourism of the CC.AA
reflected in the Section 3 contain a title dealing specifically with bars and restaurants. Some CC.AA
developed decrees regulating this activity.
4.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis
Article 14 checklist
Prohibited requirements
Requirements based directly
or indirectly on nationality
or residency
Economic tests
Situation preSituation postimplementation
To obtain an authorisation to open
a restaurant or a coffee-shop in
Galicia submission of the National
Identity Card was required.
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 14 prohibitions
Article 36 of Decree 108/2006, of 15 June, establishing the tourist organization for restaurant and
coffee-shops in Galicia86 required the submission of the DNI (Spanish National Identity Card) as one
of the documents attached to the application form in order to obtain an authorisation to open this kind
of establishment. This requirement was abolished by Law 14/2008 on Tourism in Galicia Article 28 of
which modified the authorisation regime for tourist activities including restaurants and coffee-shops.
4.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis
Article 15(2) checklist
Requirements to be evaluated
Quantitative or territorial restrictions
Territorial restriction on size and distances at
the national level for establishments providing
food and beverages on beaches.
This sector is included in the tourism sector analysis provided in the Commission Staff Working Paper on the
process of mutual evaluation of the Services Directive (Section 6.2.5).
Orden de 19 de junio de 1970, por la que se incluyen en la ordenación turística de restaurantes a cafés, bares,
salas de fiestas, clubes y similares (BOE de 23 de junio).
Real Decreto 39/2010, de 15 de enero, por el que se derogan diversas normas estatales sobre acceso a
actividades turísticas y su ejercicio
Decreto 108/2006, de 15 de junio, por el que se establece la ordenación turística de los restaurantes y las
cafeterías de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia
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Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses
No quantitative or territorial restrictions were identified in the analysed legislation on restaurants, bars
and coffee-shops. Nevertheless, it could be understood that the Article 65 of the Spanish Coastal
Regulation includes a territorial restriction for establishments providing food and beverages on
beaches. According to this Article, non-mobile installations must have a maximum surface of 150 m2
of which 100 as a maximum shall be in-doors and shall be at a minimum distance of 200 m of other
similar locations. Mobile installations must have a maximum surface of 20m2 and must be at a
minimum distance of 100m from any other fixed or mobile installation.
This territorial restriction applies to the establishments in the public domain found in the coastal area
(the land and marine zone). The facilities established in that public domain require a previous
administrative concession and the restrictions provided are non-discriminatory, are justified for an
overriding reason of public interest and are proportionate.
4.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis
Article 16(2) checklist
Prohibited requirements
Obligation to have an establishment in the territory where
the service is provided
Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a registration
Ban on setting up an infrastructure
Application of specific contractual arrangements between
the service provider and the recipient restricting the
provision of the service by the self-employed
Obligation to possess a specific identity document
Requirements affecting the use of equipment
Restrictions on recipients
None identified.
None identified.
None identified.
None identified.
None identified.
None identified.
None identified.
Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses
The legislation in force applying to restaurants, bars and coffee-shops does not include catering
services. The legislation in force only applies to the right of establishment but does not cover the
provision of services. Therefore, Article 16 has not been analysed for this sector.
4.5 Conclusions for food and beverages sector
The analysis of legislation in the food and beverages sector identified a requirement to enclose the
Spanish National Identity Card with the application form submitted to obtain an authorisation to open
a restaurant, a bar and/or a coffee-shop in Galicia. Thus, there was a restriction on nationality.
However, this requirement was abolished through the amendments introduced to implement the
Services Directive in the relevant CC.AA.
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5. Real Estate
5.1 Overview
The real estate sector covers a variety of different service activities, including acting as intermediary in
the selling, buying and renting of property. It also embraces the evaluation and management of real
estate, activities relating to land surveillance as well as the demarcation of real estate properties.
Real estate service activities are professional activities related to the competence on housing.87 Article
148.1.3ª of the CE provides that CC.AA may assume competences in this field. Meanwhile, Article
149 CE does not attribute any direct competence to the Spanish State in the field of housing. However,
this it attributes to it certain competences that have an impact on housing, such as the exclusive
competences on insurance (Article 149.1.11 of the CE) or professional qualifications (Article 149.1.30
of the CE). Therefore, the exclusive competences of the Spanish State may affect the regional
competence on housing. From 2004 until 2010, there was a Ministry of Housing at the State level but
in October 2010, it was converted once more into a State Secretary on Housing and Urban Actions
under the Ministry of Public Works.
The real estate sector in Spain mainly includes two professional activities: real estate agents and land
agents. These activities are regulated by the legislation of the CCAA. Nevertheless, the Spanish State
deregulated the profession of real estate agents in 2003 by Law 10/2003, of 20 May, of urgent
measures to liberalize the housing sector.88 Royal Decree 1294/2007, of 28 September 2007,
approving the General Statutes of the Real Estate Agents Official Associations and its General
Council,89 establishes that joining the professional association is voluntary for real estate agents.
However, some CC.AA regulate this profession and require the incorporation into a professional
association for this professional activity.
Land Agents Official Associations are established in the 50 provinces of Spain.90 Royal Decree
1612/1981, of 19 June, authorised the constitution of Land Agents Territorial Associations and the
General Counsel of Associations.91 In this case, the incorporation into a professional association is
compulsory. The main legislation regulating this profession is the statutes of the professional
associations in each province. This study only analyses a few statutes by way of illustration.
5.2 Prohibited requirements – Article 14 analysis
Article 14 checklist
Prohibited requirements
Requirements based directly or
indirectly on nationality or
Situation preSituation postimplementation implementation
None identified
These professional activities are regulated professions under Spanish law requiring membership of a
professional association. They are collegiate professions. A very detailed analysis on collegiate professions is
carried out in this study under the section on regulated professions.
Ley 10/2003, de 20 de mayo, de medidas urgentes de liberalización del sector inmobiliario (BOE núm. 121, de
Real Decreto 1294/2007, de 28 de septiembre de 2007, por el que se aprueban los Estatutos Generales de los
Colegios Oficiales de Agentes de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria y de su Consejo General (BOE num. 237, of
According to Article 141.1 of the CE a province is the “local entity with own legal personality determined by
the grouping of municipalities and the territorial division to comply with the activities of the State.
Real Decreto 1612/1981, de 19 de junio, por el que se autoriza la constitución de Colegios Territoriales de
Administradores de Fincas y del Consejo General de Colegios (BOE num.182, of 31.07.1981).
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Requirements limiting the
providers to one Member State
Obligations to obtain financial
guarantees or insurances from
operators established in the
same Member State
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 14 prohibitions
The search for Article 14 prohibitions was done in the statutes of the professional associations. None
of the prohibited requirements was identified. The current statutes of the professional associations in
this sector were modified after 2006. Although it is necessary for the analysis of Article 14 to check
the previous legislation, in this case, it was not possible to have access to the abolished regulation, as
databases do not contain abolished statutes.
5.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis
Article 15(2) checklist
Requirements to be evaluated
Obligation for the service provider to take
a specific legal form
Requirements relating to the shareholding
of companies
Land agents can only constitute a professional
society, according to Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on
Professional Societies, in Balearic Islands.
Land agents can only constitute a professional
society, according to Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on
Professional Societies, in two provinces of
Land agents can only constitute a society taking
four specific legal forms in Cataluña.
Land agents can only constitute a society taking
four specific legal forms in Aragón.
Estate agents can only constitute a professional
society, according to Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on
Professional Societies, in two provinces of
Land agents can only constitute a professional
society, according to Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on
Professional Societies, in Balearic Islands. A
Professional Society is a company whose capital is
largely owned by professional partners.
Land agents and estate agents can only constitute a
professional society, according to Law 2/2007, of
15 March, on Professional Societies, in some
provinces of Andalucía. As seen above, a
Professional Society is a company whose capital is
largely owned by professional partners
Galicia establishes that only college administrators
shall be the entitled, owners or joint owners of
activities related to estate management.
Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses
Some examples of the obligation for the service provider to take a specific legal form in the regulation
of land and estate agents’ professional associations have been identified. No justification provided in
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Article 15 of the Services Directive is contained in those examples. These requirements would appear
to be found to be unjustified and disproportionate, as it would seem possible to replace requirements to
hold a minimum amount of capital by less restrictive arrangements. In particular, the Court of Justice
of the European Union has considered that such a requirement could not be justified by reasons
relating to the protection of creditors, since less restrictive measures, for example obliging the provider
to lodge a guarantee or to take up insurance, may be sufficient to attain the same objective.92
In the same way, requirements to have a specific qualification in order to hold share capital would not
appear to be justified in this case because the same objective can be achieved by less restrictive
measures, for example, requiring the physical presence or qualified, salaried or associate, professional
in each society, applying rules concerning civil liability for the action of others or national rules
requiring professional liability insurance.
Islas Baleares
Article 18 of Resolution of 22 May 2008, approving the new statutes of the Land Agents Professional
Association of the Balearic Island, establishes that land agents may only constitute a professional
society in Balearic Islands, according to Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on Professional Societies:93
- At least, most of the capital and voting rights, or most of the corporate assets and the number
of partners in non-capitalist societies, must belong to professional partners (Article 4.2 of Law
2/2007, of 15 March).
- At least half plus one of the members of the governing bodies, where appropriate, of the
professional societies must be professional partners. If the governing board is impersonal, or if
there are CEOs, these functions must necessarily be performed by a professional partner
(Article 4.3 of Law 2/2007, of 15 March).
The same provision as in the case of Baleares is included in the legislation of four provinces of
Andalucía for land agents and estate agents:
- Article 7 of Order of 4 March 2011, approving the amendment of the Statute of the Territorial
Land Agents Association of Seville94 (Andalucía).
- Article 17 of Order of 6 March of 2008, adapting the Statutes of the Territorial Land Agents
Association of Málaga95 (Andalucía).
- Article 14.2 of Order of 1 February 2010, approving the Statutes of the Estate Agents
Professional Association of Granada96 (Andalucía).
- Article 14.2 of Order of 23 May 2008, approving the Statutes of the Estate Agents
Professional Association of Jaén97 (Andalucía).
These regulations require the service provider to take the legal form of professional society, according
to Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on Professional Societies.98 In the same manner, it follows that:
Judgment of 29 April 2004, Commission v Portugal, Case C-171/02, and Judgment of 26 January 2006,
Commission v Spain, Case C-514/03. See also Judgment of 30 September 2003, Inspire Art, Case C-167/01
(Handbook on Implementation of the Services Directive).
.93 Ley 2/2007, de 15 de marzo, de sociedades profesionales (BOE num. 65, of 16.03.2007).
Orden de 4 de marzo de 2011, por la que se aprueba la modificación de los Estatutos del Colegio Territorial de
Administradores de Fincas de Sevilla (BOJA num. 61, of 28.03.2011).
Orden de 6 de marzo de 2008, por la que se procede a la adaptación de los Estatutos del Colegio Territorial de
Administradores de Fincas de Málaga (BOJA num. 66, of 04.04.2008).
Orden de 1 de febrero de 2010, por la que se aprueban los Estatutos del Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la
Propiedad Inmobiliaria de la provincial de Granada.
Orden de 23 de mayo de 2008, por la que se aprueban los Estatutos del Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la
Propiedad Inmobiliaria de Jaén.
Ley 2/2007, de 15 de marzo, de sociedades profesionales (BOE num. 65, of 16.03.2007).
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At least, most of the capital and voting rights, or most of the corporate assets and the number
of partners in non-capitalist societies, must belong to professional partners (Article 4.2 of Law
2/2007, of 15 March).
At least half plus one of the members of the governing bodies, where appropriate, of the
professional societies must be professional partners. If the governing board is impersonal, or if
there are CEOs, these functions must necessarily be performed by a professional partner
(Article 4.3 of Law 2/2007, of 15 March).
In Cataluña, Article 7(2) of the Resolution JUS/2031/2009, of 9 July, registering the statutes of the
Land Agents Professional Association of Barcelona-Lleida in the Professional Associations Register
of the Generalitat of Cataluña,99 provides that land agents may only constitute a society taking four
specific legal forms:
- Community property or civil society
- Economic interest association, regulated by Law 12/1991, of 29 April.
- Collective company, limited partnership or limited company
- Business corporations, provided that their shares have been registered with special restrictions
on their transferability, which may relate exclusively and only to other collegiate land agents,
stating so in their statutes.
In addition, Article 7(2) provides the following requirements for those societies:
- That all members belong to a professional land agents association (Article 7(2)(a)).
- That all members assume jointly the public liability resulting from actions of the society,
without prejudice to their own personal professional liability (Article 7(2)(b)).
Comunidad Valenciana
Article 17 of the Resolution of 18 September 2007, of the Director General of Justice and Minors of
the Department of Justice and Public Administration, resolving to register the amendment of the
Statutes of the Territorial Land Agents Association of Valencia,100 establishes that land agents can
constitute societies with or without legal status, but this society must be legalized by fulfilling the
requirements established in Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on Professional Societies. That is, the Law
establishes the shareholding of the society.
Article 6(2) of the Order of 17 May 2004, resolving to register the Statutes of the Territorial Land
Agents Association of Aragón in the Professional Associations and Counsel Associations Register of
Aragón and providing for its publication in the Official Journal of Aragón,101 provides the same
requirements of Cataluña: land agents may only constitute a society taking four specific legal forms:
- Community property or civil society
- Economic interest association, regulated by Law 12/1991, of 29 April
- Collective company, limited partnership or limited company
Resolución JUS/2031/2009, de 9 de Julio, por la que, habiendo comprobado previamente la adecuación a la
legalidad, se inscriben en el Registro de Colegios Profesionales de la Generalidad de Cataluña los Estatutos del
Colegio de Administradores de Fincas de Barcelona-Lleida (DOGC num. 5424, of 20.07.2009).
Resolución de 18 de septiembre de 2007, del Director General de Justicia y Menor de la Consellería de
Justicia y Administraciones Públicas, por la que se resuelve inscribir la modificación de los estatutos del Colegio
Territorial de Administradores de Fincas de Valencia (DOCV num. 5612, of 3.10.2007).
Orden de 17 de mayo de 2004, por la que se dispone la inscripción en el registro de colegios profesionales y
de consejos de colegios de Aragón de los estatutos del colegio territorial de administradores de fincas de Aragón
y su publicación en el boletín oficial de Aragón (BOA num 63, of 31.05.2004).
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Business corporations, provided that their shares have been registered with special restrictions
on their transferability, which may relate exclusively and only to other collegiate land agents,
stating so in their statutes
In addition, those societies shall fulfil the following requirements:
- The status of member of a professional land agents association for all partners.
- All members shall assume jointly the public liability resulting from actions of the society,
without prejudice to their own personal professional liability.
Article 17 of Decree 76/2004, of 25 March, approving the change of name and statutes of the Land
Agents Professional Association102 establishes that only collegiate administrators are entitled to be
owners or joint owners of activities related to real estate management.
5.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis
Article 16(2) checklist
Prohibited requirements
Obligation to have an establishment in the
territory where the service is provided
Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a
Ban on setting up an infrastructure
arrangements between the service provider
and the recipient restricting the provision of
the service by the self-employed
Obligation to possess a specific identity
Requirements affecting the use of equipment
Restrictions on recipients
Andalucía requires rent promotion agencies to have
an establishment within the territory of the CCAA
for their homologation.
Land agents professional associations in three
provinces of Andalucía require that the
professional sets his principal establishment within
the territory of the province.
Land agents professional association in Baleares
requires that the professional sets his principal
establishment within the territory of the CC.AA.
None identified
None identified
None identified
Obligation on real estate agents to hold an identity
card issued by the Official Estate Agents
Professional Association of Islas Baleares.
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses
As explained, land agents professional associations are established at the provincial level. Some
statutes of these associations provide that the principal establishment within the territory of the
professional land agent association is a requirement for joining the professional association setting in
- Article 5 of the Order of 4 March 2011, approving the amendment of the Statute of the
Territorial Land Agents Association of Seville103 provides that “it is an indispensable
Decreto 76/2004, de 25 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el cambio de denominación y los estatutos del
colegio de Administradores de Fincas (DOG num. 73, of 16.04.2004).
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requirement for the exercise of this collegiate profession the incorporation into the
professional association that will be the sole or principal place of business to practice within
the state territory, until such time which, by state provision, is not otherwise specified”.
The same Article establishes an exception in the case of the temporary movement of a
professional from another EU Member State. In such cases, “the situation is subject to the
applicable EU legislation in force on the recognition of professional qualifications”. This
provision enables the freedom to provide cross-border services, but it limits the freedom of
Article 4 of the Order of 10 November 2009, approving the Statutes of the Territorial Land
Agents Association of Jaén,104 establishes that “it is an indispensable requirement for the
exercise of this collegiate profession the incorporation into the professional association where
the only or principal professional domicile is found to practice within the State territory”. In
this case, there is not an exception to enable the freedom to provide services.
Article 11(1), second paragraph, of the Order of 2 October 2008, approving the Statutes of the
Territorial Land Agents Association of Granada,105 establishes the same provision as the other statutes:
“it is an indispensable requirement for the exercise of this collegiate profession the incorporation into
the professional association where the only or principal professional domicile is found to practice
within the State territory”.
Article 3(1)(b) of Decree 33/2005, of 15 February, regulating rent promotion agencies,106 requires their
homologation “to have the corporate or tax domicile, branch or delegation within the territory for
which they apply for the homologation”. In accordance with Article 2 of Decree 33/2005, the
homologation is required to act as a rent promotion agency, that is, acting as intermediary in the
renting of property. This obligation also applies to cross-border services.
The preamble of Decree 33/2005 provides that this requirement is justified in order to promote the
quality of intermediation carried out by the agents involved in the rental market. In the experts’
opinion, this requirement would not seem to pass the test of the four overriding reasons of public
interest provided by Article 16(3) of the Services Directive.
Islas Baleares
Article 10(3)(h) of the Resolution of 22 May 2008, approving the new statutes of the Land Agents
Professional Association of the Balearic Islands,107 provides that it is a requirement for joining “to
have the residence or a professional office opened, or commit to open it, within the territory of the
College, within six months”.
Article 11(b) of the Order of 18 September 2001, approving the statutes of Official Estate Agents
Professional Association of Islas Baleares,108 provides that it will be essential for the exercise of the
Orden de 4 de marzo de 2011, por la que se aprueba la modificación de los Estatutos del Colegio Territorial
de Administradores de Fincas de Sevilla (BOJA num. 61, of 28.03.2011).
Orden de 10 noviembre de 2009, por la que se aprueban los Estatutos del Colegio Territorial de
Administradores de Fincas de Jaén (BOJA num. 230, of 25.11.2009).
Orden de 2 de octubre de 2008, por la que se aprueban los Estatutos del Colegio de Administradores de
Fincas de Granada (BOJA num. 213, de 27.10.2008).
Decreto 33/2005, de 15 de febrero, por el que se regulan las Agencias de Fomento del Alquiler (BOJA num.
43, of 03.03.2005).
Resolución de 22 de mayo de 2008, por la que se aprueban los nuevos estatutos del Colegio Oficial de
Administradores de Fincas de las Islas Baleares (BOIB num. 81, of 10.06.2008).
Orden de 18 de septiembre de 2001, por la que se aprueba los estatutos del Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la
Propiedad Inmobiliaria de las Illes Balears (BOIB num. 17, of 29.09.2001).
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profession “to have a professional identification” from the competent authority of the Autonomous
Community. This requirement would not seem to pass the test of the four overriding reasons of public
interest provided by Article 16(3) of the Services Directive.
5.5 Conclusions for the real estate sector
The main results of the analysis of the real estate legislation show that some restrictions still remain in
some CC.AA, regarding the obligation to have an establishment in the territory where the service is
provided. In some CC.AA, the statutes of the professional associations require that the provider set its
principal establishment within the territory of the association. This requirement is due to the lack of
implementation of the Services Directive. As a result, reforms of the statutes of some professional
associations are necessary.
The analysis also shows that the statutes of professional associations often require the service provider
to take a specific legal form and to adopt a specific shareholding of companies. Basic legislation of
Spanish State, Law 2/1974, of 13 February, on professional associations,109 establishes in its Article
2.6 that the professional associations cannot, by its statutes or another rules, establish restrictions on
professional practice in corporate form. Therefore, it is important to take into account that some
statutes of the professional associations that contradict the Spanish basic legislation are not yet
amended, although this is not necessary. Since the law is fully in force, it is recommendable that they
adapt to the new legislation to avoid uncertainty.
The problems encountered seem to be due to the lack of a uniform state and regional regulation in the
real estate sector.
BOE num. 40, de 15.02.1974. .
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6. Education
6.1 Overview
Article 27(6) of the CE recognizes the freedom of establishment of educational centres, which is
developed by Article 21 of Organic Law 8/1985, of 3 July, regulating the right to education.110
According to this Article of the CE, individuals or corporations may establish private universities
which respect the constitutional principles and submit to those established in Law and in regulations
developed by the Spanish State and the CC.AA within their respective competences.
Therefore, education is a shared competence between the State and the CC.AA. According to Articles
149.1.1 and 149.1.30 of the CE, the State is competent to establish basic legislation on education that
can be developed by the CC.AA through further legislation, provided that the minimum criteria laid
down by the basic legislation are respected.
Article 149.1.1 of the CE provides for the exclusive competence of the Spanish Central State to
regulate the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of their rights
and in the fulfilment of their constitutional duties. The right to education is a fundamental right
recognized in Article 27 of the CE and is therefore an exclusive competence for the Spanish State to
establish basic regulation on this matter.
Article 149.1.30 of the CE provides for the exclusive competence of the Spanish Central State to
regulate the requirements for obtaining, issuing and standardizing academic degrees and professional
qualifications and establishing basic rules for implementation of Article 27 of the Constitution, in
order to guarantee the fulfilment of the duties of public authorities in this matter.
This study analyzes the Spanish State basic legislation and the legislation of the CC.AA related to
private higher education activities. Only some CC.AA enacted laws regulating higher education.
6.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis
Article 14 checklist
Prohibited requirements
Requirements based directly or
indirectly on nationality or
providers to one Member State
choice of the service provider
secondary establishment
Conditions of reciprocity
Economic tests
Situation preSituation postimplementation implementation
Organic Law 8/1985, of 3 July,
regulating the right to education
establishes that Spanish nationals
have the freedom to establish
private education centres.
None identified
None identified
RD 806/1993 establishes the
subsidiary application of the
reciprocity principle for the
of legislation
foreign educational
in Spain. to provide basic
Ley Orgánica 8/1985, de 3 de julio, reguladora del Derecho a la Educación (BOE num. 159, of 04.07.1985).
Organic Laws are those that develop fundamental rights and public freedoms.
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economic studies to ensure the
financial viability of the project of a
private university.
Involvement of
operators in the decisions of
competent authorities
Andalucía establishes the obligation
to provide economic studies to
ensure the financial viability of the
project of a private university.
Aragón establishes the obligation to
provide economic studies to ensure
the financial viability of the project
of a private university.
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 14 prohibitions
Spanish State (basic law)
Article 21.1 of Organic Law 8/1985, of 3 July, regulating the right to education establishes that any
private, natural or legal person holding Spanish nationality has the freedom to create and manage
private educational institutions, respecting the Constitution and the provisions of this Act. This Article
regulated a fundamental right recognized in Article 27 of the CE.
Article 2.a) of Royal Decree 806/1993, of 28 May, on the regime of foreign educational centres in
Spain111 provides that foreign educational centres in Spain shall be governed by the provisions
established in international treaties and agreements signed by Spain, taking into account, by default,
the reciprocity principle. This Article remains in force, despite the amendment by Royal Decree
131/2010, of 12 February, which amends, inter alia, Royal Decree 806/1993.112
Article 11.c) of Royal Decree 557/1991, of 12 April, on the creation and recognition of colleges and
universities113 establishes that it is a requirement for the authorisation of private higher educational
centres to provide basic economic studies to ensure the viability of the project within the provisions of
this Royal Decree, including, among other items, those which ensure the development of the research
referred to in Article 5.2 and a percentage for scholarships and study and research grants.
In accordance with Article 18 of RD 557/1991, this requirement also applies to the establishment of
foreign higher education centres in Spain to teach programmes leading to the granting of university
degrees homologated to those of the official Spanish educational system, in accordance with
legislation in force.
Real Decreto 806/1993, de 28 de mayo, sobre régimen de centros docentes extranjeros en España
(BOE num. 149, of 23.06.1993).
Real Decreto 131/2010, de 12 de febrero, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 332/1992, de 3 de abril, de
autorizaciones de centros privados para impartir enseñanzas de régimen general, el Real Decreto 806/1993, de 28
de mayo, de régimen de centros docentes extranjeros en España, y el Real Decreto 321/1994, de 25 de febrero,
de autorización a centros docentes privados para impartir enseñanzas artísticas, para adecuarlas a la Ley 17/2009,
de 23 de noviembre, sobre el libre acceso a las actividades de servicios y su ejercicio (BOE núm. 62, de
Real Decreto 557/1991, de 12 de abril, sobre Creación y reconocimiento de Universidades y Centros
universitarios (BOE num. 95, of 20.04.1991).
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Article 7.1.c) of Law 15/2003, of 22 December, of Universities of Andalucía114 provides for the
recognition of a private university the necessity to fulfil the requirement to provide basic economic
studies to ensure the financial viability of the project, including, among other items, those which
ensure the development of research, as well as the guarantees for its funding.
Article 7 of Law 5/2005, of 14 June, ordering the University System of Aragón115 establishes that,
without prejudice to the fulfilment of the general requirements provided by applicable legislation, in
order to recognize a private university, it is necessary to provide sufficient economic studies to ensure
the financial viability of the project.
6.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis
Article 15(2) checklist
Requirements to be evaluated
Obligation for the service provider to take a
specific legal form
Requirements relating to the shareholding of
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses
No Article 15(2) requirements were identified in the sectoral legislation reviewed.
6.4 Restrictions on the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis
Article 16(2) checklist
Prohibited requirements
Obligation to have an establishment in the
territory where the service is provided
Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a
None identified
RD 303/2010 requires an authorisation for the
operation of an artistic higher education centre.
RD 806/1993 requires the registration for the
foreign educational centres in Spain.
RD 321/1994 requires an authorisation for the
opening of a private artistic higher education
authorisation of all private educational centres.
LO 6/2001 requires that the competent authorities
of the CC.AA to authorise the operation of private
Valencia, Andalucía, Aragón, Castilla-León and
Murcia require an authorisation for the operation of
private universities.
Ley 15/2003, de 22 de diciembre, de Universidades de Andalucía (BOE num. 14, de 16.01.2004).
Ley 5/2005, de 14 de junio, de Ordenación del Sistema Universitario de Aragón (BOE num. 201 de
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Ban on setting up an infrastructure
arrangements between the service provider
and the recipient restricting the provision of
the service by the self-employed
Obligation to possess a specific identity
Requirements affecting the use of equipment
Restrictions on recipients
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
Spanish State (basic law)
For private artistic higher education centres, Article 18.2 of Royal Decree 303/2010, of 15 March,
establishing the minimum requirements for centres teaching artistic disciplines regulated in Organic
Law 2/2006,116 establishes that “the opening and operation of private educational centres teaching
artistic higher education issuing diplomas which are officially recognized shall require the
authorisation of the educational administration and must meet the basic requirements as well as those
contained in the Royal Decree which regulates the corresponding degree”.
Article 7.1 of Royal Decree 806/1993, of 28 May, on the regime of foreign educational centres in
Spain117 provides that all foreign centres must be registered in the public register of centres depending
on the education authorities for their valid operation. This requirement could be justified by reasons of
public policy provided by Article 16(3) of the Services Directive and it is proportionate because it can
ensure that the education is adequate to achieve an official diploma from those foreign educational
Article 1 of Royal Decree 321/1994, of 25 February, regarding the authorisation of private educational
centres to teach arts education,119 provides that “the opening and operation of private educational
centres teaching music, dance, dramatic art and visual arts and design issuing diplomas which are
officially recognized, regulated by Chapter I of Title II of Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of
general ordering of the educational system, shall be subject to the administrative authorisation
Article 23 of Organic Law 8/1985, of 3 July, regulating the right to education, establishes that the
opening and operation of private educational centres, as well as teaching in the general or in the
special regime, shall be subject to the administrative authorisation principle.
Article 15.2 of the same RD establishes that the operation of private universities, following their
recognition, shall be authorised by the competent Administration within a period not exceeding six
months, with previous verification of the observance of the commitments acquired by the entitled
entity, under the assumption that the official diplomas issued have been homologated by the
Article 4.4 of LO 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities120 establishes that the operation of the
private or public universities shall be authorised by the competent authority of the Autonomous
Real Decreto 303/2010, de 15 de marzo, por el que se establecen los requisitos mínimos de los centros que
impartan enseñanzas artísticas reguladas en la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación (BOE núm. 86,
de 9.4.2010)
Real Decreto 806/1993, de 28 de mayo, sobre régimen de centros docentes extranjeros en España
(BOE num. 149, of 23.06.1993).
See the conclusions of this part of the study.
Real Decreto 321/1994, de 25 de febrero, sobre autorización a centros docentes privados para impartir
06.04.1994). .
Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades (BOE num. 307, of 24.12.2001).
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Community, given previous verification of the observance of the requirements established by Law.
Article 5 of Law 4/2007, of 9 February, of the Generalitat, coordinating the university system of
Valencia,121 establishes that the operation of the private or public university shall be authorised by the
Consell (regional government), with previous verification of the observance of the basic legal
Article 10.1 of Law 15/2003, of 22 December, of Universities of Andalucía, establishes that the
beginning of the activities of a new private or public University shall be authorised by Decree of
Governing Council of the Autonomous Community, on the motion of the Regional Ministry of
Education and Science and before receipt of report from the Council of Universities of Andalucía.
Article 9 of Law 5/2005, of 14 June, regulating the University System of Aragón, established that the
beginning of the activities of a private university shall be authorised by the competent department
responsible for higher education.
The same provisions as in the case of Aragón are included in Law 3/2003, of 28 March, of
Universities of Castilla-León.122 Article 12.1 establishes that the Government of Castilla-León shall
authorise the beginning of the activities of the private and public universities, before observance of the
basic requirements of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities, its implementing
legislation, and those established in their recognition act.
Article 14.3 of Law 3/2005, of 25 April, of Universities of Murcia123 provides that the beginning of the
activities of the public or private University shall be authorised by the Governing Council of the
Autonomous Community, on the motion of the Regional Ministry of Education and Culture, before
observance of the legal requirements and those established in their recognition act and before receipt
of report from the Interuniversity Council of the Region of Murcia and the National Agency for the
Assessment of Quality and Accreditation, or another organisation created afterwards.
6.5 Conclusions for the education sector
The main results of the analysis of education legislation show that some restrictions still remain in the
Spanish State, related to the freedom of establishment of educational centres. As seen before, the
establishment of educational centres is a fundamental right recognized in Article 27 of the CE. The
Organic Law that implements this constitutional right provides that the Spanish nationals may
establish private educational centres. This general provision must be modified to provide individuals
from other Member States with the right to establish private educational centres.
Ley 4/2007, de 9 de febrero, de la Generalitat, de Coordinación del Sistema Universitario Valenciano (BOE
num. 71, of 23.03.2007).
Ley 3/2003, de 28 de marzo, de Universidades de Castilla y León (BOE num. 97, of 24.04.2003).
Ley 3/2005, de 25 de abril, de Universidades de Murcia (BOE num. 119, of 19.05.2006)
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In addition, the analysis shows that Spanish basic legislation and the legislation of two CC.AA require
an economic study before they may allow the university’s establishment. This study, as this regulation
provides, attempts to ensure the continuity of the service before its authorisation. But, the prohibited
requirements of Article 14 cannot be maintained and therefore, these must be abolished.
Finally, the most common problem identified regarding implementation of Article 16 of the Services
Directive is the obligation to obtain an authorisation for the private universities. This requirement is
established to ensure the quality of higher education and thus, to ensure the exercise of a fundamental
right. This requirement seems to apply also to cross-border services, because these provisions use the
word “operation” as distinct from “opening”. “Opening” involves setting a physical establishment and
“operation” does not require this establishment. Therefore, the authorisation applies to cross-border
services in the education sector. But, in this case, this requirement could be justified by reasons of
public policy provided by Article 16(3) of the Services Directive, as it can ensure that the education is
adequate to achieve an official diploma from higher educational centres. It is important to take into
account the fact that this requirement is mandatory for those private educational centres that issue
diplomas which are officially recognized. Therefore, it is necessary for the Spanish State to control
those higher educational institutions which offer officially approved degrees.
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7. Crafts, construction and certification services
7.1 Overview
Crafts, construction and certification services have been key to the Spanish economy throughout the
last decade. Almost all of Spain’s economic growth in recent years is attributed to the contribution of
the construction sector. This sector has direct and indirect effects upon the production growth and
levels of employment in other sectors.
In Spain, several competence titles affect the construction sector. First of all, Article 148.1.3 of the CE
provides that CC.AA can assume competences in the “town and country planning and housing”. In
addition, Article 148.1.13 of the CE provides that the CC.AA have the exclusive competence in the
“promotion of economic development of the Autonomous Community within the objectives
established by national economic policy”.
At State level, Article 149.1.7 of the CE provides that the Spanish State has the exclusive competence
on labour legislation, without prejudice to its execution by bodies of the CC.AA. This competence is
closely related to the prevention of labour risk, a very important issue to be taken into consideration by
the construction sector.
Article 149.1.13 of the CE provides exclusive competence for the State to establish the basis and the
coordination for economic planning. According to the Spanish constitutional case law, this exclusive
competence has its basis in the principle of economic unity which is a projection of the unity of the
State (Article 2 CE). As a result, it corresponds to the State’s provision of guidelines for economic
activity. Nevertheless, this competence cannot be extended further than what is needed for the
implementation of that principle. This implies that the use of that competence may not infringe upon
the competences that those Autonomous Communities can exercise in the field of economic
Those Autonomous Communities having competences for the development and implementation of the
State plans can approve planning and complementary measures which are coordinated with those from
the State. These Autonomous Communities can also approve, with respect to the general guidelines
“all those measures that do not contradict the guidelines but which are complementary, concurrent and
neutral”.125 As a result, the Autonomous Communities are competent to develop and implement the
basis for economic planning established by the State.
The construction sector encompasses a wide range of service activities. Construction includes: actual
building, planning and surveillance of construction work, the services of craftsmen (plumbers,
electricians, etc.) and other services such as those provided by architects or construction engineers.
These two last professions are analyzed in Section 8 on regulated professions.
7.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis
Article 14 checklist
Prohibited requirements
Requirements based directly or indirectly on
nationality or residency
Situation preSituation postimplementation implementation
None identified
TC rulings: 103/1989 of 8 June and 220/1992 of 11December.
TC rulings: 14/89 of 26 January, 29/1986 of 20 February y S 177/1990 of 26 January).
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Requirements limiting the choice of the
service provider between principal and
secondary establishment
Involvement of competing operators in the
decisions of competent authorities
Obligations to obtain financial guarantees or
insurances from operators established in the
same Member State
Obligations to have been previously
registered or to have previously exercised the
activity for a given period in the same
Member State
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 14 prohibitions
No Article 14 prohibited requirements were identified in the crafts/construction/certification sector.
7.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis
Article 15(2) checklist
Requirements to be evaluated
Obligation for the service provider to take a
specific legal form
Requirements relating to the shareholding of
Obligations to apply fixed minimum or
maximum tariffs
None identified
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses
None of the above Article 15(2) requirements were identified in this service sector.
7.4 Restrictions on the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis
Article 16(2) checklist
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Prohibited requirements
Obligation to have an establishment in the
territory where the service is provided
Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a
RD 39/1997 requires the necessary facilities to
provide prevention services.
Galicia requires a site available for an authorized
plumbing installer.
Law 32/2006 contains a registration requirement
for those companies that can be subcontracted for
construction works.
Law 38/1999 requires licences and authorisations
for the construction of buildings and works in
RD 39/1997 requires accreditation by the labour
administration and a registration to carry out
prevention services.
Andalucía requires the registration of control
entities and testing laboratories.
Aragón requires the registration of control entities
and testing laboratories.
Canarias requires the registration of installers of
National Report for Spain June 2011 /39
fire systems.
Ban on setting up an infrastructure
arrangements between the service provider
and the recipient restricting the provision of
the service by the self-employed
Obligation to possess a specific identity
Requirements affecting the use of equipment
Restrictions on recipients
Cataluña requires the registration of installingmaintenance companies of thermal installations in
Valencia requires the registration of installingmaintenance companies of heating, cooling and hot
Castilla-León requires the registration
installation companies of water supply.
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses
Spanish State
Article 4.2.b) of Law 32/2006, of 18 October, on subcontract in the construction sector126 establishes
that companies which want to be contracted or subcontracted for construction works must be
registered in the Verified Companies Register. Registration will take place automatically by the
competent labour authority on the basis of the statement of responsibility of the employer.
This requirement is justified, as the Law states in Article 1, by reasons of protection of workers´ health
and security. Presumably, this reason classifies as a public health justification.
This requirement is clarified by the First Additional Provision of Royal Decree 1109/2007, of 24
August, implementing Law 32/2006,127 which establishes that cross-border providers must be
registered in the Register under the labour authority in whose territory they are going to carry out their
first provision of services in Spain. However, this registration is not necessary when the duration of
the cross-border service does not exceed eight days (First Additional Provision of Royal Decree
Article 5 of Law 38/1999, of 5 November, on building planning,128 establishes that the construction of
buildings, the workers in buildings and their occupation shall be subject to licences and administrative
authorisations. These licences and administrative authorisations are required at the municipal level.
The experts consider that this requirement can be justified, fundamentally, by reasons of public policy,
as soil is a limited resource. However, Law 38/1999 does not specify this.
Article 17.2 of Royal Decree 39/1997, of 17 January, approving Regulation on Prevention Services,129
establishes that, after the approval by health administration, specialized institutions on prevention must
be accredited by labour administration to carry out activities such as prevention services. Article
Ley 32/2006, de 18 de octubre, reguladora de la subcontratación en el sector de la construcción (BOE num.
250, of 10.10.2006). .
Real Decreto 1109/2007, de 24 de agosto, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 32/2006, de 18 de octubre,
reguladora de la subcontratación en el sector de la construcción (BOE num. 204, of 25.08.2007). .
Ley 38/1999, de 5 de noviembre, de ordenación de la edificación (BOE num. 266, of 06.11.1999).
Real Decreto 39/1997, de 17 de enero, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de los Servicios de Prevención
(BOE num. 27, of 31.01.1997). .
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18.2.c) establishes that prevention service providers must have at least the facilities and
instrumentation needed to carry out testing and evaluations in the territorial and professional areas in
which they operate. Article 28.1 establishes that authorised prevention service providers must be
Article 2 of the Order of 23 May 2008, establishing the Registry of Companies Accredited as
Contractor and Subcontractor in the Construction Sector in the Autonomous Community of
Andalucía,130 establishes that companies wishing to be contracted or subcontracted for construction
projects must be registered in the Registry of Companies Accredited as Contractor and Subcontractor.
Article 2.2 provides that this requirement is applied to entities established in Andalucía and to crossborder service providers that move workers to Spain, in accordance with Law 45/1999, of 29
November, on movement of workers within the scope of a transnational service provision.
Article 1 of Order of 20 June 1986 approving the requirements for the installation-maintenance
companies of heating, cooling and hot water131 establishes that the installation, maintenance and
reparation of heating, cooling and hot water facilities within the territory of Andalucía can only be
carried out by companies that, after their registration, have obtained the certification of an installing
company granted by the Consejería de Economía e Industria (Regional Economy and Industry
Article 1.2 of Decree 41/2006, of 7 February, on Accreditation System of testing laboratories for
quality building control of the Autonomous Community of Aragón132 establishes that testing
laboratories and providing technical assistance in accordance with the provisions on building quality
of the Autonomous Community of Aragón, shall be accredited to or registered in the General Register
of Accredited Testing Laboratories. This Decree does not specify if this requirement is applicable to
entities established in Aragón and/or to cross-border services.
Article 10 of Decree 16/2009, of 3 February, approving rules on documentation, procedure and
technical prescriptions related to fire-fighting installations, device and systems, installers and
maintainers of installations,133 requires the registration of the installing companies in the Registry of
Maintainers and Installing Companies of active protection systems within the Autonomous
Community in which they operate, prior to beginning the activity.
Orden de 23 de mayo de 2008, por la que se crea el Registro de Empresas Acreditadas como Contratistas o
Subcontratistas del Sector de la Construcción de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (BOJA num. 116, of
12.06.2008). .
Orden de 20 de junio de 1986 por la que se aprueban los requisitos de las empresas de ejecución y
mantenimiento de instalaciones de calefacción, climatización y agua caliente sanitaria (BOJA num. 67, of
08.07.1986). .
Decreto 41/2006, de 7 de febrero, por el que se regula el sistema de acreditación de laboratorios de ensayos
para el control de calidad de la edificación (BOA num. 22, of 22.02.2006).
Decreto 16/2009, de 3 de febrero, por el que se aprueban las normas sobre documentación, tramitación y
prescripciones técnicas relativas a las instalaciones, apartados y sistemas contra incendios, instaladores y
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Article 4 of Order of 3 May 1999, approving the operating procedure of installation and maintenance
companies, of control and inspection entities and of the title holders in installations regulated by the
Regulation on Thermal Installations in Buildings and its Complementary Technical Instructions,134
establishes that the implementation of new installations, of their extensions, reforms and repairs, and
their operation and maintenance must be performed by companies registered in the Register of
installation maintenance companies of thermal installations in buildings.
Article 1 of Order of 15 April 1987, on installation-maintenance companies of heating, cooling and
hot water135 establishes that the execution and reparation of heating, cooling and hot water installations
shall be carried out within the Autonomous Community of Valencia by companies registered in the
Registry of Installation Companies. In addition, it is necessary that the Registry of Maintenance and
Reparation Companies be registered in the territorial service where the company wishes to carry out
its activity.
Article 1 of Order EYE/605/2008, of 7 April, regulating the procedure of water supply installations
and the procedure for obtaining the authorisation of agents involved in its execution,136 provides that
the object of this order is regulating within the Autonomous Community of Castilla-León the
conditions of the agents who execute or maintain water supply and dewatering installations of
buildings. Article 3 establishes that water supply and de-watering installations of buildings shall be
carried out and maintained by authorised installation companies.
This requirement seems to apply also to cross-border service providers, because the provision only
requires that the agent be involved in those activities of installation, not that the agent must be
established within the Autonomous Community.
7.5 Conclusions for the construction/crafts sector
The main results of the analysis of the construction legislation show that only a few restrictions still
remain on the freedom to provide cross-border services. These restrictions are related to the existence
of registration and/or authorisation requirements. This problem seems to be mainly due to the lack of
amendments to legislation in force before the entry into force of the Services Directive.
However, almost all of the legislation in this sector has been amended according to the Services
Directive. It is significant with respect to the example of the installation companies. The requirement
to register has been replaced by a statement of responsibility, less restrictive than the registration, in
the State basic legislation and in the Autonomous Communities that have regulated these installation
companies. Almost all Autonomous Communities implement the basic legislation in this field. As a
result, they apply the basic legislation that is in accordance with the Directive requirements. Those
Autonomous Communities which have regulated installation companies need only apply this
requirement for the companies established within the territory of the Autonomous Communities.
Orden de 3 de mayo de 1999, por la que se aprueba el procedimiento de actuación de empresas instaladorasmantenedoras, de las entidades de inspección y control y de los titulares en las instalaciones reguladas por el
Reglamento de Instalaciones Térmicas en los Edificios (RITE) y sus Instrucciones Técnicas Complementarias
(ITE) (DOGC num. 2886, of 11.05.1999).
Orden de 15 de abril de 1987 de empresas instaladoras y mantenedoras de calefacción, climatización y agua
caliente (DOGV num. 582, of 08.05.1987).
Orden EYE/605/2008, de 7 de abril, por la que se regula la tramitación de las instalaciones de suministro de
agua y el procedimiento para la obtención de la autorización de los agentes que intervienen en su ejecución
(BOCL num. 75, of 18.04.2008).
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In addition, the amended legislation on installation companies establishes a special regime in
accordance with the provisions of the Services Directive for cross-border providers.
In the case of testing laboratories for building quality control, it is important to note that State Basic
legislation, Royal Decree 410/2010, of 31 March, developing the requirements for quality control of
edificial entities and for testing laboratories to control the building quality,137 establishes in Article 1.2
that the requirements established in the Royal Decree are not mandatory for those building quality
control entities established in other Member States of the European Union. While some CC.AA
implement the basic legislation, other CC.AA have approved Decrees regulating the accreditation
procedure. Some of these Decrees state that their requirements are applicable for testing laboratories
established within the Autonomous Communities, but other Decrees do not specify this condition. As
seen in the study, these Autonomous Communities are Andalucía and Aragón.
Real Decreto 410/2010, de 31 de marzo, por el que se desarrollan los requisitos exigibles a las entidades de
control de calidad de la edificación y a los laboratorios de ensayos para el control de calidad de la edificación,
22.04.2010). .
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8. Regulated Professions
8.1 Overview
The practice of some of the professions under the scope of this study in Spain requires membership
with a professional association138 (that is the case of the legal profession,139 architects,140 engineers,
and patent attorneys141), while others do not (accountants142 and tax advisors) requires membership
with a professional association. This applies to those EU Member State nationals intending to carry
out these professions in Spain on a permanent basis, those who wish to exercise their freedom of
establishment in Spain.
The Fourth Additional Provision of the State Omnibus Law 25/1999, of 22 December, provided for
the preparation of a Bill, establishing those professions the practice of which requires membership
with a professional association. This Bill should have been prepared within a year after the entry into
The amendment introduced to Article 3.2. of Law 2/1974 on Professional Association provides that it will be
a necessary condition to practice a collegiate profession to be member of a professional association when it is so
required by a State Law.
The legal profession in Spain can be practiced providing legal advice to clients in matters such as contracts
and inheritance. In addition, a bachelor in law interested in providing his/her services in a court of law can
practice as an attorney at law (barrister) or as a procurator. The role of the attorney is to direct and defence the
parties in all kind of judicial procedures and provide legal advice (Article 542 of Ley Orgánica 6/1985, de 1 de
Branch) while the role of the procurator is to
represent the parties in all kind of judicial procedures (Article 543, Organic Law on the Judiciary Branch),
becoming a kind of intermediary between the court and the attorney. According to Article 544.2 of the Organic
Law on the Judiciary Branch attorneys and procurators shall be members of a professional association to be
authorized to act before a judge or a court of law unless they act representing public Administrations or entities
with a functional or labour dependency. That membership is only required in one professional association of the
Spanish State (Art. 11 of the Real Decreto 658/2001, de 22 de junio, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto General de
la Abogacía Española Royal Decree
936/2001, of 3 August, regulating the permanent exercise of the profession of attorney at law in Spain with a
degree obtained in other Member State (Real Decreto 936/2001, de 3 de agosto, por el que se regula el ejercicio
permanente en España de la profesión de abogado con título profesional obtenido en otro Estado miembro de la
Unión Europea. requires lawyers from
other EU MS who pretend to exercise their freedom of establishment in Spain in accordance to the provisions of
this RD to register before the competent authority which shall be that corresponding to where they have their
professional or principal domicile in the Spanish territory (Art.4). Royal Decree 607/1986, of 21 March,
develops Council Directive of 22 March 1977 aiming at facilitating the effective exercise of the freedom to
provide attorneys services (Real Decreto 607/1986, de 21 de marzo, de desarrollo de la Directiva del Consejo de
las Comunidades Europeas de 22 de marzo de 1977, encaminada a facilitar el ejercicio efectivo de la libre
prestación de servicios de los Abogados.
regulates cross-border services provided by lawyers.
Article 1 of Real Decreto Ley de 27 de diciembre de 1929 which established the Architects professional
associations provided that to exercise the profession of architect it was necessary to be a member of an architect
professional association.
Royal Decree 278/2000, of 25 February, approving the Statutes of the Official College of Industrial Property
Agents (Real Decreto 278/2000, de 25 de febrero, por el que se aprueban los Estatutos del Colegio Oficial de
Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial,
requires to be a collegiate to exercise that profession.
There is no legal provision requiring a particular qualification to provide services as an accountant. Some
professionals have a recognised right to provide them, such as economists (Decree 871/1977, of 26 April,
approving the Professional Statute of Economists (Decreto 871/1977 de 26 de abril, por el que se aprueba el
Estatuto Profesional de Economistas, includes
accountancy as one of the functions an economist can perform), Also administrative managers (gestores
administrativos) can provide accountancy services. These managers require to be collegiate. The regulation is
different for auditors, which are subject to specific qualification requirements.
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force of the Omnibus Law. The Government is still preparing a draft law for professional services the
intention of which is to amend the professional association membership obligation by limiting it only
to the practice of law and medicine.143
In the area of professional bodies, in 2008 87 professions were regulated by a national or regional
professional body in Spain, according to the ‘Report on the professional services sector and
professional bodies’ published in September 2008 by the National Competition Commission
(Comisión Nacional de Competencia, CNC). However, new bodies have been created since then.
With respect to the regulated professions, it is important to take into consideration Royal Decree
1837/2008, of 8 November, transposing into Spanish law Directive 2005/36/EC and Directive
2006/100/EC.144 This RD applies to nationals of EU Member States, including those liberal
professionals who intend to practice a regulated profession in Spain as self-employed or who are hired
through the recognition of their professional qualifications obtained in other Member States. It does
not apply, when for a determined regulated profession, there are norms approved to apply EU law
instruments establishing specific mechanisms for the recognition of determined professional
qualifications. This RD includes provisions on requirements for cross-border services and for the
freedom of establishment. However, most of the amendments introduced to Spanish legal instruments
to comply with the Services Directive in the field of collegiate professions145 include provisions
establishing that for the temporary provision of the services of these professionals this RD applies.
Thus, for cross-border services, the provisions in this RD are applicable.
Article 36 of the Spanish Constitution (CE) provides that ‘Law shall regulate the own peculiarities of
the legal regime of Professional Associations and the exercise of professions requiring a university
degree. The internal structure and the functioning of Professional Associations shall be democratic.’
A professional association (colegio profesional or colegio official) is a public law corporation of
professionals integrated by those exercising the so-called liberal professions. Those corporations are
created by law at State or regional level supported by the State. Its associated members are known as
collegiates. The goals of professional associations are the regulation and supervision of the exercise of
professions, the exclusive representation of those professions and the defence of the interests of their
associates. The professional association is in charge of an instrument to guarantee that its associates
perform their profession in a good manner in which the ethical practice is one of the common
principles contained in the statutes of each corporation.
Article 148 and 149 of the Spanish Constitution do not attribute any competence to the State or to the
CC.AA in the field of professional associations. However, Article 5 of Law 7/1997, of 14 April, on
measures liberalizing land and on Professional Associations146 provided for a modification to Article
2.1 of Law 2/1974, of 13 February, regulating Professional Associations147 which now provides:
Real Decreto 1837/2008, de 8 de noviembre, por el que se incorporan al ordenamiento jurídico español la
Directiva 2005/36/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 7 de septiembre de 2005, y la Directiva
2006/100/CE, del Consejo, de 20 de noviembre de 2006, relativas al reconocimiento de cualificaciones
profesionales, así como a determinados aspectos del ejercicio de la profesión de abogado (BOE núm. 280, of
A collegiate profession is a profession which requires membership of a professional association or college to
be practiced.
Ley 7/1997, de 14 de abril, de medidas liberalizadoras en materia de suelo y de Colegios Profesionales. .
( This Law was amended by Article 5 of the State
Omnibus Law. But the mentioned provision has not been amended.
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‘The State and the Autonomous Communities, within the scope of their respective
competences, shall guarantee the exercise of collegiate professions in accordance with legal
The practice of collegiate professions shall be exercised under a regime of freedom of
competition and it shall be subject to the Law on Defence of Competition and to the Law
on Disloyal Competence in regards to the services offered and the establishment of fees.
The remaining elements of the practice shall be subject to general and specific legislation
for each applicable profession.’
In accordance with a holding of the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC), “it corresponds to the State
legislation to establish principles and basic rules to which public law corporations representing
professional interests must be subject to regarding their organization and competences.”149 As a result,
the Autonomous Communities can develop those principles and basic rules. In fact, the CC.AA have
used their competences in this field extensively.
Spain has a general law for professional associations, Law 2/1974, of 13 February, on Professional
Associations,150 although most CC.AA have also legislated in general terms in this field. In fact, many
of the colegios created in the last years have been the result of legislation by the CC.AA. In addition to
the state and regional laws on professional associations each professional association has its own
statute. These professional associations generally have a territorial organisation, with a central
coordinating body (usually Consejo General) and associations established at the regional and
provincial level. It is important to highlight that Law 2/1974 contains a transitional provision, the first
one, providing that the provisions regulating Professional Associations shall be in force in those
aspects not in contradiction to the provisions in this Law, without prejudice to the proposals or
agreements to adapt the statutes to the provisions of this Law. Besides, the derogatory provision of the
Omnibus Law explicitly provides that the statutes of the professional associations and their internal
rules in contradiction with the provision of the Law shall be deemed without effect.
This study analyses the general laws on professional associations and provides some examples of
professional association statutes. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the first transitional
provision in case an obstacle to the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services is
contained in any of those statutes of the professional associations.
The Spanish report on the transposition of the Services Directive in Spain identified a series of
obstacles found in the statutes of the professional associations that should be repealed. Among them
the following were identified:
• The exercise of a profession in the form of a partnership is now no longer to be obstructed
by any rules of professional bodies that may impose restrictions beyond those present in
• The new Law bars professional bodies from publishing professional fee scales, in order to
encourage competition and consumer choice. Professional bodies are allowed to set criteria for the
measurement of court fees only.
• Restrictions on commercial communication which now will only be applicable according to
general laws, with no specific rules by the professional associations.
provides that public law corporations
representing professional interest that exists or are created in the territory of each Autonomous Community shall
adjust its organization and competences to the principles and basic rules provided in the State legislation for such
Entities without prejudice to any other competence which could be attributed or delegated to them by the
Autonomous Communities.
Court Rulings 20/1988, of 18 February and 76/1983, of 5 August.
Ley 2/1974, de 13 de febrero, sobre Colegios Profesionales (BOE de 15.02, 1974). This Law has been subject
to a series of amendments.
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• Restrictions on the joint exercise of different professions which now will only be imposed
by law, which automatically leaves without effect those laid down in rules of the professional
• Obligations related to the exercise in the whole territory which now are suppressed.
• Membership fees which now must be adjusted to be proportionate to the cost of acquiring
that membership
• Administrative burdens related to the work of technical professionals (Visados) which now
are greatly restricted.
8.2 Prohibited requirements - Article 14 analysis
Article 14 checklist
Prohibited requirements
Requirements based directly
or indirectly on nationality or
Milieu Ltd
Requirements limiting the
establishment of service
Situation preSituation postimplementation
Obligation in the State Law,
Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha,
Valencia, Extremadura, Galicia,
Madrid and Murcia to be collegiate
in the professional association
where the professional had his
professional or principal domicile.
This provision is now without legal
To be a collegiate in one
professional association of La Rioja
to exercise the profession in that
CC.AA. This provision is now
without legal effect.
Statutes of Madrid Bar Association
obliges those lawyers domiciled in
Madrid to register in this
Association. This provision is now
without legal effect.
Statutes of León Economists
Professional Association requires
incorporation in order to be allowed
to practice as an economist in that
province. This provision is now
without legal effect.
Professional Association of Basque
Country and Navarra obliges those
architects domiciled in these
territories to register in this
Association in order to practice.
This provision is now without legal
Patent agent: Legislation on patents
used to require showing the
national ID and having permanent
residence in Spain. This provision
is now without legal effect.
None identified
National Report for Spain June 2011 /47
providers to one Member
insurances from operators
established in the same
Member State
Obligations to have been
previously registered or to
have previously exercised the
activity for a given period in
the same Member State
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 14 prohibitions
Requirements based on residence
Article 3.2 of Law 2/1974, of 13 February on Professional Associations, requires professionals
exercising collegiate professions to be incorporated in the professional association where the
professional has his professional or principal domicile in order to be allowed to practice those
professions. Since 1997 the exercise in the whole of Spain was subject only to a previous
communication and to a few exceptions. After its amendment by the Omnibus Law, exercise in the
whole of the Spanish territory no longer requires any communication. Besides, the exceptions to the
general principle have been eliminated. The same obligation is still found in laws on professionals
associations of CC.AA The remaining rule cannot be considered one of the requisites of Article 14,
since it is simply a rule determining in which association to collegiate and does not affect the ability of
Spanish professionals or that of other EU professionals providing services in Spain to provide services
in the whole territory. This applies regardless of the lack of adaptation of the statutes or the internal
rules of the professional associations.
• Article 3.3 of Law 10/2003, of 6 November, regulating Professional Associations of
• Article 22.2 of Law 2/1998, of 12 March, on Professional Associations of Aragon152
• Article 9 of Law 10/90, of 23 May, on Professional Associations of Canarias153
• Article 17.3 of Law 1/2001, of 16 March, on Professional Associations of Cantabria154
• Article 6.3 of Law 10/1999, of 26 May, on the Establishment of Professional Associations of
Castilla-La Mancha155
• Article 17.1 of Law 8/1997, of 8 July, on Professional Associations of Castilla y León156
• Article 44.4 of Law 7/2006, of 31 May, on the exercise of regulated professions and
professional associations of Cataluña157
• Article 12.2 of Law 6/1997, of 4 December, on Professional Councils and Associations of the
Valencia Autonomous Community158
Ley 10/2003, de 6 de noviembre, reguladora de los Colegios Profesionales de Andalucía
Ley 2/1998, de 12 de marzo, de Colegios Profesionales de Aragón
Ley 10/90 de 23 de Mayo de Colegios Profesionales de Canarias (B.O.C. 66, de 28.5.1990), .
Ley 1/2001, de 16 de marzo, de Colegios Profesionales de Cantabria
( ).
Ley 10/1999, de 26 de mayo, de Creación de Colegios Profesionales de Castilla-La Mancha
( ).
Ley 8/1997, de 8 de julio, de Colegios Profesionales de Castilla y León
Ley 7/2006, del 31 de mayo, del ejercicio de profesiones tituladas y de los colegios profesionales
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• Article 16.4 of Law 11/2002, of 12 December, on Professional Councils and Associations of
• Article 2 of Law 11/2001, of 18 September, on Professional Associations of Galicia160
• Article 3.3 of Law 19/1997, of 11 July, of Professional Associations of Madrid161
• Article 6.3 of Law of 4 November on Professional Associations of Murcia162
Article 16.2 of Law 4/1999, of 31 March, on Professional Associations of La Rioja163 required the
registration in a professional association of that Autonomous Community to be able to practice a
professional collegiate activity in that Autonomous Community. The amendment introduced to this
Article by Law 6/2009 of 15 December on Fiscal and Administrative Measures for 2010 has abolished
that requirement.
Article 6 of the Statutes of the Madrid Bar Association164 provides for the compulsory incorporation to
the Madrid Bar Association in order to be able to practice law, applicable to lawyers who have their
professional or principal domicile in the territory of Madrid with the exception of the territory of
Alcalá de Henares that has its own Bar Association.
Article 15 of the Statutes of the Barcelona Bar Association165 provides for the compulsory
incorporation to the Barcelona Bar Association in order to be able to practice law applicable to
lawyers who have their professional or principal domicile in the territory of Barcelona.
Article 7.1 of the Statutes of the Economists Professional Association of León166 provides that the
incorporation into that association grants the right to practice the profession in the province of León
and in the territory of Castilla y León and the rest of the State, complying with the legislation in force.
Article 9.1 of the Statutes of the Architects Professional Association of the Basque Country and
Navarra167 provides that:
‘In accordance with article 19 of the General Statutes, the practice of the profession by those architects
having their professional domicile in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country or in the
Community of Navarra requires, as a condition sine qua non, the incorporation into this Association as
a collegiate. To this effect architects will be considered to be domiciled in the territory of this
Association when they have their principal or sole office or work post within the territorial scope of
Ley 6/1997, de 4 de diciembre, de Consejos y Colegios Profesionales de la Comunidad Valenciana
Ley 11/2002, de 12 de diciembre, de Colegios y de Consejos de Colegios Profesionales de Extremadura
Ley 11/2001, de 18 de septiembre, de colegios profesionales de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia
Ley 19/1997, de 11 de julio, de Colegios Profesionales de la Comunidad de Madrid
Ley 6/1999, de 4 de noviembre, de los Colegios Profesionales de la Región de Murcia
Ley 4/1999, de 31 de marzo, de Colegios Profesionales de La Rioja
Estatutos del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid .
Estatutos del Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona, .
ORDEN PAT/45/2007, de 12 de enero, por la que se inscribe en el Registro de Colegios Profesionales y
Consejos de Colegios de Castilla y León, el Estatuto Particular del Colegio Oficial de Economistas de León
(BOCyL num.14, of 19 January, 2007) .
167 .
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the Association. If the architect has no office or no work post, he shall be considered as domiciled in
each municipality of the Basque Country or Navarra, if he is included in the population census.’
However, paragraph 5 of that Article allows architects who are collegiate in another professional
association to carry out works in that territory without being required to become a collegiate.
State Law on Patent
Article 59 of Royal Decree 2245/1986, of 10 October, approving Regulation on Law 11/1986, of 20
March, on Patents168 provided:
‘Persons meeting the requirements established in Article 157 of the Patents Law who wish
to be registered at the Special Register of Industrial Property shall submit an application
addressed to the Industrial Property Register Director together with the following
(…) 2. Certified copy of the Spanish national identity card
(…) 4. Statement of residency in a Spanish territory.’
Among the requirements provided in Article 157 to obtain registration in the Special Register of
Industrial Property was to hold Spanish nationality or nationality of any EU Member State, or to have
a professional office in Spain or in an EU Member State. Thus, there was an inconsistency between
the provision in Article 157 of the Patents Law which allowed EU nationals to act as a patent agent in
Spain with provision in Article 59 which required to submit the Spanish national identity card which is
only held by Spanish nationals and to be resident in Spanish territory.
Royal Decree 245/2010, of 5 March, amending Royal Decree 2245/1986, of 10 October, approving
Regulation to implement Law 11/1986, of 20 March, on Patents amended Article 59 of RD 2245/1986.
This amendment has abolished the obligation to submit an application to be registered in the Special
Register of Industrial Property as Article 59 of Royal Decree 2245/1986 required. It also has abolished
the requirement to submit those documents and now only a declaration is required.
8.3 Requirements to be evaluated - Article 15 analysis
Article 15(2) checklist
Requirements to be evaluated
Obligation for the service provider to take a
specific legal form
Requirements relating to the shareholding of
Obligations to apply fixed minimum or
maximum tariffs
None identified
State Law requires investors-partners of
professional partnerships to hold a simple majority
and half and one of the members of the
administration body are professional partners.
Andalucía, Valencia, Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia
allow professional associations to establish
guidance criteria on fees (this no longer has legal
effect, see comment below).
Madrid Bar Association Statutes lists among its
functions the establishment of guidance criteria on
fees (this no longer has legal effect, see comment
Barcelona Bar Association Statutes lists among its
Real Decreto 2245/1986, de 10 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento para la ejecución de la Ley
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functions the establishment of guidance criteria on
fees (this no longer has legal effect, see comment
The Statutes of the Economists Professional
Association of León includes among its functions
the establishment of guidance criteria on fees (this
no longer has legal effect, see comment below).
Canarias law on professional associations allows
these associations to establish norms on fees (this
no longer has legal effect, see comment below).
Findings with respect to the Article 15 elements for evaluation, including justification analyses
Shareholding of companies
Article 4.2 of Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on professional partnerships requires as a minimum that the
majority of the share and voting rights or the majority of the shareholders equity and the number of
partners in the non-sharing companies belong to professional partners. Article 4.3 of that Law requires
that fifty percent plus one of the administration board of the professional partnership be comprised of
professional partners. In case the administration board is comprised of one person only he/she must be
a professional partner. These requirements seem to be proportionate in accordance with Article
15(3)(c) of the Services Directive in order to guarantee the aim of a professional partnership.
Article 20 of the Statutes of the Madrid Bar Association provides that a group of lawyers established
in any legal form must be comprised of lawyers in its majority in the percentage provided in the
relevant legislation in force (that is Law on professional partnerships). Its capital and voting rights
must be attributed in their majority to lawyers in the proportion provided in the legislation in force.
Article 14 of Law 2/1974 which was added by the Omnibus Law provides that Professional
Associations and their collegiate organizations cannot establish guiding criteria or other guidance,
recommendation, norm or rule on professional fees except in those cases provided in the Fourth
Additional Provision. That additional provision provides that such guidance criteria can only be
established for judicial costs. The justification for this measure has been provided in the Report on the
transposition of the Services Directive in Spain, which states that this exception complies with the
conditions in Article 15(3) of the Directive for the following reasons:
• Non-discrimination: These guidance criteria shall apply to services provided by lawyers and
procurators of Spanish and any other Member State nationality.
• Necessity: The rationale of the system for the payment of judicial costs for the party whose
demands have not been recognized by the judgment requires the establishment of an objective
mechanism to evaluate the costs. Otherwise this would represent a limitation on access to justice
as the losing party will not be able to pay the costs of the adversary if his/her lawyers claim very
high fees.
• Proportionality: The measure does not contain compulsory criteria but only guidance
establishing the maximum and minimum costs.
This provision is ‘basic’, in the sense that it has to be followed by the CCAA in their legislation.
Those CC.AA that have amended their laws on professional associations have removed this kind of
provision on fee guidance criteria. However, some other laws have not been amended yet: Article 18. j
of Law 10/2003, of 6 November on Professional Associations of Andalucía provides among the
functions of these associations the establishment of fee guidance criteria in accordance with Article 5
of Law 2/1974. However, the functions that were listed in that Article regarding the establishment of
fee guidance criteria by professional associations was deleted through amendments to this Law by the
Omnibus Law. Article 5.n) of Law 6/1997, of 4 December, on Professional Councils and Associations
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of the Valencia Community provides among the functions that a professional association can play the
possibility of establishing fee guidance criteria. The same function is included in Article 21.l) of Law
10/1999, of 26 May, on the Establishment of Professional Associations of Castilla-La Mancha; Article
11.l of Law 11/2002, of 12 December, on Associations and Councils of Professionals of Extremadura;
Article 14.e) of Law 19/1997, of 11 July, on Professional Associations of Madrid; Article 9.h) of Law
6/1999, of 4 November, on Professional Associations of Murcia. These laws have not been amended
yet. As regards those CC.AA that have amended their laws on professional associations, this kind of
provision on fee guidance criteria has been removed.
It is important to note though, as regards the provisions on this matter that can still be found on the
Statutes of the professional associations, they must be considered to be without effect, since the
derogatory provision of the Omnibus Law explicitly provides so.
The Statutes of the Madrid Bar Association contain among its functions the establishment of guidance
fees. These Statutes are under a reform process. It is expected that in 2012 the new ones will be
approved. The same provision is contained in Article 9.e) of the Barcelona Bar Association. Article
6.b.f) of the Economist Professional Association of León provides for the same function as well as
Article 3.n) of the Statutes of the Civil Engineers Association.169
Article 18.l) of Law 10/90, of 23 May, on Professional Associations of Canarias lists among the
functions of these associations the establishment of norms on fees when these are not provided in the
form of tariffs or taxes.
8.4 Restrictions to the freedom to provide services - Article 16(2) analysis
Article 16(2) checklist
Prohibited requirements
Obligation to have an establishment in the
territory where the service is provided
Obligation to obtain an authorisation or a
Ban on setting up an infrastructure
arrangements between the service provider
and the recipient restricting the provision of
the service by the self-employed
Obligation to possess a specific identity
Requirements affecting the use of equipment
Restrictions on recipients
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
None identified
Findings with respect to the Article 16(2) prohibitions, including justification analyses
None of the prohibited requirements were identified in the legislation in force applicable to crossborder professional services in Spain.
8.5 Conclusions for the regulated professions
Some of the regulated professions under the scope of this study are collegiate professions in the sense
that in order to practice them in Spain it is required to hold a specific university education and
membership in a professional association. The State and most of the CC.AA have developed a general
law on professional associations. Each professional association approved its Statutes which
incorporate many of the norms contained in those general laws. Most of the professional associations
have a territorial structure, with association at regional and provincial level.
Estatutos del Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (BOE núm. 253, de 22.10.2003)
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Prior to the implementation of the Services Directive, several Article 14(1) requirements were
applicable to the regulated professions. The State legislation as well as a series of CC.AA required
professionals to join the professional association of the city where the professional had the
professional or main domicile. These requirements no longer have legal effect. The analysis also
shows that before the implementation of the Services Directive into Spanish Law the profession of
patent agent was reserved to Spanish nationals. However, this requirement no longer has legal effect.
Requirements relating to the shareholding of companies were identified. Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on
professional partnerships requires as a minimum that the majority of the share and voting rights or the
majority of the shareholders equity and the number of partners in the non-sharing companies belong to
professional partners. Article 4.3 of that Law requires that fifty percent plus one of the administration
board of the professional partnership be comprised of professional partners. In the view of the Spanish
authorities, these requirements could be regarded as proportionate under Article 15(3)(c) of the
Services Directive in order to guarantee the aim of a professional partnership. In addition, some
CC.AA have not yet adopted their laws on professional associations to bring them in conformity with
the State basic law by prohibiting these associations to establish guidance on fees.
The legislation in force does not contain any of the prohibited requirements for the provision of
professional cross-border services in Spain.
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9. Conclusions
At the State and at the CC.AA levels, Spain has been and still is approving new sector-specific
legislation and amending existing sector-specific legislation to implement correctly the Services
Directive. For this reason there are still some inconsistencies with the Directive remaining in the
Spanish legal order. These can be summarised in relation to each service sector analysed.
Retail: Almost all CC.AA have also amended their legislation to bring it in line with the Services
Directive. For example, the requirement of registration and authorisation has been replaced by less
restrictive measures, such as a communication. Some territorial restrictions are kept in State
legislation. The State legislation and most of the CC.AA also impose an authorisation requirement for
the use of public space for ambulant trade activities, which aims at ensuring equal access to that
limited space by all service providers, including those established in other Member States.
Tourism: Some restrictions still remain in some CC.AA related to the freedom of the provider to
choose between establishment in the form of an agency, branch or subsidiary. Most of the CC.AA
where this problem appears, allow travel agents to establish branches leaving no other options. The
analysis also shows that the requirement contained in legislation on tourist agencies to constitute
financial guarantees to be deposited in public bodies of the respective CC.AA has been extended quite
a bit. The third most commonly found problem is the requirement for tourist guides providing crossborder services in most of the CC.AA to show an ID issued by the Spanish competent authorities
while they are providing their services. Although tourist guides are a regulated profession, those
CC.AA that have amended their legislation in this field allow cross-border services by tourist guides
without requiring them to obtain the recognition of their professional certification. This is the case for
Food and beverages: The only problem identified relates to the previous requirement to enclose the
Spanish National Identity Card with the application form submitted to obtain an authorisation to open
a restaurant, a bar and/or a coffee-shop in Galicia. Thus, there was a restriction on nationality.
However, this requirement has been withdrawn with the amendments introduced to implement the
Services Directive in this CC.AA.
Real estate: Some restrictions still remain in some CC.AA, regarding the obligation to have an
establishment in the territory where the service is provided. In some CC.AA, the statutes of the
professional associations require that the provider has its principal establishment within the territory of
the association. The analysis also shows that the requirement contained in the statutes of professional
associations that obliges the service provider to take a specific legal form and, in some cases, to adopt
a specific shareholding of companies is quite extensive. This requirement is contradictory to the basic
State law.
Education: Some restrictions still remain in State legislation related to the freedom of establishment of
educational centres. Only Spanish nationals can establish these kinds of centres. Spanish basic
legislation and the legislation of two CC.AA seems to require an economic study before authorising
the establishment of a private university. The most common restriction identified falling within the
scope of Article 16 of the Services Directive would appear to be the obligation to obtain an
authorisation for the provision of services by private universities. This requirement is established to
ensure the quality of higher education and thus ensure the exercise of a fundamental right. This
requirement would appear to have been justified by reasons of public policy to ensure that the
education is adequate to achieve an official diploma from higher education centres.
Construction/crafts: Most of the legislation in this sector has been amended to implement the Services
Directive. Only requirements related to authorisations and/or registration for cross-border services
were identified. In some cases, these requirements are justified under the reasons provided in Article
16 of the Services Directive.
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Regulated professions: Some of the regulated professions under the scope of this study are collegiate
professions. The State and most of the CC.AA have developed a general law on professional
associations. Each professional association approved its Statutes which incorporate many of the norms
contained in those general laws. Although many statutes are being reformed, the previous ones
containing provisions contrary to the Services Directive have not been amended yet, although those
provisions no longer have effect. The main problem identified in the legislation applicable to the
regulated professions regarding Article 14 of the Services Directive pertains to the requirement to
possess a specific place of residence or nationality but this requirement does not apply any longer.
With respect to Article 15, shareholding requirements were identified that seem to be proportionate in
accordance with Article 15(3)(c) of the Services Directive.
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List of national legislation170
Ley 17/2009, de 23 de noviembre, sobre el libre acceso a las actividades de servicios y su ejercicio
(BOE núm. 283, de 24.11.2009)- Law 17/2009, of 23 November, on the freedom to access to services
activities and its exercise (BOE num. 283 of 24.11.2009).
Ley 25/2009, de 22 de diciembre, de modificación de diversas leyes para su adaptación a la Ley sobre
el libre acceso a las actividades de servicios y su ejercicio (BOE núm. 308, de 23.12.2009)- Law
25/2009, of 22 December, Amending diverse laws to adopt them to Law 17/2009
This Omnibus law amends:
Regulated professions
Ley 2/1974, de 13 de febrero, sobre Colegios Profesionales- Law 2/1974, of 13 February, on
Professional Associations (or colleges)
Ley 2/2007, de 15 de marzo, de sociedades profesionales- Law 2/2007, of 15 March, on
Professional Companies
Ley 34/2006, de 30 de octubre, sobre acceso a las profesiones de Abogado y Procurador de los
Tribunales- Law 34/2006, on 30 october, on access to the professions lawyer and procurator at
Crafts, construction and certification services
Ley 21/1992, de 16 de julio, de Industria- Law 21/1992, of 16 July, on Industry
Ley 38/1999, de 5 de noviembre, de Ordenación de la Edificación- Law 38/1999, of 5 November,
on Building Planning.
Texto Articulado de la Ley sobre Tráfico, Circulación de Vehículos a Motor y Seguridad Vial,
aprobado por Real Decreto Legislativo 339/1990, de 2 de marzo- Articulate Text of the Law on
Traffic, Motor vehicles and road safety.
Real Decreto Ley 6/2000, de 23 de junio, de Medidas Urgentes de Intensificación de la
Competencia en Mercados de Bienes y Servicios- Royal Decree Law 6/2000, of 23 june, on
Urgent Measures to Intensify the Competence in Goods and Services Markets.
This list only contains new pieces of legislation adopted to implement the Services Directive. The pieces of
legislation still in force analysed are not included in this list.
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Regulated professions
Real Decreto 1000/2010, de 5 de agosto, sobre visado colegial obligatorio (BOE núm. 190, de
06.08.2010)- RD 1000/2010, of 5 August, on the compulsory professional boards’certification
Real Decreto 245/2010, de 5 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 2245/1986, de 10 de
octubre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento para la ejecución de la Ley 11/1986, de 20 de marzo, de
Patentes (BOE núm. 71, de 23.03.2010).- Royal Decree 245/2010, of 5 March, Amending Royal
Decree 2245/1986, of 10 October, approving Regulation to implement Law 11/1986, of 20 March, on
Ley 1/2010, de 1 de marzo, de reforma de la Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero, de Ordenación del Comercio
Minorista- Law 1/2010, of 1 March, amending Law 7/1996, January 15, on Retail Trade (BOE num.53
de 02.03.2010)
Real Decreto 199/2010, de 26 de febrero, por el que se regula el ejercicio de la venta ambulante o no
sedentaria (BOE núm. 63, de 13.03.2010).- Royal Decree 199/2010, of 26 February, regulating
ambulant commerce
Real Decreto 201/2010, de 26 de febrero, por el que se regula el ejercicio de la actividad comercial en
régimen de franquicia y la comunicación de datos al registro de franquiciadores (BOE núm. 63, de
13.03.2010)- Royal Decree 201/2010, of 26 February, regulating the exercise of the commerce activity
under the franchise regime and the communication of data to the franchisers registry
Royal Decree 564/2010, de 7 de mayo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1558/2005, de 23 de
diciembre, por el que se regulan los requisitos básicos de los Centros integrados de formación
profesional (BOE núm. 127, de 25.05.2010).- Royal Decree 564/2010, of 7 May, amending Royal
Decree 1558/2005, of 23 December, regulating the Basic requirements for integrated centres for
professional training.
Real Decreto 369/2010, de 26 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Reglamento de las Escuelas
Particulares de Conductores, aprobado por el Real Decreto 1295/2003, de 17 de octubre; el
Reglamento General de Vehículos, aprobado por el Real Decreto 2822/1998, de 23 de diciembre; y el
Real Decreto 2100/1976, de 10 de agosto, sobre fabricación, importación, venta y utilización de
piezas, elementos o conjuntos para reparación de automóviles, para adaptar su contenido a la Ley
17/2009, de 23 de noviembre, sobre el libre acceso a las actividades de servicios y su ejercicio y a la
Ley 25/2009, de 22 de diciembre, de modificación de diversas leyes para su adaptación a la Ley sobre
el libre acceso a las actividades de servicios y su ejercicio (BOE núm. 75, de 27.03.2010)- Royal
Decree 369/2010, of 26 March, modifying the Regulation on Private Driving Schools.
Real Decreto 303/2010, de 15 de marzo, por el que se establecen los requisitos mínimos de los centros
que impartan enseñanzas artísticas reguladas en la ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación
(BOE núm. 86, de 09.04.2010)- Royal Decree, of 15 March, establishing the minimum requirements
for centres teaching artistic disciplines regulated in Organic Law 2/2006.
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Real Decreto 131/2010, de 12 de febrero, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 332/1992, de 3 de
abril, de autorizaciones de centros privados para impartir enseñanzas de régimen general, el Real
Decreto 806/1993, de 28 de mayo, de régimen de centros docentes extranjeros en España, y el Real
Decreto 321/1994, de 25 de febrero, de autorización a centros docentes privados para impartir
enseñanzas artísticas, para adecuarlas a la Ley 17/2009, de 23 de noviembre, sobre el libre acceso a las
actividades de servicios y su ejercicio (BOE núm. 62, de 12.03.2010)- Royal Decree 131/2020, of 12
February, ammending RD 332/1992, of 3 April, on authorisation for private centres to teach.
Real Decreto 132/2010, de 12 de febrero, por el que se establecen los requisitos mínimos de los
centros que impartan las enseñanzas del segundo ciclo de la educación infantil, la educación primaria
y la educación secundaria (BOE núm. 62, de 12.03.2010)- Royal Decree 132/2010, of 12 February,
establishing minimum requirements for infant, primary and secondary education centres.
Crafts, construction and certification services
Real Decreto 560/2010, de 7 de mayo, por el que se modifican diversas normas reglamentarias en
materia de seguridad industrial para adecuarlas a la Ley 17/2009, de 23 de noviembre, sobre el libre
acceso a las actividades de servicios y su ejercicio, y a la Ley 25/2009, de 22 de diciembre, de
modificación de diversas leyes para su adaptación a la Ley sobre el libre acceso a las actividades de
servicios y su ejercicio (BOE núm. 125, de 22.05.2010)- Royal Decree 560/2010, of 7 May, amending
diverse regulations on industrial safety to adecuate them to Law 17/2009, and Law 25/2009.
Real Decreto 559/2010, de 7 de mayo, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento del Registro Integrado
Industrial (BOE núm. 125, de 22.05.2010)- Royal Decree 559/2010, of 7 May, approving Regulation
on the Integrated Industrial Registry.
Real Decreto 410/2010, de 31 de marzo, por el que se desarrollan los requisitos exigibles a las
entidades de control de calidad de la edificación y a los laboratorios de ensayos para el control de
calidad de la edificación, para el ejercicio de su actividad (BOE núm. 97, de 22.04.2010)- Royal
Decree 410/2010, of 31 March, developing the requirements for buildings quality control entibies and
for rehersal laboratorios to control the building quality.
Real Decreto 337/2010, de 19 de marzo, por el que se modifican el Real Decreto 39/1997, de 17 de
enero, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de los Servicios de Prevención; el Real Decreto
1109/2007, de 24 de agosto, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 32/2006, de 18 de octubre, reguladora de la
subcontratación en el sector de la construcción y el Real Decreto 1627/1997, de 24 de octubre, por el
que se establecen disposiciones mínimas de seguridad y salud en obras de construcción (BOE núm.
71, de 23.03.2010)- Royal Decree 337/2010, of 19 March, amending Royal Decree 39/1997, of 17
January, amending Regulation on Prevention Services, RD 1109/2007, of 24 August, developing Law
32/2006, of 18 October, regulating subcontracting in the construction sector and RD 1627/1997, of 24
October, establishing minimum security and elath provisions in the construction works.
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Ley 3/2010, de 21 de mayo, por la que se modifican diversas leyes para la transposición en Andalucía
de la Directiva 2006/123/CE, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo,
relativa a los servicios en el Mercado Interior (BOE num.151, de 22.06.2010)- Law 3/2010, of 21
May, amending diverse laws to transpose Directive 2006/123/EC in Andalucía
This Law amends:
Ley 1/1996, de 10 de enero, del Comercio Interior de Andalucía- Law 1/1996, of 10 January, on
Interior Commerce of Andalucía
Ley 9/1988, de 25 de noviembre, del Comercio Ambulante- Law 9/1988, of 25 November, on
Ambulant Commerce
Ley 3/1992, de 22 de octubre, de Ferias Comerciales Oficiales de Andalucía- Law 3/1992, of 22
October, on Official Trade Fairs in Andalucía.
Ley 12/1999, de 15 de diciembre, del Turismo- Law 12/1999, of 15 December, on Tourism.
Decreto 140/2011, de 26 de abril, por el que se modifican varios decretos relativos a la autorización de
centros docentes para su adaptación a la Ley 17/2009, de 23 de noviembre, sobre el libre acceso a las
actividades de servicios y su ejercicio (BOJA núm. 90, de 10.05.2011)- Decree 140/2011, of 26 April,
amending various decrees related to the authorisation of teaching centres to adapt them to Law
Decreto 382/2010, de 13 de octubre, por el que se modifica el Decreto 334/2009, de 22 de septiembre,
por el que se regulan los centros integrados de Formación Profesional en la Comunidad Autónoma de
Andalucía, para adecuarlo a la Directiva 2006/123/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12
de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior (BOJA núm. 211, de 28.10.2010)Decree 382/2010, of 13 october, amending Decree 334/2009, of 22 September, regulating the
professional training centres in the Autonomous Community of Andalucia to adapt it to Directive
Decreto 67/2011, de 5 de abril, por el que se regula el control de calidad de la construcción y obra
pública (BOJA núm. 77, de 19.04.2011)- Decree 67/2011, of 5 April, regulating the quality control of
public constructions and works.
Decreto 9/2011, de 18 de enero, por el que se modifican diversas Normas Reguladoras de
Procedimientos Administrativos de Industria y Energía (BOJA núm. 22, de 02.02.2011)- Decree
9/2011, of 18 January, amending various norms regulating administrative procedures in the field of
industry and energy
Orden de 13 de septiembre de 2010, por la que se modifica la Orden de 23 de mayo de 2008, por la
que se crea el Registro de Empresas Acreditadas como Contratistas o Subcontratistas del Sector de la
Construcción de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía y se aprueban nuevos modelos de solicitudes
de inscripción y de renovación, de comunicación de variación de datos, de cancelación de la
inscripción y de certificados de inscripción en este Registro (BOJA núm. 195, de 05.10.2010)- Order
of 13 September 2010, amending Order of 23 of May 2008, establishing the Registry of Companies
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Acredited as Contractor and Subcontractors on the Construction Sector in the Autonomous
Community of Andalucía.
Decreto 63/2011, de 22 de marzo, por el que se regula el Registro General de Comerciantes
Ambulantes de Andalucía (BOJA núm. 69, de 07.04.2011)- Decree 63/2011, of 22 March, regulating
the General Registry of Ambulant Traders in Andalucía.
Decreto 194/2010, de 20 de abril, de establecimientos de apartamentos turísticos (BOJA núm. 90, de
11.05.2010).- Decree 194/2010, of 20 April, on tourism apartments establishments.
Decreto-ley 1/2010, de 27 de abril, del Gobierno de Aragón, de modificación de diversas leyes de la
Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón para la transposición de la Directiva 2006/123/CEE del Parlamento
Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior
(BOA num.86, de 05.05.2010)
This Law amends:
Ley 12/2006, de 27 diciembre, de regulación y fomento de la actividad industrial de AragónLaw 12/2006, of 27 December, on regulation and promotion of the industrial activity in
Regulated Professions
Ley 2/1998, de 12 de marzo, de Colegios Profesionales de Aragón- Law 2/1998, of 12 March,
on Profesional Associations of Aragón.
Ley 9/1989, de 5 de octubre, de ordenación de la actividad comercial en Aragón- Law 9/1989,
of 5 October, on the planning of commerce in Aragon.
Decreto Ley 1/2008, de 30 de octubre, del Gobierno de Aragón, de medidas administrativas urgentes
para facilitar la actividad económica en (BOA núm. 181, de 03.11.2008).
Decreto 247/2008, de 23 de diciembre, del Gobierno de Aragón, de adaptación de diversos
procedimientos administrativos competencia del Departamento de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, al
Decreto Ley 1/2008, de 30 de octubre del Gobierno de Aragón, de medidas administrativas urgentes
para facilitar la actividad económica en Aragón (BOA núm. 220, de 29.12.2009)- Decree 247/2008,
of 23 December, of the Government of Aragón to adopt diverse administrative procedures under the
competence of the Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, to Law Decree 1/2008.
Orden de 27 de julio de 2010, del Departamento de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, por la que se
modifican los anexos del Reglamento de las acreditaciones profesionales, la autorización de empresas
y la acreditación de entidades de formación en materia de seguridad industrial, aprobado mediante
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Decreto 116/2003, de 3 de junio, del Gobierno de Aragón, para su adaptación provisional a la
Directiva 2006/123/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a
los servicios en el mercado interior (BOA núm. 156, de 10.08.2010)- Order of 27 July 2010 of the
Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism amending anexes of Regulation on profesional
acreditations, companies authorisations and acreditation of training entities in the field of industrial
safety approved by Decree 116/2003 of 3 June, to adapt it to Directive 2006/123/EC.
Regulated Professions
Orden de 15 de octubre de 2010, del Departamento de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, por la que se
hace pública la Circular 04/2010 de la Dirección General de Industria y de la Pequeña y Mediana
Empresa relativa a la interpretación del Real Decreto 1000/2010, de 5 de agosto, sobre visado colegial
obligatorio en el ámbito reglamentario de la seguridad industrial (BOA núm. 211, de 28.02.2010)Order 15 October of the Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Publishing Circular
04/2010 of DG Industry and SMEs interpreting Royal Decree 1000/2010, of 5 August, on the
compulsory professional boards’certification in the field of industrial safety
Orden de 12 de noviembre de 2010, del Consejero de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, por la que se
hace pública la Circular de 11 de noviembre de 2010, del Viceconsejero de Turismo, sobre criterios de
aplicación de la Ley 3/2010, de 7 de junio, por la que se modifica parcialmente la Ley 6/2003, de 27
de febrero, del Turismo de Aragón (BOA núm. 229, de 23.11.2010)- Order of 12 November of 2010,
of the Consejero on Industry, Commerce and Tourism publishing Circular of 11 November 2010, on
criteria for the implementation of Law 3/2010.
Ley 3/2010, de 7 de junio, por la que se modifica parcialmente la Ley 6/2003, de 27 de febrero, del
Turismo de Aragón (BOE núm.172 de 16.07.2010)- Law 3/2010, of 7 June, amending Law 6/2003, of
27 February, on Tourism of Aragón.
Ley 9/2010, de 17 de diciembre, de comercio interior (BOE núm.36, de 11.02.2011)- Law 9/2010, of
17 December, on Commerce.
Decreto 119/2010, de 15 de septiembre, por el que se aprueba definitivamente la Revisión de las
Directrices Sectoriales de Equipamiento Comercial (BOPA núm.229, of 2.10.2010)- Decree 119/2010,
of 15 September, approving the Review Sector Guidelines for Commerce Facilites.
Ley 10/2010, de 17 de diciembre, de tercera modificación de la Ley 7/2001, de 22 de junio, de turismo
(BOE núm. 36, de 11.02.2011)- Law 10/2010, of 17 December, amending for a third time Law
7/2011, of 22 June, on Tourism.
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Ley 14/2009, de 30 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley 7/1995, de 6 de abril, de ordenación
del turismo de Canarias (BOE núm.64 de 15/03/2010)- Law 14/2009, of 30 December, amending Law
7/1995, of 6 April, on Tourism of Canarias.
Decreto 89/2010, de 22 de julio, por el que se regula la actividad de intermediación turística (BOC
núm. 149, 30.07.2010)- Decree 89/2010, of 22 July, regulating the activity for tourism mediation
Decreto 90/2010, de 22 de julio, por el que se regula la actividad turística de restauración y los
establecimientos donde se desarrolla (BOC num. 149, 30.07.2010)- Decree 90/2010, of 22 July,
regulating the tourism activity for preparation of food and the establishments where it takes place.
Decreto 142/2010, de 4 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de la Actividad Turística de
Alojamiento y se modifica el Decreto 10/2001, de 22 de enero, por el que se regulan los estándares
turísticos (BOC núm. 204, 15.11.2010)- Decree 142/2010, of 4 October, approving Regulation on
Tourism Accommodation and amending Decree 10/2001, of 22 January, regulating the tourist
Decreto 84/2010, de 15 de julio, por el que se regula el sistema de información turística, el Registro
General Turístico y el sistema informático que les da soporte (BOC núm. 145, 26.07.2010)- Decree
84/2010, of 15 July, regulating the tourism information system, the Tourism General Registry and the
computer system supporting them.
Decreto 13/2010, de 11 de febrero, por el que se regula el acceso y el ejercicio de la profesión de guía
de turismo (BOC núm. 38, de 24.02.2010)- Decree 13/2010, of 11 February, regulating the access to
and exercise of the profession of tourist guide.
Ley 12/2009, de 16 de diciembre, reguladora de la Licencia Comercial (BOE núm.26, de 30.01.2010)Law 12/2009, of 16 December, Regulating the Commerce Licences
Ley 11/2010, de 23 de diciembre, de medidas fiscales y de contenido financiero (BOE núm. 25, de
This Law amends:
Ley de Cantabria 5/1999, de 24 de marzo, de ordenación del turismo de Cantabria- Law of
Cantabria 5/1999, of 24 March, on Tourism of Cantabria
Decreto 49/2011, de 19 de mayo, que regula la actividad de mediación turística desarrollada por
agencias de viajes, centrales de reservas y organizadores profesionales de congresos en el ámbito de la
Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria (BOC núm. 105, de 2.06.2011)- Decree 49/2011, of 19 May,
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regulating the activity on tourism mediation developed by travel agencies, booking centres and
professional congress organizers within the scope of Cantabria territory.
Decreto 81/2010, de 25 de noviembre, por el que se regulan los establecimientos hoteleros en el
ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria (BOC num. 235, de 9.12.2010)- Decree of 81/2010,
of 25 November, regulating hotels in Cantabria.
Decreto 82/2010, de 25 de noviembre, por el que se regulan los establecimientos de alojamiento
turístico extrahotelero en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria (BOC num. 235, de
9.12.2010)- Decree 82/2010, of 25 November, regulating tourism accomodation establishments in
Decreto 83/2010, de 25 de noviembre, por el que se regulan los establecimientos de alojamiento
turístico en el medio rural en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria (BOC num. 235, de
9.12.2010)- Decree 83/2010, of 25 November, regulating the tourism accomodation establishment in
rural areas in Cantabria.
Regulated Professions
Ley 3/2010, de 20 de mayo, por la que se modifica la Ley 1/2001, de 16 de marzo, de Colegios
Profesionales de Cantabria, para su adaptación a la Ley sobre el libre acceso a las actividades de
servicios y su ejercicio (BOE núm.145, de 15.06.2010)- Law 3/2010, of 20 May, amending Law
1/2001, of 16 March, on Profesional Associations of Cantabria to adapt if to Law 17/2009.
Ley 2/2010, de 4 de mayo, para la modificación de la Ley 1/2002, de 26 de febrero, del Comercio de
Cantabria y de otras normas complementarias para su adaptación a la Directiva 2006/123/CE, del
Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los Servicios en el Mercado
Interior (BOE núm.131, de 29.05.2010)- Law 2/2010, of 4 May, amending Law 1/2002, of 26
February, on Commerce of Cantabria and other suplementing norms for their adaptation to Directive
Ley 1/2010, de 27 de abril, por la que se modifica la Ley 6/2002, de 10 de diciembre, de Régimen
Jurídico del Gobierno y de la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria y la Ley
11/2006, de 17 de julio, de Organización y Funcionamiento del Servicio Jurídico (BOE núm.130, de
Ley 2/2010, de 13 de mayo, de comercio de Castilla-La Mancha (BOE núm. 178, de 23.07.2010)- Law
2/2010, of 13 May, on Commerce of Castilla-La Mancha.
Ley 7/2009, de 17 de diciembre, de modificación de diversas leyes para su adaptación a la Directiva
2006/123/CE, de 12 de diciembre, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativa a los Servicios en el
Mercado Interior (BOE num.256, de 22.10.2010)- Law 7/2009, of 17 December, Amending diverse
laws to adapt them to 2006/123/CE.
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This Law amends:
Ley 8/1999, de 26 de mayo, de Ordenación del Turismo de Castilla-La Mancha- Law 8/1999,
of 26 May, on Tourism in Castilla-La Mancha
Decreto-ley 3/2009, de 23 de diciembre, de Medidas de Impulso de las Actividades de Servicios en
Castilla y León- Law Decree 3/2009, of 23 December, on Measures to Foster Services Activities in
Castilla y León.
This Law amends:
Profesional Services
Ley 8/1997, de 8 de julio, de Colegios Profesionales de Castilla y León.
Ley 16/2002, de 19 de diciembre, de Comercio de Castilla y León.
Ley 14/2010, de 9 de diciembre, de turismo de Castilla y León (BOE núm. 317 de 30.12.2010)- Law
14/2010, of 9 December, on Tourism in Castilla y León.
Decreto 28/2010, de 22 de julio, por el que se aprueba la Norma Técnica Urbanística sobre
Equipamiento Comercial de Castilla y León (BOCYL núm. 144, de 28.07.2010)- Decree 28/2010, of
22 July, approving the Urban Technical Norm on Commercial Facilities in Castilla y León.
Decreto Legislativo 3/2010, de 5 de octubre, para la adecuación de normas con rango de ley a la
Directiva 2006/123/CE, del Parlamento y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los
servicios en el mercado interior (BOE num. 257 de 23/10/2010)- Legislative Decree, of 5 October, to
adapt laws to Directive 2006/123/EC
This legislative decree amends:
Ley 9/2009, del 30 de junio, de política industrial- Law 9/2009, of 30 June, on Industrial
Ley 38/1991, del 30 de diciembre, de instalaciones destinadas a actividades con niños y
jóvenes- Law 38/1991, of 30 December, on facilities for activities with children and
Texto refundido sobre comercio interior, de los preceptos de la Ley 1/1983, de 18 de febrero,
y la Ley 23/1991, de 29 de noviembre, aprobado por el Decreto legislativo 1/1993, de 9 de
marzo- Consolidated Text on Interior Commerce.
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Registered Professions
Ley 7/2006, del 31 de mayo, del ejercicio de profesiones tituladas y de los colegios
profesionales- Law 7/2006, of 31 May, on the exercise of regulated professions and
professional associations.
Ley 13/2002, de 21 de junio, de turismo de Cataluña- Law 13/2020, of 21 June, on Tourism of
Ley 3/2010, de 18 de febrero, de prevención y seguridad en materia de incendios en establecimientos,
actividades, infraestructuras y edificios (BOE núm. 89, 13.04.2010)-Law 3/2010, of 18 february, on
prevention and safety in the field of fires in establishments, activities, infrastructures and buildings
Ley 9/2009, de 30 de junio, de política industrial (DOGC núm. 5417, de 3.6.2009)- Law 9/2009, of 30
June, on Industrial Policy
Decreto Ley 1/2009, del 22 de desembre, d'ordenació dels equipaments comercials. (DOGC núm.
5534, de 28.12.2009)- Law Decree 1/2009, of 22 December, on planning of the commerce facilities.
Decreto 183/2010, de 23 de novembre, de establecimientos de alojamiento turístico. (DOGC núm
5764, de 26.11.2010). – Decree 183/2010, of 23 November, of touristic accomodation establishments
Decreto 106/2008, de 6 de mayo, de medidas para la eliminación de trámites y la simplificación de
procedimientos para facilitar la actividad económica (DOGC núm. 5131, de 06.05.2008)- Decree
106/2008, of 6 May, on measures to repeal procedures and to simplify them to facilitate economic
Instrucción 1/10, de 24 de mayo de 2010, de la Dirección General de Vivienda y Proyectos Urbanos
de la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda, para posibilitar de modo
transitorio la aplicación del real decreto por el que se desarrollan los requisitos técnicos exigibles a las
entidades de control de calidad de la edificación y a los laboratorios de ensayos para el control de
calidad de la edificación, para el ejercicio de su actividad (DOCV núm. 6287 de 11.06.2010)Instrucción 1/10, of 24 May, of the DG on Housing and Urban Projects to facilitate the transitory
implementation of RD developing technical requirements for quality control entibies in buildings and
laboratoires to control the building quality.
Ley 3/2011, de 23 de marzo, de comercio de la Comunitat Valenciana (BOE núm. 91 de 16/04/2011)
of 23 March
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Ley 12/2009, de 23 de diciembre, de medidas fiscales, de gestión administrativa y financiera, y de
organización de la Generalitat (BOE núm.24, de 28.01.2010).- Law 12/2009, of 23 December, on
fiscal, administrative and financial measures and measures on the organization of the Generalitat
This Law amends:
Ley 8/1986, de 29 de diciembre, de Ordenación del Comercio y Superficies Comerciales de la
Comunitat Valenciana- Law 8/1986, of 29 December, on Commerce and Shopping Malls in
Ley 3/1998, de 21 de mayo, de Turismo de la Comunitat Valenciana- Law 3/1998, of 21 of
May, on Tourism in Valencia.
Decreto 206/2010, de 3 de diciembre, del Consell, por el que se modifican los decretos reguladores del
alojamiento turístico en la Comunitat Valenciana (DOCV núm. 6414 de 10.12.2010)- Decree
206/2010, of 3 December, of the Council, amending the decrees regulating tourism accommodation in
Decreto 90/2010, de 21 de mayo, del Consell, por el que se modifica el reglamento regulador de la
profesión de guía de turismo en el ámbito territorial de la Comunitat Valenciana, aprobado por el
Decreto 62/1996, de 25 de marzo, del Consell (DOCV núm. 6275 de 26.05.2010)- Decree 90/2010, of
21 May, of the Council amending regulation on the profession of tour guide in the territory of
Decreto 63/2010, de 16 de abril, del Consell, por el que se modifica el Decreto 20/1997, de 11 de
febrero, del Consell, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Agencias de Viajes de la Comunitat
Valenciana (DOCV núm. 6249 de 20.04.2010)- Decree 63/2010, of 16 April, of the Council amending
Decree 20/1997, of 11 February, aproving Regulation on Travel Agencies in Valencia.
Decreto 54/2010, de 31 de marzo, del Consell, por el que se modifica el Decreto 7/2009, de 9 de
enero, regulador de los establecimientos de restauración de la Comunitat Valenciana (DOCV núm.
6.239, de 6.04.2010)- Decree 54/2010, of the Council, amending Decree 7/2009, of 9 January,
regulating restaurants in Valencia.
Decree 92/2009, de 3 de julio, del Consell, por el que aprueba el reglamento regulador de las viviendas
turísticas denominadas apartamentos, villas, chalés, bungalows y similares, y de las empresas gestoras,
personas jurídicas o físicas, dedicadas a la cesión de su uso y disfrute, en el ámbito territorial de la
Comunitat Valenciana (DOCV núm. 6051 de 07.07.2009)- Decree 92/2009, of 3 July, of the Council
approving the Regulation on tourism housing called apartments, vilas, houses, bungalows and similar,
and of the managing companies, natural and legal person working in the cesion of the use and
enjoyment of that housing.
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Decreto 91/2009, de 3 de julio, del Consell, por el que aprueba el reglamento regulador de los bloques
y conjuntos de viviendas turísticas de la Comunitat Valenciana (DOCV núm. 6051 de 07.07.2009)Decree 91/2009, of 3 July, of the Council approving regulation on blocks and groups of tourism
buildings in Valencia.
Decreto 7/2009, de 9 de enero, del Consell, regulador de los establecimientos de restauración de la
Comunitat Valenciana (DOCV núm. 5931, de 13.01.2009)- Decree 7/2009, of 9 January, of the
Council, regulating restaurants in Valencia.
Ley 2/2011, de 31 de enero, de desarrollo y modernización del turismo de Extremadura (BOE núm.
42, de 18.02.2011)- Law 2/2011, of 31 January, on development and modernization of tourism in
Ley 12/2010, de 16 de noviembre, de impulso al nacimiento y consolidación de empresas en la
Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura (BOE núm.300, de 10.12.2010)
Ley 7/2010, de 19 de julio, de modificación de la Ley 3/2002, de 9 de mayo, de Comercio de la
Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura (BOE núm. 192, de 09.08.2010).
Ley 13/2010, de 17 de diciembre, del comercio interior de Galicia (BOE núm. 25 de 29.01.2011)- Law
13/2010, of 17 December, on Commerce of Galicia.
Ley 1/2010, de 11 de febrero, de modificación de diversas leyes de Galicia para su adaptación a la
Directiva 2006/123/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a
los servicios en el mercado interior (BOE núm. 86 de 09.04.2010)
This Law amends:
Regulated Professions
Ley 11/2001, de 18 de septiembre, de colegios profesionales de la Comunidad Autónoma de
Galicia- Law 11/2001, of 18 September, on profesional associations of Galicia
Ley 10/2006, de 1 de diciembre, de creación del Colegio Profesional de Ingeniería en
Informática de Galicia- Law 10/2006, of 1 December, on the establishment of the Profesional
Assocation of Computer Engineers of Galicia
Ley 15/2007, de 13 de diciembre, de creación del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieras e Ingenieros
Químicos de Galicia- Law 15/2007, of 13 December, establishing the Professional Association
of Engineering and Chemical Engineers.
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National Report for Spain June 2011
Craft, Construction
Ley 1/1992, de 11 de marzo, de artesanía de Galicia- Law 1/1992, of 11 March, of handycraft
of Galicia.
Ley 9/2004, de 10 de agosto, de seguridad industrial de Galicia- Law 9/2004, of 10 August, on
industrial safety of Galicia.
Ley 18/2008, de 29 de diciembre, de vivienda de Galicia-Law 18/2008, of 29 December, on
Housing of Galicia.
Ley 14/2008, de 3 de diciembre, de turismo de Galicia- Law 14/2008, of 3 December, on
Ley autonómica 14/2008, de 3 de diciembre, de turismo de Galicia (BOE núm. 64, de 16.03.2009)Autonomic Law 14/2008, of 3 December, on Tourism of Galicia.
Decreto 52/2011, de 24 de marzo, por el que se establece la ordenación de apartamentos y viviendas
turísticas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia (DOG núm.65, de 01-04.2011)- Decree 52/2011, of
24 March, on tourism apartments and housing in Galicia.
Orden de 10 de mayo de 2010 por la que se aprueban y se da publicidad a los modelos oficiales de
declaración responsable y comunicación previa relativos a actividades de servicios turísticos (DOG
núm. 107, de 08.06.2010)- Order of 10 May approving and publishing the oficial forms for the
responsable declaration and communication to provide tourism services.
Decreto 51/2011, de 17 de marzo, por el que se actualiza la normativa en materia de seguridad
industrial en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia para su adaptación a la Directiva 2006/123/CE del
Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el mercado
interior (DOG núm.65, de 01.04.2011)- Decree 51/2011, of 17 March, updating the norms in the field
of industrial safety in Galicia to adapt them to Directive 2006/123/EC.
Decreto 31/2011, de 17 de febrero, por el que se regulan las condiciones generales exigibles para el
ejercicio de la actividad de las entidades y de los laboratorios de ensayos para el control de calidad de
la edificación y su inscripción en el registro correspondiente (DOG núm. 41, de 01.03.2011)- Decree
31/2011, of 17 February, regulating the general requirements for building quality control entities and
laboratories and their registration.
Instrucción 11/2009, de 23 de octubre, de la Dirección General de Industria, Energía y Minas, por la
que, con carácter transitorio, se establecen criterios para la tramitación de los carnés de instalación de
fontanería y de las empresas de instalaciones interiores de suministro de agua (DOG núm 23, de
04.02.2010)- Instruction 11/2009, of 23 October, of DG Industry, Energy and Mines, establishing
trasitionally the identity cards for plumbers and companies installing indoor devices for wáter supply.
Orden de 13 de abril de 2009 por la que se desarrolla el Decreto 42/2008, de 28 de febrero, de creación
del Registro de Instalaciones Interiores de Suministro de Agua de Galicia y la autorización de las
Milieu Ltd
National Report for Spain June 2011
empresas instaladoras (DOG núm 77, de 22.04.2009)- Order of 13 April of 2009 developing Decree
42/2008, of 28 February, establishing the Registry for Ïndoor facilities for Water Supply and the
authorisation for installing companies.
Orden de 1 de diciembre de 2008 por la que se modifica la Orden de 27 de diciembre de 2000, por la
que se establece el procedimiento unificado para la obtención de carnés profesionales y exigencias a
empresas autorizadas para la instalación, mantenimiento y otras actividades en materia de seguridad
industrial (DOG núm 7, de 12.01.2009)- Order of 1 December of 2008 amending Order 27 December
of 2000 establishing the procedure to obtain profesional identity cards and requirements to authorized
companies to carry out installations, mainteinance and other activities in the field of industrial safety.
Orden de 25 de abril de 2008 que desarrolla el Decreto 44/2008, de 28 de febrero, por el que se
regulan los requisitos de las empresas conservadoras de ascensores y se desarrollan conceptos
relativos al grado de ocupación de las viviendas en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia
(DOG núm 94, of 16.05.2008)- Order of 25 April 2008 developing Decree 44/2008 of 28 February
regulating requirements for companies which maintain elevators and developing concepts related to
the occupation degree of houses in Galicia.
Orden de 16 de marzo de 2011 por la que se establecen los requisitos mínimos exigibles a las
entidades de formación reconocidas para impartir cursos teórico-prácticos en el ámbito de la seguridad
industrial en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia (DOG núm.61, de 28.03.2011)- Order of 16 March
of 2011 establishing the mínimum requirements to training entities to teach courses in the field of
industrial safety in Galicia.
Ley 12/2010, de 12 de noviembre, de modificación de diversas leyes para la transposición en las Illes
Balears de la Directiva 2006/123/CE, de 12 de diciembre, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo,
relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior (BOE núm.308, de 20.12.2010).
This Law amends:
Ley 10/2006, de 26 de julio, integral de juventud- Law 10/2006, of 26 July, on Routh.
Regulated Professions
- Law 20/1998, of 14 December, on Professional Associations of Baleares.
Ley 11/2001, de 15 de junio, de ordenación de la actividad comercial en las Illes Balears- Law
11/2001, of 15 June, on Commercial Activity in Baleares.
Ley 2/1999, de 24 de marzo, general turística de las Illes Balears- Law 2/1999, of 24 March,
on tourism of Baleares.
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National Report for Spain June 2011
Ley 4/2010, de 16 de junio, de medidas urgentes para el impulso de la inversión en las Illes Balears
(BOIB núm. 94, de 26.06.2010)- Law 4/2010, of 16 June, of urgent measures to foster investments in
Resolució d’aprovació dels models de declaracions responsables per a l’inici i l’exercici d’activitats
permanents i no permanents (BOIB núm. 25, de 19.02.2011)- Resolution approving the format for
Reglamento de regulación de las actividades de tiempo libre infantil y juvenil en el ámbito territorial
de la isla de Ibiza (BOIB núm. 40, de 19.03.2011)- Regulation on the activities for entertainment of
infants and youth in Ibiza
Decreto 20/2011, de 18 de marzo, por el cual se establecen las disposiciones generales de clasificación
de la categoría de los establecimientos de alojamiento turístico en hotel, hotel apartamento y
apartamento turístico de las Illes Balears (BOIB núm. 46, de 30.03.2011)- Decree 20/2011, of 18
March, establishing general provisions on the classification of the tourism accomodations
Decreto 13/2011, de 25 de febrero, por el cual se establecen las disposiciones generales necesarias
para facilitar la libertad de establecimiento y de prestación de servicios turísticos, la regulación de la
declaración responsable, y la simplificación de los procedimientos administrativos en materia turística
(BOIB núm. 32, de 25.02.2011)- Decree 13/2011, of 25 February, establishing general provisions to
facilitate the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide tourism services, regulating the
responsable declaration and the simplification of administrative procedures.
Decreto 60/2009 de 25 de septiembre, por el cual se establecen la unificación de los procedimientos y
la simplificación de los trámites en materia turística, y también la declaración responsable de inicio de
las actividades turísticas (BOIB núm. 143, de 01.10.2009)- Decree 60/2009 of 25 September,
establishing the unification of procedures and simplification on tourism and the responsable
declaration to initiate tourism activities.
Ley 8/2009, de 16 de diciembre, de reforma de la Ley 11/2001, de 15 de junio, de ordenación de la
actividad comercial en las Illes Balears para la transposición de la Directiva 2006/123/CE del
Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a los servicios en el mercado
interior (BOE núm. 26, de 30.01.2010).
Ley 6/2009, de 15 de diciembre, de Medidas Fiscales y Administrativas para el año 2010(BOE núm.
14, de 16.01.2010)- Law 6/2009 of 15 December on Fiscal and Administrative Measures for 2010.
This Law amends:
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National Report for Spain June 2011
Ley 3/2005, de 14 de marzo, de Ordenación de la Actividad Comercial y las Actividades
Feriales en la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja- Law 3/2005, of 14 March, on Planning of
the Commercial Activities and Trade Fairs Activities in the Autonomous Community of La
Ley 7/2005, de 30 de junio, de Juventud de La Rioja- Law 7/2005, of 30 June, on Youth of La
Regulated Professions
Ley 4/1999, de 31 de marzo, de Colegios Profesionales de La Rioja- Law 4/1999, of 31
March, on Professional Associations of La Rioja
Ley 2/2001, de 31 de mayo, de Turismo de La Rioja- Law 2/2001, of 31 May, on Tourism of
La Rioja.
Decreto 25/2010, de 30 de abril, de modificación de diversos decretos para su adaptación a la
Directiva 2006/123/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a
los servicios en el Mercado Interior (BOR núm. 55, of 7.05.2010)- Decree 25/2010, of 30 April,
amending various decrees to adapt them to Directive 2006/123/EC
Decreto 14/2011, de 4 de marzo, por el que se por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de desarrollo de la
Ley 2/2001, de 31 de mayo, de Turismo de La Rioja (BOR num. 33, de 11.03.2011)- Decree 14/2011,
of 4 March, approving the Regulation developing Law 2/2001, of 31 May, on Tourism of La Rioja.
Food and Beverages
Decreto 6/2011, de 4 de febrero, por el que se deroga el Decreto 1/2003, de 31 de enero, por el que se
establecen las normas relativas a la formación de manipuladores de alimentos y al procedimiento de
autorización de empresas y entidades de formación (BOR núm. 20, de 11.02.2011)- Decree 6/2011, of
4 February, repealing Decree 1/2003, of 31 January, establishing norms related to the training of food
handlers and to autorization procedure for training companies and entities.
Ley 5/2010, de 12 de julio, de Medidas Fiscales para el Fomento de la Actividad Económica (BOCM
núm. 175, of 23.07.2010)- Law 5/2010, of 12 July, on Fiscal Measures to Foster the Economic
This Law amends:
Ley 1/1997, de 8 de enero, Reguladora de la Venta Ambulante de la Comunidad de MadridLaw 1/1997, of 8 January, Regulating Ambulant Trade in Madrid
Ley 8/2009, de 21 de diciembre, de Medidas Liberalizadoras y de Apoyo a la Empresa Madrileña
(BOE núm. 63 de 13/03/2010)
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National Report for Spain June 2011
This Law amends:
Ley 16/1999, de 29 de abril, de Comercio Interior de la Comunidad de Madrid- Law 16/1999,
of 29 April, on Interior Commerce in Madrid.
Ley 1/1997, de 8 de enero, reguladora de la Venta Ambulante de la Comunidad de MadridLaw 1/1997, of 8 January, regulating Ambulant Commerce in Madrid.
Regulated Professions
Ley 19/1997, de 11 de julio, de Colegios Profesionales de la Comunidad de Madrid- Law
19/1997, of 11 July, on Professional Associations of Madrid.
Ley 1/1999, de 12 de marzo, de Ordenación del Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid- Law
1/1999, of 12 March, on Tourism of Madrid.
Ley 3/2008, de 29 de diciembre, de Medidas Fiscales y Administrativas (BOE núm. 66, de
This Law amends:
Modificación parcial de la Ley 16/1999, de 29 de abril, de Comercio Interior de la Comunidad
de Madrid- Parcial modification of Law 16/1999, of 29 April, on Interior Commerce in
Modificación parcial de la Ley 21/1998, de 30 de noviembre, de Ordenación, Protección y
Promoción de la Artesanía en la Comunidad de Madrid- Partial modification of Law 21/1998,
of 30 November, on Planning, Protection and Promotion of Handycraft in Madrid.
Modificación parcial de la Ley 1/1999, de 12 de marzo, de Ordenación del Turismo en la
Comunidad de Madrid- Partial modification of Law 1/1999 on Tourism.
Orden 697/2010, de 15 de abril, por la que se deroga la Orden 713/1993, de 28 de junio, por la que se
crea y regula el Censo de Asociaciones Juveniles y Entidades Prestadoras de Servicios a la Juventud
de la Comunidad de Madrid (B.O.C.M. Núm. 126, de 28.05.2010)- Order 697/2010, of 15 April,
repealing Order 713/1993, of 28 June, establishing and regulating the Census of Youth Associations
and of Youth Service Providers Entities.
Decreto 19/2010, de 25 de marzo, del Consejo de Gobierno, por el que se regula el procedimiento
administrativo de autorización de centros docentes privados para impartir enseñanzas regladas no
universitarias (BOCM núm. 96, of 3.04.2010)- Decree 19/2010, of 25 March, of the Government
Council, regulating the administrative procedure to authorize private education centres to teach nonuniversity regulated disciplines.
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Ley 12/2009, de 11 de diciembre, por la que se modifican diversas leyes para su adaptación a la
Directiva 2006/123/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a
los servicios en el mercado interior (BOE núm. 40, de 16.02.2011).
This Law amends:
Ley 11/1988, de 30 de noviembre, de Artesanía de la Región de Murcia- Law 11/1988, of 30
November, on Handycraft of Murcia.
Ley 11/2006, de 22 de diciembre, sobre Régimen del Comercio Minorista y Plan de
Equipamientos Comerciales de la Región de Murcia- Law 11/2006, of 22 December, on the
Retail Commerce Regime and the Shopping Malls Plan in Murcia.
Ley 11/1997 de 12 de diciembre, de Turismo de la Región de Murcia- Law 11/1997, of 12
December, on Tourism of Murcia.
Decreto n.º 37/2011, de 8 de abril, por el que se modifican diversos decretos en materia de turismo
para su adaptación a la ley 11/1997, de 12 de diciembre, de turismo de la Región de Murcia tras su
modificación por la ley 12/2009, de 11 de diciembre, por la que se modifican diversas leyes para su
adaptación a la directiva 2006/123/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 12 de diciembre de
2006, relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior (BORM núm. 84, of 12.04.2011)- Decree 37/2011,
of 8 April, modifying diverse decrees in the field of tourism.
Ley Foral 6/2010, de 6 de abril, de modificación de diversas leyes forales para su adaptación a la
Directiva 2006/123/CE, relativa a los servicios en el mercado interior. (BOE 129 de 27/05/2010)
This Law amends:
Regulated Professions
Ley Foral 3/1998, de 6 de abril, de Colegios Profesionales de Navarra- Law 3/1998, of 6
April, on Professional Associations of Navarra.
Ley Foral 13/1989, de 3 de julio, de comercio no sedentario de Navarra- Law 13/1989, of 3
July, on Ambulant Commerce
Ley Foral 17/2001, de 12 de julio, reguladora del comercio en Navarra- Law 17/2001, of 12
July, regulating commerce in Navarra
Ley Foral 7/2003, de 14 de febrero, de Turismo- Law 7/2003, of 14 February, on Tourism
Ley Foral 15/2009, de 9 de diciembre, de medidas de simplificación administrativa para la puesta en
marcha de actividades empresariales o profesionales (BOE núm. 13, 15.01.2010)
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Decreto Foral 10/2011, de 14 de febrero, de modificación de diversos Reglamentos en materia de
Turismo (BON núm. 49, 11.03.2011)- Decree 10/2011, of 14 February, amending diverse regulation
in the field of Tourism.
Ley 7/2008, de 25 de junio, de segunda modificación de la Ley de la Actividad Comercial (BOPV
núm.128, de 07.07.2008)
Milieu Ltd
National Report for Spain June 2011
Sources of information
Web Ministerio de Economía (Ministry of Economy)
Informe sobre la transposición de la Directiva Servicios en España (20.01.2010) y Anexo (Report on
the transposition of the Services Directive in Spain).
Tirant Lo Blanch
Noticias Jurídicas
Milieu Ltd
National Report for Spain, June 2011