memorandum - Diocese of Brooklyn

7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11362  (718) 229-8001, ext. 350  Fax: (718) 281-4290  Email:
New Testament Instructors
Nelsa I. Elías
Comments Regarding Course
Fall 2011
The Pastoral Institute has made some changes to program procedures that will affect all instructors.
The most significant is the use of the PI Online Classroom (Aula en Linea del Instituto Pastoral).
Beginning last year, most of the participants’ required reading materials (except for books) were
posted on the PI Online Classroom. We ask that you remind the participants that they are responsible
for downloading and printing these resources.
This year many of the instructors’ materials will be posted online as well, for example the course
outlines, memos to instructors, and some of the instructors’ background reading materials. We ask for
your patience as we transition to this new procedure. We are aware that change is not always easy and
want to remind you that we are here to assist you.
It is important that participants in the lay formation program have every opportunity to become
acquainted with the course goals and objectives which will guide your presentation of the course
material as well as indicate what they are expected to have learned by the completion of the course.
Therefore, we ask you to please review the course purpose and the objectives of the participants’
education/formation experience at the first session of the course. We ask that you allocate time for
questions or comments from the group.
Also, the enclosure lists the required reading (English and Spanish) and the course outline indicates the
material that is to be covered. Please feel free to cover the topics and assign the reading from
Scripture (including the introductory material in the Bible), the text and articles, in the order that you
find most comfortable.
Please note: With regard to the integration paper, we continue requiring that the instructors (both
English and Spanish tracks) offer the participants a choice of three or four of the topics/questions from
among the enclosed list only (see course outline.) These topics/questions ensure that the participant
will have an opportunity to show an understanding of the course material, as well as a chance to
integrate the theology with ministerial experience. If you any questions about this procedure, please
contact me.
At the end of this material is a supplemental reading and resource list. This list will be given to the
participants when they complete the program as part of an overall comprehensive packet of
information. There is no need for you to make copies and distribute in the class; however, if someone
asks for a reading list feel free to make a copy for him or her.
Thank you for all of your efforts on behalf of the Pastoral Institute. Please let me know if you have
any questions regarding this or any of the course material.
Pastoral Institute ♦ Diocese of Brooklyn
Lay Ministry Program
Course Title: Introduction to the New Testament: Salvation in Christ
Course Length:
14 hours
This course will enable participants to gain an integral grasp of the scope of the New Testament
writings, its chronology, development in stages and the distinct literary genres of these writings.
Building on content of the Hebrew Scriptures, participants will be shown how God’s plan of
salvation for the entire human race is completed in the mission of Jesus.
1. To present an overview of the twenty-seven books and four main literary genres of the
New Testament and its development in stages.
2. To present Jesus’ teachings in the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.
3. To study the impact of Jesus’ life and mission on early Christian communities as seen
through the lens of St. Paul.
4. To discern God’s Word to us now and its implication for ministry in a culturally diverse
Required Reading:
Catechism of the Catholic Church. Part One, Section One, Article 3: Sacred Scripture.
(Available in English and Spanish)
Charpentier, Etienne y Burnet, Régis. Para leer el Nuevo Testamento. Estella, Spain. Editorial
Verbo Divino, 2006.
Donahue, S.J., John. Model of Persuasion. America. New York, NY. America Press, vol. 199,
no. 15, November 10, 2008.
Dei Verbum: Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. (Available in English and Spanish)
Guinan, O.F.M., Michael. D. The Bible and Prayer: Themes from the Synod. Catholic Update.
Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2009.
Hoppe, O.F.M., Leslie. Optimists and Pessimists Read the Book of Revelation. Scripture from
Scratch. Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1997.
La Bibla Latinoamerica. Editorial Verbo Divino.
Maloney, Robert. Mary of History. Catholic Update. Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger
Press, 2008.
Page 1
*Mickler, Jeffrey Rev. How Scholars Translate the Bible. Video on
New American Bible, The. Catholic Bible Press.
Race, S.S.J., Marianne. Geography of the New Testament: Walk the Walk. Scripture from
Scratch. Cincinnati, OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2001.
Rohr, Richard and Martos, Joseph. The Great Themes of Scripture: New Testament. Cincinnati,
OH. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1988.
Historia del Nuevo Testamento. Agosto 2010.
Loring, Jorge. Los manuscritos del Evangelio. Agosto 2010.
Instructor’s Background Material
Pope Benedict XVI. Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini September 2010.
Especially Part I: The Interpretation Of Sacred Scripture In The Church. (pdf)
El Santo Papa Benedicto XVI. Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal Verbum Domini. Septiembre
2010. Sobre La Palabra de Dios en la Vida y en la Misión de la Iglesia. Especialmente Parte 1:
La interpretación de las Sagradas Escrituras en la Iglesia.
Page 2
Pastoral Institute ♦ Diocese of Brooklyn
Lay Ministry Program
Course Title: Introduction to the New Testament: Salvation in Christ
Course Outline
Part I: Overview of the 27 books of the New Testament Canon
Chronology of the writings
Literary genres of the New Testament
Acts of the Apostles
Apocalyptic literature: The Book of Revelation
How to use Gospel parallels
Participant readings
o Dei Verbum Chapter V
o Catechism of the Catholic Church, #124-#141
o La Bibla Latinoamerica and The New American Bible (New Testament
introductory material)
o Geography of the New Testament: Walk the Walk (Scripture from Scratch)
o Optimists and Pessimists Read the Book of Revelation (Scripture from Scratch)
o Selections from Rohr/Martos or Charpentier
Part II: Development of the Gospels in Stages
Words and deeds of Jesus
Apostolic preaching about Jesus
From Oral to Written: the Evangelists
Participant readings
o La Bibla Latinoamerica and The New American Bible (introductory material)
o Selections from Rohr/Martos or Charpentier
o How Scholars Translate the Bible. Video on
Part III: The Gospel of Mark
Page 1
Jesus as Suffering Servant
The “messianic secret”
The miraculous cures indicate that the reign of God is present
Jesus’ journey from Jerusalem to his resurrection in glory
Following Jesus in serving, suffering, dying—disciples will also rise in glory
Participant reading
o La Bibla Latinoamerica and The New American Bible (including introductory
o Selections from Rohr/Martos or Charpentier
Part IV: The Gospel of Matthew
Jesus as authoritative Rabbi preaches the Good News of the Reign of God
Significance of the infancy narrative
Temptation in the desert: prelude to Jesus’ public ministry
Jesus calls his first disciples
The five discourses: Jesus is the new Moses
The Sermon on the Mount
Parables of the Kingdom and the Church
o The Kingdom of Heaven is like…
o Who can enter the Kingdom of God
o The mission of the church is the same as the mission of Jesus: to preach the Reign
of God open to all people
Implications for ministry in a culturally diverse Church
Participant reading
o La Bibla Latinoamerica and The New American Bible (including introductory
o Selections from Rohr/Martos or Charpentier
Part V: The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles
The Gospel of Luke
Page 2
o Jesus is the light to the Gentiles
Implications for a culturally diverse Church
o Jesus preaches the Good News that God loves and forgives us unconditionally
o Following Jesus means believing, repenting, being baptized, being a member of
Jesus’ faith community (now) and awaiting his coming again (not yet)
o Images of God’s justice
o The power of the Holy Spirit
o Table fellowship
o Mary in the New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
o Good disciples follow in Jesus’ footsteps by
Proclaiming Jesus (as ushering in reign of God)
Praying to the Father
Accepting the guidance of the Spirit in the faith community
o Speaking in tongues seen through the lens of a culturally diverse Church
o The work of the Holy Spirit in the early Church
Participant reading
o La Bibla Latinoamerica and The New American Bible (including introductory
o Selections from Rohr/Martos or Charpentier
o Mary of History (Catholic Update, English only)
Part VI: The Gospel of John
The Book of Signs: Chapters 1-12
o The 7 minor signs
Cana: manifestation of Jesus’ glory
Sick boy: Jesus’ word leads to healing
Crippled man: Jesus gives life
Loaves and fishes: Jesus is nourishment
Walking on water: Jesus dispels fear
Man born blind: belief in Jesus
Raising of Lazarus: gift of life leads to death
o The sign of the resurrection
o Women at the well
o Bread of Life discourse
 Word of life becomes flesh
Page 3
Community’s good news is the sharing of the flesh of Christ
o Man born blind
o Good Shepherd
The Book of Glory: Chapters 13-21
o Farewell discourse
Divine and human cooperation
Making known
Seeing at birth
Misunderstanding of Jesus words
Asking in Jesus name is effective
o Last Supper
o Vine and branches
o Passion, death and resurrection
Participant reading
o La Bibla Latinoamerica and The New American Bible (including introductory
o Selections from Rohr/Martos or Charpentier
Part VII: The Letters of Paul
Overview of Pauline corpus: Preaching the Gospel in light of Jesus’ death and
o When, why, and where Paul writes
Selected letters from the corpus: Issues and themes
1 Thessalonians: Paul the pastoral theologian
Galatians : Discerning the nature of the Christian movement
Romans: Proclaiming Christian spirituality
Hebrews: Christ the High Priest
The Pastoral Epistles: Shaping our ideas about tradition, church authority, and
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
o The Catholic Epistles: Advice useful for all the churches
1 Peter
Page 4
2 Peter
1, 2, 3 John
Participant reading
o La Bibla Latinoamerica and The New American Bible (including introductory
o Selections from Rohr/Martos or Charpentier
o Model of Persuasion
Part VIII: God’s Word to us now
This concluding section seeks to integrate what has gone before (Material is taken from
Margaret Nutting Ralph writing in Scripture: Nourished by the Word. Catholic Basics: A
Pastoral Ministry Series. Chicago, IL. Loyola Press, 2002)
Scripture in the Life of the Church and in the Participant’s Life and Ministry
Scripture in our Eucharistic Liturgy
Scripture in the Development of Church Doctrine
Scripture in Moral Decision Making
Scripture in our Communal Prayer Life
Scripture in Personal Discernment
Reflection Questions for the class
o How does Scripture nourish and rule the Mass, the communal prayers, and the
catechetical programs in your parish? What more could be done?
o What does “think biblically” mean to you? Do you think biblically when you face a
moral dilemma? Can you give an example?
o Have you ever experienced Scripture as a living word? Explain.
Participant reading
o Dei Verbum Chapter VI (English and Spanish)
o The Bible and Prayer: Themes from the Synod
Page 5
*Questions for Integration Paper – English
(Instructors: Please choose from among these questions/themes ONLY.)
*Participants are asked to answer one from among these questions only. Make sure that all parts
of the question are answered. The paper should be between 3-5 pages in length, double-spaced.
Participants are to hand in a self-addressed stamped envelope and two copies of the paper on or
by the due date.
1. Choose one of the four Gospels and write a talk or presentation on this Gospel for a group
with which you work or to whom you minister in your Parish. In your talk or presentation:
A. Briefly describe the group you work with, including the ages, genders and ethnicities
of the participants.
B. Identify the Gospel you have chosen to write about.
C. Explain the evangelist’s message using examples from the Gospel.
D. Indicate the situation or the problems or concerns of the community for whom this
Gospel was written.
E. Indicate how the message of this Gospel could be helpful to the people with whom
you work or to whom you minister. Answer all parts of this question.
2. Choose one of the themes in Richard Rohr’s New Testament text “The Great Themes of
A. Explain the theme in detail citing appropriate scripture passages and what you have
learned in this course.
B. Indicate how this theme is appropriate for you at this point in your life or how it is
appropriate for your ministry. Give examples. Answer all parts of this question.
3. Discuss and explain the impact that the Holy Spirit’s coming had on the disciples as
specifically depicted in the Acts of the Apostles. Give examples. Explain how the salvation
of the world is a collaborative effort in which aided by the Holy Spirit we help Jesus through
our daily living. Explain specifically how you could collaborate with Jesus through your life
and ministry.
4. In reference to the Gospels of Mark and Luke, discuss how Jesus’ moral and spiritual
teachings require his disciples to internalize the law and respond to God and others. Give
examples from these Gospels to illustrate what you learned about these teachings. As a
disciple of Jesus today, discuss how Jesus’ teachings guide, direct and/or challenge you in
living your life and in your ministry.
5. Central to Jesus’ teaching is the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Discuss how
miracles and parables help him to reveal the reign of God to his followers. (Give specific
examples.) In the Gospels, what does Jesus reveal about the Kingdom of God and about who
will enter it? As a disciple of Jesus today, discuss your own experiences and/or insights into
the Kingdom of God especially relating to your ministerial role. Answer all parts of this
Page 6
*Preguntas Para el Trabajo de Integración
Instructores: Por favor escojan de entre estas preguntas/temas SOLAMENTE.
*Se le pedirá al participante que conteste una de estas preguntas/temas solamente. Debe de
contestar todas las partes de la pregunta escogida. El papel debe constar de 3 a 5 paginas, con
doble espacio entre cada renglón. El participante debe entregar dos copias del trabajo antes o
en la fecha limite con un sobre que ha sido preparado de antemano con la dirección del
participante y suficientes estampillas para devolverle el trabajo calificado.
1. Escoja uno de los cuatro Evangelios y escribe una charla o presentación sobre el
Evangelio para un grupo con el cual usted trabaja o para un grupo al cual usted sirve en
su ministerio. En su presentación o charla:
a. Brevemente describa el grupo, incluya las edades, sexo, etnicidad de los
b. Identifique el Evangelio que ha escogido.
c. Explique el mensaje del evangelista usando ejemplos del mismo Evangelio.
d. Indique la situación o los problemas de la comunidad por quien fue escrito el
e. Explique como el mensaje de este Evangelio podría ayudar a las personas con las
cuales trabaja o al cual usted sirve en su ministerio. Conteste todas las partes de
la pregunta.
2. Escoja un tema recurrente en el Nuevo Testamento, basándose en lo aprendido en clase.
a. Explique el tema en detalle citando pasajes apropiados de las escrituras y
refiriéndose a lo que aprendió en clase.
b. Explique por qué este tema es apropiado para usted en este momento preciso de
su vida o como es apropiado para su ministerio. Muestre ejemplos, recordando de
contestar todas las partes de la pregunta.
3. Explique el impacto que tuvo la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre los discípulosespecíficamente según los Hechos de los Apóstoles. De ejemplos. Explique como la
salvación del mundo es un esfuerzo de colaboración en el cual auxiliados por el Espíritu
Santo nosotros ayudamos a Jesús a través de nuestra vida diaria. Explique
específicamente como usted podría colaborar con Jesús en su propia vida y en su
4. Refiriéndose a los Evangelios de Marcos y Lucas, explique como las enseñanzas morales
y espirituales de Jesús requieren que sus discípulos interioricen la Ley para poder
responder a Dios y a los demás. Cite ejemplos de estos Evangelios para demostrar lo
que ha aprendido acerca de estas enseñanzas. Como discípulo de Jesús hoy, explique
como las enseñanzas de Jesús guían, dirigen, y/o le presentan desafíos en su vida diaria y
en su ministerio. Por favor conteste cada parte de esta pregunta.
5. El establecimiento del Reino de Dios es una enseñanza fundamental de Jesús. Hable
sobre cómo los milagros y parábolas ayudan a revelar el Reino de Dios a sus seguidores.
(De ejemplos específicos.) En los Evangelios, ¿qué revela Jesús sobre el Reino de Dios y
acerca de quién podrá entrar? Como discípulo de Jesús hoy, hable acerca de sus propias
experiencias acerca de el Reino de Dios, especialmente en lo relativo a su función
ministerial. Responda a todas las partes de esta pregunta.
Page 7
Pastoral Institute ♦ Diocese of Brooklyn
Lay Ministry Program
Course Title: Introduction to Christian Scripture: Salvation in Christ
Supplementary Reading and Resources
Achtemeier, Paul J., et al. Invitation to The Gospels. New York, NY. Paulist Press, 2002.
Bible Documents, The: A Parish Resource. Chicago, IL. Liturgy Training Publications, 2001.
Bergant, C.S.A., Dianne and Karris, O.F.M. Robert J., eds. The Collegeville Bible Commentary.
Collegeville, MN. The Liturgical Press, 1989.
Brown, S.S., Raymond E. An Introduction to the Gospel of John. New York, NY. Doubleday,
- - -. Responses to 101 Questions on the Bible. New York, NY. Paulist Press, 1990.
Brown, S.S., Raymond, et al., eds. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Upper Saddle River,
NJ. Prentice Hall, 1990.
Dempsey, Carol J. and Loewe, William P., eds. Theology and Sacred Scripture. Maryknoll,
NY. Orbis Books, 2002.
Harrington, S.J., Daniel J. Who is Jesus? Why is He Important? An Invitation to the New
Testament. Franklin, WS. Sheed and Ward, 1999.
Kelly, Joseph F. An Introduction to the New Testament for Catholics. Collegeville, MN.
Liturgical Press, 2006.
LaVerdiere, Eugene. Dining in the Kingdom of God. Chicago, IL. Liturgy Training
Publications, 1994.
Link, S.J., Mark. Path Through Scripture. Allen, TX. Tabor Publishing, 1995.
Malina, Bruce J. The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology. 3rd ed.
Louisville, KY. Westminster John Knox Press, 2001.
Miranda, José Miguel. Lecciones Bíblicas. Mexico. Publicaciones Paulinas, 1995.
Nickle, Keith F. The Synoptic Gospels: An Introduction. Revised and Expanded. Louisville,
KY. Westminster John Knox Press, 2001.
Powell, Mark Allan. Fortress Introduction to the Gospels. Minneapolis, MN. Fortress Press,
Page 8
Ralph, Ph.D., Margaret Nutting. Scripture: Nourished by the Word. Chicago, IL. Loyola Press,
2002. (Also available in Spanish as La Sagrada Escritura: alimentados por la palabra.)
Robbins, Vernon K. Exploring the Texture of Texts: A Guide to Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation.
Harrisburg, PA. Trinity Press International, 1996.
Schneiders, Sandra M. Written That You May Believe: Encountering Jesus in the Fourth Gospel.
Revised and Expanded. New York, NY. Crossroads Publishing, 2003.
Senior, Donald. Jesus: A Gospel Portrait. New York, NY. Paulist Press, 1992.
Stein, Robert. Studying the Synoptic Gospels: Origin and Interpretation. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids,
MI. Baker Academic, 2001.
Stuhlmueller, C.P., Carroll, gen. ed. The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology.
Collegeville, MN. The Liturgical Press, 1996.
Thockmortin, Jr., Burton H. Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels.
Nashville, TN. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992.
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