The Catholic Communities of Jack and Wise Counties MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LA MISA PLEASE CALL OUR CENTRAL OFFICE TO SCHEDULE MASS INTENTIONS. FAVOR DE LLAMAR A NUESTRA OFICINA CENTRAL PARA OFRECER UNA INTENCION DE MISA. Oct./ octubre 12 7:00 pm...........................................Mauricio Said Hernandez † Esteban Peña (Requested by: Familia Hernandez) Oct./ octubre 13 8:30 am............................................................. Victor Gonzales (Requested by: The Ladies of St. John’s) 10:30 am....................................................... Dorothy Pennartz (Requested by: ABVM Ladies Group) Susan Cone † (Requested by: Tom Cone) 1:00 pm.............................................................All Parishioners 5:00 pm Oct./ octubre 14 8:30am..................................................................Betty Vaught (Requested by: The Ladies of St. John’s) Oct./ octubre 16 6:00pm........................................................... Benedicta Luna † Oct./ octubre 17 8:30am...............................................................Irene Pennartz (Requested by: Ethel Pennartz) Oct./ octubre 18 8:30am O ne day a construction supervisor from 6th floor of building was calling a worker working on the ground floor. Because of construction noise, the worker on ground floor did not hear his supervisor calling. Then, to draw the attention of worker, the supervisor threw a 10 rupee note from up which fell right around in front of the worker. The worker picked up the 10 rupee note, put it in his pocket & continued with his work. Again to draw the attention of worker, the supervisor now threw 500 rupee notes & the worker did the same, picked 500 rupee notes, put it in his pocket & started doing his job. Now to draw attention of the worker, the supervisor picked a small stone & threw on worker. The stone hit exactly the workers head. This time the worker looked up & the supervisor communicated with the worker. This story is same as of our life. Lord from up wants to communicate with us, but we are busy doing our worldly jobs. Then God gives us small gifts & we just keep it without seeing from where we got it. Then God gives us amounts (gifts) & we are the same. Just keep the gifts without seeing from where it came & without thanking God. We just say we are LUCKY. Then when we are hit with a small stone, which we call problems, then we look up & we communicate with God. So every time we get gifts, we should thank God immediately, and not wait till we are hit by a small stone, and then communicate with God 28o domingo Ordinario 28th Sunday of the year Reflection: One can be grateful to someone with four inner dispositions: The first disposition is a sense of duty or obligation. The relationship between the two ends when the obligation is fulfilled. The second disposition is selfishness. One continues to relate and to thank the other as a provision for the favors needed in the future. The third disposition is love. Children are grateful to their parents and student are grateful to their teachers out of love. The fourth way is to be eternally grateful. One likes to remain indebted to the other for lifetime. Such relationship of gratitude never ends with obligations fulfilled. It continues for ever. Namaan and the Samaritan are ever grateful to God. With what disposition am I grateful to God? 28 domingo Ordinario Reflexión: Uno puede ser agradecido con alguien con cuatro disposiciones interiores: la primera disposición es el sentido del deber u obligación. La relación entre ambos termina cuando se ha cumplido la obligación. La segunda disposición es egoísmo. Uno sigue relacionando y dando las gracias a las otras personas como una provisión a los favores necesarios en el futuro. La tercera disposición es amor. Los niños están agradecidos a sus padres y los estudiantes están agradecidos a sus profesores por amor. La cuarta forma es estar eternamente agradecidos. Le gusta permanecer en deuda con el otro para toda la vida. Dicha relación de gratitud nunca termina con obligaciones cumplidas. Se continúa por siempre. Naamán y el samaritano son siempre agradecidos a Dios. ¿Con qué disposición estoy agradecido a Dios? Fall Fest THANK YOU!!!! A big thank you to our volunteers from all three parishes. Thank you for coming out and supporting our Catholic Communities, the Fall Fest was a great success thanks to YOU. “God loves a cheerful giver.” Festival de Otoño MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS!!! Muchas gracias a nuestros voluntarios de las tres parroquias. Gracias por ir a apoyar a nuestras Comunidades Catolicas, el Festival de Otoño fue todo un extio gracias a TI. “Dios ama a los que dan con alegría.” Marriage Encounter: Fall is Here! This means that the holiday season is coming. Before the hustle and bustle of November and December arrive, consider giving each other the gift of time. A weekend away from everything and everyone and time to devote to each other. Marriage Encounter is a unique way for couples to deepen their relationship in private dialogue. Come join us Nov. 1-3 (or Valentine’s weekend) contact 817-451-6005 or register at Registration@ Birthday Lunch: The Ladies of St. John’s would like to invite everyone to a Birthday luncheon at the Parish Hall at St. John’s. We want to celebrate all who have an October birthday. Come join us on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd at 11:00a.m. Please RSVP with Mabel Anderle 940-969-2412 if you care to join us, as we’ll be ordering from Prontos Italian Restaurant and need to have a headcount. Please include in yours prayers those who are ill and recovering. Porfavor incluya en sus oraciones a aquellos que estan enfermos o en recuperacion. Mr. Jose Valdez, Mrs. Monica Lopez, Mr. Emilio Rodriguez and Mrs. Rita Rodriguez, Mrs. Patricia Tribbey, Mr. Manuel Oca, Mr. Curtis Reeves, Mrs. Lisa Toledo-Ocampo, Mr. Urbano Gonzalez, Ms. Rosio Gonzalez, Mr. Leo Riney, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor, Mr. Clarence Pennartz, Mrs. Ann Jolley, Mr. Jose De Luna, Mr. Phinney, Mrs. Ruth La Caze, Mrs. Louise Stone, Mrs. Frances Janecka, Mr. Bob Dougher, Mr. Rodolfo Hernandez, Mr. Modesto Romero. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS AND ATTENDANCE COLLECTION FOR 10-06-13 Parish Collection Children’s Attendance ABVM...................$2,475.24.................$00.00......................000 ST. JOHN..............$1,601.28.................$42.00......................365 ST. MARY............$80.00......................$00.00......................00 TOTAL............... $4,156.52................$42.00....................365 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. JOHN’S CARVE OUT SOME TIME:To join the Movers and Shakers for a Fright Game Night, Friday, Oct. 18, 7:00 P.M., St. John Parish Hall. Eat, Drink and Be scary wearing your favorite costume. Garlic will not be served!!! • • • Thanksgiving Baskets The Ladies of St. John’s will be organizing Thanksgiving baskets and need your assistance. The ushers will be passing out paper bags with the list of needed foods on Oct. 26th & 27th. Please be generous and return the filled bags by Nov. 16th & 17th. If you know of anyone needing a basket, please contact the church office. Thank you! Canastas de Comida para el Dia de Dar Gracias Las Damas de San Juan estan organizando las canastas del Dia de Dar Gracias y necesitan de su cooperacion. Los acomodadores pasaran las bolsas de papel con la lista de las cosas mas necesarias el fin de semana del 26 y 27 de octubre. Porfavor sea generoso y regrese las bolsas con sus donaciones para el fin de semana del 16 y 17 de noviembre despues de misas. Si usted sabe de alguien que realmente necesite una de estas canastas, llame a la oficina. • • • LITURGY READERS • 10-20-13 Caitlyn Murray & Ken Murray LECTORES • 10-19-13 Esmeralda & Karen Brown EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS • 10-20-13 Jim & Ann Duffy, Robert & Judith Creese MINISTROS DE LA EUCARISTIA • 10-19-13 Rodolfo & Isabel Hernandez, Evelyn Hernandez, Luly Duran ASSUMPTION Please continue to bring food for our needy families. Por favor, siga donando alimentos para nuestras familias necesitadas • • • Ultreya en Asuncion:La Ultreya de Asuncion en Decatur se reune todos los martes comenzando a las 6:30 con el Rosario. Estan todos coordialmente invitados a ser parte de estas reuniones. • • • ABVM Ladies Group: The Ladies Group will meet on Oct. 14th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. We’ll start planning for Thanksgiving Baskets, all ladies from the Parish are invited. • • • LITURGY READERS • 10-20-13 Jessica Huerta & Stephanie Harris LECTORES • 10-20-13 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS • 10-20-13 Dr. Thomas Steffen, Jim Anderson,Linda Anderson, Marcella Rhine,Lillian Pennartz, Delma Pillot MINISTROS DE LA EUCARISTIA 10-20-13 Jose & Manuela Fernandez, Jose Luis & Ana Valenzuela, Domingo Rivas, Elva Varela ABVM ALTAR SERVERS MONAGUILLOS • 10-20-13 Lucy, Rose, Tanner, Charlie October 13, 2013 FAITH FORMATION/FORMACIÓN DE FE Faith Formation began 9/22 and is in full swing with over 400 children attending across our parishes. To ensure we continue to have a successful year, I’d like to highlight a few of the policies/ procedures. A full copy of the policies/procedures is available in the DRE Office. Please be on time to class. We have approximately 1 to 1.5 hours once a week with your children. Let’s partner together for our children’s growth in our Catholic faith. 2 tardies = one absence. Attending mass is a vital part of all faith formation classes. For sacramental preparation (reconciliation, communion, confirmation), mass cards will be handed out in October. For Wednesday dismissal, please park your car and wait for your son/daughter in the parish hall. As fall approaches, it will be dark at 8pm and we want to keep our kids safe. For Sunday dismissal, please do not occupy the hallways. The children attending Spanish mass will be escorted to the church beginning at 12:45pm. The remaining children will be in the classroom for parent pickup. • • • World Youth Day, Six Flags • Sunday, 10/20/13 8th, 9th, 10th graders - we will depart from ABVM at 830am. We are working on the transportation. More information to come. • • • We are planning for an initial session for Safe Environment Training for adults (18+) to be held at Assumption on Saturday, 10/19/13 from 9a-12p. Please RSVP by Friday, 10/11/13 to Anna Boyles at 940 390-9596. All teachers, teacher assistants, volunteers, and anyone involved in ministries, if you have not attended a workshop, be prepared to attend. The Knights of Columbus/ Los Caballeros de Colon The Knights of Columbus will hold an open house for the families in our parishes who are interested in learning more about the Knights of Columbus. The meeting will be after masses in Bridgeport on Saturday, Oct. 19th and Sunday, Oct. 20th and in Decatur after both English and Spanish masses on Sunday, Oct. 20th. The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 in the state of Connecticut, by Father Michael McGivney. The organization grew from a tiny group to a worldwide organization of more than 1.8 million members today. In our parishes, our Knights of Columbus council participates in various activities both locally and nationally. Nationally, we donate to worthy causes such as a wheelchair donation program and disaster assistance drives. Locally, we fund scholarships for college students in our 3 parishes. We deliver corsages to mothers on Mother’s Day at local nursing homes and help with our annual Fall Festival. Members of the Knights of Columbus will be present to answer your questions about our council and its goals, interests and activities. For more information, you can call our Deputy Grand Knight Victor Gonzalez at (940) 393-2082, Dan August at (940) 389-6735 or Howard Biel at (940) 255-8317. Tendremos una reunión para las personas que quieran aprender sobre el trabajo que hacen los Caballeros de Colón en la iglesia católica, el sábado 19 de Octubre en Bridgeport y el domingo 20 de Octubre en Decatur. Se servirán refrescos. Los Caballeros de Colón comenzaron en el año 1882 en Connecticut, por un sacerdote llamado Michael McGivney, de aquel grupo pequeño, hoy esta organización ha crecido a más de 1.8 millones de miembros en todo el mundo. En nuestra iglesia realizan diferentes actividades comunitarias, como donar sillas de ruedas, flores para el día de las madres, a las mujeres que están en los asilos, también ayudan en el Festival de Otoño y dan becas universitarias, y muchos actos de caridad, unidad y Amistad. Algunos miembros estarán presentes para responder a sus preguntas o para más información pueden llamar: Víctor González al (940) 393-2082 o Karl Brown (940) 577-2709. H & H Sales 3704 N US HWY 287 Alvord, TX 76225 • 940-627-2078 Bill Hoerth • Pallet Rack- Shelving Installations • • • • Special thanks to our advertisers. If you are interested in placing your ad on the back of our bulletin please call the number on the back of the bulletin or the office.