August 21, 2016 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Welcome To St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Community
66700 Pierson Blvd., Desert Hot Springs 92240
Office 760-329-8794 Fax 760-329-6760 Outreach Center 760-329-2677
Parish Office: Monday—Friday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
E-mail: stelizabetho
Rev. Khan Ngo, Administrator
5:00 P.M.-English
7:00 A.M. Español
7:00 P.M.-Spanish/ Español
9:00 A.M. - English
11:00 A.M. - Español
Weekdays: 7:30 A.M.
( Holy Days—to be announced )
Monday– Eucharis c Service Tuesday-Friday—Mass
(Rosary recited before mass each morning)
Anoin ng of the Sick: Thursdays a er 7:30 A.M Mass
Confessions– Saturday—3:30—4:30 P.M.
Bap sm/ Marriage / Sick Call– Please Call the Office
Deacon Jerry Campbell………………………………...
Deacon Armando Luevano……………………… ……….. .
Office Manager:…………………………………………..Pam Gorski 329-8794
Recep onist: .................................................. Susie Dauto 329-8794
Office of Cateche cal Ministries:
Coordinator of First Communion…...: Patricia Balderrama 251-9268
Coordinator of Confirma on : …….Alicia Haro……….……..…...251-9268
Coordinator of RCIA/RICA……….Maria Ruiz…………………….…..251-9268
Maintenance :…………………………………………..Jose Rodriquez.329-8794
Music Ministry/Music :
E– Office
—329-8794 S—Sinai Gallo………………….760-238-1558
Eucharis c Ministers/ Ministro de Eucaris a:
E 760-329-8794………………….……… S-Antonio Montanez….760-288-7332
E– Donna Brady 760-288-7322 S– Arcelia Vega….…….…760-894-0434
S—Maribel Ramirez…….…….760-609-8937
Hospitality/ Hospitalidad
E Zoran Vranes 760-329-3168 S– Raul Chavez…….………...760-288-6798
S-Jose Luis Ayala………...……..760-329-8541
Decoracion/Environment : Salud Becerril………………….760-673-9299
Altar Servers/ Acolitos :
E– Be y Rose 329-0105 . S– Mauricio Sauceda ....760-902-2101
RCIA/ Adult Educa on Valen ne & Maria Ruiz ….760-288-0050
Pla cas Pre-Bau smales:
Luis Lopez ………………………..…………………..…………… 760-835-1156
Clase MatrimonialesGuillermo & Sandra Gonzalez760-221-5492
Pla cas Quinceañeras …….Linda Ayala………………..760-329-8541
Grupo de Oracion:Antonio & Clairbel Montanez...760-288-7332
Voca on Promo on ……………...Eddie Ruiz……………..760-250-1981
Comunidades Pequenas de Fe.Zeniada Valverde…...760-660-0646
Food Pantry & Outreach Program Director
• ……………………………………...Call the church office 329-8794
• Food Pantry Hours……. ………….( 8:30-10:30 - Tues )
Ministerio de los Enfermos….Luis Lopez………….760-251-0093
Communion to Sick, Homebound and Hospital
Church Office….. ……..……………………...760-329-8794
Funeral Repast ……………..Delores St. Amour… …….760-329-3466
Respect-Life Ministry… …….Barbara Devine………..714-290-0844
Church Building …………………………………………………….760-329-8794
Landscaping - …………………………………… Rigo Figueroa.760-993-8352
Jus cia para Los Inmigrantes .. Francisco Camacho...760-905-2055
St. Elizabeth’s Altar Society
( Meets Every 1st Monday 11AM) Catherine Miranda……...….508-542-9753
Knights of Columbus-Grand Knight, Eddie Ruiz ……..760-250-1981
Preven on/Prevencion y Rescate...Jose Morales…...760-676-6130
“We, the Parishioners of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church, are a community of faith called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus the
Christ so that people’s lives may be filled with hope.”.
“Nosotros, los feligreses de la Iglesia Católica Apostólica y Romana Santa Isabel de Hungría, somos una comunidad de fe llamando a proclamar las
buenas noticias de Jesús el Cristo para que así la vida de las personas estén llenas de esperanza.”
Welcome to your new parish! Please stop by the parish office to register, or fill out the
registration form request inside our bulletin and place in the offertory basket.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Page 2
August 21, 2016
Mass Intentions
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 21, 2016
Strengthen your drooping hands
and your weak knees.
Make straight paths for your feet,
that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed.
— Hebrews 12:12-13
First Reading — Brothers and sisters of every race and language will be brought to Jerusalem (Isaiah 66:18-21).
Psalm — Go out to all the world and tell the Good News
(Psalm 117).
Second Reading — Be strong and endure your trials as the
“discipline” of a loving God, for it will result in the peaceful
fruit of righteousness (Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13).
Gospel — People from east and west, north and south, recline
at table in the kingdom of God (Luke 13:22-30).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5;
Mt 23:13-22
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13;
Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;
Jn 1:45-51
1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11;
Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21;
Mt 25:14-30
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Ps 68:4-7, 10-11;
Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lk 14:1, 7-14
Primera lectura — Hermanos y hermanas de todas las razas
e idiomas acudirán a Jerusalén (Isaías 66:18-21).
Salmo — Vayan por todo el mundo y prediquen el Evangelio
(Salmo 117 [116]).
Segunda lectura — Sé fuerte y soporta las pruebas como la
“disciplina” de un Dios amoroso
(Hebreos 12:5-7, 11-13).
Evangelio — Gente del este y el oeste, del norte y del sur se
sentarán a la mesa del Reino de Dios
(Lucas 13:22-30).Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de
Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos
2 Tes 1:1-5, 11-12; Sal 96 (95):1-5;
Mt 23:13-22
2 Tes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Sal 96 (95):10-13;
Mt 23:23-26
Miércoles: Ap 21:9b-14; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18;
Jn 1:45-51
1 Cor 1:1-9; Sal 145 (144):2-7; Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 10-11;
Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31; Sal 33 (32):12-13, 18-21;
Mt 25:14-30
Domingo: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Sal 68 (67):4-7,
10-11; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lc 14:1, 7-14
Saturday, August 20
5:00 PM Jerry Villa † RIP
Requested by Betty Rose
7:00 PM Jesus Amezola—Special Intention
De Familia Ruiz
Sunday, August 21
7:00 AM People of the Parish
9:00 AM Ambrosio Castillo † RIP
Requested By Rosa Castillo
Aurora Perez † RIP
Requested By The Perez Family
11:00 AM Vera Flores † RI P
De Familia Ruiz
Monday, August 22
7:30 AM Eucharistic Service
Tuesday, August 23
7:30 AM Fr. Khan Ngo—Special Intention
Requested By Misa Toma
Wednesday, August 24
7:30 AM Jessica Bates—Special Intention
Requested By Betty Rose
Thursday, August 25
7:30 AM Elide Sanchez † RIP
De Familia Perez
Friday, August 26
7:30 AM Misa Toma—Special Intention
The Second Collection this weekend is for
Our Outreach Program
Thank you for your generosity
St. Elizabeth’s Parish Community
Collections: August 15, 2016
La Colecta Del Fin De Semana 7th de Agosto
Sat. 5:00 pm—$ 639.29 7:00 pm– $353.25
Sun. 7:00 am—$ 684.50 9:00 am—$ 1,160.00
11:00 am—$895.85 Total : $3,732.89
2nd Collection DDF— $639.99
Diocese Goal: $27,800.00
Pledges Made: $36,494.00
Parish Goal: 45,000 Gifts Received: $35,011.97
PLEASE PRAY FOR: In your kindness and charity toward others please remember the sick, the shut-ins, the troubled, the unemployed, and others who need our special prayers: Barney
Panfil, Al & Saundra Domenech, Ronald Hills, Marilyn Brennan,
Donna Huyck, Gina Vicari, Theresa Whalen, Mary Johnston,
Mary Latterell, Hope Bates, Theresa Witges, Leonardo Valdivia, Ida
Finnie, Art Alt, Tom Heidrick, Daniel Charbonneau, Bob Sanchez,
Gail Dunlap, Jim Bibbs, Elizabeth Carrillo, Carol Mattern, Segundo
& Consuelo Velazquez, Gary & Emily Brown, Fabian Seguro, Dick
Farkas, Leonard Velazquez, Armando Vuonanno, Richard Martinez,
Jose Vasquez, , Maria Yee, Zennia Gonzales, Helsa Benitez, Sobeida
Gutierrez, Rodrigo Reynoso, Bill Bastian. Francisco Noriega, Jeff
Rivera, Jeff Rivera Jr., Harold & Doris Rasmussen, Thomas Brady,
Maria Widmann, Ed Kaleff, Marie Bell, Audrey Griffith, Frank Martinez, Joseph Tejada, Joanne Ericson, Rosemary Gillen, Nicholas
Baldengro, Larry Mazon, Charolette Biller, Tom Heidrick, Evelia
Vargas, Delores St. Amour, George Salinas, Geno Magallanes, Evelyn Cucchiarella, Javier Rodriguez, Rosa Vargas, Oscar Cardoso,
Antonio Meza
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time/ Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
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Thoughts To Ponder
“ Always be wanting peace with all people…” Heb 12:14
Anger and resentment waste great amounts of energy and pr ide
will try to convince us we are punishing others. NOT TRUE. Resentment can only destroy our own peace of mind and cr ipple our
spiritual life. Better to maintain the ability to forgive.
——Deacon Jerry
Night of Coronation of Queen
of the Latin Countries
September 11, 2016
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Hall
8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Breakfast at 8:00 am
Let us Celebrate Unity in Diversity
Music* Dance* Food* Raffle
Prizes * Friends* Community
Raffle tickets available at the door $5.00
Noche de Coronacion de las Reinas
de las Fiestas Patrias
Vamos a celebrar la Unidad en la Diversidad
Septiembre 11, 2016
12:00 pm—6:00 pm
Salon Parroquial
Music * Bailables * Comida * Rifa
Premios * Amigos * Comunidad
Boletos de Rifa en la puerta $5.00
Volunteer Pianist, Guitarist or Instrumentalist needed: If
interested please call the church office @760-329-8794
Baby or Not, Pregnancy choice invites you to join in a Novena of Masses offered for the safety of the unborn from August
30th to September 8th.
Bebe o No, Alternativa al embarazo los invita a participar en
na Novena de Misas que se ofrecen por la seguridad de los
aun i-o nacidos. Del 30 de agosto al 8 de septiembre. Los esperamos.
Thank you to all of you that have helped to paint the inside of
our church, clean and wash our altar linens and albs, keep our
church grounds cleaned, help repair the church and rectory air
conditioning systems, clean the church rectory, clean and
straighten the church pews each week,
And to those that have given a little extra to help cover our
extra expenses this month.
We appreciate each of you more than words can say!
Thank you, thank you!!
Parish Clean Up Day
Saturday, August 27th
8:00am-12:00 noon
We need you! Please join us and help
Clean up our church grounds and buildings!
Patio Sale
It’s time to do summer cleaning. We are now accepting donations. Please bring your clothing , household items, and furniture to the church office Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 2:00
pm. No electrical items please. Thank you.
We have some beautiful wedding dresses sizes 6 thru 14
brand new that have been donated. If you ar e inter ested
please come to the church office Monday—Friday
8:00 am –2:00 pm
Volunteers we need you! If you have exper ience in gr aphic
design we need your help on some new projects. We need help
in designing banners, an anniversary booklet, flyers and posters. Please call the church office @760-329-8794
Parish Pay
Making it easy to give a one time, weekly or monthly
donations online.
go to make donation button, add 92240 which will take you to
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church and continue following
prompts to register.
The Church Hall is for rent for Sacramental Celebrations and
Please call the church office for more information
And to reserve your date. 760-329-8794
Thank you to all who advertise in our Sunday Bulletin. If you have
a business in Desert Hot Springs and would like to advertise, please
call 1-800-231-0805 bulletin # 513478
Welcome To St. Elizabeth’s of Hungary Catholic Family!
If you are new to our parish family or have moved and have a change of address, please fill out this registration request form
and place it in the offertory basket.
City/Ciudad ________________________________________
Zip __________________ Phone_______________________
Registration Request
Change of Address Request _______________
Please send me envelopes ________________
I would like to join a ministry ______________
Por favor ponga la forma de registro en la canasta de ofrecimiento o envia a la oficina de la parroquia