NACHO TATJER 1966, Barcelona. Lives and works in Stockholm

1966, Barcelona. Lives and works in Stockholm.
Project student, Lithography and silkscreen. Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, 2004
Guest student, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, 2003
MFA; Video/Photography. University of Barcelona, 1991
Rönelles, Stockholm, 2015
You är my inspiration. hangmenProjects, Stockholm, 2015
Summer love affair. Pinhole photography exhibition. Maggan. Stockholm, 2013
You’re the cream in my coffee and the sugar i my tea. Instituto Cervantes, Stockholm, 2013
You’re the cream in my coffee and the sugar i my tea. Motala Konsthall, 2013
Open Studio. Paintings and sculptures. Hägersten, 2010
Pino y la Banda de Pepino, Candyland, Stockholm, 2009
Hättorp Illusions. Photography. Fyra Knop, Stockholm, 2008
Hola, the pleasure is mine, så är det! Gallery Knäpper & Baumgarten, Stockholm, 2003
Huset brann upp, se quemó la casa. Gallery Safia, Barcelona, 2002
13 FESTIVALEN. Galleri Konstepidemin, Göteborg. Perfomance: The Projectionist. In collaboration with
artist Stephen McKenzie, 2016
Searching for Caj: Jenny Bergman. hangmenProjects, Stockholm, 2015
13 FESTIVALEN. Galleri Konstepidemin, Göteborg. Perfomance: The Projectionist. In collaboration with
artist Stephen McKenzie, 2015
Casa dels Italians / Escola Waldorf El Til.ler; Barcelona, 2014
Makaroni Art Exhibition, Stockholm, 2014
Royal Institute of Art Research Week, 2013
Kolla! Form/Design Center, Malmö, 2013
Kolla! Konstnärshuset, Stora Galleriet, Stockholm, 2013
Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs, Stockholm , 2012
Musikfestivalen Futureperfect, Karlstad, 2011
Bornmarker Showroom, Stockholm, 2011
Café La Palma, Madrid, 2011
Fatal de lo mio, Madrid, 2011
Galería Esther Monturiol, Barcelona, 2011
Hangmen Presenta, Hangmen, Stockholm, 2011
Holaestashaciendounapelicula. Film workshop. Madrid, 2010
Stockholm Fashionplay in collaboration with Lina Serning and Jenny Bergman, 2009
Drap Art, Creative Recycling Marathon. Barcelona, 2009
Hipermercart Sala Vinçon , Barcelona, 2008
Slideluckpotshow, “Long or short poem depending on how you read it”, Stockholm, 2008
Stockholm Furniture Fair. Bergman-Tatjer. Textile design with Jenny Bergman, 2008
Labyrint, Botkyrka konsthall, Stockholm, 2007
Konstpremär. Hättorps gård, Tjällmo, Sweden, 2006
Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs konsthall, Stockholm, 2006
Konst-p, Kungl.Konsthögskolan. Grafiska Sällkapets Gallery Stockholm, 2006
Stockholm Artfair, Gallery Knäpper & Baumgarten, 2005
kolla! Grafisk design &illustration, Stockholm, 2005
Winning proposal for public commission for Drottning Silvias barn- och ungdomssjukhus, 2015. On-going
Mural painting for political campaign at the Central station, Stockholm, 2010
Un raio de Sol. Lamp for Amics del Nepal. Barcelona, 2009
La Ciutat de les paraules, MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 1998
Macbamagat. Murals with the Foundation Joan Tabique. MACBA, Barcelona, 1996
Swedish Arts Grants Committee, two-year working grant, 2015
Kolla! Grafisk design & illustration. Picture book. Nominee and exhibition, 2013
Kolla! Grafisk design & illustration. Animation film awarded with silver price, 2006
Verner Åkermans stipendium. Kungl.akademien för de fria konsterna, 2006
Swedish Arts Grants Committee, one-year working grant, 2005
Kolla! Grafisk design & illustration. Illustration work awarded with silver price, open class category.
Exhibited in Malmö, Stockholm, Oslo and Berlin, 2004
Studio Residency, The Nordic Aquarelle Museum, Skärhamn, Sweden, 2000
Studio Residency, European Ceramic Work Centre s’Hertogenbosh, the Netherlands, 1994 Erasmus,
Akademie Kunst und Vorgeming, s’Hertogenbosh, the Netherlands, 1993
You’re the cream in my coffee and the sugar i my tea. Publit, 2013
Open Studios, Chronicle books, San Francisco, 2011
Emporio. Illustration book. La Santa B Ediciones. Barcelona, 2010
Picnic. Pop-Folk conteporary illustration. Edt. Promopress, Barcelona, 2010 (
Rojo, ocho -número atómico. Photography. Kalpany, Milano. Artspace Barcelona, 2009
Memory, book edition, Kungl.Konsthögskolan, 2005
Spår, book edition, Kungl.Konsthögskolan, 2004
Eighteen very short histories. Self publication, 2003
The pleasure is mine. Self publication, 2003
Kasern II, book edition, Kungl.Konsthögskolan, 2003
Mis primeras 80.000 palabras. Editorial Media Vaca, 2002
La Ciutat de les Paraules, Ediciones de l’Eixample, 1998
Guest teacher at Beckmans College of Design, 2014
Illustration workshop, Bekmans College of design. Stockholm, 2013
Illustration workshop, IDEP, Barcelona, 2011
Guest teacher at Konstfack University College of arts and crafts, 2010
Guest teacher at Beckmans College of Design, 2009