Classroom language 1. 1.1. Anna Fontdeglòria THE SCHOOL THE BUILDING ENGLISH COMMENTS Canteen There are assistants that distribute the food to the children at lunch time. With a kitchen and long tables. Medical room Staff room Library Head teacher’s room Music Room Kids are treated there. Place where the staff met to do meetings and Space where pupils can spend time reading on their own or with teachers. during class time. Place where headteacher do meetings and have all the documents and information about the school. Place where pupils have music ESPAÑOL CATALÀ El comedor Menjador Sala médica Sala mèdica Sala de personal Sala de personal Biblioteca Biblioteca Despacho del director Despatx del director Sala de música Sala de música Classroom language Arts and Crafts Room lessons. Place where pupils have art lessons and teachers keep all arts and craft supplies. Anna Fontdeglòria Sala de plástica Sala de plàstica Classroom language 1.2. Anna Fontdeglòria CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Cryon Bin Notebook White Board Blind Play dooh Board rubber Lápiz de color La papelera Libreta Pizarra Blanca La persiana Plastelina El borrador Bolsa de ropa para guardar libros i papeles. Sacapuntas La bata Rotulador Caja Papel blanco Papel reciclado Impresora Bolsas del almuerzo Bolígrafo Lápiz Pared Llàpis de color La paperera Llibreta Pissarra Blanca La persiana Plastilina El borrador Bosseta de roba per guardar llibres i papers Maquineta La bata Rotulador Caixa Paper blanc Paper reciclat Impresora Bosses del dinar Bolígraf Llàpis Paret Book bag Pencil sharpener Overall Marker Box White paper Recicled paper Printer Lunch bags Pen Pencil Wall Classroom language Calculator Books Cardstock Rubber Folder Paintbrush Anna Fontdeglòria Calculadora Libros Cartulina Goma Carpeta Pincel Calculadora Llibres Cartulina Goma Carpeta Pinzell Classroom language 1.3. Anna Fontdeglòria CLASSROOM FURNITURE ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Teacher’s desk Mesa del professor/a Taula del professor/a Table Mesa Taula Chair Silla Cadira Searchlight Proyector Projector Library Librería Llibreria Supplies shelf Estantería de material Estanteria de material Carpet Moqueta Alfombra Paper bin Papelera de papel Paperera de paper Classroom language 1.4. Anna Fontdeglòria SCHOOL ORGANISATION ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Class Class register Classroom management El grupo-clase La lista de clase La organización del aula El grup-classe La llista de classe La organització de l’aula Las actividades extraescolares Les activitats extraescolars Los departamentos/ Los seminarios didácticos Tutoría Els departaments/ Els seminaris didàctics Juego alternativo para Joc alternatiu per quan cuando llueve plou. Ayuda de los padres Ajuda dels pares Clubs Departments Tutorial Wet play Parent’s help Tutoria Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria 1.5. THE STAFF & GOVERNING BODY ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Head teacher Deputy headteacher Teacher Director/a del colegio Subdirector/a Maestro/a Director/a de l’escola Subdirector/a Mestre/a Teaching assistant Maestro/a de refuerzo Mestre/a de reforç Maestro/a de refuerzo Mestre/a de suport en en el aprendizaje l’aprenentatge Programación Programació Actividades Activitats extraescolars Learning Suport Teacher Programming School clubs Good work Assembly extraescolares Asamblea de trabajo Assamblea de treball bien hecho ben fet 7 Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria 1.6. THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Early Year Fundation Stage (Nursey and Reception). Key Stage 1 (Yr 1 and Yr 2) Primeros años educativos (P3-P4-P5) Primer ciclo (Primero y Segundo de primaria) Segundo ciclo de primaria (de tercero a sexto de primaria) Primers anys educatius (P3-p4-p5) Primer cicle (Primer y Segon de primària) Segon cicle de primària (de tercer a sisè de primària) Inglés como idioma extranjero Anglès com a idioma estranger Lengua estrangera Key Stage 2 (Yr 3 to Yr 6) EAL (English as a foreign language) FL Learning to Learn Aprender a aprender Llengua estrangera Aprendre a aprendre Have a guess Intentar adivinarlo Intentar adivinar-ho Learning by doing Aprender haciendo Aprendre fent Religious Education Educación religiosa Educació religiosa PE Educación física Educació física ICT Informática Informàtica Home learning Aprendizaje en casa Apenentatge a casa 8 Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria 1.7. SCHOOL DOCUMENTS ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ SEN (Special Education Needs) National Curriculum Complaints policy Necesidades educativas especiales Curriculum (de primaria) Política de quejas Necessitats educatives especials Currículum (de primària) Política de queixes Plan de Discapacidad. Sistema de igualdad y Accesibilidad Política de enseñanza en casa Pla de Discapacitat. Sistema d’igualtat i accessibilitat Política d’ensenyament a casa Plan de desarrollo institucional Pla de desenvolupament institucional Disability Equality Scheme & Accessibility Plan Learning at home Policy IDP (Institution Development plan) 9 Classroom language 2. Anna Fontdeglòria CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 2.1. GENERAL CLASSROOM LANGUAGE & COMMANDS ENGLISH 1, 2, 3. Show it to me! (10) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Freeze! Back on the line! Be quiet, please! Can you, please, settle? COMMENTS When students are doing an exercise on their small whiteboards and the teacher asks them to show her the answer. When the teacher says this, pupils have to stop everything they are doing. Children go back on the line to enter the classroom after playground time. Teacher says this when she wants children to calm down. Teacher is trying to get the children in order. SPANISH CATALÀ 1, 2, 3 ¡Mostradme el ejercicio! 1, 2, 3 “mostreu-me l’exercici” 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ¡Parad! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 pareu! ¡Volved a la fila! ¡Torneu a la fila! ¡Calláos, por favor! ¡calleu, siusplau! ¿Os podéis tranquilizar? ¿us podeu tranquil·litzar? Can you put your chairs properly? Teacher asks children to put the chairs in the correct place. ¿Podéis poner las sillas bien? ¿Podeu posar les cadires bé? Can you sit on your bottom, please? When children are sitting on the carpet in a bad way. They have to sit properly. ¿Podéis sentaros bien, por favor? ¿Podeu sentar-vos bé, siusplau? 10 Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria Someone’s at the door and the teacher says: come in! Teacher calls a student Come over here to go where she is Teacher makes a child responsible Could you collect the books? for colleting the books. Teacher says that when she wants children to raise their hands Don’t call out / Don’t shout out to say something in order to avoid shouting in class. Teacher asks the children Collect your things/your stuff... to pick up their things, to tidy up. ¡Adelante! ¡endavant! Ven aquí. Vina aquí. ¿Puedes recoger los libros? Pots recollir els llibres? No gritéis. No crideu. Recoged vuestras cosas Recolliu les vostres coses. Que todo el mundo pare lo que está haciendo y mire hacia aquí. Que tothom pari el que està fent i miri cap aquí. ¡Silencio! Silenci Cinco minutos para ir al lavabo y beber agua. Cinc minuts per anar al lavabo i beure aigua. ¡Ponéos dentro del círculo! Poseu-vos dins del crecle! ¡Id al baño rápidamente! Aneu al lavabo ràpidament! Come in! Everybody stop and look this way. Finger on lips! Five minutes for ‘water-loo’ Go inside the circle. Go to the loo quickly! To catch children’s attention. This command is said when the teacher wants children to be silent. The teacher says this at 10 o’clock normally, when children are allowed to go to the toilet (loo) and to have a sip of water. This command could be said in an outdoor activity. Children are allowed to go to the toilet. 11 Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria 2.2. ORGANISING WORK / CHECKING COMPREHENSION / ENCOURAGING CHILDREN WHILE THEY ARE ON TASK ENGLISH SPANISH COMMENTS CATALÀ (Name), can you share your ¿…..... , nos puedes Encouraging sharing ¿…..... ,en spots ensenyar (writing, picture, etc.) with enseñar tu redacción, amongst pupils. el teu dibuix, redacció? us? dibujo? All of you can actually do Todos podéis hacerlo. Es it. Helping children to build Tots podeu fer-ho. És molt muy fácil. Es muy similar a This is very easy to do. their confidence when doing fàcil. És molt semblant al lo que hicimos It’s similar to what we did a task. que vam fer l’altre dia. el otro día. before. All right! How are you A ver, ¿cómo vais? Checking progress of A veure, com aneu? Què getting on here? What can ¿Qué podemos hacer children while doing a task. podem fer ara? we do now? ahora? Can everybody see that? Is it understood? Carry on colouring while… Carry on reading, please Teacher checks if children understand some explanation. Children are doing a colouring task and teacher asks them to continue. Children are doing a reading task and teacher asks them to continue. 12 ¿Lo entendéis? Ho enteneu? Continuad pintando mientras... Continueu pintant mentrestant… Continuad leyendo, por favor Continueu llegint, siusplau. Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria Carry on with your work, please Children are doing some work and teacher asks them to continue. Come on, I’m sure all of you can do it if you are concentrated. Teacher encourages children que todos podéis hacerlo si to concentrate Don’t call the result out. Put your hands up. This time they have to put up their hands if they want to answer the teacher’s question. Continuad trabajando, por favor Continueu treballant, siusplau. ¡Venga! Estoy segura de os concentráis. Vinga! Estic segura que tots podeu fer-ho si us concentreu. No digáis el resultado en voz alta, levantad vuestras manos. No digueu el resultat en veu alta, aixequeu les vostres mans. 13 Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria 2.3. ARRANGING THE CLASSROOM: FURNITURE, MATERIALS, ETC. ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Let’s do a circle. Show me your White boards Let's shift the tables Hagámos un círculo. Enseñadme vuestras pizzarras Fem un cercle. Ensenyeu-me les pissarres Movamos las mesas Movamos las mesas 14 Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria 2.4. ORGANISING THE GROUPS… ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Let’s do it together Hagámoslo juntos Jugad juntos sin pelearos Fem-ho junts Jugueu junts sense barallar-vos Comenta-ho amb la persona del teu costat Play nicely together Comment it with the person next to you Coméntalo con la persona a tu lado Work in pairs Trabajad en parejas Treballeu per parelles Groups of…. children Grupos de ….niños Grups de ……nens 15 Classroom language Anna Fontdeglòria 2.5. CONGRATULATE AND ENCOURAUGE THE STUDENTS ENGLISH ESPAÑOL CATALÀ Keep going. Well done! Excelent! ¡Sigue adelante! Bien hecho! Segueix endavant! Ben fet! Excelente! Excelent! Good job! Buena faena! Bona feina! Good try! Buen intento! Bon intent! What a challenge! Qué reto! Quin desafiament! Lovely! Precioso! Preciós! Fab! Fabuloso! Fabulós! Well remembered! Bien recordado! Ben recordat! Good boy/girl! Buen chico/chica! Bon noi/noia! Incredible! Increible! Increible! 16 Classroom language 3. Anna Fontdeglòria THE LESSON 3.3. FINISHING THE LESSON ENGLISH Can we line up, please? Can you finish and tidy up your tables, please? Close your books, please. Could you please stand up and put your chairs on the table? COMMENTS SPANISH CATALÀ The class needs to move to another place (playground, dinning room, hall or home) The teacher wants to finish an activity and start a new one / the class needs to move to another place The teacher wants to finish an activity and start a new one ¿Podemos hacer una fila, por favor? Podem fer una fila, siusplau? ¿Podéis acabar y limpiar la mesa, por favor? Podeu acabar i netejar la taula, siusplau? Cerrad los libros, por favor. Tanqueu els llibres, siusplau. When they tidy up to go home. ¿Os podríais levantar y poner las sillas sobre la mesa, por favor? Us podríeu aixecar i posar les cadires sobre la taula, siusplau? ¡Hecho! Fet! Terminad la pregunta que estáis haciendo Acabeu la pregunta que esteu fent. ¡Vestíos! Vestiu-vos! When they finish an activity. Finish the question you are To finish an activity when on. they have run out of time. Put your clothes on! When the class is over Done it! 17 Classroom language Put your pencils down, to show me that you have finished. Anna Fontdeglòria A teacher’s strategy to know when children have finished their task. 18 Dejad los lápices en la mesa, para que yo vea cuando habéis terminado. Deixeu els llapissos sobre la taula perquè jo vegi quan heu acabat.