the string quartet in spain from the end of the eighteenth century to

International Conference
20-21 March 2014
Universidad de Granada - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Aula Magna
Organized by the Universidad de Granada
(Research Project I+D+i HAR2011-24295 / Ministerio de Economía y Competividad of Spain)
In association with
Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini
Cuarteto Bretón
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Germán Gan-Quesada (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Desirée García Gil (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Christiane Heine (Universidad de Granada)
Roberto Illiano (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca)
Christian Speck (Universität Koblenz-Landau / Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
The University of Granada, through the Research Project I+D+i HAR2011-24295 Música
de cámara instrumental y vocal en España en los siglos XIX y XX: recuperación, recepción, análisis crítico y estudio
comparativo del género en el contexto europeo, in association with the Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi
Boccherini of Lucca, the Cuarteto Bretón and the University of Koblenz-Landau, is pleased to
invite proposal submissions for the International Conference The String Quartet in Spain
from the End of the Eighteenth Century to Today, hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy at
the University of Granada from Thursday, March 20th, to Friday, March 21st, 2014.
Central European music historiographers have suggested that Spanish composers “adopted
a particular abstinent attitude” towards the genre of the String Quartet (F. Krummacher,
Geschichte des Streichquartetts, vol. II, Laaber 2005, p. 400), but this theory ignores the compositional
reality of this genre – especially regarding the twentieth century – and comes from the lack of
knowledge concerning the Spanish repertory (caused by the still limited access to primary
sources) and the shortage of specific secondary literature.
This conference aims to create, unify and transfer knowledge about the String Quartet of
Spanish provenience, thereby promoting musicological and interdisciplinary research on the
genre with the objective to contribute to the revision of Spanish and international
historiography. In particular, the conference purposes to stimulate discussion about the reasons
that, on the one hand, caused the decline of the genre's evolution in Spain during the second
third of the 19th century – despite favorable conditions for establishing a unique tradition – and,
on the other hand, motivated its sudden rise at the beginning of the 20th century after eight
decades of relative stagnation. The Spanish repertory will be studied from multiple perspectives,
considering approaches on reception, edition, interpretation, motivation and composition, paying
special attention to the analysis of representative music works to determine their historic position
within the larger European context.
The scientific committee encourages submissions from the following areas, although other
topics are also welcome:
Reception of Foreign String Quartets in Spain: Acceptance and Repercussion
Reception in Spain of Canales’ and Arriaga’s String Quartets
The Spanish Society and the String Quartet
Professional Quartets and Chamber Music Societies in Spain
Spanish Institutions and the String Quartet: National Music Competitions for
Composition and Interpretation
National and International Music Publishing and Trade: Spanish String Quartet Repertory
Current State of Sources and Research Concerning the String Quartet of Spanish
Analysis of the Spanish Repertory: Style and Aesthetics
Comparative Studies: Convergences and Differences
Recent Initiatives to Rediscover Forgotten Composers
The official languages of the conference are English, French, and Spanish.
Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and a half-page of biography.
All proposals should be submitted by email no later than ***2 November 2013*** to
<>. With your proposal please include your name, contact details
(postal address, e-mail and telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation.
The committee will make its final decision on the abstracts by the 7 December 2013, and
contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further information about the programme,
registration, travel and accommodation will be announced by the end of January 2014.
See more at: and