Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 5, 2012 Dear Friends, One task that I am determined to do this summer is to clean out my desk and file drawers, as well as my closets at home. Many of you may be of the same mindset as I am as you look at all the “stuff” you have accumulated over the years. I found keys from my old 1972 Oldsmobile; a desk clock that doesn’t work; outdated files; books that I still have from college years that I have never opened just to mention a few. Nostalgia I guess, but nostalgia amounts to clutter and dust. Looking at the closet at home, I think I’m filled with unrealistic expectations: medium size shirts and several pair of pants with a size 33 waist. My shirt size is now large and my waist size has unfortunately graduated to 38! I have given up on returning to the good old days and Salvation Army has been the beneficiary. How easy it is to amass clutter, and the “don’t throw it away I may need it someday” mentality. What I will not throw away, however, has little to no material value, but are so deep in my heart. A candy dish that my mom made in her ceramics class when I was in my late 20’s with the words Love, Mom, underneath. About that time, Dad made large picnic tables for Jack and Madeleine. I was living in the rectory and had no need for such an item, but Dad made a small six inch table just for me. That remains one of my favorite collectables along with a poem that he wrote for me on the occasion of my 25th anniversary. This past week I was talking with my cousin, Mary Frances. While she and Matt have a comfortable lifestyle now, Mary grew up in very poor conditions with her mother, my Aunt Mary, the sole provider for her and her three other siblings. Mary, now in her 50’s, is one of the happiest of the “clan”. As we were reminiscing about the good old days she said “Dick, if you can be happy for other people’s happiness, you’ll always be happy.” And while talking about her somewhat impoverished earlier days she commented: “My wealth has never been the material things I hold in my hand. My wealth is my husband, Matt, my son and my daughters. If my house were to burn to the ground today, I would still be a very wealthy woman.” Much truth in those two comments. Her words reminded me of the Gospel story entitled the Rich Fool. The story is about a rich man who had an abundance of crops and each year he would build larger barns to store his harvested wealth. Never did he think about sharing his abundance with others. And the haunting question of the Lord: “This night you will die and to whom will all this piled up wealth go to.” (Luke 12:16-21). Now I will continue to downsize, give away, and throw away. It will take a miracle for me to be able to wear those size 33 pants anyway. Simple and less really is better. One thing in my office I shall not toss out however is a small plaque that was given to me by Laurie Roberts, former school secretary. Again it has no monetary value, but it continually reminds me of my cousins’ words above and what is truly important in my life: “THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE NOT THINGS.” Now you know the pastor’s summer chores. Simple IS better. Too bad I didn’t realize this 30 years ago. Have a nice week! Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 5, 2012 “Weekdays” There is a wonderful little book written in 1992 by Greg Dues, entitled Catholic Customs & Traditions. It gives a clear cut description of many of the practices of our Catholic faith. While browsing through this book the other day, I came across some interesting information concerning the origin of “weekdays” and the beginnings of our religious customs and practices. The seven day week is based on the natural quarterly subdivision of the lunar month, and came into existence thousands of years ago. And of course, we find the seven day week mentioned in the Book of Genesis. The seven days were named for the sun, the moon and the five planets that are visible to the naked eye. In the pagan culture, these heavenly bodies were thought to have special supernatural powers and so were considered gods. Later, during the Roman Empire, four of these days were renamed for the Roman gods. And so we have: Sunday which is named for the sun, Monday is named for the moon, and Tuesday which is named for Tiw, the god of war. Then we have Wednesday, named for the god Woden. Thursday is named for the god, Thor, and Friday is named for Frigg, the goddess of love. Saturday is named for the planet Saturn. The earliest Christians truly celebrated only the first day of the week, Sunday, the Lord’s day, with prayer, hymns and the Eucharistic memorial of bread and wine. They also did hold very special the days of Wednesday and Friday, but more about that next week. Are you going to leave me out in the cold?!! Please help by volunteering to teach in the Religious Education Program. See today’s bulletin flier for details. Call the Religious Education Office today at 703.455.0372, or send an email to Teachers and assistant teachers for the Religious Education Program should attend the Orientation Meeting/Workshop on Sunday, September 9, at 6:00pm in the Parish Hall. This is a very important information meeting; please make every effort to attend. Mari Fernandez Monday, August 6 7:30am Fr. Martin Jack Sellers Tuesday, August 7 7:30am Fr. Martin Wednesday, August 8 Regina Balintona 7:30am John Durkin Thursday, August 9 7:30am Fr. Korpi Daniel E. Skuchko Friday, August 10 7:30am Fr. Korpi Frank McHugh Chris Hinnen Spanish Mass Saturday, August 11 9:00am 5:00pm 7:00pm Fr. Korpi Fr. Martin Fr. Wilson Students enrolled by August 26, begin religious education classes the week of September 16. Students enrolled after August 26, begin religious education classes the week of September 23. Receive an Early Bird Discount; register your child(ren) by August 26, (tuition increases after August 26.) Important: a student’s baptismal certificate must be included with the form (including students baptized at Nativity) unless the certificate is already on file in the Religious Education Office. Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office, on the community board in the church vestibule, and at website:; click on Religious Education; then click on Student Registration. Pray the Rosary for World Peace. Fr. Martin Sunday, August 12 Special Intention for M/M Ron Rawlin Mary Warin Gladys Zaptin Frank Thomas 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 12:45pm Fr. Wilson Fr. Hann Fr. Charles Fr. Wilson Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 5, 2012 PRO-LIFE CORNER “With her long tradition of respect for the right relationship between faith and reason, the Church has a critical role to play in countering cultural currents which, on the basis of an extreme individualism, seek to promote notions of freedom detached from moral truth. Our tradition does not speak from blind faith, but from a rational perspective which links our commitment to building an authentically just, humane and prosperous society to our ultimate assurance that the cosmos is possessed of an inner logic accessible to human reasoning.” Pope Benedict XVI, January 19, 2012. Full address during U.S. Bishops’ “ad limina” visit to Vatican can be found at http:// january/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20120119_bishopsusa_en.html The GABRIEL PROJECT supports women who are facing a crisis pregnancy and need help. Contact 1-866444-3553 or You are not alone! (Gabriel Project is a crisis pregnancy program open to all and sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Arlington.) 24-Hour Crisis Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-395-HELP (4357) Project Rachel (healing after abortion): 1-888-456-HOPE (4673) Pregnancy Resource Centers Phone Numbers: Catholic Charities National: 1-800-CARE-002 Catholic Charities Local: 703-425-0100 A Woman's Choice: 703-538-4305 Gabriel Project: 1-866-444-3553 Monday, August 6 8:00 pm……………………………....AA Meeting (APR) Tuesday, August 7 9:30 am……………………………...Bible Study (APR) Wednesday, August 8 11:30 am……………………….CYO Senior Citizen (PH) 7:00 pm…………………….Hispanic Prayer Group (SC) 7:30 pm…………………………..Legion of Mary (APR) 7:30 pm………………….………….Won meeting (APR) Thursday, August 9 9:30 am……………………………...Craft Group (APR) 7:15 pm………………...…Prayer Group Meeting (APR) Saturday, August 11 10:00 am……….....…………. Dog Obedience Class (PL) Nativity School Summer Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00am to noon Closed Fridays Regular schedule resumes Monday, August 20. Inquiries? Contact Mrs. Paulson at ALTAR FLOWERS In Loving Memory of (Bill) Col. William Kahn From Gerry Kahn And ANNUAL BINGO The CYO will be holding their annual senior citizen bingo game on August 15th, 2012. Lunch will be served at 11:30am followed by 2 hours of Bingo! Please see the flyer in the main office for more information. RCIC The RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) program is looking for a volunteer to teach the younger half of the program. The class is made up of children from 3rd to 6th grade and meets on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:15pm. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact Meghan O'Connor at 703-455-2400 or by email at Thank you very much. In Loving Memory of Marie and Frank Denny From Carol Denny Thought of the Week You’re never too old, never too bad, never too late, and never too sick to start from scratch. Bikham Choudhury ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Certified Public Accountants DONAVAN & PALMER. P.C. 703-426-5560 Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 5, 2012 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT New Jazz CD Available – Proceeds to Operation Starfish® A SPECK IN TIME Award-winning pianist and composer Bobby Jasinski will be signing copies of his debut CD, "A Speck in Time” in the Nativity Gift Shop on Sunday, August 5th from 10-11 A.M. 100% of the donations raised at the signings will be contributed to Operation Starfish. Bobby has donated the first 100 copies of his new album to our ministry in Haiti. The suggested donation for each CD is $10. This music CD will be available in the gift shop until the supply runs out. Classically trained and influenced by jazz, Latin, pop, blues and funk, Bobby's debut CD is a vibrant and soulful collection of 11 original compositions. For more information on this event or about Operation Starfish, please contact Jim McDaniel, Additional information about the CD may be obtained by contacting Bobby Jasinski at WOMEN OF NATIVITY CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST The WON will be collecting school supplies after all Masses during the weekend of August 11th –12th for its annual Christmas in August Project. Items needed include: loose-leaf paper, 3-ring binders, spiral notebooks (single and multiple subject), pens, #2 pencils, fiskar scissors, large glue sticks, thin Crayola markers, 12” rulers, pencil cases and school backpacks. Supplies will only be collected on the scheduled dates because of delivery arrangements. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. For further information or questions, please call Kathy McHugh at 703-239-2198 or Debby McLernon at 703-250-6869. Thank you in advance for your generous contributions. Prime Time Single Catholics Ages 39 and up Point of Contact John McBride 703-820-9196 e-mail - Every Monday, 10 a.m. (except holidays) weather permitting, Social Golf at the par 3 Burke Lake Golf Center, Rose Sexton 703-644-4841 Weekly Thursday Luncheon, Joan Donahue (703)8665936 Sunday, Aug 5th 6:00 p.m. Dance at Elks Lodge. Call Antonio Frato 703-751-3840 Saturday, Aug 11th 4:00 p.m. Walk at Mount Vernon, ice cream or early dinner to follow. Call Janet Petri 703323-5055 Sunday, Aug 12th 9:15 a.m. Mass and brunch at Fort Belvoir. Call Elaine Thies 703-356-7854 The 2ndSummer Exercise Session sponsored by The Shepherd’s Center Fairfax-Burke will be on Mondays from 9:30 AM-10:30 AM at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 5114 Twinbrook Rd., Fairfax. Gentle exercise for strength, balance and flexibility using chairs as part of the program. Registration fee will be $12 for each of the 7 weeks. The second session is from Aug. 6th through Sept. 24th,with no class on Sept. 3rd. Please make checks out to SCFB and pay on the first day of class. For further information call Bob Wiles at 703-323-5886. If transportation is needed, call the SCFB office (703) 323-4788. See Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 5, 2012 OPERATION STARFISH® NEWS High School Students Build House in Haiti Madeline Ryan, a 2012 graduate of Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School in Washington, DC, served as president of the school’s Hearts for Haiti club during her senior year. As a student leader, she became aware of the need for housing following the devastating earthquake and led her class to raise funds to build a house in Nativity Village at Mazere. Along the way, Madeline thought about the children who lost family members and suffered injuries in the tragedy. So she also collected over 300 stuffed animals to send to them. Recently Fr. Martin presented Madeline with a Food For The Poor certificate and photo of the Alexandre family, who have been moved out of the Shada slum and are now living in a new house, thanks to the Visitation School senior class. Georgetown Visitation was founded in 1799 and is sponsored by the Sisters of the Visitation. Rooted in the Catholic faith and Salesian tradition, Visitation enrolls about 480 young women. First Communion Dresses Sent to Haiti When a Nativity parishioner recently spotted first communion dresses on sale at a local store, she scooped up every one on the rack. With a gift from another parishioner to cover shipping, more than 20 dresses were sent to Food For The Poor, where they will be put, space available, on the next sea container to Haiti. In Fr. Martin’s thank-you letter, he said, “We can just imagine the looks on the little girls’ faces, can’t we, when they receive these beautiful new dresses to wear on this special occasion in their lives.” Never let your busy schedule get in the way of accessing solid and informative Catholic programming! EWTN Global Catholic Network's new and simplified multimedia page lets you access past episodes of your favorite shows, find out what will be airing in the next month, listen to EWTN Radio, and even see what EWTN is airing now on all its worldwide networks! To see what it's all about go to THE MESSY OLYMPICS/WATER WARS will be on August 14th at 6pm. We will be celebrating all things messy!!! Please bring a change of clothes, a towel or two and a water gun if you have one around your house!!! SOS: On August 15th we will be having our annual senior citizen bingo game. We will meet at 9am in the PH! Please check facebook or email Meghan O'Connor at for more information. Breakfast Club: On August 16th at 10:30am we will meet in the APR for a movie and breakfast! 6th graders and up are welcome! Are You Interested in Becoming Catholic? If so, we invite you to participate in Nativity’s RCIA program, beginning Monday, September 10, 2012, at 7 pm, in the Parish Hall. The inquiry classes are held every Monday evening up until Pentecost Sunday 2013 (except Federal holidays and a Christmas break). The Sacraments of Initiation are bestowed at the Easter Vigil. RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the Catholic Church’s way of forming new disciples of Jesus Christ, and welcoming new members into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Our program involves instruction, prayer, group discussion and spiritual events designed to prepare those seeking to enter the Church. RCIA is open to those who have not been baptized, Christians baptized into another faith, adult baptized Catholics who have not been confirmed and anyone else who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith. For more information, contact the Church office at (703) 455-2400, send an e-mail to Ron Riggins at or pick up an RCIA brochure at the back of the Church. Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 5, 2012 REFLECTIONS ON OUR TRIP TO CHINA Week 4 Final article Ron Riggins Young Adult Catholic Communities The young adult community that provided our guides is led by a very courageous Chinese couple, who were mentored by a leading figure in the Catholic Church. Young adult men and women come from all over China, making a commitment to live in these communities for a formation period of at least two years – afterwards they return to their home towns to develop new communities. The vision is to form new apostles who are commissioned to “go make disciples of all nations”, that is, in all the provinces of China. The first China Youth Day this summer was modeled after the Pope’s World Youth Day, with teachings, praise and worship and prayer ministry. It is expected that attendance will continue to increase from the growing network of young adult communities. We participated in one community in their Wednesday fasting and prayer session – in which we lifted up in prayer each China province for conversion of their residents, for discipleship, for the courage of Catholics to evangelize, for young adults to rise up to be lay leaders, and for the continued call to the vocations of ordained and religious life. These young adults are hungry for God and love from older people. They did not want our money or even small gifts of food and water. They wanted faith, hope and love. They wanted to learn how to forgive and about repentance. They wanted to know that they had not been forgotten, that we were supporting them with our prayers and evangelistic efforts. They experienced great joy in our love for them, knowing that we too put ourselves at risk to evangelize them. We need to encourage these courageous young adults and leaders in their evangelization efforts. They need our prayers. They need our financial support. They need more missionaries to help teach and encourage them. These young adults are the future of the Church in China. Yes, there is risk, just like for the first Apostles. Blessed are they who are persecuted in Jesus’ name. Challenges in Evangelization in China One of the keys to being a disciple of Christ is “surrender”, that is, surrendering our will to God’s will, saying “yes” just like Mary’s “fiat” at the Annunciation. Teaching this type of surrender in China is a challenge in that they have little understanding of free will given the obedience required in communism – in effect, they have already surrendered their will, but to the government. The government ensures that the basic need of food is met through low prices and food programs to pacify the masses and they promote national pride through the state controlled media. We helped them understand that God created them to be unique, for a special purpose in the Kingdom of God, and that He created them because He loved them individually. We helped them discern their identity in Jesus, and that the Holy Spirit gives them freedom despite the ordinary aspects of their lives. In this way, we were able to convey surrendering their will to God’s will. The essence of our teachings was about love – not about rebellion – consistent with Jesus’ teaching to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”. Concluding Thoughts This trip was life-changing for all of our missionary team. Based on our experience, we anticipate we will be returning in the future to continue this work. We look forward to returning and sharing our faith with others, helping to build the Church in China. Despite the impoverished nature of the Catholic Church in China, the faith of many young adults is alive and vibrant. We were truly blessed to be able to perform this missionary work during an exciting period of growth. We were stirred to tears with their courage in face of risk. We felt like we were witnessing the growth of the early Church described in the Acts of the Apostles. We have been humbled by the faith of those we met, and how they risk persecution by assembling to build up their faith and by responding to the call to discipleship. Our faith grew immensely as we learned to trust God more in responding to the leadings of the Holy Spirit. We look forward to returning … and taking new missionaries with us. As we left each conference, we gave them an inspired blessing of the Father, which ended with the following: Wo de hai zi (My children), wo ai ni (I love you). Yin fu (In the name of the Father), Ji zi (and the Son) Ji sheng shen zhi ming (and the Holy Spirit). Amen. Our Lady of China, pray for us! Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 5, 2012 SOBRE TODO, PUES ESO, SEGUIMOS A JESÚS XVIII Javier Leoz Después de la multiplicación de los panes, Jesús, nos presenta el discurso eucarístico. Es como aquella madre que, sentando a su pequeño sobre sus rodillas, lo alimenta y a continuación le inicia en las grandes verdades o cuestiones de la vida. Todo, en la in tención de la madre, va unido: alimento y palabra, pan y enseñanza. 1.La multiplicación de los panes no había sido ni mucho menos una puesta en escena de Jesús. El Señor, con esa intervención, sale al paso de una determinada y urgente necesidad: existí hambre física. -Cuando aprieta el hambre, el resto de los sentidos se resisten a funcionar. Ni el tacto es tan sensible ni, el oído, resulta ser tan atento -Cuando aprieta el hambre, las muchas palabras, no sirven de nada o de casi poco. -Cuando aprieta el hambre, la debilidad se adueña y el sinsentido aparece en el horizonte. -La Iglesia, allá donde está presente, cuida los dos vértices: da pan (movida por la caridad y generosidad de los cristianos) y ofrece el Pan del Cielo (siguiendo el mandamiento de Jesús): haced esto en memoria mía. Las dos acciones manifiestan la grandeza y la esplendidez de un Dios que sale al encuentro del ser humano. 2.¿Cómo es nuestra amistad con el Señor? ¿Gratuita o interesada? ¡Cuántas amistades humanas se fundan precisamente en intereses materiales y en cálculos egoístas! Como aquel rey persa que cruzaba el desierto, con sus camellos cargados de joyas y de diamantes ¿En qué acaba la historia? Pues sí; aquel ministro fiel, que prefirió seguir a su rey en vez de quedarse con los tesoros, afirmó: “Me importa más mi rey que todas las perlas de mi rey”. ¡Escasos de encontrar esta tipología de personas! A veces por mirar el humo no deparamos en el fuego. A veces por mirar el contenido, no cuidamos ni agradecemos la mano que nos lo da. -Seguir a Jesús cuando las cosas nos van bien, cuando el trabajo abunda, cuando el amor ha llamado a la puerta, es fácil -Seguir a Jesús cuando la salud es fuerte y vigorosa, cuando tenemos medios suficientes para llevar una vida cómoda, es fácil -Seguir a Jesús cuando el ser cristiano no nos aprieta demasiado, cuando conseguimos de la Iglesia sacramentos, atenciones o una religión a la carta, es fácil. Pero ¿qué ocurre cuando, el Señor, nos exige ascender a un plano superior? Simplemente que nos escandalizamos o nos retiramos por nuestra incapacidad de estar a la altura evangélica. Que el Señor nos ayude a no instalarnos en la rutina. Que nuestra fe, además de alabanza, oración y generosidad, sea un conocimiento de lo que Dios quiere para nuestra existencia humana: que creamos en Él. Que nos fiemos de Él. Que le amemos con todo nuestro corazón y toda nuestra alma. Un sacerdote en un barrio populoso de New York ofrecía a una persona la posibilidad de convertirse al cristianismo. La respuesta (lógica por otra parte) del ciudadano fue la siguiente: ¿Y qué me dan por ser cristiano? El sacerdote, por supuesto, le contestó: “entre otras muchas cosas, lo más importante, la Vida Eterna”. Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME QUÉ ME DAS, SEÑOR, A CAMBIO De mi confianza cuando la deposito en ti y me alejo de los que me prometes otros paraísos ¿Qué me das, Señor, a cambio? De mi seguimiento y de mi fidelidad de mi silencio o de mi reconciliación de la ofrenda de mi vida o de mis esfuerzos ¿Qué me das, Señor, a cambio? De mi fe, aunque sea débil y hasta interesada De mi constancia, aunque a veces me quede por el camino De mi audacia, aunque en momentos piense más en mí que en Ti ¿Qué me das, Señor, a cambio? ¿Me darás, tal vez, la Vida Eterna, frente a esta efímera? ¿Tal vez tus palabras verdaderas en contra de las falsas que me rodean? ¿Tal vez tu mano cuando otras me abandonan? ¡Necesito que me des tanto, Señor! Tu presencia, cuando me encuentro huérfano Tu luz, cuando la oscuridad eclipsa mi esperanza Tu cielo, cuando sólo veo tierra y más tierra Tus mandamientos, cuando construyo una vida a la carta Tu respuesta, cuando ya nadie me escucha ni me responde ¡Dame, Señor, sobre todo tu persona! Que temo no encontrarte en la dirección por donde busco o, tal vez, hacerme un “dios” a mi medida Que temo encontrarte demasiado rápido sin cambiar mis días en poco o en nada Que temo confundirte con otros señores y disfrazarte de comodidad y de riqueza de orgullo y de existencia del todo fácil Ven a mi encuentro, Jesús, y aléjame de todo aquello que me impide ser tu testigo de todo aquello que me aleja de tu reino de todo aquello que me confunde y me degrada de todo aquello que, simplemente, no eres Tú. Amén Javier Leoz Palabras mágicas August 5, 2012 de lo que vemos o padecemos, y muchas veces recurrimos a tópicos o causas simples, sencillas, de uso común: a palabras mágicas, a ideas conocidas. Pero también, en otras ocasiones, nos damos cuenta de que las cosas no son tan sencillas, y de que la “palabra mágica” no da con la verdadera causa de un problema. El calor puede ser debido, simplemente, a un cambio de vientos, repetido cientos de veces a lo largo de los últimos siglos sin que nadie nos haya dicho que esto puede volver a ocurrir de nuevo. El niño con dolor de garganta quizá tiene un problema incipiente de alergia, y estamos empezando la primavera... Sobre el temblor de la tierra, lo más probable es que se deba a los movimientos normales de las placas de nuestro planeta, o quizá sea un preaviso del nacimiento de un nuevo volcán: el agujero de ozono no es el responsable de todos nuestros males y desgracias... Y quizá el fracaso de la empresa que conocemos sea el resultado de una mala gestión económica y de la acción de algún usurero que puso la cuerda al cuello a un propietario ingenuo... Conviene no olvidar dos hechos muy humanos. El primero: aunque muy pocos llegan a conocer, a fondo, el porqué profundo de todo lo que pasa a nuestro alrededor, muchos se atreven a hablar sin conocimiento de causa para ofrecer explicaciones que parecen verdaderas y que satisfacen ese deseo que todos tenemos de dar nuestra opinión sobre los temas más variados. Lo más normal en esos casos es recurrir a los tópicos, a lo que aparentemente podría ser explicación, sin que, en realidad, lleguemos a saber el fondo del problema. Pero actuar así implica faltar a la prudencia. Sería bueno aprender de algunos especialistas, como los médicos, que reconocen el carácter probable, incierto, aproximativo, de sus análisis y diagnósticos. Si un especialista declara que se puede equivocar, es mucho más frecuente el error en quienes juzgan (juzgamos) con muy pocos datos en la mano. La prudencia a la hora de hablar vale, por lo tanto, para todos. Autor: P. Fernando Pascual Después de un día de calor asfixiante, alguno exclama: ¡es culpa de la contaminación! Cuando un niño empieza a sentir dolor de la garganta, la mamá cree que se trata del inicio de una gripe. Si se produce un terremoto cerca de mi casa, tal vez alguno diga que es culpa del agujero del ozono. Y si una empresa se declara en bancarrota, no pocos pensarán que la culpa de este fracaso está en la globalización. Los hombres somos así: queremos encontrar la explicación El segundo hecho es que, incluso si llegásemos a tener el tiempo suficiente para investigar a fondo y con los instrumentos adecuados lo que está pasando, nos sentiríamos abrumados por una infinidad de datos y detalles, por lo que, casi instintivamente, daríamos más importancia a unos y dejaríamos de lado otros, para quedar con algo más o menos claro en nuestra cabeza y en los informes que preparemos para los demás. Somos simplificadores por naturaleza... o por pereza. Si un joven se suicida, es más fácil acusar a sus padres que analizar paso a paso las últimas decisiones del pobre fracasado. Si un banco quiebra, resulta más cómodo hablar Website: 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME de la macroeconomía que revisar las cuentas e inversiones de ese banco en los últimos meses. Si la sopa me sale mal, más de uno dirá que es culpa de la suegra, que lo distrajo con sus problemillas precisamente en el momento más importante de la cocción... Para no incurrir en estos errores, vale la pena reconocer que no comprendemos ni la mitad de cosas que ocurren a nuestro lado. Si una esposa abandona a su marido y a los hijos, no basta con pensar que todo se debe a la televisión (quizá ni siquiera había televisión en esa casa). Si un manifestante rompe un cristal de MacDonalds tal vez sea porque tiene una fuerte tendencia agresiva, y no porque la globalización puede ser un proceso injusto de unificación gastronómica... Un poco de humildad nos evitará no pocos errores de juicio, errores más graves cuando se trata de hablar sobre la fama de hombres y mujeres que viven a nuestro lado. El silencio puede ser señal de timidez, pero a veces es el resultado de un corazón profundo y atento, que no quiere decir más de lo que se sabe. Y es que, de verdad, sabemos muy poco de lo que pasa, de lo que somos, del mundo en el que vivimos y del pasado que nos condiciona de mil modos. Ojalá, al menos, sepamos que hay muchas cosas que no sabemos, y callemos cuando hay que callar. Guardar silencio, aunque pueda parecer propio de ignorantes, muchas veces es señal de sabiduría y sensatez... La intención es lo que importa Autor: Oscar Schmidt Es muy notable como la misma actitud, el mismo gesto, puede en dos personas distintas contener significados opuestos. Una buena acción de alguien a veces nos deja con la extraña sensación de que algo está mal allí. Y la misma situación puesta en cabeza de otra persona parece ser sin dudas un gesto de amor sincero. Otras veces, una acción que nos parece incorrecta a la luz de nuestro pobre juicio, nos deja con la impresión de que en el fondo puede no estar tan mal. Y puesta en cabeza de otra persona, ¡definitivamente es una mala actitud! ¿Qué es lo que ocurre?. Ocurre que hay algo que es invisible a nuestros ojos: es la intención verdadera que tiene la persona en el corazón. ¡Y sólo Dios puede ver lo que ocurre en nuestros corazones!. ¡Y sólo Dios puede ver lo que ocurre en nuestros corazones!. Es por este motivo que Jesús nunca dejaba a sus discípulos juzgar a los demás, porque muchas veces el silencio humilde de una persona la colocaba en actitud incómoda frente a los August 5, 2012 hombres, ante un supuesto mal gesto. Sin embargo, en su corazón, esta persona guardaba una intención recta y sincera para con Dios. Y otras veces, quienes se esforzaban en aparecer justos y nobles frente a los hombres eran quienes abrigaban intenciones más indignas en el corazón. Las cosas que se hacen deben estar originadas en intenciones virtuosas, intenciones de hacer el bien. Esto es mas importante que las consecuencias mismas de nuestras acciones, ya que Dios ve en lo profundo de nuestros corazones, muy por encima de la opinión de los hombres sobre nuestros actos. Y no hay que preocuparse tanto de cómo luzcamos frente a los demás, ya que no son ellos quienes nos juzgarán cuando llegue el momento de sopesar nuestra vida: será el Justo Juez, Jesús, quien dictamine si hubo intención virtuosa en la forma en que hemos vivido. Por otra parte, es preferible pensar que los demás tienen una intención virtuosa en sus actos, y no desconfiar al extremo de accionar permanentemente nuestras defensas en anticipación a ser engañados o perjudicados. Si el otro tuvo intención virtuosa, Dios verá con agrado como dos de sus hijos obran en el bien. Y si el otro se aprovechó de mi, pues tendré un perjuicio a nivel humano, pero seré visto con mirada agradable por Dios. Y el juicio Divino recaerá sólo sobre el otro. Jesús llevó la intención virtuosa al extremo de jamás haber pecado. Y si bien El es Dios, también fue hombre. Y como tal estuvo sometido a la tentación: recordemos los cuarenta días en el desierto, y tantas otras veces en que los hombres lo sometieron a presiones e intentos de engaño. Sin embargo, en treinta y tres años de vida ¡jamás pecó!. Buena parte de las acusaciones que los hombres hicieron para llevarlo a la muerte, fueron acumulándose en la negativa de Cristo a aceptar las reglas de juego del mundo: El simplemente tuvo intención virtuosa en todo lo que hizo, más allá de las reacciones de los hombres. Claro que llevar la intención virtuosa a tal extremo de perfección tuvo sus consecuencias: ¡Nuestro Señor terminó crucificado en el Gólgota!. Hagamos todo en la vida con una intención virtuosa, con ánimo de hacer el bien. Las cosas nos podrán ir bien o mal, pero sin dudas estaremos en el sendero que Dios marca para nosotros. ¡La mirada de Dios es lo único que cuenta!.