Sources and Methodologies used in estimates for the country (Definitions and Acronyms for the indicators reported can be found at Argentina - National Expenditure on Health (Argentine Peso) Data Sources Total expenditure on health 1995 - 2009: Suma de gasto público y privado … General government expenditure on health 1995 - 2009: 1995 - 2009: Dirección de Análisis de Gasto Público y Programas Sociales-Secretaría de Política Económica- Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas 1995 - 2009: 1995 - 2009: Dirección de Análisis de Gasto Público y Programas Sociales-Secretaría de Política Económica- Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas 1995 - 2009: 1995 - 2009: Dirección de Análisis de Gasto Público y Programas Sociales-Secretaría de Política Económica- Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas 1995 - 2001: Gasto privado: Direc Gral de Cuentas Nacionales 2002 - 2009: 2002-09 estimaciones con base en CP … … … … Ministry of Health … … Social security funds … Private expenditure on health Methods 2001: Derived by applying the share of the variable to a related variable Private insurance 1995 - 1999: Direc Gral de Cuentas Nacionales 2000: SSN website, seguro de salud 2001 - 2009: Estimación OMS para reflejar el nivel de gasto de las EMP 2001 - 2009: Derived by applying the share of the variable to PC … … Non-profit institutions serving households (e.g. NGOs) 1997 - 2001: 1997-2001 Direc Gral de Cuentas Nacionales 2002 - 2009: Estimaciones OMS con base en CP 1995 - 1996: Derived by applying the share of the variable to PC 2002 - 2009: Derived by applying the share of the variable to PC Out of pocket expenditure 1997 - 2001: Direc Gral de Cuentas Nacionales 2002 - 2009: Estimaciones OMS con base en el CP 1995 - 2006: Derived by applying the share of the variable to PC Rest of the world funds / External resources 1995 - 1998: OECD DAC 2007 - 2008: Min Salud COFESA 2009: OECD DAC 1995 - 2009: WB Gross domestic product (GDP) General government expenditure (GGE) 1995 - 2009: 1995 - 2009: Dirección de Análisis de Gasto Público y Programas Sociales-Secretaría de Política Económica- Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas Private Final Consumption expenditure 1995 - 2009: WB ... Households final consumption ... non-profit institutions expenditure (NPI) Exchange rate (NCU per US$) 1995 - 2009: IFS IMF Purchasing Power Parity (NCU per US$) 1995 - 2009: WB Population (in thousands) 1995 - 2009: UN POP Argentina - National Expenditure on Health (Argentine Peso) A. SELECTED RATIO INDICATORS* FOR EXPENDITURES ON HEALTH 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 I. Expenditure ratios Total expenditure on health (THE) as % of GDP 8.3 8.0 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.0 9.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 9.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General government expenditure on health (GGHE) as % of THE 59.8 57.7 55.7 55.7 56.6 55.4 54.2 53.6 52.3 52.3 54.2 55.8 59.4 62.6 66.4 Private expenditure on health (PvtHE) as % of THE 40.2 42.3 44.3 44.3 43.4 44.6 45.8 46.4 47.7 47.7 45.8 44.2 40.6 37.4 33.6 GGHE as % of General government expenditure 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.9 15.1 14.7 14.3 15.3 14.7 15.1 14.3 14.4 13.8 13.7 14.6 Social security funds as % of GGHE 62.1 61.7 61.2 59.7 58.9 59.5 58.9 58.3 57.3 57.8 57.6 58.3 58.6 58.5 59.4 Financing Sources measurement External resources on health as % of THE Financing Agents measurement Private insurance as % of PvtHE 26.7 26.0 33.4 32.0 31.9 32.6 29.3 28.4 28.4 28.3 28.5 28.4 30.7 32.8 32.8 Out of pocket expenditure as % of PvtHE 69.5 70.4 63.2 63.8 64.0 63.3 64.0 64.2 64.4 64.1 64.3 64.1 61.5 59.2 59.2 Total expenditure on health / capita at exchange rate 617 620 671 688 707 689 678 225 283 332 400 463 561 695 730 Total expenditure on health / capita at Purchasing Power Parity (NCU per US$) 641 657 726 765 813 801 816 647 712 806 915 1,015 1,121 1,211 1,387 General government expenditure on health / cap x-rate 369 358 374 383 400 382 367 121 148 174 217 258 333 435 485 General government expenditure on health / cap Purchasing Power Parity (NCU per US$) 383 379 404 426 460 444 442 347 372 421 496 566 665 757 921 II. Selected per capita indicators for expenditures on health * These ratios and per capita levels are automatically derived using the aggregate figures in Section B. B. VALUES UNDERLYING RATIOS AND LEVELS 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Health System Expenditure & Financing Financing Agents measurement (Million NCU) Total expenditure on health 21,445 21,840 23,933 24,826 25,816 25,437 25,281 25,994 31,229 37,258 44,970 55,325 68,548 87,210 109,110 … General government expenditure on health 12,815 12,605 13,335 13,824 14,602 14,103 13,700 13,925 16,324 19,478 24,378 30,849 40,692 54,565 72,495 … … … … Ministry of Health 339 354 406 422 436 371 349 532 936 1,151 1,162 1,387 1,823 2,511 4,042 … … Social security funds 7,952 7,774 8,160 8,247 8,605 8,397 8,063 8,114 9,348 11,254 14,045 17,978 23,830 31,945 43,075 … Private expenditure on health 8,630 9,235 10,598 11,002 11,214 11,334 11,581 12,069 14,905 17,780 20,592 24,476 27,856 32,645 36,615 Private insurance 2,305 2,400 3,537 3,519 3,572 3,700 3,399 3,424 4,235 5,040 5,867 6,946 8,557 10,699 12,000 195 200 216 314 316 321 624 726 870 1,100 1,200 1,500 1,806 2,200 2,468 6,000 6,500 6,699 7,022 7,182 7,170 7,413 7,750 9,600 11,390 13,240 15,700 17,135 19,340 21,692 3 11 11 13 258,032 272,150 292,859 298,948 283,523 284,204 268,697 312,580 375,909 447,643 531,939 654,439 812,456 1,032,758 1,145,458 83,784 83,094 88,825 92,493 96,960 95,904 95,788 91,237 110,779 129,031 170,757 214,943 294,591 397,499 496,387 Private Final Consumption expenditure 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 ... Households final consumption 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 … … Non-profit institutions serving households (e.g. NGOs) Out of pocket expenditure Financing Sources measurement (Million NCU) Rest of the world funds / External resources Macro-economic variables (Million NCU) Gross domestic product (GDP) General government expenditure (GGE) ... non-profit institutions expenditure (NPI) Exchange rate (NCU per US$) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.06 2.90 2.92 2.90 3.05 3.10 3.14 3.71 Purchasing Power Parity (NCU per US$) 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.83 1.07 1.15 1.21 1.27 1.39 1.55 1.81 1.95 34,772 35,223 35,671 36,111 36,535 36,939 37,318 37,676 38,023 38,372 38,732 39,105 39,490 39,883 40,276 Population (in thousands) "n/a" Used when the information accessed indicates that a cell should have an entry but no estimates could be made. "0" Used when no evidence of the schemes to which the cell relates exist. Some estimates yielding a ratio below 0.04% are also shown as ‘0’. Footnotes Last updated: April 2011 (Argentine Peso) OPQE اRST hDp\E ا@?>=ق اnYHDqا|ر 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 ا@?>=قBCDE =رةHIJ اتLMNJ OPQE اRST 1995 ا@?>=قBC? :ًVأو 9.5 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.3 8.3 8.3 9.4 9.0 9.1 8.3 8.2 8.0 8.3 HIJK آHMNO اQRS قUVWX اYOUZ[إ YOUZ[X اYRMZO^] اUKO`_ ا 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 HMNO اQRS HaVKZO اHb[رUdOارد اfZOا QRS قUVWX اYOUZ[ `_ إHIJKآ HMNOا _`\ZHEء اb=س وآY^ 66.4 62.6 59.4 55.8 54.2 52.3 52.3 53.6 54.2 55.4 56.6 55.7 55.7 57.7 59.8 QRS مUhO اY`fiMOق اUVWX اHIJW HMNO اQRS قUVWX اYOUZ[ `_ إHMNOا 33.6 37.4 40.6 44.2 45.8 47.7 47.7 46.4 45.8 44.6 43.4 44.3 44.3 42.3 40.2 _` HMNO اQRS صUdOق اUVWX اHIJW HMNO اQRS قUVWX اYOUZ[إ 14.6 13.7 13.8 14.4 14.3 15.1 14.7 15.3 14.3 14.7 15.1 14.9 15.0 15.2 15.3 QRS مUhO اY`fiMOق اUVWX اHIJW مUhO اY`fiMOق اUVWX `_ اHMNOا 59.4 58.5 58.6 58.3 57.6 57.8 57.3 58.3 58.9 59.5 58.9 59.7 61.2 61.7 62.1 _` YSUZk[lن اUZnO اopدUKq HIJW HMNO اQRS مUhO اY`fiMOق اUVWXا 32.8 32.8 30.7 28.4 28.5 28.3 28.4 28.4 29.3 32.6 31.9 32.0 33.4 26.0 26.7 قUVWXص `_ اUdO_ اb`rkO اHIJW HMNO اQRS صUdOا 59.2 59.2 61.5 64.1 64.3 64.1 64.4 64.2 64.0 63.3 64.0 63.8 63.2 70.4 69.5 قUVWX `_ اstUIZOق اUVWX اHIJW HMNO اQRS صUdOا OYE=ZE\ارد اZE=س اY^ دL>E اBCd =رةHIJ اتLMNJ OPQE اRST ?>=قeE 730 695 561 463 400 332 283 225 678 689 707 688 671 620 1,387 1,211 1,121 1,015 915 806 712 647 816 801 813 765 726 657 485 435 333 258 217 174 148 121 367 382 400 383 374 358 921 757 665 566 496 421 372 347 442 444 460 426 404 617 دsVO اHMq QRS قUVWX اYOUZ[إ فsNO اshJv wxاfOا دsVO اHMq QRS قUVWX اYOUZ[إ ةwx )وHb{اs|Oة اfaOدل اUhkv wxاfOا 641 (Yips`~ر اlوwO اvUa` HbKfO اHRZhOا 379 369 HMq QRS مUhO اY`fiMOق اUVWXا فsNO اshJv wxاfOد اsVOا 383 HMq QRS مUhO اY`fiMOق اUVWXا Hb{اs|Oة اfaOدل اUhkv wxاfOد اsVOا رlوwO اvUa` HbKfO اHRZhOة اwx)و (Yips`~ا }YE =ء" وo" عL>E اh اتL`mHE اRST O\اZEع و اbpV اRST انmSE اOYZE=lE اOPQE اOZjDJ g اE .=?=ء" أدo" عL>E اh OlZَZE ا|ر^=م اnJ OQSIHCJ دL>E اBCd \`=تHCZE اE وآBCDEه ا BCDE اRST 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 ا ا إ ا:ء وات 1995 fS`\Zg وhPQE=م اjDEا?>=ق ا RST _`\ZHEء اb=س إ?>=ق وآY^ OSZlEات اmd وnY`bZo) OPQEا (OYDp\Eا 109,110 87,210 68,548 55,325 44,970 37,258 31,229 25,994 25,281 25,437 25,816 24,826 23,933 21,840 21,445 OPQE اRST ا@?>=قhE=Zqإ 72,495 54,565 40,692 30,849 24,378 19,478 16,324 13,925 13,700 14,103 14,602 13,824 13,335 12,605 12,815 RST =مlE اhJ\rPEا@?>=ق ا (HF.1) OPQEا 4,042 2,511 1,823 1,387 1,162 1,151 936 532 349 371 436 422 406 354 43,075 31,945 23,830 17,978 14,045 11,254 9,348 8,114 8,063 8,397 8,605 8,247 8,160 7,774 339 (HF.1.1.1) HMNOوزارة ا 7,952 (HF.1.2) YSUZk[lن اUZnO اopدUKq OPQE اRST =صIEا@?>=ق ا (HF.2) 36,615 32,645 27,856 24,476 20,592 17,780 14,905 12,069 11,581 11,334 11,214 11,002 10,598 9,235 8,630 12,000 10,699 8,557 6,946 5,867 5,040 4,235 3,424 3,399 3,700 3,572 3,519 3,537 2,400 2,305 صUdO_ اb`rkOا 2,468 2,200 1,806 1,500 1,200 1,100 870 726 624 321 316 314 216 200 195 vsOف اwkJ^ l YkOت اUJ ZOا sb تUZKZO )` اs ~م اwd^و (HF.2.4) (Hb`fiMOا 21,692 19,340 17,135 15,700 13,240 11,390 9,600 7,750 7,413 7,170 7,182 7,022 6,699 6,500 6,000 stUIZOق اUVWXا OYE=ZE\ارد اZE=س اY^ 13 11 11 3 Hb[رUdOارد اfZOا/OUhO اHbav الf`أ (FS.3) OYSrE اO`=دQH^Vات اLّYuHZEا (OYDp\Eت اbZlEات اmd وnY`bZo) 1,145,458 1,032,758 812,456 654,439 531,939 447,643 375,909 312,580 268,697 284,204 283,523 298,948 292,859 272,150 258,032 496,387 397,499 294,591 214,943 170,757 129,031 110,779 91,237 95,788 95,904 96,960 92,493 88,825 83,094 83,784 YOUZ[X اYRMZO^] اUKOا مUhO اY`fiMOق اUVWXا 667,375 595,012 475,876 386,305 326,276 280,279 235,525 190,406 189,018 200,810 198,491 209,613 207,379 190,738 178,401 -HqUdO اY{UKOك اk lت اUaVW HbZOUhO اHbMNOءات اUNxXا 667,375 595,012 475,876 386,305 326,276 280,279 235,525 190,406 189,018 200,810 198,491 209,613 207,379 190,738 178,401 Y{UKOي اs ~ك اk lا HbMvsO اsb تUJ ZOت اUaVW 3.71 3.14 3.10 3.05 2.90 2.92 2.90 3.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 HbKfO اHRZhOة اwxف )وsNO اsh (Yips`~ر اlوwO اvUa` 1.95 1.81 1.55 1.39 1.27 1.21 1.15 1.07 0.83 0.86 0.87 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 HRZhOة اwx )وHb{اs|Oة اfaOدل اUh^ (Yips`~ر اlوwO اvUa` HbKfOا 40,276 39,883 39,490 39,105 38,732 38,372 38,023 37,676 37,318 36,939 36,535 36,111 35,671 35,223 34,772 (فlUv) نUiJOا .دwNO ها اY اتspwa^ Hp أw[f^ l W أsb U` ًUZ رn^ أنYIKp HbKhZO اHWUdO أن اQOت إU`fRhZO اsb|^ U`wKS `sOم ها اwdkJp اتspwakO اhv أنUZ آ.HWUdO اUbOق إsk^ YkOد اfKIO اQRS تUKّbv Hp أw[f^ l U`wKS `sOم ها اwdkJp OYM=d 2011 _`Lo ا/=نCY? LxM:y`mPg Lz{ 阿根廷 – 国家卫生支出 (Argentine Peso) 选择的卫生支出比例指标 支出比例 卫生总费用占国内生产总值的百分比( THE)%GDP 按筹资来源衡量 用于卫生的外部资源%THE 按筹资机构衡量 各级政府卫生支出占卫生总费用的百分 比 私人卫生支出占卫生总费用的百分比 A. 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 I. 各级政府卫生支出占各级政府支出的百 分比 社会保障基金占各级政府卫生支出的百 分比 私营保险占私人卫生支出的百分比 自付款占私人卫生支出的百分比 选择的人均卫生支出指标 卫生总费用/按汇率计算的人均水平 8.3 8.0 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.0 9.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 9.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.8 57.7 55.7 55.7 56.6 55.4 54.2 53.6 52.3 52.3 54.2 55.8 59.4 62.6 66.4 40.2 42.3 44.3 44.3 43.4 44.6 45.8 46.4 47.7 47.7 45.8 44.2 40.6 37.4 33.6 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.9 15.1 14.7 14.3 15.3 14.7 15.1 14.3 14.4 13.8 13.7 14.6 62.1 61.7 61.2 59.7 58.9 59.5 58.9 58.3 57.3 57.8 57.6 58.3 58.6 58.5 59.4 26.7 26.0 33.4 32.0 31.9 32.6 29.3 28.4 28.4 28.3 28.5 28.4 30.7 32.8 32.8 69.5 70.4 63.2 63.8 64.0 63.3 64.0 64.2 64.4 64.1 64.3 64.1 61.5 59.2 59.2 617 620 671 688 707 689 678 225 283 332 400 463 561 695 730 641 657 726 765 813 801 816 647 712 806 915 1,015 1,121 1,211 1,387 369 358 374 383 400 382 367 121 148 174 217 258 333 435 485 383 379 404 426 460 444 442 347 372 421 496 566 665 757 921 II. 卫生总费用/按购买力平价(1美元兑国 家货币单位)计算的人均水平 各级政府卫生支出/按兑换率计算的人均 水平 各级政府卫生支出/按购买力平价(1美 元兑国家货币单位)计算的人均水平 这些比例和人均水平的指标是从下面B部分中的数字相加而自动获得的。 部分中的数字相加而自动获得的。 比例和水平的基础值 1995 1996 1997 B. 卫生系统支出及筹资( 卫生系统支出及筹资(百万国家货币 单位) ) 单位 按筹资机构衡量卫生支出( 按筹资机构衡量卫生支出(百万国家 货币单位) 货币单位) 卫生总费用 …各级政府卫生支出( 各级政府卫生支出(HF.1) …………卫生部 ……社会保障基金(HF.1.2) …私人卫生支出( 私人卫生支出(HF.2) 私营保险 ……为住户服务的非营利机构(例如非 政府组织)(HF.2.4) 自付款 按筹资来源衡量 世界其他地方资金/外部资源(FS.3) 宏观经济变量( 宏观经济变量(百万国家货币单位) 百万国家货币单位) 国内生产总值 各级政府支出 私人最终消费支出 - 世界卫生调查 住户最终消费 非营利机构的支出 兑换率(1美元兑国家货币单位) 购买力平价(1美元兑国家货币单位) … 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 21,445 21,840 23,933 24,826 25,816 25,437 25,281 25,994 31,229 37,258 44,970 55,325 68,548 87,210 109,110 12,815 12,605 13,335 13,824 14,602 14,103 13,700 13,925 16,324 19,478 24,378 30,849 40,692 54,565 72,495 339 354 406 422 436 371 349 532 936 1,151 1,162 1,387 1,823 2,511 4,042 7,952 7,774 8,160 8,247 8,605 8,397 8,063 8,114 9,348 11,254 14,045 17,978 23,830 31,945 43,075 8,630 9,235 10,598 11,002 11,214 11,334 11,581 12,069 14,905 17,780 20,592 24,476 27,856 32,645 36,615 2,305 2,400 3,537 3,519 3,572 3,700 3,399 3,424 4,235 5,040 5,867 6,946 8,557 10,699 12,000 195 200 216 314 316 321 624 726 870 1,100 1,200 1,500 1,806 2,200 2,468 6,000 6,500 6,699 7,022 7,182 7,170 7,413 7,750 9,600 11,390 13,240 15,700 17,135 19,340 21,692 3 11 11 13 258,032 272,150 292,859 298,948 283,523 284,204 268,697 312,580 375,909 447,643 531,939 654,439 812,456 1,032,758 1,145,458 83,784 83,094 88,825 92,493 96,960 95,904 95,788 91,237 110,779 129,031 170,757 214,943 294,591 397,499 496,387 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.06 2.90 2.92 2.90 3.05 3.10 3.14 3.71 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.83 1.07 1.15 1.21 1.27 1.39 1.55 1.81 1.95 34,772 35,223 35,671 36,111 36,535 36,939 37,318 37,676 38,023 38,372 38,732 39,105 39,490 39,883 40,276 … 总人口(以千计) 表示表格中应有数据,但不能作出估计。 表示无证据显示存在有关计划。比率低于0.04% 的一些估计值也以‘0’表示。 脚注 "n/a" "0" 最后更新时间: 最后更新时间: 四月 2011 Argentine - Dépenses nationales en santé (Argentine Peso) A. SÉLECTION DE RATIOS DE DÉPENSES EN SANTE 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 I. Ratios de dépenses Dépenses totales en santé (DTS) en % du PIB 8.3 8.0 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.0 9.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 9.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dépenses des administrations publiques en santé (DGS) en % des DTS 59.8 57.7 55.7 55.7 56.6 55.4 54.2 53.6 52.3 52.3 54.2 55.8 59.4 62.6 66.4 Dépenses du secteur privé en santé (DPvS) en % des DTS 40.2 42.3 44.3 44.3 43.4 44.6 45.8 46.4 47.7 47.7 45.8 44.2 40.6 37.4 33.6 Dépenses des administrations publiques en santé en % des DGS 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.9 15.1 14.7 14.3 15.3 14.7 15.1 14.3 14.4 13.8 13.7 14.6 Régimes de sécurité sociale en % des DGS 62.1 61.7 61.2 59.7 58.9 59.5 58.9 58.3 57.3 57.8 57.6 58.3 58.6 58.5 59.4 Assurance privée en % des DPvS 26.7 26.0 33.4 32.0 31.9 32.6 29.3 28.4 28.4 28.3 28.5 28.4 30.7 32.8 32.8 Versements directs en % des DPvS 69.5 70.4 63.2 63.8 64.0 63.3 64.0 64.2 64.4 64.1 64.3 64.1 61.5 59.2 59.2 Dépenses totales en santé par habitant au taux de change 617 620 671 688 707 689 678 225 283 332 400 463 561 695 730 Dépenses totales en santé par habitant selon la parité de pouvoir d'achat (UMN par US $) 641 657 726 765 813 801 816 647 712 806 915 1,015 1,121 1,211 1,387 Dépenses des administrations publiques en santé par habitant au taux de change 369 358 374 383 400 382 367 121 148 174 217 258 333 435 485 Dépenses des administrations publiques en santé par habitant selon la parité de pouvoir d'achat (UMN par US $) 383 379 404 426 460 444 442 347 372 421 496 566 665 757 921 Mesure des agents de financement Ressources externes consacrées à la santé en % des DTS Mesure des agents de financement II. Sélection d'indicateurs des dépenses en santé par habitant Ces ratios et niveaux ont été calculés à partir des agrégats de la section B. B. VARIABLES UTILISEES POUR LES RATIOS ET NIVEAUX 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Dépenses & financement du système de santé Mesure des agents de financement des dépenses de santé (en millions d'UMN) Dépenses totales en santé 21,445 21,840 23,933 24,826 25,816 25,437 25,281 25,994 31,229 37,258 44,970 55,325 68,548 87,210 109,110 ... Dépenses en santé des administrations publiques (HF.1) 12,815 12,605 13,335 13,824 14,602 14,103 13,700 13,925 16,324 19,478 24,378 30,849 40,692 54,565 72,495 ... ... ... ... Ministère de la santé ... ... Régimes de sécurité sociale (HF.1.2) 339 354 406 422 436 371 349 532 936 1,151 1,162 1,387 1,823 2,511 4,042 7,952 7,774 8,160 8,247 8,605 8,397 8,063 8,114 9,348 11,254 14,045 17,978 23,830 31,945 43,075 ... Dépenses privées en santé (HF.2) 8,630 9,235 10,598 11,002 11,214 11,334 11,581 12,069 14,905 17,780 20,592 24,476 27,856 32,645 36,615 Assurance privée 2,305 2,400 3,537 3,519 3,572 3,700 3,399 3,424 4,235 5,040 5,867 6,946 8,557 10,699 12,000 195 200 216 314 316 321 624 726 870 1,100 1,200 1,500 1,806 2,200 2,468 6,000 6,500 6,699 7,022 7,182 7,170 7,413 7,750 9,600 11,390 13,240 15,700 17,135 19,340 21,692 3 11 11 13 … … Institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages (p. ex. ONG) (HF.2.4) Versements directs Mesure des agents de financement ... Fonds du reste du monde / Sources externes (FS.3) Variables macroéconomiques (en millions d'UMN) Produit intérieur brut (PIB) 258,032 272,150 292,859 298,948 283,523 284,204 268,697 312,580 375,909 447,643 531,939 654,439 812,456 1,032,758 1,145,458 Dépenses des administrations publiques 83,784 83,094 88,825 92,493 96,960 95,904 95,788 91,237 110,779 129,031 170,757 214,943 294,591 397,499 496,387 Dépenses de consommation individuelle finale - Statistiques sanitaires mondiales 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 ... Consommation finale des ménages 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 ... Dépenses des institutions sans but lucratif (ISBL) Taux de change (UMN par US $) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.06 2.90 2.92 2.90 3.05 3.10 3.14 3.71 Parité du pouvoir d'achat (UMN par US $) 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.83 1.07 1.15 1.21 1.27 1.39 1.55 1.81 1.95 34,772 35,223 35,671 36,111 36,535 36,939 37,318 37,676 38,023 38,372 38,732 39,105 39,490 39,883 40,276 Population (en milliers) "n/a" signifie que des dépenses sont encourues, mais que le montant ne pouvait pas être estimé par faute d'information. "0" signifie qu'aucune dépense n'est encourue pour la variable en question. Il est possible qu'un ratio de moins de 0.04% s'affiche comme "0". Notes de bas de page Dernière mise à jour: avril 2011 Аргентина - Национальные расходы на здравоохранение: (Argentine Peso) A. Отдельные процентные показатели расходов на здравоохранение I. Процентные показатели расходов 1995 Общие расходы на здравоохранение (ОРЗ) в % от ВВП 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 8.3 8.0 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.0 9.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 9.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Общие государственные расходы на здравоохранение (ОГРЗ) в % от ОРЗ Частные расходы на здравоохранения (ЧРЗ) в % от ОРЗ 59.8 57.7 55.7 55.7 56.6 55.4 54.2 53.6 52.3 52.3 54.2 55.8 59.4 62.6 66.4 40.2 42.3 44.3 44.3 43.4 44.6 45.8 46.4 47.7 47.7 45.8 44.2 40.6 37.4 33.6 ОГРЗ в % от общих государственных расходов 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.9 15.1 14.7 14.3 15.3 14.7 15.1 14.3 14.4 13.8 13.7 14.6 Фонды социального обеспечения в % от ОГРЗ 62.1 61.7 61.2 59.7 58.9 59.5 58.9 58.3 57.3 57.8 57.6 58.3 58.6 58.5 59.4 Частное страхования в % от ЧРЗ 26.7 26.0 33.4 32.0 31.9 32.6 29.3 28.4 28.4 28.3 28.5 28.4 30.7 32.8 32.8 Расходы за счет собственных средств в % от ЧРЗ 69.5 70.4 63.2 63.8 64.0 63.3 64.0 64.2 64.4 64.1 64.3 64.1 61.5 59.2 59.2 617 620 671 688 707 689 678 225 283 332 400 463 561 695 730 641 657 726 765 813 801 816 647 712 806 915 1,015 1,121 1,211 1,387 369 358 374 383 400 382 367 121 148 174 217 258 333 435 485 383 379 404 426 460 444 442 347 372 421 496 566 665 757 921 Источники финансирования Внешние средства для здравоохранения в % от ОРЗ Распорядители финансирования II. Отдельные подушевые показатели расходов на здравоохранение Общие расходы на здравоохранение на душу населения по обменному курсу Общие расходы на здравоохранение на душу населения по паритету покупательной способности (ед. нац. вал. за долл. США) Общие государственные расходы на здравоохранение на душу населения по обменному курсу Общие государственные расходы на здравоохранение на душу населения по паритету покупательной способности (ед. нац. вал. за долл. США) Эти процентные показатели и уровни на душу населения получены с использованием агрегированных показателей, содержащихся в разделе B. B. ПОКАЗАТЕЛИ ДЛЯ РАСЧЕТА ДОЛЕЙ И УРОВНЕЙ 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Расходы и финансирование системы здравоохранения Расходы на здравоохранение по распорядителям финансирования (млн. ЕНВ) Общие расходы на здравоохранение 21,445 21,840 23,933 24,826 25,816 25,437 25,281 25,994 31,229 37,258 44,970 55,325 68,548 87,210 109,110 … Расходы органов государственного управления на здравоохранение (HF.1) 12,815 12,605 13,335 13,824 14,602 14,103 13,700 13,925 16,324 19,478 24,378 30,849 40,692 54,565 72,495 … … … … Министерство здравоохранения 339 354 406 422 436 371 349 532 936 1,151 1,162 1,387 1,823 2,511 4,042 … ...Фонды социального страхования (HF.1.2) 7,952 7,774 8,160 8,247 8,605 8,397 8,063 8,114 9,348 11,254 14,045 17,978 23,830 31,945 43,075 … Частные расходы на здравоохранение (HF.2) 8,630 9,235 10,598 11,002 11,214 11,334 11,581 12,069 14,905 17,780 20,592 24,476 27,856 32,645 36,615 Частное страхование 2,305 2,400 3,537 3,519 3,572 3,700 3,399 3,424 4,235 5,040 5,867 6,946 8,557 10,699 12,000 195 200 216 314 316 321 624 726 870 1,100 1,200 1,500 1,806 2,200 2,468 6,000 6,500 6,699 7,022 7,182 7,170 7,413 7,750 9,600 11,390 13,240 15,700 17,135 19,340 21,692 3 11 11 13 Валовой внутренний продукт (ВВП) 258,032 272,150 292,859 298,948 283,523 284,204 268,697 312,580 375,909 447,643 531,939 654,439 812,456 1,032,758 1,145,458 Расходы органов государственного управления (РОГУ) 83,784 83,094 88,825 92,493 96,960 95,904 95,788 91,237 110,779 129,031 170,757 214,943 294,591 397,499 496,387 Частные расходы на конечное потребление - Мировая статистика здравоохранения (МСЗ) 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 …Конечное потребление домашних хозяйств 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 Обменный курс (ЕНВ на долл. США) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.06 2.90 2.92 2.90 3.05 3.10 3.14 3.71 Паритет покупательной способности (ЕНВ на один международный доллар) Общая численность населения (в тысячах человек) 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.83 1.07 1.15 1.21 1.27 1.39 1.55 1.81 1.95 34,772 35,223 35,671 36,111 36,535 36,939 37,318 37,676 38,023 38,372 38,732 39,105 39,490 39,883 40,276 … … Некоммерческие организации, обслуживающие домашние хозяйства (НПО) (HF.2.4) Расходы за счет собственных средств Источники финансирования ...Остальная часть средств в мире/Внешние источники (FS.3) Макроэкономические параметры (млн. ЕНВ) ...расходы некоммерческих организаций (НКО) "n/a" Используется, когда информация должна быть указана в ячейке, но нет возможности ее получить. "0" используется, когда оценки для схем, к которым относится ячейка, не существуют. Некоторые переменные представленные отношением меньше, чем 0.04% также могут быть показаны как ‘0’." Примечание: Последнее обновление: Апрель 2011 Argentina - Gasto nacional en salud (Argentine Peso) A. Algunos indicadores porcentuales del gasto en salud 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 I. Porcentajes de gasto Gasto total en salud (GTS), como % del PIB 8.3 8.0 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.0 9.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 9.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gasto del gobierno general en salud (GGGS), como % del GTS 59.8 57.7 55.7 55.7 56.6 55.4 54.2 53.6 52.3 52.3 54.2 55.8 59.4 62.6 66.4 Gasto privado en salud (GPS), como % del GTS 40.2 42.3 44.3 44.3 43.4 44.6 45.8 46.4 47.7 47.7 45.8 44.2 40.6 37.4 33.6 GGGS como % del Gasto del gobierno general en salud 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.9 15.1 14.7 14.3 15.3 14.7 15.1 14.3 14.4 13.8 13.7 14.6 Fondos de la seguridad social, como % del GGGS 62.1 61.7 61.2 59.7 58.9 59.5 58.9 58.3 57.3 57.8 57.6 58.3 58.6 58.5 59.4 Seguros privados como % del GPS 26.7 26.0 33.4 32.0 31.9 32.6 29.3 28.4 28.4 28.3 28.5 28.4 30.7 32.8 32.8 Gasto directo como % del GPS 69.5 70.4 63.2 63.8 64.0 63.3 64.0 64.2 64.4 64.1 64.3 64.1 61.5 59.2 59.2 Gasto total en salud per cápita al tipo de cambio 617 620 671 688 707 689 678 225 283 332 400 463 561 695 730 Gasto total en salud per cápita en términos de paridad del poder adquisitivo (UMN por US$) 641 657 726 765 813 801 816 647 712 806 915 1,015 1,121 1,211 1,387 369 358 374 383 400 382 367 121 148 174 217 258 333 435 485 383 379 404 426 460 444 442 347 372 421 496 566 665 757 921 Medición de las fuentes de financiación Recursos externos para la salud, como % del GTS Medición de los agentes de financiación II. Algunos indicadores del gasto en salud per cápita Gasto del gobierno general en salud per cápita al tipo de cambio x Gasto del gobierno general en salud per cápita en términos de paridad del poder adquisitivo (UMN por US$) Estos porcentajes y niveles per cápita se derivan automáticamente a partir de las cifras de la sección B. B.VALORES QUE SIRVEN DE BASE A LOS PORCENTAJES Y NIVELES 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Gastos y financiación del sistema de salud Medición de los agentes de financiación del gasto sanitario (millones de UMN) Gasto total en salud 21,445 21,840 23,933 24,826 25,816 25,437 25,281 25,994 31,229 37,258 44,970 55,325 68,548 87,210 109,110 … Gasto del gobierno general en salud (HF.1) 12,815 12,605 13,335 13,824 14,602 14,103 13,700 13,925 16,324 19,478 24,378 30,849 40,692 54,565 72,495 339 354 406 422 436 371 349 532 936 1,151 1,162 1,387 1,823 2,511 4,042 … … Fondos de la seguridad social (HF.1.2) 7,952 7,774 8,160 8,247 8,605 8,397 8,063 8,114 9,348 11,254 14,045 17,978 23,830 31,945 43,075 … Gasto privado en salud (HF.2) 8,630 9,235 10,598 11,002 11,214 11,334 11,581 12,069 14,905 17,780 20,592 24,476 27,856 32,645 36,615 Seguros privados 2,305 2,400 3,537 3,519 3,572 3,700 3,399 3,424 4,235 5,040 5,867 6,946 8,557 10,699 12,000 195 200 216 314 316 321 624 726 870 1,100 1,200 1,500 1,806 2,200 2,468 6,000 6,500 6,699 7,022 7,182 7,170 7,413 7,750 9,600 11,390 13,240 15,700 17,135 19,340 21,692 3 11 11 13 258,032 272,150 292,859 298,948 283,523 284,204 268,697 312,580 375,909 447,643 531,939 654,439 812,456 1,032,758 1,145,458 83,784 83,094 88,825 92,493 96,960 95,904 95,788 91,237 110,779 129,031 170,757 214,943 294,591 397,499 496,387 Gasto de consumo final privado Encuesta Mundial de Salud 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 ... Consumo final de hogares 178,401 190,738 207,379 209,613 198,491 200,810 189,018 190,406 235,525 280,279 326,276 386,305 475,876 595,012 667,375 … … … … Ministerio de salud … … Istituciones sin fines de lucro que sirven a los hogares (p.ej., ONG) (HF.2.4) Gasto directo Medición de las fuentes de financiación Fondos del resto del mundo / Recursos externos (FS.3) Variables macroeconómicas (millones de UMN) Producto interno bruto (PIB) Gasto del Gobierno General (GGG) ... gasto de instituciones sin fines de lucro (ISFL) Tipo de cambio (UMN por US$) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.06 2.90 2.92 2.90 3.05 3.10 3.14 3.71 Paridad del Poder Adquisitivo (UMN por US$) 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.83 1.07 1.15 1.21 1.27 1.39 1.55 1.81 1.95 34,772 35,223 35,671 36,111 36,535 36,939 37,318 37,676 38,023 38,372 38,732 39,105 39,490 39,883 40,276 Población (en miles) "n/a" Se utiliza cuando la información accesible sugiere que debiera existir una cifra en la celda pero no se pudo realizar una estimación "0" Se utiliza cuando no existe evidencia de financiamiento en salud relativo a la celda. Algunas estimaciones con cifras pequeñas, menores a 0.04% se representan también como "0". Notas explicativas Ultima actualización: Abril 2011