August 23rd, 2015 ST.PHILIP NERI CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, August 23rd Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Jack McGuire 9:00 Rosario Flores Cristo De Los Milagros Corazón Aglipay & Lorenzo Esquioja 11:15 John Ambrose 24th MONDAY, August St. Bartholomew, Apostle 8:00 Mary E. Reilly 12:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) TUESDAY, August 25th Weekday-St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz, Priest 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 Terry Briggs WEDNESDAY, August 26th Weekday 8:00 Ramona Veras 12:00 Sr. Celia Harrington-Happy Birthday (L) THURSDAY, August 27th St. Monica 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 John, Nora & Mary and Matt Dowd FRIDAY, August 28th St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 Margarita Family (L) SATURDAY, August 23rd The Passion of St. John the Baptist 8:00 Vincent McDonnell (L) 12:00 St. Martha 5:30 Maurizio & Isabella Giacula 7:00 Ermila Medrano Josefina Bliden Luis Manuel Tavarez & Ana Ramona Pérez Online Contributions Anyone interested in making their weekly contributions to St. Philip Neri electronically may call the Parish Pay program at 1-866-Parish1 or visit The parish benefits greatly from the regularity of the system and detaches the issue of church support from such factors as the weather, vacations, etc. PAGE 2 THIS MONTH’S MEMORIALS The Bread and Wine used at all of our Masses During the month of August are offered in Memory of Michael and Robert M. Pietrangolore The Candles for the Altar used at all of our Masses During the month of August are offered in In Memory of Aida Villalona The suggested donation for a Monthly Memorial is $150. Collection Report Last Sunday’s first collection amounted to $3,237. The air conditioning collection was $1,565 for a total of $4,802. We very much appreciate the sense of responsible stewardship those who, when away for a weekend or several, are conscientious about making up for their missed Sunday contributions. 54 Day Rosary Novena As a message of hope in response to the spiritual crisis in our culture and nation, all are being urged to participate in the saying of the rosary daily from August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, through October 7, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The prayers would be offered for marriage and the family, for peace, for human life and for freedom. The daily rosary might be recited individually, as a family or with a parish group, for 54 straight days, 27 days in petition from August 15 through September 10, and then 27 days in thanksgiving from September 11 through October 7. For more information, visit Prayer for the Sick Michael Caruso, Russ Keane, Rose Natalizio, Joseph Griffith, Thelma Rispeth, Nicolasa Méndez, Pedro Zapata, Andrenen Nelson, Mary Boyle, Lenore LaPrade, Carmelo Diaz, Garth Walker, Yvonne Matos, Michelle Ruiz, Frank Colon, David P. Díaz, Jovita Rodríguez, Herman MacGuy Sr, Alex Santana, Frank Colon, Petra Bravo, Albert Falk, Mary Guzman, Dorothy Terhune, Ralph Wagner, Roberto Claudio, Robert Arias, Victor Sotomayor, Maria De La Cruz, Thomas Walker, Myles Regan, Gloria Harris, Mary Rocco, Michael Walsh, Joe Gariola August 23rd, 2015 ST.PHILIP NERI CHURCH Parish and School Website We recently called attention to our parish and school website. We thought it was good, but now it is better. We have joined an Archdiocesan network which allows us to modify the site ourselves from the rectory. This bulletin is now being posted on the site every Friday. Full information about our religious education programs for both children and adults can be easily located, as can be the registration forms to be filled out. Check out Lectors Needed In response to our call for new lectors, two new volunteers attended a preliminary meeting on Monday night. There will be another meeting on Monday August 10 at 6:30 in the church. Present lectors are encouraged to attend since they will be able to share their experience with others. We continue to welcome anyone who can make a commitment, either for Sundays or weekdays. If we have a larger group, the commitment should be easy enough since we will have a list to from when on a given day the assigned lector cannot be present. St. Patrick’s Cathedral On Tuesday August 25 Channel 13, during its “Treasures of New York” segment, will offer a film about St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which recently underwent a $175 million restoration. The film takes viewers through the cathedral’s rich history as a center of Catholic life in New York and examines the architectural features that have made it a celebrated New York City treasure and a National historic Landmark. The film highlights the efforts to preserve this historic treasure, examining the massive, recently completed restoration that includes a new roof, repairs to the stone facade and restoration of the stained glass windows. Initiated in 2007, the project is the most extensive and expensive restoration in the cathedral’s history PAGE 3 Vocation Summit Do you love the priesthood and religious life? Would you like to learn more about how you can promote vocations in your parish? Then join us for a delicious meal, free of charge at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers this October 9, from 6-9pm. Our guest speaker is Rhonda Gruenewald, and expert from Houston who has literally “written the book” on how to effectively run a parishbased vocation ministry. Also at the dinner, we’ll unveil our new four-point Archdiocesan Vocation Plan Please note: Attending the dinner does not obligate you to more volunteer duties. It is a night to learn, be inspired, and perhaps take home some best practices to your parish. See more details and RSVP at Memorial Garden: Subscriptions Slow We have had only a few requests for memorial bricks in the chapel garden. If we do not receive at least ten requests by September we plan to return any contributions already made. Meanwhile it is still possible to inscribe a paving brick in memory of a deceased loved one or in tribute to the living. The donation is $200. Since we can install the bricks only if we have a minimum order of ten, we encourage anyone interested to register as soon as possible. There is always a long delay between submitting the order and the installation date and we would like to be able to do so early in the summer. Enrollment forms are available both in the rectory office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION Children grades 1 to HS: Registration and re-registration takes place from Tuesday to Friday 11am to 6:30pm in the rectory during regular office hours. Also, from 8am to 2pm on the following Sundays: August 23 30 and September 6 & 13. One (1) child: $70 Two (2) children: $100 Three or more (3+) children: $130 Baptismal certificates are necessary for children already baptized, otherwise a birth certificate. Adults: Those needing Baptism, Communion or Confirmation are prepared though the RCIA program. Registration takes place from Tuesday to Friday 11am to 6:30pm in the rectory during regular office hours. The RCIA process for preparing adults starts on Tuesday August 18 at 7pm. 23 de agosto, 2015 IGLESIA DE SAN FELIPE NERI Domingo 23 de agosto 2015 Vigesimoprimero Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Informe de Ofrenda El domingo de la semana pasada, logramos recaudar un total de $4802.00 dorales; de los cuales $1,565 fueron de la colecta para el mantenimiento del aire acondicionado. Muchas gracias por su generosidad. Tengo presente que, aunque algunos se encuentran fuera de la ciudad ya sea por un fin de semana o quizás durante lo que resta del verano, aun encuentran la manera de enviar sus diezmos. Quincuagésima cuarta novena al Santo Rosario En un mensaje de esperanza, todos están invitados a participar en la quincuagésima cuarta novena del Santo Rosario, a partir del 15 de agosto-Asunción de la María a octubre 7-fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario. Durante este tiempo pediremos por la paz en el mundo, la humanidad, por los matrimonios y la familia. Para más información visiten la pagina web Quincuagésima cuarta novena al Santo Rosario En un mensaje de esperanza, todos están invitados a participar en la quincuagésima cuarta novena del Santo Rosario, a partir del 15 de agosto-Asunción de la María a octubre 7-fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario. Durante este tiempo pediremos por la paz en el mundo, la humanidad, por los matrimonios y la familia. Para más información visiten la pagina web Catedral de San Patricio Este martes 25 de agosto el canal 13, de la cadena de Television PBS (pos sus siglas en Ingles) estará transmitiendo durante su programación “Treasures of New York” un segmento especial sobre la Catedral de San Patricio. El documental explora el arte y la arquitectura de la Catedral, la cual hoy en día es considerada un tesoro neoyorquino y un punto de referencia histórico nacional. El reportaje también destaca la más reciente restauración en la historia de la Catedral. El proyecto cual tuvo un costo de $175 millones de dólares, incluye un techo nuevo, reparativos de la fachada y las restauraciones de sus hermosos vitrales. PAGINA 4 Registraciones Clases de Educación Religiosa Niños de 1er grado a Secundaria: Continuamos con las registraciones de educación religiosa para el próximo año. De martes a viernes 11am-6:30pm en la rectoría. También habrá registraciones durante los siguientes domingos-agosto 23 y 30 y Septiembre 6 y 13 durante 8am-2pm. (1) Nino (a): $70 (2) Niños: $100 (3+) O Mas Niños: $130 *Favor de traer los siguientes documentos para registrar-certificado de bautizo para aquellos ya bautizados. Si no han sido bautizados, favor de traer copia del certificado de nacimiento. Invitación 1.El grupo Pastoral Familiar de nuestra parroquia en conjunto con el grupo Pastoral Familiar de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York, bajo la dirección de Dennisse Doleo, nos invitan a la primera charla, titulada; Como hablar de la Sexualidad a sus Hijos, el día domingo 30 de agosto de 10-11:30am en nuestro salón parroquial, inmediatamente después de misa de 9am. 2. Pastoral Familiar viene preparando a un grupo de 10 parejas en su planificación familiar; Tener Hijos con Responsabilidad, todos los viernes de 7:45-9:15pm en los salones de nuestra parroquia. Invitamos a los padres de familia a reflexionar sobre el tema de la visita del Papa Francisco a Estados Unidos, animando a las familias domingo de 10-11am en el salón parroquial. 3. Nuevo sitio web de San Felipe Neri A partir de ahora, podrán visitar y mantenerse al tanto de lo que pasa en su parroquia y la escuela, en nuestro nuevo y actualizado sitio web. Hemos unido fuerzas con una red Arquidiócesis la cual nos permite modificar nuestro sitio web directamente desde el alcance de nuestras manos. En ella podrán obtener el boletín informativo e información extensa sobre los programas de educación religiosa, entre otros. Así que, no esperen más y visiten