POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PACHUCA Study Guide for Admission Test 2016 MASTER IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY ALGORITHMS 1. ALGORITHMS 1.1. Concept of algorithm 1.2. Methodology for solving problems through computer 1.3. Features of an algorithm 2. TOOLS FOR THE REPRESENTATION OF ALGORITHMS 2.1. Flowcharts 2.2. Pseudocode 2.3. Desktop test 3. STRUCTURES ALGORITHMIC SELECTIVE 3.1. Algorithmic structure if-then 3.2. Algorithmic structure if-then-else 3.3. Algorithmic structure if nested 3.4. Multiple algorithmic structure 4. ALGORITHMIC REPETITIVE STRUCTURE 4.1. Repetitive structure for 4.2. Repetitive structure while BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. D. R. Brooks, C Programming: The Essentials for Engineers and Scientists. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. M. A. Corona Nakamura y M. de los Á. Ancona Valdez, Diseño de Algoritmos y su Codificación en lenguaje C, 1a ed. 2011. 1 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PACHUCA Study Guide for Admission Test 2016 MASTER IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY MATHEMATICS 1. LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Matrices 1.3. Disposal Method 1.4. Determinants 1.5. Inverse on a matrix 2. DIFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Homogeneous linear equations with constants coefficients 2.3. Undetermined coefficients 2.4. Parameter variation 3. LAPLACE TRANSFORM 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Definition of the Laplace transform 3.3. Laplace transform basic functions and transform table 3.4. Theorems of the Laplace transform 3.5. Inverse Laplace transform 3.6. Solving linear differential equations BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. S. Grossman. Álgebra Lineal. Mc. Graw Hill. México, 2012. 2. D. Poole. Álgebra Lineal. Una Introducción moderna. Tercera Edición. Cengage Learning. México, 2011. 3. D. Lay. Álgebra Lineal y sus aplicaciones. Cuarta Edición. Pearson Educación. México, 2012. 4. D. G. Zill & M. R. Cullen. Matemáticas avanzadas para ingeniería. Volumen 1: Ecuaciones Diferenciales. Mc. Graw Hill. México, 2008. 5. Y. A. Cengel & W. J. Palm III. Ecuaciones diferenciales para ingeniería y ciencias. Mc. Graw Hill. México, 2014. 2 POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF PACHUCA Study Guide for Admission Test 2016 MASTER IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS 1. INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONICS 1.1. Basic concepts 1.2. Main elements, capacitor, resistor, inductor 1.3. Fundamental equation of electrical circuits 1.4. Basic laws of mesh and nodes 1.5. Analog and digital signals 2. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS 2.1. Open circuit operation 2.2. The main parameters: gain, input impedance, output impedance, etc. 2.3. Examples and applications in open circuit 2.4. Zero crossing detectors, level detectors 2.5. Basic design of circuits with open-circuit amplifiers 3. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS WITH FEEDBACK 3.1. Transfer Functions 3.2. Behavior gain operational amplifier with feedback. 3.3. Behavior of the fundamental parameters when negative feedback is applied 3.4. Basic settings: inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier, adder amplifier, unbalanced adder subtracter amplifier, balanced adder amplifier receiver, derivator amplifier, integrator amplifier, logarithmic amplifier, antilog amplifier. 3.5. Applications: solving systems of linear equations, solution of differential equations, 3.6. Circuits with operational amplifiers in differential mode. multiplier circuit, divider circuit. Circuit elevator to power, BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. R. Boylestad. Análisis de Introductorio de Circuitos. 8a ED, Pearson educación, Prentice Hall.1997 W. H. Hayt, Jr & J. E. Kemmerly. Análisis de circuitos en Ingeniería. 6ta ed., Mc, Graw Hill R. Boylestad y L. Nashelsky. Electrónica: Teoría de circuitos. 8ª Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002. R.F. Coughlin, F.F. Driscoll, Amplificadores operacionales y circuitos integrados lineales. PrenticeHall, 1993. L.M. Faulkenberry. Introducción a los Amplificadores Operacionales con Aplicaciones a CI. Ed. Limusa Noriega, 1990. Savant, Roden, Carpenter. Electronic Design Circuits and Systems. 2nd Edition. 1991. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company ISBN 0-8053-0292-1 8. 3