FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Where is your Wilderness?

FEBRUARY 14, 2016
Where is your Wilderness?
Most of us have a place – or a time, or a state of
mind, or a state of heart – that can best be
described as our own personal wilderness,
where we feel most alone, perhaps even empty.
Daily Prayer During Lent
O Lord, who has mercy upon all,
take away from me my sins,
and mercifully kindle in me
the fire of thy Holy Spirit.
Take away from me the heart of stone,
and give me a heart of flesh,
a heart to love and adore Thee,
a heart to delight in Thee,
to follow and enjoy Thee, for Christ’s sake.
St. Ambrose of Milan (AD 339-397)
Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday by all those who have celebrated their 18th birthday
and have not yet celebrated their 60th birthday. Abstinence
from meat is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and all
Fridays of Lent by all who have celebrated their 14th
Stations of the Cross
We will have Stations of the Cross
Wednesdays in Spanish at 6:45pm and
Fridays in English at 7:00pm.
Lenten Masses
During the Season of Lent we will have Mass in English on
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm in the Old
Pro-Life News:
Rosary for Life - Join us for the Rosary for Life on
Wednesday, February 17th at 10 am in the Church. All
are welcome.
For some of us, the wilderness is a place we
visit deliberately to shed the accumulated
baggage of our busy lives and take a time out.
For others, it is a feeling we recall as a way of
getting in touch with our own or another’s pain.
For many of us, our personal wilderness is the
daily struggle to find work, food, shelter or just
a moment when we don’t feel so totally
vulnerable. Whenever we find ourselves in the
wilderness, we know that it will be a bleak and
lonely experience. In the wilderness, we all
feel very small and powerless.
Jesus, too, experienced the wilderness,
wandering alone and hungry for forty days.
There he faced a series of tests that forced him
to answer the question of who he was and what
his mission was all about. Although Jesus
resisted these temptations – he would be tested
again in the future.
Whatever our personal wilderness, there we are
at risk because our physical and spiritual wellbeing are “on the line.” Knowing where that
wilderness is likely to be found can help us
prepare for the challenges it poses.
Susan Eaton
Knights of Columbus
Fish Fry
The KC is hosting an “All you can Eat”
Fish Fry Dinner every Friday during
Lent from 6-8pm in the Parish Hall.
Cost: $10 for Adults & $5 for Children
(12 and under). Bring your whole
St. John’s Seniors Group Meeting
The St. John’s Seniors Group will meet Tuesday,
February 16th at 10:00am in the Parish Hall.
This month’s program will be devoted to visiting
and playing games. A good time to visit or
participate in some activity such as cards or dominoes, or bring
your favorite activity. Lunch will be covered dish. Come join us!
Saturday, February 13
4:00 PM
Rod & Rosann Kinkaid by Friends
Sunday, February 14
8:00 AM
Special Intention
10:30 AM
Pro Populo
12:15 PM
†Bartolo Raymundo Gallegos by Yuly
Monday, February 15
Richard Collier
Nick Morales, Sr.
Richard Lozano Sr.
Jack Sikors
Mike Gonzales
Raul Rivera
Amalia Ibarra
Brenda Newburn
Ma. Mercedes Sanchez
Henry Taft
Kenneth Elliott
Martha Kasper
Rebecca Elliott
Edgar Reyes
Odilia Vargas
Mason Gumler
Patricia Reyes
Felipa Garcia
Frank Kasper
Joe Wages
Paul Gumler
Donna Lain
Jimmy Blasingame
Margarito Soto
Rosario Rodríguez
William Mellon
Cindy Kinkaid
Laurie Rangel
Rosann Kinkaid
Olivia Nicole Yates
Mayra Anguiano
Erica Vargas
Michelle Elliott
Margaret Wages
John “Sonny” Jones
Lee Wilde
Bill Blankenship
Elaine Kasper
Patti Sikors Garrett
Sheila Wages
Yamileth Martinez
Jerry Lain
Warren Terry
George Lyon
Frances Aguirre
Lucio Lopez
Rosa Esperanza Ramirez
Johnnie B. Malouf
Crystal Sanchez
Jodie Fenton
Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of
February 20/21
Sat. 4:00pm Cathy Burton/Karen Mathers
Sun. 8:00am Jim Leeker/Marianne Marsden
Sun.10:30am Cynthia Rosales/Shelilah Dean
Sat. 4:00pm Michael Gumler*/Debbie P./Gary W./Paul M.
Sun. 8:00am David Bendele*/Robert B./Wayne M./Rachel H.
Sun. 10:30am Dennis Connolly*/Kevin P./Erik A./Steve H.
7:00 PM
†Dorothy Newburn by Charles & Sarah
Tuesday, February 16
7:00 PM
Patti Garrett by James & Melody Zimmer
Thursday, February 18
7:00 PM
†Bill Zook Sr. by Theresa Lyon
Friday, February 19
8:00 AM
†Myrna Wharton by Knights of Columbus
Saturday, February 20
4:00 PM
Paul & Elsie Rittmuller – In Honor of their
50th Wedding Anniversary by their Children
Sunday, February 21
8:00 AM
†Louise Lopez by son, Jesse Lopez
10:30 AM
†Kay Bedrick by Charles & Sarah Whitaker
12:15 PM
Pro Populo
Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the
departed and for those in any need. To request a Mass to be offered,
please visit the parish office or return to the office a completed Mass
intention card. Available cards are located in the foyer of the church.
Young Women’s Group
The Young Women’s Group will meet Sunday,
February 28th at 1:30pm in the Parish Hall. All
girls are welcome! We will be attending the
Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner in Dallas on Saturday,
April 16th. If you are interested in going please contact Michelle at
the Church office (972-563-3643).
Last Week’s Collection:
Extraordinary Ministers
Sat. 4:00pm Joyce Salisbury/Rick Salisbury
Sun. 8:00am Chris Probst/Dan Probst
Sun. 10:30am Shelilah Dean/Bud McClure/Lou Roberts
Donna Roberts/Martha Aranda/Bill Bedrick
2 Coll. (Parish Improvement Fund):
FY’15-16 Budgeted Average:
FY’15-16 Average Sunday Coll. thru 01/31/16: 6,215.42
FEBRUARY 14, 2016
church. Those that do will be given a refund on tuition and
their children will be removed from the program.
Monday, February 15
1:00 PM
Crochet Ministry at Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Grupo de Oración en la Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Daily Lenten Mass
7:30 PM
Parish Council meeting in Parish Center
Tuesday, February 16
10:00 AM Senior Citizens meeting in Parish Hall
6:30 PM
R.E. evening classes
6:30 PM
Pláticas Bíblicas para Adultos-Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Daily Lenten Mass
Wednesday, February 17
10:00 AM Rosary for Life
6:30 PM
R.E. evening classes
6:45 PM
Vía Crucis
Thursday, February 18
7:00 PM
Daily Lenten Mass
7:00 PM
RCIA meeting in Casa St. John
Friday, February 19
8:00 AM
Daily Lenten Mass
6:00 PM
KC “Fish Fry” – Parish Hall
7:00 PM
Stations of the Cross
Parents that have an issue with this may contact Susan
Warner or Fr. Orosco in the Parish office. The safety of our
children is much more important than the few minutes it
might save a parent getting home. We ask everyone’s
patience and cooperation. Thank you for complying with
this request.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Thanks to everyone that donated to the Souper Bowl of
Caring last week-end. $406.63 was collected and that
money will stay in our parish to assist someone in need.
Thank you for your support and generosity.
Lenten Sacrifice Project
Lent began on Wednesday, February 10th. During the 40 days of
Lent, we will follow in Christ’s steps by Praying, Fasting, and
giving Alms (helping the poor and those in need.)
Religious Education Calendar for February:
Sunday Classes: 14th, 21st, 28th.
Tuesday Classes: 16th, 23rd.
Wednesday Classes: 17th, 24th.
Each child/youth in the Religious Education program will receive a
Sacrifice Box in class this week. He/she will take the box home
and display it in a prominent place in the home to remind him/her
that we are all to make sacrifices during Lent. Every time a
child/youth gives up a soda, candy, a movie, etc., the money that is
save is to be placed in the Sacrifice Box. The box is to be returned
to the child’s Religious Education classroom after Easter.
The Lenten project this year will benefit the St. Vincent De Paul
Society at St. Martin’s in Forney.
Parents’ guide for bringing their children to class and
picking them up after class:
Parents dropping off their children in grades 5-12 are to turn
right off of Frances St. (not left) into the driveway between
the Parish Hall and the Parish Center, and then drop their
children off by the ramp at the Parish Center. Children are
to exit their vehicle only on the right side next to the ramp,
not the left side. The driveway is two lanes and children
exiting on the left of their car could get hit by another car
passing in the other lane. Parents are not to drop their
children off on Frances St. or in the parking lot north of the
No es que queramos restarle “méritos” a Satanás, pero esta
idea “luminosa”, aun antes de leer el evangelio de hoy, ya se
nos había ocurrido a muchos de nosotros, corregida y
Que esta piedra se nos convierta en pan…
Que esta modesta vivienda se nos convierta en una
residencia (de preferencia en algún fraccionamiento
Que esta carcachita se nos convierta en un último
Que estos trapitos se nos conviertan en muy buena
Que estas baratijas se nos conviertan en joyas…
Que este sueldito se nos convierta en un sueldazo…
Y no es que esté mal que nos preocupemos por
mejorar nuestra situación económica y progresar.
Lo malo está en que sólo nos preocupemos de esto.
Y lo peor, que por agenciarnos todo lo enumerado,
nos olvidemos de Dios y de los demás, cuando no
es que pasamos sobre el primero y nos
aprovechamos de los segundos.
v Porque “no sólo de pan (ni de casas, carros, trajes,
joyas y dinero) vive el hombre”, sino de toda
palabra que sale de la boca de Dios.
Y la Palabra de Dios, en resumen es “Amarás a Dios sobre
todas las cosas y a tu prójimo como a ti mismo”.
Ayunar y Abstenerse: Se les obliga abstenerse de comer
carne todos los viernes de cuaresma a personas mayores de
14 años.
Vía Crucis: Todos los miércoles durante la cuaresma
tenemos Vía Crucis en español a las 6:45pm en la Iglesia.
Misas Cuaresmales: Durante la Cuaresma tenemos Misa
los Lunes, Martes y Jueves de cada semana a las 7pm en
Caballeros de Colon: Los Caballeros de Colon van a tener
cena de Pescado Frito cada viernes de cuaresma comenzando
a las 6:00pm en el Salón Parroquial. El costo: $10 los
adultos y $5 los niños (menores de 12 años).
Grupo de Oración
El Grupo de Oración se reúne cada lunes a
las 7:00pm en la Casa St. John.
Clases de Pre-Bautismales
Ofrecemos clases Pre-Bautismales cada
primer sábado de cada mes a las 6:00pm
en el Centro Parroquial. Favor de llamar
a la oficina (972-563-3643) para más
Unción de los Enfermos
Si usted o alguien que usted conozca está necesitado en
recibir comunión o el Sacramento de la Unción de los
Enfermos favor de llamar al Padre Orosco en la oficina de la
Iglesia al número 972-563-3643.
Calendario del mes de Febrero:
Clases de los domingos: 14, 21, 28
Clases de los martes:
16, 23
Clases de los miércoles: 17, 24
Súper Tazón de Caridad
Gracias a todos los que donaron al Súper Tazón de Caridad
la semana pasada. $406.63 fue colectado y ese dinero se
quedara en nuestra parroquia para asistir a alguien que este
necesitado. Gracias por su apoyo y generosidad.
Se les recuerda a los Padres que sigan el procedimiento
para dejar y levantar a sus hijos a la doctrina que está en
el manual para los Padres de Educación Religiosa. Los
padres que no sigan el procedimiento se les darán un
reembolso de matrícula y sus hijos serán eliminados del
programa. Los padres que tenga un problema con esto
podrán ponerse en contacto con Susan o con el Padre
Orosco. Les pedimos paciencia y cooperación de todos.
Gracias por cumplir con este requisito.
FEBRUARY 14, 2016