HANDBALL VOCABULARY Handball court Player Goalkeeper/goalie To throw in To pass/pass To bounce/bounce Free throw To dribble/dribbling/feint/fake Penalty Defender Forward/Attacker Teammate To throw off Two minute suspension To cross To impede, prevent, avoid To allow Throw, threw, thrown Area To step To resist, defend…. To score a goal Free throw line Goal area line Tackle To wind up Pista de balonmano Jugador/a Portero/a Sacar/saque Pasar/Pase Botar/Bote Golpe franco Fintar/finta Penalti/7 m Defensor/a Atacante Compañero/a de equipo Saque inicial Exclusión Cruzar/cruce Impedir/evitar Permitir Lanzar Área Pisar Ofrecer resistencia Marcar gol Línea de golpe franco (9 metros) Línea de 6 metros Blocaje Armar el brazo