Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Volume 43 | Issue 4 Article 10 1953 Publications Received Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Criminal Law Commons, Criminology Commons, and the Criminology and Criminal Justice Commons Recommended Citation Publications Received, 43 J. Crim. L. Criminology & Police Sci. 509 (1952-1953) This Book Review is brought to you for free and open access by Northwestern University School of Law Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology by an authorized administrator of Northwestern University School of Law Scholarly Commons. 1952] BOOK REVIEWS chiatric social work, medico-legal aspects of psychiatry, and so on. As is always true of a compendum, the topics are subject to a loose organization, and the contents of the various chapters are of unequal quality. The book is of especial interest to the American student in psychological medicine because he can compare the trends of thinking of specialists within the British Commonwealth with the American orientation. The similarities over-shadow the difference, but to the student it is the divergence of approach which is likely to invite the greatest attention. They point to the relative fluidity of this field. Northwestern University Medical School G. K. YACORZYNSKI PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED (Titles listed here are not thereby precluded from later review) CAVALCADE OF JUSTICE. By Bernard O'Donnell. Macmillan Co., 1952. Pp. 264. $3.00. HISTORY OF AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY. By A. A. Roback. Library Publishers, N. Y., 1952. Pp. 426. $6.00. MAN INTO WOLF; AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF SADISM, MASOcamsi AND LYCANTHROPY. By Robert Eisler. Philosophical Library, 1952. Pp. 286. $6.00. DER FRiiHKRImINELLE RUCKFALLSVERBRECHER. Schweitzerische Criminalistische Studien. By Dr. Erwin Frey. Basel, 1951. Pp. 445 (paper). REFORM DES MASSNAIImENRECHTE GEGEN FRiHKRImINEIE. By Dr. Erwin Frey. Basel, 1951. Pp. 106 (paper). BAR EXAMINATIONS AND .REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO THE BAR; Survey of the Legal Profession. (Reports of the Consultant and the Advisory and Editorial Committee on Bar Examinations and Requirements for Admission to the Bar.) 1952. Pp. 498. $5.00. STUDI IN M=ORiA Di ARTURO Rocco (Two volumes). Dott A. Giuffre, Editore. Milan, 1952. Pp. 558 and 614. THE "VERONICA" TRIAL. (Notable British Trials Series, No. 76.) Editors, G. W. Keeton and John Cameron. William Hodge and Co. (British Book Center, 122 East 55th St., New York City 22) London, 1952. Pp. 248. $3.25. TRIAL OF THE SEDDONS (Third Edition). Edited by Filson Young. William Hodge and Co., London (British Book Center, N. Y.). 1952. Pp. 420. $3.25. TRIAL OF WILLIAME PALM ER (Third Edition). (Notable British Trials Series.) Edited by Eric R. Watson. William Hodge and Co., London (British Book Center, N. Y.). Pp. 348. $3.25. CASES AND MATERIALS ON CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. By Rollin H. Perkins. The Foundation Press, Inc. 1952. Pp. 851. $8.00. PRACTICE AND PSYCHOLOGY OF GRAPHOLOGY. By S. V. Margadant. Laan van Meerdervoort, 1014. The Hague, Netherlands. Pp. 27, 10 half tones. 1952. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWELVE INTERNATIONAL PENITENTIARY CONGRESSES, 1872-1950. (Analytical and Name Index.) By Valy Degoumois (Direction of Thorsten Sellin.) Staempfli, Berne, Switzerland. Pp. 323. TRIAL OF ALFRED ARTHUR ROUSE. (Second Edition) (Notable British Trials BOOK REVIEWS [Vol. 45 Series). Edited by Helena Normanton. William Hodge and Co., London. (British Book Center, N. Y.) Pp. 316. $3.25. WAR CRIMES TRIALS, VOL IX. (The Dulag Luft Trial.) Edited by Eric Cuddon. William Hodge and Co., London. (The British Book Center, N. Y.) Pp. 255. $4.25. TRADE BARRIERS AFFECTING INTERSTATE COMMERCE IN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. By Joint Committee of the States to Study Alcoholic Beverage Laws. 1952. Pp. 42. DAs TSCHECHOSLOVAKISCHE STRAFGESETZBUCH VOM 12 July, 1950. By Dr. Eric Schmied. Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin, 1952. Pp. 137. DM 12. FOREIGN LANGUAGE PERIODICALS AND ARTICLES OF INTEREST IN THE FIELD OF CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY* Compiled by Kurt Schwerin* Criminalia. 'exico. 17th year, nos. 6-9, June-Sept. 1952. Ricardo Franco y Guzman, La nueva sistematica del delito en la doctrina alemana rods reciente (The new systematics of crime in recent German doctrine) (no. 6, p. 296-307).-lanuel Salcedo F., La Conferencia de la Casa Blanca sobre infancia y juventud (The White House Conference on infancy and youth, 1950) (p. 322-336).-Te6fflo Olea y Leyva, En torno de la pena de muerte (On capital punishment) (no. 7, p. 352-357).--Jos6 Angel Ceniceros (Editor of "Criminalia"), Nuestra actitud en el agotado debate sobre la pena de muerte (Our attitude on the past debate on capital punishment) (p. 358-362).-Alfonso Quiroz, Neurosis de castigo (Neurosis of punishment) (p. 367-370). A controversy on the article "Neurosis de los trabajadores" (Neurosis of workers), listed in the check-list, no. 2, this Journal, p. 236.-Victoria Kent, Un reformatoriode mujeres de Framingham (USA) (The reformatory for women at Framingham, Mass.) (p. 371-374).-Javier Pifa y Palacios, Situaci6n de los estudios peifales en Francia, Espafia e Italia (The situation of criminal studies in France, Spain and Italy) (no. 8, p. 408-423).-Antecedentes y estatutos de la Asociacion Internacional del derecho penal (Antecedents and statutes of the International Association of Criminal Law) (p. 424-446).-Eugenio Cuello Cal6n, Los nuevos metodos cientificos de investigaci6n criminal y los derechos de la persona (New methods of criminal investigation and personal rights) (p. 447-459).Octavio P6rez-Vitoria, Programade derecho penal (Program for the study of criminal law) (p. 460-477).-Antonio Camaflo Rosa, Homicidio intencional (Intentional homicide) (no. 9, p. 482-504).-Mlarcelo Finzi, El problema carcelarioitaZiano, visto por ex-reclusos (The penitentiary problem in Italy, as seen by former prisoners) (p. 505-519). Investiga 6es. Revista do Departamento de investigag5es. Sdo Paulo. Fourth year, no. 37, January, 1952. Jacques Bernard-Herzog, A prisdo preventiva e o estudo da personalidade dos delinqiientes (Preventive custody and the study of the personality of delinquents) (p. 71-79). *All periodicals listed are available in the Elbert H. Gary Library, Northwestern University School of Law, 357 East Chicago Ave., Chicago. *4'Head, Foreign and International Law Sections, Elbert H. University School of Law. Gary Library, Northwestern 19521 BOOK REVIEWS Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab. Copenhagen. 40th year, 1952. no. 3. Haakon Sund, Den norske strafferetts kilder (Sources of Scandinavian criminal law) (p. 310-317).--Anders Bratholm, Probationin U. S. A. (p. 340-356).---Sten Tengelin, "Big business" sedd i kriminologens spegel (Ndgra reflexioner kring Edwin H. Sutherlands arbete "White collar crime") ("Big business" as seen in the mirror of criminology: reflections on E. H. Sutherland's book . . .) (p. 357-365) .- Nils Christie, Omkring kritikken av Sheldon og Eleanor Gluecks siste verk (The critical reviews of Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck's recent work "Unraveling juvenile delinquency") (p. 366-370).-Dansk kronik, by Knud Waaben (p. 374-377); Norsk kronikk, by Anders Bratholm (p. 378-381); Svensk krinika, by Carl Holmberg (p. 382-387). Polizei-praxis. Frankfurt a/Main. Sixth year, nos. 15/16, August, 1952. Th. Mommsen, Die todesstrafe in Europa und Amerika (Capital punishment in Europe and America) (p. 177-179).-W. Becker, Grenzen der vernehmungstaktik (Limits of examination tactics) (Conclusion, no. 15/16, p. 199-200; see no. 13/14, 168-70). Rassegna di studi penitenziari. Rome. Second year, no. 3, May/June, 1952. C. Erra, L'esame medico-psicologico e sociale dell'imputato dal punto di vista della procedurapeale (The medico-psychological and social examination of the accused from the point of view of criminal procedure) (p. 338-346). Revista brasileira de criminologia. Rio de Janeir6. Sixth year, nos. 18/19, Jan./June, 1952. This issue of 386 pages commemorates the tenth anniversary of the promulgation of the Brazilian Penal code (January 1, 1942-January 1, 1952) and includes the complete penal legislation during this period. Revista de la Escuela de estudios penitenciarios. Madrid. Eighth year, nos. 87-88, June-July, 1952. No. 87 is dedicated to the "Primer Congreso internacional Hispano-LusoAmericano Penal y Penitenciario," Madrid, July 5-12, and is introduced by messages of the following Spanish officials: the Minister of Justice, Undersecretary of Justice, Director-General of Prisons, and Chaplain of Prisons (pp. 7-18). Pascual Meneu, La personalidad del delincuente y la prevencion del delito en Dorado Montero (The personality of the delinquent and the prevention of crime in the work of Prof. Dorado Montero) (no. 87, p. 19-27).-Jesus Chamorro Pifiero, Las psicosis de prisidn (Prison psychosis) (p. 30-36) -Rafael Fernandez Martinez, El narco-analisis ante el derecho espaliol (Narcoanalysis before Spanish law) (p. 37-52).- No. 88 contains a report on the Madrid Congress by M. J. Mi. (pp. 5-18).-Amandio Tom6 Ruiz, Las prisiones de los Estados Unidos (The prisons of USA): Sing Sing. (No. 88, p. 31-36) .- Ramon M. de Argumosa, El profesionalismo del delito y su terapeutica (The professionalism of crime and its therapeutics) (p. 52-57).-J. Garnica, Probaci5n federal (Federal probation) (p. 58-63). Revue internationale de droit p6nal. Paris. 22d year, no. 4, 1951. In memoriam ProfessorDonnedieu de Vabres, by Leon Julliot de La Morandi~re (pp. 437-442) and Vespasien Pella (pp. 443-447).-Sixth International Congress of criminal law (Rome). Comments by Jean Graven, La protection p6nale des conventions internationales humanitaires (The BOOK REFIEWS[ [Vol. 43 criminal protection of international humanitarian congresses) (p. 451470) .- Chevalier Braas, La protection de la libertg individuelle durant Z'instruction (The protection of the individual liberty during the interrogation) (p. 471-475) .- V. P. Vrij, Le droit pnal social-6conomique (Socialeconomic criminal law) (p. 477-480).-Filippo Grispigni, Le probme de 'unification de la peine et des mesures de skretg (The problem of the unification of the penalty and security measures) (p. 481-486).-Synthase criminologique (Criminological synthesis): Jean Pinatel, Bilans et perspectives criminologiques (Criminological balance and perspectives) (p. 491-494).-R. Vienne, L'itat dangereux (The dangerous state) (p. 495450).-Jean Trillot, Les causes biologiques de la criminalitg (Biological causes of criminality) (p. 541-572).-J. Voulet, Des courtes peines d'emprisonnement aux mosures de cure libre (From short prison sentences to measures of free treatment) (p. 573-595).-Chronique hellinique (Greek survey): Christo P. Yotis, Le point de vue d'un criminaliste grec sur la narco-analyse (The view point of a Greek criminologist on narco-analysis) (p. 629-637).-ChroniqueYougoslave (Yugoslav survey) : Le nouveau Code pdnal de Yougoslavie (The new Yugoslav Penal code) (p. 639-645). Revue p6nitentiaire et de droit p6nal. Paris. 76th year, nos. 7/9, July/September, 1952. Sylvie Boisson, Atude psycho-criminologique de 240 ddtenus criminets (A psycho-criminological study of 240 detained criminals) (p. 449-548). Rivista italiana di diritto penale. Milan. Fifth year (n.s.), no. 3, May/June, 1952. Karl Siegert, I diritto penale nella recente dottrina tedesca (Criminal law in recent German doctrine) (p. 314-326). SERVICIO SOCIAL CRIMINOLOGICO; EL INFORME BIoGAP.PIco 0 SINTEsis BioTIPOLOGICA. By Lic. Hector Beeche. Biblioteca Juridica de Autores Cubanos Y Etrangeros. Vol. 148. Cooperativa Tipographica, Habanera, Havana, 1951. Pp. 478. EL PADRE VAREL (Biografia del Forgador de la Conciencia Cubana). By Antonio Hernandez Travieso. Biblioteca de Historia Filosofia Y Sociologia. Vol. 28, 1948. Pp. 464. Zeitschrift ffir die gesamte strafrechtswissenschaft. Berlin. Vol. 64, nos. 3-4, 1952. Eduard Kern, Grade der rechtswidrigkeit (Degrees of illegality) (no. 3, p. 255-291).-Auslandsrundschau(Foreign reviews): Schw eden (Sweden), by Gerhard Simson (no. 3, p. 346-378).--Jugoslawien (Yugoslavia), by August Munda (p. 379-392).-Ghronique de droit pdnal frangais (Survey of French criminal law), by Marc Ancel (no. 4, p. 490-513).-Strafgesetzgebung in Brasilien (Criminal legislation in Brazil), by D. Lang-Hinrichsen, (p. 514-531).-Finland (Finland), by Brynolf Honkasalo (p. 532-536).-Albert Krebs, Schwedens gefiingniswesen. Bericht iiber eine studienreise (Sweden's penitentiary system. Report on a study trip) (no. 4, p. 406-433).-Eberhard Schmidt, Ernst Delaquis, zum geddchtnis (In memoriam Ernst Delaquis) (p. 434-35).-Dietrich Lang-Hinrichsen, Johannes Nagler zum gedichtnis (In memoriam Johannes Nagler) (p. 436-38).