Provider Directory Directorio De Proveedores

Proudly serving Texas
for more than 15 years
Sirviendo con orgullo
a Texas durante más
de 15 años
Provider Directory
Directorio De Proveedores
Texas CHIP Perinatal Program
Amerigroup Texas, Inc.
Harris Service Area
Harris, Austin, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Matagorda, Montgomery, Waller, and Wharton Counties
Call toll-free/Llame a la línea gratuita
To find out which pharmacies are in the
Amerigroup network, you can call us at
1-800-600-4441 or look on our website at
Para saber cuáles farmacias están en la
red de Amerigroup, puede llamarnos al
1-800-600-4441 o buscar en nuestro sitio
Web en
For more information about the pharmacies,
hospitals, specialists, and other providers in
the Amerigroup network, you can call us
at 1-800-600-4441 or look on our website
at for a
comprehensive online provider directory.
Para más información sobre las farmacias,
hospitales, especialistas y otros proveedores
de la red de Amerigroup, puede llamarnos
al 1-800-600-4441 o buscar en nuestro sitio
Web en para
ver un directorio integral de proveedores
en línea.
Nhận trợ giúp bằng tiếng Việt
Houston CHIP Perinate Provider Directory
Houston CHIP Directorio de proveedores perinatales
Table of Contents/Tabla de Contenido
Important Information About Your Amerigroup Health Plan...............................................
Informació n importante sobre el plan de salud de Amerigroup..........................................
Description of Physician Specialties/Descripció n de especialidades de medico...........
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales.........................................................................
Perinate Hospitals/Hospitales de perinatales......................................................................... 22
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario..................................... 24
CHIP Hospitals/Hospitales........................................................................................................... 82
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas................................................................................................... 84
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios de salud mental y abuso de
substancia....................................................................................................................................... 114
CHIP Vision Services/Servicios de la vista............................................................................. 122
CHIP Ancillary Providers/Proveedores auxiliares................................................................. 122
CHIP Dental Services/Servicios dentales................................................................................ 122
Drug Stores/Farmacias................................................................................................................ 123
Index of Perinate Providers/Índice de proveedores perinatales....................................... 134
Index of Perinate Hospitals/Índice de hospitales de perinatales........................................ 137
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario
de CHIP............................................................................................................................................ 138
Index of CHIP Hospitals/Índice de hospitales de CHIP......................................................... 146
Index of Drug Stores/Índice de farmacias............................................................................... 147
If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest
Emergency Room
Si tiene una emergencia, llame al 911 o vaya a la Sala de
Emergencia más cercana
Page/Página 1
Offering you real solutions to your family’s
health-care needs
Amerigroup is here to help you with your health-care
needs. We provide coverage to unborn children of
women who cannot get Medicaid. You may be eligible
if you:
x Are pregnant
x Have income up to 200% of the Federal Poverty
If you qualify, you will:
x Have no copayments
x Get 12 months of coverage
Your benefits are limited to:
x Prenatal care
x Labor and delivery
x Postpartum care associated with the delivery of
your child
After birth, your baby will receive full CHIP or
Medicaid benefits. You can renew your baby’s
coverage to make sure he or she stays healthy. For
more information, call us at 1-800-600-4441.
Get benefits for your baby before birth
As our member, you get:
x A network of perinatal care providers you choose
in your own community
x A whole network of nearby doctors and
convenient hospitals
x Access to perinatal specialists when you are
referred by your perinatal care provider
x Prenatal care and two postpartum doctor visits
x Coverage for the delivery of your child
We help you help your child
Once your baby is born, our network provides him or
her with access to important benefits, including:
x Inpatient care and rehabilitation hospital services
x Skilled nursing facilities
x Outpatient hospital, comprehensive outpatient
rehabilitation hospital, clinic and ambulatory
health-care center services
x Physician professional services
x Durable medical equipment, prosthetic devices
and disposable medical supplies
x Inpatient and outpatient mental health and
substance abuse services
x Hospice services
x Emergency services, including emergency
hospitals, physicians and ambulance services
Choose your own primary care provider
It’s easy to choose a primary care provider for your
baby. Just pick one for your child from the list in this
book. Each member can pick his or her own primary
care provider. If you need help, call us at
Get behavioral health services
You can also get mental health and substance abuse
services for your child without a referral from his or
her primary care provider. Call us at 1-800-600-4441.
We will:
x Tell you how to get help
x Give you the name of a provider
Get help whenever you need it
You can call our Nurse HelpLine day or night to get
help with your health concerns. Call 1-866-864-2544
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Get OB/GYN services
You can choose an OB/GYN for perinatal care without
a referral from a primary care provider. Just choose
one from this list. If you need help, call us at
TX-PD-0142-14 CHIP Perinate
Amerigroup is a diverse company and welcomes all
eligible people. We do not base membership on
health status. If you have questions or concerns,
please call 1-800-600-4441 and ask for extension
34925. Or visit
Page/Página 2
Ofreciéndole soluciones reales para las
necesidades de atención médica de su familia
Amerigroup esta para ayudarle con sus necesidades
de atencion medica. Ofrecemos cobertura para ninos
aun no nacidos de mujeres que no pueden recibir
Medicaid. Usted puede ser elegible si:
x Esta embarazada
x Tiene ingresos hasta un 200% del Nivel Federal de
Si califica:
x No tendra copagos
x Recibira 12 meses de cobertura
Sus beneficios estan limitados a:
x Atencion prenatal
x Labor y parto
x Atencion post-parto relacionada con el parto desu hijo
Despues del parto, su bebe recibira beneficios completos
de CHIP o de Medicaid. Puede renovar la cobertura de
su bebe para asegurarse de que se mantenga sano.
Para mas informacion, llamenos al 1-800-600-4441.
Reciba beneficios para su bebé antes del
Como miembro, usted recibe:
x Una red de proveedores de atencion perinatal de
su eleccion en su propia comunidad
x Una red integral de medicos cercanos y hospitales
x Acceso a especialistas perinatales cuando sea
remi_da por su proveedor de atencion perinatal
x Atencion prenatal y dos visitas al medico
posteriors al parto
x Cobertura para el parto de su bebe
Reciba servicios de obstetricia/ginecología
Puede elegir un obstetra/ginecologo para atencion
perinatal sin una remision de su proveedor de
atencion primaria. Solo tiene que elegir uno de esta
lista. Si necesita ayuda, llamenos al 1-800-600-4441.
TX-PD-0142-14 CHIP Perinate
Le ayudamos a ayudar a su hijo
Una vez nazca su bebe, nuestra red le prove acceso a
beneficios importantes, tales como:
x Atencion en hospitalizacion y servicios de
rehabilitacion en hospital
x Centros especializados de enfermeria
x Servicios
rehabilitacion integral ambulatoria en hospital,
clinica y centro ambulatorio de atencion medica
x Servicios medicos profesionales
x Equipo medico duradero, disposi_vos protesicos y
suministros medicos desechables
x Servicios de salud mental y abuso de sustancias
para pacientes hospitalizados y ambulatorios
x Servicios de hospicio
x Servicios de emergencia, incluyendo hospitales,
medicos y servicios de ambulancia de emergencia
Elija su propio proveedor de atención primaria
Es facil elegir un proveedor de atencion primaria para su
bebe. Solo tiene que escoger uno para su hijo de la lista
de este libro. Cada miembro puede escoger su propio
proveedor de atencion primaria. Si necesita ayuda,
llamenos al 1-800-600-4441. Reciba servicios de salud
para el comportamiento Usted tambien puede recibir
servicios de salud mental y abuso de sustancias para su
hijo sin una remision de su proveedor de atencion
primaria. Llamenos al 1-800-600-4441. Nosotros:
x Le diremos como obtener ayuda
x Le daremos el nombre de un proveedor
Reciba ayuda siempre que la necesite
Puede llamar a nuestra Nurse HelpLine de dia o de noche
para recibir ayuda con sus dudas sobre salud. Llame al 1866-864-2545 las 24 horas del dia, 7 dias a la semana.
Amerigroup es una empresa diversa y acogemos a
todas las personas elegibles. No basamos la afiliacion
en el estado de salud. Si tiene preguntas o dudas,
llame al 1-800-600-4441 y pida la extension 34925. O
Page/Página 3
Description of Physician Specialties/Descripción de Especialidades de Medico
Adolescent Medicine (Teenagers)
Allergist (Allergies)
Ambulatory Medicine (General Non-emergency Care)
Description of Physician Specialties
Descripción de especialidades de medico
Medicina para adolescentes (jóvenes)
Alergista (alergias)
Medicina ambulatoria (atención general en casos que no son de
Cardiology, Cardiovascular (Heart, Blood Vessels)
Cardiología, cardiovascular (corazón, vasos sanguíneos)
Cardiothoracic Surgery (Operations of the Heart and Chest) Cirugía cardiotorácica (cirugía del corazón y del pecho)
Chiropractor (Bones, Joints)
Quiropráctica (huesos, articulaciones)
Colon/Rectal (Bowels)
Proctología (colon/recto, sistema de evacuación)
Dermatology (Skin)
Dermatología (piel)
Endocrinology (Glands)
Endocrinología (glándulas)
ENT (Ears, Nose, Throat)
Otorrinolaringología (oídos, nariz y garganta)
Family Practice (General Family Medical Care)
Medicina familiar (atención médica general para la familia)
Gastroenterology (Stomach, Digestion)
Gastroenterología (estómago, digestión)
Genetics (Inherited Diseases, Birth Defects)
Genética (enfermedades hereditarias, defectos congénitos)
Hematology (Blood)
Hematología (sangre)
Hepatology (Liver)
Hepatología (hígado)
Immunology (Immune System)
Inmunología (sistema inmune)
Infectious Diseases (Viral/Bacterial Infections)
Enfermedades infecciosas (infecciones por virus o bacteria)
Internal Medicine (General Medical Care)
Medicina interna (atención médica general)
Neonatology/Perinatology (Fetus and Newborns)
Neonatología/Perinatología (feto y recién nacido)
Nephrology (Kidney)
Nefrología (riñones)
Neurology (Brain, Nervous System)
Neurología (cerebro, sistema nervioso)
Neurosurgery (Operations of the Brain, Spinal Cord)
Neurocirugía (cirugía del cerebro, columna vertebral)
Nuclear Medicine (Testing, i.e. MRI, CAT scan)
Medicina nuclear (pruebas, como imagen de resonancia
magnética [MRI], tomografía axial computarizada [TAC])
Nutrition/GI (Eating, Digestion)
Nutrición/Aparato gastrointestinal (la comida, digestión)
Obstetrics/Gynecology (Pregnancy, Women’s Health)
Obstetricia/Ginecología (embarazo, salud de la mujer)
Occupational Medicine (Work-Related Injuries)
Medicina ocupacional (lesiones relacionadas con el empleo)
Oncology (Cancer)
Oncología (cáncer)
Ophthalmology (Eyes)
Oftalmología (ojos)
Optometrist (Eyes, Glasses)
Optometría (ojos, lentes)
Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery (Jaw and Mouth)
Cirugía oral maxilofacial (mandíbula y boca)
Orthopedics (Bones and Joints)
Ortopedia (huesos y articulaciones)
Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat)
Otolaringología (oídos, nariz y garganta)
Otology (Ears)
Otología (oídos)
Pediatrician (Babies, Children)
Pediatría (bebés, niños)
Physical Medicine (Rehabilitation)
Medicina física (rehabilitación)
Plastic Surgery (Corrective Surgery)
Cirugía plástica (cirugía correctiva)
Podiatry (Feet, Toe Nails)
Podiatría (pies, uñas del pie)
Psychiatry (Mental Illness or Mental Problem)
Psiquiatría (enfermedad mental o problema mental)
Pulmonology (Lungs, Breathing)
Pulmonología (pulmones, respiración)
Radiology (X-Rays)
Radiología (radiografías)
Renal (Kidney)
Renal (riñones)
Reproductive Endocronology (Reproductive System
Endocrinología reproductiva (enfermedades del sistema
Retrovirology (Viral Diseases, AIDS)
Retrovirología (enfermedades virales, SIDA)
Rheumatologist (Joints, Muscles, Tendons)
Reumatología (articulaciones, músculos, tendones)
Sports Medicine (Sports Injuries)
Medicina deportiva (lesiones por deportes)
Surgery (Operations)
Cirugía (operaciones)
Thoracic Surgery (Chest Surgery)
Cirugía torácica (cirugía del pecho)
Urology (Urinary Tract)
Urología (tracto urinario)
Page/Página 5
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Conroe - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
These providers are available for CHIP Perinate Members only. These providers provide prenatal care.
CHIP Members and CHIP Perinate Newborns should select providers from the CHIP Primary Care
Providers and Specialists chapters later in this directory.
Estos proveedores están disponibles para miembros de CHIP Perinate solamente. Estos proveedores de
proporcionar atenció n prenatal. Miembros de CHIP y CHIP Perinate Los recié n nacidos deben seleccionar
los proveedores de los proveedores de atenció n primaria de CHIP y los especialistas de los índices más
adelante en este directorio.
Bay City
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Cooke, Gregory C. MD
Practice #: 01299560
146 Hospital Dr Ste 208
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-5940
Makhlouf, Michel MD
Practice #: 10015354
1108 E Mulberry St Ste A
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-0692
Parker, Larry K. MD
Practice #: 10020036
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
2315 E Mulberry St
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-1747
Richardson, Gwyn MD
Practice #: 10035117
1108 E Mulberry St Ste A
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-0692
Robinson, Theresa L. MD
Practice #: 01404411
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1135 E Cedar St
Angleton 77515
(713) 795-0047
Pappas, Gregory A. MD
Practice #: 10025815
1701 Golden Ave
Bay City 77414
(979) 323-9900
Ginsberg, Dian J. MD
Practice #: 01332302
Treats patients ages 9 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 9 años en adelante
6750 W Loop S Ste 420
Bellaire 77401
(281) 220-2069
Lord, Jr, Edward A. MD
Practice #: 10014565
6800 West Loop South Ste
Bellaire 77401
(713) 662-0111
Morris-busey, Milinda M. MD
Practice #: 01718193
Spanish, Turkish
6700 West Loop S Ste 450
Bellaire 77401
(832) 325-7199
Schneider, Karen M. MD
Practice #: 10025090
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
6700 West Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 8am-5pm
Schroeder, Barbara C. MD
Practice #: 01856422
6700 West Loop S Ste 450
Bellaire 77401
(713) 486-9300
Hawkins-Koch, Dorovenia
Practice #: 01340707
235 W Palm St
Bellville 77418
(979) 865-9391
Nobles, Wiley E. MD
Practice #: 01340353
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
235 W Palm St
Bellville 77418
(979) 865-9391
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Jeter, Carol A. NP
Practice #: 10012379
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
701 E Davis St Ste A
Conroe 77301
(936) 525-2800
M-F 9am-5pm
Uhi-King, Diane E. RN
Practice #: 01383017
Treats patients ages 11 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 11 años en adelante
201 Enterpirse Row Ste 12
Conroe 77301
(936) 788-1480
Browne, Catherine P. DO
Practice #: 01350435
704 Old Montgomery Rd
Conroe 77301
(936) 539-4004
Bullock, Gerald L. MD
Practice #: 10022671
500 Medical Center Blvd
Ste 200
Conroe 77304
(936) 441-1170
MTh 9am-5pm/
WF 9am-12pm
Munn, Mary B. MD
Practice #: 10011902
701 E Davis St Ste A
Conroe 77301
(936) 525-2800
Neill, Christopher L. MD
Practice #: 01457655
704 Fm 2854
Conroe 77301
(936) 539-4004
Nichols, Mark E. MD
Practice #: 01889119
605 S Conroe Medical Dr
Conroe 77304
(936) 539-4004
Reynolds, Marion A. MD
Practice #: 01765070
605 S Conroe Medical Dr
Conroe 77304
(936) 539-4004
Roberts, Richard R. MD
Practice #: 10036436
601 River Pointe Dr Ste 130
Conroe 77304
(936) 756-7788
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Danysh, Patricia D. RN
Practice #: 10030134
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1108 E Mulberry St Ste A
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-0692
M-F 9am-5pm
Keffer, Gregory L. MD
Practice #: 01620297
111 Avenue F
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-9754
Ta, Uyen Lauren H. MD
Practice #: 01331820
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
6750 W Loop S Ste 420
Bellaire 77401
(281) 220-2069
Page/Página 6
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Dickinson - Gynecology - No Obstetrics/Ginecología - No incluye obstetricia
Gynecology - No
Obstetrics/Ginecología No incluye obstetricia
Jurnalov, Catalin D. MD
Practice #: 10031429
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Salazar, Ashley E. RN
Practice #: 01193059
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Stone, Amanda NP
Practice #: 01784980
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Obstetrics - No
Gynecology/Obstetricia No incluye ginecología
Olson, Gayle L. MD
Practice #: 10022854
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Saade, George R. MD
Practice #: 10022948
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Abair, Christine H. MD
Practice #: 01299406
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Borahay, Mostafa A. MD
Practice #: 01407873
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Bukowski, Radoslaw MD
Practice #: 10023873
German, Russian, Polish
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Fulcher, Sr, Perry L. MD
Practice #: 10043696
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Nguyen, Truong C. MD
Practice #: 01157851
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Griffis, Kathleen M. MD
Practice #: 10042400
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Pacheco, Luis MD
Practice #: 01237186
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Hankins, Gary MD
Practice #: 10031323
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Phelps, John Y. MD
Practice #: 10073778
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Harirah, Hassan M. MD
Practice #: 10031428
Arabic, French, Spanish
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Pilla, Hemamalini MD
Practice #: 01450007
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Haver, Mary C. MD
Practice #: 10043690
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Johnson, Anitra L. MD
Practice #: 01260005
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3828 Hughes Ct Ste 207
Dickinson 77539
(281) 337-1304
Levine, Lyuba MD
Practice #: 10025047
2401 Fm 646 Rd W Ste C
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-8380
Rizzo, Gina T. MD
Practice #: 01439948
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Rodriguez, Ana M. MD
Practice #: 01324348
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Vincent, Kathleen L. MD
Practice #: 01221128
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Wen, Tony S. MD
Practice #: 10016090
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Makhlouf, Michel MD
Practice #: 10015354
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Muir, Tristi W. MD
Practice #: 01784583
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Salinas, Jeanmarie K. MD
Practice #: 01237957
1650 Winding Way Dr Ste
Friendswood 77546
(281) 996-7788
Munn, Mary B. MD
Practice #: 10011902
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
Gynecology - No
Obstetrics/Ginecología No incluye obstetricia
Gynecology - No
Obstetrics/Ginecología No incluye obstetricia
Jurnalov, Catalin D. MD
Practice #: 10031429
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Gynecology Nurse Prac/
Enfermera profesional de
Wirt, Andrea L. NP
Practice #: 01929357
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Billups, Agatha J. RN
Practice #: 10022903
Treats patients ages 12
through 45/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 45
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Evans, Mara G. PA
Practice #: 01958869
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 8am-5pm
Pickhardt, Brenda A. CNM
Practice #: 01465375
Treats patients ages 0
through 69/Atiende a
pacientes de 0 años a 69
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Robins, Jacquelyn D. CNM
Practice #: 01894875
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Mohsin, Asia MD
Practice #: 01399608
Treats patients ages 9 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 9 años en adelante
341 E Parkwood Ave
Friendswood 77546
(281) 993-4072
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 7
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Gynecology - No Obstetrics/Ginecología - No incluye obstetricia
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Danysh, Patricia D. RN
Practice #: 10030134
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 747-4952
M-F 9am-5pm
Stone, Amanda NP
Practice #: 01784980
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Obstetrics - No
Gynecology/Obstetricia No incluye ginecología
Haver, Mary C. MD
Practice #: 10043690
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Borahay, Mostafa A. MD
Practice #: 01407873
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Browne, James W. MD
Practice #: 01958717
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Bukowski, Radoslaw MD
Practice #: 10023873
German, Russian, Polish
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Hankins, Gary MD
Practice #: 10031323
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Hansen, Catherine G. MD
Practice #: 01611137
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Olson, Gayle L. MD
Practice #: 10022854
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Harirah, Hassan M. MD
Practice #: 10031428
Arabic, French, Spanish
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Saade, George R. MD
Practice #: 10022948
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Haver, Mary C. MD
Practice #: 10043690
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Hunter, Susan D. MD
Practice #: 01784533
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Abair, Christine H. MD
Practice #: 01299406
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 747-4952
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Behnia, Faranak MD
Practice #: 01911700
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Jain, Sangeeta MD
Practice #: 10034334
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Jimerson, Ann B. MD
Practice #: 01797382
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
Kilic, Gokhan MD
Practice #: 01215131
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Levine, Lyuba MD
Practice #: 10025047
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Makhlouf, Michel MD
Practice #: 10015354
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Muir, Tristi W. MD
Practice #: 01784583
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Munn, Mary B. MD
Practice #: 10011902
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Nguyen, Truong C. MD
Practice #: 01157851
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Pacheco, Luis MD
Practice #: 01237186
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Panchbhavi, Vinod MD
Practice #: 10013026
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Patel, Pooja R. MD
Practice #: 01720173
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Richardson, Gwyn MD
Practice #: 10035117
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Rizzo, Gina T. MD
Practice #: 01439948
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Rodriguez, Ana M. MD
Practice #: 01324348
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 747-4952
Saad, Antonio F. MD
Practice #: 01894873
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Snyder, Russell R. MD
Practice #: 10022853
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
St Amand, Pamela A. MD
Practice #: 01050155
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Vincent, Kathleen L. MD
Practice #: 01221128
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Wen, Tony S. MD
Practice #: 10016090
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Gynecology - No
Obstetrics/Ginecología No incluye obstetricia
Altinger, Hans P. MD
Practice #: 01056514
7620 Bellfort St
Houston 77061
(713) 643-8548
Lucci, Anthony P. MD
Practice #: 10014417
Italian, Spanish
7500 San Felipe St Ste 1050
Houston 77063
(713) 975-8353
Poindexter, III, Alfred N. MD
Practice #: 10024699
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Yngve, David A. MD
Practice #: 10022080
301 University Blvd
Houston 77555
(409) 772-0826
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Salazar, Ashley E. RN
Practice #: 01193059
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Berenson, Abbey MD
Practice #: 01784566
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
Page/Página 8
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Gynecology - No Obstetrics/Ginecología - No incluye obstetricia
Young, Ronald L. MD
Practice #: 10020070
German, Spanish
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Zurawin, Robert K. MD
Practice #: 10023872
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Gynecology Nurse Prac/
Enfermera profesional de
Carter, Betty J. RN
Practice #: 10021546
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8794
M-F 9am-5pm
277 W Gray St
Houston 77019
(713) 529-3597
Carter, Betty J. RN
Practice #: 10021546
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8794
M-F 9am-5pm
277 W Gray St
Houston 77019
(713) 529-3597
Colas, Ramona S. RN
Practice #: 01633439
Spanish, Sign Languages,
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(832) 548-5400
Fuchs, Deborah A. RN
Practice #: 10029977
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8794
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
Harden, Monica E. RN
Practice #: 10032093
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8794
Traub, Mary L. CNM
Practice #: 10051260
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8794
Frost, Kristin L. RN
Practice #: 01350334
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Hudgins, Margaret A. RN
Practice #: 01172530
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
Ivey, Richard T. MD
Practice #: 10023967
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Korte, Mary E. RN
Practice #: 10022749
4755 Aldine Mail Rte Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
O'sullivan, Merita G. RN
Practice #: 10021652
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Pepperell, Pamela A. RN
Practice #: 10040141
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
Vande Giessen, Kathleen H.
Practice #: 10026052
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
7007 N Fwy Ste 435
Houston 77076
(713) 699-4211
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
920 E Tidwell Rd
Houston 77022
(713) 742-6070
Wade, Cynthia C. RN
Practice #: 10031648
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
Warren, Melita D. RN
Practice #: 10012303
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Persaud, Chandrowtie CNM
Practice #: 01413210
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
13111 East Fwy Ste 215
Houston 77015
(713) 393-2229
White, Melissa CNM
Practice #: 01662203
13111 East Fwy Ste 215
Houston 77015
(713) 393-2229
Russell, Barbara O. RN
Practice #: 10017299
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8794
Yngve, David A. MD
Practice #: 10022080
301 University Blvd
Houston 77555
(409) 772-0826
Skinner, Leanne S. CNM
Practice #: 00805007
13111 East Fwy Ste 215
Houston 77015
(713) 393-2229
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
901 S Wayside Dr Ste 100
Houston 77023
(713) 928-6986
910 S Wayside Dr Ste 100
Houston 77023
(713) 928-6986
Bailey-Delesbore, Cynthia
Practice #: 01263789
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Marullo, Teresa H. RN
Practice #: 01317251
5656 Kelley St Ste 2lb80001
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
McNalley, Cheryl E. RN
Practice #: 01333765
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Nguyen, Van T. RN
Practice #: 01240465
6630 Demoss
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
Smith, Florence E. RN
Practice #: 01240323
6630 Demoss
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
Wheeler, Terri L. RN
Practice #: 01727529
6410 Fannin St Ste 210
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7133
Williams, Vicki J. RN
Practice #: 10015542
10702 E Hardy Rd
Houston 77093
(713) 696-2731
M-F 7:30am-4pm
Yngve, David A. MD
Practice #: 10022080
301 University Blvd
Houston 77555
(409) 772-0826
Obstetrics - No
Gynecology/Obstetricia No incluye ginecología
Yngve, David A. MD
Practice #: 10022080
301 University Blvd
Houston 77555
(409) 772-0826
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 9
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Adams, Jaye E. MD
Practice #: 01660918
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Adesomo, Adebayo J. MD
Practice #: 10018941
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
3101 Richmond Ave Ste 250
Houston 77098
(713) 222-9832
M-Sa 8am-12pm/
M-Sa 1:30pm-4pm
Adeyemi, Oluyemisi A. MD
Practice #: 01924929
Treats patients ages 12
through 18/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 18
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Adler, Michael T. MD
Practice #: 01367986
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7133
Aga, Irene E. MD
Practice #: 01174727
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(713) 526-4243
Ahmed, Hany H. MD
Practice #: 10041337
Arabic, Spanish
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
1919 N Loop W Ste 299
Houston 77008
(713) 429-5612
Ali, Nishath A. MD
Practice #: 01813648
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Amaro, Michael A. MD
Practice #: 00814445
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 558-5855
Ambani, Dipika S. MD
Practice #: 01149263
7777 Sw Freeway Ste 534
Houston 77074
(713) 272-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Argoti, Pedro S. MD
Practice #: 01769005
5656 Kelley St Ste 2lb80001
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Asumugha, Kingsley N. MD
Practice #: 10019054
11003 Resource Pkwy Ste
Houston 77089
(281) 464-9100
Balat, Isam Y. MD
Practice #: 10014455
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1200 Binz St Ste 1100
Houston 77004
(713) 522-3333
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
7400 Fannin St Ste 970
Houston 77054
(713) 522-3333
Beckner, Gregory M. MD
Practice #: 01758620
10655 Steepletop Dr
Houston 77065
(281) 890-4285
18220 Tomball Pkwy
Houston 77070
(281) 477-1000
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Beeson, James H. MD
Practice #: 01665205
6410 Fannin St Ste 210
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7133
Bercaw-Pratt, Jennifer L.
Practice #: 01277247
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-2000
Berens, Pamela D. MD
Practice #: 10008694
1776 Yorktown St Ste 150
Houston 77056
(713) 572-8122
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7200
M-F 8am-5pm
Bharksuwan, Samuel MD
Practice #: 10029406
Spanish, Thai
411 Lantern Bend Dr Ste 240
Houston 77090
(281) 587-1300
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Binder, Gary L. MD
Practice #: 10027933
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Blackwell, Sean C. MD
Practice #: 01075883
1501 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
500 Susan K. Strake Bldg
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7200
Bonilla, David J. MD
Practice #: 01656918
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
Brooks-Carter, Gizelle N.
Practice #: 01345256
1601 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77003
(713) 757-7406
Brownfield, Shaylon V. MD
Practice #: 10035985
1140 Westmont Dr Ste 340
Houston 77015
(713) 453-6962
Bruce, Tara L. MD
Practice #: 01273565
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7900 Fannin St
Houston 77054
(713) 512-7567
Bueso, Fernando MD
Practice #: 01409311
Italian, Spanish
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 757-1075
Bui, Oanh N. DO
Practice #: 10046930
10680 Jones Rd Ste 600
Houston 77065
(281) 477-0417
Th 9am-6pm/
M-W 9am-5pm/
F 9am-2pm
Byrd, Teresa T. MD
Practice #: 01740412
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Cadambi, Kalpana P. MD
Practice #: 01388195
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
12871 East Fwy
Houston 77015
(713) 450-3538
Carreno, Carlos A. MD
Practice #: 01325046
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
6601 Tarnef Dr Ste 220
Houston 77074
(713) 526-6500
M-F 8am-5pm
Ali, Vaseem MD
Practice #: 10008183
Gujarati, Punjabi, Spanish,
6410 Fannin St Ste 350 U T
Phys - Women'S Health Ctr
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Page/Página 10
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Chang-Jackson, ShaoChun R. MD
Practice #: 01458777
929 Gessner Rd Ste 2130
Houston 77024
(713) 935-9100
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Chavez, Anthony MD
Practice #: 10023534
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7580 Fannin St Ste 300
Houston 77054
(713) 795-5975
F 8:30am-4pm/
M-Th 8:30am-5pm
7600 Fannin St
Houston 77054
(713) 790-1234
Chohan, Lubna MD
Practice #: 01957332
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 8am-5pm
Cohan, Leslie C. MD
Practice #: 01424685
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
7580 Fannin St Ste 235
Houston 77054
(713) 795-0349
Coleman, Maame A. MD
Practice #: 01469403
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Colman, June W. MD
Practice #: 10021485
1140 Westmont Dr Ste 340
Houston 77015
(713) 453-6962
4702 Dowling St
Houston 77004
(281) 833-6962
Connealy, Brendan D. MD
Practice #: 01465861
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Cook, Paul I. MD
Practice #: 01438400
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
6400 Fannin St Ste 1900
Houston 77030
(713) 796-2200
Cooper, Constance D. MD
Practice #: 01388273
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Dalrymple, John L. MD
Practice #: 01436064
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
del Castillo, Jr, Hector MD
Practice #: 01668602
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 220
Houston 77004
(713) 526-4787
Delaney, Meaghan A. MD
Practice #: 01670720
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Dietrich, Jennifer E. MD
Practice #: 01149762
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Dildy III, Gary A. MD
Practice #: 01800635
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Dunnington, Helen A. MD
Practice #: 01865152
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Duret-Uzodinma, Jenny J.
Practice #: 01409344
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Durrani, Neelofer S. MD
Practice #: 10017701
Urdu, Spanish
1631 North Loop W Ste 490
Houston 77008
(713) 862-6169
Earhart, Angela D. MD
Practice #: 01601319
Sign Languages
13111 East Fwy
Houston 77015
(281) 205-0204
Edwards, Creighton L. MD
Practice #: 10017295
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Ellison, Danya L. MD
Practice #: 01663593
7400 Fannin St Ste 1050
Houston 77054
(713) 795-1000
Fulcher, Sr, Perry L. MD
Practice #: 10043696
2060 Space Park Dr Ste
Houston 77058
(281) 333-2744
Fulton, Stephanie C. MD
Practice #: 10015566
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1740 W 27th St Ste 301
Houston 77008
(713) 880-2727
Gabel, Catherine N. MD
Practice #: 01615950
2450 Fondren Rd Ste 275
Houston 77063
(713) 339-1000
Garcia Ruiz De Somicurcio,
Javier B. MD
Practice #: 01869010
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7310
Gei, Alfredo F. MD
Practice #: 01609191
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Faro, Jonathan P. MD
Practice #: 01444367
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Giesler, Carl F. MD
Practice #: 01723705
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5922
Faro, Sebastian MD
Practice #: 01373319
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Gonzalez, Aurora MD
Practice #: 01420247
Italian, Spanish
6410 Fannin St Ste 1200
Houston 77030
(713) 757-9905
6410 Fannin St Ste 1200
Houston 77030
(713) 757-1075
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Ford, Dinsdale W. MD
Practice #: 10015065
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 774-2229
Franco Jr, Juan M. MD
Practice #: 10050938
1213 Herman Dr Ste 630
Houston 77004
(832) 494-3131
7500 San Felipe St Ste 1050
Houston 77063
(713) 975-8353
Gottesman, Mark J. MD
Practice #: 01388337
Spanish, Hebrew
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
7580 Fannin St Ste 330
Houston 77054
(713) 797-0060
Griffis, Kathleen M. MD
Practice #: 10042400
2060 Space Park Dr Ste
Houston 77058
(281) 333-2744
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 11
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Guan, Xiaoming MD
Practice #: 01804171
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
2525a Holly Hall St
Houston 77054
(713) 526-4243
Treats patients ages 12
through 45/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 45
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Hammill, Hunter A. MD
Practice #: 01064979
7400 Fannin St Ste 1118
Houston 77054
(713) 799-8994
MWF 8:30am-5pm/
TuTh 8:30am-2:30pm
Harms, Konrad P. MD
Practice #: 10063086
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
1601 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77003
(713) 757-5616
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-4:30pm
Hasan, Ferhat M. MD
Practice #: 01354989
Hindi, Panjabi, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 9 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 9 años en adelante
11920 Astoria Blvd Ste 270
Houston 77089
(281) 484-9070
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 390
Houston 77094
(713) 365-2900
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
929 Gessner Rd Ste 2225
Houston 77024
(713) 365-2900
Hawkins, Kimberly D. MD
Practice #: 10026866
1140 Westmont Dr Ste 430
Houston 77015
(713) 450-4457
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
929 Gessner Rd Ste 2225
Houston 77024
(713) 365-2900
427 W 20th St Ste 707
Houston 77008
(713) 863-1105
Hollier, Lisa M. MD
Practice #: 10022571
Treats pregnant women &
newborns only/Solo
Atiende Embarazadas y
Recié n Nacidos
1501 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
500 Susan K. Strake Bldg
Houston 77022
(713) 486-1130
Huang, Jaou-Chen MD
Practice #: 10008692
Chinese, Thai
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 9am-5pm
Hienaman, Mary MD
Practice #: 10017722
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
13114 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste
Houston 77065
(713) 365-2900
Higginbotham, Chandra G.
Practice #: 10018254
1200 Binz St Ste 380
Houston 77004
(713) 571-2273
Hobday, Christopher D. MD
Practice #: 01233623
6550 Fannin St Suite 901
Houston 77030
(713) 441-1026
Hodges, Kelly R. MD
Practice #: 01472807
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Holcombe, Sara B. MD
Practice #: 01884412
4755 Aldine Mail Route
Houston 77039
(713) 566-5735
Hold, Michael D. MD
Practice #: 01146331
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
13114 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste
Houston 77065
(713) 365-2900
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Treats pregnant women &
newborns only/Solo
Atiende Embarazadas y
Recié n Nacidos
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5602
Treats pregnant women &
newborns only/Solo
Atiende Embarazadas y
Recié n Nacidos
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7200
Hollins, Blanchard T. MD
Practice #: 10019904
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
4315 Lockwood Dr Ste 1
Houston 77026
(713) 675-1749
Holt, Byron B. MD
Practice #: 10017726
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
13114 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste
Houston 77065
(713) 365-2900
Ivey, Richard T. MD
Practice #: 10023967
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Jamelka, Brooke MD
Practice #: 01883378
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 356-7848
Janowitz, David H. MD
Practice #: 10017781
7007 North Fwy Ste 145
Houston 77076
(713) 697-8555
Jayne, Christopher J. MD
Practice #: 01629988
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1200 Binz St Ste 1040
Houston 77004
(713) 526-4263
Jaynes, Jr, Charles R. MD
Practice #: 01697976
10655 Steepletop Dr
Houston 77065
(281) 890-4285
18220 Tomball Pkwy
Houston 77070
(281) 477-1000
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Jibril, Deanah A. DO
Practice #: 01705765
10655 Steepletop Dr
Houston 77065
(281) 890-4285
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Hall, Nicole R. MD
Practice #: 01301724
1501 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
Haver, Mary C. MD
Practice #: 10043690
2060 Space Park Dr Ste
Houston 77058
(281) 333-2744
Page/Página 12
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
18220 Tomball Pkwy
Houston 77070
(281) 477-1000
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Jones, Vonne-Gretchin MD
Practice #: 01713854
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
Karges, Kathryn A. MD
Practice #: 01790743
1315 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77002
(713) 356-7848
Kase, Benjamin A. MD
Practice #: 01399762
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Katz, Allan R. MD
Practice #: 10008724
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 9am-5pm
Kern, James H. MD
Practice #: 10020304
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
20320 Northwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77065
(281) 599-8900
Kilpatrick, Charles C. MD
Practice #: 10011261
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5602
M-F 8am-5pm
Kim, Poong-Young Y. MD
Practice #: 10020797
Japanese, Korean, Spanish
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
902 Frostwood Dr Ste 178
Houston 77024
(713) 973-2550
King-Hatley, Lisa A. MD
Practice #: 01903103
10655 Steepletop Dr
Houston 77065
(281) 890-4285
18220 Tomball Pkwy
Houston 77070
(281) 477-1000
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Konda, Sangeetha R. MD
Practice #: 01870879
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(832) 325-7310
Korhonen, Matti O. MD
Practice #: 10018157
Arabic, Finnish, German,
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 558-2737
Kuhn, George T. MD
Practice #: 10014458
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 630
Houston 77004
(832) 494-3131
M-F 8am-5pm
7500 San Felipe St Ste 1050
Houston 77063
(713) 975-8353
M-F 8am-5pm
Lager, Jeannette C. MD
Practice #: 01924953
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Lee, Chin H. MD
Practice #: 10014564
Korean, Spanish
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
509 W Tidwell Rd
Houston 77091
(713) 692-0600
Leke, Efua Bonnie B. MD
Practice #: 01459802
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Levison, Judy MD
Practice #: 10023227
German, French, Spanish
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
Lucci, Anthony P. MD
Practice #: 10014417
Italian, Spanish
7500 San Felipe St Ste 1050
Houston 77063
(713) 975-8353
Levy, Robert L. MD
Practice #: 01903107
Afrikaans, French,
Hungarian, Spanish
10655 Steepletop Dr
Houston 77065
(281) 890-4285
Madjitey, George E. MD
Practice #: 10014460
2101 Crawford St Ste 111
Houston 77002
(713) 651-9771
18220 Tomball Pkwy
Houston 77070
(281) 477-1000
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Lewen, Merrill S. MD
Practice #: 01912018
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(713) 486-6600
929 Gessner Rd Ste 1300
Houston 77024
(713) 486-6600
Linares, Silvia T. MD
Practice #: 01266461
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7200
Lucas, Michael J. MD
Practice #: 10006897
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1501 St. Joseph Pkwy Ste
500 Susan K. Strake Bldg
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5602
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Mahan, Miles E. MD
Practice #: 01656927
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
Mansouri, Roshanak MD
Practice #: 01671578
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Marks, Sonya D. MD
Practice #: 01843038
10655 Steepletop Dr
Houston 77065
(281) 890-4285
18220 Tomball Pkwy
Houston 77070
(281) 477-1000
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Mastrobattista, Joan M. MD
Practice #: 10008728
1501 St. Joseph Pkwy Ste
500 Susan K. Strake Bldg
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
6410 Fannin St Ste 350 U T
Phys - Ob/Gyn
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 8am-5pm
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 13
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Mayo Sr, Carlos O. MD
Practice #: 10018322
Chinese, French, Spanish
6699 Rookin St
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1667
Sa 8am-5pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Mcbride, Jr, James R. MD
Practice #: 01276633
7580 Fannin St Ste 335
Houston 77054
(713) 797-9171
Mcneil, Cynthia D. MD
Practice #: 10018161
3003 South Loop W Ste 410
Houston 77054
(713) 838-8200
M-F 8am-5pm
Melhem, Ziad A. MD
Practice #: 01337496
Arabic, French, Spanish
2500 Fondren Rd
Houston 77063
(713) 781-4600
Mendez-Figueroa, Hector
Practice #: 01872122
1501 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77002
(401) 274-1100
Meyer, Larissa A. MD
Practice #: 00418128
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Middleton, Jaime J. MD
Practice #: 01737807
2000 Crawford St Ste 1400
Houston 77002
(713) 650-3734
Miguel, Breno L. MD
Practice #: 10008349
Portuguese, Spanish
2026 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 476-0579
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 682-7066
Miller, Harold J. MD
Practice #: 01419979
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Monga, Manju MD
Practice #: 10008803
1501 St. Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Monthy, Wendi B. MD
Practice #: 01465131
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Moonat, Sunita MD
Practice #: 10007981
Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
17030 Nanes Dr Ste 211
Houston 77090
(281) 440-5925
Moreano, Walter F. MD
Practice #: 10018116
French, Spanish
12605 East Fwy Ste 510
Houston 77015
(713) 453-3323
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 8:30am-12:30pm
Moussa, Hind N. MD
Practice #: 01785570
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Nader-Eftekhari, Shahla MD
Practice #: 10008096
6410 Fannin St Ste 350 U T
Phys - Women'S Health Ctr
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Nanda, Roz MD
Practice #: 01337491
2500 Fondren Rd
Houston 77063
(713) 781-4600
6400 Fannin St Ste 1900
Houston 77030
(713) 796-2200
M-F 9am-12:30pm/
M-F 1:45pm-5pm
Nebgen, Denise R. MD
Practice #: 10017852
Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian
6550 Fannin St Ste 2201
Houston 77030
(713) 797-9498
M-F 9am-5pm
7600 Fannin St
Houston 77054
(713) 797-9498
Nguyen, Jennifer T. MD
Practice #: 10068867
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
17030 Nanes Dr Ste 206
Houston 77090
(281) 537-5556
F 8:30am-3pm/
M-Th 8:30am-12pm/
MTuTh 1pm-5pm
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
6031 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 691-7488
M-F 8am-5pm
Nguyen, Truong C. MD
Practice #: 01157851
1401 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77002
(713) 757-7593
Nguyen, Vian H. MD
Practice #: 01629319
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 654-8128
Nosaville, Yury J. MD
Practice #: 10017952
Russian, Spanish
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
8200 Wednesbury Ln Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 981-1972
Obukofe, Christie E. MD
Practice #: 10014870
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
12871 East Fwy
Houston 77015
(713) 450-3538
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
13111 East Freeway Ste 303
Houston 77015
(713) 450-3538
Ogunlade, Iyabode M. MD
Practice #: 01648269
Spanish, Yoruba
13523 Hargrave Rd
Houston 77070
(281) 206-4496
Orejuela, Francisco J. MD
Practice #: 01925332
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Ortega, Enrique M. MD
Practice #: 01379350
6031 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 694-6600
Palmer, Sue M. MD
Practice #: 10020684
German, French, Spanish
1200 Binz St Ste 670
Houston 77004
(713) 521-2229
Papanna, Ramesha MD
Practice #: 01869016
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7310
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Mcknight, Monique V. MD
Practice #: 01249142
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
929 Gessner Rd. Suite 2225
Houston 77024
(713) 365-2900
6031 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 694-6600
Page/Página 14
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Papasakelariou, Cristo MD
Practice #: 10014462
Greek, Modern (1453-),
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 756-5500
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Parish, Bridgette J. MD
Practice #: 01948808
5751 Blythewood St Ste
Houston 77021
(713) 453-6773
Pedrick, Clayton MD
Practice #: 10023420
7900 Fannin St Ste 2300
Houston 77054
(713) 790-1349
Pellicena, Alexandra MD
Practice #: 01342750
1919 N Loop W Ste 215
Houston 77008
(713) 370-7325
Piegari, Michael J. MD
Practice #: 01834122
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 220
Houston 77004
(713) 526-4787
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
7007 North Fwy # 145
Houston 77076
(713) 697-8555
Pierce, Torri- Ja'Net T. MD
Practice #: 01360776
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 400
Houston 77094
(281) 579-9900
Plavidal, Ferdinand J. MD
Practice #: 01294849
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
7580 Fannin St Ste 335
Houston 77054
(713) 795-5450
Promecene-Cook, Pamela
Practice #: 10017634
1776 Yorktown St Ste 150
Houston 77056
(713) 572-8122
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7200
Pullano, James G. MD
Practice #: 01649923
6410 Fannin St Ste 210
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7133
Racusin, Diana MD
Practice #: 01924983
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Ramin, Susan M. MD
Practice #: 10019322
1501 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
5656n Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 8am-5pm
Ramirez, Mildred M. MD
Practice #: 10021272
1501 St. Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
Randolph, Beryl L. MD
Practice #: 01407915
1910 John Ralston Rd Ste
Houston 77013
(713) 451-3030
Reiss, Anh P. MD
Practice #: 10025712
Spanish, Vietnamese
7789 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 541-3376
Riera-Gonzalez, Gregorio
Practice #: 01223966
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Riggs, John W. MD
Practice #: 10008732
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
M-F 8am-5pm
Rizk, Magdy W. MD
Practice #: 10019948
Arabic, French
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 870-9600
Rizzo, Gina T. MD
Practice #: 01439948
2060 Space Park Dr Ste
Houston 77058
(281) 333-2744
Robinson, Theresa L. MD
Practice #: 01404411
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
411 Bay Area Blvd
Houston 77058
(281) 480-3315
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
7580 Fannin St Ste 235
Houston 77054
(713) 795-0047
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
7915 Fm 1960 W Ste 210
Houston 77070
(281) 890-1182
Rodriguez, Ana M. MD
Practice #: 01324348
2060 Space Park Dr Ste
Houston 77058
(281) 333-2744
Rodriguez, Joseph A. MD
Practice #: 01864985
6410 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(208) 727-8600
Rodriguez, Victor M. MD
Practice #: 10029361
4126 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77027
(713) 664-1918
6445 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 777-2900
Rosenbaum, Sean M. MD
Practice #: 01049323
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Ross, Patti J. MD
Practice #: 10008744
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 8am-5pm
Ruano, Rodrigo MD
Practice #: 01698403
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Ruger, Erica P. MD
Practice #: 01383385
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1200 Binz S Ste 1100
Houston 77004
(713) 522-3333
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
7400 Fannin St Ste 970
Houston 77054
(713) 522-3333
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 15
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Schachel VI, Priti P. MD
Practice #: 01074832
1601 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77003
(713) 757-7406
Tu 8:30am-12pm/
MW-F 8:30am-4:30pm
Schneider, Karen M. MD
Practice #: 10025090
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 8am-5pm
Schreiber, Howard L. MD
Practice #: 10016021
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
12000 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(713) 266-4000
Schroeder, Barbara C. MD
Practice #: 01856422
929 Gessner Rd Ste 1300
Houston 77024
(713) 486-6600
Schutt, Amy K. MD
Practice #: 01924989
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Schutt-Aine, Ann I. MD
Practice #: 01239537
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Serrano, Juan H. MD
Practice #: 10015001
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
1200 Binz St Ste 1195
Houston 77004
(713) 522-0680
M-F 9am-5pm
Shultz, Erik P. MD
Practice #: 01423844
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 456-6915
Sibai, Baha M. MD
Practice #: 01666493
6410 Fannin St Ste 210
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7133
Siller, Barry S. MD
Practice #: 01861596
915 Gessner Rd Ste 400
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2575
Simmons-Holmes, Jeane R.
Practice #: 00806683
10655 Steepletop Dr
Houston 77065
(281) 890-4285
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1601 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77003
(713) 757-5616
18220 Tomball Pkwy
Houston 77070
(281) 477-1000
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Sinacori, Mina K. MD
Practice #: 10008412
929 Gessner Rd Ste 2130
Houston 77024
(713) 935-9100
Smith, Sharon A. MD
Practice #: 01352175
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
7007 North Fwy Ste 145
Houston 77076
(713) 697-8555
Soto, Wigberto MD
Practice #: 10017835
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
11914 Astoria Blvd Ste 440
Houston 77089
(281) 484-1106
Stephanou, Nicholas J. MD
Practice #: 10014466
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5616 Lawndale Ave Ste A110
Houston 77023
(713) 921-0075
Stone, Faith M. MD
Practice #: 01341732
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
5511 Austin St Ste 1001
Houston 77004
(713) 524-8931
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
5511 Austin St Ste 101
Houston 77004
(713) 524-8931
Strehlow, Stacy L. MD
Practice #: 01237997
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Sullivan, Katherine T. MD
Practice #: 10037446
Arabic, Spanish, Chinese
1200 Binz St Ste 1100
Houston 77004
(713) 522-3333
Tarrant, Tiffany E. MD
Practice #: 01901351
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
929 Gessner Rd Ste 1300
Houston 77024
(713) 486-6600
Taylor, Kristal D. MD
Practice #: 01459897
5656 Kelley Sst
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
Timmins, Audra E. MD
Practice #: 10025231
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Tinsley-Greely, Jocelyn T.
Practice #: 01373706
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Torres, Elvis DO
Practice #: 10015034
Treats patients ages 9 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 9 años en adelante
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 496-2496
Totorica, Marcelo MD
Practice #: 01253083
Italian, Spanish
1910 John Ralston Rd Ste
Houston 77013
(713) 451-3030
Toy, Eugene C. MD
Practice #: 10020034
1601 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77003
(713) 757-5616
Triche, Milicent P. MD
Practice #: 01231231
902 Normandy St Ste 400
Houston 77015
(713) 651-5000
Tsai, Chundar MD
Practice #: 10032169
Arabic, Chinese, Spanish,
Tai (Other), Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
1200 Binz St Ste 1100
Houston 77004
(713) 522-3333
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
7400 Fannin St Ste 970
Houston 77054
(713) 522-3333
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 720
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7200
M-F 8am-5pm
Shelton, Gregory S. MD
Practice #: 01420840
7900 Fannin St Ste 4000
Houston 77054
(713) 512-7000
Page/Página 16
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Houston - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Ubesie, Kanayo E. MD
Practice #: 10014816
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1700
M-W 9am-6pm/
Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-2pm
Vu, Tammy H. MD
Practice #: 01147122
Spanish, Vietnamese
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 496-3788
Uzquiano, Nelson E. MD
Practice #: 10035570
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 682-7066
Walsh, Teresa M. MD
Practice #: 01958641
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 776-5622
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 772-4876
Van Winkle, Jenny L. MD
Practice #: 01912075
6410 Fannin St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
929 Gessner Rd Ste 1300
Houston 77024
(713) 486-6600
Vidaeff, Alex C. MD
Practice #: 10007309
French, Romanian
1501 St. Joseph Pkwy Ste
500 Susan K.Strake Bldg
Houston 77002
(713) 486-1130
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5600
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 350
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7131
M-F 8am-5pm
Vyas, Anuja S. MD
Practice #: 01152602
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3365
Wang, Fan MD
Practice #: 10046661
150 W Parker Rd Ste 503
Houston 77076
(713) 884-8887
M-F 9am-1pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
8831 Long Point Rd Ste 100
Houston 77055
(713) 884-8887
9160 Bellaire Blvd Ste E
Houston 77036
(713) 995-8886
Whitmire, Gerald A. MD
Practice #: 10020933
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7515 S Main St Ste 590b
Houston 77030
(713) 796-2595
Whitmire, Rogers O. MD
Practice #: 10014472
7515 S Main St Ste 590
Houston 77030
(713) 790-1313
Whitty, Janice E. MD
Practice #: 01864832
1401 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77002
(615) 327-5524
Wright, Stanley E. MD
Practice #: 01618798
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 757-1075
Xydas, Nicholas P. MD
Practice #: 10018939
Spanish, Greek, Modern
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6500 North Fwy Ste 110
Houston 77076
(713) 695-0002
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Yngve, David A. MD
Practice #: 10022080
301 University Blvd
Houston 77555
(409) 772-0826
Zapata-Cabrer, Vicente MD
Practice #: 10014890
1910 John Ralston Rd Ste
Houston 77013
(713) 451-3030
Zhou, Xiaodong D. MD
Practice #: 10030252
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
7500 Beechnut St Ste 225
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1115
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 1pm-5pm
Bonilla, David J. MD
Practice #: 01656918
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
20031 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 200
Humble 77346
(281) 812-4447
Champion, Stephanie E. MD
Practice #: 01393352
18321 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 100
Humble 77346
(281) 359-7000
M-F 8am-5pm
Glenn, Christopher J. MD
Practice #: 01358416
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
18955 Memorial N Ste 350
Humble 77338
(281) 319-4111
Mahajan-Merritt, Kavita DO
Practice #: 01963070
18321 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 100
Humble 77346
(281) 359-7000
Mahan, Miles E. MD
Practice #: 01656927
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
20031 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 200
Humble 77346
(281) 812-4447
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
20031 West Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 200
Humble 77346
(281) 359-0400
Schettler, Heinrich G. MD
Practice #: 10017980
German, Spanish
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
18955 Memorial Dr N Ste
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4644
Cole, Nichole F. MD
Practice #: 10055732
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
23920 Katy Fwy Ste 480
Katy 77494
(832) 553-5450
Friedman, Robert H. MD
Practice #: 10015564
Hindi, Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 9 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 9 años en adelante
21376 Provincial Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 578-6868
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 17
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Lake Jackson - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Hienaman, Mary MD
Practice #: 10017722
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
23232 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77494
(713) 365-2900
Holt, Byron B. MD
Practice #: 10017726
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
23232 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77494
(713) 365-2900
Jenkins, Taryll L. MD
Practice #: 10074714
23920 Katy Fwy Ste 215
Katy 77494
(281) 347-2600
Johns, Joseph B. MD
Practice #: 10007752
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
701 S Fry Rd Ste 205
Katy 77450
(281) 829-9908
Kabir, Mohammed W. DO
Practice #: 10030750
Spanish, Hindi
21542 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 579-1488
M-F 8am-5pm
Lee, Tania M. MD
Practice #: 01609474
705 S Fry Rd Ste 235
Katy 77450
(281) 829-3500
Mcknight, Monique V. MD
Practice #: 01249142
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
23232 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77494
(713) 365-2900
Roman III, Joe MD
Practice #: 01061653
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
707 South Fry Rd Ste 385
Katy 77450
(281) 398-8770
Bonilla, David J. MD
Practice #: 01374848
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
20031 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 200
Kingwood 77346
(281) 359-0400
Sayeed, Amina MD
Practice #: 01308573
23920 Katy Frwy Ste 480
Katy 77494
(832) 553-5450
Browning, Jennifer M. MD
Practice #: 10030921
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
350 Kingwood Medical Dr
Ste 300
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Zimmerman, Geoffrey A. MD
Practice #: 10079224
777 S Fry Rd
Katy 77450
(281) 398-8484
Champion, Stephanie E. MD
Practice #: 01393352
22999 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 142
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Earhart, Angela D. MD
Practice #: 01601319
Sign Languages
22999 Highway 59 N Ste
Kingwood 77339
(832) 978-5611
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Kataka-Gitu, Susana W. NP
Practice #: 01657026
20031 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 200
Kingwood 77346
(281) 812-4447
Barnsfather, Kris E. MD
Practice #: 01352544
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
22999 N Hwy 59 Ste 250
Kingwood 77339
(281) 312-4425
M-F 8am-5pm
350 Kingwood Medical Dr
Ste 350
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Beckner, Gregory M. MD
Practice #: 10011527
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
22999 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 142
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Feuer, Randall MD
Practice #: 10031236
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
22999 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 142
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Jones, Vonne-Gretchin MD
Practice #: 01713854
20031 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 200
Kingwood 77346
(281) 812-4447
Mahajan-Merritt, Kavita DO
Practice #: 01963070
350 Kingwood Medical Dr
Ste 350
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Mohan, Sujatha MD
Practice #: 01394577
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
2299 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 142
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Petty, Joseph L. MD
Practice #: 01613754
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
22999 Hwy 59 N Ste 250
Kingwood 77339
(806) 743-2340
Robinson, Theresa L. MD
Practice #: 01404411
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1330 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood 77339
(713) 795-0047
Spinnato, Richard J. MD
Practice #: 10031237
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
22999 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 142
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Uribe-Torres, Brenda MD
Practice #: 10031430
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
22999 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 142
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Zavala, Sharon K. MD
Practice #: 10027754
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
22999 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 142
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-7000
Lake Jackson
Creel, Nicholas B. MD
Practice #: 10019996
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
215 Oak Dr S Ste A
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-1241
Gilliland, Michael P. MD
Practice #: 10019999
215 Oak Dr S Ste D
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-2755
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Huebner, Jennifer D. MD
Practice #: 01334549
23920 Katy Fwy Ste 480
Katy 77494
(832) 553-5450
Munn, Mary B. MD
Practice #: 10011902
511 Park Grove Ln
Katy 77450
(281) 398-7001
Page/Página 18
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Lake Jackson - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Kadiyala, Samatha K. MD
Practice #: 01389062
115 Abner Jackson Pkwy
Ste C
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-4140
Kilic, Gokhan MD
Practice #: 01215131
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
League City
Muir, Tristi W. MD
Practice #: 01784583
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Gynecology - No
Obstetrics/Ginecología No incluye obstetricia
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Jurnalov, Catalin D. MD
Practice #: 10031429
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Gynecology Nurse Prac/
Enfermera profesional de
Wirt, Andrea L. NP
Practice #: 01929357
2660 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-2000
Abair, Christine H. MD
Practice #: 01299406
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Berenson, Abbey MD
Practice #: 01784566
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Fulcher, Sr, Perry L. MD
Practice #: 10043696
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Griffis, Kathleen M. MD
Practice #: 10042400
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Hansen, Catherine G. MD
Practice #: 01611137
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
Haver, Mary C. MD
Practice #: 10043690
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
Panchbhavi, Vinod MD
Practice #: 10013026
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
3023 Marina Bay Dr Ste 101
League City 77573
(281) 334-0620
Patel, Pooja R. MD
Practice #: 01720173
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
Phelps, John Y. MD
Practice #: 10073778
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Rizzo, Gina T. MD
Practice #: 01439948
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
Rodriguez, Ana M. MD
Practice #: 01324348
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Snyder, Russell R. MD
Practice #: 10022853
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(281) 505-1803
Nassau Bay
Crowder, Janice R. MD
Practice #: 01163266
2060 Space Park Dr Ste 112
Nassau Bay 77058
(281) 335-4600
Pickhardt, Brenda A. CNM
Practice #: 01465375
Treats patients ages 0
through 69/Atiende a
pacientes de 0 años a 69
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Danysh, Patricia D. RN
Practice #: 10030134
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
M-F 9am-5pm
Stone, Amanda NP
Practice #: 01784980
3737 Red Bluff Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
Obstetrics - No
Gynecology/Obstetricia No incluye ginecología
Missouri City
Olson, Gayle L. MD
Practice #: 10022854
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
Ross, Patti J. MD
Practice #: 10008744
8810 Highway 6 Ste 100
Missouri City 77459
(713) 486-1200
M-F 9am-5pm
Bruce, Tara L. MD
Practice #: 10045666
3919 Woodlawn Ave
Pasadena 77504
(713) 941-7721
Cohen, David K. MD
Practice #: 10024211
Hebrew, Spanish
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
3301 Plainview St Ste 6
Pasadena 77504
(713) 943-2036
Delgado, Jackquelin MD
Practice #: 01407663
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3333 Burke Rd
Pasadena 77504
(713) 378-6494
El-Dafashy, Diaa Y. MD
Practice #: 10030668
Spanish, Arabic
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
5119 Fairmont Pkwy Ste A
Pasadena 77505
(281) 991-7603
Makhlouf, Michel MD
Practice #: 10015354
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
Ocon, Fernando J. MD
Practice #: 10023878
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3333 Burke Rd Ste 270
Pasadena 77504
(713) 378-6494
Pacheco, Luis MD
Practice #: 01237186
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
Pirics, Michael L. MD
Practice #: 01883362
6243 Fairmont Pkwy Ste
Pasadena 77505
(713) 946-9444
Richardson, Gwyn MD
Practice #: 10035117
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 19
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Sugar Land - Midwifery/Partería
Sundaram, Subha MD
Practice #: 01437171
4600 Fairmont Pkwy Ste
Pasadena 77504
(713) 472-3250
Wen, Tony S. MD
Practice #: 10016090
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
Wen, Tony S. MD
Practice #: 10016090
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
Danysh, Patricia D. RN
Practice #: 10030134
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
M-F 9am-5pm
Stone, Amanda NP
Practice #: 01784980
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
Harirah, Hassan M. MD
Practice #: 10031428
Arabic, French, Spanish
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
Makhlouf, Michel MD
Practice #: 10015354
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
Munn, Mary B. MD
Practice #: 10011902
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
Pacheco, Luis MD
Practice #: 01237186
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
Fagbohun, Funcho C. MD
Practice #: 10030466
Yoruba, Igbo, Spanish
1601 Liberty St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-6962
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
1601 Liberty St Ste A
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-6962
Lee, Tania M. MD
Practice #: 01616583
5510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 232-1640
Rios, Cynthia I. MD
Practice #: 01407799
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
1601 Liberty St Ste A
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-6962
Robertson, Kesha S. MD
Practice #: 01346821
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
1601 Liberty St Ste A
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-6962
Swords, Lauren K. MD
Practice #: 01639144
22001 Southwest Fwy Ste
Richmond 77469
(281) 344-9450
Webb, Christiaan A. MD
Practice #: 01255951
5510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 232-1640
Gubbels, Jeffery L. MD
Practice #: 01620278
2520 B F Terry Blvd
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-6006
Keffer, Gregory L. MD
Practice #: 01620297
2520 B F Terry Blvd
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-6006
Sangalli, Marc A. MD
Practice #: 01620313
2520 B F Terry Blvd
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-6006
Hampton, Shelby L. MD
Practice #: 01196343
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Shenandoah 77380
(281) 882-8050
Reed, Jane C. MD
Practice #: 01322980
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
9200 Pinecroft Dr Ste 350
Spring 77380
(281) 363-2426
Roberts, Richard R. MD
Practice #: 10036436
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(936) 756-7788
Rojas, Raul A. MD
Practice #: 10021921
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(281) 419-9968
M-F 8am-5pm
Strong, Steven M. MD
Practice #: 10020350
1001 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(281) 363-4445
Turner, Tracy L. MD
Practice #: 01215061
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(281) 882-8050
Sugar Land
Bharksuwan, Samuel MD
Practice #: 10029406
Spanish, Thai
4840 W Panther Creek Dr
Ste 108
Spring 77381
(281) 587-1300
M-F 8am-5pm
Evans, Mara G. PA
Practice #: 01958869
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
14823 Sw Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(713) 234-3100
M-F 8am-5pm
Bullock, Gerald L. MD
Practice #: 01300758
9200 Pinecroft Dr Ste 400
Spring 77380
(281) 602-6888
Chatman, Moncenya L. MD
Practice #: 01253817
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(281) 419-4600
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Ziworitin, Dama A. MD
Practice #: 01803384
22001 Southwest Fwy Ste
Richmond 77469
(979) 282-6899
Page/Página 20
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Sugar Land - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Amaro, Michael A. MD
Practice #: 10017946
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1111 Hwy 6 Ste 200
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 491-0500
MTuTh 8am-5:30pm/
F 8am-12pm
Gubbels, Jeffery L. MD
Practice #: 01620278
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5970
Sangalli, Marc A. MD
Practice #: 01620313
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5970
Halbridge, Bruce L. MD
Practice #: 10015068
1327 Lake Pointe Pkwy Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 232-2319
Tharappel-Jacob, Reena A.
Practice #: 10063965
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(713) 578-3820
Ambani, Dipika S. MD
Practice #: 01149263
16605 Sw Fwy Ste 575
Sugar Land 77479
(713) 242-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Keffer, Gregory L. MD
Practice #: 01620297
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5970
Blonder, Bryan J. DO
Practice #: 01236332
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
16545 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 242-1400
Locus, Paul A. MD
Practice #: 01160264
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
Burroughs, Kelli V. MD
Practice #: 01303739
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
16545 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 242-1400
Capocyan, Lorelei C. MD
Practice #: 01649536
French, Tagalog, Spanish
15200 Sw Fwy Ste 200
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 201-8463
Crowe, Shannon M. MD
Practice #: 01236350
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
16545 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 242-1400
Evans, Kimberly L. MD
Practice #: 01448028
1429 Hwy 6 Ste 302
Sugar Land 77478
(713) 273-5804
Mclemore, Joe E. MD
Practice #: 01160489
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 276-2000
Nguyen, Chau D. MD
Practice #: 10078600
Spanish, Vietnamese
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(713) 578-3820
Nguyen, Tom T. MD
Practice #: 10017951
9722 Us Hwy 90a Ste 207
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 322-2222
Parikh, Kokila P. MD
Practice #: 10016492
Bengali, Urdu, Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
1214 Cardinal Ave
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 242-8950
Phillips, Lauren M. MD
Practice #: 01657278
Spanish, Vietnamese
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(713) 578-3823
Thibodeaux, Douglas A. MD
Practice #: 10019240
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
4911 Sandhill Dr
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 340-2600
Uralil, Sherene E. MD
Practice #: 01766965
16545 Sw Fwy Ste 150
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 242-1400
Wong, Michelle S. MD
Practice #: 01470043
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(713) 578-3820
Texas City
Short, Dawn D. CNM
Practice #: 10017658
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
1104 20th St N
Texas City 77590
(409) 643-8359
Abair, Christine H. MD
Practice #: 01299406
1104 20th St N
Texas City 77590
(409) 643-8359
Crowder, Janice R. MD
Practice #: 01163266
1125 N Hwy 3 Ste 160
Texas City 77591
(409) 935-8702
Philips, III, Dudley A. MD
Practice #: 10027656
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6409 Memorial Dr
Texas City 77591
(409) 935-5926
M-F 9am-5pm
Richardson, Gwyn MD
Practice #: 10035117
1104 20th St N
Texas City 77590
(409) 643-8359
Rodriguez, Ana M. MD
Practice #: 01324348
1104 20th St N
Texas City 77590
(409) 643-8359
Wichelhaus, Harlan P. MD
Practice #: 10018182
German, Spanish
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
1718 N Amburn Rd Ste B
Texas City 77591
(406) 935-1988
The Woodlands
Eads, Gregory L. MD
Practice #: 01211402
1120 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
The Woodlands 77380
(832) 813-0979
M-F 9am-5pm
Garnier, Tametra L. MD
Practice #: 01606775
9200 Pinecroft Dr Ste 350
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 363-2426
Hanes, Michelle A. MD
Practice #: 01069580
1120 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 364-1014
Labanca, Francisco MD
Practice #: 01417110
1001 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 363-4445
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Page/Página 21
Perinate Providers/Proveedores perinatales
Wharton - Obstetrics/Gynecology/Obstetricia/Ginecología
Rawson, Jon M. MD
Practice #: 01350557
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
1001 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 363-4445
Strong, Steven M. MD
Practice #: 01350572
1001 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 363-4445
Gubbels, Jeffery L. MD
Practice #: 01620278
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
Sangalli, Marc A. MD
Practice #: 01620313
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
Ziworitin, Dama A. MD
Practice #: 01803384
10119 Us 59 Hwy Ste 200
Wharton 77488
(979) 282-6899
9200 Pinecroft Dr Ste 400
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 292-5774
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Eckhardt, Kari J. NP
Practice #: 01655812
455 School St Ste 29
Tomball 77375
(281) 374-1860
Davidson, Laura A. MD
Practice #: 01601915
647 James St Ste 130
Tomball 77375
(281) 255-0000
Eckhardt, Donald K. MD
Practice #: 01642835
455 School St Ste 29
Tomball 77375
(281) 374-1860
M-F 9am-5pm
Johnson, Anitra L. MD
Practice #: 01160948
251 Medical Ctr Blvd Ste
Webster 77598
(281) 557-0300
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
Perinate Providers
Proveedores perinatales
Westmoreland, Holly M. MD
Practice #: 01273703
9200 Pinecroft Dr Ste 300
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 364-9898
Page/Página 22
Perinate Hospitals/Hospitales de perinatales
These providers are available for CHIP Perinate Members only. These providers provide prenatal care.
CHIP Members and CHIP Perinate Newborns should select providers from the CHIP Primary Care
Providers and Specialists chapters later in this directory.
Estos proveedores están disponibles para miembros de CHIP Perinate solamente. Estos proveedores de
proporcionar atenció n prenatal. Miembros de CHIP y CHIP Perinate Los recié n nacidos deben seleccionar
los proveedores de los proveedores de atenció n primaria de CHIP y los especialistas de los índices más
adelante en este directorio.
Angleton-Danbury Hospital
132 E Hospital Dr
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-7721
Bellville St Joseph Health Ctr
44 N Cummings St
Bellville 77418
(979) 413-7400
Perinate Hospitals
Hospitales de perinatales
Memorial Hermann Hospital
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
Memorial Hospital - Memorial City
921 Gessner Rd
Houston 77024
(713) 242-3000
Memorial Hospital - Northwest
1635 North Loop W
Houston 77008
(713) 867-2000
Conroe Regional Medical Ctr
504 Medical Center Blvd
Conroe 77304
(936) 539-1111
Memorial Hospital - Southeast
11800 Astoria Blvd
Houston 77089
(281) 929-6100
Memorial Hospital - Southwest
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1011
Bayshore Medical Ctr
13111 East Fwy
Houston 77015
(713) 393-2000
Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-5437
Park Plaza Hospital
1313 Hermann Dr
Houston 77004
(713) 527-5000
Riverside General Hospital
3204 Ennis St
Houston 77004
(713) 526-2441
4514 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 331-2610
Doctors Hospital Parkway & Tidwell
510 W Tidwell Rd
Houston 77091
(713) 698-2831
Smith Clinic
2525a Holly Hall St
Houston 77054
(713) 566-3700
Harris County Hospital District - Acute
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5000
St Joseph Medical Center
1401 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77002
(713) 757-1000
Harris County Hospital District - Psych
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 793-3503
St Joseph Medical Ctr
1401 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77002
(713) 757-1000
Harris County Hospital District - Rehab
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-3700
St. Joseph Medical Ctr
1401 St Joseph Pkwy
Houston 77002
(713) 757-1000
Healthbridge Children's Hospital
2929 Woodland Park Dr
Houston 77082
(281) 293-7774
1917 Ashland St
Houston 77008
(713) 936-5400
Page/Página 23
Perinate Hospitals/Hospitales de perinatales
Texas Orthopedic Hospital
7401 Main St
Houston 77030
(713) 799-8600
The Woman's Hospital of Texas
7600 Fannin St
Houston 77054
(713) 790-1234
University General Hospital
7501 Fannin St
Houston 77054
(713) 375-7000
Sweeny Community Hospital
305 N Mckinney St
Sweeny 77480
(979) 548-1500
Texas City
Mainland Medical Ctr
6801 Emmett F Lowry Expy
Texas City 77591
(409) 938-5000
The Woodlands
West Houston Medical Ctr
12141 Richmond Ave
Houston 77082
(281) 558-3444
Memorial Hospital - Woodlands
9250 Pinecroft Dr
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 364-2300
Kingwood Medical Ctr
22999 Hwy 59 N
Humble 77339
(281) 348-8000
Clear Lake Regional Medical Ctr
500 Medical Center Blvd
Webster 77598
(281) 332-2511
Memorial Hospital - Northeast
18951 N Memorial Dr
Humble 77338
(281) 540-7700
Memorial Katy Medical Ctr
23900 Katy Fwy
Katy 77494
(281) 644-7000
Lake Jackson
Brazosport Regional Health System
100 Medical Dr
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-4411
Bayshore Medical Ctr
4000 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 359-2000
Oakbend Medical Ctr
1705 Jackson St
Richmond 77469
(281) 341-3000
Sugar Land
MHHS Sugar Land Hospital
17500 W Grand Pkwy S
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5000
Perinate Hospitals
Hospitales de perinatales
Memorial Hermann Northeast
18951 N Memorial Dr
Humble 77338
(281) 540-7700
Page/Página 24
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Alvin - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
These providers are available for CHIP Members and CHIP Perinate Newborns only. CHIP Perinate
Members should select providers from the Perinate chapters in the front of this directory.
Estos proveedores están disponibles para miembros de CHIP y CHIP Perinate recién nacidos solamente.
CHIP Perinate miembros deben seleccionar los proveedores de los índices anteriores Perinate en este
Family Medicine/Medicina
Mac Donald, Donald G. MD#
Practice #: 10020469
Spanish, French
208 W Coombs St
Alvin 77511
(281) 331-8223
Th 8am-12pm/
M-WF 8am-5pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Stephen F Austin
Community Health Ctr
Practice #: 01413338
1111 W Adoue St
Alvin 77511
(281) 824-1480
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Rustin, Terry A. MD
Practice #: 01367973
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
101 Brennen Ln
Alvin 77511
(409) 763-2373
M-F 8am-5pm
Kazmi, Syed K. MD
Practice #: 10043701
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
218 E House St
Alvin 77511
(281) 585-2530
M-F 9am-5pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Spencer, Tina M. RN
Practice #: 01176799
1108 E Mulberry St Ste A
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-0692
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Ramirez, Juanita RN#
Practice #: 10049629
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1108 E Mulberry St Ste A
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-0692
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Rustin, Terry A. MD
Practice #: 01367973
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
101 Tigner St
Angleton 77515
(409) 763-2373
M-F 8am-5pm
Allen, Thomas E. MD
Practice #: 10023348
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1108 E Mulberry St Ste A
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-0692
M-F 9am-5pm
Chang, Edward L. MD
Practice #: 01702227
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
146 E Hospital Dr Ste 105
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-2381
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Lu, Hou-Teh MD#
Practice #: 10017866
Chinese - Mandarin, Chinese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
146 E Hospital Dr Ste 105
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-2381
Sa 8am-12pm/
MW-F 8am-5:30pm/
Tu 8am-6:30pm
Bay City
Nortman, Henri A. MD
Practice #: 01653579
Treats patients ages 17 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 17 años
111 Avenue F
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-9754
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
D'Lima, Shanta L. MD
Practice #: 01158888
1115 Avenue F
Bay City 77414
(979) 244-4323
M-Sa 8am-12pm/
M-Sa 1pm-6pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Matagorda Episcopal
Health Outreach Program#
Practice #: 01457077
101 Avenue F N
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-2008
1700 Golden Ave
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-0190
2400 Avenue I
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-2361
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Keffer, Amy L. MD
Practice #: 01653442
111 Avenue F
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-9754
Maxwell, Patricia A. MD
Practice #: 10028747
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2417 Avenue I
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-5600
M-WF 8am-5pm/
Th 8am-12pm
Valloppillil, Ammini J. MD#
Practice #: 10032168
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1407 Avenue H
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-7317
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Afzal, Haider MD
Practice #: 01348341
1682 W Baker Rd Ste B
Baytown 77521
(281) 428-8203
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Amer, Isra M. MD
Practice #: 01816241
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77521
(281) 837-2700
Barnett, Barbara S. DO
Practice #: 01340112
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M 8:0am-5pm/
Tu-F 8am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 25
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Bellaire - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Botsford, Lindsay K. MD
Practice #: 01438372
4301 Garth Rd Ste 400
Baytown 77521
(281) 420-8400
M-F 8am-5pm
Odetunde, Olufunke A. MD
Practice #: 01264255
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 427-6757
M-F 8am-5pm
Dinh, Mai L. MD
Practice #: 01727580
1602 Garth Rd
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 9am-5pm
Olutimehin, Babajide MD
Practice #: 01264117
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 8am-5pm
Fazili, Fatima R. MD
Practice #: 01702429
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 9am-5pm
Qamar, Wajiha A. MD
Practice #: 01475914
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
Fragoso, Veronica G. MD
Practice #: 01265923
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-WF 8am-5pm/
Th 8;00am-5pm
Health Ctr, Baytown#
Practice #: 00000053
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 427-6757
M-F 7am-5pm
Kasule, Love S. MD
Practice #: 01339938
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 8am-5pm
Mansoor, Tariq MD*
Practice #: 01886208
1602 Garth Rd
Baytown 77520
(713) 500-7604
Mckeown-Biagas, Cecilia L.
Practice #: 01857362
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Armstrong, Richard P. RN
Practice #: 01307085
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 8am-5pm
Batram, Esther A. RN*
Practice #: 01441740
1602 Garth Rd
Baytown 77520
Pace, Renee K. NP
Practice #: 01854625
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
4201 Garth Rd Ste 212
Baytown 77521
(281) 837-6463
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Legacy Community Health
Practice #: 01033329
4301 Garth Rd
Baytown 77521
(281) 420-8400
Hamid, Bassam MD#
Practice #: 10019954
Arabic, Spanish
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
2802 Garth Rd Ste 203
Baytown 77521
(281) 427-2149
M-F 8am-5pm
Jankowski, Yulan Y. MD#
Practice #: 10023630
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
1001 W Baker Rd Ste 101
Baytown 77521
(281) 428-2254
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
MTuTh 2pm-7pm
Kelley, Crystal D. MD
Practice #: 01340195
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1602 Garth Rd Ste 250
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 8am-5pm
Challa, Lyla S. MD*#
Practice #: 10017648
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4201 Garth Rd Ste 305
Baytown 77521
(281) 427-0765
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-4pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Hardwicke, Robin L. RN
Practice #: 10077541
6700 West Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 9am-5pm
Klein, Connie L. RN
Practice #: 01074071
6700 W Loop S Ste 500
Bellaire 77401
(713) 892-5500
M-F 8am-5pm
Mccray-Dixon, Maranda N.
Practice #: 01474430
6700 West Loop S Ste 130
Bellaire 77401
(713) 486-5150
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Atai, Faith D. MD
Practice #: 01784840
6700 W Loop S Ste 130
Bellaire 77401
(713) 486-5150
M-F 9am-5pm
Escobar, Marco R. MD#
Practice #: 10024766
French, Spanish
5420 Bellaire Blvd Ste A
Bellaire 77401
(713) 663-6322
M-F 9am-8pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Lugo-Faria, Merlin D. MD#
Practice #: 10060784
5420 Bellaire Blvd Ste A
Bellaire 77401
(713) 838-8181
M-F 9am-7pm/
Sa 9am-3pm
Vasudevan, Deepa A. MD
Practice #: 01783048
Hindi, Spanish
6700 W Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 9am-5pm
6700 West Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 8am-5pm
Wang, Yun MD
Practice #: 01783057
Urdu, German, Chinese,
Spanish, Vietnamese
6700 W Loop S Ste 500
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Villarreal, Rachel E. NP
Practice #: 01265553
6770 West Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Gupta, Ganesh P. MD
Practice #: 10025517
1610 James Bowie Dr Ste
Baytown 77520
(281) 422-3576
M-F 8am-5pm
Sadoun, Elise MD
Practice #: 01727547
1602 Garth Rd
Baytown 77520
(281) 837-2700
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Page/Página 26
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Bellaire - General Practice/Medicina general
General Practice/Medicina
Escobar, Marco R. MD#
Practice #: 10024766
French, Spanish
5420 Bellaire Blvd Ste A
Bellaire 77401
(713) 663-6322
M-F 9am-8pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Ahmed, Moiz MD*
Practice #: 01795771
6700 West Loop S Ste 130
Bellaire 77401
(832) 325-7310
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Chang, Rhoda Y. MD
Practice #: 01860947
6700 West Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 357-2812
Dyer, Carmel B. MD
Practice #: 01827167
6700 W Loop S Ste 130
Bellaire 77401
(713) 486-5150
M-F 9am-5pm
Johnson, III, Philip C. MD
Practice #: 10006887
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6700 W Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
Lewis, Jr, Stanley T. MD
Practice #: 10023290
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
6800 West Loop S Ste 560
Bellaire 77401
(713) 839-7111
Th 8am-5pm
Lipsen, Bryan C. MD#
Practice #: 10021896
Hebrew, German, Spanish
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5116 Bissonnet St Ste 327
Bellaire 77401
(713) 635-6996
Pandya, Hina T. MD
Practice #: 01742166
5303 Bissonnet St
Bellaire 77401
(713) 984-6627
M-F 9am-5pm
Tamirisa, Aparna MD
Practice #: 01875749
6700 W Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 9am-5pm
6700 W Loop South
Bellaire 77401
(713) 572-8122
M-F 9am-5pm
Bellow, Pamela L. RN#
Practice #: 10035720
531 Fm 359 Rd S
Brookshire 77423
(281) 822-4235
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Hill, Welton E. MD#
Practice #: 10019903
235 W Palm St Ste 104
Bellville 77418
(979) 865-9285
M-Th 8am-5pm/
FSa 8am-12pm
Bryant, Cassandra M. MD#
Practice #: 01349156
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
235 W Palm St Ste 106
Bellville 77418
(979) 865-9391
M-F 9am-5pm
Draehn, Donald K. MD
Practice #: 01341625
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
235 W Palm St Ste 106
Bellville 77418
(979) 865-9391
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Crook, Debra K. RN
Practice #: 01369670
1525 N Brooks St
Brazoria 77422
(979) 798-2747
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Fort Bend Family Health Ctr
Practice #: 01799363
531 Fm 359 Rd S
Brookshire 77423
(281) 822-4235
Tu 9am-5:0opm/
MW-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Hearn, Donald R. MD#
Practice #: 10014646
15055 East Fwy Ste A30
Channelview 77530
(281) 457-2236
M-F 9am-12pm/
M-Th 12pm-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Willits, Jr, Verne L. MD#
Practice #: 10014443
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
15035 East Fwy
Channelview 77530
(281) 452-3983
M-F 8am-5pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Gregory, Marilyn F. RN*#
Practice #: 10063998
Treats patients ages 11 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 11 años en adelante
201 Enterprise Row Ste 12
Conroe 77301
(936) 788-1480
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Al-Khudhair, Marwan M. MD
Practice #: 01790616
605 S Conroe Medical Dr
Conroe 77304
(936) 539-4004
M-F 8am-9pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Chandrasenan, Sachin MD
Practice #: 01689200
17350 St Lukes Way Ste
Conroe 77384
(281) 825-3344
M-F 8am-5pm
Davis, Kenneth G. MD
Practice #: 01884485
605 S Conroe Medical Dr
Conroe 77304
(936) 539-4004
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-9pm
Ibrahim, Adel A. MD
Practice #: 01343801
704 Old Montgomery Rd
Conroe 77301
(936) 539-4004
M-F 8am-5pm
Joshi, Lata MD
Practice #: 10008391
704 Old Montgomery Rd
Conroe 77301
(936) 539-4004
M-F 8am-9pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Mckernan, Stephen L. MD#
Practice #: 10013212
704 Old Montgomery Rd
Conroe 77301
(936) 539-4004
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Norris, Kim S. MD
Practice #: 01329589
704 Old Montgomery Rd
Conroe 77301
(936) 539-4004
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-9pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 27
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Cypress - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Pieniazek, Jack DO
Practice #: 01350336
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 222
Conroe 77304
(936) 756-6661
M 8:30am-5pm/
F 9am-12pm/
Tu-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8:30am-3pm
Santos, Jonathan I. MD
Practice #: 01889104
605 S Conroe Medical Dr
Conroe 77304
(936) 539-4004
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-9pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
605 S Conroe Medical Dr
Conroe 77304
(936) 539-4004
M-F 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Alford, Deborah A. RN*
Practice #: 01197381
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
201 Enterprise Row Ste 12
Conroe 77301
(936) 788-1480
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Ahmed, Yousuf MD#
Practice #: 01223139
Hindi, Urdu
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
100 Medical Center Blvd
Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(936) 441-7300
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Begum, Afroza MD
Practice #: 01644698
Vietnamese, Bengali
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Chang, June-Chieh MD#
Practice #: 10023767
Chinese - Mandarin, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
100 Medical Ctr Blvd Ste 102
Conroe 77304
(936) 756-9522
M-F 8am-5pm
Chang, June-Chieh MD#
Practice #: 10023767
Chinese - Mandarin, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
100 Medical Ctr Blvd Ste 102
Conroe 77304
(936) 756-9522
M-F 8am-5pm
Eni, Ikedinobi U. MD
Practice #: 10007146
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
17198 St Lukes Way Ste
Conroe 77384
(936) 321-1946
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Edeki, Ifeyinwa C. MD#
Practice #: 01425177
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Karimjee, Najmuddin K. MD#
Practice #: 10022135
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish
12621 Hwy 105 W Ste 104
Conroe 77304
(936) 588-6020
M-F 8am-5pm
Jacob, Shehnaz MD
Practice #: 01148178
Spanish, Urdu, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Lazarus, Kimberly D. MD#
Practice #: 01417026
Vietnamese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Crystal Beach
Le, Haiyen T. MD#
Practice #: 10031572
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Palanpurwala, Khozema A.
Practice #: 10028214
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Rangan, Mythili K. MD#
Practice #: 10010836
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Rupley, Marcelina P. MD
Practice #: 01681387
Tagalog, Philippine (Other),
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 110
Conroe 77304
(832) 912-7044
M-F 9am-5pm
Artise, Antonia M. PA
Practice #: 01434287
504 Medical Center Blvd
Ste 218
Conroe 77304
(936) 494-2969
TuWF 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Proctor, III, Jay C. MD
Practice #: 01459344
955 S East Rd
Crystal Beach 77650
(409) 454-2543
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Tadros, Magdy K. MD*#
Practice #: 10019583
Arabic, Spanish
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
21212 Nw Fwy Ste 505
Cypress 77429
(281) 664-1700
MTu 12:30pm-5:30pm/
Th 1:30pm-5:30pm/
W 8am-9:30am/
W 12:30pm-5:30pm
Thandi, Amrit MD
Practice #: 01052733
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi, Panjabi
21212 Northwest Fwy Ste
Cypress 77429
(281) 256-9442
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Abbas, Rashida S. MD#
Practice #: 10045679
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17330 Spring Cypress Rd
Ste 150
Cypress 77429
(281) 373-3786
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Lonestar Community
Health Ctr#
Practice #: 01038728
506 Medical Center Blvd
Conroe 77304
(936) 523-5292
M-F 8am-5pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Page/Página 28
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Cypress - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Arthur, Allison M. MD*
Practice #: 01247444
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
13203 Fry Rd Ste 600
Cypress 77433
(281) 304-5559
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD#
Practice #: 10021680
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17330 Spring Cypress Rd
Ste 150
Cypress 77429
(281) 373-3786
M-F 8am-5pm
Tahir, Saifuddin MD#
Practice #: 10024074
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17330 Spring Cypress Rd
Ste 150
Cypress 77429
(281) 373-3786
M-F 8am-5pm
Umair, Sonober MD
Practice #: 01441332
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17330 Spring Cypress Rd
Ste 150
Cypress 77429
(281) 373-3786
M-F 8am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Patel, Jalpa N. PA
Practice #: 01386851
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
7630 Fry Rd Ste 300
Cypress 77433
(281) 463-1400
M-F 9am-5pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Arceneaux, Cassandra N.
Practice #: 10047491
2401 Fm 646 Rd W
Dickinson 77539
(281) 614-1256
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Medina, Cindy K. RN
Practice #: 01170634
Treats patients ages 12
through 45/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 45
1804 Fm 646 Rd W Ste N
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-6414
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Azhar, Syed S. MD
Practice #: 10028247
2401 Fm 646 Rd W
Dickinson 77539
(281) 614-1256
M-F 9am-5pm
Cass, Alvah R. MD
Practice #: 10075679
2401 Fm 646 Rd W
Dickinson 77539
(281) 614-1256
M-F 9am-5pm
Castleberry, Tarah DO
Practice #: 01784924
2401 Fm 646 Rd W
Dickinson 77539
(281) 614-1256
M-F 9am-5pm
Perkins, Susannah C. DO
Practice #: 01409319
2401 Fm 646 Rd W Ste C
Dickinson 77539
(281) 534-8380
M-F 9am-5pm
Raley, Jennifer MD
Practice #: 01287991
2401 Fm 646 Rd W
Dickinson 77539
(281) 614-1256
M-F 9am-5pm
Venyah, Titus K. MD
Practice #: 01033286
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
2884 River Rock Ln
Dickinson 77539
(281) 309-0838
M-F 8am-5pm
Ramchandra, Mahalakshmi
Practice #: 10034556
Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2251 Fm 646 Ste 155
Dickinson 77539
(281) 614-2445
M-F 9am-12pm/
M-F 2pm-6pm
El Campo
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Wissinger, John F. MD
Practice #: 01653582
1602 N Mechanic St
El Campo 77437
(979) 543-2956
M-F 8am-5pm
Dimmick, Gregg J. MD
Practice #: 01653586
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1602 N Mechanic St
El Campo 77437
(979) 543-2956
M-F 8am-5pm
Winchell, Susan A. MD
Practice #: 01653570
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1602 N Mechanic St
El Campo 77437
(979) 543-2956
M-F 8am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Cain, Jo E. PA
Practice #: 01653159
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
1602 N Mechanic St
El Campo 77437
(979) 543-2956
M-F 9am-5pm
Attema, Lee P. RN
Practice #: 01347437
905 N Gulf Blvd
Freeport 77541
(979) 239-1633
M-F 8am-8pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Mbogua, Caroline N. MD
Practice #: 01321944
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
12125 Hwy 6 Ste B
Fresno 77545
(281) 431-6187
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Lee, William O. MD
Practice #: 01331754
1505 Winding Way Ste 218
Friendswood 77546
(281) 482-5551
Sa 9am-12:30pm/
M-F 8:30am-6:30pm
Molina, Marta M. MD
Practice #: 01423849
1650b E Winding Way Dr
Ste 100
Friendswood 77546
(281) 996-7788
Rodriguez, Jose A. MD
Practice #: 01641710
128 W Parkwood Ave
Friendswood 77546
(281) 482-5695
M-F 9am-5pm
Wang, Jason T. MD
Practice #: 01697495
1650-B E Winding Way Dr
Ste 100
Friendswood 77546
(281) 996-7788
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 29
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Galveston - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Scott-Praisoody, Cynthia C.
Practice #: 01443165
Treats patients ages 8 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 8 años en adelante
2401 W Parkwood Ave Ste
Friendswood 77546
(281) 648-4900
M-F 9am-5pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Stauffer, Kathleen G. CNM
Practice #: 01262759
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
Family Medicine/Medicina
Arceneaux, Cassandra N.
Practice #: 10047491
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 8am-5pm
Azhar, Syed S. MD
Practice #: 10028247
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Cass, Alvah R. MD
Practice #: 10075679
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Jana, Kyu K. MD
Practice #: 01679682
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Elliott, Tricia MD
Practice #: 01784929
Treats patients ages 3 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 3 años
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Mckee, Juliet M. MD
Practice #: 10078102
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Elsaid, Saleh MD
Practice #: 01423610
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
Raley, Jennifer MD
Practice #: 01287991
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Erickson, Richard C. DO
Practice #: 01347910
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
Shepherd, Angela J. MD
Practice #: 10054610
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Hussein, Hanan MD
Practice #: 01172738
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
Thompson, Barbara L. MD
Practice #: 01395454
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
Triana, Ana C. MD
Practice #: 01037174
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Harvey, Inger V. NP
Practice #: 01918726
301 University Blvd Ste 1359
Galveston 77555
(409) 747-4952
M-F 8am-5pm
Hawkins, Thomas D. RN
Practice #: 10052593
4700 Broadway St
Galveston 77551
(409) 763-7200
M-F 8am-5pm
Nash, Kathleen A. RN
Practice #: 01071668
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1425
M-F 9am-5pm
Sierpina, Victor S. MD
Practice #: 10075689
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston 77551
(409) 744-4030
M-F 9am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Alhassan, Abdul-Aziz MD
Practice #: 10007324
4700 Broadway St
Galveston 77551
(409) 763-7200
M-F 9am-5pm
Castleberry, Tarah DO
Practice #: 01784924
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Page/Página 30
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Galveston - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Wurzlow, Kathleen L. RN
Practice #: 10026382
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Coastal Health & Wellness
Practice #: 01349069
4700 Broadway St Ste F100
Galveston 77551
(409) 938-2248
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
General Practice/Medicina
Karnath, Bernard M. MD
Practice #: 01066321
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Berman, Megan A. MD
Practice #: 01292849
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Blackwell, Thomas A. MD
Practice #: 01077292
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Cintron, Nitza M. MD
Practice #: 10054828
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Clark, Carlos A. MD
Practice #: 01264687
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Nguyen, Michael T. MD
Practice #: 01047524
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Grumbles, Loretta L. MD
Practice #: 10052858
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Ojo, Olugbenja MD
Practice #: 01369900
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Gupta, Kalpana J. MD
Practice #: 01442458
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Rustin, Terry A. MD
Practice #: 01367973
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
123 Rosenberg St Ste 6
Galveston 77550
(409) 763-2373
M-F 9am-5pm
Holden, Mark D. MD
Practice #: 00800403
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Hughes, Nancy E. MD
Practice #: 01784939
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Kaushik, Vinod P. MD
Practice #: 01426416
700 University Blvd
Galveston 77550
(409) 747-5800
M-F 9am-5pm
Laforte, Russell A. MD
Practice #: 01051340
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Low, Leah E. MD
Practice #: 01334375
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Lyou, Cindy MD
Practice #: 00803174
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Sonstein, Lindsay K. MD
Practice #: 01395439
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Best, Mary NP
Practice #: 01784919
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Arceneaux, Cassandra N.
Practice #: 10047491
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Beach, Patricia S. MD
Practice #: 10041693
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Brown, Oscar W. MD
Practice #: 01395152
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Gundlach, Marney MD
Practice #: 01351685
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Laforte, Suzanne C. MD
Practice #: 10057088
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Mccormick, David P. MD
Practice #: 10023355
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 31
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Adolescent Medicine/Medicina para adolescentes
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Rogers, Patricia A. MD
Practice #: 10028350
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Murphy, Christine MD
Practice #: 01784910
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Saunders, Andrea J. MD
Practice #: 01449990
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Silva, Gayani P. MD
Practice #: 01233441
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Noble III, Ralph W. MD
Practice #: 10052280
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Rupp, Richard MD
Practice #: 10022906
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Wolffarth, Mark W. MD
Practice #: 01444571
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
O'Donell, Aice A. MD
Practice #: 10043841
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Sarpong, Kwabena O. MD
Practice #: 01146864
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Rassi, Adriana I. MD
Practice #: 01756168
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2027 61st St
Galveston 77551
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Baggett, Bobbie J. PA
Practice #: 01402360
Tagalog, Spanish
4700 Broadway St Ste F100
Galveston 77551
(409) 949-3406
MW 9am-5pm/
F 8am-5pm/
TuTh 8am-8pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Doan, Dao V. MD#
Practice #: 10029637
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
808 6th St
Hempstead 77445
(979) 826-3341
M-WF 8am-4:30pm/
Th 8am-12pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Le, Mark D. MD
Practice #: 10018626
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
846 11th St
Hempstead 77445
(979) 921-0647
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Tinker, Arlene G. MD*
Practice #: 01684737
610 S Main St
Highlands 77562
(281) 843-2441
M-F 8am-5pm
Adolescent Medicine/
Medicina para
Barratt, Michelle S. MD#
Practice #: 10006912
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
301 University Blvd
Galveston 77555
(409) 772-1501
M-F 9am-5pm
Page/Página 32
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Adolescent Medicine/Medicina para adolescentes
Feldman, Jennifer M. MD
Practice #: 01070864
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
412 Telephone Rd
Houston 77023
(713) 926-6229
M-F 8am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
7444 Harrisburg Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 924-6988
M-F 8am-5pm
Powells, Janice R. MD#
Practice #: 10014514
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8300 Bissonnet St Ste 300
Houston 77074
(713) 774-3443
MTuThF 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Adesanya, Yewande A. NP
Practice #: 01783016
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Armentrout, Debra C. RN
Practice #: 01034587
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Bratcher, Kristie L. RN
Practice #: 01657929
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Broussard, Stephanie L. RN
Practice #: 01062412
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Brown, Georgiann E. RN
Practice #: 10029980
6411 Fannin St U T Phys Emergency Medicine
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 8am-5pm
Cole, Kimberly D. RN
Practice #: 01034628
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 500-4472
M-F 8am-5pm
Edwards, Michelle L. NP
Practice #: 01702890
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
7324 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 534-1718
MTh 8:30am-7pm/
TuWF 8:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Ellison, lauren D. NP
Practice #: 01933293
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
Falgoust, Ashley M. RN
Practice #: 10076921
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Goins, Trisha S. RN
Practice #: 01249149
6410 Fannin St Ste 1400
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7234
M-F 8am-5pm
Graham, James L. RN
Practice #: 10070191
Spanish, Sign Languages
1415 California St
Houston 77006
(713) 830-3000
M-F 8am-5pm
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 671-3041
M-F 8am-5pm
Hardwicke, Robin L. RN
Practice #: 10077541
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 9am-5pm
He, Ying RN
Practice #: 01166160
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
8313 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1102
M-F 8am-5pm
Hebert, Bettina L. RN
Practice #: 01034633
6431 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 8am-5pm
Hildebrand, Mary P. RN#
Practice #: 01062342
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Lindenberg, Julie A. RN
Practice #: 10008001
French, Spanish
7000 Fannin St Ste 1620
Houston 77030
(713) 500-3267
M-F 9am-5pm
Lombana, Pamela E. RN#
Practice #: 01245176
Tagalog, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2323 Wirt Rd Ste F8
Houston 77055
(713) 467-4900
Sa 8am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Lowe, Dawn M. RN
Practice #: 01324062
6400 Fannin St Ste 1620
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7141
M-F 8am-5pm
Huseby, Valerie D. RN
Practice #: 01332947
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 636-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Mackey, Thomas A. RN
Practice #: 01333219
7000 Fannin St Ste 1620
Houston 77030
(713) 500-3267
M-F 8am-5pm
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 500-5700
M-F 8am-5pm
Mangon, Tanisha L. RN
Practice #: 01377630
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Jeansonne, Janice M. NP
Practice #: 01932556
1125 Cypress Station Dr
Ste 4 Bldg F
Houston 77090
(713) 897-7221
M-F 9am-5pm
Kelly, Katherine C. RN
Practice #: 01034741
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 500-4472
M-F 8am-5pm
Kvinge, Debbie J. RN
Practice #: 10010924
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5971
M-F 8am-5pm
Lee-Kim, Soo-Hyun RN
Practice #: 10076943
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6516
M-F 8am-5pm
Mccray-Dixon, Maranda N.
Practice #: 01474430
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Newsom, Teri A. RN
Practice #: 01430174
7109 Lawndale St Ste B
Houston 77023
(713) 924-4907
M-F 9am-5pm
Obinani, Chidi M. RN
Practice #: 01231729
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
Peters, Rebecca E. RN
Practice #: 01269651
6410 Fannin St Ste 1400
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7234
M-F 8am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 33
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Ribbeck, Michaelene R. RN
Practice #: 10029615
17030 Nanes Dr Ste 208
Houston 77090
(281) 444-7666
M-F 8am-5pm
6414 Fannin St Ste G150
Houston 77030
(713) 704-2494
M-F 8am-5pm
Saade, Rebecca E. NP
Practice #: 01605351
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Medical Plaza 3
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Sansalone, Lisa G. RN
Practice #: 01075233
6411 Fannin St Ste 1400
Houston 77030
(713) 500-7318
M-F 8am-5pm
Tippit, Abigail S. RN
Practice #: 01290882
6410 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-6800
M-F 8am-5pm
Weeden, Heather A. RN
Practice #: 01324336
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 8am-5pm
Community Mental Health
Center/Centro comunitario
de salud mental
Shelburne, Julia T. MD#
Practice #: 10008712
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
Agoh, Emmanuel U. MD
Practice #: 01780223
8109 Cullen Blvd Ste E
Houston 77051
(713) 734-1697
TuThF 10am-5:30pm/
W 10am-12pm/
M 10am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Aguoru, Okezie S. MD#
Practice #: 01410324
2626 S Loop W Ste 310
Houston 77054
(713) 796-9500
M-F 9am-5pm
Abdalla, Nageeb G. MD
Practice #: 01465107
Spanish, French, Arabic
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
M-F 8am-5: 00pm
Abdelmelek, Lourice K. MD
Practice #: 01698100
Spanish, Arabic, Afrikaans
5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 664-0719
M-F 9am-5pm
Abrahim, Alber R. MD#
Practice #: 10022864
Russian, Spanish, Arabic,
10851 Scarsdale Blvd Ste
Houston 77089
(281) 481-9595
SaSu 10am-4pm/
M-F 9am-8pm
Adedapo, Raymond T. MD
Practice #: 01608944
12805 Cullen Blvd Ste E
Bldg B
Houston 77047
(281) 397-3799
M-F 9am-5pm
Adeyinka, Olasunkanmin
Practice #: 01783531
6410 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(253) 682-1710
M-F 8am-5pm
Ahmed, Saleha R. MD#
Practice #: 01313319
Panjabi, Urdu
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
1631 N Loop W Ste 480
Houston 77008
(713) 861-7773
M-F 8am-5pm
427 W 20th St Ste 712
Houston 77008
(713) 802-1010
M-F 9am-5pm
Ahmeduddin, Naureen S.
Practice #: 01933290
Treats patients ages 8 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 8 años en adelante
225 W 19th St
Houston 77008
(713) 242-2980
Akhtar, Adeeba K. MD
Practice #: 01065763
Bengali, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
902 Frostwood Dr Ste 246
Houston 77024
(713) 468-2358
MW-F 10am-3pm/
Tu 8am-5pm
Alhassan, Abdul-Aziz MD
Practice #: 10007323
10039 Bissonnet St Ste 105
Houston 77036
(713) 771-5572
M-F 9am-5pm
Allen, Deidra D. MD
Practice #: 10057449
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
Th 9am-5;00pm/
M-WF 9am-5pm
Altman, Michael A. MD
Practice #: 10006797
6410 Fannin St Ste 1020
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Amer, Isra M. MD
Practice #: 01394088
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Amina, Shazia MD
Practice #: 10040748
4755 Aldine Mail Rte Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 9am-5pm
Andino, Cesar A. MD#
Practice #: 10032033
7789 Sw Fwy Ste 125
Houston 77074
(713) 777-1435
Th 8:30am-1pm/
M-WF 8:30am-5pm/
Sa 8:30am-1:30pm
Andrews, Richard R. MD
Practice #: 01245299
Korean, Chinese, Chinese Mandarin, Japanese,
7001 Corporate Dr Ste 120
Houston 77036
(713) 773-0803
TuTh 12pm-8pm/
MWF 9am-5pm
Angelo, Christopher S. DO
Practice #: 10014599
1740 W 27th St Ste 221
Houston 77008
(713) 863-1555
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-12pm
Antoine-Taylor, Mercella P.
Practice #: 01162526
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4700
M-F 8am-5pm
Aquino, Pedro J. MD
Practice #: 01434346
4755 Aldine Mail Rt Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Smith, Teresa A. RN
Practice #: 01355799
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Smith, Holly D. MD#
Practice #: 10031647
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 34
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Aramayo, Willy L. MD#
Practice #: 10014898
509 W Tidwell Road Ste
Houston 77091
(713) 691-1183
M-F 9am-7:30pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Arcilla, Juanita R. MD
Practice #: 10019609
7338 Mchenry St
Houston 77087
(713) 644-4442
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Bai, Kristy Y. MD
Practice #: 01874004
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(832) 775-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
Baig, Imran MD#
Practice #: 10044420
13018 Woodforest Blvd Ste
Houston 77015
(713) 453-4600
M-F 9am-5pm
Bakht, Farid R. MD
Practice #: 01470030
2450 Fondren Rd Ste 125
Houston 77063
(713) 782-6300
M-F 9am-5pm
Bar-Eli, Lee H. MD
Practice #: 01462965
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Barlas, Zeba MD#
Practice #: 10013534
Hindi, Spanish
4407 W Fuqua St Ste A
Houston 77045
(713) 433-2500
M-F 9am-5pm
Barnes-Jordan, Rhonda J.
Practice #: 01170200
4405 Griggs Rd
Houston 77021
(713) 748-4662
M-F 8am-5pm
Barnett, Barbara S. DO
Practice #: 01340112
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Bates, Janeen MD
Practice #: 01665374
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Bogwu, Justin I. MD
Practice #: 01932431
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
MTu 9pm-5pm/
Th 9am-5;00pm/
WF 9am-5pm
Bondoc, Rosario M. MD
Practice #: 01369416
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm
Bayona, Jose MD
Practice #: 10024582
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Borges, Rafael G. MD#
Practice #: 10025093
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
17203 Red Oak Dr Ste 201
Houston 77090
(281) 880-9710
Sa 10am-1pm/
Th 8:30am-12pm/
M-WF 8:30am-5pm
Bedgood, Alysia M. MD*
Practice #: 01903330
7789 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 486-8200
Bortolotti, Julie E. MD
Practice #: 01727536
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6224
M-F 8am-5pm
Belcher, Megan E. MD
Practice #: 01865931
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Brown, Anthony E. MD
Practice #: 10045502
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 9am-5pm
Bender, Nathan S. MD
Practice #: 01702544
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Buck, David S. MD
Practice #: 10031440
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
Sa 7am-3pm/
MW 8am-7pm
Blicharski, Diana MD#
Practice #: 10010403
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 8am-5pm
Blumenreich, Bernice J. MD
Practice #: 10021144
6630 De Moss Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
M-F 9am-5pm
Buie, Joseph MD#
Practice #: 10026107
Spanish, Vietnamese
8831 Long Point Rd Ste 300
Houston 77055
(713) 722-0333
M-F 9am-5pm
Burton, Shawn D. MD
Practice #: 10019604
2200 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77098
(713) 520-5450
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Butcher, Larry R. MD
Practice #: 10006805
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Byrne, Michael E. DO
Practice #: 01369655
10961 Northwest Fwy
Houston 77092
(713) 686-3700
M-F 8am-5pm
13259 I-10 E
Houston 77015
(713) 330-1530
M-F 8:30am-6:30pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
14770 Memorial Dr Ste 100
Houston 77079
(281) 496-7333
M-F 8am-5pm
6535 Southwest Fwy
Houston 77074
(713) 981-8184
M-F 8am-5pm
6969 Gulf Frwy Ste 370
Houston 77087
(713) 643-0600
M-F 8am-5pm
Campos, Bertha MD*
Practice #: 01654858
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
Canlas, Donna N. MD#
Practice #: 10030907
Spanish, Tagalog
1200 Binz St Ste 1180
Houston 77004
(713) 526-5588
MW-F 8am-5pm/
Tu 2pm-6pm
3304 Milam St # A
Houston 77006
(713) 526-5588
Tu 2pm-6pm
Cao, Khoa T. MD#
Practice #: 10007240
11034 Scarsdale Blvd Ste B
Houston 77089
(281) 484-0449
M-F 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 35
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Carmenates, Olga MD*
Practice #: 01349805
Treats patients ages 4 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 4 años en adelante
7789 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 778-4450
Carothers, Arnold K. MD
Practice #: 01076482
17121 Westheimer Rd
Houston 77082
(281) 242-0581
M-F 8am-5pm
Carroll, Kelley W. MD
Practice #: 10018691
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Cazares, Jaime MD*
Practice #: 01846216
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(713) 981-1605
Celi, Melissa M. MD
Practice #: 01376750
French, Spanish
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
1801 N Loop W Ste 30
Houston 77008
(713) 802-9781
M-F 8am-5pm
Chan, Kin MD*#
Practice #: 10018287
907 Bay Area Blvd
Houston 77058
(281) 286-6000
M-F 8am-5pm
Chana, Harminder S. MD*
Practice #: 01151258
Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
5990 Airline Dr Ste 160
Houston 77076
(713) 695-9947
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Chau, Lieu N. DO*
Practice #: 01869068
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(832) 325-7310
Chava, Ramakrishna V. MD*
Practice #: 01197049
Spanish, Telugu
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
800 Peakwood Ste 7b
Houston 77090
(281) 312-6313
F 1:30pm-4pm
Chen, Angela MD
Practice #: 01868444
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 9am-5pm
Chen, Yen-I G. MD
Practice #: 01712746
5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 486-2900
M-F 9am-5pm
Chen, Yongfang MD
Practice #: 10015994
Chinese, Spanish
9160 Bellaire Blvd Ste E
Houston 77036
(713) 995-8886
Su 10am-6pm/
M-Sa 9am-7pm
Chua, Albert J. MD
Practice #: 01399704
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Cisneros, Alfredo D. MD
Practice #: 10026065
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 222-2272
M-F 9am-5pm
Clark, Dana L. MD#
Practice #: 10023388
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 9am-5pm
Cram, Lorie F. MD*#
Practice #: 10023260
1910 John Ralston Rd Ste
Houston 77013
(713) 673-9000
M-W 8am-5:30pm/
ThF 8am-5pm
Cumber, Salimah F. MD#
Practice #: 10030006
Spanish, Urdu
16125 Cairnway Dr Ste 100
Houston 77084
(281) 855-1600
M-F 8am-5pm
8410 Fondren Rd
Houston 77074
(713) 484-7455
M-F 9am-6pm
9720 Jones Rd Ste 240
Houston 77065
(281) 897-8142
M-F 9am-9pm/
Sa 9am-6pm
Deleon, Berta C. MD
Practice #: 01722938
Treats patients ages 7 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 7 años en adelante
1415 California St
Houston 77006
(832) 548-5000
M-F 8am-5pm
1826 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 263-1955
Tu-F 8:30am-6pm/
Sa 10am-2:30pm/
M 8:30am-9pm
Desai, Hemlata J. MD
Practice #: 10006818
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Dailey, Warren B. MD
Practice #: 10012995
2305 Southmore Blvd Ste A
Houston 77004
(713) 667-3999
MTuThF 10am-1pm/
MTuThF 3pm-5pm
DeValle, Oscar L. MD#
Practice #: 10014311
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 682-7066
M-F 8am-5pm
Damaske, Paul R. MD
Practice #: 01313895
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm
8410 Fondren Rd
Houston 77074
(713) 484-7455
M-F 8am-5pm
Danek, Lisa C. MD
Practice #: 10008576
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-5pm
Dholakia, Sonal MD
Practice #: 10041918
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 7:30am-7:30pm/
Sa 7am-4pm
Davis, Lisa R. MD#
Practice #: 10025170
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 8am-5pm
Do, Doan T. MD
Practice #: 01644575
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
M-F 9am-5pm
De Valle, Rodrigo V. MD#
Practice #: 10014309
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 682-7066
M-F 9am-9pm/
Sa 9am-6pm
Drab, Jarrod V. DO
Practice #: 01883708
10655 Fuqua St Ste C
Houston 77089
(713) 941-1566
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-8pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Castillo, Cesario A. MD
Practice #: 01208390
Spanish, Tagalog
13176 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 4
Houston 77044
(281) 436-0061
MTh 8:30am-6pm/
Sa 9am-12pm/
TuW 8:30am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Charania, Zubeida S. MD
Practice #: 10049786
Hindi, Urdu, Spanish
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
6644 Southwest Fwy
Houston 77074
(713) 977-7300
F 8:30am-2pm/
M-Th 8:30am-6pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Page/Página 36
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Duarte, Jaime E. MD#
Practice #: 10011602
3003 Navigation Blvd
Houston 77003
(713) 223-4466
Sa 7am-12:30pm/
M-F 7am-1pm/
M-F 1:45pm-5pm
Durayappah, Amaraseeli S.
Practice #: 10014912
8762 Long Point Rd Ste 105
Houston 77055
(713) 464-2656
M-WF 9am-5pm/
Th 9am-1pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Egbunike, Margaret C. MD#
Practice #: 01467518
7111 Harwin Dr Ste 200
Houston 77036
(713) 914-0055
M-F 9am-5pm
El Centro de Corazon, FQHC
Practice #: 10047638
2005 Garrow Rd
Houston 77003
(713) 227-5160
M-F 9am-5pm
412 Telephone Rd
Houston 77023
(713) 926-6229
M-F 9am-5pm
5001 Navigation Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 926-1849
M-F 9am-5pm
7037 Capitol St
Houston 77011
(713) 928-9560
M-F 9am-5pm
Farizani, Forough DO#
Practice #: 10018317
Arabic, Persian, Spanish,
6400 Hillcroft St Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 988-3921
M-Th 8am-6pm/
F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Gannon, Michael J. MD
Practice #: 01874771
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(832) 775-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
Farrell, Jennifer A. DO
Practice #: 01862594
Japanese, Chinese
1500 S Dairy Ashford Rd
Ste 198
Houston 77077
(281) 759-0200
M-Sa 8:30am-12pm/
MTuTh 1:45pm-5pm
Garb, Leslie J. MD
Practice #: 01702154
Afrikaans, Spanish
5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 664-0719
M-F 9am-5pm
Fernandez-Kline, Blanca E.
Practice #: 10016676
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 8am-5pm
Ferrer, Jeanette G. DO
Practice #: 01872060
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Figueredo, Giovanna MD
Practice #: 01345478
6510 Hillcroft Ste 200
Houston 77081
(713) 988-6677
Sa 8am-12pm/
W-F 8:30am-5pm/
MTu 8:30am-5:45pm
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(713) 988-6677
El Franco Lee Health Cetner
Practice #: 01368252
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(281) 454-0500
M-F 9am-5pm
Ellison, lauren D. NP
Practice #: 01933293
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
Fowler, Grant C. MD
Practice #: 10006825
1776 Yorktown St Ste 150
Houston 77056
(713) 572-8122
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Gadgil, Neetee N. DO*
Practice #: 01186521
929 Gessner Rd Ste 1450
Houston 77024
(713) 338-7226
M-F 8am-5pm
5420 Dashwood Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 664-0719
M-F 9am-5pm
Garcia, Alvaro R. MD#
Practice #: 10014602
11110 East Fwy
Houston 77029
(713) 450-3505
M-F 8am-5:30pm
Gavagan, Thomas F. MD
Practice #: 10006973
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 9am-5pm
Ghosh, Lisa C. MD
Practice #: 01036704
4755 Aldine Mail Rte Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Gomberawalla, Harshada
M. MD#
Practice #: 10033955
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2925 W T C Jester Blvd Ste
Houston 77018
(713) 682-3825
M-F 9am-6pm
Gonzalez, Maria G. MD*
Practice #: 10007719
6550 Mapleridge St Ste 220
Houston 77081
(713) 666-3200
F 8am-11:30am/
W 8am-4:40pm/
MTuTh 8am-4:30pm
Goodine, Glenda M. MD*
Practice #: 01654939
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(832) 775-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
11452 Space Ctr Blvd
Houston 77059
(832) 775-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gu, Ying MD
Practice #: 01705460
6609 W Sam Houston
Pkwy S Ste 98
Houston 77072
(832) 955-6231
Guerrero, Jorge MD#
Practice #: 10014933
6710 Capitol St
Houston 77011
(713) 921-7176
M-F 9am-1pm/
Sa 00am-00pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
Guidry-White, Leah E. MD
Practice #: 01662821
8711 North Fwy
Houston 77037
(281) 931-4080
MWF 9am-5pm
Gutierrez, Carlos A. MD
Practice #: 00807341
10058 Long Point Rd Ste A
Houston 77055
(832) 380-3980
M-F 8am-6pm
5402 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(832) 380-3980
M-F 8am-6pm
Gwozdz, Jennifer S. MD#
Practice #: 10010867
French, Sign Languages
3402 Highway 6 S Ste D
Houston 77082
(281) 530-4057
M-Sa 9am-12pm/
WTh 5pm-8pm/
MTu 2pm-8pm/
F 2pm-5pm
Ha, Caroline A. MD
Practice #: 00815934
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 37
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Hadzisabic, Eva E. DO
Practice #: 01697543
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 8am-5pm
Hall, David L. MD
Practice #: 01869054
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(281) 454-0500
Hand, Mark C. DO
Practice #: 01949361
8480 Highway 6 N
Houston 77095
(281) 550-9005
M-F 9am-5pm
Haque, Mohammad A. MD#
Practice #: 10017829
Hindi, Bengali, Spanish
1140 Business Center Dr
Ste 230
Houston 77043
(713) 722-7272
M-F 9am-5pm
Health Ctr, Acres Home
Practice #: 00000050
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Health Ctr, Aldine
Practice #: 00000051
4755 Aldine Mail Rte Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 7am-3:30pm
Health Ctr, Casa De Amigos
Practice #: 00000056
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
M-F 7am-4pm
Health Ctr, Northwest
Practice #: 00000067
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-10pm
Health Ctr, People's
Practice #: 00000070
6630 De Moss Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 7am-3:30pm
Huang, William Y. MD#
Practice #: 10010404
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-10pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Jeansonne, Janice M. NP
Practice #: 01932556
1125 Cypress Station Dr
Ste 4 Bldg F
Houston 77090
(713) 897-7221
M-F 9am-5pm
Henson, Louise C. MD
Practice #: 01324049
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Hussein, Adnan J. MD#
Practice #: 10020358
Arabic, Spanish
427 W 20th St Ste 705
Houston 77008
(713) 861-4090
M-F 8am-5pm
Jimenez, Mitzi T. MD#
Practice #: 10029373
910 S Wayside Dr Ste 150
Houston 77023
(713) 923-6333
Herrera, Carmen M. MD
Practice #: 01362418
7789 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 778-4450
M-F 8am-5pm
Ibraheim, Nashaat B. MD
Practice #: 10022551
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 558-5656
M 9am-6pm/
Tu-F 9am-5pm
Hoang, Thanh K. MD#
Practice #: 10017841
11210 Bellaire Blvd Ste 126a
Houston 77072
(281) 564-2900
M 9:30am-6:30pm/
TuWF 9:30am-6pm/
Th 9:30am-6;00pm
Holleman, Marsha C. MD
Practice #: 10021938
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 9am-5pm
Hoskin, Ronald A. MD
Practice #: 10015070
Treats patients ages 7 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 7 años en adelante
6563 W Bellfort St
Houston 77035
(713) 723-3916
M-F 9am-5pm
Howard, Lillian G. MD*
Practice #: 01616866
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
11700 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(281) 890-6446
M-F 8am-3pm
Iguh, Bernadette U. MD
Practice #: 01364622
12660 Beechnut St Ste 110
Houston 77072
(281) 564-2242
MW-F 8:30am-12pm/
Tu 8:30am-12;00pm/
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 2pm-6pm
Iwelu, Emake A. MD
Practice #: 01445064
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Jones, Stacey N. MD#
Practice #: 10029034
509 W Tidwell Rd Ste 100
Houston 77091
(713) 694-6447
M-F 8am-5pm
Juneja, Malvika MD
Practice #: 01068565
6630 De Moss Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
M-F 8am-4pm
Kabir, Jahangir MD
Practice #: 00434441
11240 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste
Houston 77065
(281) 469-7400
MTuTh-Sa 8:30am-6:30pm
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Jackson, Simona MD
Practice #: 01619725
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 9am-5pm
Kaseb, Enas H. MD
Practice #: 01258540
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
Jacob, Sapna M. MD
Practice #: 10016842
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4700
Sa 7:30am-3pm/
M-F 7:30am-5pm
Kasule, Love S. MD
Practice #: 01339938
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Jafar, Aman A. MD#
Practice #: 10025349
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(281) 491-3225
Tu 9am-12pm
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Kelly, Marise MD#
Practice #: 01428917
Spanish, French
900 Broadway St
Houston 77012
(713) 928-2774
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 570
Houston 77094
(281) 944-9813
M-F 9am-5pm
Health Ctr, Settegast
Practice #: 00000072
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 7:30am-7:30pm/
Sa 7am-4pm
Page/Página 38
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Keshwani, Nazmudin MD#
Practice #: 10014613
French, Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
4040 Broadway St
Houston 77087
(713) 644-3602
M-F 8am-5pm
96 Berry Rd
Houston 77022
(713) 699-0500
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Ketterer, Cynthia L. MD
Practice #: 01369581
Spanish, French
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
14755 N Fwy Ste 400
Houston 77090
(281) 876-2500
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8:30am-6:30pm
Khan, Arsalan Z. MD
Practice #: 01727561
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Khan, Fareed M. MD
Practice #: 10027870
German, Sign Languages,
Spanish, Urdu
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-10pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Khan, Farheen MD
Practice #: 10016491
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
Khan, Fazal MD
Practice #: 01282826
4755 Aldine Mail Rt
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
W 8pm-5pm/
MTuThF 8am-5pm
Kientcha-Tita, Rachel C. MD
Practice #: 01340394
French, Gujarati, Hindi,
Urdu, Spanish
14629 Beechnut St
Houston 77083
(281) 933-4447
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 9am-6pm
Kim, In G. MD#
Practice #: 10020167
Korean, Spanish
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5135 Aldine Mail Route Rd
Ste 100
Houston 77039
(281) 219-0426
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Kim, Yong S. MD
Practice #: 01298798
Spanish, Korean
Treats patients ages 7 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 7 años en adelante
8830 Long Point Rd Ste 105
Houston 77055
(713) 932-0240
King Health Ctr, Martin
Practice #: 00000066
3550 Swingle Rd
Houston 77047
(713) 547-1000
King-Neal, Emily C. DO
Practice #: 10038253
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 9am-5pm
Kosarac, Branka MD
Practice #: 01727589
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Kosuri, Murali M. MD
Practice #: 10019188
Hindi, Spanish, French
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 9am-5pm
Kowalchuk, Alicia A. MD
Practice #: 10017256
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-10pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Krucke, Gus W. MD
Practice #: 01787285
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Kuo, Edward L. MD
Practice #: 10013411
Spanish, Chinese,
Treats patients ages 4 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 4 años en adelante
4602 Washington Ave # B
Houston 77007
(713) 861-5505
MTuTh 8am-5pm/
W 11am-7pm/
F 8am-12pm/
Sa 8am-12;00pm
Kwong, Raymond P. MD#
Practice #: 01432544
Chinese, German, Hindi,
Italian, Spanish, Urdu
7111 Harwin Dr Ste 210
Houston 77036
(713) 339-1471
M-F 10am-7pm/
Sa 10am-4pm
Laceras, Alexander F. MD
Practice #: 01462977
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 9am-5pm
Lamping, Dorothy R. MD*
Practice #: 01329071
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
915 Gessner Rd Ste 400
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
Latimer, Patrice MD#
Practice #: 10028226
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 9am-5pm
Latthe, Bharat B. MD#
Practice #: 10021901
Hindi, Spanish
1125 Cypress Station Dr
Ste B4
Houston 77090
(281) 440-1400
M-F 8am-5pm
Lawrence, Sharlene J. MD
Practice #: 01225782
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 8am-5pm
Le, Huy Q. MD
Practice #: 01843688
Spanish, Vietnamese
12600 Scarsdale Blvd Ste A
Houston 77089
(281) 481-6663
FSa 8:30am-1pm/
M-Th 8:30am-5pm
Le, Vinh Q. MD#
Practice #: 01039072
French, Vietnamese,
10625 Veterans Memorial
Dr Ste B
Houston 77038
(832) 327-7700
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Leaming-Van Zandt,
Katherine J. MD
Practice #: 01148429
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Lee, Susan T. DO#
Practice #: 10031899
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
9798 Bellaire Blvd Ste D
Houston 77036
(713) 270-7224
M-F 1pm-5pm/
M-F 9am-12pm/
FSa 9am-2pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-Th 9am-5pm
Lee, Yates P. MD
Practice #: 10059080
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Levine, Mark E. MD
Practice #: 10075754
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 671-3041
M-F 8am-5pm
Liu, Min-Shern DO#
Practice #: 10046714
Chinese, Spanish
7820 Bellaire Blvd
Houston 77036
(713) 988-8500
MTuTh-Sa 9am-6pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 39
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Lombard, Richard J. MD#
Practice #: 10014392
6909 Lyons Ave Ste B
Houston 77020
(713) 672-4117
Sa 10am-12pm/
MTuThF 10am-1pm/
MTuThF 3pm-6pm
Longe, Ucheoma N. MD*
Practice #: 01863378
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(281) 454-0500
Lopez Jr, Rene I. MD#
Practice #: 01297822
5631 Telephone Rd Ste B
Houston 77087
(713) 645-4362
M-F 9am-7pm/
Sa 9am-4pm
8800 Long Point Rd Ste B
Houston 77055
(713) 973-8292
M-F 9am-7pm/
Sa 9am-4pm
Lopez-Godoy, Francisco G.
Practice #: 01297760
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Louis, Alfred R. MD#
Practice #: 10014341
8109 Cullen Blvd Ste E
Houston 77051
(713) 734-1697
WSa 9am-12pm/
MTuThF 10am-5:30pm
Lugo-Faria, Merlin D. MD#
Practice #: 01054718
5101 Harrisburg Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 514-0101
M-F 8am-5pm
Lyons, Calvin J. DO#
Practice #: 10019989
310 Freeport St Ste A
Houston 77015
(713) 453-6351
MTuThF 9am-5pm/
W 9am-1pm
5420 Dashwood Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 664-0719
M-F 9am-5pm
Majid, Abdul MD#
Practice #: 10064903
Arabic, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7035 Highway 6 S
Houston 77083
(281) 776-9235
F 8am-1pm/
M-Th 8:30am-7pm/
Sa 12am-4pm/
F 3:30pm-7pm
Maldonado, Rolando MD
Practice #: 10015743
548 Waugh Dr
Houston 77019
(713) 933-0501
M-F 8am-5pm
Mallela, Vijaya L. MD
Practice #: 10015161
4755 Aldine Mail Rte Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 9am-5pm
Maness, Karen D. MD
Practice #: 01656932
8480 Highway 6 N
Houston 77095
(281) 550-9005
M-F 8am-5pm
Marin, Rudolph M. MD
Practice #: 10015744
548 Waugh Dr
Houston 77019
(713) 933-0501
M-F 8am-5pm
Martin, Barry A. MD#
Practice #: 10014622
12401 S Post Oak Rd
Houston 77045
(713) 721-8553
MWF 9am-5pm
8803 Scott St
Houston 77051
(713) 731-1500
TuTh 9am-5pm
Martindale, Nairobi D. DO*#
Practice #: 01314891
1910 John Ralston Rd Ste
Houston 77013
(713) 673-9000
M-W 8am-5:30pm/
ThF 8am-5pm
Mccolloster, Patrick J. MD#
Practice #: 10019582
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
M-F 7am-4pm
McCormack, Owen E. DO#
Practice #: 10013259
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-10pm
2015 Thomas St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-4000
McDermott, Terry L. MD
Practice #: 01263494
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Mckay, William J. MD
Practice #: 10019595
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Mcmorris, Clyde MD#
Practice #: 10025184
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(713) 655-0528
M-F 8am-5pm
Mendiola, Victor A. MD#
Practice #: 10015933
Treats patients ages 5
through 17/Atiende a
pacientes de 5 años a 17
7333 North Fwy Ste 250
Houston 77076
(713) 697-4705
M-Th 9am-5pm
Mireles, Jamir E. MD#
Practice #: 01177034
Tagalog, Spanish
5231 North Fwy
Houston 77022
(713) 694-2300
M-F 8am-5pm
Mitra, Shrabanee MD
Practice #: 10040813
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Mitten, Carl V. DO#
Practice #: 10016890
310 Freeport St Ste B
Houston 77015
(713) 453-8531
M-F 9am-11:30am/
M-WF 2pm-5pm
Mohney, John L. DO#
Practice #: 10014903
2304 Fulton Ct
Houston 77026
(713) 228-4505
M-Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
Moncayo, Rafael E. MD
Practice #: 01409329
3003 Navigation Blvd
Houston 77003
(713) 223-4466
M-Sa 7am-1pm/
M-F 1:45pm-5pm
Moncayo, Sonia P. MD
Practice #: 10038310
3003 Navigation Blvd
Houston 77003
(713) 223-4466
M-F 7am-1pm/
M-F 1:45pm-5pm
Montalvo Chen, Rolf O. MD
Practice #: 01783100
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Montgomery, Hal E. MD#
Practice #: 10014343
12333 Main St
Houston 77035
(713) 729-7600
M-F 9am-7pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Lopez Valle, Raul G. MD
Practice #: 01929603
11550 Louetta Rd Ste 1200
Houston 77070
(281) 320-1196
M-F 8am-6pm/
Sa 8am-1pm
Magid, Mannie L. MD
Practice #: 01702066
Afrikaans, Spanish
5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 664-0719
M-F 9am-5pm
Page/Página 40
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Moreno, Carlos A. MD
Practice #: 01785052
Russian, Spanish
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Mui, Bong Q. MD#
Practice #: 10045660
French, Spanish,
13480 Veterans Memorial
Ste R1
Houston 77014
(281) 587-1600
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Murphy, Thomas J. MD
Practice #: 01875049
11452 Space Ctr Blvd
Houston 77059
(832) 775-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
Myers, Delbert MD#
Practice #: 10019596
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 8am-5pm
Ngo, Huan D. DO#
Practice #: 01226454
11861 S Sam Houston W
Pkwy A
Houston 77031
(832) 242-3232
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 8am-7pm
Ngo, Khanh N. DO
Practice #: 10026614
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
9798 Bellaire Blvd Ste D
Houston 77036
(713) 270-7224
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Nguyen, Bich V. MD#
Practice #: 10014571
11034 Scarsdale Blvd Ste B
Houston 77089
(281) 484-0449
M-F 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Nguyen, Giang L. MD
Practice #: 01320192
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm
Nguyen, Khoa D. MD
Practice #: 01075352
Chinese, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
8313 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1102
M-F 9am-5pm
8313 Sw Fwy Ste 105
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1102
M-F 9am-5pm
8968 Kirby Dr
Houston 77054
(713) 492-0433
M-F 9am-5pm
Nguyen, Khoinguyen T. MD
Practice #: 01854161
Chinese, Spanish,
7111 Harwin Dr Ste 201
Houston 77036
(713) 266-3343
Nguyen, Phuc D. MD
Practice #: 10031279
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Nguyen, Phuc X. MD
Practice #: 10033701
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 8am-5pm
Nguyen, Thien B. DO#
Practice #: 10054558
2405 S Gessner Rd Ste B
Houston 77063
(713) 782-0520
M-F 9am-5pm
Nolasco, Alan E. MD#
Practice #: 10038328
11012 Airline Dr Ste A
Houston 77037
(281) 820-8955
M-F 9am-5pm
Noor, Saba S. MD
Practice #: 01609239
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 250
Houston 77094
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
2222 Greenhouse Rd Ste
Houston 77084
(281) 206-8070
Nowitz, Leslie J. MD
Practice #: 01727549
5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 664-0719
M-F 9am-5pm
Ojeih, Chris H. MD
Practice #: 10028032
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5000
M-F 8am-5pm
Okeke, Adaeze C. MD#
Practice #: 10017279
6630 De Moss Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
M-F 8am-4:30pm/
Sa 7am-3:30pm
Olutimehin, Omobolaji H.
Practice #: 10015467
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
Oragwu, Chukwuemeka L.
Practice #: 01440397
Korean, German, Spanish,
6915 Atwell Dr
Houston 77081
(713) 664-7800
M-F 8am-5pm
Ordonez, Adolfo J. MD
Practice #: 00803856
5230 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 598-3300
Tu-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-6pm/
M 8am-7pm
Orette, Austin A. MD#
Practice #: 10019878
6910 Chetwood Dr Ste B
Houston 77081
(281) 962-0777
M-Th 10am-4pm/
F 9am-12pm
7474 S Kirkwood Rd Ste
Houston 77072
(281) 962-0777
M-F 9am-5pm
9999 W Montgomery Rd
Ste B
Houston 77088
(281) 598-4555
M-WF 9am-5pm/
Th 9am-5;00pm
Ortega-Mora, Juan A. MD*#
Practice #: 10014944
3313 Orlando St
Houston 77093
(713) 699-9177
M-F 8am-4pm
Pabbisetty Naga,
Swarajyalakshmi D. MD
Practice #: 01062757
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 8am-5pm
Pardo, Jorge H. MD
Practice #: 01361371
5101 Harrisburg Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 514-0101
M-F 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Parikh, Mihir J. MD
Practice #: 10019730
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Parvataneni, Sirisha MD
Practice #: 01860423
5656 Kelley St #
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
Patel, Minal M. MD
Practice #: 10017265
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
MW 8am-7pm/
TuThF 8am-5pm
3400 Bissonnet St Ste 165
Houston 77005
(713) 662-3199
M-F 8am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 41
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Patel, Shital M. MD
Practice #: 10076580
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2015 Thomas St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-4000
M-F 8am-5pm
Patzakis, Nick J. DO*
Practice #: 10076804
Greek, Modern (1453-),
9725 Homestead Rd
Houston 77016
(713) 633-7020
MTuThF 9am-12pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
MTuThF 2pm-5pm
Pediatric Continuity Clinic,
Ben Taub
Practice #: 00000078
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
1675 Brittmore Rd
Houston 77043
(713) 722-6410
M-F 9am-5pm
Perez, Mabel MD#
Practice #: 10014598
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
12989 Bellaire Blvd Ste 17-A
Houston 77072
(281) 568-0100
Th 8:30am-5pm/
M-WF 9am-5pm
Perveen, Shamsa MD
Practice #: 01049526
Arabic, Banda, Urdu,
7035 Highway 6 S
Houston 77083
(281) 776-9235
M-F 9am-3pm
Pham, Cuong V. MD
Practice #: 10040960
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
Pham, Hai H. MD#
Practice #: 10010879
Spanish, Vietnamese
6112 Bellaire Blvd Ste E
Houston 77081
(713) 270-0770
WSa 9am-1pm/
MTuThF 9am-5:30pm
Pham, Khoa N. MD#
Practice #: 10022988
French, Vietnamese,
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-5pm
Pham, Nina D. MD
Practice #: 01332329
Spanish, Vietnamese
2951 Chimney Rock Rd Ste
Houston 77056
(713) 880-1950
M-F 8am-5pm
Phan, Ngoc K. DO*
Practice #: 01901365
4755 Aldine Mail Route
Houston 77039
(713) 343-5511
Pirali, Shiraz W. MD#
Practice #: 10021749
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3805 Highway 6 S
Houston 77082
(281) 531-1600
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 10am-2pm
Porras, Ciro J. MD#
Practice #: 10014512
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6510 Hillcroft Ste 200
Houston 77081
(713) 988-6677
M-F 9am-12pm/
Sa 8am-1pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Reddy, Bal T. MD
Practice #: 01784425
Lower Sorbian, Spanish,
6410 Fannin
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Powers, Jason Z. MD
Practice #: 10060650
902 W Alabama St
Houston 77006
(713) 933-0665
Reddy, Yogesh P. MD
Practice #: 01226904
4755 Aldine Mail Rt
Houston 77039
(713) 566-6049
M-F 8am-5pm
Quadri, Yasmeen MD#
Practice #: 10029145
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
M-F 8am-5pm
Reed, Brian C. MD
Practice #: 10008438
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-2000
M-F 8am-5pm
Quintana, Max E. MD
Practice #: 01785778
7109 Lawndale St Ste B
Houston 77023
(713) 924-4907
M-F 8am-7pm/
Sa 8am-5pm
Reyes, Maria A. MD*#
Practice #: 10026785
1910 John Ralston Rd Ste
Houston 77013
(713) 673-9000
M-W 8am-6pm/
ThF 8am-5pm
Qureshi, Parvez A. MD
Practice #: 10026683
German, Italian, Japanese,
Spanish, Urdu
12000 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 589-2334
M-F 8am-5pm
Rianon, Nahid J. MD
Practice #: 01369380
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
MTu 8am-5;00pm/
W-F 8am-5pm
Ramirez, John P. MD
Practice #: 01336815
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
6710 Capitol St
Houston 77011
(713) 921-7176
M-F 9am-5pm
900 Wayside Dr
Houston 77011
(713) 641-7500
Ramos, German A. MD#
Practice #: 10023650
3311 Canal St
Houston 77003
(713) 223-1330
SaSu 9am-2pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
Richmond, Teriya M. MD
Practice #: 01399954
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Ridge-Jackson, Laresa A.
Practice #: 10016854
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
Rodriguez, Ana V. MD
Practice #: 00813615
8225 Broadway St
Houston 77061
(713) 469-4735
M-F 8am-6pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Peganyee, Sukhdev S. MD
Practice #: 10045636
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste
Houston 77002
(281) 467-7977
M-F 9am-5pm
Pham, Bao T. MD*
Practice #: 01256398
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
1570 S Dairy Ashford St
Ste 120
Houston 77077
(281) 531-5293
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 42
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Roman, Rocio L. MD
Practice #: 10021143
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(281) 454-0500
Santiago, Mary A. MD
Practice #: 01952730
2502 Canal St
Houston 77003
(713) 224-0555
Sohal, Guljeet K. MD
Practice #: 01666329
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Rubin, Morton L. DO#
Practice #: 10012706
7338 Mchenry St
Houston 77087
(713) 644-4442
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Sayeed, Fatima MD#
Practice #: 10019809
Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
7095 Hwy 6 N Ste A
Houston 77095
(281) 855-0939
Sa 0am-0pm/
M-F 8:30am-5pm
St Michael, Christina S. MD
Practice #: 01172109
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-5pm
Russell, Matasha L. MD
Practice #: 10040533
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Sealock, Tiffani M. MD
Practice #: 01333831
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Sajja, Prasuna MD
Practice #: 01865961
Telugu, Spanish, Tamil
19227 Katy Fwy Ste 100
Houston 77094
(281) 647-9355
M-F 8am-5pm
Salek, Ata T. MD
Practice #: 10052649
Arabic, French, Spanish
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
1140 Business Center Dr
Ste 200
Houston 77043
(713) 468-7911
M-F 8am-5pm
Sanchez, Ramiro L. MD#
Practice #: 10015143
5724 Chimney Rock Rd
Houston 77081
(713) 218-7300
Sa 9am-4:30pm/
M-WF 9am-5pm
Sanderlin, Damien B. MD#
Practice #: 10011954
720 Shotwell St
Houston 77020
(713) 673-9400
M-F 9am-6pm
723 Shotwell St Ste B
Houston 77020
(713) 673-9400
M-F 8am-5pm
8240 Antoine Dr Ste 107
Houston 77088
(281) 447-5570
M-F 9am-5pm
Segel, Joseph MD
Practice #: 01708265
Greek, Modern (1453-),
Spanish, Vietnamese,
11701 S Wilcrest Dr
Houston 77099
(281) 495-3600
M-Th 9am-2pm/
F 9am-12pm
Sendos, Anusuya N. MD
Practice #: 01639969
6550 Mapleridge St Ste 210
Houston 77081
(713) 779-7200
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Shpats, Inna MD
Practice #: 01657084
7789 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 778-4450
M-F 9am-5pm
Sim, Woon Ki MD
Practice #: 10037395
Korean, Spanish
902 Frostwood Dr Ste 186
Houston 77024
(713) 827-9900
M-F 9am-5pm
Singh, Gita MD
Practice #: 01468792
Hindi, Spanish
1202 Nasa Pkwy
Houston 77058
(281) 335-0606
M-F 9am-5pm
1800 W 26th St Ste 103
Houston 77008
(713) 957-8400
Steele, Kenya MD
Practice #: 01061974
Korean, Gujarati, Spanish
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
M-F 8am-5pm
Suarez, Hugo T. MD
Practice #: 10034164
Portuguese, Spanish
7109 Lawndale St Ste B
Houston 77023
(713) 924-4907
M-F 8am-5pm
Suarez, Martha C. DO
Practice #: 01340281
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm
Tadros, Magdy K. MD*#
Practice #: 10019583
Arabic, Spanish
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
11880 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(281) 894-5400
F 8am-5pm/
M-Th 8am-12pm
Tan, Robert S. MD
Practice #: 01875756
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Tapia, Patricia O. MD*
Practice #: 01612251
4755 Aldine Mail Rte
Houston 77039
(713) 500-3500
Taylor Clinic, Almatha
Practice #: 00000052
14002 Bandera St
Houston 77015
(713) 330-8904
M-F 8am-5pm
Tedla, Tesfamariam M. MD
Practice #: 00804377
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Tennyson, Eleanor A. MD
Practice #: 01327268
7789 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 778-4450
Thai, Ryan T. MD*
Practice #: 10008413
3918 Leeland St
Houston 77003
(713) 528-3400
Thomas, Flavia L. DO#
Practice #: 10031718
5600 S Willow Dr Ste 101
Houston 77035
(713) 721-2493
Th 8:30am-12pm/
M-WF 8:30am-5pm
6550 Mapleridge St Ste 103
Houston 77081
(713) 721-7097
M-WF 8:30am-5:30pm/
Th 8:30am-12:30pm
Thomas, Sally DO
Practice #: 01376685
1919 North Loop W Ste 218
Houston 77008
(713) 862-5797
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8:30am-3pm
9090 Gaylord St Ste 101
Houston 77024
(713) 461-6300
M-F 8am-5pm
Torres, Francisco J. MD
Practice #: 01798589
7737 Sw Fwy Ste 415
Houston 77074
(713) 988-0653
M-F 8am-6pm
Train, Louis MD#
Practice #: 10021177
2626 S Loop W Ste 555
Houston 77054
(713) 664-2021
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 43
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Tran, Van Q. DO
Practice #: 01376700
1919 North Loop W Ste 218
Houston 77008
(713) 862-5797
M-F 8am-5pm
9090 Gaylord St Ste 101
Houston 77024
(713) 461-6300
M-F 8am-5pm
9525 Kathy Fwy Ste 102
Houston 77024
(713) 461-6300
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm
Uribe-Botero, Gonzalo MD#
Practice #: 10020575
6655 Hillcroft St Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 779-1633
Sa 8am-4pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Uzoaga, Enyibuaku R. MD
Practice #: 10037333
9119 S Gessner Rd Ste 305
Houston 77074
(713) 772-5669
MWF 9am-5pm
Valdez, Rafael MD
Practice #: 01338916
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
5809 Airline Dr Ste C
Houston 77076
(713) 742-8485
Varadarajan, Shruti MD
Practice #: 01309945
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Vasudevan, Deepa A. MD
Practice #: 01783048
Hindi, Spanish
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Vizirov, Leila G. MD
Practice #: 10017491
Russian, Polish, Turkish,
1740 W 27th St Ste 304
Houston 77008
(713) 869-4457
Vu, Loc T. MD
Practice #: 01432061
French, Spanish,
13480 Veterans Memorial
Dr Ste R1
Houston 77014
(281) 587-1600
Sa 9am-3pm/
M-F 9am-6pm
Wah, Yu MD
Practice #: 01718733
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-Th 9am-5pm
Wali, Gouher MD#
Practice #: 10042581
Hindi, Persian, Urdu, Spanish
8830 Long Point Rd Ste 210
Houston 77055
(713) 977-1602
M-F 8am-5pm
Walker, David G. MD#
Practice #: 10030917
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
8408 Bellaire Blvd
Houston 77036
(713) 776-2200
M-F 9am-12:30pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Walker, Richard W. MD
Practice #: 01391303
Thai, Spanish, Lao
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
3306 Fannin St
Houston 77004
(713) 522-1788
Tu 8am-5pm
6306 Gulfton St Ste 101
Houston 77081
(713) 523-0111
M-F 9am-5pm
Wang, Yun MD
Practice #: 01167525
Urdu, German, Chinese,
Spanish, Vietnamese
1200 Binz St Ste 690
Houston 77004
(713) 527-8997
M-F 8am-5pm
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
Warwick, Eric T. MD#
Practice #: 10016178
6630 De Moss Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
M-F 9am-5pm
Watkins, Jr, Ulysses W.
Practice #: 10020848
14215 S Post Oak Rd
Houston 77045
(713) 433-4536
M-F 8:30am-7:30pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Wei, Jen-Yu DO
Practice #: 01702815
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Whiting, Carman H. MD
Practice #: 10007673
4755 Aldine Mail Rte Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Winter, Ronald S. MD
Practice #: 10015112
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 8am-5pm
Wynne, Abigail F. MD
Practice #: 01731377
7600 Beechnut St Ste A
Houston 77074
(713) 981-1605
M-F 9am-5pm
Xu, Xudong MD
Practice #: 10034426
Chinese, Spanish
9160 Bellaire Blvd Ste E
Houston 77036
(713) 995-8886
M-F 9am-7pm
Yin, Zhengnan MD
Practice #: 00819954
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
9440 Bellaire Blvd Ste 106
Houston 77036
(713) 778-0754
M-F 9am-5pm
Yousefi, Pouran MD
Practice #: 01368445
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
F 8am-5;00pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 950
Houston 77030
(713) 486-7500
M-F 9am-5pm
Zahedi, Mojdeh MD
Practice #: 01657109
225 W 19th St
Houston 77008
(713) 242-2980
M-F 8am-5pm
Zapata, Maria-Isabel MD*
Practice #: 10026782
1910 John Ralston Rd Ste
Houston 77013
(713) 673-9000
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Zenner, Jr, George O. MD
Practice #: 01454568
7600 Beechnut St Ste A
Houston 77074
(713) 981-1605
M-F 9am-5pm
Zhou, Yi MD
Practice #: 01460382
Chinese - Mandarin
9630 Clarewood Dr Ste A-6
Houston 77036
(713) 981-8898
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 8am-1pm
Zois, Ismene N. MD#
Practice #: 10019537
Greek, Modern (1453-),
1529 W 18th St
Houston 77008
(713) 802-9090
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Uwaydah, Nema I. MD#
Practice #: 10011159
Spanish, Arabic
7580 Fannin St Ste 225
Houston 77054
(713) 791-9713
F 9pm-5pm/
M-Th 9am-5pm
Vetter, Sally A. MD
Practice #: 01186545
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 981-0175
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 44
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Zulfiqar, Amber M. MD
Practice #: 00807052
6410 Fannin St Ste 170
Houston 77030
(832) 325-6500
M-F 9am-5pm
Davis, Melanie D. RN
Practice #: 01720616
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Deming, Diane L. RN
Practice #: 01255670
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 526-4243
M-F 8am-5pm
Abrahim, Alber R. MD#
Practice #: 10022864
Russian, Spanish, Arabic,
10851 Scarsdale Blvd Ste
Houston 77089
(281) 481-9595
SaSu 10am-4pm/
M-F 9am-8pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Bassaragh, Angella S. NP*
Practice #: 01881069
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(410) 955-5000
Berry, Debra L. NP
Practice #: 01355790
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 8am-5pm
Brentari, Pilar C. NP*
Practice #: 01870607
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 873-6019
Brown, Stephanie R. RN#
Practice #: 01319197
712 E Tidwell Rd Ste H
Houston 77022
(713) 694-2273
M-F 9am-5pm
Cinquemani, Rita D. NP
Practice #: 01365818
6768 Highway 6 S
Houston 77083
(713) 521-0006
Sa 10am-3pm/
M-F 7am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-7:30pm
Dalton, Emily W. RN
Practice #: 01451211
6410 Fannin St Ste 370
Houston 77030
(713) 704-6800
M-F 9am-5pm
Edwards, Michelle L. NP
Practice #: 01702890
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
7324 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 534-1718
MTh 8:30am-7pm/
TuWF 8:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Eke, Stella O. MS#
Practice #: 01709743
Igbo, Spanish
10815 Beechnut St Ste 128
Houston 77072
(281) 741-7286
M-F 9am-5pm
Ellis, Mark D. NP*
Practice #: 01654905
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
Fisher, Latronica T. RN
Practice #: 00806658
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
324 Fm 1960 E Ste 101
Houston 77073
(281) 443-8226
M-F 9am-5pm
Fuller, Lisa M. NP
Practice #: 01964998
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
M-F 9am-5pm
Gordon, Rhonjean NP#
Practice #: 01378005
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
2600 S Loop W Ste 460
Houston 77054
(713) 664-2228
2626 S Loop W Ste 350
Houston 77054
(713) 334-1003
Graham, James L. RN
Practice #: 10070191
Spanish, Sign Languages
1415 California St
Houston 77006
(713) 830-3000
M-F 8am-5pm
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 671-3041
M-F 8am-5pm
Hardwicke, Robin L. RN
Practice #: 10077541
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Harrison, Lutricia A. RN#
Practice #: 01165509
412 N Houston Pkwy E Ste
Houston 77060
(281) 260-6622
Sa 8am-12pm/
W 10am-8pm/
MTuThF 8am-5pm
Hoang, Christina D. NP*
Practice #: 01654948
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
Jackson, Tonia L. RN
Practice #: 01256025
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
5151 Katy Fwy Ste 100
Houston 77007
(713) 461-4101
M-F 8am-5pm
Jacob, Shammy RN*
Practice #: 01869099
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(832) 325-7310
Johnson, Chyanne D. NP
Practice #: 01635793
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
Joseph, Claudine RN#
Practice #: 10049126
16125 Cairnway Dr Ste 104
Houston 77084
(281) 858-6611
M-WF 8am-5pm/
Th 8am-7pm/
Sa 8am-11:30am
Mgbeike, Esther RN#
Practice #: 10018643
Igbo, Spanish
9207 Country Creek Dr Ste
Houston 77036
(713) 988-6835
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-4pm
Murphy, Thomas J. MD*
Practice #: 01654955
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
Mynatt, Adrienne L. RN
Practice #: 01309058
2611 Fm 1960 W Ste D102
Houston 77068
(281) 440-7399
TuTh 9am-6pm/
WF 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
M 9am-3:30pm
Ngene, John O. NP
Practice #: 01645653
Ido, Spanish
8130 Long Point Rd
Houston 77055
(716) 464-3600
M-F 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-4pm
Nwanna, Chinyere E. RN
Practice #: 01413135
14215 S Post Oak Rd
Houston 77045
(281) 888-4110
M-F 9am-5pm
Nwodo, Scholastica N. RN
Practice #: 01245194
Afrikaans, Spanish
10101 Bissonet St Ste 105
Houston 77036
(281) 888-9458
M-W 9am-5pm
10101 Bissonnet St Ste 105
Houston 77036
(281) 383-9762
M 8:30am-7pm/
Tu 8:30pm-6:30pm/
W-F 8:30am-6:30pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 45
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - General Practice/Medicina general
Nwosuh, Iheanyi E. RN
Practice #: 01463772
5351 Antoine Dr Ste B
Houston 77091
(713) 271-8500
M-F 8:30am-7pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Okotie-Eboh, Angela I. RN
Practice #: 10035984
6550 Mapleridge St Ste 218
Houston 77081
(713) 344-1557
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Onyemelukwe, Lillian U. RN
Practice #: 01226908
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm
Osai, William E. NP
Practice #: 01722186
Vietnamese, Spanish
8313 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 745-7062
M-Th 7am-5pm
Raff, Patricia A. NP
Practice #: 01674140
6410 Fannin St Ste 1400
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7125
M-F 9am-5pm
Ramirez, Elda G. RN
Practice #: 10030535
6411 Fannin St U T Phys Emergency Medicine
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 8am-5pm
Rivera, Tammy B. NP
Practice #: 01684191
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 9am-5pm
Williams, Vicki J. RN
Practice #: 10015542
10702 E Hardy Rd
Houston 77093
(713) 696-2731
M-F 7:30am-4pm
Good Neighbor Healthcare
Practice #: 10051041
190 Heights Blvd
Houston 77007
(713) 529-3597
M-F 9am-5pm
5945 Bellaire Blvd Ste F
Houston 77081
(713) 218-7900
M-Sa 8am-5pm
Xia, Hongling NP*
Practice #: 01877827
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(713) 335-1754
8523 N Arkansas St
Houston 77093
(713) 387-7171
W 1pm-5pm/
MTuThF 8am-5pm
Schaeffer, Amanda H. PA
Practice #: 10076155
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
Shepard, Mary RN
Practice #: 10054844
Sign Languages, Spanish
1415 California St
Houston 77006
(713) 830-3000
W 9:30am-12:30pm/
Tu 11:30am-12:30pm/
ThF 9am-12:30pm/
M 9am-12pm/
Th 3pm-5pm/
M 2pm-4pm/
Tu 3pm-5:30pm/
W 2pm-6pm/
F 2pm-4:30pm
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 671-3041
M-F 8am-5pm
Solorzano, Cindy C. MSN
Practice #: 01869628
Gujarati, Hindi, French,
Bhutanese, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5402 Lawndale St
Houston 77023
(832) 548-5000
M-F 8am-4pm
Varghese, Betsy P. RN*
Practice #: 01869590
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(832) 325-7310
Villarreal, Rachel E. NP
Practice #: 01265553
5656 Kelley St Fl 4
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Central Care Community,
Health Ctr NP#
Practice #: 01033353
8610 Martin Luther King Jr
Houston 77033
(713) 734-0199
M-F 8am-5pm
Community Health Ctrs,
Practice #: 10050331
424 Hahlo St
Houston 77020
(713) 674-3326
M-F 9am-5pm
5808 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 695-4013
M-F 9am-5pm
El Centro de Corazon, FQHC
Practice #: 10047638
2005 Garrow Rd
Houston 77003
(713) 227-5160
M-F 9am-5pm
412 Telephone Rd
Houston 77023
(713) 926-6229
M-F 9am-5pm
5001 Navigation Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 926-1849
M-F 9am-5pm
7037 Capitol St
Houston 77011
(713) 928-9560
M-F 9am-5pm
El Franco Lee Health Cetner
Practice #: 01368252
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(281) 454-0500
M-F 9am-5pm
Hope, Clinic#
Practice #: 01336669
7001 Corporate Dr Ste 120
Houston 77036
(713) 773-0803
M-F 8am-5pm
Houston Area Community
Practice #: 01376142
2150 W 18th St Ste 300a
Houston 77008
(713) 426-0027
M-Th 9am-6pm/
F 8am-5pm
Legacy Community Health
Practice #: 01033329
1415 California St
Houston 77006
(713) 724-2028
M-F 8am-5pm
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 671-3041
M-F 8am-5pm
6441 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 671-3041
M-F 8am-5pm
6500 Rookin Rd Ste 200
Houston 77074
(713) 671-3041
M-F 8am-5pm
Spring Branch Community
Health Center
Practice #: 01035946
8575 Pitner Rd
Houston 77080
(713) 462-6545
General Practice/Medicina
Adesomo, Adebayo J. MD
Practice #: 10018941
3101 Richmond Ave Ste 250
Houston 77098
(713) 222-9832
M-Sa 8am-12pm/
M-Sa 1:30pm-4pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Palm, David A. RN
Practice #: 10054860
1415 California St
Houston 77006
(713) 830-3000
Th 9;00am-12:30pm/
MW 9:30am-12:30pm/
Tu 11:30am-12:30pm/
F 9am-12:30pm/
Tu 3pm-4pm/
M 2pm-4pm/
Th 3pm-5:30pm/
F 2pm-4:30pm/
W 2pm-6pm
Rodriguez, Luis J. RN
Practice #: 01338902
11850 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(713) 218-7900
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 46
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - General Practice/Medicina general
6601 Tarnef Dr Ste 220
Houston 77074
(713) 526-6500
M-F 8am-5pm
Alam, Anjum A. MD
Practice #: 10020031
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
12835 Westheimer Rd
Houston 77077
(281) 531-1600
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Ballard, Kenneth G. DO#
Practice #: 10018011
Spanish, Portuguese
1318 Telephone Rd
Houston 77023
(713) 923-1866
W 9am-12:30pm/
MTuThF 9am-12pm/
MTuThF 2pm-5pm
Callis, Tamara R. MD
Practice #: 01331961
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4700
M-F 8am-5pm
Castillo, Robert M. MD#
Practice #: 10020589
4302 Center St
Houston 77007
(713) 869-4631
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 8am-5:30pm
Charania, Zubeida S. MD
Practice #: 10049786
Hindi, Urdu, Spanish
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
6644 Southwest Fwy
Houston 77074
(713) 977-7300
F 8:30am-2pm/
M-Th 8:30am-6pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Chu, Hoc B. MD#
Practice #: 10014935
Vietnamese, Spanish
12600 Scarsdale Blvd Ste A
Houston 77089
(281) 481-6663
M-F 8:30am-1pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
De Valle, Rodrigo V. MD#
Practice #: 10014309
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 682-7066
M-F 9am-9pm/
Sa 9am-6pm
La Rose, James M. DO#
Practice #: 10014911
7030 Bretshire Dr
Houston 77016
(713) 633-2100
M-Sa 9am-12pm/
M-WF 2pm-5pm
8410 Fondren Rd
Houston 77074
(713) 484-7455
M-F 9am-6pm
Lomo, Adjetey K. MD#
Practice #: 10020411
601 Wayside Dr Ste B
Houston 77011
(713) 921-1200
M-F 9am-5pm
9720 Jones Rd Ste 240
Houston 77065
(281) 897-8142
M-F 9am-9pm/
Sa 9am-6pm
Diaz, J J. MD#
Practice #: 10014955
2101 Crawford St Ste 208
Houston 77002
(713) 759-1641
Fielder, Elaine K. MD
Practice #: 01147674
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Green Sr, Demetris A. MD
Practice #: 00417663
Treats patients ages 4 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 4 años en adelante
2646 S Loop W Ste 440
Houston 77054
(713) 808-9658
M-F 8am-5pm
Grimes, Amanda B. MD
Practice #: 01698038
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 9am-5pm
Kern, James H. MD
Practice #: 10020304
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
20320 Northwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77065
(281) 599-8900
Mattioli, Martha L. MD#
Practice #: 10014910
3413 Canal St
Houston 77003
(713) 225-1919
M-F 9am-5pm/
SaSu 9am-1pm
Patzakis, Nick J. DO*
Practice #: 10076804
Greek, Modern (1453-),
9725 Homestead Rd
Houston 77016
(713) 633-7020
MTuThF 9am-12pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
MTuThF 2pm-5pm
Perez, Mabel MD#
Practice #: 01675661
12989 Bellaire Blvd Ste 17a
Houston 77072
(281) 568-0100
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
M 8l00am-5pm
12989 Bellaire Blvd Ste 17-A
Houston 77072
(281) 568-0100
Th 8:30am-5pm/
M-WF 9am-5pm
Mayor, Jesus MD#
Practice #: 10015046
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
302 W Gulf Bank Rd
Houston 77037
(281) 447-7614
WSa 8am-12pm/
MTuThF 8am-5pm
Pirali, Shiraz W. MD#
Practice #: 10021749
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3805 Highway 6 S
Houston 77082
(281) 531-1600
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 10am-2pm
Montgomery, Hal E. MD#
Practice #: 10014343
12333 Main St
Houston 77035
(713) 729-7600
M-F 9am-7pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Poo, Ivan B. MD#
Practice #: 10014573
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 682-7066
M-F 12pm-8pm
Nguyen, Dzung A. MD#
Practice #: 10014900
7601 W Sam Houston Pkwy
S Ste 850
Houston 77072
(713) 777-6869
M-F 9:30am-6pm/
Sa 9:30am-1pm
Ortega-Mora, Juan A. MD*#
Practice #: 10014944
3313 Orlando St
Houston 77093
(713) 699-9177
M-F 8am-4pm
Qadeer, Asaf R. MD#
Practice #: 10020122
7333 North Fwy Ste 111
Houston 77076
(713) 692-6191
M-F 8am-1pm/
M-F 2am-5pm
Ruibal, Calixto J. MD#
Practice #: 10016016
7109 Lawndale St Ste B
Houston 77023
(713) 924-4907
Sa 8am-5pm/
M-F 8am-7pm
Corcoran, Jacqueline E. DO
Practice #: 01404266
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 47
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Seo, Duck-Gi M. MD*
Practice #: 10020049
Korean, Spanish
Treats patients ages 4 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 4 años en adelante
10131 Hammerly Blvd
Houston 77080
(713) 461-8022
ThSa 9am-12pm/
M-WF 9am-5pm
Thota, Chandralatha MD#
Practice #: 10018260
Hindi, Spanish
906 Wayside Dr
Houston 77011
(713) 923-6627
M-F 8:30am-6pm/
Sa 8:30am-2pm
Uribe-Botero, Gonzalo MD*#
Practice #: 10020574
6655 Hillcroft St Ste 100 &
Houston 77081
(713) 779-1633
M-F 9am-5pm
West, Anna B. RN
Practice #: 01355635
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Wilson, Cornelius A. MD#
Practice #: 10020237
902 Normandy St Ste 100
Houston 77015
(713) 450-4455
M-F 9am-5:30pm
Young, III, Donald C. MD
Practice #: 10022833
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
427 W 20th St Ste 210
Houston 77008
(713) 862-3425
M-F 8am-5pm
Bhai, Aziz W. MD
Practice #: 01068510
Gujarati, Urdu
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(281) 980-1410
M-F 9am-5pm
Noor, Sohail MD
Practice #: 01879303
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 250
Houston 77094
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
2222 Greenhouse Rd Ste
Houston 77084
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
Obudulu, Rosemary O. MD
Practice #: 01664601
17567 Imperial Valley Dr
Houston 77060
(281) 877-0187
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Adesoba, Samuel A. MD
Practice #: 10068702
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
9639 Fondren Rd
Houston 77096
(713) 779-8664
M-F 8am-5pm
Agarwal, Sandeep K. MD
Practice #: 01069957
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Agim, Onyinye A. MD
Practice #: 01656657
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
7330 Southwest Frwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 541-0095
M-F 9am-5pm
Ahmed, Kamran I. MD
Practice #: 01451883
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
Ahmed, Sheikh E. MD
Practice #: 10007112
Urdu, Spanish
1631 North Loop W Ste 400
Houston 77008
(713) 861-6758
M-F 9am-5pm
Aisenberg, Gabriel M. MD
Practice #: 01361523
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Ajim, Alice A. MD
Practice #: 01036060
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2000 Crawford St Ste 1118
Houston 77002
(713) 951-0000
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Ajmani, Surainder K. MD
Practice #: 10018760
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 493-4922
MTuThF 8:30am-5:30pm
Alkus, Pelin MD
Practice #: 01398785
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 9am-5pm
Amoah-Honny, Yaa O. MD#
Practice #: 10032115
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6718 Highway 6 S
Houston 77083
(832) 328-0044
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 9am-6pm
Andrade, Roberto A. MD
Practice #: 10012502
2015 Thomas St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-4000
Th 8pm-1pm/
W 5pm-10pm/
MTuF 8am-1pm
Aparasu, Anuradha MD
Practice #: 01253232
Hindi, Korean, Samoan,
Spanish, Telugu
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
2000 Crawford St Ste 800
Houston 77002
(713) 838-9153
M-F 8am-5pm
Arshad, Syed MD
Practice #: 10022199
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
13323 Dotson Rd Ste 120
Houston 77070
(281) 469-1010
M-F 9am-5pm
Asawa, Ashish MD
Practice #: 01402897
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Baig, Imran MD
Practice #: 01870441
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 250
Houston 77094
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
2222 Greenhouse Rd Ste
Houston 77084
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
Bailey, Franchelle Y. MD
Practice #: 10076953
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Valenzuela, Rafael E. MD#
Practice #: 10014979
720 E Tidwell Rd
Houston 77022
(713) 691-0035
M-WF 9am-5pm/
Th 9am-1pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Page/Página 48
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Baker, James R. MD
Practice #: 01605835
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5000
M-F 9am-5pm
Balla, Justin D. MD*
Practice #: 01373813
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(713) 794-7153
Barker, Emily C. MD
Practice #: 01309330
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Bartimmo, Jr, Ernest E. MD*
Practice #: 10074561
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 8am-5pm
Batchu, Vishalakshmi MD
Practice #: 01694913
11721 Fuqua St
Houston 77034
(281) 484-3500
TuWF 10am-2pm
Bernstam, Elmer V. MD
Practice #: 10007197
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Bhai, Aziz W. MD
Practice #: 01068510
Gujarati, Urdu
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
7600 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(281) 980-1410
M-F 9am-5pm
Boccardo-Sabatini, Silvia
Practice #: 10022031
French, Spanish
7109 Lawndale St Ste B
Houston 77023
(713) 924-4907
Boisaubin, Eugene V. MD
Practice #: 01785089
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Carrero, Angela M. MD
Practice #: 01778160
Chinese, Chinese Mandarin, Spanish
8208 Gulf Fwy Ste 101
Houston 77017
(713) 649-0870
M-F 9am-5pm
Chan, Evelyn C. MD
Practice #: 10017997
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
Cheng, Mingfang A. MD
Practice #: 01692878
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
8313 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1102
M-F 8am-5pm
Dollar, Hunaid MD#
Practice #: 10024688
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste
Houston 77090
(281) 252-8600
M-F 8am-5pm
8968 Kirby Dr
Houston 77054
(713) 492-0433
M-F 9am-5pm
Dwibhashi, Vijaya L. MD
Practice #: 01330405
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 500-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
Clinic, L B J
Practice #: 00000064
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5000
M-F 8am-4:30pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Cuadra, Ricardo E. MD*
Practice #: 10018468
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
7333 N Fwy Ste 430
Houston 77076
(713) 691-7490
M-F 8:30am-12:30pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5:30pm
Chandiwal, Amito M. MD
Practice #: 01885275
Urdu, Spanish
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 250
Houston 77094
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
Dang, Hoa T. MD#
Practice #: 10015807
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
10000 Harwin Dr
Houston 77036
(713) 270-6075
M-F 8am-5pm
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 570
Houston 77094
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
Dang, Hung T. MD#
Practice #: 10017631
10838 Beechnut St
Houston 77072
(281) 575-9967
MTuThF 9:30am-5pm/
SaSu 9:30am-2pm
2222 Greenhouse Rd Ste
Houston 77084
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
Chawla, Bandana N. MD*
Practice #: 01167572
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6550 Mapleridge St Ste 225
Houston 77081
(713) 592-8900
M-F 8am-5pm
Dawes, Derek S. MD*
Practice #: 01231529
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
Eco, Lourdes MD
Practice #: 01654899
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
11452 Space Ctr Blvd
Houston 77059
(832) 775-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
Eknoyan, Garabed MD
Practice #: 10023742
Arabic, Armenian, French
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 9am-5pm
El-Sahly, Hana MD
Practice #: 10006769
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2015 Thomas St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
Esantsi, Michael MD
Practice #: 10008105
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste
Houston 77070
(281) 477-3393
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 49
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Ezenwabachili, Obiajulu C.
Practice #: 10030736
Spanish, Russian
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 484-9100
M-F 9am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Farnie, Mark A. MD#
Practice #: 10006870
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Fisher, Joslyn W. MD
Practice #: 10017227
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Foldes, Cara A. MD
Practice #: 10012551
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Franklin, William C. MD*
Practice #: 01613104
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5660
M-F 8am-4:30pm
Gardiner, Carolyn L. MD
Practice #: 10014758
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 8am-5pm
Giraldi, Rodolfo G. MD
Practice #: 01903052
515 W Little York Rd Ste A
Houston 77091
(713) 691-3999
Sa 10am-3pm/
M-F 9am-6pm
9644 Court Glen Dr
Houston 77099
(281) 530-3400
M-F 9am-6pm/
Sa 10am-3pm
Goli, Sadasivareddy MD
Practice #: 01187686
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
5990 Airline Dr Ste 250
Houston 77076
(713) 695-8180
M-F 9am-5pm
Thandayarajan MD#
Practice #: 10024824
Spanish, Tamil
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
11721 Fuqua St
Houston 77034
(281) 484-3500
Gopalani, Salim MD
Practice #: 10014655
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
1631 North Loop W Ste 260
Houston 77008
(713) 802-9024
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-12:30pm
Gopathi, Swapna K. MD
Practice #: 01414960
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
Gotschall, Ann MD
Practice #: 10019594
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 9am-5pm
Granier, Luis G. MD
Practice #: 01668611
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
2900 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77098
(713) 512-6060
M-F 9am-5pm
Grimes, Amanda B. MD
Practice #: 01698038
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 9am-5pm
Grover, Tejpal S. MD
Practice #: 01365737
6400 Fannin St Ste 2015
Houston 77030
(713) 704-0669
M-F 8am-5pm
Halphen, John M. MD
Practice #: 01167036
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Hamilton, Yolanda L. MD
Practice #: 00807409
6776 Sw Fwy Ste 530
Houston 77074
(832) 767-1245
M-F 8am-4pm
Harbison, Matthew T. MD
Practice #: 01162418
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Harrell, Antwar M. MD
Practice #: 01710166
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1155 Louetta Rd Ste 1200
Houston 77070
(281) 320-1196
M-F 8am-5pm
Harris County Hospital
District, Prof Serv
Practice #: 00000054
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 793-2000
M-F 8am-5pm
Hayes, Patricia M. MD
Practice #: 01870040
Hindi, Gujarati, French,
Bhutanese, Spanish, Urdu
6550 Mapleridge Rd Ste 210
Houston 77082
(713) 779-7200
M-F 8am-5pm
Hebenstreit Md, Charles G.
Practice #: 01874882
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
Herlong, William B. MD
Practice #: 10044546
8511 S Sam Houston Pkwy
E Ste 101
Houston 77075
(713) 343-2300
M-F 9am-5pm
Herrera, Carlos R. MD
Practice #: 10006879
Spanish, Tagalog
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
325 W 20th St
Houston 77008
(713) 868-4433
M-F 9am-12:30pm/
M-W 2:30pm-5:30pm
Hilmers, David C. MD
Practice #: 10031895
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-2000
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Faustinella, Fabrizia MD
Practice #: 01783022
Italian, Spanish
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Gandhi, Kiran M. MD
Practice #: 01390342
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
7789 Sw Fwy Ste 350
Houston 77074
(713) 778-4550
M-F 8am-5pm
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CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Ho, Andrew M. MD
Practice #: 01352836
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Hoang, Giao N. MD#
Practice #: 10007909
French, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
8282 Bellaire Blvd Ste 144
Houston 77036
(713) 779-2212
M-WF 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Hoang, Long B. MD
Practice #: 10012617
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
12438 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(281) 897-8886
F 9am-5pm/
M-Th 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Holleman, Marsha C. MD
Practice #: 10021938
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
M-F 9am-5pm
Hong, Soran MD
Practice #: 01379097
Gujarati, Korean, Spanish
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
2000 Crawford St Ste 1125
Houston 77002
(713) 658-1144
Hope, Julia C. MD
Practice #: 01047464
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
915 Gessner Rd Ste 490
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2231
Hoxhaj, Shkelzen MD
Practice #: 01163002
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3013
M-F 8am-5pm
Hubenthal, Erica A. MD
Practice #: 01340122
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Ben Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Hussain, Mohammad MD
Practice #: 01364500
3235 Hillcroft St
Houston 77057
(713) 783-1009
M-F 9am-5pm
Hwang, Kevin O. MD
Practice #: 01783089
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Interiano, Benjamin MD
Practice #: 10027786
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 988-1699
M-F 8am-5pm
Jafar, Aman A. MD#
Practice #: 10025349
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(281) 491-3225
Tu 9am-12pm
Karimjee, Najmuddin K. MD#
Practice #: 10022135
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish
12015 Louetta Rd Ste 200
Houston 77070
(281) 370-7272
M-F 8am-8pm/
SaSu 8am-6pm
12130 Greenspoint Dr
Houston 77060
(281) 272-0888
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-5;00pm
2312 Tidwell Rd
Houston 77093
(281) 272-0888
M-F 9am-5pm
2708 Little York Rd
Houston 77093
(281) 272-0888
M-F 9am-5pm
Keaton, Toni W. MD
Practice #: 10024822
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2101 Crawford St Ste 309
Houston 77002
(713) 675-2651
Kelley, Crystal D. MD
Practice #: 01340195
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(281) 985-7600
M-F 8am-5pm
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 8am-5pm
Jelinek, Katherine A. MD
Practice #: 01440828
6410 Fannin St Ste 370
Houston 77030
(713) 704-6800
M-F 9am-5pm
Khanijow, Vikesh MD
Practice #: 01874936
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
Johnson, III, Philip C. MD
Practice #: 10006887
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2015 Thomas St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-4000
Tu-F 9:ooam-5:oopm/
M 9:ooam-9:oopm
Khraish, Gina H. MD
Practice #: 01459908
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Kibert, Leonard G. MD
Practice #: 01210175
Hindi, Spanish
5990 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 695-0077
M-F 9am-5pm
Kido, Tamiko H. MD
Practice #: 01253132
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Kim, Young I. MD
Practice #: 10024090
Korean, Spanish
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(713) 270-7200
M-F 9am-12pm/
M-Th 1pm-5pm
Krucke, Gus W. MD
Practice #: 10010110
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
2015 Thomas St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Kumar, Ravindra MD
Practice #: 10023412
Arabic, Hindi, Urdu
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1220 Blalock Rd Ste 250
Houston 77055
(713) 781-0844
M-F 9am-5pm
Kusnoor, Anita V. MD
Practice #: 01148147
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Lakhani, Salim A. MD#
Practice #: 10015072
Hindi, Gujarati, Sindhi, Urdu,
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
1801 North Loop W Ste 50
Houston 77008
(713) 868-9994
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-2pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 51
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Laxman, Sunder MD
Practice #: 01692945
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
8968 Kirby Dr
Houston 77054
(713) 492-0433
M-F 9am-5pm
Le, Minh H. MD
Practice #: 10042074
5704 S Gessner Ste D
Houston 77036
(713) 270-8818
FSa 9am-4pm/
M-Th 9am-6pm
Le, Quan H. MD
Practice #: 10041757
Vietnamese, Spanish
8800 Long Point Rd Ste D
Houston 77055
(713) 468-8889
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Lee, Chok K. MD#
Practice #: 10014433
Chinese - Mandarin, Spanish
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1200 Binz St Ste 1388
Houston 77004
(713) 520-8082
MW-F 9am-5:30pm/
Tu 9am-8:30pm
Linh, Nguyen M. MD
Practice #: 01791727
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 9am-5pm
Loya, Aslam M. MD
Practice #: 10045272
Spanish, Hindi, Gujarati
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
11920 Astoria Blvd Ste 110
Houston 77089
(281) 464-8484
M-F 9am-5pm
Luckett, Floyd E. MD
Practice #: 01437620
Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1202 Nasa Pkwy
Houston 77058
(281) 335-0606
M-F 9am-5pm
Mahmooduedin, Faiz MD
Practice #: 01900920
11550 Louetta Rd Ste 1200
Houston 77070
(615) 465-7636
M-F 8am-5pm
Mallesara Sudhakar,
Shwetha M. MD
Practice #: 01723659
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-9389
Malya, Ramachandra MD
Practice #: 10015019
Arabic, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
1740 W 27th St Ste 190
Houston 77008
(713) 692-0518
M-Th 9am-2pm
Mandayam, Sreedhar A. MD
Practice #: 01328680
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Mao, Chi C. MD#
Practice #: 10014434
Chinese, Spanish,
427 W 20th St Ste 212
Houston 77008
(713) 864-2621
Sa 9:30am-12:30pm/
TuTh 2pm-5:30pm
9630 Clarewood Dr Ste A5
Houston 77036
(713) 981-6588
M-F 9am-5pm
Mazique, Edward H. MD
Practice #: 10014916
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7706 Martin Luther King Jr
Houston 77033
(713) 738-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Mbogua, Caroline N. MD#
Practice #: 10024086
10021 Main St Ste B3
Houston 77025
(713) 741-2299
M-F 8am-5pm
10021 S Main St Ste B3
Houston 77025
(713) 741-2299
M-F 9am-5pm
9889 Bellaire Blvd Ste 219a
Houston 77036
(713) 272-6688
M-F 9am-5pm
McCormack, Owen E. DO#
Practice #: 10013259
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1100 W 34th St
Houston 77018
(713) 861-3939
M-F 8am-10pm
Meeks, Jacqueline MD
Practice #: 01874996
8504 Schuller Rd
Houston 77093
(713) 529-3597
M-F 9am-5pm
8523 N Arkansas St
Houston 77093
(713) 387-7171
M-F 8am-5pm
Mitter, Ajay MD
Practice #: 10024114
German, Urdu, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
12811 Beamer Rd
Houston 77089
(713) 474-1414
M-F 9am-5pm
Morrow, Achilia MD
Practice #: 10072062
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4665
M-F 9am-5pm
Mowa, Sunil MD
Practice #: 01062476
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Murugan, Thirumagal A. MD
Practice #: 01379609
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
Mussaji, Murtaza MD#
Practice #: 01234862
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Swahili, Urdu
4910 Telephone Rd
Houston 77087
(713) 641-3900
M-F 8am-6pm/
Sa 8am-2pm
Nguyen, Hong P. MD
Practice #: 01452655
8913 Southwest Fwy
Houston 77054
(713) 492-0433
MTuTh 9am-2pm
8968 Kirby Dr
Houston 77054
(713) 492-0433
MTuTh 9am-2pm
Nguyen, Khanh P. MD
Practice #: 01245739
Spanish, French,
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
8200 Wilcrest Dr Ste 9
Houston 77072
(281) 530-0300
Sa 9am-4pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Nguyen, Linh M. MD
Practice #: 01787515
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Le, Richard A. MD
Practice #: 10054597
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
11918 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston 77067
(281) 631-0202
M-F 8am-5pm
Loya, Munir MD
Practice #: 01621500
Spanish, Hindi, Gujarati,
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
11920 Astoria Blve Ste 110
Houston 77089
(281) 464-8484
M-F 9am-5pm
Page/Página 52
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Nguyen, Loi P. MD
Practice #: 01423403
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
12112 Bellaire Blvd
Houston 77072
(281) 988-6462
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Nguyen, Phong H. MD
Practice #: 01877099
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
2430 N Fry Rd Ste 100
Houston 77084
(281) 829-3999
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Niraj, Ashutosh MD
Practice #: 01467464
Chinese, Hindi, Korean,
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
7810 Bellaire Blvd
Houston 77036
(713) 988-8500
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-2pm
Nisnisan, Josier M. MD
Practice #: 10013132
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 759-6437
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm
Noor, Sohail MD
Practice #: 01879303
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 250
Houston 77094
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
2222 Greenhouse Rd Ste
Houston 77084
(281) 206-8070
M-F 9am-5pm
Nooruddin, Zohra I. MD
Practice #: 01328662
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Nowlakha, Prem K. MD
Practice #: 10022077
Bengali, Bihari, Gujarati,
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
7500 Beechnut St Ste 251
Houston 77074
(281) 565-0738
M-F 9am-4pm
Obudulu, Rosemary O. MD
Practice #: 01664601
17567 Imperial Valley Dr
Houston 77060
(281) 877-0187
M-F 9am-5pm
Ogundadegbe, Olubunmi O.
Practice #: 01880815
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
M-F 8am-5pm
Omidvar, Kamran MD
Practice #: 01459884
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Osuji, Clara C. MD
Practice #: 01269316
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
16103 W Little York Rd Ste
Houston 77084
(281) 859-7100
M-F 8am-5:30pm
Palacios, Carlos J. MD
Practice #: 10019881
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7333 North Fwy Ste 430
Houston 77076
(713) 691-7490
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm
Pan, Ruth L. MD
Practice #: 01883964
6400 Fannin St Ste 2015
Houston 77030
(713) 704-0669
M-F 8am-5pm
Pandya, Hina T. MD
Practice #: 01417311
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(831) 325-7100
MTu 9am-5;00pm/
W-F 9am-5pm
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 456-5660
M-F 9am-5pm
Parti, Avinash C. MD#
Practice #: 10017875
Panjabi, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
10961 Northwest Fwy
Houston 77092
(713) 686-3700
M-F 9am-4pm
13259 East Fwy # I10
Houston 77015
(713) 686-3700
M-F 9am-4pm
14755 I45 North
Houston 77090
(713) 686-3700
M-F 9am-4pm
14770 Memorial Dr Ste 200
Houston 77079
(281) 496-2526
M-F 9am-4pm
6535 Southwest Fwy
Houston 77074
(713) 686-3700
M-F 9am-4pm
6969 Gulf Fwy
Houston 77087
(713) 686-3700
M-F 9am-4pm
Patel, Dinesh M. MD#
Practice #: 10020545
Spanish, Hindi, Gujarati
2711 Little York Rd Ste 282
Houston 77093
(713) 697-0040
Patel, Monica P. MD
Practice #: 10076968
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Patel, Mukesh R. MD*
Practice #: 10008348
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
11920 Astoria Blvd Ste 280
Houston 77089
(281) 464-8988
M-F 8am-5pm
Patil, Prabhugouda B. MD
Practice #: 10017422
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
150 W Parker Rd Ste 704
Houston 77076
(713) 697-7166
Patterson, Bryan T. MD
Practice #: 01655573
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 8am-5pm
Peacock, Cynthia L. MD#
Practice #: 10030382
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4752
Sa 8am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Pelini, Susan E. MD
Practice #: 01784419
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 8am-5pm
Phan, Duc H. MD
Practice #: 01713619
10603 Bellaire Blvd Ste 116
Houston 77052
(832) 328-1437
M-F 8am-5pm
Phung, Man K. MD
Practice #: 01785079
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 53
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Pirali, Shiraz W. MD#
Practice #: 10021749
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3805 Highway 6 S
Houston 77082
(281) 531-1600
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 10am-2pm
Porter, Thomas W. MD
Practice #: 01057638
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2600 S Loop W Ste 670
Houston 77054
(281) 372-6897
Tu 8;00am-5pm/
MW-F 8am-5pm
Prakash, Siddharth K. MD
Practice #: 01434001
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Rahim, Enayet MD
Practice #: 01247506
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
13630 Beamer Rd Ste 114
Houston 77089
(281) 481-8500
M-F 8am-5pm
Ramiz, Naila MD
Practice #: 01209048
Bengali, Hindi
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste
Ste 230
Houston 77070
(281) 957-5770
M-WF 8am-5pm/
Th 8am-5pm
800 Peakwood Dr Ste 7g
Houston 77090
(281) 957-5770
M-F 8am-5pm
Rauf, Abdur MD
Practice #: 10007623
Spanish, Vietnamese
9504 Long Point Rd Ste E
Houston 77055
(713) 461-3535
M-F 9am-6:30pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Rice, Terry W. MD#
Practice #: 10012538
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Rodriguez, Ana V. MD
Practice #: 00813615
8225 Broadway St
Houston 77061
(713) 469-4735
M-F 8am-6pm
Rossel, Anibal F. MD#
Practice #: 10014663
Treats patients ages 7 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 7 años en adelante
8939 Clearwood Dr
Houston 77075
(713) 910-2244
M-Th 8:15am-5:30pm/
F 8:15am-1pm
Rumph, Gregory E. MD
Practice #: 01242785
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Salvato, Patricia D. MD
Practice #: 10019102
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
6300 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77057
(713) 961-7100
M-F 8am-3pm
Sanders, Mark J. MD#
Practice #: 10012510
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
Singh, Punita MD*
Practice #: 01869051
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(832) 325-7310
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Smith, Holly D. MD#
Practice #: 10031647
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Satterfield, Robert B. MD
Practice #: 01653563
19227 Katy Fwy Ste 100
Houston 77094
(281) 647-9355
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Schmidt, Rosa M. MD
Practice #: 10023932
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-5pm
Shah, Dimple V. MD
Practice #: 01875708
6400 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
Shandera, Wayne X. MD
Practice #: 10019575
French, German, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2015 Thomas St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-4000
M-F 7:30am-4pm
Sheikh, Mansoora A. MD
Practice #: 01227908
Hindi, Panjabi, Urdu, Spanish
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
11111 Jones Rd Ste 3
Houston 77070
(281) 970-7797
Smith, Lavone A. MD
Practice #: 01702317
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5000
M-F 9am-5pm
Smith, Mahalia D. MD
Practice #: 01433518
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7161
M-F 9am-5pm
Stephens, Brett W. MD*
Practice #: 10059216
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
Swails, Jennifer L. MD
Practice #: 01787735
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 790-7700
Tu-F 9am-5pm/
M 09am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Syed, Tanveer F. MD#
Practice #: 01175856
Hindi, Telugu, Urdu
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
12000 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 556-0200
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Rafeek, Jasmine MD
Practice #: 01392862
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
Rao, Harish P. MD
Practice #: 01362394
800 Peakwood Dr Ste 6g
Houston 77090
(281) 296-3362
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
Page/Página 54
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Tait, Eric S. MD
Practice #: 01376293
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
2000 Crawford St Ste 800
Houston 77002
(713) 838-9153
M-F 9am-5pm
2000 Crawford St Ste 900
Houston 77002
(713) 651-0870
M-F 9am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Tang, An T. MD
Practice #: 01298783
Treats patients ages 8 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 8 años en adelante
16506 Fm 529 Rd Ste 116
Houston 77095
(281) 858-4888
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Tao, Qingguo MD
Practice #: 01610415
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(832) 348-7886
M-F 9am-5pm
Terrill, Louise A. MD
Practice #: 10031632
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-2020
M-F 8am-5pm
Thaker, Anil P. MD
Practice #: 01153515
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Thakkar, Harish N. MD
Practice #: 10022267
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
9220 Highway 6 S Ste E
Houston 77083
(281) 933-9304
M-F 8am-5pm
Thomas, Eric J. MD
Practice #: 01791257
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Torio, Frederick U. MD*
Practice #: 01869056
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(832) 325-7310
9129 Mesa Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-8450
Sa 8:30am-10:30am/
M-F 8:30am-1pm
Torio, Rulour B. MD*
Practice #: 01869061
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(832) 325-7310
Varas, Grace M. DO
Practice #: 01163777
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4294
M-F 8am-5pm
Toro, Hugo M. MD#
Practice #: 10011465
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
910 S Wayside Dr Ste 100
Houston 77023
(713) 514-8088
M-F 8am-5pm
Tosto Jr, Sebastian T. MD
Practice #: 01277920
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fanning Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Tran, Giang L. MD
Practice #: 01857905
Spanish, Vietnamese
2430 Fry Rd Ste 100
Houston 77084
(281) 829-3999
M-F 9am-5pm
Tran, Mai K. MD
Practice #: 01869081
12600 Scarsdale Blvd Ste A
Houston 77089
(281) 481-6663
M-F 9am-5pm
Tse, Edward K. MD
Practice #: 10017943
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7112 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 672-2593
M-F 8:30am-1pm/
Sa 8:30am-10:30am
Vigil, Karen J. MD
Practice #: 01401486
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7070
M-F 9am-5pm
Vrotsos, Kristin M. MD*
Practice #: 01898140
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 500-3500
Vu, Dac T. MD
Practice #: 10047186
Vietnamese, Chinese
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
8278 Bellaire Blvd Ste A
Houston 77036
(713) 272-8858
Sa 9am-3pm/
M-F 9am-6pm
Vyas, Nilesh B. MD*
Practice #: 10071028
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
11920 Astoria Blvd Ste 280
Houston 77089
(281) 464-8988
M-F 9am-5pm
Walton, Harold J. MD*
Practice #: 01654961
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
11452 Space Ctr Blvd
Houston 77059
(832) 775-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
Wang, Jimin MD#
Practice #: 10014105
Spanish, Chinese
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
9888 Bellaire Blvd Ste 122
Houston 77036
(713) 272-6442
ThSu 9am-1pm/
Sa 8:30am-2pm/
M-WF 9am-5:30pm
Wania, Darius F. MD#
Practice #: 10018249
Gujarati, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 9 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 9 años en adelante
10080 Bellaire Blvd Ste 200
Houston 77072
(281) 495-5050
M-Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
Wilson, Cornelius A. MD#
Practice #: 10020237
902 Normandy St Ste 100
Houston 77015
(713) 450-4455
M-F 9am-5:30pm
Yrigoyen, Edmundo D. MD
Practice #: 10038594
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
427 W 20th St Ste 708
Houston 77008
(713) 869-3402
MW-F 8am-4pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Cook, William B. APNP
Practice #: 01727594
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Harris, Tomika S. RN
Practice #: 01474939
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 55
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Huckabee, Tara N. APNP
Practice #: 01856757
Bhutanese, French,
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6441 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(832) 548-5000
SaSu 12pm-6pm/
M-F 7am-10pm
John, Janice L. NP
Practice #: 01475358
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Record, Sharon C. RN
Practice #: 10040299
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
Romas, Candice S. NP
Practice #: 01704506
French, Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6441 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(832) 548-5000
M-F 8am-5pm
Samuels, Cheryl L. NP
Practice #: 01474972
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Abbas, Rashida S. MD#
Practice #: 10045679
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19722 Saums Rd
Houston 77084
(281) 600-0786
M-F 9am-5pm
Adesina, Olutomisin M. MD#
Practice #: 10012920
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8777 S Gessner Dr Ste B
Houston 77074
(713) 272-9959
M-F 9am-5:30pm
Agrawal, Anoop MD#
Practice #: 10011567
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4752
M-F 8am-5pm
Alade, Kiyetta H. MD
Practice #: 01076874
Treats patients ages 17 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 17 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Ali, Kashif R. MD
Practice #: 00435752
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
10900 Jones Rd Ste 1
Houston 77065
(281) 377-4995
M-F 8am-5pm
Aloia, Natalie P. MD#
Practice #: 01063895
Armenian, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
9809 Rowlett Rd Ste D
Houston 77075
(713) 644-1119
M-F 9am-5pm
Altobelli, Mary G. MD
Practice #: 01426098
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Archibong, Emma K. MD
Practice #: 01373018
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Aslam, Ambreen MD#
Practice #: 01239033
French, Hindi, Panjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11037 Fm 1960 W Ste B 2a
Houston 77065
(832) 237-8882
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Azeemuddin, Shakeela MD#
Practice #: 10016457
Hindi, Arabic, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
10707 W Bellfort St
Houston 77099
(281) 568-2093
M-F 8am-5pm
Azeemuddin, Syed K. MD#
Practice #: 10015373
Arabic, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
10707 W Bellfort St
Houston 77099
(281) 568-2093
Baig, Imran MD#
Practice #: 10044420
13018 Woodforest Blvd Ste
Houston 77015
(713) 453-4600
M-F 9am-5pm
Baker, Rachel H. MD*
Practice #: 01346542
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6400 Fannin St Ste 2015
Houston 77030
(713) 704-0669
M-F 8am-5pm
Barratt, Michelle S. MD#
Practice #: 10006912
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Batra, Dipesh MD#
Practice #: 01397082
Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5800 Bellaire Blvd Ste 102
Houston 77081
(281) 542-3160
M-F 7am-7pm/
Sa 10am-2pm
Begum, Afroza MD
Practice #: 01644698
Vietnamese, Bengali
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
22513 Tomball Pkwy Ste
Houston 77070
(281) 655-1500
M 8am-5;00pm/
TuWF 8am-5pm/
Th 8;00am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Knight, Tamecka L. NP
Practice #: 01808281
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2128 Spears Rd Ste 300
Houston 77087
(281) 979-2112
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 7:30am-6pm
West, Anna B. RN
Practice #: 01355635
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 56
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Benjamin, Peter MD
Practice #: 01261101
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
7037 Capitol St
Houston 77011
(831) 494-1610
M-F 8am-5pm
Benjamins, Laura J. MD#
Practice #: 01071976
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
6410 Fannin Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Bonthala, Savithri MD#
Practice #: 10018262
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
906 Wayside Dr
Houston 77011
(713) 923-6627
M-F 8:30am-6pm/
Sa 8:30am-3pm
Boricha, Fatima MD
Practice #: 01702219
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Brown, Chester W. MD
Practice #: 10019627
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
7550 Office City Dr
Houston 77012
(713) 495-3700
TuThF 8am-5pm/
MW 8am-7pm
Katherine S. MD#
Practice #: 01297553
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
M-F 8am-5pm
Callis, Tamara R. MD
Practice #: 01331961
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4700
M-F 8am-5pm
Cohan, Sandra R. MD
Practice #: 01400237
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 8am-2pm
Cheng, Le-Beng C. MD#
Practice #: 10010417
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 17 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 17 años
6630 De Moss Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 272-2600
ThF 10am-3pm
Cohan, Stuart K. MD#
Practice #: 10014827
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
Cheung, Kim K. MD#
Practice #: 10006921
Chinese - Cantonese,
Chinese - Mandarin
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Chintagumpala, Murali M.
Practice #: 10021516
Tamil, Telugu
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-4337
M-F 9am-5pm
Chiu, Carrie H. MD
Practice #: 01423447
Hindi, Spanish, Chinese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6445 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 777-1117
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Chorley, Joseph N. MD#
Practice #: 10019563
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Conlon, Rosemary L. MD#
Practice #: 10006942
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Connelly, Michael W. MD#
Practice #: 10023974
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7900 Fannin St Ste 3300
Houston 77054
(713) 630-0660
M-F 8am-12pm/
Sa 8:30am-12:30pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
Cunningham, Tamara L. MD
Practice #: 01457513
Chinese, Romanian, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6445 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 777-1117
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Degaffe, Guenet H. MD
Practice #: 01707348
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
15555 Kuykendahl Dr
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Deka, Kamal MD#
Practice #: 10018315
Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6121 Hillcroft St Ste J
Houston 77081
(713) 995-6776
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-1pm
Del Rio Rodriguez, Betty D.
Practice #: 01702197
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Desai, Thrity B. MD#
Practice #: 10031631
Spanish, Hindi, Gujarati,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4560 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste 101
Houston 77069
(281) 444-0000
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm
Deybarrondo, Lisa E. MD#
Practice #: 10006975
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Dharia, Ami D. MD*
Practice #: 01868547
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(214) 730-5437
Diaz, J J. MD#
Practice #: 10014955
2101 Crawford St Ste 208
Houston 77002
(713) 759-1641
Dike-Odimgbe, Patricia E.
Practice #: 10016451
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2424 Hamilton St Ste 410
Houston 77004
(713) 659-3565
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-11:30am/
M-Th 1pm-3:30pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 57
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Doan, Janie T. MD
Practice #: 01621531
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 17 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 17 años
10680 Jones Rd Ste 100
Houston 77065
(281) 894-3100
M-F 9am-5pm
Dubal, Deepali J. MD
Practice #: 01826916
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi,
French, Gujarati, Bhutanese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6441 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(832) 548-5000
F 7pm-10pm/
M-Th 7am-10pm/
SaSu 12pm-6pm
Edeki, Ifeyinwa C. MD#
Practice #: 01425177
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11840 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(832) 912-7044
M-F 8am-5pm
22513 Tomball Pkwy Ste
Houston 77070
(281) 655-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Egbe, Joyce E. MD#
Practice #: 01361179
Hindi, Igbo, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
12609 S Gessner Rd Ste G
Houston 77071
(713) 773-2700
MTh 7:30am-5pm/
W 9am-6pm/
Tu 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm/
F 8am-4pm
Farmer, Keri K. MD
Practice #: 01858808
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
6400 Fannin St Ste 2015
Houston 77030
(713) 704-0669
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
6400 Fannin St Ste 2020
Houston 77030
(713) 522-2500
M-F 8am-5pm
Ellsworth, Misti G. DO
Practice #: 01721213
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
Farnie, Mark A. MD#
Practice #: 10006870
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Evangelista, Monaliza S. MD
Practice #: 01609002
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Evans, Patricia W. MD
Practice #: 10017167
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 9am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Feldman, Jennifer M. MD
Practice #: 01070864
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
412 Telephone Rd
Houston 77023
(713) 926-6229
M-F 8am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
7444 Harrisburg Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 924-6988
M-F 8am-5pm
Fielder, Elaine K. MD
Practice #: 01147674
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Fortin-Magana, Romeo MD#
Practice #: 10014891
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6655 Hillcroft St Ste 109
Houston 77081
(713) 988-3027
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-6pm
Frazier, Johnnie P. MD#
Practice #: 10006997
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500 U T
Phys - The Kids Place
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Garg, Renu MD#
Practice #: 10018151
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1919 North Loop W Ste 200
Houston 77008
(713) 868-0029
M-F 9am-5pm
Gatewood, Natasha L. MD
Practice #: 01849837
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
4501 Groveway Dr
Houston 77087
(713) 644-1568
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Gelfer, Polina MD
Practice #: 10076119
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 500-5650
M-F 9am-5pm
Geltemeyer, Abby M. MD
Practice #: 10061080
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Duong, Mai D. MD
Practice #: 01429350
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
13630 Beamer Rd Ste 108
Houston 77089
(281) 484-6060
M-Sa 8am-12pm/
M-Th 2pm-6pm
Ekong, Mfon MD
Practice #: 01343010
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 58
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Glass, Kathryn B. MD*
Practice #: 01467384
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6400 Fannin St Ste 2015
Houston 77030
(713) 704-0669
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Goldstein, Sara B. DO
Practice #: 01475592
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4501 Groveway Dr
Houston 77087
(713) 644-1568
M-F 9am-5pm
Gomberawalla, Harshada
M. MD#
Practice #: 10033955
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2925 W T C Jester Blvd Ste
Houston 77018
(713) 682-3825
M-F 9am-6pm
Anandapadmanaba MD#
Practice #: 01330407
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Greeley, Christopher S. MD#
Practice #: 01147743
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 800am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
6411 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Grillo-Paris, Ricardo MD#
Practice #: 10014314
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 682-7066
Sa 9am-6pm/
M-F 9pm-9pm
Grimes, Amanda B. MD
Practice #: 01698038
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 9am-5pm
Grubb, Laura K. MD
Practice #: 01207510
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Guardiola, Amalia MD#
Practice #: 01062459
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-Th 8am-5pm
Guzman, Luella M. MD#
Practice #: 10022245
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4501 Groveway Dr
Houston 77087
(713) 644-1568
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Hakemack, Brenda S. MD#
Practice #: 10007003
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Hanissian, Talynn A. MD#
Practice #: 10045408
Armenian, French, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
9809 Rowlett Rd Ste D
Houston 77075
(713) 644-1119
Harbison, Matthew T. MD
Practice #: 01162418
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5065
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD#
Practice #: 10021680
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19722 Saums Rd
Houston 77084
(281) 600-0786
M-F 8am-5pm
Hay, Liliane M. MD#
Practice #: 01148539
Arabic, French, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
915 Gessner Rd Ste 985
Houston 77024
(713) 461-9100
M-Th 8:30am-12:30pm/
F 8:30pm-12:30pm/
M-F 1:30pm-4:30pm
Heresi, Gloria P. MD
Practice #: 10015125
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
Hergenroeder, Albert C.
Practice #: 10031271
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 7:30am-4pm
Hess, III, Charles G. MD
Practice #: 01872371
Treats patients ages 17 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 17 años
2925 W T C Jester Blvd Ste
Houston 77018
(713) 682-3825
MW 2pm-6pm/
F 9am-1pm
Hiatt, Peter W. MD
Practice #: 10021049
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6621 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(832) 824-1000
M-F 9am-5pm
Hormann, Mark D. MD#
Practice #: 10019908
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500 U T
Phys - The Kids Place
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Interiano, Jose C. MD#
Practice #: 10014841
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1631 North Loop W Ste 440
Houston 77008
(713) 861-8113
M-F 9am-12pm/
M-WF 2pm-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500 U T
Phys - The Kids Place
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 59
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Isart, Fernando A. MD#
Practice #: 10014307
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2925 W T C Jester Blvd Ste
Houston 77018
(713) 681-4689
M-F 9am-1pm/
M-F 2am-6pm
2925 W T C Jester Blvd Ste
Houston 77018
(713) 681-7334
M-F 9am-1pm/
M-F 2pm-6pm
5708 W Little York Rd
Houston 77091
(281) 448-5437
M-F 9am-1pm/
M-F 2pm-6pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Jacob, Shehnaz MD
Practice #: 01148178
Spanish, Urdu, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11840 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(832) 912-7044
M-F 8am-5pm
Jasani, Bianca S. MD
Practice #: 01867924
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(281) 454-0500
M-F 9am-5pm
Jimenez, Margarita MD#
Practice #: 01207638
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6410 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Jones, Monique MD*
Practice #: 01868512
8901 Boone Rd
Houston 77099
(281) 454-0805
Kamdar, Shobhana J. MD#
Practice #: 10015730
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11307 Fm 1960 W Ste 130
Houston 77065
(281) 469-9955
M-F 9am-5pm
4654 Highway 6 N Ste 307
Houston 77084
(281) 463-9339
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Khan, Laeeq A. MD#
Practice #: 10014987
Hindi, Panjabi, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17202 Red Oak Dr Ste 303
Houston 77090
(281) 440-9500
M-F 8am-5pm
Khan, Rubina F. MD#
Practice #: 10029464
Spanish, German, Urdu
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6677 Rookin St
Houston 77074
(713) 666-6700
MTu 8:30am-7pm/
W-F 8:30am-5pm/
Sa 10am-2pm
Khateeb, Naila I. MD
Practice #: 00422589
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17115 Red Oak Dr Ste 120
Houston 77090
(281) 781-8144
M-F 9am-5pm
Khatua, Sutapa MD
Practice #: 01456000
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
818 Ringold St
Houston 77088
(281) 448-6391
M-F 9am-5pm
Kotagiri, Sunanda C. MD
Practice #: 01892991
Spanish, Urdu, Hindi
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
11037 Fm 1960 W Ste B-2a
Houston 77065
(832) 237-8882
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Kothari, Usha D. MD#
Practice #: 10014934
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7040 Lawndale St Ste B
Houston 77023
(713) 921-9211
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Kumar, Domalapalli M. DO#
Practice #: 01385690
Spanish, Telugu, Hindi
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8200 Wednesbury Ln Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 773-2230
M-F 9am-5pm
Kumar, Rukmini D. MD#
Practice #: 10018158
Hindi, Gujarati, Telugu, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8200 Wednesbury Ln Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 773-2230
M-F 9am-5pm
Lahoti, Sheela L. MD
Practice #: 10021885
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500 U T
Phys - The Kids Place
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Lazarus, Kimberly D. MD#
Practice #: 01417026
Vietnamese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11840 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(832) 912-7044
M-F 8am-5pm
12015 Louetta Rd Ste 100
Houston 77070
(281) 664-2152
M-F 8am-5pm
Le, Haiyen T. MD#
Practice #: 10031572
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11840 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(832) 912-7044
M-W 8am-5:30pm/
ThF 8am-5pm
Leaming-Van Zandt,
Katherine J. MD
Practice #: 01148429
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Lee, Yong D. MD#
Practice #: 10010074
Korean, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7333 North Fwy Ste 220
Houston 77076
(713) 694-5595
M-Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Ivan, Daniel L. MD
Practice #: 01398860
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
Jean-Louis, Frantz MD#
Practice #: 10019191
French, Creoles And
Pidgins, French-Ba, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6035 Airline Dr Ste 7
Houston 77076
(713) 694-9080
F 7am-1pm/
M-Th 7am-12pm/
M-Th 1pm-4pm
Page/Página 60
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Levy, Steven R. MD#
Practice #: 10047519
Vietnamese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
10375 Northwest Fwy
Houston 77092
(713) 681-5000
Sa 8:30am-12pm/
MTuThF 9am-5pm/
W 9am-12pm
Liaw, Shih-Ning MD#
Practice #: 10040787
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(713) 500-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
Lomo, Adjetey K. MD#
Practice #: 10020411
601 Wayside Dr Ste B
Houston 77011
(713) 921-1200
M-F 9am-5pm
Luu, Jenny T. MD
Practice #: 01893344
16550 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77090
(281) 277-0695
M-F 9am-5pm
Mack, William H. MD#
Practice #: 10006788
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2101 Crawford St Ste 311
Houston 77002
(713) 626-4242
Majid, Abdul MD#
Practice #: 10064903
Arabic, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7035 Highway 6 S
Houston 77083
(281) 776-9235
F 8am-1pm/
M-Th 8:30am-7pm/
Sa 12am-4pm/
F 3:30pm-7pm
Maldonado, Lisa M. MD
Practice #: 01666496
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1941 East Rd Ste 2100
Houston 77054
(713) 486-2500
M-F 9am-5pm
Mao, Xun MD#
Practice #: 10030007
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7500 Beechnut St Ste 225
Houston 77074
(713) 773-1115
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Marchesano, Cristina R. MD
Practice #: 01715726
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4000
M-F 9am-5pm
Martinez, Alfred J. MD
Practice #: 01264380
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Marton, Stephanie A. MD
Practice #: 01463797
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
M 8am-5pm
Matuk-Villazon, Omar MD
Practice #: 01859879
Guarani, Hindi, Urdu, French,
Bhutanese, Spanish
6441 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(832) 548-5000
SaSu 12pm-6pm/
M-F 7am-10pm
Mayor, Jesus MD#
Practice #: 10015046
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
302 W Gulf Bank Rd
Houston 77037
(281) 447-7614
WSa 8am-12pm/
MTuThF 8am-5pm
Mazur, Angela M. MD
Practice #: 01803281
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Mazur, Lynnette J. MD
Practice #: 10007019
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Mcneese, Margaret C. MD#
Practice #: 10007022
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500 U T
Phys - The Kids Place
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Mcomber, Mark E. MD
Practice #: 10016015
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Mcpherson, Mona L. MD
Practice #: 10028182
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
Tu 8am-8am/
MW-F 8am-5pm
Mbogua, Caroline N. MD#
Practice #: 10024086
10021 Main St Ste B3
Houston 77025
(713) 741-2299
M-F 8am-5pm
Meeks, Jacqueline MD
Practice #: 01874996
8504 Schuller Rd
Houston 77093
(713) 529-3597
M-F 9am-5pm
10021 S Main St Ste B3
Houston 77025
(713) 741-2299
M-F 9am-5pm
8523 N Arkansas St
Houston 77093
(713) 387-7171
M-F 8am-5pm
9889 Bellaire Blvd Ste 219a
Houston 77036
(713) 272-6688
M-F 9am-5pm
Mintz, Aaron MD
Practice #: 10022905
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
McBeth, Katrina E. MD*
Practice #: 01911638
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 500-5800
McDonnell, Hilda I. MD#
Practice #: 10018556
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5600 S Willow Dr Ste 117
Houston 77035
(713) 723-5600
M-Th 8:30am-5pm/
F 9:30am-5pm
Mishaw, Clifford O. MD
Practice #: 01387018
Treats patients ages 26 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 26 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 410
Houston 77030
(713) 796-8300
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 61
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Misra, Sanghamitra M. MD#
Practice #: 01377937
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-Th 8am-5pm
Mohi, Shagufta Z. MD#
Practice #: 10026997
Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
9210 Highway 6 S Ste G
Houston 77083
(832) 328-0050
F 9am-3pm/
MW 9am-5pm/
Sa 10am-2pm/
TuTh 11am-7pm
Moore, Heather C. MD#
Practice #: 10011022
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 9am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Moore, Sarah E. MD
Practice #: 01418574
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
W-F 8am-5pm/
MTu 8am-5;00pm
O'Connor, Teresia M. MD
Practice #: 10066833
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Ostermaier, Kathryn K. MD#
Practice #: 10027812
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-6301
M-F 8am-5pm
Muehe, Natali M. MD
Practice #: 01454510
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6445 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 777-1117
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Ogundadegbe, Olubunmi O.
Practice #: 01880815
14201 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77044
(281) 436-8888
M-F 8am-5pm
Owens, Holly A. MD*
Practice #: 01419235
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
Nguyen, Joanne MD
Practice #: 00814443
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Nguyen, Tuan H. MD#
Practice #: 10020118
Spanish, Vietnamese,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
12060 Bellaire Blvd Ste D
Houston 77072
(281) 933-7900
M-F 8:30am-6pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Nichols, Julieana MD#
Practice #: 10076473
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3163
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Nicome, Roger MD
Practice #: 01067810
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Olivares, Juan MD
Practice #: 01434216
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5805 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 695-4013
M-F 9am-5pm
Onwudiwe, Ifeyinwa P. MD#
Practice #: 01605949
Spanish, Igbo
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
9900 S Gessner Rd
Houston 77071
(713) 909-3139
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Ortega, Cesar A. MD#
Practice #: 10012023
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3309 Orlando St
Houston 77093
(713) 699-9177
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
7333 North Frwy Ste 122
Houston 77076
(713) 694-3177
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-5pm
7333 North Fwy Ste 122
Houston 77076
(713) 694-3177
M-F 9am-5pm
Palanpurwala, Khozema A.
Practice #: 10028214
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11840 Fr 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(832) 912-7044
M-F 8am-6pm
12015 Louetta Rd Ste 100
Houston 77070
(281) 664-2152
M-F 8am-6pm
Palmer, Celeste D. MD
Practice #: 01802955
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
M-F 9am-5pm
Pankaj, Shilpa T. MD#
Practice #: 01435555
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1740 W 27th St Ste 305
Houston 77008
(713) 861-4800
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Parks, Kenya M. MD
Practice #: 01349773
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8pm-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Monroy, Grace A. MD
Practice #: 01760249
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2925 Wtc Jester Blvd Ste 1
Houston 77018
(713) 681-7334
M-F 9am-12:30pm/
MWTh 2pm-5:30pm
Mowbray, Hillary S. MD
Practice #: 01333813
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 62
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Parra, Cesar A. MD#
Practice #: 10030026
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1821 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 468-9000
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Patel, Binita MD
Practice #: 10011555
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Patterson, Bryan T. MD
Practice #: 01655573
915 Gessner Rd Ste 100
Houston 77024
(713) 242-2222
M-F 8am-5pm
Paul, Ashu MD
Practice #: 01393779
Hindi, Japanese, Chinese Mandarin, Chinese, Korean,
Spanish, Punjabi
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
7001 Corporate Dr Ste 120
Houston 77036
(713) 773-0803
TuTh 12pm-8pm/
MWF 9am-5pm
Payne, Norris S. MD#
Practice #: 01323187
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6400 Fannin St Ste 2020
Houston 77030
(713) 522-2500
M-Th 8am-5pm
Peacock, Cynthia L. MD#
Practice #: 10030382
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3601 N Macgregor Way
Houston 77004
(713) 873-4752
Sa 8am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Pearsall Sr, Gurney F. MD#
Practice #: 10014510
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2010 Naomi St Ste C
Houston 77054
(713) 790-9265
Perez-Silva, Anna L. MD#
Practice #: 01377067
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11037 Fm 1960 W Ste B2-A
Houston 77065
(832) 237-8882
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Phillips, James L. MD
Practice #: 10024972
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Piedra, Pedro A. MD
Practice #: 10024134
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Plumb, Richard L. MD
Practice #: 01721227
German, Spanish, Yiddish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
7900 Fannin St Ste 3300
Houston 77054
(713) 630-0660
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Porras, Ciro J. MD#
Practice #: 10014512
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6510 Hillcroft Ste 200
Houston 77081
(713) 988-6677
M-F 9am-12pm/
Sa 8am-1pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Ramanathan, Supriya MD
Practice #: 01339191
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5420 Dashwood Dr
Houston 77081
(832) 325-7111
Porter, Thomas W. MD
Practice #: 01057638
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2600 S Loop W Ste 670
Houston 77054
(281) 372-6897
Tu 8;00am-5pm/
MW-F 8am-5pm
Ramos-Guzon, Marielou G.
Practice #: 10014905
Spanish, Tagalog
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6035 Airline Dr Ste 1
Houston 77076
(713) 694-2808
M-F 9am-4pm
Portocarrero, Mario J. MD#
Practice #: 10014966
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6550 Mapleridge St Ste
Houston 77081
(713) 774-1401
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
Rangan, Mythili K. MD#
Practice #: 10010836
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11840 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(832) 912-7044
Powells, Janice R. MD#
Practice #: 10014514
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8300 Bissonnet St Ste 300
Houston 77074
(713) 774-3443
MTuThF 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Rafati, Danny S. MD
Practice #: 01418677
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Rajput, Muhammad B. MD*#
Practice #: 01317723
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
850 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste M
Houston 77090
(281) 444-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
Reddy, Tina S. MD*
Practice #: 01602131
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7310
Richmond, Camilla A. MD
Practice #: 01158244
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Rickard, Diana G. MD
Practice #: 01723567
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(713) 704-2800
M-F 9am-5pm
Rivera-Matos, Idalia MD
Practice #: 01375116
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
10851 Scarsdale Blvd Ste
Houston 77089
(281) 464-3780
M-F 8am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 63
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Romman, Karim H. MD#
Practice #: 01409320
Arabic, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
13630 Beamer Rd Ste 108
Houston 77089
(281) 484-6060
M-F 9am-5pm
Rupley, Marcelina P. MD
Practice #: 01681387
Tagalog, Philippine (Other),
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
11840 Fm 1960 Rd W
Houston 77065
(832) 912-7044
Sa 8am-12pm/
Tu-F 8am-5pm
Samuel, Joyce P. MD
Practice #: 01695360
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Sanchez-Burgos, Teodoro
Y. MD#
Practice #: 10017891
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8200 Wednesbury Ln Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 772-7868
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-5;00pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
5656 Kelley St Ste
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Sarpong, Kwabena O. MD
Practice #: 10036611
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Sastry, Rathna V. MD#
Practice #: 10014785
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
11914 Astoria Blvd Ste 450
Houston 77089
(281) 484-7619
M-F 9am-5pm
Scaglia, Julio F. MD#
Practice #: 10025385
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7109 Lawndale St Ste B
Houston 77023
(713) 924-4907
Sa 8am-5pm/
M-F 8am-7pm
Schaffer, Don M. MD#
Practice #: 10014788
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7900 Fannin St Ste 3300
Houston 77054
(713) 630-0660
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Schneider, Julie Y. MD#
Practice #: 10021221
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-3163
M-F 8am-5pm
Schwanecke, Rebecca P.
Practice #: 10014517
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4151 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77027
(713) 771-3572
M-Th 7am-4pm
Sendos, Anusuya N. MD#
Practice #: 10014869
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6550 Mapleridge St Ste 210
Houston 77081
(713) 779-7200
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Shelburne, Julia T. MD#
Practice #: 10008712
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Siddiki, Saba K. MD#
Practice #: 01163757
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Siddiqua, Tahrin MD
Practice #: 01613334
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11240 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste
Houston 77065
(281) 469-7400
MTuTh-Sa 8:30am-6:30pm
11240 Fm 1960 W Ste 210
Houston 77065
(281) 469-7400
M 8;30am-6:30pm/
TuTh-Sa 8:30am-6:30pm
Siddiqui, Mohammad H.
Practice #: 10018251
Arabic, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 558-5570
F 8:30am-5pm/
M-Th 8:30am-5:30pm
Smith, Holly D. MD#
Practice #: 10031647
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Smith, Kareen J. MD
Practice #: 01745893
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
9809 Rowlett Rd Ste A1
Houston 77075
(713) 644-1119
TuWF 9am-5pm/
MTh 9am-8pm
Smith, Keely G. MD
Practice #: 10018931
Treats patients ages 13
through 18/Atiende a
pacientes de 13 años a 18
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Sagullo, Raquel M. MD
Practice #: 01891253
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
915 Gessner Rd Ste 985
Houston 77024
(713) 461-9100
M-F 9am-4pm
Sanders, Mark J. MD#
Practice #: 10012510
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
15555 Kuykendahl Rd
Houston 77090
(281) 885-4630
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 64
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Smith, Kimberly C. MD#
Practice #: 10007068
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 325-7111
M-F 8am-4pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500 U T
Phys - The Kids Place
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-4pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Smith, Valeria MD
Practice #: 01787007
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Stark, James M. MD
Practice #: 01679326
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-3700
M-F 9am-5pm
Stern, Herbert J. MD*
Practice #: 01477724
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
915 Gessner Rd Ste 300
Houston 77024
(281) 494-0717
Stocco, Amber J. MD
Practice #: 01803269
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Suell, Jr, Douglas M. MD#
Practice #: 10031332
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7900 Fannin St Ste 3300
Houston 77054
(713) 630-0660
Sa 8:30am-1pm/
F 2pm-5pm/
M-Th 8am-12pm/
M-Th 2pm-5pm
Suhendra, Michelle A. MD
Practice #: 01893257
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6400 Fannin St Ste 2015
Houston 77030
(713) 704-0669
M-F 9am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Thai, Nguyen S. MD#
Practice #: 10016893
Chinese, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8250 Bellaire Blvd Ste 1
Houston 77036
(713) 777-7772
M-F 10am-6pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Van Arsdall, Melissa R. MD
Practice #: 01344053
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Vrotsos, Kristin M. MD*
Practice #: 01898140
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 500-3500
Syal, Ashu S. MD
Practice #: 01409342
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
13630 Beamer Rd Ste 108
Houston 77089
(281) 484-6060
M-F 9am-5pm
Thakkar, Heena N. MD#
Practice #: 10014790
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1740 W 27th St Ste 305
Houston 77008
(713) 861-4800
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-11am
Taghadosi, Maryam MD#
Practice #: 10014519
Persian, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 770
Houston 77004
(713) 807-8921
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 9am-4pm
Trabulsi, Adnan MD
Practice #: 01197401
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11450 Space Center Blvd
Ste 100
Houston 77059
(281) 991-7000
M-F 9am-6pm
Tahir, Saifuddin MD#
Practice #: 10024074
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19722 Saums Rd
Houston 77084
(281) 600-0786
M-F 8am-5pm
Truong, Hong L. DO*
Practice #: 10018614
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Woerner, Marion E. MD
Practice #: 01689729
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 9am-5pm
Turiy, Yuliya MD
Practice #: 01380505
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6410 Fannin St Ste 500
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Wong, Christina W. MD
Practice #: 10072000
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6431 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 500-5650
M-F 8am-5pm
Umair, Sonober MD
Practice #: 01441332
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19722 Saums Rd
Houston 77084
(281) 600-0786
M-F 8am-5pm
Wong-Domenech, Maria T.
Practice #: 10020032
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5708 W Little York Rd
Houston 77091
(281) 448-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Tellez, Maria E. MD
Practice #: 01164823
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 798-1900
M-F 8am-5pm
8388 W Sam Houston
Pkwy Ste 168
Houston 77072
(281) 529-6486
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Warren, Marcia P. MD
Practice #: 10010414
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-2272
M-F 7am-4pm
Wilson, Cornelius A. MD#
Practice #: 10020237
902 Normandy St Ste 100
Houston 77015
(713) 450-4455
M-F 9am-5:30pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 65
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Physician Assistant/Asistente médico
Wongsa, Peggy MD#
Practice #: 10019447
Spanish, Thai
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11302 Fallbrook Dr Ste 305
Houston 77065
(281) 897-1122
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Wood, Ying-Ying P. MD#
Practice #: 10017038
Spanish, Hindi, Chinese,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6445 High Star Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 777-1117
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Yeh, Belinda M. MD#
Practice #: 10014970
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
8880 Bellaire Blvd Ste H
Houston 77036
(713) 981-5166
M-F 9am-6pm
Yetman, Robert J. MD#
Practice #: 10007087
Treats patients ages 16 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 16 años
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5656
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 500 U T
Phys - The Kids Place
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7111
M-F 8am-5pm
Zucconi, James P. MD#
Practice #: 10014907
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7007 North Fwy Ste 305
Houston 77076
(713) 697-3030
Sa 1pm-4pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Adu-Gyamfi, Kwame PA
Practice #: 01069895
Spanish, Twi
8518 Jensen Dr
Houston 77093
(713) 691-2112
Sa 9am-4pm/
M-F 9am-7pm/
Su 9am-3pm
Anders, Janie M. PA
Practice #: 10047116
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
1504 Taub Loop
Houston 77030
(713) 873-8890
Th 5pm-5am/
M 2pm-2am
1615 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 873-8890
M-W 5am-3pm
Araya, Rediet B. PA
Practice #: 01759570
6440 Hillcroft Ave Ste 104
Houston 77081
(713) 271-0911
M-Sa 8am-12pm/
Sa 1pm-4pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Cruz, Leticia H. PA*
Practice #: 01654887
11452 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(713) 486-6200
M-F 9am-5pm
Ervine, Anne L. PA
Practice #: 10048989
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
Ganguzza, Joan T. PA
Practice #: 01278173
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 526-4243
M-F 8am-5pm
Glazebrook, Holly M. PA
Practice #: 01265912
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
Haase, Douglas M. PA
Practice #: 01249718
6410 Fannin St Ste 950
Houston 77030
(713) 500-3500
M-F 8am-5pm
Hansen, Denise H. PA
Practice #: 01324046
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5080
M-F 8am-5pm
6400 Fannin St Ste 1700
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7141
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 950
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7141
M-F 8am-5pm
Hawkinson, Dora L. PA
Practice #: 01850336
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
Hudson, Connie K. PA
Practice #: 10039407
6410 Fannin St Ste 1400
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7125
M-F 8am-5pm
9999 Montgomery Rd Ste B
Houston 77088
(832) 598-2571
M-F 8am-5pm
Mathis, Beth A. PA
Practice #: 01721511
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 9am-5pm
Moore, John R. PA
Practice #: 01208650
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 8am-5pm
Mucha, John D. PA
Practice #: 10065381
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
6410 Fannin St Ste 600
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7100
M-F 8am-5pm
Napoleon, Edith PA
Practice #: 01333383
5656 Kelley St Fl 4
Houston 77026
(713) 566-4463
M-F 8am-5pm
Naschke, Jeanette E. PA
Practice #: 01278604
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
Nashief, Souad PA
Practice #: 01207950
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
Paris, David M. PA
Practice #: 10060138
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5000
M-F 8am-5pm
Yudovich, Martin MD#
Peluse, Christian D. PA
Bertram, Ivy A. PA
Practice #: 10014305
Practice #: 01305895
Practice #: 01214380
Idjagboro, Damian O. PA
6400 Fannin St Ste 1620
6411 Fannin St
Treats patients ages 20 &
Houston 77030
Practice #: 01350058
Houston 77030
under/Atiende a pacientes
(832) 325-7141
(713) 704-4060
hasta los 20 años
M-F 8am-5pm
M-F 8am-5pm
4501 Groveway Dr
(832) 598-2571
Houston 77087
M-F 8am-5pm
(713) 644-1568
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Yang, Jeong S. MD#
Practice #: 10014904
Korean, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6500 North Fwy Ste 116
Houston 77076
(713) 697-7056
M-WF 9am-5pm/
Th 9am-1pm
Zaidi, Tahira DO
Practice #: 01908895
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5616 Lawndale St Ste A203
Houston 77023
(713) 923-2273
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Page/Página 66
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Houston - Physician Assistant/Asistente médico
6400 Fannin St Ste 1700
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7141
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 950
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7141
F 8;00am-5pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Randeep, Malini PA
Practice #: 01282892
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5000
M-F 8am-5pm
Schaeffer, Amanda H. PA
Practice #: 10076155
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5775
M-F 8am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Serrano, Inez A. PA
Practice #: 10071820
6411 Fannin St
Houston 77030
(713) 704-4060
M-F 8am-5pm
Shah, Nikita N. PA
Practice #: 01617120
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish
5990 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 695-9947
M-F 9am-5pm
Sova, Marcia L. PA
Practice #: 01278631
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5080
M-F 8am-5pm
6410 Fannin St Ste 950
Houston 77030
(832) 325-7141
M-F 8am-5pm
Trigazis, Abram M. PA
Practice #: 01074483
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 566-5100
M-F 8am-5pm
Udris, Ingrid L. PA
Practice #: 01278645
5656 Kelley St
Houston 77026
(713) 556-5000
M-F 8am-5pm
Urtis, Jason T. PA#
Practice #: 01215336
5616 Lawndale St Ste A203
Houston 77023
(713) 923-2273
M-F 8am-5pm
Nandakishore MD
Practice #: 01706545
Urdu, Hindi, Spanish, Telugu
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 9am-5pm
Walsh, Peggy D. PA
Practice #: 01450262
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
7900 Fannin St Ste 3200
Houston 77054
(713) 796-1600
M-F 8am-5pm
Oragwu, Chukwuemeka L.
Practice #: 01708666
Korean, German, Spanish,
1485 Fm 1960 Bypass Rd E
Ste 100
Humble 77338
(281) 570-2606
Zumwalt, Juliette A. PA
Practice #: 01390017
7401 Main St
Houston 77030
(713) 799-2300
M-F 8am-5pm
Sidhu, Trepanjeet K. MD
Practice #: 01334754
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 8am-5pm
Soumahoro, Zainab H. MD
Practice #: 01311519
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 8am-5pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Pinckert, Patricia RN
Practice #: 01296615
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
5510 Atascocita Rd Ste 290
Humble 77346
(281) 312-5400
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Barnett, Barbara S. DO
Practice #: 01340112
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 8am-5pm
Hunt, Madeline A. MD
Practice #: 01213961
18455 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 190
Humble 77346
(281) 201-0922
Lyons Health Ctr, E A
Practice #: 00000059
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 7:30am-4:30pm
Wang, Yun MD
Practice #: 10008741
Urdu, German, Chinese,
Spanish, Vietnamese
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 8am-5pm
Zenner, Jr, George O. MD
Practice #: 01454568
9813 Memorial Blvd Ste H
Humble 77338
(281) 319-8500
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Patton, Lisa M. RN
Practice #: 01264136
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 8am-5pm
General Practice/Medicina
Srinivasamurthy, Nagaraja
Practice #: 10015277
1712 1st St E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-4139
M-F 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Do, Thong M. MD#
Practice #: 10035692
Sign Languages, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19020 W Lake Houston
Humble 77346
(281) 812-3736
M-F 8am-7pm/
Sa 8am-2pm
Kumaradas Antonio, Nirmal
Practice #: 01891179
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
18455 W Lake Houston
Humble 77346
(281) 201-0922
M-F 9am-12pm/
M-F 2pm-4pm
Schaeffer, Luis G. MD#
Practice #: 10020037
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
18955 N Memorial Dr Ste
Humble 77338
(281) 540-8171
TuTh 8am-6pm
Spradlin, James R. DO
Practice #: 01420209
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
18455 W Lake Houston
Pkwy Ste 190
Humble 77346
(281) 201-0922
M-F 10am-5pm
Do, Thong M. MD#
Practice #: 10035692
Sign Languages, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19020 W Lake Houston
Humble 77346
(281) 812-3736
M-F 8am-7pm/
Sa 8am-2pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 67
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Katy - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Hill, Rebecca B. MD
Practice #: 01826885
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
19333 Hwy 59 N Ste 145
Humble 77338
(281) 540-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Kreit, Nadia I. MD#
Practice #: 10049057
Arabic, French
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
700 E Main St
Humble 77338
(281) 540-0012
M-F 9am-5pm
Munoz, Jesus A. MD
Practice #: 01340040
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19333 Hwy 59 N Ste 145
Humble 77338
(281) 540-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Netchaeva, Diana V. NP
Practice #: 01619920
22503 Katy Fwy Ste 13
Katy 77450
(281) 571-1777
M-Su 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Ali, Shamim MD
Practice #: 10034212
707 S Fry Rd Ste 360
Katy 77450
(281) 599-9979
M-F 8am-5pm
Al-Khush, Ahmad-Rabia S.
Practice #: 10027244
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
705 South Fry Rd Ste 225
Katy 77450
(281) 492-7062
MWF 8:30am-5:30pm/
TuTh 9am-4pm
Trinh, Trang T. MD#
Practice #: 10040057
21770 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 646-0740
M-F 8am-5pm
DeFriece, Joshua C. MD
Practice #: 01869844
23920 Katy Fwy Ste 500
Katy 77494
(281) 644-8861
M-F 9am-5pm
Vanguru, Indira MD
Practice #: 01472212
23920 Katy Fwy Ste 500
Katy 77494
(281) 644-8861
M-F 9am-5pm
Gwozdz, Jennifer S. MD#
Practice #: 10010867
French, Sign Languages
6825 S Fry Rd Ste 1200
Katy 77494
(281) 395-3044
M-Sa 9am-12pm/
M-Th 2pm-8pm/
F 2pm-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Mier y Teran, Jose L. MD
Practice #: 01681074
707 S Fry Rd Ste 365
Katy 77450
(281) 717-5800
M-F 9am-5pm
Macnak, Kathy B. RN
Practice #: 01447967
22503 Katy Fwy Ste 13
Katy 77450
(281) 571-3777
M-F 8am-5pm
General Practice/Medicina
Saffari, Behrooz MD
Practice #: 01723452
23923 Cinco Ranch Blvd
Katy 77494
(713) 500-3500
Kabir, Mohammed W. DO
Practice #: 10030750
Spanish, Hindi
21542 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 579-1488
M-F 8am-5pm
Sajja, Prasuna MD
Practice #: 01445225
Telugu, Spanish, Tamil
707 S Fry Rd Ste 395
Katy 77450
(281) 647-9355
F 8am-2pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Radwan, Iyad K. MD
Practice #: 01783896
Spanish, Arabic
21324 Provincial Blvd Ste B
Katy 77450
(832) 645-4038
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-12pm
Stout, Tamara A. MD*
Practice #: 01041108
707 S Fry Rd Ste 280
Katy 77450
(281) 398-5360
F 8am-1:30pm/
MW 8am-4:30pm/
TuTh 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Taylor, Thanh H. DO#
Practice #: 10027126
1331 West Grand Pkwy N
Ste 210
Katy 77493
(281) 392-1444
M-F 8am-5pm
Tran, Chau M. MD
Practice #: 01457113
23923 Cinco Ranch Blvd
Katy 77494
(713) 486-5300
Kantamani, Anuradha MD
Practice #: 10025302
Telugu, Tamil, Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
701 S Fry Rd Ste 105
Katy 77450
(281) 398-5863
M-WF 8am-4:30pm/
Th 8am-12pm
Khawaja, Mubarak MD
Practice #: 10071362
Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
707 S Fry Rd Ste 375
Katy 77450
(281) 599-8070
M-Sa 8:30am-12:30pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5:30pm
Prabhakar, Balakrishna R.
Practice #: 01716859
701 S Fry Rd Ste 207
Katy 77450
(832) 321-3955
F 9am-12pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
TuTh 12pm-7pm/
MW 9am-7pm
Thampoe, Basti J. MD
Practice #: 01341734
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
705 S Fry Rd Ste 105
Katy 77450
(281) 500-8176
M-F 8am-5pm
Thampoe, Karen X. MD*
Practice #: 01273156
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
705 S Fry Rd Ste 105
Katy 77450
(281) 500-8176
M-F 8am-5pm
Toro, Hugo M. MD#
Practice #: 10011465
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
607 S Mason Rd
Katy 77450
(281) 398-8008
M-F 9am-6pm
Umer, Arshad MD#
Practice #: 10022270
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
6052 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy 77449
(832) 593-6600
M-F 9am-6pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Allison, Rocio D. MD*
Practice #: 01376741
23920 Katy Fwy Ste 500
Katy 77494
(281) 644-8861
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 68
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Katy - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Bhatt, Harshada R. MD#
Practice #: 10016765
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
830 S Mason Rd Ste B6
Katy 77450
(281) 392-2700
M-WF 9am-5:30pm/
ThSa 9am-12pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Guardia, Rene W. MD#
Practice #: 01197349
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
525 S Mason Rd
Katy 77450
(281) 599-1533
Sa 9am-2pm/
M 9am-6pm/
Tu-F 9am-9am
Prabhakar, Balakrishna R.
Practice #: 01716859
701 S Fry Rd Ste 207
Katy 77450
(832) 321-3955
F 9am-12pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
TuTh 12pm-7pm/
MW 9am-7pm
Unnissa, Ifthekar MD#
Practice #: 10008892
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
21372 Provincial Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 578-9766
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Hartwell, Oran C. PA
Practice #: 01665197
21222 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 344-1715
F 8am-5pm
Huss, Joshua D. PA
Practice #: 01665277
21222 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 344-1715
MWTh 8am-5pm
Pinckert, Patricia RN
Practice #: 01296615
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
611 Rockmead Dr Ste 100
Kingwood 77339
(281) 312-5400
M-Th 8:30am-5:30pm/
F 8:30am-2pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Achi, Jyothi N. MD#
Practice #: 10030130
Hindi, Spanish, Persian
22999 Us Hwy 59 N Ste 232
Kingwood 77339
(281) 852-7500
M-F 8am-5pm
Chava, Ramakrishna V. MD*
Practice #: 01197049
Spanish, Telugu
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
22999 Hwy 59 N Ste 282
Kingwood 77339
(281) 312-6313
F 10am-12pm/
TuTh 10am-3pm/
MW 1pm-5pm
Kreit, Camil I. MD
Practice #: 10035319
Arabic, Spanish
24044 Highway 59 N
Kingwood 77339
(281) 852-9000
M-F 9am-5pm
24046 Highway 59 N
Kingwood 77339
(281) 358-3387
M-F 9am-5pm
Phelan, James H. MD
Practice #: 01932560
Spanish, French
Treats patients ages 7 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 7 años en adelante
2325 Timber Shadows B
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-4455
W 9am-5;00pm/
MTuThF 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Kumaradas Antonio, Nirmal
Practice #: 01891179
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
24042 Hwy 59 N
Kingwood 77339
(281) 659-9533
M-F 9am-4pm
Perez, Carmen J. MD
Practice #: 01362143
22710 Professional Dr Ste
Kingwood 77339
(281) 312-8530
M-Th 8:30am-3pm/
F 9am-12pm
Recio, Salvador R. MD
Practice #: 10031133
22710 Professional Dr Ste
Kingwood 77339
(281) 312-8530
M-Th 8:30am-5pm/
F 9am-3pm
Spradlin, James R. DO
Practice #: 01420209
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
24042 Highway 59 N
Kingwood 77339
(281) 852-9000
M-Su 8am-5pm
Eppler, Maia F. MD
Practice #: 01600993
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
22999 Us Hwy 59 N
Kingwood 77339
(281) 480-7832
M-F 9am-5pm
Suell, Jr, Douglas M. MD#
Practice #: 10031332
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1330 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood 77339
(281) 359-5711
F 8:30am-12:30pm
La Porte
Family Medicine/Medicina
Patel, Rakesh R. MD#
Practice #: 10021892
Spanish, Gujarati
10611 W Fairmont Pkwy
La Porte 77571
(281) 470-4700
M-Th 8:30am-12pm/
F 9am-12pm/
M-Th 1:30pm-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Bhatt, Sapan S. MD*
Practice #: 01473692
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
404 W Fairmont Pkwy
La Porte 77571
(281) 470-6060
M 9am-12;00pm/
Tu-F 9am-12pm/
Tu-Th 2pm-5pm/
MF 2pm-5;00pm
Patel, Dilipkumar C. MD#
Practice #: 10014949
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
404 W Fairmont Pkwy
La Porte 77571
(281) 470-6060
M-Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
Uddin, Rahman S. MD#
Practice #: 10025801
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
10407 W Fairmont Pkwy
Ste B
La Porte 77571
(281) 867-0291
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Lake Jackson
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Hildebrand, Mary P. RN#
Practice #: 10042248
207 That Way St Ste A
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-8800
M-F 7:30am-4:30pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 69
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
League City - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Family Medicine/Medicina
Bandi, Srijaya MD
Practice #: 01604113
208 Oak Dr S Ste 200
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 285-3633
Sa 12pm-5pm/
M-F 9am-7pm
Burns, William E. MD
Practice #: 01931388
201 S Oak Dr Ste 101
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-4507
M-F 9am-5pm
Day, April M. MD
Practice #: 01464103
208 Oak Dr S Ste 200
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 285-3633
Sa 12pm-5pm/
M-F 9am-7pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Long, Karen M. RN
Practice #: 01669807
508 This Way St
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 480-9334
M-F 9am-5pm
Tello, Gladys C. NP
Practice #: 01644363
508 This Way St
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 480-9334
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Gold, Judith MD
Practice #: 10024085
Hebrew, Hungarian,
Romanian, Spanish
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
450 This Way St Ste B
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-2220
M-F 9am-5pm
Bottenfield, Gerald W. MD#
Practice #: 10019995
Treats patients ages 10 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 10 años
54 Flag Lake Plz
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-0234
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Haberthier-Ryan, Lucy MD*#
Practice #: 10020015
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
208 Oak Dr S Ste 400
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 285-2900
Hardoin, Richard A. MD#
Practice #: 10020001
Treats patients ages 10 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 10 años
54 Flag Lake Plz
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-0362
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 9:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Maruvada, Sreekar MD#
Practice #: 01302112
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
201 Oak Dr S Ste 105
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 299-6400
M-F 8am-5pm
Shepherd, Loni L. MD
Practice #: 01400600
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
208 Oak Dr S Ste 400
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 285-2900
M-F 8am-5pm
League City
Family Medicine/Medicina
Elliott, Tricia MD
Practice #: 01784929
Treats patients ages 3 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 3 años
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 9am-5pm
Malave, Samantha D. MD
Practice #: 01958916
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
Walker, Richard W. MD
Practice #: 01391303
Thai, Spanish, Lao
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
201 Enterprise Ave Ste 800
League City 77573
(832) 864-2686
W 8am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Crouch, Susan H. NP
Practice #: 10042451
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
Fiandt, Kathryn L. NP
Practice #: 01924173
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
Mukherjee, Jeffrey D. NP
Practice #: 01940379
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
Nash, Kathleen A. RN
Practice #: 01071668
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Ahmad, Samir A. MD
Practice #: 01926672
Arabic, Bulgarian, Spanish,
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
Antwi, Stephen K. MD
Practice #: 01871442
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
6465 S Shore Blvd Ste 500
League City 77573
(281) 538-7735
M-F 8am-5pm
Kaushik, Vinod P. MD
Practice #: 01426416
2660 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-2000
M-F 9am-5pm
Laforte, Russell A. MD
Practice #: 01051340
6465 S Shore Blvd Ste 500
League City 77573
(281) 538-7735
M-F 9am-5pm
Levin, Jarad I. MD
Practice #: 01958899
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 9am-5pm
Mercado, Anita C. MD
Practice #: 01721106
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 9am-5pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Best, Mary NP
Practice #: 01784919
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Antwi, Stephen K. MD
Practice #: 01871442
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
6465 S Shore Blvd Ste 500
League City 77573
(281) 538-7735
M-F 8am-5pm
Beach, Patricia S. MD
Practice #: 10041693
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Kucera, Jennifer L. NP
Practice #: 01931415
208 S Oak Dr Ste 200
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 285-3633
M-F 9am-5pm
Page/Página 70
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
League City - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Brown, Oscar W. MD
Practice #: 01395152
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Raimer, Benny MD
Practice #: 01784966
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6465 S Shore Blvd Ste 500
League City 77573
(281) 538-7735
M-F 9am-5pm
Saunders, Andrea J. MD
Practice #: 01449990
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3023 Marina Bay Dr Ste 101
League City 77573
(281) 334-6578
M-F 9am-5pm
Gundlach, Marney MD
Practice #: 01351685
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Rassi, Adriana I. MD
Practice #: 01756168
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Silva, Gayani P. MD
Practice #: 01233441
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Kazmi, Syed K. MD
Practice #: 10043701
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City 77573
(832) 505-1000
M-F 9am-5pm
3023 Marina Bay Dr Ste 101
League City 77573
(281) 334-6578
M-F 9am-5pm
Wolffarth, Mark W. MD
Practice #: 01444571
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Laforte, Suzanne C. MD
Practice #: 10057088
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Mccormick, David P. MD
Practice #: 10023355
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Murphy, Christine MD
Practice #: 01784910
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3023 Marina Bay Dr Ste 101
League City 77573
(281) 334-6578
M-F 9am-5pm
Noble III, Ralph W. MD
Practice #: 10052280
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Rogers, Patricia A. MD
Practice #: 10028350
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Rupp, Richard MD
Practice #: 10022906
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
Saeed, Kokab A. MD#
Practice #: 01295760
Urdu, Miscellaneous
Languages, Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
501 Gulf Frwy Ste 105
League City 77573
(281) 554-0123
M-F 8am-5pm
501 Gulf Fwy S Ste 105
League City 77573
(281) 554-0123
M-F 10am-6pm
Sarpong, Kwabena O. MD
Practice #: 01146864
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City 77573
(409) 772-3695
M-F 9am-5pm
3023 Marina Bay Dr Ste 101
League City 77573
(281) 334-6578
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Dyhianto, Christian E. MD
Practice #: 01442461
6912 Fm 1488 Ste A
Magnolia 77354
(281) 356-1945
M-F 9am-5pm
Terrasson, Edward L. MD
Practice #: 01912241
18230 Fm 1488 Rd
Magnolia 77354
(281) 356-2525
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Dollar, Hunaid MD#
Practice #: 10024688
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
18550 N 6th St
Magnolia 77354
(281) 252-8600
M-F 8am-6pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Thompson, Patricia D. MD
Practice #: 01738800
6875 Fm 1488 Rd Ste 1400
Magnolia 77354
(281) 259-9943
M-F 8am-5pm
Abbas, Rashida S. MD#
Practice #: 10045679
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
18602 Fm 1488 Ste 700
Magnolia 77354
(281) 252-0013
M-F 9am-5pm
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD#
Practice #: 10021680
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
18602 Fm 1488 Ste 700
Magnolia 77354
(281) 252-0013
M-F 8am-5pm
Tahir, Saifuddin MD#
Practice #: 10024074
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
18602 Fm 1488 Rd
Magnolia 77354
(281) 252-0013
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Janecek, Stephen C. MD
Practice #: 01697435
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
7523 Russell St
Manvel 77578
(281) 489-8780
M-F 9am-5pm
Nair, Lekshmi B. MD*
Practice #: 01147242
Hindi, Malayalam, Spanish
3945 County Road 58
Manvel 77578
(281) 412-6606
M-F 8am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 71
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Pasadena - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Meadows Place
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Kanu, Laura N. RN
Practice #: 01603485
12221 S Kirkwood Rd Ste
Meadows Place 77477
(281) 980-1006
W 9am-5pm/
MTuThF 9am-5pm
Missouri City
Family Medicine/Medicina
Atai, Faith D. MD
Practice #: 01784840
8810 Hwy 6 Ste 100
Missouri City 77459
(713) 486-1200
M-F 9am-5pm
Slaughter, Lillie S. MD#
Practice #: 10015103
1524 3rd St
Missouri City 77489
(281) 261-9660
MTuThF 9am-5pm/
W 9am-12pm
Whiting, Carman H. MD
Practice #: 10007673
8810 Hwy 6 Ste 100
Missouri City 77459
(713) 486-1200
M-F 8am-5pm
Yousefi, Pouran MD
Practice #: 01368445
8810 Hwy 6 Ste 100
Missouri City 77459
(713) 486-1200
TuW 8am-5pm/
MTh 8am-5;00pm/
F 8;00am-5pm
Fort Bend Family Health Ctr
Practice #: 01799363
307 Texas Pkwy
Missouri City 77489
(281) 969-1800
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Asawa, Ashish MD
Practice #: 01845825
8810 Hwy 6 Ste 100
Missouri City 77459
(713) 486-1200
M-F 9am-5pm
Tamirisa, Aparna MD
Practice #: 01394086
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
8810 Hwy 6 Ste 100
Missouri City 77459
(713) 486-1200
M-F 9am-5pm
Wang, Jimin MD
Practice #: 01409373
Spanish, Chinese
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
3777 Sienna Pkwy
Missouri City 77459
(281) 778-2800
M-F 9am-5pm
Agrawala, Sangeeta MD#
Practice #: 10015369
Hausa, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4855 Riverstone Blvd Ste
Missouri City 77459
(281) 208-9503
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Klawitter, Art L. MD
Practice #: 01653576
3006 School St
Needville 77461
(979) 793-4114
M-F 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Family Medicine/Medicina
Mora, Yezid F. MD
Practice #: 01296169
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
13737 Highway 36
Needville 77461
(979) 793-3940
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Armbruster, David R. DO
Practice #: 01334204
3556 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena 77504
(281) 974-5095
MW-F 8:30am-5pm/
Tu 8:30am-5;00pm
New Caney
Family Medicine/Medicina
Le, Duc Steve M. MD
Practice #: 01619149
Vietnamese, Spanish
20851 Fm 1485 Rd Ste I
New Caney 77357
(281) 689-1600
M-F 9am-5pm
Le, Tri M. MD
Practice #: 01673515
Spanish, Vietnamese
20851 Fm 1485 Rd Ste I
New Caney 77357
(281) 689-1600
M-F 8am-5pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Gonzalez, Sandra A. NP
Practice #: 01464863
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
M-F 9am-5pm
Peter, Narmadha NP
Practice #: 01918703
Hindi, Spanish, Urdu,
Bhutanese, French, Gujarati
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
M-F 8am-5pm
Simms, Sonya RN
Practice #: 01279113
3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150
Pasadena 77503
(713) 473-5180
M-F 9am-5pm
Health Ctr, Strawberry
Practice #: 00000075
927 Shaw Ave
Pasadena 77506
(713) 982-5900
F 7:30am-4pm/
M-Th 7:30am-9pm/
SaSu 7:30am-12pm
Latifi, Haleema T. MD#
Practice #: 10017249
927 Shaw Ave
Pasadena 77506
(713) 982-5900
M-F 9am-5pm
Mohammed, Jamal M. MD
Practice #: 01698207
927 Shaw Ave
Pasadena 77506
(713) 982-5900
M-F 9am-5pm
School-based Clinic,
Practice #: 00000058
305 Glenmore Dr
Pasadena 77503
(832) 668-8380
M-F 8am-5pm
Shepherd, Kelvin D. DO
Practice #: 10018500
927 Shaw Ave
Pasadena 77506
(713) 982-5900
M-F 8am-5pm
Spinks, David W. DO
Practice #: 01432704
3350 Fairview St
Pasadena 77504
(713) 944-0189
M-F 7am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Bergeron, Jr, Denis E. MD
Practice #: 10017534
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3325 Plainview St Ste 1
Pasadena 77504
(713) 947-8837
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Brown, Frederick A. MD
Practice #: 10040426
4855 Riverstone Blvd Ste
Missouri City 77459
(281) 313-6348
Tu-F 9am-5pm/
M 9 am-5pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Page/Página 72
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Pasadena - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Das, Samiran K. MD
Practice #: 01386827
Treats patients ages 11 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 11 años en adelante
3911 Woodlawn Ave Ste B
Pasadena 77504
(713) 936-1014
Frimpong-Badu, Yaw B. MD
Practice #: 01723007
3333 Bayshore Blvd Ste
Pasadena 77504
(713) 589-7058
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Lai-Zayas, Angeles MD
Practice #: 10017899
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
3326 Watters Rd Bldg B
Pasadena 77504
(713) 947-9508
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Orahood, Monte E. MD
Practice #: 01073799
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5050 Crenshaw Rd Ste 100
Pasadena 77505
(291) 487-1500
M-F 8am-5pm
Patel, Vipul M. MD
Practice #: 10024213
Gujarati, Spanish, Hindi
Treats patients ages 4 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 4 años en adelante
629 Southmore Ave
Pasadena 77502
(713) 475-1933
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 8:30am-12:30pm
Pineda Ayestas, Ramon A.
Practice #: 10014906
Arabic, Spanish
Treats patients ages 8 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 8 años en adelante
2418 Southmore Ave
Pasadena 77502
(713) 472-2700
M-Th 7:30am-6pm/
F 7:30am-1pm
Sunkara, Durga P. MD#
Practice #: 10016588
Hindi, Spanish, Telugu
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
4802 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Pasadena 77505
(281) 487-3111
M-F 9am-5pm
Wendt, Elaine A. MD#
Practice #: 10027751
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
927 Shaw Ave
Pasadena 77506
(713) 982-5900
M-F 9am-5pm
Allen, Erin M. MD
Practice #: 01463150
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
M-F 8am-5pm
Asuncion, Monina H. MD
Practice #: 10017831
Spanish, Tagalog
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6243 Fairmont Pkwy Ste
Pasadena 77505
(281) 487-5437
WF 8:30am-12pm/
MTuTh 8:30am-5pm
Cox, Angela M. MD
Practice #: 01660968
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
M-F 8am-5pm
Del Rio Rodriguez, Betty D.
Practice #: 01641036
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6300
Hanfling, Marcus J. MD#
Practice #: 10021392
Treats patients ages 17 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 17 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
Syal, Ashu S. MD
Practice #: 01227747
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4024 Brookhaven Ave
Pasadena 77504
(713) 944-2324
M-F 8am-5pm
Jimenez, Margarita MD
Practice #: 01449867
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
M-F 8am-5pm
Tapia, Carl MD
Practice #: 10060964
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 566-6049
M-F 8am-5pm
Kieffer, Otto H. MD#
Practice #: 01333123
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3325 Plainview St Ste C9
Pasadena 77504
(713) 830-2996
M-F 8am-5pm
Villarreal, Graciela B. MD#
Practice #: 10023628
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
M-F 8am-5pm
Rissmiller, Brian J. MD
Practice #: 01671420
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
M-F 8am-5pm
Wesley, Sherin E. MD
Practice #: 01343847
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
MW-F 8am-5pm/
Tu 8am-5;00pm
Romman, Karim H. MD#
Practice #: 10016902
Arabic, Spanish
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
4024 Brookhaven Ave
Pasadena 77504
(713) 944-2324
F 8am-5pm/
M-Th 8am-12pm/
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-Th 2pm-6pm
Smith, Valeria MD
Practice #: 01671459
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77504
(713) 873-6301
M-F 8am-5pm
927 E Shaw Rd
Pasadena 77504
(713) 477-6851
MTuThF 8am-5pm/
W 8am-5;00pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Medina, Cindy K. RN
Practice #: 01170634
Treats patients ages 12
through 45/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 45
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 73
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Porter - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Family Medicine/Medicina
Banglawala, Khursheed MD
Practice #: 01346036
3203 E Broadway St Ste
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-8876
M-F 8am-5pm
Bui, Quang D. MD
Practice #: 01168152
16100 S Fwy Ste C1-100
Pearland 77584
(713) 383-4950
M-F 8am-5pm
Farrell, Jennifer A. DO
Practice #: 01862594
Japanese, Chinese
2505 Park Ave Ste B
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-0334
M-Sa 8:30am-12pm/
MTuTh 1:45pm-5pm
Jiang, Nan MD
Practice #: 10013141
Spanish, Tagalog, Chinese
2505 Park Ave Ste B
Pearland 77581
(284) 485-0334
TuWF 9am-5pm/
MTh 9am-5;00pm
Ninan, Mathews MD
Practice #: 01655528
3203 E Broadway St Ste
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-8876
Sa 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 8:30am-4pm
Pierre, Zenithe C. MD
Practice #: 01445755
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
16100 S Fwy Ste C1-100
Pearland 77584
(713) 383-4950
M-F 8am-5pm
Wang-Gor, Miranda O. MD*
Practice #: 01236368
3203 E Broadway St Ste
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-8876
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Gaspar, Elizabeth RN
Practice #: 10011357
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2750 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
M-F 9am-5pm
General Practice/Medicina
Schmidt, Sheila E. MD*
Practice #: 01145984
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
7930 Broadway Ste 112
Pearland 77581
(281) 997-9616
M-F 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Hoang, Nam N. MD*#
Practice #: 10014759
Vietnamese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2425 County Road 90
Pearland 77584
(281) 997-7333
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm/
Sa 9:30am-12pm
Hoang, Thang D. MD*#
Practice #: 10008779
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1816 Broadway Ste 110
Pearland 77581
(281) 482-9994
M-F 8am-6pm/
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Mussaji, Murtaza MD#
Practice #: 01234862
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Swahili, Urdu
11021 Shadow Creek Pkwy
Ste 102
Pearland 77584
(713) 340-1977
M-F 9am-5pm
Patel, Jayendra K. MD
Practice #: 10013964
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
6516 Broadway Ste 108
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-6322
M-F 9am-5pm
Pierre, Zenithe C. MD
Practice #: 01445755
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
16100 S Fwy Ste C1-100
Pearland 77584
(713) 383-4950
M-F 8am-5pm
Hoang, Nam N. MD*#
Practice #: 10014759
Vietnamese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2425 County Road 90
Pearland 77584
(281) 997-7333
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm/
Sa 9:30am-12pm
Hoang, Thang D. MD*#
Practice #: 10008779
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1816 Broadway Ste 110
Pearland 77581
(281) 482-9994
M-F 8am-6pm/
M-F 9am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Jimerson, Ann B. MD
Practice #: 01797382
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2750 E Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 485-3220
Kim, Matthew J. MD*#
Practice #: 10044230
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
11041 Shadow Creek Pkwy
Ste 123
Pearland 77584
(713) 436-5550
M-F 9am-5pm
Pierre, Zenithe C. MD
Practice #: 01445755
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
16100 S Fwy Ste C1-100
Pearland 77584
(713) 383-4950
M-F 8am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Patel, Jalpa N. PA
Practice #: 01386851
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
12004 Shadow Creek
Pkwy Ste 121
Pearland 77584
(713) 714-1444
Family Medicine/Medicina
Berios, Angelis MD#
Practice #: 10072029
24540 Fm 1314 Rd
Porter 77365
(281) 354-4009
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Nolasco, Alan E. MD#
Practice #: 10038328
24420 Fm 1314 Rd Ste 6
Porter 77365
(281) 577-5108
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Lacy-taylor, Rosaland R. NP
Practice #: 01900650
23736 Highway 59 N Ste
Porter 77365
(281) 354-1133
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-1pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Foo, Chieu Y. MD
Practice #: 01153976
16100 S Fwy Ste C1-100
Pearland 77584
(713) 383-4950
M-F 8am-5pm
Zellner, Ann M. MD
Practice #: 01868449
16100 S Fwy Ste C1-100
Pearland 77584
(713) 383-4950
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 74
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Prairie View - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Prairie View
Family Medicine/Medicina
Robertson, Jimmy D. MD#
Practice #: 10019949
Spanish, Vietnamese
Reda Bland Evans & O J
Baker St
Prairie View 77446
(936) 857-2726
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Dandona, Suklesh MD
Practice #: 10021284
1601 Main St Ste 306
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-8547
M-F 8am-5pm
Krusleski, David W. MD
Practice #: 10019964
400 Austin St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-4530
W 7am-5:30pm/
MTuThF 7am-5pm
Mefford, Ivan N. MD
Practice #: 10063761
1505 Liberty St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-9500
M-Th 8:30am-12pm/
F 8am-12pm/
Sa 9am-11am/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Robertson, Jimmy D. MD#
Practice #: 10019949
Spanish, Vietnamese
400 Austin St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-1746
M-F 8am-5pm
Umah, Margaret E. MD
Practice #: 00817344
22001 Sw Fwy Ste 100
Richmond 77469
(281) 239-5037
M-F 8am-5pm
Wallace, David M. DO
Practice #: 01444028
7830 W Grand Pkwy Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 633-4940
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Bellow, Pamela L. RN#
Practice #: 10035720
400 Austin St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-4530
M-F 8am-5pm
Neeley, Mary A. RN#
Practice #: 10008571
400 Austin St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-5176
M-F 9am-5pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Fort Bend Family Health Ctr
Practice #: 01799363
400 Austin St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-4530
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Bonaparte, Bernadette D.
Practice #: 01192856
French, Ga, Spanish, Twi
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1601 Liberty Ave Ste B
Richmond 77469
(281) 238-6222
M-F 8am-5pm
1601 Main St Ste 501
Richmond 77469
(281) 238-6222
MTuThF 8:30am-5pm/
W 8:30am-12pm
Bornstein, Michael E. MD#
Practice #: 10020184
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1300 Main St
Richmond 77469
(281) 341-9696
W 9am-8pm/
MTuThF 9am-5pm
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 341-9696
Hasnain, Shahid MD#
Practice #: 01456847
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
22001 Southwest Fwy Ste
Richmond 77469
(832) 222-5437
M-F 9am-5pm
Kancherla, Shailaja R. MD
Practice #: 01449727
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
26440 Fm 1093 Rd Ste 350
Richmond 77406
(281) 574-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Knoebel, Kathleen MD#
Practice #: 01052821
Chinese, Hungarian, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1300 Main St
Richmond 77469
(281) 341-9696
M-F 8am-5pm
7790 W Grand Pkwy S St
Ste 102
Richmond 77406
(281) 341-9696
Lawson, Michael S. MD#
Practice #: 10024222
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
400 Austin St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-4530
M-F 8am-5pm
Liang, Pamela B. MD
Practice #: 01032614
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
400 Austin St
Richmond 77469
(281) 342-5176
W 7:30am-5:30pm/
MTuThF 7am-5pm
Mathew, Christine A. MD
Practice #: 01668771
Hindi, Spanish, Malayalam
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1300 Main St
Richmond 77469
(281) 341-9696
M-F 7am-5pm/
Sa 8:30am-12pm
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 341-9696
Muppidi, Sridevi MD
Practice #: 01447887
Telugu, Hindi
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
26440 Fm 1093 Rd Ste 350
Richmond 77406
(281) 574-5437
M-F 8am-5pm
Patel, Shefali D. MD#
Practice #: 01052676
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1300 Main St
Richmond 77469
(281) 341-9696
M-F 7am-5pm
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 341-9696
Raju, Vijayalakshmi MD#
Practice #: 10041233
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1300 Main St
Richmond 77469
(281) 341-9696
MTuThF 8:30am-5pm/
Sa 8:30am-12pm/
W 8:30am-7pm
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 341-9696
Smith-Cook, Karen E. MD#
Practice #: 01052582
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1300 Main St
Richmond 77469
(281) 341-9696
M-F 8am-5pm
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 341-9696
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 75
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Spring - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Family Medicine/Medicina
Aung, Khin H. MD
Practice #: 01620903
2520 B F Terry Blvd
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-6006
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-10am
Chaudhary, Khalid M. MD#
Practice #: 10019808
Arabic, Hindi, Panjabi,
Spanish, Urdu
1217 1st St
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-8761
Sa 8am-2:30pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gale, LeTosha E. MD
Practice #: 01703530
7607 Town Center Blvd
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 344-0207
M-F 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Adames, Ricardo A. MD
Practice #: 01467512
5101 Avenue H Ste D
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 762-0058
M-F 8am-5pm
Krishnaswamy, Kannapan
Practice #: 10052711
Hindi, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu
1036 N Circle Dr
Sealy 77474
(979) 877-0022
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Ordonez, Conrado J. MD#
Practice #: 10024983
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
5633 Avenue I
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 238-0443
M-F 9am-5:30pm
Satterfield, Robert B. MD
Practice #: 01653563
2520 B F Terry Blvd
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-6006
M-F 8am-5pm
Gonzalez, Javier A. MD*#
Practice #: 10014957
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2307 4th St
Rosenberg 77471
(832) 451-9290
M-F 9am-5pm
Reddy, Vaishnavi N. MD
Practice #: 01652417
Spanish, Hindi, Telugu
2520 B F Terry Blvd
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-6006
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Akoma, Christiana N. RN
Practice #: 01303355
Treats patients ages 6 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 6 años en adelante
4203 Avenue H Ste 10
Rosenberg 77471
(832) 595-6552
MTuThF 9am-5pm/
W 9am-1pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
De Leon, Isidro G. DO*
Practice #: 10025062
826 Meyer St
Sealy 77474
(979) 627-0795
M-F 9am-12pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
Krishnaswamy, Kannapan
Practice #: 10052711
Hindi, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu
1036 N Circle Dr
Sealy 77474
(979) 877-0022
Sa 9am-2pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Lucas, Sharon H. MD
Practice #: 01656704
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
19221 I-45 S Ste 430
Shenandoah 77385
(832) 813-5743
M-F 9am-5pm
McConnell, Rachel I. MD
Practice #: 01656709
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
19221 I-45 S Ste 430
Shenandoah 77385
(832) 813-5743
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Karimjee, Najmuddin K. MD#
Practice #: 10022135
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish
16401 1st Ste 200
Splendora 77372
(281) 399-1170
M-F 8am-8pm/
SaSu 8am-6pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Anand, Sujatha MD*
Practice #: 01656924
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 101
Spring 77380
(713) 897-7500
M-F 8am-5pm
Billal, Shazia MD
Practice #: 01365679
Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(281) 364-1700
M-F 9am-5pm
Ghanem, Fadi G. MD#
Practice #: 10034888
French, Spanish
1111 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(281) 819-5566
Sa 10am-2pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
26710 Interstate 45 N Ste
Spring 77386
(281) 419-1599
Sa 10am-2pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Mueck, Gary P. MD*
Practice #: 01605453
2115 Rayford Rd Ste 100
Spring 77386
(713) 897-7070
M-F 9am-5pm
Reddy, Bhavna M. MD
Practice #: 01789374
2115 Rayford Rd Ste 100
Spring 77386
(713) 897-7070
M-F 8am-5pm
Robichau, Alysia N. MD
Practice #: 01885276
9305 Pinecroft St Ste 400
Spring 77380
(713) 486-8800
Rolon, Sam E. DO
Practice #: 01715523
6056 Fm 2920 Rd
Spring 77379
(281) 374-0011
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-1pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Al-Khadour, Hussamaddin
Practice #: 01402924
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
Spring 77380
(281) 364-8787
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Keshwani, Nazmudin MD#
Practice #: 10014613
French, Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
4114 Avenue H
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 342-7375
M-F 8am-5pm
Erickson, Kent MD*
Practice #: 01656922
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 101
Spring 77380
(281) 943-2430
M-F 8am-5pm
Page/Página 76
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Spring - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Harrell, Antwar M. MD
Practice #: 01710166
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
6056 Fm 2920 Rd
Spring 77379
(281) 374-0011
Th 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Karimjee, Najmuddin K. MD#
Practice #: 10022135
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish
4915 Fm 2920 Rd Ste 220
Spring 77388
(281) 803-5152
M-F 8:30am-1pm/
M-F 2pm-5:30pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Laxman, Rama MD
Practice #: 01034656
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1776 Woodstead Ct Ste 101
Spring 77380
(281) 419-6466
M-F 8am-5pm
Sudhakaran, Bindu MD*
Practice #: 01641666
Hindi, Malayalam
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
21301 Kuykendahl Rd Ste H
Spring 77379
(832) 717-7825
M-F 8am-5pm
Wui, Matilou A. MD
Practice #: 01887370
6056 Fm 2920
Spring 77379
(281) 374-0011
M-F 8am-6pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Rangel, Karla RN
Practice #: 01747123
Spanish, Urdu, Hindi
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
18607 Kuykendahl Rd
Spring 77379
(281) 370-1122
Dianalan, Sittie R. MD#
Practice #: 01177959
Spanish, Tagalog
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5834 Louetta Rd Ste G
Spring 77379
(281) 826-0016
M-Th 9am-5pm/
F 9am-12pm/
F 2:30pm-5pm
Islam, Shahzad MD#
Practice #: 10028129
Hindi, Urdu, Panjabi
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
25214 Borough Park Dr
Spring 77380
(281) 296-7770
Th 8am-12;30pm/
M-WF 8am-12:30pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Nandwani, Shams S. MD#
Practice #: 01702887
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 19 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 19 años
18607 Kuykendahl Rd
Spring 77379
(281) 370-1122
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Sultana, Nighat MD#
Practice #: 10026174
Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
25214 Borough Park Dr
Spring 77380
(281) 296-7770
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Witkowski, Wojciech S.
Practice #: 10018867
Russian, Spanish, Oromo,
3832 Greenbriar Dr
Stafford 77477
(281) 980-1901
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Fort Bend Family Health Ctr
Practice #: 01799363
10435 Greenbough Ste 300
Stafford 77477
(281) 261-0182
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Trinh, Cuong MD
Practice #: 01338964
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
11720 W Airport Blvd Ste
Stafford 77477
(281) 302-6374
M-F 7:30am-5:30pm/
Sa 7:30am-1pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Varghese, Shainy B. RN#
Practice #: 01844853
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2503 S Main St Ste C
Stafford 77477
(281) 261-5800
Delvalle, LaCindy V. MD#
Practice #: 10010861
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
10435 Greenbough Dr Ste
Stafford 77477
(281) 261-0182
M-F 8am-5pm
Liang, Pamela B. MD
Practice #: 01032614
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
10435 Greenbough Dr
Stafford 77477
(281) 261-0182
M-F 8am-5pm
Sugar Land
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Simms, Sonya RN
Practice #: 01279113
14823 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(713) 234-3100
M-F 9am-5pm
Smith, Nyasha RN
Practice #: 01290641
14823 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(713) 234-3100
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Albritton, Tiffany L. MD
Practice #: 01273883
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5855
M-F 8am-5pm
Ali, Amir MD
Practice #: 10026009
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi,
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2225 Williams Trace Blvd
Ste 109
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 313-3900
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Anwar, Faizun MD#
Practice #: 10033291
1250 Creek Way Dr Ste 300
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 265-1800
M-F 9am-5pm
Bauer, David W. MD#
Practice #: 10021497
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
M-F 8am-5pm
Bhojani, Rehal A. MD
Practice #: 01435548
Urdu, Hindi
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5855
M-F 8am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 77
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Sugar Land - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Chang, Terence M. MD
Practice #: 01322294
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
M-F 8am-5pm
Crouch, Michael A. MD
Practice #: 01221974
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
Tu-F 7am-7pm/
M 7am-7;00pm
Do, Victoria T. MD#
Practice #: 10012834
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gentry, Erika D. MD
Practice #: 01254623
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 238-0200
MTuThF 8:30am-5pm/
W 9:30am-6;00pm
Gossard, Geraldine C. MD#
Practice #: 10017717
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
M-Th 7am-7pm/
F 7am-5pm
Howard, III, Percy MD#
Practice #: 10017727
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
F 8am-5pm/
M-Th 8am-7pm
Kwan, Peter C. MD
Practice #: 01273855
Spanish, Chinese
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5855
M-F 8am-5pm
Peringol, Abraham K. MD
Practice #: 01451191
Malayalam, Spanish
14815 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 565-2140
M-F 8am-5pm
Rakers, Karen L. MD
Practice #: 01392883
4911 Sandhill Dr
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 633-4965
M-F 8am-5pm
Reichman, Alan MD
Practice #: 01248710
Treats patients ages 4 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 4 años en adelante
14815 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 565-2140
M-Th 8am-12:30pm/
F 8am-1pm/
M-Th 1:30pm-5:30pm
Sadoun, Elise MD
Practice #: 01908830
15200 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 201-8737
M-F 9am-5pm
Sharaf, Ambreen MD
Practice #: 01304145
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 342-4000
M-F 8am-5pm
Sustache Jr, Gilberto MD
Practice #: 01667594
16550 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 277-0695
M-F 9am-5pm
Taylor, Randolph W. MD
Practice #: 01865367
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
M-F 9am-5pm
Wang, Samuel C. MD#
Practice #: 10027839
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
M 7am-10;00pm/
Tu-F 7am-10pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Cushman, DonnaLee RN
Practice #: 01046967
14823 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(713) 234-3100
M-F 9am-5pm
Poe, Lacey D. RN
Practice #: 01432616
4911 Sandhill Dr
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 340-6817
M-F 8am-5pm
Sreshta, Dominic G. MD
Practice #: 01425098
Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi,
Marathi, Spanish, Tamil,
Urdu, Kannada
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
16701 Creek Bend Dr Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 265-0409
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Ajim, Alice A. MD
Practice #: 01036060
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
17510 W Grand Pkwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(713) 951-0000
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Ali, Amir MD
Practice #: 10026009
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi,
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2225 Williams Trace Blvd
Ste 109
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 313-3900
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Baker, James R. MD
Practice #: 01605835
17500 W Grand Pkwy S
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5000
M-F 9am-5pm
Ellington, Owen B. MD
Practice #: 10012575
Spanish, German,
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
14885 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 277-0730
M-F 8am-5pm
Jafar, Aman A. MD#
Practice #: 10025349
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3531 Town Center Blvd S
Ste 101
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 491-3225
M-F 9am-5pm
Kodali, Preeti P. MD
Practice #: 01680681
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 725-5855
17510 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 238-0200
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Fiesinger, Troy T. MD
Practice #: 01281666
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 325-4100
M-F 7am-12pm/
F 2pm-5pm/
M-Th 2pm-7pm
Jafar, Aman A. MD#
Practice #: 10025349
Gujarati, Hindi
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3531 Town Center Blvd S
Ste 101
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 491-3225
M-F 9am-5pm
Page/Página 78
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Sugar Land - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Lalani, Suleman MD
Practice #: 10024936
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3531 Town Center Blvd S
Ste 101
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 491-3225
M-F 9am-5pm
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Muhammad, Mehdi MD
Practice #: 10040135
Urdu, Spanish, Hindi,
Treats patients ages 5 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 5 años en adelante
2655 Cordes Dr Ste 120
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 240-2711
Sa 9am-1am/
M-F 9am-5pm
Nisnisan, Josier M. MD
Practice #: 10013132
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1400 Creekway Dr Ste 201a
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 759-6437
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 2pm-5pm
Nowlakha, Prem K. MD
Practice #: 10022077
Bengali, Bihari, Gujarati,
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
3511 Town Center Blvd S
Ste 101
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 565-0738
MWF 9am-5pm
Patel, Bhagwat P. MD
Practice #: 10013102
Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
1250 Creekway Dr Ste 100
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 494-1420
M-F 9am-5pm
Praszek, Karie C. MD
Practice #: 01600900
17500 W Grand Pkwy S
Sugar Land 77479
(832) 535-3329
M-F 9am-5pm
Shah, Viren N. MD
Practice #: 10006339
Hindi, Spanish, Gujarati
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
1235 Lake Pointe Pkwy Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 980-2233
M-F 9am-5pm
Siddiqui, Sohail R. MD
Practice #: 10019098
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
2121 Williams Trace Blvd
Ste C
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 634-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Sreshta, Dominic G. MD
Practice #: 01425098
Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi,
Marathi, Spanish, Tamil,
Urdu, Kannada
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
16701 Creek Bend Dr Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 265-0409
M-F 9am-5pm
Thakkar, Harish N. MD
Practice #: 10022267
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
16959 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 903-7019
Umer, Arshad MD#
Practice #: 10022270
Treats patients ages 3 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 3 años en adelante
11211 Hwy 6 S Ste A
Sugar Land 77498
(281) 491-5500
M-F 9am-6pm
Zaidi, Sarah M. MD
Practice #: 10053293
1229 Creekway Dr Ste 101
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 980-2100
M-F 9am-5pm
Zaidi, Syed M. MD
Practice #: 01797101
1229 Creek Way Dr Ste 101
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 980-2100
M-F 9am-5pm
Zhao, Xun MD
Practice #: 10006764
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
16651 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 265-4168
WFSa 8:30am-12pm/
MTh 8:30am-5pm/
Tu 8:30am-7:30pm
Agrawala, Sangeeta MD#
Practice #: 10015369
Hausa, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
16545 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 240-8374
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 9am-5pm
Battu, Surya K. MD*#
Practice #: 10014822
Hindi, Telugu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17510 W Grand Pkwy South
Ste 340 Memorial Herman
Prof. Bldg.
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 342-7111
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5:30pm
Bornstein, Michael E. MD#
Practice #: 10020184
Chinese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4911 Sandhill Dr
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 277-6633
MTuThF 9am-5pm/
W 9am-8pm
Finnigan, James P. MD
Practice #: 10013378
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
16545 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77479
(512) 454-1110
M-F 9am-5pm
Khan, Rubina F. MD#
Practice #: 10029464
Spanish, German, Urdu
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
17510 W Grand Pkwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 232-9772
Sa 10am-2pm/
MTu 8:30am-7pm/
W-F 8:30am-5pm
Knoebel, Kathleen MD#
Practice #: 01052821
Chinese, Hungarian, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4911 Sand Hill Dr Ste A
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 277-6633
M-F 9am-5pm
Patel, Shefali D. MD#
Practice #: 01052676
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4911 Sand Hill Dr Ste A
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 277-6633
M-F 9am-5pm
Singh, Sapna MD
Practice #: 01173151
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3533 Town Center Blvd S
Ste 100
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 491-2555
M-Th 8am-5pm
Smith-Cook, Karen E. MD#
Practice #: 01052582
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4911 Sand Hill Dr Ste A
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 277-6633
M-F 9am-5pm
Stern, Herbert J. MD*
Practice #: 01477724
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
16545 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77479
(512) 454-1110
M-F 8am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 79
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
The Woodlands - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
3521 Town Center Blvd S
Sugar Land 77479
(512) 454-1110
M-F 8am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Peluse, Christian D. PA
Practice #: 01305895
15200 Southwest Fwy Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(713) 986-5590
M-F 8am-5pm
17510 W Grand Pkwy Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(832) 325-7141
M-F 8am-5pm
Wurzlow, Kathleen L. RN
Practice #: 10026382
Treats patients ages 12
through 65/Atiende a
pacientes de 12 años a 65
1104 20th St N
Texas City 77590
(409) 643-8359
M-F 9am-5pm
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Coastal Health and Wellness
Practice #: 10079293
9850 E Emmett F Lowry
Expy Ste C
Texas City 77591
(409) 938-2234
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Leal, Enrique A. MD
Practice #: 01235224
303 N Mckinney St Ste E
Sweeny 77480
(979) 647-1265
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Cintron, Nitza M. MD
Practice #: 10054828
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
9300 Emmett F Lowry
Expy Ste 138
Texas City 77591
(409) 986-9592
M-F 9am-5pm
Texas City
Alhassan, Abdul-Aziz MD
Practice #: 10007324
200 Texas Ave Ste 200
Texas City 77590
(409) 938-2234
M-F 9am-5pm
Clark, Carlos A. MD
Practice #: 01264687
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
9300 Emmett F Lowry
Expy Ste 138
Texas City 77591
(409) 986-9592
M-F 9am-5pm
Kosarac, Branka MD
Practice #: 01784941
9300 Emmett F Lowry
Expy Ste 138
Texas City 77591
(409) 986-9592
M-F 9am-5pm
Hughes, Nancy E. MD
Practice #: 01784939
9300 Emmett F Lowry
Expy Ste 138
Texas City 77591
(409) 986-9592
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Nguyen, Michael T. MD
Practice #: 01047524
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
9300 Emmett F Lowry
Expy Ste 138
Texas City 77591
(409) 986-9592
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Hawkins, Thomas D. RN
Practice #: 10052593
2000 Texas Ave Ste 200
Texas City 77590
(409) 938-7221
M-F 8am-5pm
Rustin, Terry A. MD
Practice #: 01367973
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
7510 Fm 1765
Texas City 77591
(409) 763-2373
M-F 8am-5pm
Raimer, Benny MD
Practice #: 01784966
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
6400 Memorial Dr
Texas City 77591
(409) 938-8466
M-F 9am-5pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Baggett, Bobbie J. PA
Practice #: 01402360
Tagalog, Spanish
2000 Texas Ave Ste 200
Texas City 77590
(409) 949-3408
W 9am-8pm/
M 8am-8pm/
TuThF 8am-5pm
The Woodlands
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Jeansonne, Janice M. NP
Practice #: 01932556
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 300
The Woodlands 77380
(713) 897-7221
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Boyd, Alfred A. MD*
Practice #: 01351330
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 100
The Woodlands 77380
(713) 897-7005
Davis, Kenneth G. MD
Practice #: 01407199
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 100
The Woodlands 77380
(713) 897-7005
Ghanem, Fadi G. MD#
Practice #: 10034888
French, Spanish
25440 Interstate 45 N Ste
The Woodlands 77386
(281) 419-1599
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 10am-2pm
Hart, Jennifer L. MD*
Practice #: 01656942
1120 Medical Plaza Dr. Ste
The Woodlands 77380
(713) 897-3750
M-F 8am-5pm
Hunter, Meghan E. DO
Practice #: 01933294
10333 Kuykendahl Rd Ste D
The Woodlands 77382
(713) 897-7244
Jeansonne, Janice M. NP
Practice #: 01932556
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 300
The Woodlands 77380
(713) 897-7221
M-F 8am-5pm
Shah, Neha R. MD
Practice #: 01865946
10333 Kuykendahl Rd Ste D
The Woodlands 77382
(713) 338-5795
M-F 9am-5pm
Siddiqui, Nihal U. MD#
Practice #: 10021474
Arabic, Hindi, Persian, Urdu
9004 Forest Crossing Dr
Ste B
The Woodlands 77381
(281) 364-1960
W 8am- 2pm/
F 8am-12pm/
MTuTh 8am-5pm/
F 1:30pm-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Alexander, Sunitha C. MD
Practice #: 01708591
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
17350 St Lukes Way Ste
The Woodlands 77384
(936) 321-6843
M-F 9am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Family Medicine/Medicina
Ojo, Olugbenja MD
Practice #: 01369900
9300 Emmett F Lowry
Expy Ste 138
Texas City 77591
(409) 986-9592
M-F 9am-5pm
Page/Página 80
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
The Woodlands - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Karim, Altaf MD*
Practice #: 01365794
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 100
The Woodlands 77380
(713) 897-7005
Wiley, Olga V. MD
Practice #: 01857523
Spanish, Russian
24721 State Highway 249
Tomball 77375
(281) 290-0786
M 8am-5pm/
Tu-F 7:30am-4pm
Perez, Carmen J. MD
Practice #: 01362143
920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 312-8530
F 9am-3pm/
M-Th 9am-5pm
Zahiruddin, Shaukath Q.
Practice #: 10014394
Hindi, Spanish, Urdu
28465 State Highway 249
Tomball 77375
(281) 351-8249
F 9am-12pm/
M-Th 9am-5pm
Recio, Salvador R. MD
Practice #: 10031133
920 Medical Plaza Ste 140
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 298-0844
M-F 9am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Quynh, Nhu D. MD
Practice #: 01926708
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
25214 Borough Park Dr
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 296-7770
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Brock, Sonya L. MD
Practice #: 01878120
Russian, Spanish
24721 Tomball Pkwy
Tomball 77375
(281) 290-0786
M-F 7:30am-7:30pm/
Sa 8am-7:30pm
Heatly, Kristy D. DO
Practice #: 01675345
24721 State Highway 249
Tomball 77375
(281) 290-0786
M-F 8am-5pm
Watson, Kathleen A. MD
Practice #: 01781686
24721 State Highway 249
Tomball 77375
(281) 290-0786
M-F 8am-5pm
Chahal, Balbir S. MD
Practice #: 10032021
Panjabi, Hindi, Persian, Urdu
Treats patients ages 14 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 14 años en adelante
455 School St Ste 44
Tomball 77375
(281) 357-0661
TuTh 1pm-5pm/
MF 8am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Le, Mark D. MD
Practice #: 10018626
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 2 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 2 años en adelante
602 Lawrence St Ste B
Tomball 77375
(281) 255-6333
M-F 9am-5pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Rangel, Karla RN
Practice #: 01747123
Spanish, Urdu, Hindi
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
25201 Kuykendahl Rd Ste
Tomball 77375
(281) 370-1122
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Edeki, Ifeyinwa C. MD#
Practice #: 01425177
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
27721 State Highway 249
Ste 100
Tomball 77375
(281) 357-5115
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Jacob, Shehnaz MD
Practice #: 01148178
Spanish, Urdu, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
27721 State Highway 249
Ste 100
Tomball 77375
(281) 357-5115
M-F 8am-5pm
Lazarus, Kimberly D. MD#
Practice #: 01417026
Vietnamese, Spanish
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
27721 State Highway 249
Ste 100
Tomball 77375
(281) 357-5115
M-F 8am-5pm
Le, Haiyen T. MD#
Practice #: 10031572
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
27721 State Highway 249
Ste 100
Tomball 77375
(281) 357-5115
ThF 8am-5pm/
M-W 8am-5:30pm
Nandwani, Shams S. MD#
Practice #: 01702887
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 19 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 19 años
25201 Kuykendahl Rd Ste
Tomball 77375
(281) 370-1122
M-F 8am-5pm
Palanpurwala, Khozema A.
Practice #: 10028214
Spanish, Urdu
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
27721 State Highway 249
Ste 100
Tomball 77375
(281) 357-5115
M-F 8am-6pm
Rangan, Mythili K. MD#
Practice #: 10010836
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
27721 State Highway 249
Ste 100
Tomball 77375
(281) 357-5115
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-5:30pm
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Ndokama, Fidanis PA
Practice #: 01396623
28439 State Highway 249
Tomball 77375
(281) 290-8188
Turnbull, Jeffrey D. PA
Practice #: 01700336
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
506 Graham Dr Ste 230
Tomball 77375
(281) 351-8500
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Wilson, Geraldine RN
Practice #: 01263268
31315 Fm 2920 Rd Ste 3
Waller 77484
(936) 372-9007
MW 3pm-7pm/
TuThF 9am-5pm
Abbas, Rashida S. MD#
Practice #: 10045679
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
31303 Fm 2920 Ste G
Waller 77484
(936) 931-3448
M-F 9am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 81
CHIP Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario
Wharton - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD#
Practice #: 10021680
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
31303 Fm 2920 Ste G
Waller 77484
(936) 931-3448
M-F 8am-5pm
Tahir, Saifuddin MD#
Practice #: 10024074
Gujarati, Hindi, Spanish,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
31303 Fm 2920 Ste G
Waller 77484
(936) 931-3448
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Amer, Isra M. MD
Practice #: 01875558
500 N Kobayashi Rd Ste C
Webster 77598
(281) 724-1860
M-F 8am-5pm
Anwar, Sadaf Q. MD
Practice #: 10016684
Hindi, Urdu
200 Medical Center Blvd
Ste 102
Webster 77598
(281) 554-2846
M-F 8am-5pm
Molina, Marta M. MD
Practice #: 01423849
4 Professional Park Dr
Webster 77598
(281) 316-1000
Siddiqi, Zohra F. DO
Practice #: 01468406
Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
200 Medical Center Blvd
Ste 102
Webster 77598
(281) 724-1271
M-F 8am-5pm
Kyaw, Mie Mie MD
Practice #: 01653333
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Wang, Jason T. MD
Practice #: 01697495
4 Professional Park Dr
Webster 77598
(281) 316-1000
M-F 9am-5pm
Mang, Huat Z. MD
Practice #: 01653569
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
MTuThF 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm/
W 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Memon, Jamil A. MD
Practice #: 01063978
Sindhi, Urdu
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3 Professional Park Dr Ste B
Webster 77598
(281) 338-3050
M-F 9am-5pm
350 Blossom St
Webster 77598
(281) 316-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Nathoo, Mansur I. MD*#
Practice #: 10016466
Hindi, Urdu
Treats patients ages 12 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 12 años en adelante
200 Medical Center Blvd
Ste 102
Webster 77598
(281) 338-2290
M-F 8am-5pm
450 Medical Center Blvd
Ste 520
Webster 77598
(281) 338-2290
M-F 8am-5pm
Peck-Samman, Tammi R.
Practice #: 01875494
500 N Kobayashi Ste C
Webster 77598
(281) 724-1860
M-F 8am-5pm
Nguyen, Nathan P. MD#
Practice #: 00417169
Spanish, Vietnamese
2022 Regional Medical Dr
Ste 1315
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-2000
M-F 9am-5pm
Winston, Thomas P. MD
Practice #: 01653581
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
M-Sa 8am-5pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Dimmick, Gregg J. MD
Practice #: 01653586
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Nortman, Henri A. MD
Practice #: 01653579
Treats patients ages 17 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 17 años
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Sears, Thomas M. MD
Practice #: 01653572
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Hunyh, Thai D. MD
Practice #: 01965001
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
M-F 9am-5pm
Satterfield, Robert B. MD
Practice #: 01653563
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
M-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-10am
Wissinger, John F. MD
Practice #: 01653582
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Klawitter, Art L. MD
Practice #: 01653576
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-1700
M-F 8am-5pm
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
CHIP Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Umair, Sonober MD
Practice #: 01441332
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
31303 Fm 2920 Ste G
Waller 77484
(936) 931-3448
M-F 8am-5pm
Spangler, Gary W. MD
Practice #: 01211487
Russian, French, Chinese,
16888 Highway 3
Webster 77598
(281) 338-2590
M-F 8am-7pm
Page/Página 82
CHIP Hospitals/Hospitales
These providers are available for CHIP Members and CHIP Perinate Newborns only. CHIP Perinate
Members should select providers from the Perinate chapters in the front of this directory.
Estos proveedores están disponibles para miembros de CHIP y CHIP Perinate recién nacidos solamente.
CHIP Perinate miembros deben seleccionar los proveedores de los índices anteriores Perinate en este
25 Angleton-Danbury Hospital
Texas City
14 Mainland Medical Ctr
21 Bellville St Joseph Health Ctr
The Woodlands
11 Memorial Hospital - Woodlands
4 Conroe Regional Medical Ctr
12 Clear Lake Regional Medical Ctr
CHIP Hospitals
24 University Of Texas Medical Branch Galveston
8 Bayshore Medical Ctr
19 Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital
1 Doctors Hospital Parkway & Tidwell
13 Harris County Hospital District - Acute
19 Harris County Hospital District - Psych
5 Harris County Hospital District - Rehab
27 Healthbridge Children's Hospital
19 Memorial Hermann Hospital
15 Memorial Hospital - Memorial City
3 Memorial Hospital - Northwest
2 Memorial Hospital - Southeast
16 Memorial Hospital - Southwest
19 Park Plaza Hospital
22 Riverside General Hospital
23 Smith Clinic
22 St Joseph Medical Center
22 St Joseph Medical Ctr
22 St. Joseph Medical Ctr
19 Texas Orthopedic Hospital
19 The Woman's Hospital Of Texas
23 University General Hospital
27 West Houston Medical Ctr
17 Kingwood Medical Ctr
28 Memorial Hermann Northeast
28 Memorial Hospital - Northeast
6 Memorial Katy Medical Ctr
Lake Jackson
7 Brazosport Regional Health System
9 Bayshore Medical Ctr
10 Oakbend Medical Ctr
Sugar Land
20 Mhhs Sugar Land Hospital
26 Sweeny Community Hospital
CHIP Hospitals/Hospitales
Page/Página 83
CHIP Hospitals
Page/Página 84
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Alvin - Neurology/Neurología
These providers are available for CHIP Members and CHIP Perinate Newborns only. CHIP Perinate
Members should select providers from the Perinate chapters in the front of this directory.
CHIP Specialists
Estos proveedores están disponibles para miembros de CHIP y CHIP Perinate recién nacidos solamente.
CHIP Perinate miembros deben seleccionar los proveedores de los índices anteriores Perinate en este
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Pain Medicine/Control del
Randhawa, Manjit S. DO
Kalangi, Sathya S. MD
Slate, Jr, Ronald E. DPM
Bay City
Dreyer, Charles F. MD
Bourdreaux, Fred AUDI
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Choi, Shaena H. MD
Clariday, Gregory T. MD
Dunn, Esther T. MD
Goldman, Daniel I. MD
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Lipsky, William MD
Sawyer, George S. MD
Tran, Duc H. DO
Pediatric Ophthalmology/
Oftalmología pediátrica
Hanna, George P. MD
Ferguson, Robin L. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Hanna, George P. MD
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Nolan, Steven E. MD
Fonseca, Rafael A. MD
Gerik, Susan M. MD
Robinson, Sally S. MD
Pediatrics, Developmental
Svcs/Pediatría para el
Mize, William MD
Webb, Jr, Douglas E. DPM*
Raju, Palivela P. MD
Hosack, David A. DPM
Kobylar, Richard S. DPM
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Sher, Andrew M. MD
Young, Jerry D. MD
Randhawa, Manjit S. DO
Syed, Ghyasuddin MD
Pangan, Christian S. DC
Medical Oncology/
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Sethi, Sanjay MD
Challa, Sarma S. MD
Hadidi, Fayez H. MD
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Edmundson, Jr, Herbert P.
Fleming, III, William H. MD
Bulan, Glenn E. MD
Decker, William L. MD
Johnson, Charles A. MD
Koop, Michael MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Siddiqi, Rashid M. MD
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Siddiqi, Rashid M. MD
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Medellin, Pamela L. MD
Rasheed, Amir A. MD
Sashital, Deepa R. MD
Hyperbaric Medicine/
Medicina hiperbárica
Rauf, Shariq J. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Hadidi, Fayez H. MD
Hamid, Bassam MD
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Obudulu, Rosemary O. MD
Sashital, Deepa R. MD
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Ali, Sibtain H. MD
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Pandya, Aashish M. MD
Ahmed, Mohamed S. MD
Athari, Mohammad MD
Ravi, Shivarajpur MD
Abbas, Asad S. MD
Arisco, Martin J. MD
Decker, William L. MD
Marshall, Thomas E. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Okezie, Okezie N. MD
Syed, Ghyasuddin MD
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Turney, Vanessa B. APNP
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Cuza, Francisco J. DPM
Cuza, Jorge L. DPM
Day, Stephen V. DPM
Foteh, Abeer M. DPM
Guertin, Daren M. DPM
Reyes-Guerrero, Edna I.
Surgery, Endoscopic/
Cirugía endoscópica
Ilahi, Mohammad A. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Hamid-Kundi, Monira MD
Ilahi, Mohammad A. MD
Thorne, Lawrence G. MD
De Golovine, Serge MD
Haywood, Theodore J. MD
Lee, Lyna K. MD
Reddy, Uday K. MD
Thorne, Lawrence G. MD
Bariatric Medicine/
Medicina bariátrica
Bajwa, Kulvinder S. MD
Wilson, Erik B. MD*
Bungo, Michael W. MD
Denktas, Ali E. MD
Loghin, Catalin MD
Tung, Poyee P. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Beck, Maureen S. NP
Bowler, Carlisa L. RN
Donaho, Erin K. RN
Mays, Steven R. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Carter, Jerome O. MD
Okezie, Okezie N. MD
Hamilton III, Carlos R. MD
Handel, Stanley F. MD
Raza, Syed A. MD
Physical Therapy/
Hussein, Tarek M. PT
Ilahi, Mohammad A. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Drysdale, Antonio F. BS
Vu, Thien P. RD
Page/Página 85
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Conroe - Infectious Diseases/Enfermedades infecciosas
Wolin-Riklin, Carol RD
Pediatric Orthopedic
ortopédica pediátrica
Thoracic & Cardiac
Wolf, David S. MD
Younas, Shiraz A. MD
Hisse, Emilio MD
General Preventive
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Hamilton, Carlos R. MD
Wirfel, Kelly L. MD
Lugo-Faria, Merlin D. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Denktas, Ali E. MD
Lewis, Jr, Stanley T. MD
Lipsen, Bryan C. MD
Loghin, Catalin MD
Tung, Poyee P. MD
Friedman, Zvi MD
Friedman, Zvi MD
Lipsen, Bryan C. MD
Ferrendelli, James A. MD
Sheikh, Kazim A. MD
Thomas, Melissa S. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Ball, Chelsea R. BS
Lewis, Christy A. OT
Penton, Luellen M. OT
Puig, Esther S. OT
Ramirez, Monica D. OT
Schwaitzberg, Susan R. OT
Valdez, Jessica BS
Cross, Warren D. MD
Fang-Suarez, Ting MD
Mayo, Mark L. MD
O'Malley, Ronan E. MD
Wade, Edward C. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Marco, Rex A. MD
Subramanian, Navin MD
Escobar, Marco R. MD
Friedman, Zvi MD
Hisse, Emilio MD
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Burton, Gregory K. MD
Go, Charito C. MD
Hisse, Emilio MD
Physical Therapy/
Adams, Carol M. BS
Armel, Leanne K. PT
Buehner, Angela M. PT
Cherry, Greta H. PT
Dafler, Melissa R. PT
Doss, Tanya PT
Hodges, Jamie J. PT
Lewis, Priscilla E. PT
Skillern, Melissa A. PT
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Wainwright, David J. MD
Hyman, Jonathan D. DPM
Weinstein, Barry P. DPM
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Allen, Miaya S. MSLP
Andrade, Michelle L. MSLP
Borges, Lauren C. MSLP
Davis, Melissa C. MSLP
Dawson, Mary E. MSLP
Hessel, Richard L. MSLP
Hildum, Misty J. MS
Johnson, Julie M. MA
Miller, Jennifer L. MSLP
Nelson, Shannon V. MA
Payne, Erica L. MA
Salmons, Leila R. MA
Thomas, Lisa M. MS
Tiller, Susanna N. MSLP
Villar, Maricela MSLP
Wu, Jennifer J. MSLP
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Allison, Nathan D. MD
Bagshahi, Hossein MD
Bajwa, Kulvinder S. MD
Berman, Philip L. MD
Morris, Randall E. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Mcintire, John R. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Berman, Philip L. MD
Landgraf, Kenneth MD
Marek, Bobby W. MD
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Nguyen, Christopher V. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Jasek, Marlo L. NP
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Doyle, Timothy K. MD
Hematpour, Khashayar MD
Sharma, Saumya MD
Venkataraman, Rajesh MD
Perri III, Anthony J. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Behar, Robert A. MD
Chappell, Phylliss M. MD
Hochhauser, Leo MD
Mehta, Snehal D. MD
Nguyen, Victoria A. DO
Pagani, John J. MD
Stenoien, Randall A. MD
Youmans-Rieniets, Cynthia
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Briner, Rudy P. MD
Friedman, Johnathan A. MD
Hoover, Jason M. MD
Toussaint, Leonide G. MD
White, James B. MD
Toma, Shivani M. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Pena, Leonidas MD
Stoltenberg, Jeffrey R. MD
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Sanni-Thomas, Rhesa L. DO
Reddy, Sunil K. MD
Gressot, Laurent MD
Shever, Sepideh S. DPM
Hyperbaric Medicine/
Medicina hiperbárica
Winkles, Billy M. DC
Pontani III, Bradley A. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Dasgupta, Anjali MD
Gill, Shazia MD
Walker, Daniel R. MD
Elzaim, Haissam S. MD
Iyer, Mallika V. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Dasgupta, Anjali MD
Njuki, Frederick I. MD
Zaidi, Syed M. MD
Bourdreaux, Fred AUDI
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Doyle, Timothy K. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
CHIP Specialists
Haywood, Theodore J. MD
Lee, Lyna K. MD
Thorne, Lawrence G. MD
Englehardt, Richard K. MD
Potts, III, John R. MD
Robinson, Emily K. MD
Snyder, Brad E. MD
Tieu, Kenneth K. MD
Wilson, Todd D. MD
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Page/Página 86
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Conroe - Maternal/Fetal Medicine/Medicina maternal/fetal
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Dunahoe, Cynthia M. MSN
CHIP Specialists
Zaidi, Syed M. MD
Wang, Benny S. MD
Deer Park
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Hartley, Shirley F. DPM
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Yerramsetti, Rama R. MD
Bloome, Michael A. MD
Chang, Emmanuel Y. MD
Chen, Carolyn MD
Dejean, Baptiste J. MD
Fish, Susan K. MD
Jenkins, Mark S. MD
Kuglen, Craig C. MD
Price, Charles D. MD
Rahman, Hassan T. MD
Sun, Regina L. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Elzaim, Haissam S. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Bishai, Emad M. MD
Sedrak, Joseph F. MD
Behar, Robert A. MD
Prakash, Rahul MD
Roy, Redentor R. MD
Vijayaprakas MD
Mccammon, Susan D. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
El Campo
Forbes, Eleanor M. NP
Leech, Karen M. RN
Smith, Amanda RD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Gill, Kuljit S. MD
Singh, Gurpreet D. MD
Abbas, Rashida S. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Tahir, Saifuddin MD
Physical Therapy/
Sakerwalla, Mustafa H. PT
Desai, Ashesh D. MD
El-Wali, Rami S. MD
Mattewal, Amarbir S. MD
Gunther, David N. DPM
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Behar, Robert A. MD
Texas Health Steps/
Texas Health Steps
Woods-modeland, Vickie
Kwatra, Ajay MD
Shirodkar, Samir P. MD
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Dendy, Charlie F. MD
Przybyla, Jeffery A. MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Alperin, Jack B. MD
Godinich, Mary J. MD
Soloway, Roger D. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Behar, Robert A. MD
Yang, Theodore K. MD
Winkles, Billy M. DC
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Iyer, Mallika V. MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Cornejo, Erika S. OT
Finken, Tracee L. BS
Sakerwalla, Farida M. OT
Hewlett, Patricia LMSW
Bishai, Emad M. MD
Zorrilla, Carlos D. MD
Mayhall, C. MD
Thomas, Michael P. MD
Cervantes-Vazq, Mario MD
Psychosomatic Medicine/
Medicina psicosomática
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Gordon, Michael L. DPM
Mukker, Gurpreet K. DPM
Surgery, Head and Neck/
Cirugía de la cabeza y el
Wilkes, Denise M. MD
Lic Master Social Worker
LMSW/Trabajador social
con maestría autorizado
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Foreman, Sarah MSLP
Kampe, Mary A. MSLP
Meeks, Peggy MSLP
Wright, Julie MSLP
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Olson, Gayle L. MD
Godinich, Mary J. MD
Pilla, Hemamalini MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Roberts, Karen E. OT
Sharp, Cheryl L. PT
Wheeler, Joyce OT
Rasheed, Amir A. MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Edmundson, Jr, Herbert P.
Fleming, III, William H. MD
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Khawly, Joseph A. MD
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Riha, Megan R. NP
Burdge, Scott C. DPM
Retinal Diseases/
Enfermedades de la retina
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Mccammon, Susan D. MD
Breaux, Patricia S. MS
Chan-Felcman, Vanessa
Holmes, Tovar S. MA
Newell, Kathleen M. MSLP
Skiles, Lesa MS
Swearengin, Jennifer A. MA
Surgery, Cardiovascular/
Cirugía cardiovascular
Stroud, Daniel G. MD
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Stroud, Daniel G. MD
Roberts, Karen E. OT
Physical Therapy/
Young, Jerry D. MD
Mabatah, Augustine K. MD
Evans-Rogers, Debbie PT
Farroni, Laura W. PT
King, Amanda PT
Sharp, Cheryl L. PT
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Bingham, Carla MSLP
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Bhalla, Rajinder K. MD
Grover, Rajeev MD
Nguyen, Vince T. MD
Johnson, Susan NP
Page/Página 87
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Galveston - Infectious Diseases/Enfermedades infecciosas
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Kimbrough, Thomas D. MD
Riall, Taylor S. MD
Bauer, Valerie P. MD
Surgery, Oncologic/
Cirugía oncológica
Silva, Helen C. MD
Cheema, Zulfiqar F. MD
Luthra, Gurinder K. MD
Variyam, Easwaran P. MD
Thoracic & Cardiac
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Lick, Scott D. MD
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Bhalla, Rajinder K. MD
Shabot, Joseph M. MD
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Anderson, Glenn B. MD
Mohanty, Aaron MD
Allon, Moshe MD
Busby, Stephen P. MD
Contreras, Janice E. MD
Godley, Bernard F. MD
Jennings, Thomas J. MD
Kapur, Manuj MD
Loucks, Emma K. MD
Merkley, Kevin MD
Syed, Misha F. MD
Tung, Irene T. MD
Vizzer, Gianmarco D. MD
Wong, Brian R. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Marco, Rex A. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Allon, Moshe MD
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Cole, Eric L. MD
Phillips, Linda G. MD
Sharma, Sharad MD
Zhang, Andrew Y. MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Duarte, Alexander G. MD
Valentine, Vincent G. MD
Maganti, Rashmi M. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Bauer, John D. MD
Cheema, Zulfiqar F. MD
Cicalese, Luca MD
Gajjar, Aakash H. MD
Gugliuzza, Kristene K. MD
Cheng, Charlie C. MD
Killewich, Lois A. MD
Silva, Michael B. MD
Bonds, Rana S. MD
Gupta, Meera R. MD
Sur, Sanjiv MD
Abouleish, Amr E. MD
Calderon, Agnes S. MD
Cohen, Marvin S. MD
Cook, Michael W. MD
Cortiella, Joaquin MD
Farmer, Lisa R. MD
Fischer, Stefanie R. MD
Ford, Paul M. MD
Gibbons, Stacey L. MD
Hurwitz, Erin E. MD
Hustak, Erik C. MD
Kinsky, Michael P. MD
Knox, Sherian L. MD
Levy, Ronald S. MD
Li, Husong MD
Martinez-Tica, Julian F. MD
Maybauer, Marc O. MD
McCammon, Andrew T. MD
McQuitty, Christopher K. MD
Medeiros, Fleipe A. MD
Morvant, Elise M. MD
Porter Jr, Charles Thomas
Prough, Donald S. MD
Przkora, Rene MD
Shabot, Sarah M. MD
Simon, Michelle MD
Smith, Douglas F. MD
Vadhera, Rakesh MD
Vinta, Sandhya R. MD
Wacher, Adam J. MD
Wallfisch, Harry MD
Whitehead, William E. MD
Woodson, Lee C. MD
Anesthetist, Nurse/
Anestesista, enfermera
Fontanilla, Rogelio B. RN
Acharya, Siddhartha A. MD
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Gilani, Syed A. MD
Rangasetty, Umamahesh C.
Tran, Tony MD
Wallace, John M. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Berbarie, Rafic F. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Aoughsten, Jacquelin H. RN
Brandburg, Gloria NP
Clawson, Susan NP
Cochran, Karen S. RN
Forbes, Eleanor M. NP
Jasek, Marlo L. NP
Johnson, Susan NP
Leech, Karen M. RN
Mckinney, Ivy J. NP
O'Rourke, Daniel NP
Salazar, Ashley E. RN
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Carayannopoulos, George
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Garcia, Glenn M. MD
Hughes, Douglas E. MD
Jadhav, Siddharth P. MD
Jimenez, Carlos J. MD
Kathuria, Manoj K. MD
Kirschner, Kimberly S. MD
Riascos-Castenada, Roy F.
Richardson, C J. MD
Robinson, Angelica S. MD
Schreiber, Melvyn H. MD
Swischuk, Leonard E. MD
Tannus, Joao F. MD
Smith, Amanda RD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Couture, Susan E. MD
Dervay, Joseph P. MD
Kaale, Robert L. MD
Koza, Joseph M. MD
Rutledge, Wayne C. MD
Vasut, Brent J. MD
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Abate, Nicola MD
Chandalia, Manisha MD
Lieberman, Steven MD
McKinney, Kevin H. MD
Anderson, Karl E. MD
Cheema, Zulfiqar F. MD
Goodgame, Richard W. MD
Luthra, Gurinder K. MD
Powell, Don W. MD
Szauter, Karen E. MD
Variyam, Easwaran P. MD
Bauer, Valerie P. MD
Lockhart, Lillian MD
Berlingeri Ramos, Alma MD
Castrow, Frederick MD
Gibson, Bernard R. MD
Group, Ashley MD
Kelly, Brent C. MD
Kelly, Erica B. MD
Raimer, Sharon S. MD
Wagner Jr, Richard F. MD
Qian, You-Wen MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Annamalai, Palam MD
Borowski, Adam M. MD
Cesani Vasque, Fernando
Chaljub, Gregory MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Ninan, Mary J. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Blanton, Lucas S. MD
Keiser, Philip MD
Mayhall, C. MD
Melby, Peter MD
Sarria, Juan C. MD
Thomas, Michael P. MD
Utay, Netanya S. MD
White, Arthur C. MD
CHIP Specialists
Jimenez, Tony A. RN
Johnson, Shatona V. RN
Mazora, Mildred S. CRNA
McAlexander, Joan E. RN
Rigas, Melissa A. CRNA
Talon, Mark CRNA
Unseld, Leo CRNA
Page/Página 88
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Galveston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Abu-Sharifeh, Tareq M. MD
Ahmad, Adeel MD
Ainsworth, Michael MD
Aunon, Serena MD
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Fujise, Kenichi MD
Gamilla-Crudo, Ann K. MD
Grant, John A. MD
Hmoud, Bashar S. MD
Holland, Owen B. MD
Jokhio, Shahzad MD
Khalife, Wissam I. MD
Lea, Alfred S. MD
Lieberman, Steven MD
McCracken, Jennifer L. MD
Modi, Sheryas A. MD
Murthy, Vijaya L. MD
Nishi, Shawn P. MD
Pattarini, James M. MD
Richardson, C J. MD
Shabot, Joseph M. MD
Soloway, Roger D. MD
Tran, Tony MD
Urban, Randall MD
Anderson, Glenn B. MD
Mohanty, Aaron MD
Ortega-Barnett, Juan R. MD
Patterson, Joel T. MD
Lic Master Social Worker
LMSW/Trabajador social
con maestría autorizado
Hewlett, Patricia LMSW
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Behnia, Faranak MD
Olson, Gayle L. MD
Saad, Antonio F. MD
Medical Oncology/
Markowitz, Avi B. MD
Neonatal Nurse
profesional neonatal
Brewer, Lauren B. RN
Cochran, Candace K. RN
Deleon, Clarissa M. MD
Jain, Sunil MD
Shattuck, Karen E. MD
Keeney, Susan E. MD
Malloy, Michael MD
Ramirez, Tara DO
Richardson, C J. MD
Badalamenti, John MD
Kalia, Alok MD
Busby, Stephen P. MD
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Fang, Xiang MD
Guthikonda, Lalitha N. MD
Li, Xianping MD
Mandava, Pitchaiah MD
Shafie, Taghi MD
Shanina, Elena MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Boosupalli, Vasudeva R. MD
Dreyer, Charles F. MD
Holick, Michelle D. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Fingerhut, Patricia OT
Roberts, Karen E. OT
Wheeler, Joyce OT
Porter Jr, Charles Thomas
Afrouzian, Marjan MD
Allen, Timothy C. MD
Aronson, Judith MD
Boor, Paul J. MD
Bryant, Barbara J. MD
Campbell, Gerald A. MD
Elghetany, Mohamed T. MD
Eltorky, Mahmoud A. MD
Eyzaguirre, Eduardo J. MD
Hawkins, Hal K. MD
Indrikovs, Alexander J. MD
Nawgiri, Ranjana S. MD
Olano, Juan MD
Qian, You-Wen MD
Qiu, Suimin MD
Rampy, Bill DO
Schnadig, Vicki J. MD
Stout, Landon MD
Walker, David H. MD
Mehta, Reena S. MD
Pediatric Emergency
Medicine/Medicina de
emergencia pediátrica
Pediatrics, Developmental
Svcs/Pediatría para el
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Farella, Angelina MD
Richardson, C J. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Pediatric Endocrinology/
Endocrinología pediátrica
Mize, William MD
Physical Therapy/
Lee, Phillip MD
Riley, William J. MD
Evans-Rogers, Debbie PT
Farroni, Laura W. PT
King, Amanda PT
Pediatric Hematology/
Oncología pediátrica
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Hooda, Barkat S. MD
Muthukumar, Akila MD
Aigbivbal, Lemuel O. MD
Patel, Janak MD
Rowen, Judith L. MD
Pediatric Nephrology/
Nefrología pediátrica
Balachan, Shivaiah MD
Patel, Ketan N. MD
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Mukerji, Shraddha S. MD
Pine, Harold S. MD
Attaway, Angela NP
Pain Medicine/Control del
Radhakrishnan, Ravi MD
Aly, Ashraf M. MD
Chavez, Pedo N. MD
Cheng, Sarah MD
Chonmaitree, Tasnee MD
Davis, J C. MD
Dawlett, Marie MD
Deleon, Clarissa M. MD
Fonseca, Rafael A. MD
Geary, Cathryn A. MD
Gerik, Susan M. MD
Goldblum, Randall M. MD
Hairfield, Amber R. DO
Jain, Sunil MD
Jiwani, Amyn K. MD
Kamdar, Ankar A. MD
Matalon, Reuben MD
Moreira, Alvaro G. MD
Murray, Manuela J. MD
Patel, Janak MD
Roberts, Karen E. OT
Robinson, Sally S. MD
Snodgrass, Wayne MD
Contreras, Janice E. MD
Fradkin, Allan MD
Godley, Bernard F. MD
Jennings, Thomas J. MD
Kapur, Manuj MD
Loucks, Emma K. MD
Merkley, Kevin MD
Milstein, Bernard MD
Syed, Misha F. MD
Tung, Irene T. MD
Vizzer, Gianmarco D. MD
Wong, Brian R. MD
Allen, Stanley D. MD
Carayannopoulos, Nikoletta
Carmichael, Kelly D. MD
Hecox, Scott MD
Jones III, Thomas L. MD
Lindsey, Ronald W. MD
Moulton Jr, Darrell L. MD
Smith, Brian MD
Pediatric Surgery/Cirugía
Pediatric Rheumatology/
Reumatología pediátrica
Kamdar, Ankar A. MD
Hustak, Erik C. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Cole, Eric L. MD
Mccauley, Robert L. MD
Phillips, Linda G. MD
Powers, Karen L. MD
Zhang, Andrew Y. MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Cardenas Jr, Victor J. MD
DeGroot, William J. MD
Sharma, Gulshan MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Colman, Martin MD
Hatch, Sandra S. MD
Swanson, Todd A. MD
Wieferhold III, Lee R. MD
Gonzalez, Emilio MD
McCallum, Rex MD
Murthy, Vijaya L. MD
Page/Página 89
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Anesthesiology/Anestesiología
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Surgery, Cardiovascular/
Cirugía cardiovascular
Conti, Vincent R. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Bauer, John D. MD
Brown, Kimberly MD
Chao, Celia MD
Cheema, Zulfiqar F. MD
Demola, Sara M. MD
Ekhaese, Obonoruma DO
Gajjar, Aakash H. MD
Gomez, Guillermo MD
Gore, Dennis C. MD
Griffin, Lance W. MD
Herndon, David N. MD
Kimbrough, Thomas D. MD
Lee, Jong O. MD
Marx, Marilyn MD
Mileski, William J. MD
Riall, Taylor S. MD
Surgery, Head and Neck/
Cirugía de la cabeza y el
Callender, David MD
Surgery, Oncologic/
Cirugía oncológica
Silva, Helen C. MD
Surgery, Oral/
Maxillofacial/Cirugía oral/
Lovoi, John DDS
Mainous, Elgene G. DDS
Posnick, William DDS
Throndson, Roger R. DDS
Thoracic & Cardiac
Beckles, Daniel L. MD
Lick, Scott D. MD
Orihuela, Eduardo MD
Sonstein, Joseph MD
Tarry, Susan E. MD
Tarry, William F. MD
Warren, Michael M. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Cheng, Charlie C. MD
Killewich, Lois A. MD
Silva, Michael B. MD
Adolescent Medicine/
Medicina para
Eissa, Mona A. MD
Feldman, Jennifer M. MD
Powells, Janice R. MD
Risser, William L. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Aerospace Medicine/
Medicina aeroespacial
Cole, Richard W. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Andrew, Susan L. MD
Bhat, Krishna D. MD
Hanson, Imelda C. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Hassan, Saffana N. MD
Huston, David P. MD
Jacob, Susan C. MD
Levy, Steven R. MD
Mushtaha, Akram A. MD
Noroski, Lenora M. MD
Rihal, Pardeep S. MD
Wells, Regina D. MD
Yerramsetti, Rama R. MD
Anatomic Path & Clinical
Path/Patología anatómica
y patología clínica
Robles, Michael W. DO
Werch, Jochewed B. MD
Wheeler, Thomas MD
Anatomic Pathology/
Patología anatómica
Masand, Ramya P. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Abraham, Joyce J. MD
Abramson, Steven I. MD
Adrien, Xavier G. MD
Aguilar, Jorge MD
Aiyer, Viswanathan MD
Akins, Todd D. MD
Allison, Andrew E. MD*
Alo, Melanie J. MD
Andropoulos, Dean B. MD
Antoine, Jill A. MD
Artime, Carlos A. MD
Ashary, Nishan A. MD
Aves, Teodulo MD
Baker, Tanner B. MD
Balan, Sudha MD
Barrow, Bridget A. MD
Benny, Benoy V. MD
Boddu, Krishna MD
Bogomolny, Yefim W. MD
Cameron, Staci D. MD*
Carbajal, Jael G. MD
Casimir, Robert T. DO
Casimir, Tam P. DO
Cattano, David E. MD
Chan, Eric K. MD
Chang, Lee C. MD
Chang, Peter S. MD
Chitty, Dudley A. MD
Coale, John M. MD
Cook, Michael W. MD
Daily, William H. MD
Dawson, Jabon R. MD
Doerr, Harold K. MD
Doyle, Peter D. MD
Drennan, Emily L. MD
Dugas, Mark J. MD
Duke, Penelope K. MD
Ferrario, Lara MD
Foss, Prisila A. MD
Fritzhand, Kevin S. MD
Garcia, Priscilla J. MD
Garcia, Tony MD
Garrett, Laura M. MD
Gautam, Nischal K. MD
Ghebremichael, Semhar J.
Giezentanner, Anita L. MD
Gilmore, Clarence E. MD
Graham-Carlson, Amy D.
Grellhesl, Dana M. MD
Gumbert, Sam D. MD
Guzman-Reyes, Sara R. MD
Hagberg, Carin A. MD
Harbott, Mark J. MD
Hiller, Kenneth N. MD
Hirsch, Douglas J. MD
Ho, Michael D. MD
Hollenbeck, Timothy C. MD
Hornung, Joseph L. MD
Hussain, Mahammad N. MD
Ignacio, Craig S. MD
Izumi, Akihiro MD
Jain, Ranu R. MD
Johnson, Sonya A. MD
Jones, Gary P. PA
Joseph, David O. MD
Kang, Hui S. MD
Karri, Saraswathi V. MD
Katz, Jeffrey MD
Kavanagh, Jr, Robert J. MD
Khalil, Samia N. MD
Khan, Rizwan MD
Khosla, Ankur MD
Killoran, Peter V. MD
Kim, Hyung J. MD
Kychun, Gregory G. PA
Lai, James C. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Larson, Curtis D. MD
Larson, Stephen M. MD
Lin, Michael W. MD*
Lin, Scott H. MD
Livesay, John N. MD
Lo, Steven W. MD*
Loubser, Paul G. MD
Lowe, Chryl L. MD
Lozano-Gorena, Maria E.
Maalouf, Jeanne K. MD
Mann, David G. MD
Maposa, Douglas MD
Marasigan, Brian L. MD
Matuszczak, Maria MD
Maxian, Mary C. MD
Mcneely, John W. MD
Medina-Rivera, Glorimar MD
Mehta, Jaideep H. MD
Melnikov, Vladmir MD
Miller, Howard MD
Miller-Hance, Wanda C. MD
Moise, Ovidiu L. MD
Mossad, Emad B. MD
Mshvildadze, Medea O. MD
Munnur, Uma MD
Nguyen, Canh V. MD
Nguyen, Dominique H. MD*
Nguyen, Michelle D. MD
Normand, Katherine C. MD
Norwood, Tamara N. MD
Nwokolo, Omonele O. MD
Oneil, Gregory J. MD
Orosco, Luis MD
Oswald, Alice L. MD
Palacios, Quisqueya T. MD
Palvadi, Raja R. MD
Panthayi, Sreelatha MD
Park, John W. MD
Patel, Falguni H. MD
Patil, Minakshi J. MD
Pawelek, Olga MD
Pawelek, Timothy R. MD
Pedrick, Clayton MD
Perry, Scott D. MD*
Pina, Hector D. CRNA
Pivalizza, Evan G. MD
Poretskiy, Mariya PA
Portnoy, Dmitry MD
Quintana, Oscar F. MD
Rabb, Mary F. MD
Rafique, Muhammad B. MD
Rahbar, Mehran MD
Ramesh, Rekha C. MD
Rana, Bilal A. DO
Raty, Sally R. MD
Reddy, Ashvin K. MD
Redko, Vladimir MD
Rhett, Esi M. MD
Riha, Karel MD
Rivers, Jose M. MD
CHIP Specialists
Foreman, Sarah MSLP
Kampe, Mary A. MSLP
Meeks, Peggy MSLP
Wright, Julie MSLP
Page/Página 90
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Houston - Anesthesiology/Anestesiología
Rodriguez, Carlos L. MD
Rodriguez, Colleen G. MD
Rosario, Jasper M. DO*
Rupasinghe, Madhumani MD
Santiago, Hector L. MD
Shahen, Ali R. MD
Shapiro, Douglas A. MD
Shaw, Thomas L. MD
Sheinbaum, Roy MD
Shepard, Maria MD
Sheppard, Shaina M. MD
Shetty, Manjunath M. MD
Shutko, Candice E. MD
Smith, Kelly J. MD
Sridhar, Srikanth MD
Su, Tiffany S. MD
Su, Young Y. MD
Sun, Wen NP
Suresh, Maya S. MD
Suz Ruiz, Maria P. MD
Tanauli, Nasir A. MD
Thomas, Lida MD
Tom, Robert J. MD
Tran, Christian Q. DO
Tran, Connie K. MD
Trapani, Leonard V. MD
Trzaska, Frank J. PA
Ukpede, Johnson A. MD
Umnus, Amy J. CRNA
Uzoni-Boecker, Catherine
Vanga, Naveen MD*
Von-Maszewski, Marian E.
Vu, Henry H. MD
Vu, Joseph H. MD
Vu, Steve K. MD
Wadhwa, Nitin MD
Wali, Ashutosh MD
Walker, Aislynn S. PA
Walters, Elbert L. MD
Washington, Erikka L. MD
Williams II, George W. MD
Wu, Jennifer D. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Zhou, Shao MD
Anesthetist, Nurse/
Anestesista, enfermera
Acosta, Jose RN*
Andre, Jeffrey A. CRNA
Arnaud, Myron H. RN*
Barconey, Daphne T. RN
Barnett, Carrie J. RN
Bedia, Jennifer L. RN
Borglund, John R. RN
Browder, Tonia L. RN
Catalano, Janine M. RN
Chapman, Pamela CRNA
Clark, Kelly J. CRNA
Coovert, Venetia R. CRNA
Copelin, Craig E. RN
Cruz, Rommel M. RN
Daigle, Chad E. RN
Delaguardia, Marlene CRNA
Dogotch, Kimberly A.
Duhon, Edith R. RN
Eckhoff, Nisha L. RN
Espinosa, Denice M. CRNA
Ezell, William B. CRNA
Fritsch, Derek A. RN
Gagnon, Charlotte RN
Gonsoulin, Leah B. RN
Goshu, Wonedwossen RN
Gremillot, Marian RN
Grundy, Philip B. RN
Gurley-Draine, Patrice RN
Heffernan, Kenny J. RN
High, Amber E. CRNA
Hinton, Alicia D. RN
Hollier, Royce A. CRNA
Houseworth, Tina C. RN
Huang, Trude C. RN
Hutton, Judith A. RN
Jarrell, Charlotte K. RN
Johnson, Cynthia D. RN
Jones, Mark A. RN
Juneau, Jody P. RN
Kelly, Cynthia B. RN
Kvinge, Debbie J. RN
Langford, Kelli J. RN
Langley, Aimee E. NP
Lapointe, Janet R. RN
Laqua, Travis D. RN
Levy, Twyla A. RN
Li, Xin RN
Lynn, Nanette M. CRNA
Martin, Julia L. CRNA
Miller, Wendy RN
Ming, Janis L. RN
Munoz, Veronica L. RN*
Mussey, Richard H. CRNA
Myers, Paul R. RN
Nguyen, Nina RN
Nichols, Angela M. CRNA*
O'Brien, Dennis M. RN
Pearson, George W. RN
Profeta Jr, Robert F. CRNA
Reddy, Manu G. RN
Roberts, Barbara L. RN
Santana-ruiz, Elida R. CRNA
Sarreal, Marissa RN
Sattari, Simin S. RN
Scott, Michelle R. CRNA
Sheehy, Kristen D. CRNA
Simmons, Van T. RN
Smith, Orlanda RN
Spangler, Lana L. RN
Sparks, Deborah A. CRNA
Staes II, Robert A. RN
Sullivan, Chris P. CRNA
Tang, David C. RN
Templeton, Steven P. RN
Tucker, David R. RN
Unseld, Leo CRNA
Usey, Benjamin J. RN
Veazie, Mark Q. CRNA
Walker, James R. RN
Wan, Ping RN
Watson, Erika V. CRNA
Watts, Carolyn B. CRNA
Wilford, David S. RN
Wythe, Gerald T. RN
Yngve, David A. MD
Ziegler, Lindsi A. RN
Zolotaryov, Faina RN
Al-Muhtaseb, Nabil S. MS
Baysinger, Laura M. MSLP
Boggess, Allison S. AUDI
Bourdreaux, Fred AUDI
David, Kate B. MSLP
Dowell, Adelaide J. AUDI
Gilden, Jan E. AM
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Hill, Meredith M. AUDI
Luke, Gabrielle MS
McDonald, Mary L. MS
McLaughlin, Louise A. AUDI
Mynatt, Susan G. AUDI
Schafer, Christina M. AUDI
Spiro, Jessica B. AUDI
Taxman, Sherri M. MS
Wickesberg, Jennifer M.
Bariatric Medicine/
Medicina bariátrica
Bajwa, Kulvinder S. MD
Wilson, Erik B. MD*
Adrogue, Julia V. MD
Agarwal, Rajiv MD
Ahmad, Anwar MD
Ahmed, Sheikh E. MD
Al-Azzeh, Haytham A. MD
Ali, Asif MD
Amell, Juan R. MD
Baig, Mirza B. MD
Ballantyne, Christie M. MD
Bapat, Avinash N. MD
Basit, Majid A. MD
Berman, Philip L. MD
Bhalla, Rajinder K. MD
Bungo, Michael W. MD
Caplan, Charles H. MD
Card, Robert J. MD
Casscells, Samuel W. MD
Civitello, Andrew B. MD
Denktas, Ali E. MD
Dougherty, Anne H. MD
Doyle, Timothy K. MD
Farmer, John A. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Feng, Jianwei MD
Fuentes, Francisco MD
Ganim, Ricky P. MD
Gould, Kenneth L. MD
Grover, Rajeev MD
Gupta, Swati K. MD*
Hamzeh, Ihab R. MD
Hanna, George P. MD
Heine, Jon E. MD
Higgins, John P. MD
Huang, Ming-He MD
Jamaluddin, Ahmed U. MD
Jessurun, Carlos R. MD
Johnson, Glover O. MD
Johnson, Nils P. MD
Kantharia, Bharat K. MD
Karim, Amin H. MD
Kee, Patrick H. MD
Laing, Susan T. MD
Lakkis, Nasser MD
Lam, Wilson W. MD
Lambert, Mark E. MD
Loghin, Catalin MD
Loyalka, Pranav MD
Maislos, Francisco R. MD
Manhas, Amit H. MD
Marian, Ali J. MD
McPherson, David D. MD
Memon, Nada B. MD
Miller, George G. MD
Misra, Arunima MD
Mohammed, Shujauddin MD
Morris, Randall E. MD
Nambi, Vijay MD
Nasser, Maher M. MD
Nguyen, Loi P. MD
Nguyen, Vince T. MD
Nihill, Michael R. MD
Onwuchekwa, Jean I. MD
Otah, Kenneth E. MD
Patel, Monica P. MD
Patil, Prabhugouda B. MD
Pritchett, Allison M. MD
Rizvi, Ali N. MD
Saranathan, Kasturirangan
Sdringola-Maranga, Stefano
Shahzad, Arsalan MD
Shih, Hue-Teh MD
Siddiqui, Hina F. MD
Simpson, Leo MD
Smalling, Richard W. MD
Soto, Jose R. MD
Strickland, James L. MD
Sunder, Lalitha L. MD
Taegtmeyer, Heinrich MD
Tayyan, Nawar M. MD
Thiagarajan, Kennedy R. MD
Tung, Poyee P. MD
Willerson, James T. MD
Yeoman, Mark A. MD
Page/Página 91
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Diagnostic Radiology/Radiología
Yngve, David A. MD
Young, Jr, James H. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Adesanya, Yewande A. NP
Armentrout, Debra C. RN
Beck, Maureen S. NP
Bourque, Peggy S. RN
Brofman, Carl M. NP
Broussard, Stephanie L. RN
Brown, Georgiann E. RN
Brown, Tami T. RN
Burns, Elizabeth RN
Cameron-Berry, Sherry R.
Carter, Betty J. RN
Cerreta, Emily D. RN
Chervanick, Juliana M. NP
Clark, Natarsha L. RN
Cole, Kimberly D. RN
Cononie, David A. PA
Cox, Kristi L. NP
Crawford, Margaret G. MD
Crouch, Susan H. NP
Dejean, Guerline P. MSN
Demoss, Brian K. NP
Donaho, Erin K. RN
Dooley, Allyson C. NP
Elliot, Rhea E. RN
Everitt, Mark D. NP
Falgoust, Ashley M. RN
Fazakerly, Coreen V. RN
Fox, Susan E. NP
Goins, Trisha S. RN
Golbasi, Namis NP
Gonzalez, Sussy A. NP
Gutierrez, Raul J. NP
Hancock, Sara J. NP
Harper, Sandra B. MS
Hebert, Bettina L. RN
Henry, Theresa M. RN
Clifford, Roger DC*
Gaigher, Luciano DC
Hoang, Richard D. DC
Hoang, Tuan M. DC
Keller, Arthur L. DC
Liu, Eric S. DC
Pace, Mary B. PT
Zhou, Shangyan DC
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Doyle, Timothy K. MD
Drtil, Alexander F. MD
Hematpour, Khashayar MD
Jalal, Sohail MD
Kantharia, Bharat K. MD
Memon, Nada B. MD
Shabari, Farshad R. MD
Sharma, Saumya MD
Shih, Hue-Teh MD
Shuraih, Mossaab MD
Siddiqui, Hina F. MD
Sidhu, Jasvinder S. MD
Strickland, James L. MD
Thambidorai, Senthil K. MD
Venkataraman, Rajesh MD
Clinical Genetics/Genética
Scott, Daryl A. MD
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Clinical Neurophysiology/
Neurofisiología clínica
Owens, James W. MD
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Azimuddin, Khawaja MD
Bailey, Harold R. MD*
Butts, Donald R. MD
Cali, Jr, Joseph R. MD*
Chen, Lisa S. MD*
Gilmore-Lynch, Kelly K. MD
Kim, Junuk MD
Le, Anne T. MD
Liscum, Kathleen R. MD
Madriz, Omar I. MD*
Millas, Stefanos MD
Snyder, Michael J. MD*
Voloyiannis, Theodoros MD
Drucker, Carol R. MD
Duvic, Madeleine MD
Grekin, Sarah J. MD
Guzick, Norman D. MD
Hsu, Sylvia MD
Hymes, Sharon R. MD
Jordon, Robert E. MD
Katta, Rajani MD
Macfarlane, Deborah F. MD
Mays, Steven R. MD
Migden, Michael R. MD
Mir, Mohsin R. MD
Orengo, Ida F. MD
Rapini, Ronald P. MD
Rosen, Theodore MD
Sedrak, Joseph F. MD
Shepherd, Mary E. MD
Silapunt, Sirunya MD
Thomas, Valencia D. MD
Tyring, Stephen K. MD
Wasko, Carina A. MD
Wolf, John E. MD
Wright, Teresa S. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Guzick, Norman D. MD
Khalyl-Mawad, Janine MD
Tsai, Kenneth Y. MD
Asi, Wael M. MD
Bajwa, Mohsin K. MD
Bandi, Venkata D. MD
Castriotta, Richard J. MD
Dahlberg, Carl MD
Doshi, Pratik MD
Estrada-Y-Martin, Rosa M.
Fitzgerald, Meshann S. MD
Graf, Jeanine M. MD
Hanania, Nicola A. MD
Jaffery, Syed-Hyder H. MD
Lechin, Alex E. MD
Lodato, Robert F. MD
Majid, Ruckshanda MD
Manian, Prasad MD
McKelvy, Brandy J. MD
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Rethnam, Rajesh MD
Rhoton, William A. MD
Robertson, Claudia S. MD
Santacruz, Jose F. MD
Singla, Neeta MD
Strobel, Nathaniel H. MD
Truong, Hanh T. MD
Williams II, George W. MD
Youssef, Jihad G. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Bangert, Carolyn A. MD
Chen, Karen MD
Chon, Susan Y. MD
Ciurea, Ana M. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Agarwal, Rajan MD
Amin, Rajesh S. MD
Annamalai, Palam MD
Athey, Patricia A. MD
Attisha, Walid K. MD
Barkley, John M. MD
Baxter, Aaron J. MD*
Beckmann, Nicholas M. MD*
Bertoni, Mario E. MD
Bilow, Ronald M. MD
Bloom, Mona B. MD
Bonfante-Mejia, Eliana E.
Bonner, Marian E. MD
Boutros, George MD
Brady, Jett R. MD
Bray, Collin D. MD
Bryant, Kenneth W. MD
Burrows, Patricia E. MD
Carson, William K. MD
Chandrasekhar, Ambat C.
Chang, Kiran N. MD*
Chappell, Phylliss M. MD
Chauvin, Dean P. MD
Cheekatla, Suresh K. MD
Chinapuvvula, Naga R. MD
Choi, Jeanie M. MD
Cohen, Alan M. MD
Conner, Benjamin N. MD
CHIP Specialists
Adrogue, Julia V. MD
Agan, Dustin C. MD
Cid, Emma MD
Grinstead, III, William C. MD
Kar, Biswajit MD
Lim, Hajin MD
Lingle II, Robert J. MD
Loyalka, Pranav MD
Mathuria, Nilesh S. MD
Nathan, Sriram S. MD
Nguyen, Christopher V. MD
Ramasubbu, Kumudha A.
Reyes, Manuel M. MD
Shahzad, Arsalan MD
Shuraih, Mossaab MD
Stephen, Michael J. MD
Huseby, Valerie D. RN
Jenkins, Kimberly N. NP
Johnson, Kimberly R. NP
Juarez, Glenda F. RN
Kelly, Katherine C. RN
Kvinge, Debbie J. RN
Lambert, Monique RN
Langlois, Elizabeth A. NP
Lee-Kim, Soo-Hyun RN
Lowe, Dawn M. RN
Mckinney, Ivy J. NP
Michael, Binu L. RN
Obinani, Chidi M. RN
Omori, Caroline K. NP
Pandey, Prasamsa R. NP
Peavy, Belanie G. RN
Peter, Narmadha NP
Peters, Rebecca E. RN
Phan-Tran, Holly M. RN
Pickens, Sabrina L. RN
Poole, Kimberly S. RN*
Ramirez, Elda G. RN
Rekoff, Jean G. NP
Rodriguez, Tomas RN
Sansalone, Lisa G. RN
Scroggins, Nancy M. NP
Smith, Florence E. RN
Stagner, Pamela A. RN
Street, Tiffany K. RN
Stuteville, Lynn G. RN
Szynski, Mandi M. MSN
Tippit, Abigail S. RN
Vandenheuvel, Kelley RN
Weeden, Heather A. RN
Wilson, Judy M. NP
Wong, See-Long NP
Yngve, David A. MD
Page/Página 92
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Houston - Diagnostic Radiology/Radiología
Cortez, Roland MD
Diaz-Marchan, Pedro J. MD
Dillee, Ronald D. MD
Dorfman, Scott R. MD
Dumler, Thomas L. MD
Escalante, Bethune MD
Fabrega, Miguel G. MD*
Farinas, Carlos A. MD
Ferguson, Emma C. MD
Fischer, II, John H. MD
Fisher, Sr, Richard G. MD
Freytes, Jose I. MD
Friedman, Elliott R. MD
Frigini, Luis A. MD
Fung, Steve H. MD
Garcia, Rodolfo L. MD
Garg, Naveen MD
George, Verghese MD
Gharbaoui, Latifa MD
Gillespie, John C. MD
Green, Paige M. MD
Greenfield, Susan A. DO
Guinto, Jr, Faustino C. MD
Guthrie, Agnes MD
Hamilton III, Carlos R. MD
Hasapes, Joseph P. MD
Haykal, Hani A. MD
He, Hongying MD*
Heimbigner, Jared H. DO
Hochhauser, Leo MD
Horwitz, Paul B. MD
Huynh, Khanh D. MD
Huynh, Son L. MD
Ice, Mary F. MD
Ingram, Laverne D. MD
Isibor, Tolulopre O. MD
Jarolimek, Amanda M. MD
John, Susan D. MD
Johnston, Jennifer H. MD
Johnston, Sean K. MD
Kaminsky, Stephen M. MD
Kan, J Herman MD
Khalil, Elaine G. MD
Kirk, Isaac R. MD
Klucznik, Richard P. MD
Kramer, Larry A. MD
Kumar, Roy MD
Kumaravel, Manickam MD
Kunjummen, Jean M. DO
Kyriakides, Polina N. MD
Liaw, Voon P. MD
Light, David W. MD
Lim, Stanley W. MD
Llerena-Riquelme, Jose M.
Longbotham, Sonja M. MD
Lutzker, Steven L. MD
Mahmood, Nadia F. MD
Mahvash, Armeen MD
Mallery, Marcelle MD*
Mawad, Michel E. MD
Mehta, Snehal D. MD
Moron, Fanny E. MD
Murphy, James F. MD
Myers, Lee A. MD
Nguyen, Joseph V. MD
Nguyen, Michael P. MD
Oldham, Sandra A. MD
O'Toole, Melissa MD
Pagani, John J. MD
Parikh, Sachin R. MD
Parven, Stephen G. MD
Patino, Maria O. MD
Pinero, Susan S. MD
Proett, Jesse M. MD*
Rajkumar, Dhiraj MD*
Rao, Anuradha T. MD
Redwine, Michael D. MD
Robert, Elizabeth C. MD*
Robinson, Lawrence H. MD
Roman-Colon, Alicia M. MD
Rose, Stephen L. MD
Sandlin, Marlin E. MD
Sax, Steven L. MD
Sedgwick, Emily L. MD
Sepulveda, Karla A. MD
Serlin, Scott B. MD*
Severs Jr, Frederick J. MD
Sheets, Jessica K. MD
Sher, Michael MD
Shroff, Girish S. MD*
Simonetta, Alexander B. MD
Singh, Sanjay K. MD
Singleton, Edward B. MD
Sitton, Clark W. MD
Soltes, George D. MD*
Spangler, Henry B. MD
Spence, Susanna C. MD
Srinivasa, Ravi N. MD
Srinivasan, Abhay S. MD
Stenoien, Randall A. MD
Storey, Gayle S. MD
Strax, Richard MD
Stroh, Brandon C. MD
Supsupin, Emilio P. MD
Suptuesat, Alisara MD
Surabhi, Venkateswar R.
Tammisetti, Varaha S. MD
Tenn, Andrew G. MD
Toombs, Barry D. MD
Trinh, Charles C. MD
Truong, The Q. DO
Tsai, Jamie G. MD
Twiford, Thomas W. MD
Wan, David Q. MD
Watson, Jr, Alfred B. MD
Weathers, Susan W. MD
Weaver, Ralph M. MD
Wells, David C. MD
Wendt, Juliet A. MD
West, O Clark MD
Williams, Jennifer L. MD
Willis, Marc H. DO
Wolf, Jason L. MD
Wolk, David J. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Youmans-Rieniets, Cynthia
Zelitt, David L. MD
Zuazu, Gregorio B. MD
Zvavanjanja, Rodrick C. MD
Bowden, Christie E. RD
Edwards, Marilyn S. RD
Murray, Margaret E. MS*
Wyly, Carolyn RD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Addesio, Joseph D. MD*
Aisiku, Imoigele P. MD
Alade, Kiyetta H. MD
Ali, Syed S. MD
Awad, Sally H. MD
Bansal, Kanti L. MD
Beckford, Tamara S. MD
Bradley, Richard N. MD
Bublewicz, Michael B. MD
Buehler, Greg B. MD
Burnette Jr, Robert E. MD
Campbell, Robert B. DO
Camp-Rogers, Teresa R.
Chambers, Jeffrey J. MD
Chambers, Kimberly A. MD
Charbonneau, Patrick C. MD
Chathampally, Yashwant G.
Cheung, Kim K. MD
Cole, Richard W. MD
D Addesio, Joseph P. MD
Delemos, David M. MD
Deybarrondo, Lisa E. MD
Ding, Lin K. DO*
Dire, Daniel J. MD
Doshi, Pratik MD
Duggal, Sandeep MD
Eckman, Christian D. MD
Endom, Erin E. MD
Escott, Mark E. MD
Farnie, Mark A. MD
Fernon, Deborah M. DO
Fisher, William F. MD
Freeman, Christopher J.
Galloway, Carolyn S. MD
Gates, Keith S. MD
George, Libby C. MD
Graves, Julie D. MD
Greeley, Christopher S. MD
Grossheim, Lisa F. MD
Guardiola, Amalia MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Han, Yong S. MD
Hata, Cory DO
Hecht, Stephen G. MD
Hoot, Nathan R. MD
Hoxhaj, Shkelzen MD
Hudson, Jessica A. MD
Imsais, William K. MD
Jacquet-Williams, Robin R.
Janoo, Ahsan S. MD
Jayarama, Krishnaraj DO
Jones, Elizabeth B. MD
King, Brent R. MD
Knowles, Heidi C. MD
Koerner, Christine E. MD
Lagisetty, Jyothi R. MD
Lemke, Daniel S. MD
Love, Latanya J. MD
Luber, Samuel D. MD
Maddow, Charles L. MD
Madhani, Neal B. MD*
Mallia, Anantha K. DO
Malya, Rohith R. MD
Mayer, Paul T. MD
Mccarthy, James J. MD
McKane, Michelle M. MD
Mehta, Amit M. MD*
Menon, Anil S. MD
Metz, Rachel L. MD
Miller, Sara K. MD
Nemeth, Ira R. MD
Nguyen, Quan B. MD*
Noffsinger, Sarah MD
Noland, Amy D. MD*
Nriagu, Uzoma V. MD
Oakes, Joanne L. MD
Okafor, Nnaemeka G. MD
Owen, Charles B. MD
Pearsall, Joel P. MD
Pearson, Nadia M. DO
Peres, Natana N. MD
Pettit, George W. MD
Prater, Samuel J. MD
Press, Gregory M. MD
Qureshi, Sultana A. MD
Rafique, Zubaid MD
Ramirez, Elda G. RN
Reichman, Eric F. MD
Rizvi, Sara B. MD
Robinson, David J. MD
Robinson, Richard D. MD
Roldan-Jimenez, Carlos J.
Sanders, Mark J. MD
Schmidt, Amy E. MD
Schulz, Kevin J. MD
Shah, Monisha MD*
Shah, Parin P. MD
Siler-Fisher, Angela MD
Sloas III, Harold A. DO
Smith, Craig A. MD
Takenaka, Katrin Y. MD
Page/Página 93
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Athanassaki, Ioanna D. MD
Balasubramanya, Ashok MD
Belalcazar, Ligia M. MD
Chiu, Alice C. MD
Fonseca, Oscar A. MD
Gutierrez, Absalon MD
Jogi, Medhavi MD
Kaul, Kuldip K. MD
Komarovskiy, Kateryna MD
Nader-Eftekhari, Shahla MD
Nalini, Ramaswami MD
Orlander, Philip R. MD
Perez-Cadena, Zandra DO
Shah, Neel L. MD
Sharma, Morali D. MD
Shiver, Tiana M. MD
Varghese, Jeena M. MD
Vega, Damaris MD
Wechsler, Adriana H. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Abrahim, Alber R. MD
Ahmed, Meer R. MD
Latthe, Bharat B. MD
Nambiar, Anakha R. MD
Trevino, Ann C. MD
Uzoaga, Enyibuaku R. MD
Varghese, Nisha MD
Anandu, Darsham P. MD
Arkus, Robert L. MD
Azad, Jaspaul S. MD
Barrientos, Ryan R. MD
Clemmons, Jr, John B. MD
Dupont, Andrew W. MD
Ertan, Atilla MD
Fallon, Michael B. MD
Gajula, Leka MD
Galati, Joseph S. MD
Gilger, Mark A. MD
Glombicki, Alan P. MD
Gossett, Garland W. MD
Guha, Sushovan MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Kafrouni, Michel I. MD
Kaila, Vijaya L. MD
Kaw, Madhukar MD
Machicao, Victor I. MD
Memon, Ilyas M. MD
Narayana, Narayana P. MD
Odom, Leroy MD
Olive, Anthony P. MD
Pacha, Ahmad R. MD
Pan, Jen-Jung MD
Qureshi, Waqar A. MD
Raghuthaman, Ayyam P.
Rance, Ronald M. MD
Rao, Jyoti MD
Scheisser, Rachel L. MD
Scott, Larry D. MD
Krishnamurthy MD
Spinn, Matthew P. MD
Sun, Jachi G. MD
Sussman, Howard M. MD
Sutton, Jr, Fred M. MD
Thomas, Tojo MD
Thomson, Cole T. MD
Verma, Dharmendra D. MD
Wolf, David S. MD
Xavier, Edward S. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Zafar, Muhammad B. MD
Zamil, Hani A. MD
General Preventive
Lugo-Faria, Merlin D. MD
Bacino, Carlos A. MD
Bekheirnia, Mir R. MD
Belmont, John W. MD
Craigen, William J. MD
Crawford, Heather P. MD
Dhar, Shweta U. MD
Eng, Christine M. MD
Gambello, Michael J. MD
Graham, Brett H. MD
Lalani, Seema R. MD
Lee, Brendan H. MD
Lupski, James R. MD
Milewicz, Dianna M. MD
Moretti, Paolo M. MD
Nambiar, Anakha R. MD
Northrup, Hope MD
Plon, Sharon E. MD
Potocki, Lorraine MD
Probst, Frank J. MD
Scaglia, Fernando MD
Sreenath Nagamani,
Sandesh C. MD
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Van Den Veyver, Ignatia B.
Wisniewski, Wojciech K.
Yngve, David A. MD
Gynecologic Oncology/
Oncología ginecológica
Anderson, Matthew L. MD
Dinh, Tri A. MD
Drake, Richard D. MD
Edwards, Creighton L. MD
Pustilnik, Terri B. MD
Siller, Barry S. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Gonzalez, Anneliese O. MD
Idowu, Modupe MD
Margolin, Judith F. MD
Miro-Quesada, Miguel V. MD
Rakkhit, Ronjay MD
Ramos, Carlos A. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Shalan, Nabeel K. MD
Tin-U, Caesar K. MD
Udden, Mark M. MD
Velasquez, William S. MD
Camacho, Luis H. MD
Cimo, Phillip MD
Erana, Rodrigo MD
Escudier, Susan M. MD
Foote, Lawrence E. MD
Gottschalk, Stephen M. MD
Gressot, Laurent MD
Guo, Shan MD
Juneja, Harinder S. MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Medellin, Pamela L. MD
Miro-Quesada, Miguel V. MD
Mitter, Ajay MD
Okcu, Mehmet F. MD
Pandya, Devesh M. MD
Raizen, Yuval MD
Rimawi, Mothaffar F. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Tenczynski, Theodore F.
Thachil, John MD
Yadav, Sweatha S. MD
Yen, Aihua E. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Dasher, Kevin J. MD*
HIV Specialist/Especialista
en VIH
Varghese, Nisha MD
Hospice and Palliative
Med/Medicina de hospicio
y paliativa
Ferrer, Jeanette G. DO
Freeman, Asha M. MD
Taylor, Tiffany A. MD
Teqwimuah, Remy DO
Hyperbaric Medicine/
Medicina hiperbárica
Bonar, James P. MD
Maus, Erik A. MD
Immunology - Derma/
Diagn & Lab/Inmunología
– Dermatología/
Diagnóstico y laboratorio
Jordon, Robert E. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Andrade, Roberto A. MD
Arduino, Robert C. MD
Atmar, Robert L. MD
Bell, Tanvir K. MD
Bradshaw, Major W. MD
Carlini, Maria E. MD
Diwan, Sharafali Y. MD
Edwards, Morven S. MD
Garcia-Mowatt, Ibrahim MD
Gathe, Jr, Joseph C. MD*
Go, Chi H. MD
Hasan, Syed W. MD
Hasbun, Rodrigo MD
Jaffe, Penny A. MD
Khan, Jessica S. MD
Kumashi, Padma MD
McKelvy, Brandy J. MD
McNeil, Jonathan C. MD
Obijiofor, Obiageli C. MD
Okhuysen, Pablo C. MD
Ostrosky-Zeichner, Luis MD
Patel, Shital M. MD
Samo, Tobias C. MD
Tweardy, David J. MD
Vartivarian, Shahe E. MD
Weinert, Mary F. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Adesoba, Samuel A. MD
Adrogue, Horacio E. MD
Afolabi, Oladapo O. MD
Agarwal, Sandeep K. MD
Aguilar, Martha B. MD
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
CHIP Specialists
Tavee, Winston D. MD
Tewari, Malti DO
Thomas, Toby T. MD
Tiffault, Gerard R. MD
Totz, Kenneth A. DO
Trinh, Loann T. DO
Truong, Hanh T. MD
Van Meter, Michael W. MD
Viets Upchurch, Jayne M.
Weinberg, John K. MD
Weltge, Arlo F. MD
White, Neill R. MD
Wilhelm, Ginger W. MD
Wuhantu, Jeffrey DO
Yarima, Wakili S. MD
Yetman, Robert J. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Zachariah, Brian S. MD
Zegar, Amir T. DO
Page/Página 94
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Houston - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Ahmed, Sheikh E. MD
Al-Azzeh, Haytham A. MD
Ali, Afroze MD
Alikhan, Mujahed M. MD
Andrade, Roberto A. MD
Aparasu, Anuradha MD
Arkus, Robert L. MD
Armstead, Sumiko I. MD
Arshad, Syed MD
Assassi, Shervin MD
Assouad, Mario MD
Azad, Jaspaul S. MD
Baig, Mirza B. MD
Balasubramanian, Anand MD
Barnes, Jammie K. MD
Bartimmo, Jr, Ernest E. MD
Basit, Majid A. MD
Bell, Tanvir K. MD
Berman, Philip L. MD
Bhalla, Rajinder K. MD
Bhandari, Arvind MD
Boyars, Michael C. MD
Bridges, James P. MD
Bubis, Michael H. DO*
Camcioglu, Belgin MD
Campbell, Joslyn L. MD
Carruthers, Jacqueline R.
Casscells, Samuel W. MD
Chatha, Rupi K. MD
Cheng, Jie MD
Chiu, Alice C. MD
Chu, Ping S. MD
Cid, Emma MD
Ciurea, Ana M. MD
Civitello, Andrew B. MD
Crawford, Margaret G. MD
Cuervo, Jaime MD
Dahlberg, Carl MD
De Golovine, Aleksandra M.
Denktas, Ali E. MD
Desai, Ulka M. MD
Dhar, Shweta U. MD
Doshi, Pratik MD
Drtil, Alexander F. MD
Dupont, Andrew W. MD
Eng, Trang D. MD
Ertan, Atilla MD
Escalante, Bethune MD
Estrada, Wilber A. MD
Estrada-Y-Martin, Rosa M.
Falik, Ruth MD
Farheen, Kiran MD
Farinas, Carlos A. MD
Feng, Jianwei MD
Fitzgerald, Meshann S. MD
Fonseca, Oscar A. MD
Foringer, John R. MD
Galati, Joseph S. MD
Garcia-Mowatt, Ibrahim MD
Gardiner, Carolyn L. MD
Gathe, Jr, Joseph C. MD*
George, Brannon E. MD
Gidwani, Rima R. MD
Glombicki, Alan P. MD
Gocuay, Michele O. MD
Govindu, Rukma R. MD
Graham, William R. MD
Greenberg, Stephen B. MD
Guha, Sushovan MD
Guitreau Jr, Joseph R. MD
Gupta, Swati K. MD*
Guy, Elizabeth MD
Hanna, George P. MD
Hariharan, Radhika R. MD
Harrison, Jaclyn H. MD
Hasan, Mirza Q. MD
Hasan, Syed W. MD
Hasbun, Rodrigo MD
Hasham-Jiwa, Nadya A. MD
Hassan, Iman MD
Hassan, Saffana N. MD
Hebenstreit Md, Charles G.
Henry, Charles S. MD
Higgins, John P. MD
Hoang, Long B. MD
Hope, Omotola A. MD
Horn, Kim J. MD
Hoxhaj, Shkelzen MD
Huang, Ming-He MD
Hussain, Rahat MD
Hymes, Sharon R. MD
Idowu, Modupe MD
Ike, John O. MD
Interiano, Benjamin MD
Izquierdo, Miguel A. MD
Jaffery, Syed-Hyder H. MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Jogi, Medhavi MD
Johnson, Glover O. MD
Jokhio, Shahzad MD
Jones, Elizabeth B. MD
Joseph, David O. MD
Kaila, Vijaya L. MD
Kar, Biswajit MD
Kaul, Surinder MD
Khan, Faraz M. MD
Khan, Jessica S. MD
Khan, Mehreen S. MD
Khan, Mohammad Y. MD
Khanijow, Vikesh MD
Khokhar, Ather R. MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Komarovskiy, Kateryna MD
Kone, Bruce C. MD
Korimilli, Vijay M. MD
Kwoh, Christopher H. MD
Laheri, Arwa F. MD
Lakkis, Nasser MD
Lee, Daria B. MD
Lin, Wee-Chi MD
Lingle II, Robert J. MD
Loghin, Catalin MD
Loya, Aslam M. MD
Loya, Munir MD
Loyalka, Pranav MD
Luu, Phong T. MD
Luy, German MD
Lynch, Garrett R. MD
Majid, Ruckshanda MD
Malya, Ramachandra MD
Martinez-Mirand, Iadara L.
Massumi, Mahsa A. MD*
Mathew, Jefy M. MD
Mathuria, Nilesh S. MD
Mayes, Maureen D. MD
McGuire, Matthew D. MD*
McKelvy, Brandy J. MD
Mehta, Shivang S. MD
Miro-Quesada, Miguel V. MD
Misra, Arunima MD
Mitter, Ajay MD
Mohammed, Shujauddin MD
Mohan, Reena T. MD*
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Mowa, Sunil MD
Munikrishnappa, Devaraj MD
Mussaji, Murtaza MD
Nalini, Ramaswami MD
Nambi, Vijay MD
Nangia, Julie E. MD
Narayana, Narayana P. MD
Nasser, Maher M. MD
Nathan, Sriram S. MD
Nguyen, Binh T. MD
Nguyen, Binh Y. MD
Nguyen, Katherine K. MD
Nguyen, Kim Yen T. MD
Nguyen, Loi P. MD
Njuki, Frederick I. MD
Nowlakha, Prem K. MD
Odom, Leroy MD
Okhuysen, Pablo C. MD
Olejeme, Kelechukwu A. MD
Osuagwu, Earl C. MD
Otah, Kenneth E. MD
Palacios, Carlos J. MD
Pandya, Devesh M. MD
Parikh, Manish R. MD
Patel, Dinesh M. MD
Patel, Hema C. MD
Patel, Monica P. MD
Patel, Rupert MD
Patil, Prabhugouda B. MD
Peer, Adnan S. MD
Peguero, Julio A. MD
Peracha, Waseem MD
Phan, Duc H. MD
Phung, Man K. MD
Plessner, Melissa DO*
Raghuthaman, Ayyam P.
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Rahim, Enayet MD
Ralph, Ronald B. MD
Ramos, Carlos A. MD
Rance, Ronald M. MD
Rao, Jyoti MD
Rauf, Abdur MD
Reichert, Sarah I. DO*
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Rimawi, Mothaffar F. MD
Rizvi, Ali N. MD
Robeson, Julie A. MD
Romano, Catherine C. DO
Rossel, Anibal F. MD
Rossi, G Martin MD
Rowe, Julie H. MD*
Sagalla, Rex B. DO
Said, Rabih MD
Sajja, Naveen MD*
Santacruz, Jose F. MD
Saranathan, Kasturirangan
Sargsyan, Lilit MD
Scheisser, Rachel L. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Shah, Nainesh J. MD
Shah, Neel L. MD
Shah, Pankaj K. MD
Shakhatreh, Mohammad H.
Sheikh, Mansoora A. MD
Sheth, Anil U. MD
Shih, Hue-Teh MD
Krishnamurthy MD
Siddiqi, Khuram H. MD
Smith, Jonathan M. MD*
Soltero-Reyes, Liliana MD
Su, Spencer H. MD
Sun, Jachi G. MD
Sussman, Howard M. MD
Suzawa, Hilary S. MD
Syed, Tanveer F. MD
Tan, Filemon K. MD
Tayyan, Nawar M. MD
Tenczynski, Theodore F.
Teqwimuah, Remy DO
Terminella, Luigi MD
Thakkar, Harish N. MD
Thomas, Jason J. MD
Thomson, Cole T. MD
Thurman Jr, Jerry L. MD*
Totz, Kenneth A. DO
Tse, Edward K. MD
Tse, Paul MD
Tung, Poyee P. MD
Vallecillo, Luis B. MD*
Varghese, Jeena M. MD
Vartivarian, Shahe E. MD
Vega, Damaris MD
Velasquez, Alex H. MD*
Velasquez, William S. MD
Page/Página 95
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Nephrology/Nefrología
Interventional Cardiology/
Adrogue, Julia V. MD
Agan, Dustin C. MD
Kar, Biswajit MD
Loyalka, Pranav MD
Reyes, Manuel M. MD
Shahzad, Arsalan MD
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Bebbington, Michael W. MD
Beeson, James H. MD
Blackwell, Sean C. MD
Dildy III, Gary A. MD
Earhart, Angela D. MD
Friel, Lara A. MD
Gei, Alfredo F. MD
Hall, Nicole R. MD
Hollier, Lisa M. MD
Johnson, Anthony MD
Lucas, Michael J. MD
Mastrobattista, Joan M. MD
Moise, Jr, Kenneth J. MD
Monga, Manju MD
Palmer, Sue M. MD
Pullano, James G. MD
Ramin, Susan M. MD
Ramirez, Mildred M. MD
Refuerzo, Jerrie S. MD
Shamshirsaz, Alireza A. MD
Strehlow, Stacy L. MD
Vidaeff, Alex C. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Zacharias, Nikolaos M. MD
Medical Biochemical
bioquímica médica
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Medical Oncology/
Amato, Robert J. DO
Bhandari, Arvind MD
Blaney, Susan M. MD
Bull, Joan-Marie C. MD
Cen, Putao MD
Chu, Ping S. MD
Dreyer, Zoann E. MD
Farha, Abdul Masih F (. MD
Furse, Robert A. MD
Gonzalez, Anneliese O. MD
Hasham-Jiwa, Nadya A. MD
Holmes, Frankie A. MD
Jiralerspong, Sao MD
Kapadia, Zehra MD
Khan, Mohammad Y. MD
Makhlouf, Antoine A. MD
Mitter, Ajay MD
Nguyen, Alex P. MD
Quesada, Jorge R. MD
Rakkhit, Ronjay MD
Ramos, Carlos A. MD
Rios, Adan A. MD
Sabichi, Anita L. MD
Said, Rabih MD
Sethi, Sanjay MD
Shalan, Nabeel K. MD
Steuber, Charles P. MD
Velasquez, William S. MD
Multi Specialty Group/
Multi el Grupo de
Yngve, David A. MD
Neonatal Nurse
profesional neonatal
Brown, Kamela S. RN
Halbardier, Brenda M. RN
Wiggins, Rebekah L. RN
Abbasi, Saify MD
Abrams, Steven A. MD
Adams, Jr, James M. MD
Archavachotikul, Kwanchai
Arnold, Cody C. MD
Arnold, Jennifer L. MD
Barry, Yvonne N. MD
Bonthala, Savithri MD
Cabrera-Meza, Gerardo A.
Carbajal, Melissa M. MD
Carlos, Maria A. MD
Chadda, Prabhujeet MD
Chan, See W. MD
Couroucli, Xanthi I. MD
Crandell, Sharon S. MD
Cuevas Guaman, Milenka C.
Eichenwald, Eric C. MD
Fernandes, Caraciolo J. MD
Friedman, Zvi MD
Gannon, Catherine M. MD
Garcia, Jose M. MD
Garcia-Prats, Joseph A. MD
Geddie, Steven MD
Georgiadis, Paraskevi MD
Gest, Alfred L. MD
Griffiths, Pamela S. MD
Guillory, Charleta MD
Hair, Amy B. MD*
Harris, Leslie L. MD
Johnson, Karen E. MD
Johnson, Yvette R. MD
Kaiser, Jeffrey R. MD
Karabinas, shaina B. MD
Katakam, Lakshmi I. MD
Kennedy, Kathleen A. MD
Khan, Amir M. MD
Khan, Mona MD
Lingappan, Krithika MD
Lopez, Suzanne M. MD
Mandy, George T. MD
Mcgowan, Jack D. MD
Mckee-Garrett, Tiffany MD
Moise, Alicia A. MD
Muthappa, Poovamma B.
Obuobi, Alice MD
Pammi, Mohan V. MD
Pichanick, Adney M. MD
Ramos, Monica MD
Rhee, Christopher J. MD
Sundgren, Nathan C. MD
Torres-Day, Cecilia MD
Tsakiri, Sophia P. MD
Tyson, Jon E. MD
Welty, Stephen E. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Aneji, Chiamaka U. MD
Chapman, John C. MD
Dave, Viral A. MD
Dinu, Daniela MD
Fernandes, Caraciolo J. MD
Friedman, Zvi MD
Garcia-Prats, Joseph A. MD
Gokulakrishnan, Ganga MD
Jean-Louis, Frantz MD
Johnson, Karen E. MD
Jones, Patrick M. MD
Kamath, Vasudeva M. MD
Khattab, Mona G. MD
Leonard, Jr, Tommy MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Little, Jenelle F. MD
Mack, Torey L. MD
Mcgowan, Jack D. MD
Nuthakki, Sushma MD
Pichanick, Adney M. MD
Placencia, Frank X. MD
Premkumar, Muralidhar H.
Profit, Jochen MD
Rhee, Judy MD
Rios, Danielle R. MD
Shivanna, Binoy MD
Speer, Michael E. MD
Tillis, Cea C. MD
Weisman, Leonard E. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Yusuf, Shabana MD
Adrogue, Horacio E. MD
Afolabi, Oladapo O. MD
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Ali, Sibtain H. MD
Armstead, Sumiko I. MD
Assouad, Mario MD
Barakat, Ruchdi MD
Campbell, Joslyn L. MD
Chatha, Rupi K. MD
Cherem, Lazaro B. MD
De Golovine, Aleksandra M.
Desai, Ulka M. MD
Elenberg, Ewa MD
Finkel, Kevin W. MD
Foringer, John R. MD
Gonzalez, Juan M. MD
Henry, Charles S. MD
Horn, Kim J. MD
Khan, Abdul-Jabbar MD
Khan, Faraz M. MD
Khan, Mehreen S. MD
Khokhar, Ather R. MD
Kone, Bruce C. MD
Kwoh, Christopher H. MD
Magnus-Lawson, Samuel B.
Malya, Ramachandra MD
Molony, Jr, Donald A. MD
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Munikrishnappa, Devaraj MD
Nassar, George M. MD
Nguyen, Binh T. MD
Ogburn, Hugh M. MD
Pandey, Rahul G. MD
Pandya, Aashish M. MD
Patel, Rupert MD
Peracha, Waseem MD
Podoll, Amber S. MD
Prakash, Rahul MD
Ralph, Ronald B. MD
Rhee, Edward J. MD
Robeson, Julie A. MD
CHIP Specialists
Velazquez, Francisco J. MD
Verma, Dharmendra D. MD
Vernon, Kimberly A. MD
Viets Upchurch, Jayne M.
Vo, Hoa K. MD
Wang-Polec, Sherry C. MD
Warner, Mark T. MD*
Wechsler, Adriana H. MD
Wesley, Robby G. DO
White, Neill R. MD
Xavier, Andreea S. MD
Xie, Chun MD
Yadav, Sweatha S. MD
Yao, June MD
Yen, Aihua E. MD
Yeoman, Mark A. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Younas, Nizar A. MD
Zafar, Muhammad B. MD
Zamil, Hani A. MD
Zaw, Moe O. MD
Page/Página 96
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Houston - Nephrology/Nefrología
Roy, Redentor R. MD
Sahai, Samir K. MD
Saralioa, Sejal P. MD
Saridey, Sai K. MD
Sereatan, Washington F. MD
Sheikh-Hamad, David MD
Sheth, Anil U. MD
Soltero-Reyes, Liliana MD
Vijayaprakas MD
Su, Spencer H. MD
Tuma, Samir N. MD
Varghese, Freemu K. MD
Ramanathan MD
Xie, Chun MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Younas, Nizar A. MD
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Aisiku, Imoigele P. MD
Berry, John B. MD
Day, Arthur L. MD
Ehni, Bruce L. MD
El-Nihum, Ibrahim M. MD
Fletcher, Stephen A. DO
Gopinath, Shankar MD
Hsieh, Joseph C. MD
Johnson, Michele M. MD
Kim, Dong H. MD
Oommen, Sowmya M. PA
Ortega-Barnett, Juan R. MD
Sandberg, David I. MD
Siddiqi, Shah N. MD
Tandon, Nitin MD
Viswanathan, Ashwin MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Abraham, Anitha T. MD
Adihetty, Nishan D. MD
Allon, Moshe MD
Alpert, Jack N. MD*
Athar, Parveen MD
Athari, Mohammad MD
Barreto, Andrew D. MD
Berrios, Nelson A. MD
Bhat, Suprabha MD
Biliciler, Suur MD
Brown, Dennis G. MD*
Castro-Reyes, Wilfred MD
Choi, Huimahn A. MD
Chuang, Hsi-Sheng MD
Dannenbaum, Mark J. MD
Edgell, Randell C. MD
Edmundson, Jr, Herbert P.
Faiz, Fayaz A. MD
Ferrendelli, James A. MD
Finkel, Kevin W. MD
Fleming, III, William H. MD
Foster, Timothy C. MD
Furr-Stimming, Erin E. MD
Georges, Danae MD
Glaze, Daniel G. MD
Goldstein, Steven S. MD
Gonzales, Nicole R. MD
Grotta, James C. MD
Haneef, Zulfi MD
Heard, Takijah T. MD
Hope, Omotola A. MD
Hrachovy, Richard A. MD
Hutton, George J. MD
Ifejika-Jones, Nneka L. MD
Infante, Ernesto MD
Kalamangalam, Giridhar P.
Kass, Joseph MD
Knowlton, Robert C. MD
Kung, Doris H. DO
Lopez, George MD
Machkhas, Hazem MD
Madan, Anita MD
Maheshwari, Atul MD
Malphrus, Amy D. MD
Mani, Ranjeeta MD
Martin, Raymond A. MD
Masters, Laura P. MD
Miller, Gary E. MD
Misra, Vivek MD
Mizrahi, Eli M. MD
Moretti, Paolo M. MD
Mosier, Dennis R. MD
Murra, Salvador E. MD
Nazarini, Mehboob A. MD
Nelson, Flavia MD
Nguyen, Thai D. MD
Nguyen, Thy P. MD
Ninan, Rony MD*
Ondo, William G. MD*
Pilla, Hemamalini MD
Raichman, Jorge A. MD*
Reza, Syed H. MD
Rose, Johnnie L. MD
Rossi, G Martin MD
Sarraj, Amrou MD
Savitz, Sean I. MD
Schiess, Mya C. MD
Schiffman, Jade S. MD
Schulman, Brian J. MD
Schulz, Paul E. MD
Shaltoni, Hashem M. MD
Sheikh, Kazim A. MD
Slater, Jeremy D. MD
Suarez, Jose I. MD
Tallavajhula, Sudha S. MD
Tang, Rosa A. MD
Thenganatt, Mary Ann MD
Thomas, Melissa S. MD
Uzokwe, Festus I. MD
Varner, Holly K. MD
Wolinsky, Jerry S. MD
Yatsu, Frank M. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Yuan, Mike N. MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Abid, Farida MD
Angelo, II, Joseph R. MD
Bohan, Timothy P. MD
Burris, Garrett C. MD
Butler, Ian J. MD
Diaz-Medina, Gloria E. MD
Dowdell-Smith, Cicely P. MD
Dudley-Harrell, Holly N. MD
Fernandez, Fabio E. MD
Filipek, Pauline A. MD
Fletcher, Stephen A. DO
Gay, Charles T. MD
Holder, Jr, Jimmy L. MD
Holick, Michelle D. MD
Koenig, Mary K. MD
Lankford, Jeremy E. MD*
Lee, Jennifer C. MD
Lotze, Timothy E. MD
Malphrus, Amy D. MD
Mancias, Pedro MD
Masters, Laura P. MD
Mizrahi, Eli M. MD
Moody, Shade B. MD
Nassif, Lisa M. MD
Owens, James W. MD
Ramocki, Melissa MD
Rivera, Carlos J. MD
Von Allmen, Gretchen K. MD
Wilfong, Angus A. MD
Wolf, Varina L. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Zoghbi, Huda Y. MD
Neuromuscular Medicine/
Medicina neuromuscular
Patzakis, Nick J. DO
Schiffman, Jade S. MD
Patino, Maria O. MD
Nuclear Medicine/Medicina
Broline, Shelly K. MD
Chiang, Stephen B. MD
Joseph, Usha A. MD
Stroh, Brandon C. MD
Wan, David Q. MD
Wendt, Juliet A. MD
Nuclear Radiology/
Radiología nuclear
Goldman, Stanford M. MD
Joseph, Usha A. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Villanueva-Meyer, Javier R.
Yngve, David A. MD
Nurse Practitionr Adult
certificada de salud de
Kotzur, Stephanie E. MS
Livesay, Sarah L. NP*
Villarreal, Rachel E. NP
Occupational Medicine/
Medicina ocupacional
Kelaher, Jim E. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Agomuo, Nnenna R. OT
Clearman, Robin V. OT
Crane, Joanne B. MS
Espinoza, Kellie G. OT
Infante, Yvonne L. OT
Kessler, Codi K. MA
Simpson, Christie A. OT
Stevens, Lind G. OT
Thompson, Kelly S. OT
Zander, Danese OT
Abdelghani, Wael M. MD
Alexander, Larry P. MD
Altaher, Ghada H. MD
Bell, Nicholas P. MD
Berkeley Jr, Ralph G. MD
Blieden, Lauren S. MD
Bloome, Michael A. MD
Bourgeois, Keith A. MD
Brenner, Ralph L. MD
Bulan, Glenn E. MD
Burstein, David H. MD
Cantu, Dora E. MD
Chan, Edward K. MD
Chandy, Binoy M. MD
Chang, Emmanuel Y. MD
Chang, Peter T. MD
Chang, Victor Y. MD
Chen, Carolyn MD
Choi, Shaena H. MD
Chu, Yvonne I. MD
Clariday, Gregory T. MD
Cross, Warren D. MD
Decker, William L. MD
Dhir, Prajay MD
Do, Y Hoang MD
Doe, Erin A. MD
Dunn, Esther T. MD
Dunn, Steven H. MD
Edmond, Jane C. MD
Elchahal, Samih MD
Epner, Linda C. MD
Feigon, Judith T. MD
Feldman, Robert M. MD
Page/Página 97
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Otolaryngology/Otolaringología
Phillips, Paula J. MD
Pitts, Richard E. MD
Pons, Mauricio E. MD
Pope, Linda D. MD
Porias, Mitchell M. DO
Porter, Dean P. MD
Rahman, Hassan T. MD
Randle, Jr, Lucious MD
Rogers, Ryan W. MD
Ruiz, Richard S. MD
Salmonsen, Paul C. MD
Sanders, Marc R. MD
Sawyer, George S. MD
Schefler, Amy C. MD
Schiffman, Jade S. MD
Sepulveda, Ricardo N. MD
Sharma, Sumeet K. MD
Spengler, Adam L. MD
Stavis, Monte I. MD
Stewart, William C. MD
Sun, Regina L. MD
Tang, Rosa A. MD
Taube, Justina P. MD
Tran, Duc H. DO
Tran, Lee T. MD
Urso, Richard G. MD
Verstringhe III, Louis E. MD
Vital, Mark C. MD
Wang, Brian S. MD
Wang, Nan MD
Watkins, L. Andrew MD
Weikert, Mitchell P. MD
Wilkins, Robert B. MD
Willis, Jr, Arthur W. MD
Wittenberg, Susan E. MD
Yankelove, Samuel J. MD
Yee, Richard W. MD
Yen, Michael T. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Yu, Bernard C. MD
Zaman, Fiaz MD
Zuckerbrod, Stewart L. MD
Orthopaedic Sports
ortopédica deportiva
Sanders, Mark S. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Achor, Timothy S. MD
Adickes, Mark S. MD
Ahmed, Sonya S. MD
Alani, Wayne O. MD
Amor, Courtney J. MD*
Barnes, II, Frank L. MD
Baxter, Donald E. MD
Beaver, Richard L. MD
Bloom, Martin L. MD
Bloome, David M. MD
Braly, Walter G. MD
Brinker, Mark R. MD
Brock, Gary T. MD
Brown, Stephen D. MD
Buckle, Rosemary MD
Burgess, Andrew R. MD
Chau, Arthur F. MD
Choo, Andrew M. MD
Clyburn, Terry A. MD
Crawford, Lindsay M. MD*
Criswell, Allen R. MD*
Crouch, C Craig MD
Crumbie Jr, David A. MD
Cupic, Zoran MD
Dickson, Kyle F. MD
Edwards, Thomas B. MD
Elkousy, Hussein A. MD
Epps, Howard R. MD
Esses, Stephen I. MD
First, Kenneth R. MD
Fletcher, Stephen A. DO
Flores, Steven E. MD
Fraser, Ronald L. MD
Freedhand, Adam M. MD*
Fullick, Robert K. MD
Gartsman, Gary M. MD
Gary, Joshua L. MD
George, Camille J. MD
Gharbaoui, Idris S. MD
Goytia, Robin N. MD
Grecula, Michael J. MD
Hanson, Darrell S. MD
Hildreth, David H. MD
Huang, Eddie H. MD*
Hume, Thaddeus W. MD
Ivey Jr., Frank M. MD
Jarolimek, Lubor J. MD
Jones, Derek L. MD
Jones, W Lin MD
Karistinos, Anastassios MD
Kearns, Richard J. MD
Kendrick, II, James B. MD
Kodali, Pradeep MD
Koepplinger, Matthew E. DO
Kozak, Jeffrey A. MD
Kreuzer, Stefan W. MD
Loncarich, David P. MD
Lou, Eugene C. MD
Lowe, Walter R. MD
Marco, Rex A. MD
Mathews, Vasilios MD
McAlister, Wade P. MD
McGarvey, William C. MD
Mehlhoff, Thomas L. MD
Munz, John W. MD
Nguyen, Doan K. MD
Nolan, Steven E. MD
Oates, Jay C. MD
Ott, Summer D. PSYD
Parsley, Brian S. MD
Patterson, Guy K. MD
Phan, Victor V. DO
Prasarn, Mark L. MD
Ravdel, Arnold MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Reichel, Lee M. MD
Reitman, Charles A. MD
Rosenstein, Alexander D.
Sabonghy, Eric P. MD
Samocha, Yigal MD
Sanders, Mark S. MD
Sardinas, Alfredo MD
Schroeder, Frank A. MD
Sen, Milan K. MD
Shani, Raj H. MD
Simonich, Stephen D. MD
Smith, Dean W. MD
Stocks, Gregory W. MD
Subramanian, Navin MD
Thompson, Steven D. MD
Warnock II, Kenneth M. MD
Williamson, Jack B. MD
Wimberley, David W. MD
Woods, George W. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Cupic, Zoran MD
Routt Jr, Milton L. MD
Stafford, Donald R. MD
Osteopathic Manipulative
Med/Medicina de
manipulación osteopática
Allen, Melissa K. DO
Alava III, Ibrahim MD*
Alexander, Ronda E. MD
Appling, Walter D. MD
Brissett, Anthony E. MD
Buechler, Robert B. MD
Burstein, David H. MD
Byrd, Michael C. MD
Citardi, Martin J. MD
Clegg, Thomas J. MD
Conrad, Larry P. MD
Donovan, Donald T. MD
Eicher, Susan A. MD
Fakhri, Samer MD
Friedman, Ellen M. MD
Ghorayeb, Bechara Y. MD
Gobran, Amani R. MD
Ho, Tang MD
Husain, Shaista A. MD
Jones, John K. MD
Karni, Ron J. MD
Lerner, Marvin W. MD
Luong, Amber U. MD
Mabrie, III, Herman J. MD
Maeso, Patricia A. MD
Man, Li-Xing MD
Mcdonald, Kathleen R. MD
McReynolds, G W. MD
Musso, MaryFrances MD
Nguyen, Cuong X. DO
CHIP Specialists
Foroozan, Rod MD
Frankfort, Ben J. MD
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Garcia, Charles A. MD
Gee, Kevin L. OD
Gerondale, G Gavin OD
Gill, Kuljit S. MD
Ginsburg, Burt A. MD
Goetz, Joseph S. MD
Goldman, Daniel I. MD
Goosey, John D. MD
Green, Mary T. MD
Hamburg, Sol MD
Hamill, Marshall B. MD
Harris, Lindsey D. MD
Hawkins, Walter R. MD
Hipps, William M. MD
Holdeman, Nicky R. MD
Holz, Eric R. MD
Jenkins, III, Daniel E. MD
Jones, Danny B. MD
Jong, Kevin Y. MD
Kellaway, Judianne MD
Khawly, Joseph A. MD
Kibirige, Mustapha MD
Kim, Gene MD
Kimbrough, Richard L. MD
Koop, Michael MD
Lai, James Z. MD
Lam, Michael K. MD
Lanier, Jeffrey D. MD
Larkin, Kelly L. MD
Le, Hung H. MD
Lee, Bailey L. MD
Lee, David A. MD
Lewis, John W. MD
Lewis, Richard A. MD
Li, Helen K. MD
Lim, John M. MD
Lin, Albert P. MD
Lindhorst, Grace C. MD
Lipsky, William MD
Mabatah, Augustine K. MD
Malineni, Vasavi MD
Mann, Sr, Paul M. MD
Mason, Gary I. MD
Mathew, Shirley E. MD
Matoba, Alice Y. MD
Mayo, Mark L. MD
Mazow, Malcolm L. MD
McCauley, Matthew B. MD
McKey, Jesse B. MD
McQueen, Brent R. MD
Miller, Aaron M. MD
Mintz-Hittner, Helen A. MD
Morales, Marlene E. MD
Musgrove, Kathryn H. MD
Nguyen, Nhu Q. MD
Paysse, Evelyn A. MD
Pflugfelder, Stephen MD
Phillips, Margaret E. MD
Page/Página 98
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Houston - Otolaryngology/Otolaringología
Olson, Krista L. MD
Parke, Jr, Robert B. MD
Pasha, Raza MD*
Patt, Bradford S. MD
Plonk, Drew P. MD*
Ridley, Ryan W. MD
Schefler, Amy C. MD
Shen, Jing MD
Sofola, Ifeolumino O. MD
Takashima, Masayoshi MD
Undavia, Samir S. MD
Vrabec, Jeffrey T. MD
Wang, Brian S. MD
Weinstock, Yitzchak E. MD
Williamson Jr, Robert A. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Yuksel, Sancak MD
Wheeler, Thomas MD
Williams, Jr, Leo J. MD
Yawn, David H. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Davis, Carla M. MD
Jacob, Susan C. MD
Pacheco, Susan E. MD
Paul, Mary E. MD
Shearer, William T. MD
Tran, Dat Q. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Allon, Moshe MD
Hussain, Mahammad N. MD
Kang, Hui S. MD
Lin, Scott H. MD
Rahbar, Mehran MD
Redko, Vladimir MD
Syed, Ghyasuddin MD
Palliative Medicine/
Medicina paliativa
Leech, Ana L. MD
Alrahwan, Amin D. MD
Banez, Eugenio I. MD
Basden, II, Edwin H. MD
Anna D. MD
Citron, Deborah R. MD
Elghetany, Mohamed T. MD
Filipowicz, Ewa A. MD
Finch, Christie J. MD
Gutierrez, Maria C. MD
Huttenbach, Yve T. MD
Kajoian, Armineh A. MD
Kasyan, Armen G. MD
Kearney, Debra L. MD
Korhonen, Matti O. MD
Koy, Robert D. MD
Laucirica, Rodolfo MD
Ly, Uyen K. MD
Matzuk, Martin M. MD
Moss, Jason E. MD
Nart, Armando MD
Oliver, Dwight H. MD
Peterson, David F. MD
Popek, Edwina J. DO
Rosenberg, Harvey S. MD
Soroka, Sergio A. MD
Stavinoha, John L. MD
Terrel, Jeffrey W. MD
Uribe-Botero, Gonzalo MD
Werch, Jochewed B. MD
Pathology - Anatomic/
Patología - anatómica
Khalyl-Mawad, Janine MD
Pathology - Clinical/
Patología - clínica
Khalyl-Mawad, Janine MD
Pathology - Pediatric/
Patología pediátrica
Rosenberg, Harvey S. MD
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Pediatric Cardiology/
Cardiología pediátrica
Allen, Hugh D. MD
Altman, Carolyn A. MD
Ayres, Nancy A. MD
Balaguru, Duraisamy MD
Becker, Judith A. MD
Biliciler-Denktas, Gurur MD
Bricker, John T. MD
Brown, Matthew D. MD
Bubolz, Beth A. MD
Cabrera, Antonio G. MD
De La Uz, Caridad M. MD
Denfield, Susan W. MD
Dreyer, William J. MD
Fletcher, Stephen A. DO
Franklin, Wayne J. MD
Gupta, Monesha L. MD
Horenstein, Maria S. MD
Jeewa, Aamir MD
Johnson, Gregory L. MD
Justino, Henri MD
Kailin, Joshua A. MD
Khan, Asra MD
Kim, Jeffrey J. MD
Laird, II, William P. MD
Laird, Sr, William P. MD
Laird, Tracy H. MD
Lawrence, Emily J. MD
Lawrence, Silvana M. MD
Lopez, Keila N. MD
Lorch, Steven M. MD
Maskatia, Shiraz A. MD
Miyake, Christina Y. MD
Moodie, Douglas MD
Morris, Shaine MD
Moulik, Mousumi MD
Niu, Mary C. MD
Noel, Cory V. MD
Ocampo, Elena C. MD
Parekh, Dhaval R. MD
Patt, Hanoch A. MD
Penny, Daniel J. MD
Qureshi, Athar M. MD
Rao, P S. MD
Reddy, S Chandra-Bose MD
Riley, Alan F. MD
Rivenes, Shannon M. MD
Santos, Alexia B. MD
Seery, Thomas J. MD
Sexson Tejtel, Sara K. MD
Shaffer, Kenneth M. MD
Shmorhun, Daniel P. MD
Sims, Amy E. MD
Srinivasan, Chandramoulee
Stern, Herbert J. MD
Thapar, Mohinder K. MD
Thomas, Timothy H. MD
Valdes, Santiago O. MD
Vargo, Thomas A. MD
Verma, Amit J. MD
Vick, III, Giles W. MD
Wolfe, Steven B. MD
Pediatric Critical Care
Med/Medicina de cuidado
crítico pediátrica
Castro, Danny DO
Coss Bu, Jorge A. MD
Erikson, Christian L. MD
Frankenthal, Hilel MD
Haque, Ikram U. MD
Kennedy, Curtis E. MD
Lam, Fong W. MD
Salinas, Ezequiel D. MD
Shekerdemian, Lara S. MD
Stein, Fernando MD
Sur, Moushumi S. MD
Tcharmtchi, Mohammad H.
Thapar, Vandana C. MD
Williams, Eric A. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Pediatric Emergency
Medicine/Medicina de
emergencia pediátrica
Adekunle-Ojo, Aderonke
Alade, Kiyetta H. MD
Anderson-Lyn, Michelle A.
Bailey, Pamela J. MD
Bubolz, Beth A. MD
Campbell, Patricia F. MD
Caviness, Alison C. MD
Chumpitazi, Corrie K. MD
Cochran, John R. MD
Crouse, Heather L. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
DeJohn, Carla N. MD
Desai, Moreshwar S. MD
Grawe, Glenda H. MD
Harris, Mary E. MD
Hsu, Deborah C. MD
Johnson, Laura A. MD
Juarez, Juan MD
Lagisetty, Jyothi R. MD
Lapus, Robert M. MD
Leung, Stephanie K. MD
Loftis, Laura L. MD
Lopez, Michelle A. MD
Machen, Heather E. MD
Macias, Charles G. MD
Majid, Abdul MD
Mendez, Donna R. MD
Moro-Sutherland, Donna M.
Muscal, Eyal MD
Okpala, Vincent O. MD
Pierson, Stacy B. MD
Preisberga, Krista MD
Rubalcava, Daniel M. MD
Shah, Manish I. MD
Shaw, Carl R. MD
Shenoi, Rohit MD
Shook, Joan E. MD
Singhal, Geeta R. MD
Sirbaugh, Paul E. MD
Thyssen, Elizabeth A. MD
Toledo, Alexander DO
Uya, Atim O. MD
Vachani, Joyee G. MD
Vargas, Rosalba E. MD
Wai, Shannon MD
Wallace, Sowdhamini S. DO
Ward, Mark A. MD
White, Neill R. MD
Yen, Terry A. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Pediatric Endocrinology/
Endocrinología pediátrica
Bacha, Fida F. MD
Balazs, Andrea E. MD
Bansal, Nidhi MD
Brosnan, Patrick G. MD
Chi, Carolyn H. MD
French, Shannon L. MD
Gabbay, Kenneth H. MD
Gunn, Sheila K. MD
Hicks, Kelly A. MD
Hwu, Katherine MD
Jeha, George S. MD
Karaviti, Lefkothea P. MD
Kushner, Jake A. MD
Mendiratta, Meenal S. MD
Paul, David L. MD
Rivera, Michelle MD
Rodriguez, Luisa M. MD
Rubio, Jr, Nunilo I. MD
Sisley, Stephanie R. MD
Page/Página 99
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Suresh, Deepa MD
Yafi, Michael MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Barlow, Sarah E. MD
Carter, Beth A. MD
Chiou, Eric H. MD
Chumpitazi, Bruno P. MD
Debroy, Ashish N. MD
Gleason, Jr, Wallace A. MD
Gopalakrishna, G S. MD
Himes, Ryan W. MD
Imseis, Essam M. MD
Jensen, Craig L. MD
Karam, Lina B. MD
Kellermayer, Richard MD
Kitagawa, Seiji MD
Leung, Daniel H. MD
Mehta, Seema MD
Motil, Kathleen J. MD
Navarro, Fernando A. MD
Redel, Carol A. MD
Reid, Barbara S. MD
Rhoads, Jon M. MD
Shulman, Robert J. MD
Vartabedian, Bryan S. MD
Whitfield Van Buren, Kristin
Pediatric Hematology/
Oncología pediátrica
Airewele, Gladstone E. MD
Allen, Carl E. MD
Baxter, Patricia A. MD
Berg, Stacey L. MD
Bernardi, Ronald J. MD
Bertuch, Alison A. MD
Blaney, Susan M. MD
Bomgaars, Lisa R. MD
Brackett, Julienne MD
Brown, Deborah L. MD
Flores, Ricardo J. MD
Gramatges, Maria M. MD
Hoots, William K. MD
Horton, Terzah M. MD
Hurwitz, Richard L. MD
Kamdar, Kala Y. MD
Lau, Ching C. MD
Lee-Kim, Youngna J. MD
Leung, Kathryn S. MD
Louis, Chrystal U. MD
Mahoney, Jr, Donald H. MD
Margolin, Judith F. MD
McClain, Kenneth L. MD
Mehta, Parth S. MD
Mueller, Brigitta MD
Muscal, Jodi A. MD
Nguyen, Trinh T. MD
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Baker, Carol J. MD
Campbell, Judith R. MD
Demmler, Gail J. MD
Healy, Catherine MD
Heresi, Gloria P. MD
Holzmann-Pazgal, Galit MD
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
Kaplan, Sheldon L. MD
King-Casas, Katherine Y.
Kline, Mark W. MD
Munoz-Rivas, Flor MD
Palazzi, Debra L. MD
Perez, Norma DO
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Schutze, Gordon E. MD
Starke, Jeffrey R. MD
Vallejo, Jesus G. MD
Wootton, Susan H. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Pediatric Nephrology/
Nefrología pediátrica
Angelo, II, Joseph R. MD
Brewer, Eileen D. MD
Hayde, Nicole A. MD
Kale, Arundhati S. MD
Srivaths, Poyyapakkam R.
Swartz, Sarah J. MD
Swinford, Rita D. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Bitting, Marcia A. RN
Gilbert, Caroyl L. RN
Jones, Amanda S. NP
Maupin, Jennifer M. RN
Yockey, Alexandra K. NP
Pediatric Ophthalmology/
Oftalmología pediátrica
Coats, David K. MD
Gonzales, Carlos A. MD
Mintz-Hittner, Helen A. MD
Musgrove, Kathryn H. MD
Stavis, Monte I. MD
Yen, Kimberly G. MD
Pediatric Orthopedic
ortopédica pediátrica
Mansour, Alfred A. MD
Younas, Shiraz A. MD
Pediatric Otolaryngology/
Otolaringología pediátrica
Friedman, Ellen M. MD
Jones, John K. MD
Larrier, Deidre R. MD
Ongkasuwan, Julina MD
Roy, Soham MD
Weinstock, Yitzchak E. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Pediatric Pulmonology/
Neumología pediátrica
Colasurdo, Guiseppe N. MD
Farber, Harold J. MD
Jefferson, Larry S. MD
Jon, Cindy K. MD
Kancherla, Binal S. MD
Mallory, Jr, George B. MD
Moonnumakal, Siby P. MD
Moore, Robert H. MD
Mosquerra, Ricardo A. MD
Rama, Jennifer A. MD
Robertson, John M. MD
Ruiz, Fadel E. MD
Shardonofsky, Felix R. MD
Sockrider, Mariana L. MD
Vece, Timothy J. MD
West, Barbara L. MD
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Med/Medicina de
rehabilitación pediátrica
Dy, Rochelle C. MD
Schwabe, Aloysia L. MD
Wechsler, Barbara C. MD
Woodbury, Suzanne L. MD
Pediatric Rheumatology/
Reumatología pediátrica
Kamdar, Ankar A. MD
Wilking, Andrew P. MD
Pediatric Surgery/Cirugía
Andrassy, Richard J. MD
Austin, Mary MD
Bloss, Robert S. MD
Brandt, Mary L. MD
Cox, Jr, Charles S. MD
Fletcher, Stephen A. DO
Hayes-Jordan, Andrea A.
Hollier, Jr, Larry H. MD
Kim, Eugene S. MD
Lally, Kevin P. MD
Lee, Timothy C. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Lopez, Monica E. MD
Mazziotti, Mark V. MD
Milewicz, Allen L. MD
Minifee, Paul K. MD
Minkes, Robert K. MD
Monson, Laura A. MD
Moore-Olufemi, Stacey D.
Naik-Mathuria, Bindi J. MD
Rodriguez, Jose R. MD
Tsao, Kuojen MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Pediatric Urology/Urología
Lim, David J. MD
Pham, Dung Q. MD
Roth, David R. MD
Wildenfels, Patience MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Abbas, Rashida S. MD
Airewele, Gladstone E. MD
Alade, Kiyetta H. MD
Aneji, Chiamaka U. MD
Barry, Yvonne N. MD
Benjamins, Laura J. MD
Bhardwaj, Jatinder MD
Biliciler-Denktas, Gurur MD
Blaney, Susan M. MD
Bonthala, Savithri MD
Brown, Matthew D. MD
Cabrera-Meza, Gerardo A.
Carlos, Maria A. MD
Cass, Darrell L. MD
Castro-Reyes, Wilfred MD
Chadda, Prabhujeet MD
Chase, Lindsay H. MD
Chen, Carol C. MD
Chorley, Joseph N. MD
Choy, Eric MD
Chuy, Juan O. MD
Clark, Gary D. MD
Cochran, John R. MD
Crandell, Sharon S. MD
Crawford, Heather P. MD
Cruz, Andrea T. MD
Deal, Stephaine B. MD
Deka, Kamal MD
Delemos, David M. MD
Delvalle, LaCindy V. MD
Desai, Thrity B. MD
Descioli, Kelly R. MD
Deybarrondo, Lisa E. MD
Diaz, J J. MD
Dickerson, Heather A. MD
Duong, Tam MD
Eissa, Mona A. MD
Elenberg, Ewa MD
Feldman, Jennifer M. MD
Fielder, Elaine K. MD
CHIP Specialists
Parsons, Donald W. MD
Rabin, Karen R. MD
Rainusso, Nino C. MD
Redell, Michele S. MD
Rodriquez, Nidra L. MD
Sasa, Ghadir S. MD
Shah, Mona D. MD
Su, Jack M. MD
Thompson, Patrick A. MD
Wang, Lisa L. MD
Yee, Donald L. MD
Yustein, Jason T. MD
Page/Página 100
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Houston - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Filipek, Pauline A. MD
Fletcher, Stephen A. DO
Franklin, Wayne J. MD
Freeman, Asha M. MD
Friedman, Zvi MD
Fuller, Lisa R. MD
Gelfer, Polina MD
Gillespie, Susan L. MD
Greeley, Christopher S. MD
Guardiola, Amalia MD
Gupta, Aditi DO
Gupta, Monesha L. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Hayde, Nicole A. MD
Heard, Takijah T. MD
Henriksen, Linda L. MD
Heresi, Gloria P. MD
Ho, Winston M. MD
Hoots, William K. MD
Hwu, Katherine MD
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
James, Julia M. MD
Jean-Louis, Frantz MD
Joshi-Patel, Ashley A. DO
Juarez, Juan MD
Kamath, Vasudeva M. MD
Katakam, Lakshmi I. MD
Khan, Asra MD
Khan, Saira MD
Kim, Jeffrey J. MD
Kini-Pai, Sarita DO
Koerner, Christine E. MD
Kyle, William B. MD
Laird, II, William P. MD
Laird, Sr, William P. MD
Laird, Tracy H. MD
Leaming-Van Zandt,
Katherine J. MD
Lee-Kim, Youngna J. MD
Lemke, Daniel S. MD
Levy, Steven R. MD
Lim, David J. MD
Little, Kim J. MD
Lopez, Keila N. MD
Lopez, Michelle A. MD
Lopez, Suzanne M. MD
Lorin, Martin I. MD
Machen, Heather E. MD
Mack, William H. MD
Maldonado, Ursula M. MD
Mandalakas, Anna M. DO
Marino, Benton R. MD
Martinez, Caridad MD
Mayor, Jesus MD
Mcgowan, Jack D. MD
McNeil, Jonathan C. MD
Mehta, Parth S. MD
Milewicz, Allen L. MD
Miyake, Christina Y. MD
Mohi, Shagufta Z. MD
Montgomery, Elizabeth G.
Moonnumakal, Siby P. MD
Morris, Shaine MD
Mortazavi-Zarr, Maryam Z.
Mothner, Brent A. MD
Muppidi, Sridevi MD
Muthappa, Poovamma B.
Narayana, Narayana P. MD
Navarro, Fernando A. MD
Nicome, Roger MD
Northrup, Hope MD
Nuthakki, Sushma MD
Obuobi, Alice MD
Ocampo, Elena C. MD
Okcu, Mehmet F. MD
Pacheco, Susan E. MD
Pammi, Mohan V. MD
Parekh, Dhaval R. MD
Parikh, Vipul J. MD
Parra, Cesar A. MD
Pichanick, Adney M. MD
Pimpalwar, Ashwin MD
Placencia, Frank X. MD
Porras, Ciro J. MD
Portocarrero, Mario J. MD
Powells, Janice R. MD
Probst, Frank J. MD
Proud, Monica B. MD
Quach, Michael M. MD
Quinonez, Ricardo A. MD
Qureshi, Athar M. MD
Reddy, S Chandra-Bose MD
Redel, Carol A. MD
Rhee, Judy MD
Richmond, Camilla A. MD
Riley, Alan F. MD
Rivenes, Shannon M. MD
Rizvi, Sara B. MD
Rocha, Mary E. MD
Rodriguez, Carlos L. MD
Rogers, Amber P. MD
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Rosenfeld, Amalie MD
Roy, Kevin M. MD
Scott, Daryl A. MD
Siddiqui, Mohammad H. MD
Sisley, Stephanie R. MD
Sonabend, Rona Y. MD
Srivaths, Poyyapakkam R.
Starke, Jeffrey R. MD
Stern, Herbert J. MD
Suell, Jr, Douglas M. MD
Suter, Bernhard MD
Sutton, Vernon MD
Suzawa, Hilary S. MD
Swartz, Sarah J. MD
Tahir, Saifuddin MD
Taylor, Tiffany A. MD
Tellez, Maria E. MD
Teran, Jose M. MD
Thakkar, Heena N. MD
Thakker, Kalpesh H. MD
Thomas, Timothy H. MD
Thomas, Tracy A. MD
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Thompson, Patrick A. MD
Torres-Day, Cecilia MD
Umair, Sonober MD
Uya, Atim O. MD
Vachani, Joyee G. MD
Verma, Amit J. MD
Wangler, Michael F. MD
Wells, Regina D. MD
Wendt, Juliet A. MD
Whitfield Van Buren, Kristin
Whitney, Stephen E. MD
Woerner, Marion E. MD
Wong, Christina W. MD
Wu, Aimee K. MD
Yeh, Belinda M. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Yustein, Jason T. MD
Pediatrics, Developmental
Svcs/Pediatría para el
Guttentag, Cathy PHD
Rodrigues, Renee S. MD
Strathearn, Lane MD
Vinson, Sherry S. MD
Voigt, Robert G. MD
Fernandes, Caraciolo J. MD
Garcia-Prats, Joseph A. MD
Johnson, Karen E. MD
Weisman, Leonard E. MD
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Benny, Benoy V. MD
Berliner, Jeffrey C. DO
Bloodworth, Donna M. MD
Brendel, William B. MD
Dent, David V. DO
Donovan, William H. MD
Fontera, Joel E. MD
Francisco, Gerard E. MD
Frontera, Joel E. MD
Grabois, Martin MD
Harrell, John S. MD
Ivanhoe, Cindy B. MD
Jain, Anjali MD
Jones, William M. MD
Karim, Shahnaz A. MD
Krebs, Michael MD
La China, Ignazio G. MD
Magat, Elaine M. MD*
Mancini, Ralph M. MD
Melton, Danielle H. MD
Mirabi, Batool MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page, Suzanne E. MD
Schwabe, Aloysia L. MD
Smith, Barry S. MD
Tan, Fay C. MD
Vallbona, Carlos MD
Vennix, Michael J. MD
Monica MD
Wang, Xin MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Physical Therapy/
Bell, Monique S. PT
Carter, Harlen C. PT
Colosky, Jr, Paul E. PT
Dansereau-Clark, Charisse
Davis, Richard T. PT
Enelichi, Stella C. PT
Ferguson, Beth A. PT
Hussein, Tarek M. PT
Huu, Andre L. PT
Kazemi, Amir S. PT
Nguyen, Sheila D. PT
Pace, Mary B. PT
Sabbahi, Mohamed A. PT
Sopher, Steven V. PT
Tran-Truong, Trang PT
White, Pamela P. PT
Yassall, Danielle PT
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Amjadi, Rojan MD
Appling, Walter D. MD
Blakkolb, Christi L. MD
Buchanan, Edward P. MD
Chandy, Binoy M. MD
Freet, Daniel J. MD
Heller, Lior MD
Ho, Tang MD
Katrana, David J. MD
Khechoyan, David Y. MD
Leong, Mimi MD
Lou, Derek C. MD
Marques, Erik S. MD
Monson, Laura A. MD
Murillo, Carlos A. MD
Petrungaro, Jason M. MD
Sofola, Ifeolumino O. MD
Stafford, IV, James B. MD
Teichgraeber, John F. MD
Undavia, Samir S. MD
Wainwright, David J. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Yuksel, Eser MD
Armstrong, Jason R. DPM
Barreto, Jose J. DPM
Beckman, Randall L. DPM
Blumfield, David L. DPM
Bowman, Jeffrey N. DPM
Page/Página 101
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Surgery, Cardiovascular/Cirugía cardiovascular
Sum, Lauren L. DPM
Weinstein, Barry P. DPM
Wolf, David S. DPM
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Almoosa, Khalid F. MD
Asi, Wael M. MD
Bajwa, Mohsin K. MD
Bandi, Venkata D. MD
Castriotta, Richard J. MD
Cunningham, Jennifer L. MD
Dahlberg, Carl MD
Doerr, Clinton H. MD
El-Wali, Rami S. MD
Estrada-Y-Martin, Rosa M.
Fakhoury, Khoulood F. MD
Foster, Philip MD*
Garcia Ruiz De Somicurcio,
Javier B. MD*
Gidwani, Rima R. MD
Hanania, Nicola A. MD
Hassan, Iman MD
Hussain, Rahat MD
Interiano, Benjamin MD
Lechin, Alex E. MD
Lee, Daria B. MD
Lodato, Robert F. MD
Luy, German MD
Majid, Ruckshanda MD
Mallick, Shahid Q. MD
Manian, Prasad MD
Mathew, Jefy M. MD
Mathew, Reeba MD
Mattewal, Amarbir S. MD
McKelvy, Brandy J. MD
Melendez, Jose A. MD
Ng, Amelia W. MD
Oermann, Christopher M.
Patel, Bela MD
Razzack, Jamal A. MD
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Rethnam, Rajesh MD
Rhoton, William A. MD
Santacruz, Jose F. MD
Shah, Pankaj K. MD
Shahar, Julio MD
Singla, Neeta MD
Terminella, Luigi MD
Varghese, Nidhy P. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Youssef, Jihad G. MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Alam, Anjum A. MD
Blackburn, David C. MD
Bonnen, Mark D. MD
Chow, Danny C. MD
Dandrea, Mark A. MD
Hamberger, Arthur D. MD
Joyner, Melissa M. MD
Kaiser, Adeel MD
Kavadi, Vivek S. MD
Mehta, Sanjay C. MD
Morrell, Rosalyn M. MD
Yang, Theodore K. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Yu, Tse-Kuan MD
Radiation Therapy/Terapia
de radiación
Kessel, Ivan L. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Reproduct Endocrin/
Huang, Jaou-Chen MD
Schreiber, Howard L. MD
Retinal Diseases/
Enfermedades de la retina
Feigon, Judith T. MD
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Agarwal, Sandeep K. MD
Aguilar, Martha B. MD
Assassi, Shervin MD
Farheen, Kiran MD
Gomez, John I. MD
Marcus, Donald M. MD
Mayes, Maureen D. MD
Nguyen, Binh Y. MD
Peer, Adnan S. MD
Reveille, John D. MD
Tan, Filemon K. MD
Sleep Disorders/
Trastornos del sueño
Atanasov, Strahil T. MD
Doerr, Clinton H. MD
Glaze, Daniel G. MD
Jon, Cindy K. MD
Mathew, Reeba MD
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Sleep Medicine/Medicina
del sueño
Ahmed, Meer R. MD
Mani, Ranjeeta MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Abbott, Allison L. MSLP
Ball, Courtney S. AM
Barfield, Lauren A. MS
Beckford, Allison J. MA
Berenberg, Phyllis MS
Billizon-Jackson, Rona L.
Bolling, Kenyetta L. MS
Borne, Nancy J. MSLP
Cantu, Amy K. MA
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Chan-Felcman, Vanessa
DeJong, Shannon MSLP
Dickson, Hanna M. MA
Douglas, William M. MA
Elmore, Jessena L. AM
Friedman, Yocheveol T. MA
Grant, Meca P. MSLP
Green, Natasha Q. MS
Haga, Jamie P. MSW
Haggerty, Allizon E. MS
Hong-Cooper, Lee Jane MS
Hunter, Frances B. MSLP
Ijeh, Pamela I. MSLP
Johnson, Faith E. MSLP
Mejia, Ivan AM
Menchaca, Gloria A. MA
Montalto, Gerry V. MA
Norwood, Sara C. MA
Perez, Amber MSLP
Pitre, Alex R. EDD
Rzeminski, Joseph M. MSW
Salmons, Leila R. MA
Simmons, Melinda S. MA
Skiles, Lesa MS
Soria, Gilda M. MA
Stephens, Peyton C. MS
Swearengin, Jennifer A. MA
Thomas, Patricia J. MA
Thomas, Shontai M. MED
Wahrenberger, Julie M. MS
Williams, Candice M. MED
Woods, Nedra G. MSLP
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Ahmed, Sonya S. MD
First, Kenneth R. MD
Ivey Jr., Frank M. MD
Jones, William M. MD
Lowe, Walter R. MD
Mansour, Alfred A. MD
Melendez, Jose A. MD
Rose, Mary W. PSYD
Surgery of the Hand/
Cirugía de manos
Amjadi, Rojan MD
Bennett, James B. MD
Crouch, C Craig MD
Gharbaoui, Idris S. MD
Petrungaro, Jason M. MD
Stafford, IV, James B. MD
Surgery, Cardiovascular/
Cirugía cardiovascular
Adams, Phillip R. MD
Douglas, William I. MD
Estrera, Anthony L. MD
Hines, Michael H. MD
Letsou, George V. MD
Murdock, Horace D. MD
Pickard, Laurens R. MD
CHIP Specialists
Burdge, Scott C. DPM
Butts, Turner C. DPM
Codwell, John E. DPM
Cuza, Francisco J. DPM
Cuza, Jorge L. DPM
Dang, Dzung D. DPM
Day, Richard L. DPM
Falknor, Donald W. DPM
Farbstein, Arnold N. DPM
Fisher, Sybil J. DPM
Gomez, Rossie J. DPM
Gordon, Michael L. DPM
Gordon, Sloan DPM
Gunther, David N. DPM
Haase, Amy L. DPM
Hartley, Shirley F. DPM
Hyman, Jonathan D. DPM
Knecht, John G. DPM
Lamarra, Anthony J. DPM
Larka, Ulla Britt B. DPM
Leisten, Robert D. DPM
Lepow, Brian D. DPM
Lepow, Gary M. DPM
Lepow, Randal M. DPM
Lieberson, Steven J. DPM
Lisch, Mark S. DPM
Lo, Asia E. DPM
Mactavish II, Lawrence S.
Mactavish, Lawrence S.
Mai, Tuan H. DPM
Maislos, Gabriel A. DPM
Mangum, Gregory L. DPM
Margolis, Scott E. DPM
Matuk, Jorge A. DPM
Mendicino, Samuel S. DPM
Miles, Jerry K. DPM
Miller, Bruce DPM
Mineo, Michael A. DPM
Mitchell, Analiza A. DPM
Moore, III, Robert J. DPM*
Nachmani, Linda D. DPM
Nguyen, Trang H. DPM
Nussbaum, Meynard M. DPM
Ogunlana, Babajide A. DPM
Oliver, Tina P. DPM
Pan, Simon T. DPM
Parker, Robert G. DPM
Repinecz, Martin G. DPM
Reyes-Guerrero, Edna I.
Rivera, Orlando H. DPM
Robins, Ronald A. DPM
Rockett, Andrea K. DPM
Ross, Jeffrey A. DPM
Sandler, Ronald D. DPM
Schneider, Andrew J. DPM
Schnell, Siegfried E. DPM
Silverman, Jerry S. DPM
Soefer, Ronald P. DPM
Stock, Marc N. DPM
Page/Página 102
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Houston - Surgery, Cardiovascular/Cirugía cardiovascular
Safi, Hazim J. MD
Surgery, Endoscopic/
Cirugía endoscópica
Gobran, Amani R. MD
CHIP Specialists
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Adams, Ronnie L. MD
Albarado, Rondel P. MD
Albrecht, William C. MD
Allison, Nathan D. MD
Aramayo, Willy L. MD
Austin, Mary MD
Bailey, Harold R. MD*
Bajwa, Kulvinder S. MD
Banki, Farzaneh MD
Blakkolb, Christi L. MD
Bonefas, Elizabeth T. MD
Bradford, Scott G. MD
Bynon, John S. MD
Cali, Jr, Joseph R. MD*
Cass, Darrell L. MD
Chen, Lisa S. MD*
Cramer, William O. MD
Cross, James M. MD
Dar, Wasim A. MD
Davies, Mark G. MD
De Valdenebro, Enrique MD
Dempsey, Kelly S. MD
Diaz, J J. MD
Do, Phu M. MD
Etter II, Elegy L. MD
Fan, Zhen MD
Fisher, John D. MD
Garner, Glen B. MD
Garrett, Jr, William E. MD
Gelber, David W. MD
Gill, Brijesh S. MD*
Gregoric, Igor D. MD
Hassoun, Heitham T. MD
Hernandez, Aquileo N. MD
Hillery, Robert M. MD
Hobeika, Mark J. MD
James, Paul J. MD
Kao, Lillian S. MD
Karanjawala, Burzeen E.
Karni, Amir MD
Katz, Stephen M. MD
Keyhani, Arash DO
Keyhani, Kourosh DO
Khalil, Kamal G. MD
Khan, Saleem A. MD
Kim, Junuk MD
Kleinman, Michael H. MD
Ko, Tien C. MD
Lappin, Jacqueline A. MD
Larson, Curtis D. MD
Le, Anne T. MD
Le, Hoang L. MD
Lee, Thu H. MD
Leong, Mimi MD
Lesslie, Donald P. DO
Letsou, George V. MD
Lin, Peter H. MD
Lin, Stephen H. MD
Liscum, Kathleen R. MD
Madriz, Omar I. MD*
Mehta, Sheilendra S. MD
Millas, Stefanos MD
Miltenburg, Darlene M. MD
Minkes, Robert K. MD
Miranda, Leonidas S. MD
Moody, Frank G. MD
Ngo, Rick O. MD
Norman, Michael A. MD
Nuchtern, Jed G. MD
Olutoye, Oluyinka O. MD
Peel, Garrett K. MD
Pimpalwar, Ashwin MD
Potts, III, John R. MD
Raman, Jay K. MD
Ruttman, Cameron R. MD
Sabbagh, Amer MD
Saqib, Naveed U. MD
Shalhub, Sherene N. MD
Sixta, Sherry L. MD
Skellenger, Mark E. MD
Snyder, Michael J. MD*
Taylor, Thomas V. MD
Terry, Jamie E. MD
Tieu, Kenneth K. MD
Timmons, Christopher A.
Van Sickle, Kent MD
Varga, Karoly MD
Wall, Matthew J. MD
Welsh, Francis J. MD
Wesson, David E. MD
Wheeler, Kevin D. MD
Wilson, Todd D. MD
Wood, Michael T. MD
Wray, Curtis J. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Zuniga, Dario MD
Surgery, Head and Neck/
Cirugía de la cabeza y el
Appling, Walter D. MD
Donovan, Donald T. MD
Eicher, Susan A. MD
Friedman, Ellen M. MD
Giannoni, Carla M. MD
Gobran, Amani R. MD
Husain, Shaista A. MD
McReynolds, G W. MD
Parke, Jr, Robert B. MD
Sulek, Marcelle MD
Undavia, Samir S. MD
Surgery, Oculoplastic/
Cirugía oculoplástica
Surgery, Oncologic/
Cirugía oncológica
Traumatic Surgery/Cirugía
Lesslie, Donald P. DO
Thomas, Valencia D. MD
Bonar, James P. MD
Surgery, Oral/
Maxillofacial/Cirugía oral/
Alfi, David M. MD
Demian, Nagi M. DDS
Gateno, Jaime DDS
Hanna, Issa DDS
Hollier, Jr, Larry H. MD
Husain, Shaista A. MD
Kennedy, James W. DDS
Nawab, Ayesha MD
Suchko, George D. DDS
Wilson, James W. DDS
Wong, Mark E. DDS
Surgical Critical Care/
Cirugía de cuidados
Aisiku, Imoigele P. MD
Cross, James M. MD
Khan, Saleem A. MD
Texas Health Steps/
Texas Health Steps
Gan, Sew-Hock MD
Parkerson,III, George R. MD
Thoracic & Cardiac
Davis, III, Cornelius A. MD
Estrera, Anthony L. MD
Gregoric, Igor D. MD
Lee, Taek Y. MD
Mattox, Kenneth L. MD
Murdock, Horace D. MD
Patel, Manish K. MD
Porat, Eyal E. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Banki, Farzaneh MD
Bobovnikov, Viachslav MD*
Douglas, William I. MD
Estrera, Anthony L. MD
Fischer, Wade L. MD
Hines, Michael H. MD
Khalil, Kamal G. MD
Kodali, Suryam MD
Lee, Taek Y. MD
Letsou, George V. MD
Mattox, Kenneth L. MD
Murdock, Horace D. MD
Pickard, Laurens R. MD
Safi, Hazim J. MD
Wall, Matthew J. MD
Kibirige, Mustapha MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Jayne, Christopher J. MD
Siddiqui, Gazala MD
Anhalt, Melvyn A. MD
Bertini, Jr, John E. MD
Canfield, Steven E. MD
Coburn, Michael MD
Cook, Paul C. MD
Desouza, Rowena A. MD
Dhanani, Nadeem N. MD
Durrani, Omar H. MD
Frankel, Gerald J. MD
Gonzales, Edmond T. MD
Harris, James M. MD
Hawila, Munah J. MD
Hoang, Thomas T. MD
Kalish, Mark D. MD
Kent, David S. MD
Krishnan, Ramesh MD
Lerner, Seth P. MD
Lim, David J. MD
Link, Richard E. MD
Maislos, Steven D. MD
McCarty, Melina J. MD*
Mucher, Zachary R. MD
Pandya, Pulin K. MD
Pramudji, Christina K. MD
Romero, Claudio MD
Schatte, Edward C. MD
Selzman, Andrew A. MD
Skolnick, Alan W. MD
Smith III, Thomas G. MD
Smith, Christopher P. MD
Stern, Juan R. MD
Wang, Run M. MD
Williams, Terry R. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Vascular & Interventional
Rad/Radiología vascular e
Mcguckin, James F. MD
Vascular Neurology/
Neurología vascular
Edgell, Randell C. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Azizzadeh Fard, Ali MD
Charlton-Ouw, Kristopher
Codreanu, Maria E. MD*
Coogan, Shelia M. MD
Davies, Mark G. MD
Fischer, Wade L. MD
Hassoun, Heitham T. MD
Page/Página 103
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Katy - Hematology/Oncology/Hematología/Oncología
Stanislaw, Scott R. MD*
Woody, Joshua T. MD
Surgery, Cardiovascular/
Cirugía cardiovascular
Moparty, Ravi K. MD
Bremer, Malcolm H. MD
Pugh, William C. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Bhat, Krishna D. MD
Chinen, Javier MD
Jacob, Susan C. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Anesthetist, Nurse/
Anestesista, enfermera
Espinosa, Denice M. CRNA
Ganim, Ricky P. MD
Iliskovic-Holley, Natasha MD
Revana, Madaiah MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Lingle II, Robert J. MD
Morales, Percy F. MD
Bolivar-Briceno, Ricardo MD
Bajoyo, Aries P. MD
Chunduri, Anil K. MD
Iliskovic-Holley, Natasha MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Lingle II, Robert J. MD
Morales, Percy F. MD
Revana, Madaiah MD
Schaeffer, Luis G. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Tiu, Alexander L. MD
Zia, Mohammad A. MD
Clegg, Thomas J. MD
Brown, Richard W. MD
Floyd, Craig M. MD
Ghorbani, Rhonda P. MD
Hunter, Jr, Robert L. MD
Jammal, Cory T. MD
Kemp, Bonnie L. MD
Kott, Marylee M. MD
Liu, Jing MD
Nart, Armando MD
Nguyen, Nghia Andy D. MD
Pugh, William C. MD
Risin, Semyon MD
Roca, Alberto N. MD
Saleh, Georges Y. MD
Salter, Jr, James E. DO
Soroka, Sergio A. MD
Stavinoha, John L. MD
Uthman, Margaret O. MD
Verani, Regina R. MD
Wahed, Mohammed A. MD
Medical Oncology/
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Easley, Stephanie J. DC
Kalidas, Mamta MD*
Jacob, Susan C. MD
Pediatric Emergency
Medicine/Medicina de
emergencia pediátrica
Munoz, Jesus A. MD
Okpala, Vincent O. MD
Barakat, Ruchdi MD
Zia, Mohammad A. MD
Armstrong, Jason R. DPM
Burckhardt, Joseph G. DPM
Eichelsdorfer, Stephen G.
Heybeck, Tyreen V. DPM
Mactavish II, Lawrence S.
Mactavish, Lawrence S.
Miles, Jerry K. DPM
Sheedy, Matthew R. DPM
Saleh, Georges Y. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Chappell, Phylliss M. MD
Hochhauser, Leo MD
Jarolimek, Amanda M. MD
Kramer, Larry A. MD
Mehta, Snehal D. MD
Redwine, Michael D. MD
Youmans-Rieniets, Cynthia
Kern-Bell, Michelle A. RD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Bansal, Kanti L. MD
Chambers, Jeffrey J. MD
Galloway, Carolyn S. MD
Janoo, Ahsan S. MD
Pettit, George W. MD
Yarima, Wakili S. MD
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Chinen, Javier MD
Kurzydlo, Grzegorz P. MD
Nguyen, Khanh D. MD
Nguyen, Thai D. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Araguz, Aaron M. OT
Harris, Lindsey D. MD
Khawly, Joseph A. MD
Mann, Sr, Paul M. MD
Shrum, Kim R. MD
Zuckerbrod, Stewart L. MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Tiu, Alexander L. MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Kaiser, Adeel MD
Orthopaedic Sports
ortopédica deportiva
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Fedoriw, Wasyl W. MD
Araguz, Amanda J. MSLP
Batiste, Tonya T. MED
Taylor, Christy MED
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Fedoriw, Wasyl W. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Foteh, Kousta I. MD
Redmon, Jonathan L. MD
Villafani, Juan M. MD
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Bremer, Malcolm H. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Foteh, Kousta I. MD
Rihal, Pardeep S. MD
Akhtar, Asif MD
Mohammed, Shujauddin MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Peterson, Stephanie A. NP
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Hematpour, Khashayar MD
Shabari, Farshad R. MD
Thambidorai, Senthil K. MD
Venkataraman, Rajesh MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Salazar, Robert A. MD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Charbonneau, Patrick C. MD
Ahmed, Amir R. MD
Marks, Kevin T. MD*
Odom, Leroy MD
Verma, Dharmendra D. MD
Doshi, Gurjyot K. MD
Rasheed, Amir A. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Yancey, Linda S. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Ahmed, Amir R. MD
Akhtar, Asif MD
CHIP Specialists
Hernandez, Aquileo N. MD
Keyhani, Arash DO
Keyhani, Kourosh DO
Khalil, Kamal G. MD
Lin, Peter H. MD
Martin, Gordon H. MD
Raman, Jay K. MD
Sabbagh, Amer MD
Skellenger, Mark E. MD
Wall, Matthew J. MD
Page/Página 104
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Katy - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Mohammed, Shujauddin MD
Odom, Leroy MD
Policarpio, Augustus A. MD
Salazar, Robert A. MD
Thampoe, Karen X. MD
Ubaldo, Hector MD
Verma, Dharmendra D. MD
Yancey, Linda S. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Medical Oncology/
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Holmes, Frankie A. MD
Pichanick, Adney M. MD
Pichanick, Adney M. MD
Prakash, Rahul MD
Sereatan, Washington F. MD
Vijayaprakas MD
Diaz, Jose M. MD
Nammour, Nicolas M. MD
Bulan, Glenn E. MD
Chang, Emmanuel Y. MD
Chang, Victor Y. MD
Doe, Erin A. MD
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Holz, Eric R. MD
Hovis, Todd M. MD
Khawly, Joseph A. MD
Kumar, Kartik S. MD
Lam, Michael K. MD
Learned-Burton, Lori J. MD
Lindhorst, Grace C. MD
Mann, Sr, Paul M. MD
McKey, Jesse B. MD
Nayar, Arun G. MD
Porias, Mitchell M. DO
Schefler, Amy C. MD
Tran, Lee T. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Brown, Barrett S. MD
Buckle, Rosemary MD
Carlyle, Trenton A. MD
Guzel, Volkan B. MD
Hildreth, David H. MD
McGarvey, William C. MD
Noonan, Timothy N. MD*
Simonich, Stephen D. MD
Teunis, Candice B. MD
Wasserman, Matthew W.
Canon, Javier R. MD
Pediatric Emergency
Medicine/Medicina de
emergencia pediátrica
Okpala, Vincent O. MD
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Pediatric Orthopedic
ortopédica pediátrica
Davino, Nelson A. MD
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Blumfield, David L. DPM
Bowman, Jeffrey N. DPM
Burdge, Scott C. DPM
Jacobs, James M. DPM
Lo, Asia E. DPM
Manriquez, Nicolas DPM
Matuk, Jorge A. DPM
Mendicino, Samuel S. DPM
Mineo, Michael A. DPM
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Nguyen, Minh T. MD
Roman-Pavajeau, Jaime L.
Vossoughi, Faranak MD
Thoracic & Cardiac
Aguilar, Kelly R. MD
Ahmad, Nabil M. MD
Bajoyo, Aries P. MD
Dasgupta, Anjali MD
Morales, Percy F. MD
Ouais, Samir G. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Anhalt, Melvyn A. MD
Cook, Paul C. MD
Kalish, Mark D. MD
Kent, David S. MD
Krishnan, Ramesh MD
Pramudji, Christina K. MD
Selzman, Andrew A. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Keyhani, Kourosh DO
Roman-Pavajeau, Jaime L.
Salazar, Robert A. MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Aguero, Lizbeth M. AM
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Earhart, Angela D. MD
Eppler, Maia F. MD
Ali, Uzma MD
Le, Dewey DO
Bourdreaux, Fred AUDI
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Harris, Lindsey D. MD
Khawly, Joseph A. MD
McCauley, Matthew B. MD
McQueen, Brent R. MD
Thomas, Justus W. MD
Urso, Richard G. MD
Ahmad, Nabil M. MD
Ganim, Ricky P. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Sleep Disorders/
Trastornos del sueño
Dasgupta, Anjali MD
Retinal Diseases/
Enfermedades de la retina
Ahmed, Fayyaz MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Morales, Percy F. MD
Pontani III, Bradley A. MD
Roman-Pavajeau, Jaime L.
Salazar, Robert A. MD
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Hyperbaric Medicine/
Medicina hiperbárica
Kossoy, Kent I. MD
Morris, Michael W. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Hamilton III, Carlos R. MD
Raza, Syed A. MD
West, O Clark MD
Anderson, Amy L. RD
Sobecky, Katrina M. RD
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Buckle, Rosemary MD
Scobercea, Razvan G. MD
Stanislaw, Scott R. MD*
Subramanian, Navin MD
Palliative Medicine/
Medicina paliativa
Tavel, Linda L. MD
Zinner, Cynthia M. MD
Suell, Jr, Douglas M. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Aguilar, Kelly R. MD
Bluhm, Joey M. MD
Hillery, Robert M. MD
Jara, Delma I. MD
Keyhani, Kourosh DO
Lee, Thu H. MD
Moore, Thomas W. MD
Ngo, Rick O. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Eichelsdorfer, Stephen G.
Guertin, Daren M. DPM
Heybeck, Tyreen V. DPM
Miller, Jason C. DPM
Sheedy, Matthew R. DPM
Woodcox, Laura C. DPM
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Tuamokumo, Nimi L. MD
Yang, Theodore K. MD
Surgery of the Hand/
Cirugía de manos
Vossoughi, Faranak MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 105
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
League City - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Retinal Diseases/
Enfermedades de la retina
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Cook, Marla R. BS
Leidlein, Jane H. MD
Scobercea, Razvan G. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Thompson Jr, Sanford R.
Kossoy, Kent I. MD
Kreit, Samir I. MD
Morris, Michael W. MD
Rosen, Robert T. MD
Herrera, Stephanie J. MD
Lunsford, Thomas M. MD
Meyers, Bruce P. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Pain Medicine/Control del
Kreit, Samir I. MD
Kang, Hui S. MD
La Marque
Nguyen, Trang H. DPM
La Porte
Bommanna, Vasudeva M.
Hardoin, Richard A. MD
Physical Therapy/
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Mobley, Kelly C. PT
Uddin, Rahman S. MD
Hosack, David A. DPM
Sasiene, Jack A. DPM
Reyhani, Sean A. DPM
Lake Jackson
Bommanna, Vasudeva M.
Kang, Hui S. MD
Bourdreaux, Fred AUDI
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Baradhi, Nabil MD
Harris, Scott L. MD
Shah, Alpesh R. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Dave, Amish M. MD
Freedman, Craig K. MD
Maxwell, John A. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Gold, Judith MD
Sweatt, William H. MD*
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Bonnen, Mark D. MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Holt, Julie D. MS
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Martinez, Henry E. MD
Sinha, Anil K. MD
Thompson, Robert P. MD
Berger, Alisa M. MD
League City
Bonds, Rana S. MD
Gupta, Meera R. MD
Leipzig, Bruce MD
Sur, Sanjiv MD
Abouleish, Amr E. MD
Cohen, Marvin S. MD
Cook, Michael W. MD
Anesthetist, Nurse/
Anestesista, enfermera
Fontanilla, Rogelio B. RN
Jimenez, Tony A. RN
Johnson, Shatona V. RN
Mazora, Mildred S. CRNA
McAlexander, Joan E. RN
Ahmad, Masood MD
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Gilani, Syed A. MD
Huang, Ming-He MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Berbarie, Rafic F. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Brown, Tammy R. NP
Cochran, Karen S. RN
Forbes, Eleanor M. NP
Johnson, Susan NP
Negrotto, Jeanette M. RN
O'Rourke, Daniel NP
Schulze, Erika D. APNP
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Berlingeri Ramos, Alma MD
Group, Ashley MD
Kelly, Brent C. MD
Kelly, Erica B. MD
Raimer, Sharon S. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Annamalai, Palam MD
Borowski, Adam M. MD
Cesani Vasque, Fernando
Chaljub, Gregory MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Garcia, Glenn M. MD
Hughes, Douglas E. MD
Jadhav, Siddharth P. MD
Kathuria, Manoj K. MD
Kirschner, Kimberly S. MD
Riascos-Castenada, Roy F.
Robinson, Angelica S. MD
Schreiber, Melvyn H. MD
Swischuk, Leonard E. MD
Tannus, Joao F. MD
Walser, Eric M. MD
Maarouf, Lynn RD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Couture, Susan E. MD
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Abate, Nicola MD
Boparai, Jasmine MD
Chandalia, Manisha MD
McKinney, Kevin H. MD
Cheema, Zulfiqar F. MD
Kaila, Vijaya L. MD
Lockhart, Lillian MD
Uribe Acosta, Tomas E. MD
Jana, Bagi R. MD
Ninan, Mary J. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Abu-Sharifeh, Tareq M. MD
Belalcazar, Ligia M. MD
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Grant, John A. MD
Holland, Owen B. MD
Huang, Ming-He MD
Jaramillo, Elizabeth MD
Jokhio, Shahzad MD
Kaila, Vijaya L. MD
Murthy, Vijaya L. MD
Vidal, Ana M. MD
Willis, Maurice MD
Medical Oncology/
Markowitz, Avi B. MD
Willis, Maurice MD
Ramirez, Tara DO
CHIP Specialists
Crawford, Ruth M. PHD
Barnwell, Lyndon F. MD*
Cortiella, Joaquin MD
Doulatram, Gulshan MD
Farmer, Lisa R. MD
Gibbons, Stacey L. MD
Knox, Sherian L. MD
Levy, Ronald S. MD
Li, Husong MD
Martinez-Tica, Julian F. MD
Medeiros, Fleipe A. MD
Przkora, Rene MD
Ranganathan, Govindaraj
Smith, Douglas F. MD
Solanki, Daneshvari R. MD
Vinta, Sandhya R. MD
Wilkes, Denise M. MD
Williams, Courtney G. MD
Page/Página 106
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
League City - Nephrology/Nefrología
Badalamenti, John MD
CHIP Specialists
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Anderson, Glenn B. MD
Mohanty, Aaron MD
Patterson, Joel T. MD
Allon, Moshe MD
Fang, Xiang MD
Guthikonda, Lalitha N. MD
Li, Xianping MD
Pilla, Hemamalini MD
Shanina, Elena MD
Smith, Robert G. MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Boosupalli, Vasudeva R. MD
Dreyer, Charles F. MD
Contreras, Janice E. MD
Godley, Bernard F. MD
Jennings, Thomas J. MD
Kapur, Manuj MD
Merkley, Kevin MD
Milstein, Bernard MD
Syed, Misha F. MD
Vizzer, Gianmarco D. MD
Wong, Brian R. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Brooks, Kenneth R. MD
Carayannopoulos, Nikoletta
Carmichael, Kelly D. MD
Hecox, Scott MD
Jones III, Thomas L. MD
Kosty, John W. MD
Lindsey, Ronald W. MD
Moulton Jr, Darrell L. MD
Smith, Brian MD
Athre, Raghu S. MD
Leipzig, Bruce MD
Mccammon, Susan D. MD
Mukerji, Shraddha S. MD
Pine, Harold S. MD
Resto, Vicente A. MD
Siddiqui, Farrah N. MD
Underbrink, Michael P. MD
Young, Dayton L. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Allon, Moshe MD
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Zhang, Andrew Y. MD
Worsham, Sidney A. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Mehta, Reena S. MD
Knecht, John G. DPM
Reyhani, Sean A. DPM
Pediatric Endocrinology/
Endocrinología pediátrica
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Lee, Phillip MD
Riley, William J. MD
Calhoun, William J. MD
Cardenas Jr, Victor J. MD
Duarte, Alexander G. MD
Sharma, Gulshan MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Klein, Gordon L. MD
Swanson, Todd A. MD
Pediatric Hematology/
Oncología pediátrica
Hooda, Barkat S. MD
Muthukumar, Akila MD
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Aigbivbal, Lemuel O. MD
Patel, Janak MD
Rowen, Judith L. MD
Pediatric Nephrology/
Nefrología pediátrica
Balachan, Shivaiah MD
Patel, Ketan N. MD
Pediatric Rheumatology/
Reumatología pediátrica
Kamdar, Ankar A. MD
Aly, Ashraf M. MD
Chavez, Pedo N. MD
Cheng, Sarah MD
Chonmaitree, Tasnee MD
Davis, J C. MD
Fonseca, Rafael A. MD
Gerik, Susan M. MD
Goldblum, Randall M. MD
Jiwani, Amyn K. MD
Kamdar, Ankar A. MD
Klein, Gordon L. MD
Matalon, Reuben MD
Moreira, Alvaro G. MD
Murray, Manuela J. MD
Patel, Janak MD
Robinson, Sally S. MD
Pediatrics, Developmental
Svcs/Pediatría para el
Mize, William MD
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Cole, Eric L. MD
Phillips, Linda G. MD
Powers, Karen L. MD
Sharma, Sharad MD
Gonzalez, Emilio MD
Maganti, Rashmi M. MD
McCallum, Rex MD
Murthy, Vijaya L. MD
Surgery, Cardiovascular/
Cirugía cardiovascular
Conti, Vincent R. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Bauer, John D. MD
Brown, Kimberly MD
Chao, Celia MD
Cheema, Zulfiqar F. MD
Cicalese, Luca MD
Ekhaese, Obonoruma DO
Gajjar, Aakash H. MD
Gomez, Guillermo MD
Gugliuzza, Kristene K. MD
Kimbrough, Thomas D. MD
Riall, Taylor S. MD
Surgery, Head and Neck/
Cirugía de la cabeza y el
Mccammon, Susan D. MD
Surgery, Oncologic/
Cirugía oncológica
Cheng, Charlie C. MD
Killewich, Lois A. MD
Silva, Michael B. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Ferris, Samuel J. MD
Patricia A. RD
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Piper Jr, Paul K. MD
Abbas, Rashida S. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Tahir, Saifuddin MD
Physical Therapy/
Joyce, Linda M. PT
Armstrong, Jason R. DPM
Mactavish II, Lawrence S.
Margolis, Scott E. DPM
Miles, Jerry K. DPM
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Harris, Carolyn D. MA
Silva, Helen C. MD
Missouri City
Surgery, Oral/
Maxillofacial/Cirugía oral/
Bariatric Medicine/
Medicina bariátrica
Mainous, Elgene G. DDS
Throndson, Roger R. DDS
Thoracic & Cardiac
Beckles, Daniel L. MD
Lick, Scott D. MD
Orihuela, Eduardo MD
Sonstein, Joseph MD
Tarry, Susan E. MD
Tarry, William F. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Bajwa, Kulvinder S. MD
Higgins, John P. MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Castriotta, Richard J. MD
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Orlander, Philip R. MD
Page/Página 107
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Pasadena - Pediatric Rheumatology/Reumatología pediátrica
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Higgins, John P. MD
Monmouth, Michael A. MD
Medical Oncology/
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Bull, Joan-Marie C. MD
Rios, Adan A. MD
Barlow, Mark S. MD
Biliciler, Suur MD
Finkel, Kevin W. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Lee, Sarah M. BS
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Crumbie Jr, David A. MD
Kent, Michael D. MD
Kodali, Pradeep MD
Rosenstein, Alexander D.
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Smith, Britt A. NP
New Caney
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Jasek, Marlo L. NP
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Smith, Kathy M. RN
Yuksel, Sancak MD
Clarke, Lawrence R. MD
Debroy, Ashish N. MD
Pediatric Orthopedic
ortopédica pediátrica
Younas, Shiraz A. MD
Pediatric Otolaryngology/
Otolaringología pediátrica
Roy, Soham MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Castriotta, Richard J. MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Le, Devin D. MA
Simms, Cheyra L. MSLP
White, Stephanie J. MA
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Bajwa, Kulvinder S. MD
Frankel, Gerald J. MD
Rogers, Kathryn B. MA
Nassau Bay
Kafrouni, Michel I. MD
Mushtaha, Akram A. MD
Kang, Hui S. MD
Abreo, Gerard MD
Cayenne, Sathish MD
Hamer, David S. MD
Harkins, Jr, Anna M. DO
Patel, Rameshbhai G. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Youmans-Rieniets, Cynthia
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Gonzalez-Feldman, Edgard
Kaul, Kuldip K. MD
Daccak, Rukan MD
Haddad, Maurice S. MD
Kafrouni, Michel I. MD
Foote, Lawrence E. MD
Rasheed, Amir A. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Kamana, Mallika MD
Onorato, Michelle MD
Shebib, Zaher MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Abreo, Gerard MD
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Chaudauri, Debasish MD
Daccak, Rukan MD
Haddad, Maurice S. MD
Hamer, Louis M. MD
Kamana, Mallika MD
Mercado, Mary L. MD
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Nambi, Preethi V. MD
Onorato, Michelle MD
Patel, Rameshbhai G. MD
Pineda Ayestas, Ramon A.
Sunkara, Durga P. MD
Mayo, Mark L. MD
Sawyer, George S. MD
Segal, Scott E. MD
Tran, Duc H. DO
Wade, Edward C. MD
Zuckerbrod, Stewart L. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Burke, Robert L. MD
Woody, Joshua T. MD
Clarke, Lawrence R. MD
Romman, Nabeel H. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Allon, Moshe MD
Kang, Hui S. MD
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Curry, Martha R. NP
Pediatric Ophthalmology/
Oftalmología pediátrica
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Pediatric Otolaryngology/
Otolaringología pediátrica
Clarke, Lawrence R. MD
Pediatric Pulmonology/
Neumología pediátrica
Katkin, Julie P. MD
Pediatric Rheumatology/
Reumatología pediátrica
De Guzman, Marietta M. MD
De Guzman, Marietta M. MD
Freese, Sarah E. DO
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Olson, Gayle L. MD
Dent, David V. DO
Leech, Karen M. RN
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Physical Therapy/
Chaudauri, Debasish MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Kettmann, Brian J. DC
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Hamer, Louis M. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Chappell, Phylliss M. MD
Hochhauser, Leo MD
Jones, Elizabeth A. MD
Mehta, Snehal D. MD
Wittich, Gerhard R. MD
Allon, Moshe MD
Orellana, Hugo V. MD
Alexander, Larry P. MD
Choi, Shaena H. MD
Clariday, Gregory T. MD
Dunn, Esther T. MD
Fang-Suarez, Ting MD
Goldman, Daniel I. MD
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Lipsky, William MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Valencia, Fides M. PT
Valencia, Tudy R. PT
Cuza, Francisco J. DPM
Mangum, Gregory L. DPM
Miller, Bruce DPM
Reyes-Guerrero, Edna I.
Sandler, Ronald D. DPM
Wolf, David S. DPM
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Hamer, Louis M. MD
CHIP Specialists
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Page/Página 108
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Pasadena - Radiation Oncology/Oncología de radiación
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Swanson, Todd A. MD
CHIP Specialists
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Garner, Glen B. MD
Lam, David N. MD
Maness, Elliot C. DO
McCalman, Kelli J. DO
Peel, Garrett K. MD
Timmons, Christopher A.
Schatte, Edward C. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Garner, Glen B. MD
Bommanna, Vasudeva M.
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Leech, Karen M. RN
Gyening, Isabella K. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Annamalai, Palam MD
Cesani Vasque, Fernando
Chaljub, Gregory MD
Jadhav, Siddharth P. MD
Kathuria, Manoj K. MD
Kirschner, Kimberly S. MD
Riascos-Castenada, Roy F.
Schreiber, Melvyn H. MD
Swischuk, Leonard E. MD
Tannus, Joao F. MD
Kafrouni, Michel I. MD
Rao, Jyoti MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Allon, Moshe MD
Chang, Emmanuel Y. MD
Holz, Eric R. MD
Khawly, Joseph A. MD
Khokhar, Amjad P. MD
Rahman, Hassan T. MD
Sun, Regina L. MD
Willis, Jr, Arthur W. MD
Zuckerbrod, Stewart L. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Peddamatham, Kumara S.
Ahmed, Fayyaz MD
Cheema, Bushra I. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Bonaparte, Bernadette D.
Caballos, Gildardo A. MD
Cheema, Bushra I. MD
McClamroch, James R. MD
Burke, Robert L. MD
Fukuda, Tomiko MD
Woody, Joshua T. MD
Medical Oncology/
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Mcdonald, Kathleen R. MD
Wang, Brian S. MD
Fontenot, April A. OT
Stilen, Faith A. OT
Pain Medicine/Control del
Allon, Moshe MD
Dhir, Prajay MD
Hamburg, Sol MD
Cheema, Bushra I. MD
Bommanna, Vasudeva M.
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Breeze, Scott W. MD
Hildreth, David H. MD
Maier, Michael C. MD
Motamedi, Ali R. MD
Rivers, Thomas B. MD
Shah, Vishal M. MD
Teunis, Candice B. MD
Rose, Natasha E. MD
Mangum, Gregory L. DPM
Miller, Bruce DPM
Nachmani, Linda D. DPM
Nguyen, Trang H. DPM
Rockett, Andrea K. DPM
Sum, Lauren L. DPM
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Sharper-Jones, Trina L. MS
Smith, Nadia MED
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Garner, Glen B. MD
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Mussaji, Murtaza MD
Rao, Jyoti MD
Medical Oncology/
Sethi, Sonal MD
McClamroch, James R. MD
Rihal, Pardeep S. MD
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Pain Medicine/Control del
Canon, Javier R. MD
Pediatric Orthopedic
ortopédica pediátrica
Davino, Nelson A. MD
Knoebel, Kathleen MD
Patel, Shefali D. MD
Smith-Cook, Karen E. MD
Physical Therapy/
Kocich, Patricia E. PT
Meyers, Jan H. PT
Hernaez, Irene T. DPM
Ivey, Matthew S. DPM
Lo, Asia E. DPM
Manriquez, Nicolas DPM
Mendicino, Samuel S. DPM
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Ali, Sadaf MA
Budreau, Tatum P. MS
Crosley, Pamela MA
Easley, Emily M. MS
Holub, Diane B. MED
McDonald, LaNee M. MA
Morehead, Amy P. MS
Parker, LeAnne M. MSLP
Spates, Nancy A. MED
Wilson, Kellie N. MED
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Liang, Jeffrey E. MD
Motamedi, Ali R. MD
Shah, Vishal M. MD
Wallace, David M. DO
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Hillery, Robert M. MD
Zorrilla, Carlos D. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Armendariz, Julie M. NP
Ferguson, Robin L. MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Adames, Ricardo A. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Adames, Ricardo A. MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Ordonez, Conrado J. MD
Interventional Cardiology/
Basit, Majid A. MD
Physical Therapy/
Hamid, Karen M. PT
Krynski, Michael G. DPM
Page/Página 109
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Sugar Land - Chiropractic/Quiropráctico
Reilly-Nivers, Rebecca J.
Rakkhit, Ronjay MD
Prakash, Rahul MD
Hovis, Todd M. MD
Learned-Burton, Lori J. MD
Nayar, Arun G. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Ellis, Elizabeth F. NP
Ramirez, Elda G. RN
Clinical Genetics/Genética
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
McZeal, Kevin J. MED
Mouton, Katherine E. MS
Ngu, Bonaventure B. MD
Javadi, Massoud MD
Khan, Mobin M. MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Kwoh, Christopher H. MD
Shukla, Manan S. MD
Tong, Kai Ming MD
Troung, Tam M. MD
Viets Upchurch, Jayne M.
Xie, Chun MD
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Pain Medicine/Control del
Bishai, Emad M. MD
Palliative Medicine/
Medicina paliativa
Tavel, Linda L. MD
Zinner, Cynthia M. MD
Bhardwaj, Jatinder MD
Rupley, Marcelina P. MD
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Psychosomatic Medicine/
Medicina psicosomática
Bishai, Emad M. MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Mathew, Jefy M. MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Yang, Theodore K. MD
Alain-Awasum, Serge B. MD
Behara, Shailaja S. MD
Memon, Ilyas M. MD
Xavier, Edward S. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Kabzinski, Michael J. DC
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Mathew, Jefy M. MD
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Tabor, Bannie L. MD
Medical Biochemical
bioquímica médica
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Medical Oncology/
Mitter, Ajay MD
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Cates, Valentina C. NP
El-Wali, Rami S. MD
Patricia A. RD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Viets Upchurch, Jayne M.
Mcgowan, Jack D. MD
Memon, Ilyas M. MD
Moparty, Ravi K. MD
Gynecologic Oncology/
Oncología ginecológica
Chen, Carolyn MD
Fish, Susan K. MD
Jenkins, Mark S. MD
Price, Charles D. MD
Singh, Gurpreet D. MD
Verstringhe III, Louis E. MD
Lee, Christine M. MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Chatman, Moncenya L. MD
Hillman, Lori J. DPM
Weaver, Shaun H. MD
Surgery of the Hand/
Cirugía de manos
Shah, Munir A. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Maggart, James R. MD
Tong, Kai Ming MD
Shirodkar, Samir P. MD
Kwoh, Christopher H. MD
Sugar Land
McDonald, Ryan O. MD
Wang, Benny S. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Perez, Joseph R. MD
Wahid, Rubina MD
Tina OT
Patel, Seena M. OT
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Snook, Terry D. MS
Ahmad, Anwar MD
Al-Adli, Naim M. MD
McClamroch, James R. MD
Miller, George G. MD
Otah, Kenneth E. MD
Sonbol, Yassir A. MD
Soto, Jose R. MD
Jenkins, Mark S. MD
Miller, Aaron M. MD
Price, Charles D. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Blevins, Kelly W. MD
Johnson, Clint W. MD
Shah, Munir A. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Douglas, Franklin M. MD
Grinstead, III, William C. MD
Chang, Yu-Hau DC
Pediatric Cardiology/
Cardiología pediátrica
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Ozcelik, Nazire MD*
Thapar, Mohinder K. MD
Drtil, Alexander F. MD
Jalal, Sohail MD
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Day, Richard L. DPM
Hillman, Lori J. DPM
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
El-Wali, Rami S. MD
Mattewal, Amarbir S. MD
Sleep Medicine/Medicina
del sueño
Douglas, Franklin M. MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Butkus, Shannon E. MS
Johnson, Gisele M. MED
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Le, Anne T. MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Desai, Sandip R. MD
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Santacruz, Jose F. MD
Shah, Bhadresh B. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Amin, Rajesh S. MD
Barkley, John M. MD
Behar, Robert A. MD
CHIP Specialists
Medical Oncology/
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Page/Página 110
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
Sugar Land - Diagnostic Radiology/Radiología
Brady, Jett R. MD
Chappell, Phylliss M. MD
Dumler, Thomas L. MD
Fung, Steve H. MD
Hamilton III, Carlos R. MD
Haykal, Hani A. MD
Hochhauser, Leo MD
Mehta, Snehal D. MD
Raza, Syed A. MD
Sandlin, Marlin E. MD
Sax, Steven L. MD
Sheets, Jessica K. MD
Singh, Sanjay K. MD
Soltes, George D. MD*
Youmans-Rieniets, Cynthia
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Grossheim, Lisa F. MD
Janoo, Ahsan S. MD
Mayer, Paul T. MD
Pearsall, Joel P. MD
Totz, Kenneth A. DO
Trinh, Loann T. DO
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Bandyopadhyay, Arindam
Gajula, Leka MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Kaw, Madhukar MD
Peddamatham, Kumara S.
Thomas, Tojo MD
Rakkhit, Ronjay MD
Tin-U, Caesar K. MD
Bhandari, Meghana MD
Camacho, Luis H. MD
Cheema, Bushra I. MD
Ellington, Owen B. MD
Escudier, Susan M. MD
Foote, Lawrence E. MD
Miro-Quesada, Miguel V. MD
Pandya, Devesh M. MD
Tenczynski, Theodore F.
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Butler, John M. MD
Ekaney, Irene M. MD
Fazal, Barkat A. MD
Obijiofor, Obiageli C. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Bandyopadhyay, Arindam
Bhandari, Arvind MD
Butler, John M. MD
Cheema, Bushra I. MD
Diaz, Liliana MD
Drtil, Alexander F. MD
Ekaney, Irene M. MD
Ellington, Owen B. MD
Fazal, Barkat A. MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
McClamroch, James R. MD
Miro-Quesada, Miguel V. MD
Momin, Tajuddin Q. MD
Nowlakha, Prem K. MD
Obijiofor, Obiageli C. MD
Otah, Kenneth E. MD
Pandya, Devesh M. MD
Patel, Maya MD
Patel, Rupert MD
Peguero, Julio A. MD
Phan, Duc H. MD
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Santacruz, Jose F. MD
Tenczynski, Theodore F.
Thakkar, Harish N. MD
Wahid, Rubina MD
Xie, Chun MD
Interventional Cardiology/
Basit, Majid A. MD
Sonbol, Yassir A. MD
Medical Oncology/
Bhandari, Arvind MD
Cheema, Bushra I. MD
Furse, Robert A. MD
Holmes, Frankie A. MD
Makhlouf, Antoine A. MD
Nguyen, Alex P. MD
Rakkhit, Ronjay MD
Sethi, Sanjay MD
Velasquez, William S. MD
Patel, Rupert MD
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Berry, John B. MD
Edmundson, Jr, Herbert P.
Fleming, III, William H. MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Jones, Melissa S. MD
Nuclear Medicine/Medicina
Chiang, Stephen B. MD
Bulan, Glenn E. MD
Chan, Edward K. MD
Cross, Warren D. MD
Dhir, Prajay MD
Fang-Suarez, Ting MD
Hipps, William M. MD
Johnson, Charles A. MD
Khokhar, Amjad P. MD
Koonce, Lacy A. MD
Koop, Michael MD
Lai, James Z. MD
Lee, Bailey L. MD
Mayo, Mark L. MD
McMenemy, Matthew G. MD
Porter, Dean P. MD
Ridley, Ryan W. MD
Schefler, Amy C. MD
Sharma, Sumeet K. MD
Urso, Richard G. MD
Yu, Bernard C. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Alani, Wayne O. MD
Beaver, Richard L. MD
Bennett, James M. MD
Chau, Arthur F. MD
Flores, Steven E. MD
Hildreth, David H. MD
Kent, Michael D. MD
Lowe, Walter R. MD
Mays, Matthew M. MD
McGarvey, William C. MD
Motamedi, Ali R. MD
Nolan, Steven E. MD
Rivers, Thomas B. MD
Sevilla, Cesar A. MD
Shah, Vishal M. MD
Teunis, Candice B. MD
Stiernberg, Charles M. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Adenwala, Jayshree N. MD
Burnette, Candice A. MD
White, Cheryl D. MD
Pediatric Cardiology/
Cardiología pediátrica
Burkholder, Henry L. MD
Fenrich, Jr, Arnold L. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Finnigan, James P. MD
Johnson, Gregory L. MD
Patt, Hanoch A. MD
Shaffer, Kenneth M. MD
Stern, Herbert J. MD
Weinstein, Ellen M. MD
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Pediatric Orthopedic
ortopédica pediátrica
Davino, Nelson A. MD
Pediatric Surgery/Cirugía
Bloss, Robert S. MD
Burkholder, Henry L. MD
Finnigan, James P. MD
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
Johnson, Gregory L. MD
Knoebel, Kathleen MD
Patel, Shefali D. MD
Patt, Hanoch A. MD
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Shaffer, Kenneth M. MD
Smith-Cook, Karen E. MD
Stern, Herbert J. MD
Weinstein, Ellen M. MD
Pediatrics, Developmental
Svcs/Pediatría para el
Dulyunan, Karen L. MS
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Dent, David V. DO
Jones, William M. MD
Physical Therapy/
Hamid, Karen M. PT
Kazemi, Amir S. PT
Larry, Stephanie P. PT
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Jaffer, Azul S. MD
Somayazula, Ravi K. DO
Bakatsas, George C. DPM
Camarda, Constance M.
Desai, Shetal-Nicholas R.
Fisher, Sybil J. DPM
Haase, Amy L. DPM
Hernaez, Irene T. DPM
Ivey, Matthew S. DPM
Page/Página 111
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
The Woodlands - Gastroenterology/Gastroenterología
Krynski, Michael G. DPM
Leisten, Robert D. DPM
Miller, Bruce DPM
Nussbaum, Meynard M. DPM
Patel, Alpash K. DPM
Van Vliet, Ronald A. DPM
Chao, David C. MD
Desai, Sandip R. MD
Diaz, Liliana MD
Mallick, Shahid Q. MD
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Santacruz, Jose F. MD
Shah, Bhadresh B. MD
Godinich, Mary J. MD
Vidal, Ana M. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Moinuddeen, Khaja MD
Godinich, Mary J. MD
Agan, Dustin C. MD
Lim, Hajin MD
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Kodali, Suryam MD
Moinuddeen, Khaja MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Siddiqui, Hina F. MD
Strickland, James L. MD
Thambidorai, Senthil K. MD
Texas City
Choi, Shaena H. MD
Clariday, Gregory T. MD
Dunn, Esther T. MD
Goldman, Daniel I. MD
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Lipsky, William MD
Sawyer, George S. MD
Tran, Duc H. DO
Behar, Robert A. MD
Kavadi, Vivek S. MD
Oh, Julia L. MD
Gupta, Meera R. MD
Mukerji, Shraddha S. MD
Siddiqui, Farrah N. MD
Young, Dayton L. MD
Asi, Wael M. MD
Bajwa, Mohsin K. MD
El-Wali, Rami S. MD
Mathew, Jefy M. MD
Rhoton, William A. MD
Ahmed, Fayyaz MD
Muanya, Obianuju O. MD
Kang, Hui S. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Diagnostic Radiology/
Sleep Disorders/
Trastornos del sueño
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Kang, Hui S. MD
Legendre, Kevin E. MD
Reinoso, Mauricio A. MD
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Dulyunan, Karen L. MS
Johnson, Dana D. MA
Sinha, Hemalatha MS
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Bennett, James M. MD
Jones, William M. MD
Lowe, Walter R. MD
Mays, Matthew M. MD
Motamedi, Ali R. MD
Shah, Vishal M. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Dempsey, Kelly S. MD
Fisher, John D. MD
Hillery, Robert M. MD
Jaffer, Azul S. MD
Kleinman, Michael H. MD
Le, Anne T. MD
Mohiuddin, Imran T. MD
Moinuddeen, Khaja MD
Moore, Thomas W. MD
Otah, Eseroghene MD
Somayazula, Ravi K. DO
Van Sickle, Kent MD
Wood, Michael T. MD
Mohiuddin, Imran T. MD
Kobylar, Richard S. DPM
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Berbarie, Rafic F. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Ginapp, Lisa A. NP
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Praisoody, Sankaman N. MD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Warner, William S. MD
Gill, David P. MD
Mcclure, Suzanne MD
Weiss, Gary B. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Warner, William S. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Abu-Sharifeh, Tareq M. MD
Bhimani, Ashish A. MD
Boyars, Michael C. MD
Aigbivbal, Lemuel O. MD
Patel, Janak MD
Pediatric Nephrology/
Nefrología pediátrica
Balachan, Shivaiah MD
Pediatric Ophthalmology/
Oftalmología pediátrica
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Chonmaitree, Tasnee MD
Fonseca, Rafael A. MD
Matalon, Reuben MD
Patel, Janak MD
Orihuela, Eduardo MD
Sonstein, Joseph MD
Tarry, Susan E. MD
Tarry, William F. MD
Warren, Michael M. MD
Worsham, Sidney A. MD
The Woodlands
Kang, Hui S. MD
Rogers, Kathryn B. MA
Siddiqui, Hina F. MD
Strickland, James L. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Clinical Genetics/Genética
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Aguilar, Kelly R. MD
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Barlow, Virginia L. MD
Ray-Droddy, Amber R. MD
Tavel, Linda L. MD
Shahzad, Atif MD
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Onwudiwe, Ifeyinwa P. MD
Porter-Sales, Vernicka D.
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Aguilar, Kelly R. MD
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Atluri, Hema MD
Bajoyo, Aries P. MD
Chandrasenan, Nisha MD
Hutchins, Susan D. MD
CHIP Specialists
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Thoracic & Cardiac
Page/Página 112
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
CHIP Specialists
The Woodlands - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Khan, Faraz M. MD
Mathew, Jefy M. MD
Naidu, Sharmila MD
Nasir, Aisha P. MD
Nguyen, Thomas M. MD
Raza, Syed A. MD
Rivera, Julio R. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Interventional Cardiology/
Agan, Dustin C. MD
Bajwa, Mohsin K. MD
El-Wali, Rami S. MD
Mathew, Jefy M. MD
Rhoton, William A. MD
Sleep Disorders/
Trastornos del sueño
Patricia A. RD
Hunter, Marque A. MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Berilgen, Jason E. MD
Kaiser, Adeel MD
Retinal Diseases/
Enfermedades de la retina
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Kamath, Vasudeva M. MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Ball, Courtney S. AM
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Lipscomb, Albert B. MD
Piper Jr, Paul K. MD
Shahzad, Atif MD
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Papadopoulos, John N. MD
Papadopoulos, John N. MD
Gaffney, Kevin C. MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Jenkins, Mark S. MD
McCauley, Matthew B. MD
Miller, Adam D. OD
Schefler, Amy C. MD
Varnell, James T. OD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Blevins, Kelly W. MD
Lipscomb, Albert B. MD
Shatby, Meena W. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Kang, Hui S. MD
Kamath, Vasudeva M. MD
Marino, Benton R. MD
Nguyen, Nancy N. MD
Onwudiwe, Ifeyinwa P. MD
Porter-Sales, Vernicka D.
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Teichgraeber, John F. MD
Mukker, Gurpreet K. DPM
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Browder, Tonia L. RN
Chapman, Pamela CRNA
Clark, Kelly J. CRNA
Duhon, Edith R. RN
Eckhoff, Nisha L. RN
Ezell, William B. CRNA
Lapointe, Janet R. RN
Mussey, Richard H. CRNA
Profeta Jr, Robert F. CRNA
Unseld, Leo CRNA
Aslam, Ahmad A. MD
Ferris, Samuel J. MD
Shahzad, Arsalan MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Alsaab, Saad M. MD
Shahzad, Arsalan MD
Vaidya, Kedarnath A. MD
Clinical Genetics/Genética
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Aslam, Ahmad A. MD
Beaudry, Dominique J. MD
Hunter, Marque A. MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Vaidya, Kedarnath A. MD
Interventional Cardiology/
Beaudry, Dominique J. MD
Shahzad, Arsalan MD
Vaidya, Kedarnath A. MD
Bhuriwala IV, Shujauddin MD
Doe, Erin A. MD
Dunn, Steven H. MD
McQueen, Brent R. MD
Miller, Aaron M. MD
Sheffield, Hayne J. MD
Verstringhe III, Louis E. MD
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Iyer, Mallika V. MD
Jacob, Susan C. MD
Azimuddin, Khawaja MD
Thompson, Katherine H. MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Pirtle, Philip MD
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Anesthetist, Nurse/
Anestesista, enfermera
Donohue, Thomas A. MD
Mettauer, Mark M. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Khoury, Pierre N. MD
Peguero, Julio A. MD
Sethi, Gurdeep S. MD
Thoracic & Cardiac
Iyer, Mallika V. MD
Jacob, Susan C. MD
Mettauer, Mark M. MD
Kitten, Clifford M. MD
Stroud, Daniel G. MD
Ortega-Barnett, Juan R. MD
Butler, Ian J. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Hunter, Marque A. MD
Pirtle, Philip MD
Asi, Wael M. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Abbas, Rashida S. MD
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD
Tahir, Saifuddin MD
Bommanna, Vasudeva M.
Syed, Ghyasuddin MD
Hatherill, Betsy MS
Abreo, Gerard MD
Ali, Nadir M. MD
Cayenne, Sathish MD
Hamer, David S. MD
Harkins, Jr, Anna M. DO
Kumar, Mohan S. MD
Mercado, Mary L. MD
Shah, Rakesh K. MD
Shalaby, Mohamed L. MD
Slusky, Harvey E. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Chaudauri, Debasish MD
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Sharma, Saumya MD
Thambidorai, Senthil K. MD
Page/Página 113
CHIP Specialists/Especialistas
Wharton - Surgery, General/Cirugía general
Venkataraman, Rajesh MD
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Apisarnthanarax, Narin MD
Ahmed, Mohamed S. MD
Chen, Lilly L. MD
Baba, Mohammad J. MD
Terminella, Luigi MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Choi, Shaena H. MD
Clariday, Gregory T. MD
Dunn, Esther T. MD
Goldman, Daniel I. MD
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Lam, Michael K. MD
Lipsky, William MD
Mayo, Mark L. MD
Sawyer, George S. MD
Tran, Duc H. DO
Tran, Lee T. MD
Kavadi, Vivek S. MD
Mehta, Divyang D. MD
Walker, David P. MD
Yang, Theodore K. MD
Stapenhorst, David P. MD
Sleep Disorders/
Trastornos del sueño
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Chang, Charlie C. MD
Kafrouni, Michel I. MD
Rao, Jyoti MD
Gill, David P. MD
Kodali, Dhatri MD
Mahmood, Khalid MD
Mcclure, Suzanne MD
Rodney, Alan J. MD
Weiss, Gary B. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Daley, Phillip G. MD*
Fischer, Conrad A. MD
Serrato, Juan A. MD
Atanasov, Strahil T. MD
Fairweather, David A. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Du, Khoi H. MD
Garner, Glen B. MD
Pham, Hoang Q. MD
Quinones, Jose A. MD
Yo, In S. MD
Jogi, Vikas MD
Kamana, Mallika MD
Onorato, Michelle MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Syed, Ghyasuddin MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Pediatric Cardiology/
Cardiología pediátrica
Abreo, Gerard MD
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Al-Lahiq, Maha K. MD
Baba, Mohammad J. MD
Chang, Charlie C. MD
Chaudauri, Debasish MD
Chu, Ping S. MD
Jogi, Vikas MD
Kamana, Mallika MD
Mahmood, Khalid MD
Mercado, Mary L. MD
Moukaddem, Bilal M. MD
Onorato, Michelle MD
Rahim, Enayet MD
Rao, Jyoti MD
Shalaby, Mohamed L. MD
Terminella, Luigi MD
Yao, June MD
Medical Oncology/
Chu, Ping S. MD
Bonthala, Savithri MD
Arbona-Ramirez, Ileana M.
Ahmed, Mohammed A. MD
Ahuja, Tejinder S. MD
Garner, Glen B. MD
Quinones, Jose A. MD
Pediatric Critical Care
Med/Medicina de cuidado
crítico pediátrica
Zorrilla, Carlos D. MD
Albitar, Mohammad F. MD
Malkani, Gautam G. MD
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Pediatric Ophthalmology/
Oftalmología pediátrica
Gunderson, Charlise A. MD
Pediatric Surgery/Cirugía
Kimmel, Stephen G. MD
Bommanna, Vasudeva M.
Bonthala, Savithri MD
Ikeda, Takehisa MD
Mahmood, Khalid MD
Malkani, Gautam G. MD
Miryala, Ragini P. MD
Rosas, Maria-Isabel MD
Clause, Chad C. DPM
Webb, Jr, Douglas E. DPM*
Winkles, Billy M. DC
Ferguson, Robin L. MD
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Lopez-Roman, Henry J. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Jafri, Nadim S. MD
Interventional Cardiology/
Basit, Majid A. MD
Ogburn, Hugh M. MD
Schefler, Amy C. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Chau, Arthur F. MD
Nolan, Steven E. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Riha, Megan R. NP
Barreto, Jose J. DPM
Krynski, Michael G. DPM
Stapenhorst, David P. MD
CHIP Specialists
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Page/Página 114
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Alvin - Child Psychiatry/Psiquiatría infantil
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
These providers are available for CHIP Members and CHIP Perinate Newborns only. CHIP Perinate
Members should select providers from the Perinate chapters in the front of this directory.
Estos proveedores están disponibles para miembros de CHIP y CHIP Perinate recién nacidos solamente.
CHIP Perinate miembros deben seleccionar los proveedores de los índices anteriores Perinate en este
To obtain mental health/substance abuse care, please call Amerigroup toll free at 1-800-600-4441.
Para obtener servicios de salud mental/abuso de substancias, llame gratis a Amerigroup al 1-800-600-4441.
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Baker, Olen C. MD
IP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias en hospital
Santa Maria Hostel
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Gusey, Tim E. MA
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
Santa Maria Hostel
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Gambrel, Dona M. NP
Baker, Olen C. MD
Barnes, Carlin D. MD
Crane, Stuart D. MD
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Dejarnette-Holly, Tracie M.
Fishkind, Avrim B. MD
Mizra-Gruber, Manizeh MD
Shiekh, Micheal A. MD
Simmons, Kevin J. MD
Walsh, Catherine MD
Care/Cuidado subagudo/
Shiloh Treatment Ctr
Child & Adolescent
infantil y de adolescentes
Mallett, Robin D. MD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Baker, Olen C. MD
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Scruggs, Provilla H. MED
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Kopecky, Stephanie E. LPC
Morrison, Melisa S. MA
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
The Gulf Coast Ctr
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Gambrel, Dona M. NP
Baker, Olen C. MD
Barnes, Carlin D. MD
Crane, Stuart D. MD
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Dejarnette-Holly, Tracie M.
Fishkind, Avrim B. MD
Johnson, Neysa L. MD
Mallett, Robin D. MD
Mizra-Gruber, Manizeh MD
Shiekh, Micheal A. MD
Simmons, Kevin J. MD
Walsh, Catherine MD
Care/Cuidado subagudo/
Shiloh Treatment Ctr
Bay City
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Blakeny, Bryan A. MS
Meikle-Traylor, Vanessa P.
Atwood, Katherine MS
Martin, LaToya C. MA
Schmidt, William J. PHD
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Almore, Laura L. MA
Guerrero, Irma G. MA
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Bowie, Chara L. MA
Durham, Tarnicia R. LPC
Johnson-Fant, Rose M. MA
Jones, Andrea D. MA
Perry, Karen K. MS
Pinjala, Anjali MA
Robins, Mollie E. AM
Torrence, Corrin AM
Turer, June M. MA
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
DePelchin Children's Ctr
T R S - Baytown
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Turney, Vanessa B. APNP
Ahmed, Mohamed S. MD
Blakeny, Bryan A. MS
Jones, Kevin T. PHD
Smith, Kevin G. PHD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Davis, Patricia S. MED
Jones, Kevin T. PHD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Ahmed, Mohamed S. MD
Gheller, Gina M. LCSW
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Polk, Dan G. PHD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Polk, Dan G. PHD
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Donohue, Molly R. AM
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Zemencsik, Melissa A. MS
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Bruce, Margaret A. MA
Burbank, Theresa M. MA
Foreit, David C. MS
Frankenfield, Laurie MA
Frenzel, Kimberly A. MED
Humphress, Kassandra MA
McElroy, Sean C. MA
Smith, Yvette M. MA
Zemencsik, Melissa A. MS
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
Tri County MHMR Svcs
Tri-County MHMR
Bishai, Emad M. MD
Champagne, Laura L. MD
Flowers, Larry MD
Venkatesh, Athi P. MD
Duckers, Ronald PHD
Quijano, Walter Y. PHD
Page/Página 115
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Houston - Lic Clinical Social Worker/Trabajador social clínico certificado
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Deer Park
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Molinaro, Kathy S. MA
Certified Addiction
Counselor/Consejero de
adicciones certificado
Hewlett, Patricia LMSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Alvarez, Mary A. PHD
Norris, Amanda K. PHD
Westhoven, Venette C.
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Alvarez, Mary A. PHD
Westhoven, Venette C.
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Turner, Helen M. MA
Galena Park
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Fink, Elyssa M. LCSW
Watts, Carolyn I. MA
Certified Addiction
Counselor/Consejero de
adicciones certificado
Temple, Jeffrey PHD
El Campo
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Speegle, Glenda H. MSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Davis, Patricia S. MED
Speegle, Glenda H. MSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Earls, Melissa K. MA
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Muldrow, Edward LCSW
Willbanks-Larrivere, Lisa L.
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Molinaro, Kathy S. MA
Earle, Robert N. MD*
Higgins, Napoleon B. MD
Qayyum, Mohsin MD
Hewlett, Patricia LMSW
Child & Adolescent
infantil y de adolescentes
Auslander, Beth A. PHD
Thomas, Christopher R. MD
Wagner, Karen D. MD
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Defilippis, Melissa S. MD
Dejarnette-Holly, Tracie M.
Fishkind, Avrim B. MD
Fuller, Michael A. MD
Goodwin, Jean MD
Haque, Waheedul MD
Harvey, Edythe P. MD
Hirschfeld, Robert MD
Johnson, Neysa L. MD
Levine, Ruth E. MD*
McNeel, Linea A. MD
Mizra-Gruber, Manizeh MD
O'Boyle, Michael MD
Shafie, Taghi MD
Shiekh, Micheal A. MD
Simmons, Kevin J. MD
Stephenson, Kelly W. MD
Stone, Michael MD
Walsh, Catherine MD
Wigg, Cindy MD
Auslander, Beth A. PHD
Baker, Jeffrey PHD
Smith, Karen PHD
Speer, Thomas K. PHD
Temple, Jeffrey PHD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Niebuhr, Virginia PHD
Rosenberg, Laura PHD
Rosenberg, Marta PHD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Addiction Medicine/
Medicina para adicciones
Meyer, Walter J. MD
Silva, Mireya MD
Wolf, Dwight V. MD
Powers, Jason Z. MD
Raichman, Jorge A. MD*
Spector, Ivan C. MD
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Certified Addiction
Counselor/Consejero de
adicciones certificado
Laval, Sabra S. AM
Olson, Michael PHD
Lins, Sandra R. MS
Smith, Jean S. MED
Vaughn, Martha W. PHD
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Child & Adolescent
infantil y de adolescentes
Brown, Suellen G. MA
Laval, Sabra S. AM
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Gambrel, Dona M. NP
Avery, Eric MD
Barnes, Carlin D. MD
Crane, Stuart D. MD
Adihetty, Nishan D. MD
Brams, Matthew N. MD
Bukstein, Oscar G. MD
Garber, Nicole D. MD
Garza, Maria R. MD
Kahan, Kara L. MD
Khan, Farhan M. MD
Mao, Alice R. MD
Masha, Olajide H. MD
Uzokwe, Festus I. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Yen, Jennifer L. MD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Barnes, Carlin D. MD
Bustamante, Pedro M. MD
Butler, Patricia M. MD
Garza, Maria R. MD
Guerra, Jr, Carlos MD
Guirguis, Nabil Y. MD
Harper III, Andrew R. MD
Harris, Toi MD
Hugg, Terry W. MD
Idicula, Sindhu MD
Kahan, Kara L. MD
Lewis, Kay R. MD
Mao, Alice R. MD
McGinnis, Michael R. MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini MD
Pesikoff, Richard B. MD
Randle, Sonja L. MD
Salazar, Gentil MD
Santos, Cynthia W. MD
Saunders, Ann E. MD
Saxena, Kirti MD
Schatte, Dawnelle J. MD
Scott-Gurnell, Kathy C. MD
Starbranch, Eileen K. MD
Clinical Nurse
Especialista en enfermería
clínica – Salud del
comportamiento- adultos
Dejean, Guerline P. MSN
Rodriguez, Tomas RN
Community Mental Health
Center/Centro comunitario
de salud mental
Shelburne, Julia T. MD
Smith, Holly D. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Geriatric Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría geriátrica
Alam, Akhtar M. MD
John, Vineeth P. MD
Noel, Richard L. MD
Prabhu, Manjeshwar R. MD
Rubashkin, Boris MD
Spector, Ivan C. MD
IP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias en hospital
Intracare North Hospital
Montrose Counseling Center
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Anderson, Mency LCSW
Arney, Angela M. MSW
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Edmunds, Deborah D. MA
Hornaday, Brenda J. MA
Jones, Sammie I. MA
Swearengin, Jennifer A. MA
Qureshi, Salah U. MD
Page/Página 116
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Houston - Lic Clinical Social Worker/Trabajador social clínico certificado
Bates, Diane M. LCSW
Beecher, Kelley LCSW
Benkert, Myrta M. PHD
Blakeny, Bryan A. MS
Bowen, Erika M. LCSW
Bowens, Antionnette F.
Brackins, Doris G. MSW
Bruce, Erica L. LCSW
Burch, Brittany E. LCSW
Byron, Susana D. MSW
Cheung, Poi Ten Ada LCSW
Christ-Rice, Deniece R.
Coleman II, Joseph LMSW
Eichhorn, Ardis MSW
Funke, Veronica M. MSW
Gantt, Milton J. MSW
Gentry, Deborah K. LCSW
Gentry, Judy L. MSW
Gheller, Gina M. LCSW
Gluzkater, Sophie MSW
Granger, Rosslyn N. MSW
Greene, Margaret R. LCSW
Harrison-Dunn, Hilary A.
Hartson, Tyler W. LMSW
Hergenroeder, Robert A.
Hernandez, Vilma LCSW
Cynthia A. MSW
Herrera, III, Emiliano LCSW*
Holmes, Kelly L. LCSW
Howell, Toby D. LCSW
Jefferson, Robert L. MSW
Jones, Sandra L. MSW
Laney, Erica G. LMSW
Lerner, Jean K. MSW
Litsey, Elaine M. MSW
Luong, Kim T. MSW
Martinez, Minerva H. LMSW
McGregor, Julianne M.
Milligan, Joy C. LCSW
Mitki, Jillian E. LCSW
Moore, Antonia W. MSW
Musquiz, Richard M. MSW
Myer, Kelly C. MSW
Neifert, Joseph G. MSW
Nellis, Anna MSW
Nelson-Turnier, Dian C.
Novoa, Danilo J. MS
O'Reardon, Carmel LCSW
Parker, Kim L. MSW
Pasco, Maria S. MSW
Rall, Pam J. LCSW
Robinson, Susan E. LCSW
Rochat, Jaime S. LMSW
Romanelli, Susan J. LCSW
Salazar, Josephine M.
Sayles, Terri L. LMSW
Scott, Robert E. MSW
Shenoi, Merle LPC
Sherman, Vicki C. MSW
Skinner, Adrian R. MSW
Smith, Trina J. MSW
Sokol, Ronald J. MSW
Stephens, Carol M. MA
Sturrock, Brandi K. LCSW
Szczygielski, Susan A.
Tedder, Felicia A. MSW
Thomas, Michael J. MSW
Tipton, Marcelle MSW
Trenchard, James E. LCSW
Utecht, Peggy D. MSW
Vazquez, Rosalia MSW
Velasquez, Carol L. LISW
Wampler, Patricia L. MSW*
Washington, Shelley A.
Wayland, Clotie L. MSW
Weitenhagen, Erin C. MSW
Ziboh, Doris L. MSW
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Ashley, Dorothy M. MED
Bailey, Helen P. MA
Barrett, Jimmie C. MA
Benkert, Myrta M. PHD
Brooks, Pruedence C. PSYD
Carson, Samuel C. MED
Colvin, Lori Ann MMFT
Cooper, Maureen H. MA
Dunn, Heather R. AM
Ekwere, Joseph E. MED
Eljure, Catalina MA
Guerrero, Irma G. MA
Guske, Hatti LMFT
Guzman, Joanne R. LMFT
Hara, Kristi A. MA
Hartman, William H. MED
Himelfarb, Karen MS
Houseworth, Steven L. PHD
Jarvis, Nkechi MS
Jemi-Alade, Tunji EDD
Laval, Sabra S. AM
Levin, Susan B. PHD
Litsey, Elaine M. MSW
Lozano, Lisa M. MA
Matta, Pierre LMFT
Mehta, Kirit N. MA
Mejia, Ricardo A. LMFT
Mitchell, James C. MS
Nguyen, Thuy T. MA
Orna, Rodolfo J. LMFT
Pietz, Marion E. MS
Poteet, Jacquelyn E. MA
Pugh, Michael L. LMFT
Roberts, Harriet L. PHD
Schaefer, Cynthia E. LMFT
Seubert, Yoko F. MA
Simcik, Frank L. MED
Stacy, Roosevelt MA
Stanley, Darryl S. MS
Stephens, Carol M. MA
Szabo, Hilda Y. AM
Totten, Betty L. MA
Turcich, Marie R. MA
Vaughn, Martha W. PHD
Young, Molly B. MA
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Abraham, Deanna K. MED
Adams, Melissa K. MED
Agra, Loyd MA
Ahrens, Jill P. MED
Amin, Janki LPC
Antonvich, Diane MA
Austin, Constance K. MA
Bailey, Helen P. MA
Bailey, Lisa M. LPC
Baldwin, Mellonie E. MA
Bamberg, Lela R. LPC
Barrett, Jimmie C. MA
Bassett, Yolanda MED
Beal, Janice M. MED
Benzion, Avia H. MA
Bowie, Chara L. MA
Braam, Peggy J. MS
Bradley, Denise L. MA
Brown, Joshua B. MA
Browning, Yolanda R. MA
Cadenhead, Lyle PHD
Carrillo, Regina R. LPC
Carson, Samuel C. MED
Casperson, Ann MA
Champion, Gloria A. MED
Chang, Mandy W. MA
Charles, Clifton E. MA
Chatham, Brandi S. MED
Chowdhury, Taneem MA
Christianson, Christopher P.
Cisneros, Jessica MED
Clarke, Melody V. LPC
Clay, Lola M. MS
Colbert, Linda K. MS
Contreras, Eunice C. MA
Cooper, Maureen H. MA
Cortez-Jones, Michelle L.
Craig, Harolyn L. MA
Crown, Debra M. MA
Crutchfield, Marsha M. MED
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Cua, Abigayle J. MA
Dominguez, Paula V. AM
Donato, Margaret S. MA
Donohue, Molly R. AM
Dunn, Heather R. AM
Dunwoody, Monica MA
Durham, Tarnicia R. LPC
Edmunds, Deborah D. MA
Eljure, Catalina MA
Ellis, Danielle C. AM
Ellison, Claire LPC
Engelhard, Gesslyn S. MA
Estep, Tamara L. MA
Farias-Cano, Maria E. MED
Fitzgerald, Carolyn K. MA
Foster, Sandra K. MA
Frazier, Luella R. MED
Frazier, Samille R. MS
Frenzel, Kimberly A. MED
Fuller, Gayle L. MA
Garcia, Alma D. MED
Gerdes, Frances G. MA
Gibson, Michael W. MED
Gilmore, Robert M. MED
Graf, Megan E. MA
Grant, Kara K. MA
Greenbaum, Sylvia D. MED
Green-Scott, Alicia R. MA
Greer, Patricia W. MA
Grover, Heidi C. LPC
Guzman, Joanne R. LMFT
Hamelers, Joseph M. MED
Hartman, William H. MED
Hebert, Sherell LMHC
Hebert, Winderlyon P. LPC
Henderson, Jack J. MS
Hendricks, Jennifer C. MED
Henry, Karen A. MA
Hernandez, Blanca N. PHD
Hershkowitz, Lilliane Z. MA
Hildebrand, Kristy AM
Hornaday, Brenda J. MA
Hudson, Patricia J. MA
Hurtado, Jackeline MED
Ivory, Cheryl Y. MA
James, Harry A. MS
Jefferson, Joseph L. PHD
Jefferson, Troy V. MED
Johnson, Daphne J. MS
Johnson, Tamara E. MA
Johnson-Fant, Rose M. MA
Jones, Ee'A A. MA
Jones, Sammie I. MA
Juarez, Rosanne C. MA
Kellier, Allison MA
Kerr, Christopher E. MED
Khan, Blanche H. MA
King, Leslie W. MA
Kuhl, Jennifer L. MA
Kun, Steve K. MA
Page/Página 117
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Houston - Psychiatry/Psiquiatría
Richker, Perry G. MED
Rimmer-mayorga, Debra J.
Riojas-Foyt, Gloria J. MA
Ritcher, Kimberly T. LPC
Rivera, Margaret R. MA
Roberts, Harriet L. PHD
Rossi, Stephen MA
Ruiz Salgado, Delmy L. MA
Sadler, Marilyn S. MA
Salazar, Eduardo MS
Santoyo, Lerlene W. MA
Saravanan, Kalpana D. MA
Saripella, Isela M. AM
Schmidt, William J. PHD
Senegal, Marie D. EDD
Senn, Lisa MA
Sesay, Omar A. MED
Seubert, Yoko F. MA
Sheiman, Nancy MSW
Simcik, Frank L. MED
Simien, Faye M. MS
Simon, Rose M. MA
Smith, Angie J. MA
Smith, Jean S. MED
Smith, Shannon R. LPC
Smith-Maxwell, Kimberly S.
Soderstrom, Michael MA
Soland, Marcie M. MA
Spears, Dempsey D. MA
St Clair, Lilliana M. MS
Stanley, Darryl S. MS
Stephens, Carol M. MA
Stephens, Emily MS
Stewart-Taylor, Tabitha L.
Stone, Faith H. MED
Swearengin, Jennifer A. MA
Szabo, Hilda Y. AM
Szego, Eva E. MA
Taylor, Sherry L. BS
Terni, Terri MA
Thomas, Carla Y. AM
Thomas, Sandra E. AM
Thompson, Cheril P. PHD
Thompson, Linda D. MA
Thomson, Kristin P. AM
Thornby, Cindy M. MA
Torres, Lorena MA
Totten, Betty L. MA
Trivedi, Shilpa B. MED
Turcich, Marie R. MA
Turer, June M. MA
Turner, Nicole M. MA
Turner-Fountain, Akondaye
Varro, Jr, Michael F. MA
Vilatoro, Clara I. LPC
Vines, Diane T. MA
Vyas, Anand A. PHD
Wade-Zeller, Raquel D.
Watts, Carolyn I. MA
Weatherly-Obani, Jennifer
White, Sheila K. MED
Williams, Constance D. MED
Williams, Jocelyn S. PHD
Williams, Patrcia M. MS
Willis, Lee L. MA
Woodworth, Christy L. MED
Wrather, Chasity D. AM
Yohr, Richard J. MS
Young, Desneiges N. LPC
Young, Molly B. MA
Zemencsik, Melissa A. MS
Breier, Joshua I. PHD
Loveland, Katherine A. PHD
Ott, Summer D. PSYD
Pearson, Deborah A. PHD
Phillips, Jacqueline D. PHD
Sander, Angelle M. PHD
Sethna, Jimmy PSYD
Uzzell, Barbara P. PHD
Wilde, Mark C. PHD
Williams, Bethany R. PHD
Shawanda W. PHD
York, Michele K. PHD
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
Deblin Health Concepts &
DePelchin Children's Ctr
M H M R A Of Harris County
Montrose Counseling Center
National Smart Healthcare
Santa Maria Hostel
Texas Cypress Creek
Psychiatric Hospital/
Hospital psiquiátrico
Harris County Psychiatric
Riverside General Hospital
Texas Cypress Creek
Texas West Oaks Hospital
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Dejean, Guerline P. MSN
Evans, Henrietta V. RN
Adhia, Sanjay G. MD
Adihetty, Nishan D. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Alam, Akhtar M. MD
Allen, Melissa K. DO
Amin, Shetal MD
Ashraf, Deeba R. MD
Bacon, Jr, Robert J. MD
Barnes, Carlin D. MD
Baron, Jason D. MD
Barr, Jeffrey V. MD
Basnett, Seema R. MD*
Blocher, Thomas A. MD
Bobb, David S. MD
Boehme, Christopher L. MD
Brams, Matthew N. MD
Bukstein, Oscar G. MD
Burruss, John W. MD
Bustamante, Pedro M. MD
Butler, Patricia M. MD
Buttar, Gurdip S. MD
Chen, Frank Y. MD
Claghorn, James L. MD
Coverdale, John H. MD
Cowan, Katherine A. MD
Crane, Stuart D. MD
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Daniel, Vivi S. MD
David, Elizabeth H. MD
De Silva, Sriya MD
Dejarnette-Holly, Tracie M.
Dhatt, Ajinder S. MD
Elhage, Izzeledeen B. MD
Erlichman, Jasmin MD
Fernandez Jr, Jose M. MD
Findley, Jonathan C. MD
Fishkind, Avrim B. MD
Flick, Sarah R. MD
Flowers, Larry MD
Gajwani, Prashant MD
Ganc, Jaime MD
Garber, Nicole D. MD
Garner, Felecia I. MD
Garvin, Jason G. DO
Garza, Maria R. MD
Georges, Danae MD
Ginsberg, Lawrence D. MD
Goodman, Heather S. MD
Gordon, Mollie R. MD
Guerra, Jr, Carlos MD
Guirguis, Nabil Y. MD
Guynn, Robert W. MD
Hashmi, Aqeel MD
Hugg, Terry W. MD
Iglehart, Sharon L. MD*
John, Vineeth P. MD
Kahan, Kara L. MD
Kazimi, Iram MD*
Khan, Farhan M. MD
Kjome, Kimberly L. MD
Krajewski, Kenneth J. MD
Kumar, Dharmendra MD
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
LaPointe, Kathryn A. PHD
Laval, Sabra S. AM
Lawson, Porscha F. MA
Lee, Juri MA
Lee-Lipkins, Holly A. MA
Leonard-Proctor, Verlonda
Lerman, Ty D. MA
Levin, Susan B. PHD
Levy, David M. LPC
Lewis, Mark L. MS
Lewis, Shana D. LPC
Lewis, Willie M. PHD
Lezak, Penny N. MA
Light, Linda B. MS
Lins, Sandra R. MS
Lipkins, Andre MA
Luu, Dat A. LMHC
Luu, Thang D. MA
Makridis, Amparo P. MED
Martin, David B. LPC
Martin-Wolf, Laura D. MS
Mattis, Dalia I. MED
McClain, Monica M. MS
Mccleary, Paula M. MA
McClure, Helen Y. MA
McDonald, Joy U. LPC
Mehta, Kirit N. MA
Miller, Yarinika M. MA
Morales-Tymczak, Annette
Moran, Rose M. MA
Moran-Fernandez, Kristina
Morrison, Crystal A. MA
Morrison, Kristi MA
Myers, James E. LPC
Newman, Beverly J. MA
Nguyen, Thuy T. MA
Nickell, Lenecia D. MA
Nicolai, Erin MS
Ogletree, Pamela G. MED
Ojeah, Sylvester I. MA
Okose, Ngozi T. PHD
Onuoha, Kathy MS
Ortiz, Dirce N. MA
Pamp, Jeri L. MA
Parker, Susan L. MA
Pastrana, Sonia MED
Pearson, Lisa MA
Peoples, Patricia A. MS
Peters, Maria MS
Pietz, Marion E. MS
Pinson, Inga K. MA
Power, Jeffrey G. MA
Price, Lisa L. MED
Purdy, Cari M. MA
Rall, Pam J. LCSW
Reed, Taya L. LPC
Richards, Kellee N. MS
Richardson, Kirleen MA
Page/Página 118
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Houston - Psychiatry/Psiquiatría
Laborde-Lahoz, Pilar L. MD
Lu, Tzu C. MD
Maldonado, Lisa M. MD
Malkina, Svetlana MD
Mao, Alice R. MD
Marie, Nathalie A. MD
Masha, Olajide H. MD
Matorin, Anu A. MD
Memon, Saba MD*
Mendez, Ruben MD*
Miller, Gary E. MD
Mizra-Gruber, Manizeh MD
Moeller, Frederick G. MD
Moukaddam, Nidal J. MD
Nazarini, Mehboob A. MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini MD
Nix, Bobby R. MD
Noel, Richard L. MD
Okusaga, Olaoluwa O. MD
Olatunbosun, Sadiat K. MD
Ostermeyer, Britta J. MD
Parikh, Ramesh R. MD*
Pasztor, Gabriella R. MD
Patniyot, Nicholas S. MD
Patterson, Guy K. MD
Person, Cheryl L. MD
Pesikoff, Richard B. MD
Pinell-Midence, Octavio C.
Prabhu, Manjeshwar R. MD
Raichman, Jorge A. MD*
Ramani, Swapna LCSW
Randle, Sonja L. MD
Raza, Shakeel MD
Rubashkin, Boris MD
Salazar, Gentil MD
Santos, Cynthia W. MD
Saunders, Ann E. MD
Saxena, Kirti MD
Schatte, Dawnelle J. MD
Schneider, Laurie MD
Scott-Gurnell, Kathy C. MD
Shad, Mujeeb U. MD
Shah, Asim A. MD
Shah, Nurun N. MD
Shiekh, Micheal A. MD
Shoaib, Arif M. MD
Simmons, Kevin J. MD
Slaughter, Rustin T. MD
Smeal, Janis L. DO
Sniff, Shannon L. MD
Soares, Jair MD
Spector, Ivan C. MD
Starbranch, Eileen K. MD
Steinberg, Joel L. MD
Swann, Alan C. MD
Tan, Daniel T. MD
Trinidad, Antolin C. MD*
Uzokwe, Festus I. MD
Valentine, Lisa C. MD
Vittone, Alicia B. MD
Williams, Laurel L. DO
Wright, Robbie J. MD
Yen, Jennifer L. MD
Yngve, David A. MD
Zachariah, Ann MD
Zoch, Janet L. MD
Adams, Kenneth P. PSYD
Ambrose, Belinda J. PHD
Barr, Simone C. PHD
Belz, Glenn R. MD
Bray, James H. PHD
Brooks, Pruedence C. PSYD
Brooks, Shalonda PHD
Butler, Eboni T. PSYD
Carrillo, Jorge H. PHD
Clansy, Pauline A. EDD
Cleveland, Charles T. PHD
Cole, David D. PHD
Crown, Debra M. MA
Damin, Paul B. PHD
Edd, Nicholas PSYD
Evans, Gina L. PHD
Feroleto, Maria E. PHD
Flores, Araceli PHD
Gloster, Janice L. PHD
Gorsuch, Tom W. PHD
Hernandez, Blanca N. PHD
Hunter, Darline EDD
Hutchison, James W. EDD
Jenkins, Sheila A. PHD
Jennings, Lesajean M.
Johnson, Keisha H. PHD
Johnson, Samoan C. PHD
Jones, Jeffery J. PHD
Lanier, Jacqueline W. PHD
Larery, Angela R. PHD
Laud, Rinita B. PHD
Lazar, George PHD
Levy, Joel K. PHD
Loos, Victor E. PHD
Markowitz, Michael L. PSYD
Marullo Jr, Sam PHD
Miller, Carolyn C. PHD
Mooney, Megan A. PHD
Nathan, Stuart J. PHD
Norris, Amanda K. PHD
Polk, Dan G. PHD
Rose, Mary W. PSYD
Ruiz De Arana, Olga C. EDD
Smith, Kevin G. PHD
Thompson, James P. PHD
Tinder, Adrienne N. PHD
Trivedi, Shilpa B. MED
Unger, Michael A. PHD
Vujanovic, Anka PHD
Williams, Bethany R. PHD
Shawanda W. PHD
Wolk, Nathalie L. PHD
Wong-Liang, Eirene M. PHD
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Pietz, Marion E. MS
Shuman, Patricia K. MA
Varsos, Jean MA
Butler, Eboni T. PSYD
Cadenhead, Lyle PHD
Carrillo, Jorge H. PHD
Clansy, Pauline A. EDD
Dempsey, Allison G. PHD
Evans, Gina L. PHD
Feroleto, Maria E. PHD
Guttentag, Cathy PHD
Johnson, Keisha H. PHD
Jones, Jeffery J. PHD
Lazar, George PHD
Marullo Jr, Sam PHD
Norris, Amanda K. PHD
Polk, Dan G. PHD
Santos, Cynthia W. MD
Wong-Liang, Eirene M. PHD
Residential Treatment
Center/Centro de
tratamiento residencial
Santa Maria Hostel
Care/Cuidado subagudo/
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Burns-Shepard, Tamika MA
Humphress, Kassandra MA
Lighten, Kyntra C. MED
Mitchell, Lilia E. MED
Pietz, Marion E. MS
Schmidt, William J. PHD
Shuman, Patricia K. MA
Varsos, Jean MA
Sunkureddi, Krishna V. MD
Venkatesh, Athi P. MD
Duckers, Ronald PHD
Evans, Gina L. PHD
Lazar, George PHD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Shiloh Treatment Ctr
Evans, Gina L. PHD
Lazar, George PHD
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Ashley, Dorothy M. MED
Bassett, Yolanda MED
Coleman II, Joseph LMSW
Crown, Debra M. MA
Frazier, Luella R. MED
Jefferson, Troy V. MED
Jemi-Alade, Tunji EDD
Lazar, George PHD
Lifebranch Behavioral
Health Care Systems
Peoples, Patricia A. MS
Richker, Perry G. MED
Sesay, Omar A. MED
Skinner, Adrian R. MSW
Smith, Jean S. MED
Vaughn, Martha W. PHD
Vyas, Anand A. PHD
Williams, Constance D. MED
Lazar, George PHD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Sunkureddi, Krishna V. MD
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Shuman, Patricia K. MA
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Certified Addiction
Counselor/Consejero de
adicciones certificado
Jolivette, Sadie B. MA
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Mukoro-Imala, Karen LCSW
Raney-Semien, Phaetra K.
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Houseworth, Steven L. PHD
Izuora, Franklin MS
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Conant, Richard H. MA
Fuller, Gayle L. MA
Galvan, Cynthia MED
Izuora, Franklin MS
Jolivette, Sadie B. MA
Page/Página 119
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
ontgomery - Lic Marriage/Family Therapist/Terapeuta de matrimonio/familia certificado
Kulkarni, Sharad B. MD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Dempsey, Allison G. PHD
Lyle-Lahroud, Teresa M.
Poysky, James T. PHD
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Jolivette, Sadie B. MA
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Meade, Sarah B. RN
Negron, Jo-Ann RN
Baker, Olen C. MD
Berno, Michael G. MD
Saeed, Mohammad A. MD
Overland, Gail A. MSW
Willbanks-Larrivere, Lisa L.
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Fasullo, Donna L. MA
Litsey, Elaine M. MSW
Tucker, Melissa W. MSW
Ecord, Stacey L. MA
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Burden, Erica E. PHD
Pollard, Susan G. PHD
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
La Porte
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Hartson, Tyler W. LMSW
Roll, Alysha N. LCSW
Roll, Brooks B. LCSW
Smith, Trina J. MSW
Sokol, Ronald J. MSW
Trenchard, James E. LCSW
Van de Laar, Brechtje
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Houseworth, Steven L. PHD
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Bassett, Yolanda MED
Boyle, Robert B. MED
Cortez-Jones, Michelle L.
Ellis, Danielle C. AM
Hill, Sarah E. MA
Shields, Jamie A. MS
Psychiatric Hospital/
Hospital psiquiátrico
Kingwood Pines Hospital
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Kingwood Pines Hospital
Auslander, Beth A. PHD
Mallett, Robin D. MD
Niebuhr, Virginia PHD
Norris, Amanda K. PHD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
IP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias en hospital
Child & Adolescent
infantil y de adolescentes
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Brown, Ayanna J. MD
Gururaj, Bharath R. MD
Sunkureddi, Krishna V. MD
Torres, Fernando G. MD
Venkatesh, Athi P. MD
Bassett, Yolanda MED
Boyle, Robert B. MED
Sunkureddi, Krishna V. MD
League City
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Stephens, Carol M. MA
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Stephens, Carol M. MA
Lake Jackson
Litsey, Elaine M. MSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Brewer-Loeckle, Larna V.
Cusick, Lauri B. MA
Dunaway, Lori G. MA
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Bernzen, Beverly B. MSW
Psychiatric Hospital/
Hospital psiquiátrico
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Moore, Cynthia D. AM
Mueller, Josie MA
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Alvarez, Sandra A. MS
Hedrick, Jennifer W. AM
Johnstone, Lucinda MS
Kopecky, Stephanie E. LPC
Mueller, Josie MA
Rhone, Margaret D. MA
Sutherland, Steve B. MA
Brams, Matthew N. MD
Mcguire, Dennis PHD
Soukup, Vicki PHD
Devereux Texas Treatment
Ahmed, Syed MD
Baker, Olen C. MD
Berno, Michael G. MD
Higgins, Napoleon B. MD
Mallett, Robin D. MD
Rasheed, Shama MD
Roberts, Jolie K. MD
Saeed, Mohammad A. MD
Stephenson, Kelly W. MD
Tirandaz, Houshmand J. MD
Uzokwe, Festus I. MD
Auslander, Beth A. PHD
Baker, Jeffrey PHD
Hirsch, Victor N. PHD
Norris, Amanda K. PHD
Smith, Karen PHD
Temple, Jeffrey PHD
Tunali-Kotoski, Belgin PHD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Ruiz-Nazario, Javier MD
Norris-Mokry, Caroline E.
Care/Cuidado subagudo/
Shiloh Treatment Ctr
Missouri City
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Louis, Bettie J. LMSW
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Harris, Tamara M. MA
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Fitts, Sandra MA
Harris, Tamara M. MA
Miller, Yarinika M. MA
Perez, Laura MS
Gajwani, Prashant MD
Harris, Tamara M. MA
Miller, Carolyn C. PHD
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Love, Victor W. MA
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Knetsar, Leslie P. MED
Morgan, Gabriela G. AM
Ritter Jr, William J. MA
Stewart, Robyn D. MA
Wade-Zeller, Raquel D.
Page/Página 120
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Montgomery - Lic Professional Counselor/Consejero profesional certificado
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Anderson, Joy H. MA
Clark, Joan M. MS
Smith, Yvette M. MA
Bamberg, Lela R. LPC
Chatham, Brandi S. MED
Deams, Roxanne M. MS
Earls, Melissa K. MA
Ecord, Stacey L. MA
Garcia, Alma D. MED
Hewitt, Sue H. MS
Hopkins, Kimetre R. LPC
Klein, Hong T. MA
Lee, Gerald E. AM
Lee-Lipkins, Holly A. MA
Leonard-Proctor, Verlonda
Lewis, Shana D. LPC
Martin, Peggy L. MS
Ottis, Kristi L. MS
Russell, Frances S. MED
Sutherland, Steve B. MA
Turner, Nicole M. MA
Young, Jamie MA
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Love, Victor W. MA
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Harris, Toi MD
Mendia, Enrique MD
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Granger, Rosslyn N. MSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Durham, Tarnicia R. LPC
Johnson-Fant, Rose M. MA
Morrison, Beth A. MS*
Pinotti-Sanders, Jennifer
White, Richard L. MA
David, Elizabeth H. MD
Koppersmith, Daniel L. MD*
Garland, Beth H. PHD
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Pinotti-Sanders, Jennifer
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Andriola, Judith V. LMSW
Lawless, Dawn LCSW
Overland, Gail A. MSW
Tatum, Jacquelyn F. LCSW
Willbanks-Larrivere, Lisa L.
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Dalmolin, Cindy MA
Hopkins, Kimetre R. LPC
Russell, Frances S. MED
Costa, Daniela PHD
Norris-Mokry, Caroline E.
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Costa, Daniela PHD
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Rae, Janice L. AM
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Freeman, William J. MSW
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Tademy, Patricia A. MSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Peoples, Patricia A. MS
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Peoples, Patricia A. MS
Bishai, Emad M. MD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Kaiser, David G. MD
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Acevedo, Manuel LMSW
Kitt, Stephen W. MSW
Lipari, Jill LMSW
Wynn, Carolyn J. MSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Bruce, Margaret A. MA
Chaparro-Johnson, Celeste
Ephraim, Hannah E. MA
James, Sally E. MA
Sartori, Mary Ann H. EDD
Walker, Bianca MA
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
DePelchin Children's Ctr
Curry, Sandra W. MA
Kaiser, David G. MD
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Curry, Sandra W. MA
Tipton, Gary L. EDD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Tipton, Gary L. EDD
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Creed, Sally S. MA
Perry, Margie MA
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Madell-Hernandez, Naomi
Scruggs, Provilla H. MED
Viviano, Rose B. MA
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Jones, Ee'A A. MA
Payne, Alice MA
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
DePelchin Children's Ctr
Michael, Brad E. PHD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Michael, Brad E. PHD
Sugar Land
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Zaki, Ateka MD
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Bailey, Helen P. MA
Moncrief, Deborah P. LMFT
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Azzouz, Terry L. MA
Bailey, Helen P. MA
Conant, Richard H. MA
Ford Sr, Gerald W. MA
Nemec, Kimberly K. LPC
Rios, Dora N. MA
Ritter Jr, William J. MA
Stewart, Robyn D. MA
Thomas, Margaret J. MA
Volet, Denese J. MA
Moin, Zaki MD
Zaki, Ateka MD
Texas City
Child & Adolescent
infantil y de adolescentes
Mallett, Robin D. MD
Page/Página 121
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Wharton - Psychiatry/Psiquiatría
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Milligan, Joy C. LCSW
Paelicke, Vanessa L. LCSW
Tucker, Melissa W. MSW
High, Gloria J. MA
Sartori, Mary Ann H. EDD
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Lucas, Marshall B. MD
Brown, Suellen G. MA
Moore, Guy M. MA
Ghanem, Missid G. PHD
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
The Gulf Coast Ctr
Burgoyne, Mojie A. MSW
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Gambrel, Dona M. NP
Barnes, Carlin D. MD
Crane, Stuart D. MD
Cyr, Shealyn B. MD
Dejarnette-Holly, Tracie M.
Elhage, Izzeledeen B. MD
Fishkind, Avrim B. MD
Johnson, Neysa L. MD
Mallett, Robin D. MD
Mizra-Gruber, Manizeh MD
Shiekh, Micheal A. MD
Simmons, Kevin J. MD
Walsh, Catherine MD
Hirsch, Victor N. PHD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Niebuhr, Virginia PHD
The Woodlands
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Lucas, Marshall B. MD
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Lord, Amy M. LMSW
Lord, Norma K. MSW
Low, Jeanie S. MSW
Robertson, Dannielle D.
Valdez, Cynthia A. LMSW
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Lord, Norma K. MSW
Brams, Matthew N. MD
Burgoyne, Mojie A. MSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Burgoyne, Mojie A. MSW
Miller, Stephanie A. AM
Boehme, Christopher L. MD
Erlichman, Jasmin MD
Flowers, Larry MD
Child & Adolescent
infantil y de adolescentes
Thomas, Christopher R. MD
Wagner, Karen D. MD
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Ahmed, Mohamed S. MD
Meyer, Walter J. MD
Silva, Mireya MD
Wolf, Dwight V. MD
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Martinez, Ruben P. MA
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Martinez, Ruben P. MA
Ahmed, Mohamed S. MD
Avery, Eric MD
Defilippis, Melissa S. MD
Haque, Waheedul MD
Harvey, Edythe P. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
CHIP Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancia
Hirschfeld, Robert MD
Levine, Ruth E. MD*
Nathoo, Mansur I. MD*
O'Boyle, Michael MD
Stone, Michael MD
Wigg, Cindy MD
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Page/Página 122
CHIP Perinate members should select providers from the Perinate chapters in the front of this directory.
CHIP Vision Services/Ancillary Providers/Dental Services
Servicios de la vista/Proveedores auxiliares/Servicios dentales
Los miembros del CHIP que reciben cuidados perinatales deben seleccionar proveedores de los capítulos
relacionados con cuidados perinatales que figuran al principio de este directorio.
Vision Services/Servicios de la Vista
Traditional CHIP Members and CHIP Perinate Newborns are eligible for vision services. For information regarding
Vision Services, please call Block Vision Member Services at 1-800-428-8789.
Los miembros del Programa de Seguro de Salud Infantil (CHIP) tradicional y los recién nacidos del CHIP que reciben
cuidados perinatales son elegibles para obtener servicios para a vista. Para obtener información acerca de los
servicios para la vista, llame a Servicios al Miembro de Block Vision al 1-800-428-8789.
Ancillary Providers/Proveedores Auxiliares
Ancillary providers are providers such as laboratories, diagnostic radiology centers and providers of durable
medical equipment. Ancillary providers are not listed in this directory. You may request a list of participating
ancillary providers by calling the Amerigroup Member Services department at 1-800-600-4441.
Los proveedores auxiliares son tales como laboratorios, centros de radiología diagnóstica y proveedores de equipo
médico duradero. Los proveedores auxiliares no están enumerados en este directorio. Puede pedir una lista de
proveedores auxiliares participantes llamando al Departamento de Servicios para Miembros de Amerigroup al
Dental Services/Servicios Dentales
Contact the dental management organization you selected for dental services.
Contacte a la organización de administración dental que usted seleccionó para servicios dentales.
TX-PD-0019-11C TX CHIP Perinate Vision-Prescription Drug-Ancillary-Dental Services
Page/Página 123
Pharmacy Providers/Proveedores de farmacia
Please visit the websites listed below to locate a chain pharmacy provider. Other non-chain contracted pharmacies
are also listed in the following pages.
Visite los sitios web listados a continuación para ubicar un proveedor de farmacia de cadena. Otras farmacias
contratadas que no son de cadena también están listadas en las páginas siguientes.
Chain Pharmacy
Brookshire Pharmacy
CVS Pharmacy
Drug Emporium
HEB Pharmacy
Kmart Pharmacy
Kroger Pharmacy
Maxor Pharmacy
Oncology Pharmacy Services
Randalls Pharmacy
Recept Pharmacy
Sams Club
Super 1 Pharmacy
Target Pharmacy
Texas Oncology Pharmacy
The Medicine Shoppe
Tom Thumb
United Pharmacy
Wal Mart
TX-PD-0019-11C TX CHIP Perinate Vision-Prescription Drug-Ancillary-Dental Services
Drug Stores
Page/Página 124
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Alvin Care Pharmacy
204 E House St
Alvin 77511
(281) 698-0987
Medic One Pharmacy
400 Medic Ln Ste C
Alvin 77511
(281) 824-0222
Angleton Health Mart
1104 E Mulberry St Ste E
Angleton 77515
(979) 848-8878
Long Term Care RX
2301 E Mulberry St # B
Angleton 77515
(979) 849-3001
Drug Stores
Sullivan Pharmacy
1140 Grand Ave
Bacliff 77518
(281) 339-4577
Bay City
Hibbs Pharmacy
1415 Avenue G
Bay City 77414
(979) 245-5501
Muecke Prescription
2808 7th St
Bay City 77414
(979) 244-1772
Birdsongs Pharmacy
4002 Garth Rd Ste 140a
Baytown 77521
(281) 628-7186
Blue Ribbon Pharmacy
3517 N Main St
Baytown 77521
(281) 838-8025
GR Cure
1658 W Baker Ste C
Baytown 77521
(832) 695-0009
Wellness Pharmacy
2802 Garth Rd Ste 116
Baytown 77521
(281) 428-4705
Amex Pharmacy
5420 Bellaire Blvd
Bellaire 77401
(832) 778-0400
Pin Oak Pharmacy
6700 West Loop S Ste 325
Bellaire 77401
(713) 668-8686
Platinum RX
5420 West Loop S Ste 1500
Bellaire 77401
(713) 667-6777
Westlands Pharmacy
5819 Bissonnet St
Bellaire 77401
(713) 664-1400
Walter's Pharmacy Inc
250 W Palm St
Bellville 77418
(979) 865-3696
Roberds Pharmacy Lp
503 Medical Cntr Blvd Ste
Conroe 77304
(936) 756-4254
Village Pharmacy
404 River Pointe Dr # 101
Conroe 77304
(936) 756-7456
Cypress Pharmacy
17330 Spring Cypress Rd
Cypress 77429
(281) 213-3490
Fairfield Phcy/compounding
15201 Mason Rd Ste 700
Cypress 77433
(281) 758-4040
Hall's Pharmacy
102a E San Bernard St
Brazoria 77422
(979) 798-2111
Medi Pro International
13203 Fry Rd Ste 400
Cypress 77433
(281) 277-0111
Medicine+ Pharmacy
10730 Barker Cypress Rd
Ste C
Cypress 77433
(281) 724-5820
Abi Pharmacy
15035 East Fwy Ste D
Channelview 77530
(281) 452-1400
Amber Jar Pharmacy
611 Sheldon Rd
Channelview 77530
(281) 860-0080
Channelview Pharmacy LLC
441 Sheldon Rd Ste C
Channelview 77530
(281) 457-0523
College Park Pharmacy
3115 College Park Dr Ste
Conroe 77384
(936) 321-4011
Lifechek Drug
690 S Loop West Ste 100
Conroe 77304
(936) 441-4900
900 W Dallas St
Conroe 77301
(855) 355-3551
Richie's Pharmacy &
Medical Supply
12820 Highway 105 W
Conroe 77304
(936) 588-6337
Rx One Pharmacy
9740 Barker Cypress Rd
Cypress 77433
(281) 656-2000
Bay Colony Pharmacy
2251 Fm 646 Rd W Ste 155
Dickinson 77539
(713) 922-1669
East Bernard
Savon Drugs
123 Leveridge St
East Bernard 77435
(979) 335-4810
El Campo
El Campo Professional
1264 N Mechanic St
El Campo 77437
(979) 543-2761
Freeport Pharmacy
323 S Brazosport Blvd
Freeport 77541
(979) 871-9189
Parkwood Pharmacy
405 E Parkwood Ave
Friendswood 77546
(832) 569-4059
Fulshear Pharmacy
29818 Fm 1093 Ste B
Fulshear 77441
(281) 346-2020
Broadway Drug
2027 Broadway St
Galveston 77550
(409) 765-7701
1960 Family Pharmacy
837 Fm 1960 W Ste 105a
Houston 77090
(281) 453-7205
1960 Pharmacy
830 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste 20
Houston 77090
(281) 893-6000
Aapex Pharmacy*
6065 Hillcroft St Ste 109
Houston 77081
(713) 270-7771
Abbey Pharmacy Corp
5351 Antoine Dr Ste A
Houston 77091
(281) 888-4837
Acariahealth Pharmacy, Inc.
2301 Caroline St Unit A
Houston 77004
(713) 651-8001
Accu Med Pharmacy
6776 Southwest Frwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 266-6097
Affinity Biotech, Inc
11303 Chimney Rock Rd
Ste 105
Houston 77035
(866) 377-3083
Airline Pharmacy
Associates LLC
11012 Airline Dr Ste A
Houston 77037
(281) 260-9927
Ako Pharmacy
6263 Bissonnet St
Houston 77081
(713) 541-1465
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Page/Página 125
Drug Stores/Farmacias
ALLCare Pharmacy, LLC
12579 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 558-8500
Alliance Pharm D
13734 State Highway 249
Ste C
Houston 77086
(281) 591-0900
Alpha Pharmacy
11002 Scarsdale Blvd Ste C
Houston 77089
(832) 725-7256
Azteca Pharmacy
3100 Broadway St Ste 105f
Houston 77017
(713) 644-3600
Best RX Pharmacy
13630 Beamer Rd Ste 103
Houston 77089
(281) 484-0022
C & C Pharmacy
8208 Gulf Fwy Ste 102
Houston 77017
(713) 641-6300
Baijes Bissonnet Pharmacy
9801 Bissonnet St Ste F
Houston 77036
(281) 974-3573
Big Tex Pharmacy LLC
10900 Gulf Frwy Ste A3
Houston 77034
(713) 283-1310
C & G Pharmacy, Ltd
11618 Aldine Westfield Rd
Houston 77093
(281) 442-4201
Biocare Pharmacy
10603 Bellaire Blvd Ste B114
Houston 77072
(281) 530-5800
Canal RX
3311 Canal St
Houston 77003
(713) 547-0752
Biocure, LLC
8700 Commerce Park Dr
Ste 241
Houston 77036
(713) 360-2100
Canal United Pharmacy
2502 Canal St
Houston 77003
(713) 227-5583
Ballem Pharmacy
3144 Southmore Blvd
Houston 77004
(713) 520-6900
5445 Almeda Rd
Houston 77004
(713) 935-9800
Ballem Pharmacy LLC
6723 Harrisburg Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 636-9474
Alternative Medicine &
4401 Dowling
Houston 77004
(713) 874-0300
Bao Chau Pharmacy
12002 Veterans Memorial
Dr # C
Houston 77067
(281) 631-0600
906 Wayside Dr Ste P
Houston 77011
(713) 457-9333
Amex United Drug
3030 Canal St
Houston 77003
(713) 237-9301
Apotek Pharmacy
5103 Harrisburg Blvd Ste B
Houston 77011
(713) 928-3210
Apple Pharmacy
510 Waugh Dr Ste B
Houston 77019
(281) 402-6716
Artemis Pharmacy Llc
9640 Court Glen
Houston 77099
(281) 933-8888
Astoria Pharmacy
11003 Resource Pkwy Ste
Houston 77089
(281) 922-4522
Astro Pharmacy
10530 Northwest Fwy
Houston 77092
(713) 957-4600
Awesome Care Pharmacy
8101 Airport Blvd Ste 3
Houston 77061
(281) 501-1008
Barker Cypress Pharmacy
1855 Barker Cypress Rd
Ste 140
Houston 77084
(281) 579-9393
Beechnut Professional
7500 Beechnut St Ste 151
Houston 77074
(713) 988-1103
Bellaire Discount Pharmacy
10515 Bellaire Blvd Ste L
Houston 77072
(281) 568-1888
Bellaire Pharmacy
9115 Bellaire Blvd Ste 122
Houston 77036
(713) 777-6251
Bemaj Pharmacy
10039 Bissonnet St Ste 100
Houston 77036
(713) 774-7200
Berks Pharmacy
7515 Main St Ste 160
Houston 77030
(713) 360-7974
Berry Prof United Drugs
8520 Jensen Dr
Houston 77093
(713) 697-9750
Best Care Pharmacy
7338 Mchenry St Ste 6
Houston 77087
(713) 644-2424
Care Plus Pharmacy
10301 Club Creek Rd Ste I
Houston 77036
(713) 778-1773
Botica Familiar Pharmacy
12333 South Main Street
Houston 77035
(713) 918-6402
Cego Infusion Pharmacy
6300 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77057
(713) 541-6000
Bretshire Pharmacy Inc.
7030 Bretshire Dr
Houston 77016
(713) 635-8800
Central Pharmacy
2808 San Jacinto St
Houston 77004
(713) 759-0321
Bright Medical Supply &
9630 Clarewood Dr Ste A14
Houston 77036
(713) 772-7700
Challenge Care Pharmacy
9009 North Loop E Ste 120
Houston 77029
(832) 487-9746
Broadway Pharmacy
3744 Broadway St Ste C
Houston 77017
(832) 885-7061
Chcs Pharmacy
7648 Canal St
Houston 77012
(713) 924-6067
Brushman's Pharmacy
6420 Hillcroft St Ste 115
Houston 77081
(718) 981-4488
Choice Pharmacy
9207 Country Creek Dr Ste
Houston 77036
(713) 778-0463
Bvm Pharmacy Inc.
9325 Kempwood Dr.
Houston 77080
(713) 460-5100
Bwm Phcy And Medical
11850 Fm 1960 Rd West
Houston 77065
(281) 469-1882
BZ Pharmacy
15622 Silver Ridge Dr
Houston 77090
(713) 973-7500
Chrisco Pharmacy
9623 Sw Frwy
Houston 77498
(713) 776-8200
Citizens Prof Uniteddrugs
7333 North Fwy Ste 110
Houston 77076
(713) 695-7316
Ck Pharmacy
5990 Airline Dr Ste 150
Houston 77076
(713) 697-0610
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Drug Stores
Amex Pharmacy
12605 East Fwy Ste 102
Houston 77015
(713) 451-8400
Bizmart Pharmacy
9504 Long Point Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 465-2300
Page/Página 126
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Claude's Pharmacy
5740 W Little York Rd
Houston 77091
(281) 447-7648
D&G Pharmacy
8775 S Gessner Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 771-1558
Clinic Pharmacy
2028 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 688-9137
D.N.A. Pharmacy Inc
9419 Mesa Dr
Houston 77028
(713) 633-3362
Clinical Care Pharmacy LLC
2770 N Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77038
(281) 272-8700
Darcy Pharmacy
11210 Bellaire Blvd Ste 130
Houston 77072
(281) 988-8300
Compounding Pharmacy
6105 Beverly Hill St Ste 201
Houston 77057
(713) 783-2836
Drug Stores
Contents Trader Inc
10026 Longpoint Rd. Ste A
Houston 77071
(713) 461-3344
Crysoncare Pharmacy
6200 Bellaire Blvd Ste M
Houston 77081
(713) 995-7577
Cullen Care Pharmacy Inc
5751 Blythewood St Ste
Houston 77021
(713) 747-2100
Cullen Care Pharmacy Inc.
9406 Cullen Blvd Ste C
Houston 77051
(713) 747-2100
Cunningham Airline Phcy
6033 Airline Dr
Houston 77076
(713) 697-3261
Cunningham Pharmacy
2925 W Tc Jester Blvd Ste
Houston 77018
(713) 683-8600
Cunningham Pharmacygulfbank
7101 Lawndale St
Houston 77023
(713) 921-7500
Dashwood Pharmacy
12450 East Fwy Ste 120
Houston 77015
(713) 904-1720
DB Pharmacy
12100f Veterans Memorial
Houston 77067
(281) 397-7711
Dell's Pharmacy
8300 Homestead Rd
Houston 77028
(713) 631-3117
Diamond Pharmacy
2900 Hillcroft St Ste B
Houston 77057
(713) 339-2255
Dimension Pharmacy
8880 Bellaire Blvd Ste B2
Houston 77036
(713) 541-4700
Discount Med Pharmacy
4712 Airline Dr #f
Houston 77022
(713) 691-6200
Divine Pharmacy #1004-05
7457 Harwin Dr Ste 149
Houston 77036
(713) 988-1777
Dollar RX Pharmacy
8721 Jensen Dr Ste H
Houston 77093
(713) 694-1470
Dow Pharmacy
8800 Long Point Rd Ste C
Houston 77055
(713) 722-7999
Cyfair Pharmacy
16506 Fm 529 #108
Houston 77095
(281) 550-0123
Dr Rita's Pharmacy Inc
12289 #b West Houston Ctr
Houston 77082
(281) 741-2244
Cypress Compounding
9511 Huffmeister Rd Ste 104
Houston 77095
(832) 617-0290
Dream Pharmacy Memorial
1140 Business Center Dr
Houston 77043
(713) 465-1117
Dunamis Pharmacy
6611 Chimney Rock Rd Ste
Houston 77081
(713) 661-3600
E&e Pharmacy
7008 Woodridge St
Houston 77087
(713) 847-8989
East End Pharmacy Inc
6802 Navigation Blvd
Houston 77011
(713) 923-5959
Eco Pharmacy Of
13325 Hargrave Rd Ste 260
Houston 77070
(281) 955-7500
Econo Pharmacy
20320 Northwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77065
(281) 890-5612
Elite Pharmacy
11569 S Wilcrest Dr
Houston 77099
(832) 230-5229
Ella Pharmacy
3444 Ella Blvd
Houston 77018
(713) 956-1622
E-med Pharmacy
12638 Bissonnet St Ste G
Houston 77099
(281) 741-5289
Empirical Pharmacy
9715 Telephone Rd Ste 105
Houston 77075
(713) 991-0072
Evergreen Pharmacy
9180 Bellaire Blvd Ste A
Houston 77036
(713) 541-1234
Excel Pharmacy Inc
8600 W Airport Blvd Ste B
Houston 77071
(713) 995-1272
Fairway Pharmacy
4912 Telephone Rd
Houston 77087
(713) 454-0211
Falcon Pharmacy Of TX Inc
8145 Highway 6 S Ste 114a
Houston 77083
(281) 776-9600
Fallbrook Pharmacy
11780 Fm 1960 W
Houston 77065
(832) 237-4800
Family Care Pharmacies
12350 Westheimer Rd Ste
Houston 77077
(281) 589-7670
Family Pharmacy Care
12121 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77082
(281) 315-3990
Familycare Pharmacy PLLC
12060 Bellaire Blvd Ste E
Houston 77072
(281) 933-3573
FamilyRX Pharmacy
9511 Huffmeister Rd Ste 103
Houston 77095
(281) 855-4343
Farmacia Del Sol
6300 Hillcroft St Ste 101
Houston 77081
(731) 776-0806
Faust LTC Pharmacy Inc
1051 Pineloch Dr Ste 800
Houston 77062
(832) 284-4043
First Choice Pharmacy
6200 Hillcroft St Ste 110
Houston 77081
(713) 779-7603
Freedom Pharmacy
4521 Highway 6 N Ste D
Houston 77084
(832) 683-4156
3730 Kirby Dr Ste 111
Houston 77098
(713) 524-3330
Friendly Pharmacy
3533 S Dairy Ashford Rd
Ste G
Houston 77082
(832) 351-2000
Express Drugs
10909 I 10 East
Houston 77029
(713) 673-6060
Galaxy Pharmacy
12303-d Westheimer Rd
Houston 77077
(281) 496-6600
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Page/Página 127
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Generic Pharmacy Inc
13125 East Fwy
Houston 77015
(713) 451-9969
Genesis Pharmacy Inc
302b W Gulf Bank Rd
Houston 77037
(281) 999-4210
Goderich Pharmacy
15044 Beechnut Street
Houston 77083
(281) 575-6000
Grand Parkway Phcy And
Med Supl
10707 W Bellfort St
Houston 77099
(281) 495-5777
Greenspoint Pharmacy
165 Greens Rd
Houston 77060
(281) 872-4177
Groveway Pharmacy
4501 Groveway Dr
Houston 77087
(713) 644-9400
Healthco Pharmacy Corp
5730 Chimney Rock Rd
Houston 77081
(713) 218-6337
Heights Studewood
427 W 20th St Ste 105
Houston 77008
(713) 869-2225
Hicare Pharmacy
7814 Almeda
Houston 77054
(713) 799-8880
HillCroft Pharmacy
6400 Hillcroft St Ste 107
Houston 77081
(713) 988-9996
Holman Pharmacy
10000a Harwin Dr
Houston 77036
(713) 776-3500
Hope Pharmacy
1919 North Loop W Ste 181
Houston 77008
(713) 864-0100
Houston Medicine Chest Llc
13630 Beamer Rd Ste 104
Houston 77089
(281) 464-6300
HPB Pharmacy
6410 Fannin St Ste 116
Houston 77030
(713) 799-1472
Intracare Community
1120 Cypress Station Dr
Houston 77090
(713) 790-7821
Inwood Pharmacy
13300 Hargrave Rd Ste 180
Houston 77070
(281) 664-8829
Irvington Family Pharmacy
3815 Irvington Blvd Ste E
Houston 77009
(713) 694-8399
J And I Pharmacy
13249 Bellaire Blvd
Houston 77083
(281) 372-6526
J And J Pharmacy
13415 Woodforest Blvd Ste
Houston 77015
(713) 330-4400
Jacinto Pharmacy
10805 Market Street Rd
Houston 77029
(713) 455-1361
Jack's Apothecary
8109 Cullen Blvd
Houston 77051
(713) 733-7424
James Pharmacy
12950 S Post Oak Rd Ste H
Houston 77045
(713) 721-3800
Jl Wellness Pharmacy
9210 Hwy 6 South Ste C
Houston 77083
(281) 741-1960
Joshua's Pharmacy
8200 Wednesbury Ln Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 772-6014
Kashmere United Drugs
6402 Lyons Ave
Houston 77020
(713) 674-6916
Kim Long Pharmacy
7601 W Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77072
(713) 777-1414
Kim Tam Pharmacy
11794 Bellaire Blvd
Houston 77072
(281) 498-5000
Kimmy Pharmacy
8388 W Sam Houston
Pkwy S #186
Houston 77072
(281) 564-5400
Kingsbridge RX Pharmacy
6720 Hwy 6 S
Houston 77083
(281) 495-3500
Kingsley Pharmacy
2626 S Loop W Ste 115
Houston 77054
(713) 664-6333
Kremco Pharmacy
10815 Beechnut St Ste 125
Houston 77072
(281) 564-7500
Kwik Meds Pharmacy LLC
6438 W Little York
Houston 77091
(713) 856-9444
L And B Pharmacy
9898 Bissonnet Ste 149
Houston 77036
(713) 773-3688
Life Pharmacy
5800 Bellaire Blvd Ste 108
Houston 77081
(281) 859-8700
Lifecare Pharmacy
7135 Southwest Fwy
Houston 77074
(713) 772-3000
Lifetime RX Pharmacy
4720 Aldine Mail Rd Bldg A
Houston 77039
(832) 230-4026
Lincoln Pharmacy Inc
8329 Beechnut St
Houston 77036
(713) 771-4700
Lotus Pharmacy
8200 Wilcrest Dr Ste 8
Houston 77072
(281) 983-9382
Lotus RX Phcy & Medical
11704 S Wilcrest Dr
Houston 77099
(281) 983-0399
Loving Care Pharmacy
4406 Airline Dr
Houston 77022
(713) 808-9103
Lyons Pharmacy
5602 Lyons Ave Ste 610
Houston 77020
(713) 675-9667
La Plaza Pharmacy
6655 Hillcroft St Ste 108
Houston 77081
(713) 541-6655
Main Medical Plaza
10019 S Main St Ste A10
Houston 77025
(713) 667-5003
LanRX Pharmacy
9555 Main Street
Houston 77025
(713) 662-0200
Mainstream Pharmacy,LLC
5720-b Bellaire Blvd
Houston 77081
(713) 660-8500
Leadcare Pharmacy Inc
9908 S Gessner Dr
Houston 77071
(713) 774-8180
Maritime Pharmacy
900 Broadway St
Houston 77012
(713) 921-1052
Legends Pharmacy II
2310 Eldridge Pkwy S Ste A
Houston 77077
(281) 496-0640
Mas Pharmacy RX LLC
9355 Long Point Rd Ste L
Houston 77055
(713) 465-6113
Leland Pharmacy
5412 Farmer St
Houston 77020
(713) 673-8000
Mastery Pharmacy South
6060 Bellaire Blvd Ste J
Houston 77081
(713) 838-8110
Life Drugs RX
12015 Louetta Rd Ste 300
Houston 77070
(713) 462-7029
Mavis O Pharmacy
10080 Bellaire Blvd Ste 102
Houston 77072
(281) 498-1133
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Drug Stores
Gulf States Pharmacy
6655 Travis St
Houston 77030
(713) 500-8385
Houston Southside
2626 South Loop W Ste
Houston 77054
(713) 839-9400
Page/Página 128
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Drug Stores
Maximum Care Pharmacy
16251 S Post Oak Rd Ste A
Houston 77053
(281) 438-6161
Medic Apothecary
4040 S Braeswood Blvd
Houston 77025
(713) 666-6353
Memorial Pharmacy
9055 Katy Fwy Ste 303
Houston 77024
(832) 358-8500
Ocenie Drug Emporium
5003 Antoine Dr Ste A
Houston 77092
(713) 290-8800
Mayflower Pharmacy
11878 Wilcrest Dr
Houston 77031
(281) 983-5900
Medical Plz United Drugs
2101 Crawford St
Houston 77002
(713) 654-4137
Meyerland Pharmacy
10547 S Post Oak Rd
Houston 77035
(713) 728-8000
On Time Pharmacy
14455 Cullen Blvd Ste C1
Houston 77047
(713) 731-0880
Med Pharmacy
6001 Hillcroft St Ste 500
Houston 77081
(713) 774-8301
Medical Square Pharmacy
8945 Long Point #127
Houston 77055
(713) 468-3236
Mi Doctor Pharmacy- Aldine
5230 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston 77039
(972) 957-3000
Pacific Coast Pharmacy
1050 N Oak Post Rd Ste 130
Houston 77055
(713) 335-8880
Med RX Pharmacy
4000 Fulton St Ste C
Houston 77009
(713) 695-5000
Medicine Man Pharmacy
7652 Bellfort St
Houston 77061
(713) 644-1343
Park Infusion Care*
4007 Bellaire Blvd Ste G
Houston 77025
(713) 668-7275
Med Solution Pharmacy Inc
10680 Jones Rd
Houston 77065
(281) 890-9922
Meditex Pharmacy
3010 S Richey St Ste C
Houston 77017
(713) 401-3536
Midtown Specialty RX
1701 Webster St Ste D
Houston 77003
(713) 874-9190
Med Valt Pharmacy LLC
9117 Stella Link Rd
Houston 77025
(713) 349-9882
Med-pharmacy I
3302 Orlando St
Houston 77093
(713) 694-4618
Medalways Pharmacy
11211 Katy Freeway Ste
Houston 77079
(713) 465-8100
Medplus RX Inc.
5950 S Gessner Ste D
Houston 77036
(713) 779-5400
2323 Wirt Rd Inside Fiesta
Houston 77055
(713) 984-8335
MedRX Compndng & Phcy
Ltd Co
601 Wayside Dr Ste D
Houston 77011
(832) 767-5466
Medcare Pharmacy
7111 Harwin Dr Ste 175
Houston 77036
(713) 783-8434
Medsaver Pharmacy
10701 W Bellfort Ste B172
Houston 77099
(281) 988-0880
Medcare RX Pharmacy
7050 Bissonnet St
Houston 77074
(713) 272-9600
Medshoppe RX Pharmacy
14522 S Post Oak Ste 108-a
Houston 77045
(713) 492-0899
Medco Specialty Pharmacy*
10305 Round Up Ln Ste 200
Houston 77064
(713) 980-2814
Medstar Pharmacy
14629 Beechnut St
Houston 77083
(281) 933-4449
Medex Pharmacy
9600 Fondren Rd Ste B3
Houston 77096
(713) 771-3800
Medworld Pharmacy Inc
12390 Kingsride Ln
Houston 77024
(713) 647-0200
Medex Plus, Inc
5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 201
Houston 77081
(713) 664-8800
Medx Pharmacy
8751 State Hwy 6 Ste K
Houston 77083
(281) 506-2453
Medi Script Pharmacy
10735 Gulf Fwy
Houston 77034
(713) 910-3774
Memorial Compounding
2918 San Jacinto St
Houston 77004
(713) 523-7847
Mobilecare Pharmacy
3918 Leeland St
Houston 77003
(713) 600-0075
Modern Automated
8303 Knight Rd Ste A
Houston 77054
(713) 660-9091
Nahs Pharmacy
12000 Wilcrest Dr Ste #
Houston 77031
(281) 498-5700
Niba II Pharmacy
1007 Edgebrook Dr
Houston 77034
(713) 946-5343
Niba Pharmacy*
13018 Woodforest Ste N
Houston 77015
(713) 451-3328
Nnwood Pharmacy LLC
8240 Antoine Dr Ste 108
Houston 77088
(281) 448-8836
North Houston Medical
7007 North Fwy Ste 115
Houston 77076
(713) 694-3131
Oc Pharmacy
925 Gessner Rd Ste 600
Houston 77024
(713) 275-3222
OC Pharmacy II
2130 W Holcombe Blvd 10fl
Houston 77030
(713) 600-0934
Park Place Health Center
9809 Rowlett Rd # D
Houston 77075
(713) 847-6800
Park Plaza Legend Phcy
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 140
Houston 77004
(713) 524-2828
Patient Care Pharmacy
6366 Martin Luther King Jr
Houston 77021
(281) 501-2325
Pavilion Pharmacy
1740 W 27th St Ste 150
Houston 77008
(713) 868-1601
Pediacare Pharmacy
14570-3 Wallisville Rd
Houston 77049
(713) 451-0040
9000 Hempstead Rd Bldg C
# 385
Houston 77008
(713) 426-4800
Pharmacia Latina
1826 Wirt Rd Ste P
Houston 77055
(713) 683-6004
Pharmacy 45
8221 Gulf Fwy Ste 550
Houston 77017
(713) 847-9900
Pharmacy At Cullen
12805 Cullen Blvd Ste C
Houston 77047
(713) 731-7988
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Page/Página 129
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Pharmacy Depot
11450 Space Center Blvd
Houston 77059
(281) 487-9090
Pharmacy Plus
6776 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 782-0558
Phar-miles Pharmacy
10700 Richmond Ave Ste
Houston 77042
(713) 636-3261
Pharmscript Of Texas Llc
1718 Fry Rd Ste 125
Houston 77084
(281) 492-7220
6918 Corporate Dr Ste A13
Houston 77036
(713) 988-0883
Piney Point Pharmacy
2532 Fondren Rd
Houston 77063
(713) 782-6212
Platinum RX North
5627 Aldine Bender Rd Ste
Houston 77032
(281) 227-1010
Plaza Pharmacy
17030 Nanes Dr Ste 106
Houston 77090
(281) 880-8300
Power Center Pharmacy
8803 Scott St
Houston 77051
(713) 731-8999
Power Center Pharmacy,inc
12401 S Post Oak Rd Ste E
Houston 77045
(713) 721-3303
Prescription Solutions
7501 Fannin St Ste 701
Houston 77054
(713) 790-1222
Prestige Pharmacy, Inc
6550 Mapleridge St Ste 116
Houston 77081
(832) 778-6552
RC 2 Pharmacy
9720 Jones Rd Ste 150
Houston 77065
(281) 477-7728
Safeguard Pharmacy
3121 W Orem Dr Ste C
Houston 77045
(713) 433-1212
Primecare Pharmacy
5900 Chimney Rock Rd Ste
Houston 77081
(713) 661-7746
RC 3 Pharmacy
8410 Fondren Rd
Houston 77074
(713) 541-6567
Sage Pharmacy And
Stores, LLC
3730-d S Gessner Rd
Houston 77063
(713) 339-1855
Procare RX
16300 Kuykendahl Rd Ste
Houston 77068
(281) 580-4500
Pro-med Pharmacy
2711 Little York Rd Ste 101
Houston 77093
(713) 694-8933
Proven Care Pharmacy, LLC
10950 Bissonnet St Ste 220
Houston 77099
(281) 983-9333
Public Pharmacy*
6510 Hillcroft St Ste 100
Houston 77081
(713) 663-7800
Pve Pharmacy
232 E. Crosstimbers
Houston 77022
(713) 884-1443
Receita Phcy & Compnding,
5716 Bellaire Blvd Ste J
Houston 77081
(281) 888-2058
Regency Pharmacy
9898 Bissonnet St Ste 250a
Houston 77036
(713) 800-0308
Sav Pharmacy
1823 Wirt Rd
Houston 77055
(713) 467-3311
Reliance Pharmacy
7707 Fannin St Ste 105
Houston 77054
(713) 797-1107
Save-rite Pharmacy
1870 Barker Cypress Rd
Houston 77084
(281) 578-8345
Ritemed Pharmacy Llc
10301 Harwin Dr Ste 3
Houston 77036
(713) 772-4242
Scriptlink Pharmacy
13176 W Lake Houston
Houston 77044
(281) 458-1800
Rosa Pharmacy
11002 Scarsdale Blvd Ste A
Houston 77089
(281) 481-6602
Pyramids Pharmacy
1201 Dairy Ashford Ste 114
Houston 77079
(281) 589-2400
Rosewood Family
2405 Gessner Rd Ste B
Houston 77063
(281) 857-8440
Quality RX Pharmacy
4711 Airline Dr
Houston 77022
(713) 691-3330
Rushmed Pharmacy
5326 West Bellfort Ste 101
Houston 77035
(832) 582-8542
Quick Ck Prescription Shop
2656 S Loop W Ste 574
Houston 77054
(832) 831-9465
Rx Pharmacy Inc
5600 S Willow Ste #113
Houston 77035
(713) 723-4600
Qvl Pharmacy #141 Lp
6711 Stella Link Rd
Houston 77005
(817) 348-8271
RXcare Pharmacy
11511 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston 77067
(281) 444-6359
Qvl Pharmacy #162
850 Fm 1960 W Ste J
Houston 77090
(832) 249-8551
R And Y Community
9573 S Gessner Dr
Houston 77074
(713) 777-7002
Sam's Pharmacy
8300 Bissonnet St Ste 100
Houston 77074
(713) 779-2100
RXperts Pharmacy Texas
8700 Jameel Rd Ste 150
Houston 77040
(713) 690-2047
S & K Med Pharmacy
1396 Eldridge Pkwy Ste D
Houston 77077
(281) 752-7244
Scripts For Life
11902 Jones Rd Ste P
Houston 77070
(832) 912-7400
Sem Pharmacy & Medical
Supply LLC
16316 Fm 529 Rd Ste D
Houston 77095
(281) 988-6726
Simon's United Drug
3303 N Main St
Houston 77009
(713) 222-6650
Solutions In Pharmacy
7951 Katy Fwy Ste M
Houston 77024
(713) 957-8000
South Belt Pharmacy
12600-b Scarsdale Blvd
Houston 77089
(281) 481-6600
South Post Oak Pharmacy
14206 S Post Oak Rd
Houston 77045
(713) 433-7075
Southend Pharmacy
10910 W Bellfort St
Houston 77099
(281) 498-1450
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Drug Stores
Pinewood Pharmacy
3008 Little York Rd
Houston 77093
(713) 742-8600
Prime RX Pharmacy
902 Normandy St Ste 200
Houston 77015
(713) 451-0200
Page/Página 130
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Southside Infusion*
7700 Main St Ste 210
Houston 77030
(713) 660-8888
Southside LTC Pharmacy
7700 Main St Ste 250
Houston 77030
(832) 559-1349
Southside Pharmacy
7700 Main St Ste 100
Houston 77030
(713) 660-8890
Southwest Community
7913 Beechnut St
Houston 77074
(713) 272-7734
Southwest Pharmacy
17115 Red Oak Ste 105
Houston 77090
(281) 893-8665
Drug Stores
8282 Bellaire Blvd Ste 154a
Houston 77036
(713) 270-7366
Specialty Therapeutic Care
6610 Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston 77041
(832) 300-1200
Spring Branch Pharmacy
2600 Gessner Dr Ste 162
Houston 77080
(713) 690-0001
Sun Pharmacy
7021 Highway 6 South
Houston 77459
(281) 568-0628
Super Script Pharmacy
11200 Fuqua St Ste 400
Houston 77089
(281) 464-3311
Supercare Pharmacy
13480 Veterans Mem Dr
Ste R5
Houston 77014
(281) 880-4800
Supreme Pharmacy
7346 Antoine Dr
Houston 77088
(281) 272-0813
Supreme RX
12719 Bissonnet St #c
Houston 77099
(832) 243-4581
T & S Pharmacy
2345 Aldine Mail Rt Ste A
Houston 77039
(281) 219-7700
Tabb Pharmacy
9730 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 772-8222
TD Pharmacy
12319 Bellaire Blvd Ste 400
Houston 77072
(281) 741-8472
St. Joseph Prof Pharmacy,
2000 Crawford St
Houston 77002
(713) 659-3030
Tejas Pharmacy
5228 Aldine Mail Rt
Houston 77039
(281) 741-3385
Star Pharmacy, Inc
8542 W Bellfort St
Houston 77071
(713) 773-3015
Texas Care Pharmacy
8990 Kirby Dr Ste 240
Houston 77054
(713) 660-9920
Star Rex Pharmacy
11110 East Fwy Ste 100b
Houston 77029
(832) 767-0816
Texas Childrens Hospital
6621 Fannin
Houston 77030
(832) 824-5250
7227 Fannin St Ste 103
Houston 77030
(855) 822-7828
The Medicine Box
1200 Blalock Rd Ste #110
Houston 77055
(832) 667-8838
Steeple Chase Express RX
10694 Jones Rd Ste 115
Houston 77065
(281) 894-9900
Sterling Pharmacy
9798 Bellaire Blvd Ste B
Houston 77036
(713) 995-8885
The Peoples Pharmacy
8503 Gulf Fwy
Houston 77017
(713) 378-4450
The Pharmacy
6630 Southwest Fwy
Houston 77074
(713) 266-5425
Vac Pharmacy Inc
10550 W Bellfort Ste 150
Houston 77031
(281) 495-4331
The Rite Pharmacy Inc
2600 S Loop W Ste 425
Houston 77054
(713) 665-7483
Valencia Pharmacy,inc.
7330 Southwest Fwy Ste
Houston 77074
(713) 995-1900
The Uni Of TX M D
Anderson Cancer C
1515 Holcombe Blvd Unit 61
Houston 77030
(713) 792-6125
Vietnam Pharmacy
2621 Milam St Ste C
Houston 77006
(713) 520-0205
Tidwell Pharmacy
2310 Tidwell Rd
Houston 77093
(713) 694-5977
Vita-care Pharmacy
2500 Fondren Rd
Houston 77063
(713) 781-8675
509 W Tidwell Rd Ste 140
Houston 77091
(713) 884-8807
Wallis Pharmacy
5620 E Sam Houston Pkwy
Houston 77015
(281) 457-3838
Tidwell RX
712 E Tidwell Rd Ste C
Houston 77022
(713) 884-8020
TN Pharmacy
12989 Bellaire Blvd Ste 1a
Houston 77072
(281) 561-0101
Tonna Pharmacy
5225 Katy Fwy Ste 101a
Houston 77007
(281) 953-0030
Total Pharmacy Center One
4302 Center St
Houston 77007
(713) 864-0808
Townwood Pharmacy
4420 West Orem
Houston 77045
(713) 433-5656
Trace Pharmacy
8104 Southwest Fwy Ste B
Houston 77074
(713) 981-6600
Tricare Pharmacy
6121 Hillcroft St Ste J
Houston 77081
(713) 995-5338
Truecare Allied Phcy & Med
3003 South Loop West Ste
Houston 77054
(281) 652-8080
Unicare Pharmacy
11847 Bissonnet St
Houston 77099
(281) 498-1141
Washington Ave Pharmacy
2510a Washington Ave
Houston 77007
(713) 864-2401
Wellness Pharmacy
1480 Wilcrest Dr
Houston 77042
(713) 532-0008
Wellness Plus Pharmacy Inc
8302 N Eldridge Pkwy Ste
Houston 77041
(832) 604-7418
Wesley United Pharmacy
921 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste 104a
Houston 77090
(281) 580-1408
West Oaks Pharmacy
15015 Westheimer Rd Ste L
Houston 77082
(281) 752-7731
Westlake Pharmacy
2430 North Fry Road #104
Houston 77084
(281) 829-8863
Westview Pharmacy
2323 Wirt Rd Ste F
Houston 77055
(713) 365-9393
Willowbrook Pharmacy
8945 Hwy 6 North Ste 255
Houston 77095
(281) 894-3103
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Page/Página 131
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Winston's Pharmacy
8405 Almeda Genoa Rd
Ste U&s
Houston 77075
(713) 944-6000
Xavier Pharmacy And Med
4040 Broadway St
Houston 77087
(713) 645-3344
Xavier Pharmacy Iii
96 Berry Rd
Houston 77022
(713) 697-1400
Xpress Pharmacy
7555 Bellaire Ste B
Houston 77036
(713) 541-3300
Your Pharmacy
6500 North Freeway Ste
Houston 77076
(713) 691-8585
Lifechek Pharmacy #43
12315 Fm 1960 Rd Ste A
Huffman 77336
(281) 324-1960
Deerbrook Pharmacy
8901 Fm1960 Bypass W 102
Humble 77338
(281) 446-0061
Gb Pharmacy
8011 Fm 1960 Rd E
Humble 77346
(281) 528-1212
Humble Pharmacy
19333 Highway 59 N Ste 150
Humble 77338
(281) 540-4441
Scriptcare Pharmacy
9441 Fm 1960 Bypass Rd
Ste 200
Humble 77338
(832) 644-9241
Thrifty Hlth And Compound
211 Fm 1960 Bypass Rd E
Humble 77338
(281) 446-9191
Mercury Drive Pharmacy
918 Mercury Dr
Jacinto City 77029
(713) 674-6122
Prudent Pharmacy
10407 W Fairmont Pkwy
Ste C
La Porte 77571
(281) 867-0040
Lake Jackson
Brookshire Brothers
5249 Franz Rd
Katy 77493
(281) 391-7051
Starr Plus Pharmacy
208 Oak Dr South Ste 302
Lake Jackson 77566
(979) 297-3800
Health-rite Pharmacy
1801 N Mason Rd Ste B
Katy 77449
(832) 437-2216
Helping Hand Pharmacy
529 Mason Rd
Katy 77450
(281) 492-0031
Katy Medical Complex
21700 Kingsland Blvd Ste
Katy 77450
(281) 829-6497
Katy Pharmacy I
20005 Katy Fwy
Katy 77450
(281) 578-1515
Kingsland Pharmacy
21214 Kingsland Blvd
Katy 77450
(281) 599-7880
Premier Pharmacy
3616 N Fry Rd Ste 220
Katy 77449
(281) 579-0550
Sina Pharmacy
3815 N Fry Rd Ste 600
Katy 77449
(281) 717-4521
Greenpath Pharmacy
24000 Highway 59 N
Kingwood 77339
(832) 445-0500
La Marque
Hart Pharmacy
202 Highway 3
La Marque 77568
(409) 938-3787
League City
Devereux Texas Treatment
1150 Devereux Dr
League City 77573
(800) 373-0011
Quail Valley Pharmacy
2244 Fm 1092
Missouri City 77459
(281) 499-9300
Lakeside Pharmacy
16955 Walden Rd Ste 100
Montgomery 77356
(936) 448-6337
Nassau Bay
1 Script Solution Rx
2060 Space Park Dr Ste
Nassau Bay 77058
(281) 549-6681
RX To Go Pharmacy
1100 Gulf Fwy
League City 77573
(281) 557-0220
13500 Highway 36
Needville 77461
(979) 793-5534
Magnolia Pharmacy
18230 Fm 1488 Rd Ste 100
Magnolia 77354
(281) 356-9089
Palacios Prescription
321 Main St
Palacios 77465
(361) 972-3608
Texas Professional Phcy
18602 Fm 1488 Rd Ste 700
Magnolia 77354
(281) 356-2216
Triumph Pharmacy
6875 Fm 1488 Rd Ste 300
Magnolia 77354
(281) 252-4200
Manvel Pharmacy Inc
20226 Highway 6 Ste C
Manvel 77578
(281) 489-3210
Missouri City
Amazing Grace Pharmacy
1965 Texas Pkwy
Missouri City 77489
(832) 230-0169
Ed's Pharmacy
3740 Cartwright Rd
Missouri City 77459
(281) 499-4555
La Porte
Glenn Lakes Pharmacy Inc
3640 Glenn Lakes Ln
Missouri City 77459
(281) 261-8278
Deangelo Pharmacy
1309 W Fairmont Pkwy Ste
La Porte 77571
(281) 842-8500
Medlin Pharmacy
2755 Texas Pkwy Ste 101
Missouri City 77489
(281) 437-1818
Amex Pharmacy No. 7
3316 Plainview St Ste B
Pasadena 77504
(832) 767-5563
Azteca Pharmacy
6243 Fairmont Pkwy Ste
Pasadena 77505
(281) 998-1100
Bayshore Pharmacy
4024a Brookhaven Ave
Pasadena 77504
(713) 944-8893
Burke Family Pharmacy
4002 Burke Rd Ste 400
Pasadena 77504
(281) 619-2130
Crenshaw Pharmacy
5010 Crenshaw Rd Ste 160
Pasadena 77505
(281) 998-2777
Dt Pharmacy
3911 Woodlawn Ave
Pasadena 77504
(832) 775-0060
Family Pharmacy
2418 Southmore Ave
Pasadena 77502
(713) 472-3138
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Drug Stores
Your Pharmacy Inc
7400 Harwin Dr Ste 253
Houston 77036
(713) 781-1010
Jacinto City
Page/Página 132
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Family Pharmacy Care
4949 Fairmont Pkwy Ste
Pasadena 77505
(832) 900-7712
Pasadena Medical Plaza
1430 Pasadena Blvd Ste B
Pasadena 77502
(713) 429-1842
Pcf Pharmacy
2615 Strawberry Rd
Pasadena 77502
(713) 947-6767
4500 E Sam Hstn Pkwy S
Pasadena 77505
(281) 998-9400
Drug Stores
Premiercare Pharmacy
5108-a Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena 77505
(281) 991-1300
Strawberry Family Drug &
1802 Strawberry Rd
Pasadena 77502
(713) 740-9033
Tejas Pharmacy
320 Southmore Ave Ste
Pasadena 77502
(713) 472-3736
Woodlawn Pharmacy
3801 Vista Rd Ste 395
Pasadena 77504
(713) 928-3044
Country Place Pharmacy
2404 Smith Ranch Rd Ste
Pearland 77584
(713) 436-3344
Family Pharmacy Care
10905 Memorial Hermann
Dr #102
Pearland 77584
(281) 315-3770
Hazel's Compound Rx
1801 Country Pl Pkwy Ste
Pearland 77584
(713) 340-0202
1834 Broadway St Ste 110
Pearland 77581
(281) 993-1656
Mastery Pharmacy
2950 Cullen Pkwy Ste 112
Pearland 77584
(713) 665-9996
Medx Pharmacy
6516 Broadway St Ste 136
Pearland 77581
(281) 506-2453
1834 Broadway St Ste 106
Pearland 77581
(281) 996-7500
RX Care Pharmacy
7121 Broadway St
Pearland 77581
(281) 412-0377
Script Source Pharmacy
10223 Broadway St Ste D2
Pearland 77584
(713) 340-3122
Airline Pharmacy
Associates #2
24420 Fm 1314 Rd #8
Porter 77365
(281) 354-5036
Carter's Pharmacy Rx
1202 Lark Ln Ste 3
Richmond 77469
(281) 239-3238
Healthquest Pharmacy
22001 Southwest Fwy Ste
Richmond 77469
(832) 222-0100
Lifechek Drug
1100 Jackson St
Richmond 77469
(281) 232-3529
Mariste Pharmacy
8433 Fm 1464 Ste G
Richmond 77407
(713) 234-7190
Metscript Pharmacy
1300 Main St Ste 100
Richmond 77469
(281) 277-2707
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Richmond 77406
(281) 762-6375
Richmond Pharmacy
1601 Main St, Ste 106
Richmond 77469
(281) 762-7462
C-med Phcy & Hlth Care
Srvcs L
5633 Avenue I Ste C
Rosenberg 77471
(832) 363-3787
1110 Texas Parkway
Pharmacy Inc
1110 Fm 2234 Rd Ste 200
Stafford 77477
(281) 208-1346
Joe's Pharmacy
1221 1st St
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 762-1231
Advanced Pharmacy
12503 Exchange Dr Ste 536
Stafford 77477
(713) 391-2200
2307 4th St Ste 102
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 238-8440
Oasis Pharmacy
11929 W Airport Blvd # 120
Stafford 77477
(281) 240-8111
Xavier Pharmacy II
4114 Avenue H
Rosenberg 77471
(281) 762-0874
Pharmacare Texas
10200 W Airport Blvd Ste
Stafford 77477
(832) 886-2357
Santa Fe
Medicine Man Pharmacy
13250 Highway 6
Santa Fe 77510
(409) 927-1979
Lifechek Healthmart Drug
307 Main St
Sealy 77474
(979) 627-7271
Lifechek Drug
1490 Research Forest Dr
Shenandoah 77381
(832) 948-1012
South Houston
Niko Rx Pharmacy
207 Winton
South Houston 77587
(713) 510-5434
Better Balance Pharmacy,
5834 Louetta Rd Ste D
Spring 77379
(281) 205-7091
Budget Pharmacy
19786 I-45 North
Spring 77373
(713) 694-3785
Pharmacy 4 Less
432 Fm 1092 Rd
Stafford 77477
(281) 969-5077
Pr Pharmacy Llc
720 Fm 1092
Stafford 77477
(832) 230-8027
Stafford Pharmacy & Dme
2448 S Main St
Stafford 77477
(281) 969-5901
Sugar Land
Accu-care Pharmacy
4645 Highway 6 Ste J
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 494-0056
Deliverit Pharmacy Inc
13303 W Airport Blvd
Sugar Land 77478
(713) 562-6775
Emoss Pharmacy
13509 Sw Frwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 313-7880
Metscript Pharmacy
4888 Highway 90a Ste 100
Sugar Land 77498
(281) 277-2700
Lifechek Drug
440 Rayford Rd Ste 155
Spring 77386
(281) 367-2700
Omni-one-med Phcy Svcs,
17310 W Grand Pkwy S Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(832) 554-5008
Medical Center Pharmacy
26434 B Lexington Road
Spring 77373
(281) 288-6466
Pharmtrust Pharmacy
1111 Highway 6 Ste 110
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 201-2627
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Page/Página 133
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Pro Med RX Pllc
13134 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 313-0730
Pro Pharmacy Health, Inc.
14021 Southwest Fwy #
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 491-0767
The Woodlands
Healthy Pharmacy Solutions
8021 Research Forest Dr #d
The Woodlands 77382
(832) 585-0240
Millennium Pharmacy
9319 Pinecroft Dr #110
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 298-1129
Clear Lake Prof Bldg Phcy
251 Medical Center Blvd
Webster 77598
(281) 332-2496
Medical Plaza Phcy At Clear
250 Blossom St Ste 110
Webster 77598
(281) 332-2213
Southside Pharmacy II
3533 Town Center Blvd
Sugar Land 77479
(832) 553-1315
Pinecroft Pharmacy
9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 102
The Woodlands 77380
(281) 466-3650
Pyramids Pharmacy
500 N Kobayashi Ste E
Webster 77598
(281) 724-0531
Sugar Land Compounding
14891 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 302-6080
First Care Pharmacy
24922 Tomball Pkwy Ste
Tomball 77375
(832) 698-1532
Webster Pharmacy
15610 Galveston Rd
Webster 77598
(281) 886-7164
Gloyers Legend Pharmacy
1010 W Main St
Tomball 77375
(281) 351-5454
Vita Care Pharmacy II
1429 Highway 6
Sugar Land 77478
(281) 277-2800
Ms Pharmacy
27721 Tomball Parkway
Ste 400
Tomball 77375
(832) 698-1565
Vitamed Pharmacy
16126 Southwest Fwy Ste
# 180
Sugar Land 77479
(281) 313-0234
Saddlebrook Pharmacy
25201 Kuykendahl Rd Ste
Tomball 77375
(832) 698-2104
TMP Pharmacy
455 School St Ste 48
Tomball 77375
(281) 290-7741
Health Check Pharmacy
3533 Town Ctr Blvd S Ste
Sugarland 77479
(281) 277-3334
Lifechek Drug
200 N Main St
Sweeny 77480
(979) 548-0212
Texas City
Affordable Pharmacy
8030 Fm 1765 Suite A104
Texas City 77591
(409) 229-4636
Tomball Pharmacy
28455 Tomball Pkwy
Tomball 77375
(832) 843-7105
Texas City Pharmacy
2506 25th Ave North Ste 4
Texas City 77590
(409) 655-3033
South Texas Pharmacy
2100 Regional Medical Dr
Wharton 77488
(979) 532-4910
Tomball Atrium Untd Drugs
425 Holderrieth Blvd Ste 111
Tomball 77375
(281) 351-8239
Tomball Health Mart
506 Graham Dr Ste 140
Tomball 77375
(832) 559-6413
Mainland Legend Phcy
601 9th Ave N
Texas City 77590
(409) 945-2368
A & W Pharmacy
435 El Dorado Blvd Ste 6
Webster 77598
(281) 286-7710
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Drug Stores
Tex Care Pharmacy
4660 Sweetwater Blvd Ste
Sugar Land 77479
(832) 532-0135
Page/Página 134
Index of Perinate Providers/Índice de proveedores perinatales
Index of Perinate Providers
Índice de proveedores perinatales
Abair, Christine H. MD .6, 7
18, 20
Adams, Jaye E. MD .........9
Adesomo, Adebayo J.
MD .......................9, 45, 46
Adeyemi, Oluyemisi A.
MD ...................................9
Adler, Michael T. MD ........9
Aga, Irene E. MD .............9
Ahmed, Hany H. MD ........9
Ali, Nishath A. MD ............9
Ali, Vaseem MD ...............9
Altinger, Hans P. MD ........7
Amaro, Michael A. MD .....9
Ambani, Dipika S. MD .....9
Argoti, Pedro S. MD .........9
Asumugha, Kingsley N.
MD ...................................9
Cynthia L. RN ..................8
Balat, Isam Y. MD ............9
Barnsfather, Kris E. MD ...
Beckner, Gregory M. MD ...
9, 17
Beeson, James H. MD .....9
Behnia, Faranak MD ..7, 88
Bercaw-Pratt, Jennifer L.
MD ...................................9
Berens, Pamela D. MD ....9
Berenson, Abbey MD .7, 18
Bharksuwan, Samuel
MD .............................9, 19
Billups, Agatha J. RN .......6
Binder, Gary L. MD ..........9
Blackwell, Sean C. MD ....9
Blonder, Bryan J. DO .....20
Bonilla, David J. MD ..9, 16
Borahay, Mostafa A. MD ...
6, 7
Brooks-Carter, Gizelle N.
MD ...................................9
Browne, Catherine P. DO ...
Browne, James W. MD ....7
Brownfield, Shaylon V.
MD ...................................9
Browning, Jennifer M.
MD .................................17
Bruce, Tara L. MD ......9, 18
Bueso, Fernando MD ......9
Bui, Oanh N. DO ..............9
Bukowski, Radoslaw MD ...
6, 7
Bullock, Gerald L. MD ......5
Burroughs, Kelli V. MD ..20
Byrd, Teresa T. MD ..........9
Cadambi, Kalpana P. MD ...
Capocyan, Lorelei C.
MD .................................20
Carreno, Carlos A. MD ....9
Carter, Betty J. RN .....8, 91
Champion, Stephanie E.
MD ...........................16, 17
Shao-Chun R. MD .........10
Chatman, Moncenya L.
MD .........................19, 109
Chavez, Anthony MD .....10
Chohan, Lubna MD .......10
Cohan, Leslie C. MD .....10
Cohen, David K. MD ......18
Colas, Ramona S. RN .....8
Cole, Nichole F. MD .......16
Coleman, Maame A. MD ...
Colman, June W. MD ....10
Connealy, Brendan D.
MD .................................10
Cook, Paul I. MD ...........10
Cooke, Gregory C. MD ....5
Cooper, Constance D.
MD .................................10
Creel, Nicholas B. MD ...17
Crowder, Janice R. MD ..18
Crowe, Shannon M. MD ...
Dalrymple, John L. MD ..10
Danysh, Patricia D. RN ....5
7, 18, 19
Davidson, Laura A. MD ..21
del Castillo, Jr, Hector
MD .................................10
Delaney, Meaghan A.
MD .................................10
Delgado, Jackquelin MD ...
Dietrich, Jennifer E. MD ...
Dildy III, Gary A. MD 10, 95
Dunnington, Helen A.
MD .................................10
Duret-Uzodinma, Jenny
J. MD .............................10
Durrani, Neelofer S. MD ...
Eads, Gregory L. MD .....20
Earhart, Angela D. MD ...10
17, 95, 104
Eckhardt, Donald K. MD ...
Eckhardt, Kari J. NP ......21
Edwards, Creighton L.
MD ...........................10, 93
El-Dafashy, Diaa Y. MD ...
Ellison, Danya L. MD .....10
Evans, Kimberly L. MD ..20
Evans, Mara G. PA ....6, 19
Fagbohun, Funcho C.
MD .................................19
Faro, Jonathan P. MD ....10
Faro, Sebastian MD .......10
Feuer, Randall MD .........17
Ford, Dinsdale W. MD ...10
Franco Jr, Juan M. MD ..10
Friedman, Robert H. MD ...
Frost, Kristin L. RN ..........8
Fuchs, Deborah A. RN ....8
Fulcher, Sr, Perry L. MD ...
6, 10, 18
Fulton, Stephanie C. MD ...
Gabel, Catherine N. MD
Garcia Ruiz De
Somicurcio, Javier B.
MD .........................10, 101
Garnier, Tametra L. MD ...
Gei, Alfredo F. MD ...10, 95
Giesler, Carl F. MD ........10
Gilliland, Michael P. MD ...
Ginsberg, Dian J. MD ......5
Glenn, Christopher J.
MD .................................16
Gonzalez, Aurora MD ....10
Gottesman, Mark J. MD ...
Griffis, Kathleen M. MD ....6
10, 18
Guan, Xiaoming MD .......11
Gubbels, Jeffery L. MD ..19
20, 21
Halbridge, Bruce L. MD
Hall, Nicole R. MD ...11, 95
Hammill, Hunter A. MD ..11
Hampton, Shelby L. MD
Hanes, Michelle A. MD ..20
Hankins, Gary MD .......6, 7
Hansen, Catherine G.
MD .............................7, 18
Harden, Monica E. RN .....8
Harirah, Hassan M. MD
6, 7, 19
Harms, Konrad P. MD ....11
Hasan, Ferhat M. MD .....11
Haver, Mary C. MD 6, 7, 11
Hawkins, Kimberly D.
MD .................................11
Dorovenia N. DO .............5
Hienaman, Mary MD 11, 17
Higginbotham, Chandra
G. MD .............................11
Hobday, Christopher D.
MD .................................11
Hodges, Kelly R. MD ......11
Holcombe, Sara B. MD ..11
Hold, Michael D. MD ......11
Hollier, Lisa M. MD ...11, 95
Hollins, Blanchard T. MD ...
Holt, Byron B. MD ....11, 17
Huang, Jaou-Chen MD ..11
Hudgins, Margaret A. RN ...
Huebner, Jennifer D. MD ...
Hunter, Susan D. MD .......7
Ivey, Richard T. MD ....8, 11
Jain, Sangeeta MD ..........7
Jamelka, Brooke MD .....11
Janowitz, David H. MD ...11
Jayne, Christopher J.
MD .........................11, 102
Jaynes, Jr, Charles R.
MD .................................11
Jenkins, Taryll L. MD .....17
Jeter, Carol A. NP ............5
Jibril, Deanah A. DO 11, 12
Jimerson, Ann B. MD .7, 73
Johns, Joseph B. MD ....17
Johnson, Anitra L. MD .....6
Jones, Vonne-Gretchin
MD ...........................12, 17
Jurnalov, Catalin D. MD ...
6, 18
Page/Página 135
Index of Perinate Providers/Índice de proveedores perinatales
Kabir, Mohammed W.
DO ...........................17, 67
Kadiyala, Samatha K.
MD .................................18
Karges, Kathryn A. MD ..12
Kase, Benjamin A. MD ...12
Kataka-Gitu, Susana W.
NP ..................................17
Katz, Allan R. MD ..........12
Keffer, Gregory L. MD 5, 19
Kern, James H. MD .12, 46
Kilic, Gokhan MD .......7, 18
Kilpatrick, Charles C.
MD .................................12
Kim, Poong-Young Y.
MD .................................12
King-Hatley, Lisa A. MD ...
Konda, Sangeetha R.
MD .................................12
Korhonen, Matti O. MD ..12
Korte, Mary E. RN ............8
Kuhn, George T. MD ......12
Lager, Jeannette C. MD ...
Lee, Chin H. MD ............12
Lee, Tania M. MD .....17, 19
Leke, Efua Bonnie B.
MD .................................12
Levine, Lyuba MD ........6, 7
Levison, Judy MD ..........12
Levy, Robert L. MD ........12
Lewen, Merrill S. MD .....12
Linares, Silvia T. MD ......12
Locus, Paul A. MD .........20
Lord, Jr, Edward A. MD ....5
Lucas, Michael J. MD ....12
Lucci, Anthony P. MD .7, 12
Madjitey, George E. MD
Mahajan-Merritt, Kavita
DO ...........................16, 17
Mahan, Miles E. MD 12, 16
Makhlouf, Michel MD ...5, 6
7, 18, 19
Mansouri, Roshanak MD ...
Marks, Sonya D. MD ......12
Marullo, Teresa H. RN .....8
Mastrobattista, Joan M.
MD ...........................12, 95
Nader-Eftekhari, Shahla
MD ...........................13, 93
Nanda, Roz MD .............13
Nebgen, Denise R. MD ..13
Neill, Christopher L. MD ...
Nguyen, Chau D. MD ....20
Nguyen, Jennifer T. MD ...
Nguyen, Tom T. MD .......20
Nguyen, Truong C. MD 6, 7
Nguyen, Van T. RN ..........8
Nguyen, Vian H. MD ......13
Nichols, Mark E. MD ........5
Nobles, Wiley E. MD .......5
Nosaville, Yury J. MD ....13
Obukofe, Christie E. MD
Ocon, Fernando J. MD ..18
Ogunlade, Iyabode M.
MD .................................13
Olson, Gayle L. MD .....6, 7
18, 86, 88, 107
Orejuela, Francisco J.
MD .................................13
Ortega, Enrique M. MD ..13
O'sullivan, Merita G. RN
Pacheco, Luis MD
.6, 7, 18
Palmer, Sue M. MD .13, 95
Panchbhavi, Vinod MD ....7
Papanna, Ramesha MD ...
Papasakelariou, Cristo
MD .................................14
Pappas, Gregory A. MD ...
Parikh, Kokila P. MD ......20
Parish, Bridgette J. MD ..14
Parker, Larry K. MD .........5
Patel, Pooja R. MD ....7, 18
Pedrick, Clayton MD 14, 89
Pellicena, Alexandra MD ...
Pepperell, Pamela A. RN ...
Persaud, Chandrowtie
CNM .................................8
Petty, Joseph L. MD .......17
Phelps, John Y. MD ...6, 18
Philips, III, Dudley A. MD ...
Phillips, Lauren M. MD ..20
Pickhardt, Brenda A.
CNM ...........................6, 18
Piegari, Michael J. MD ...14
Pierce, Torri- Ja'Net T.
MD .................................14
Pilla, Hemamalini MD 6, 86
96, 106
Pirics, Michael L. MD .....18
Plavidal, Ferdinand J.
MD .................................14
Poindexter, III, Alfred N.
MD ...................................7
Pamela A. MD ................14
Pullano, James G. MD ...14
Racusin, Diana MD ........14
Ramin, Susan M. MD ....14
Ramirez, Mildred M. MD ...
14, 95
Randolph, Beryl L. MD ..14
Rawson, Jon M. MD ......21
Reed, Jane C. MD .........19
Reiss, Anh P. MD ...........14
Reynolds, Marion A. MD ...
Richardson, Gwyn MD .5, 7
18, 20
Gregorio R. MD .............14
Riggs, John W. MD ........14
Rios, Cynthia I. MD ........19
Rizk, Magdy W. MD .......14
Rizzo, Gina T. MD ..6, 7, 14
Roberts, Richard R. MD ...
5, 19
Robertson, Kesha S. MD ...
Robins, Jacquelyn D.
CNM .................................6
Robinson, Theresa L.
MD .......................5, 14, 17
Rodriguez, Ana M. MD 6, 7
14, 18, 20
Rodriguez, Joseph A.
MD .................................14
Rodriguez, Victor M. MD ...
Rojas, Raul A. MD .........19
Roman III, Joe MD .........17
Rosenbaum, Sean M.
MD .................................14
Ross, Patti J. MD .....14, 18
Ruano, Rodrigo MD .......14
Ruger, Erica P. MD ........14
Russell, Barbara O. RN
Saad, Antonio F. MD ..7, 88
Saade, George R. MD .6, 7
Salazar, Ashley E. RN .6, 7
Salinas, Jeanmarie K.
MD ...................................6
Sangalli, Marc A. MD .....19
20, 21
Sayeed, Amina MD ........17
Schachel VI, Priti P. MD ...
Schettler, Heinrich G.
MD .................................16
Schneider, Karen M. MD ...
5, 15
Schreiber, Howard L. MD ...
15, 101
Schroeder, Barbara C.
MD .............................5, 15
Schutt, Amy K. MD ........15
Schutt-Aine, Ann I. MD ..15
Serrano, Juan H. MD .....15
Shelton, Gregory S. MD ...
Short, Dawn D. CNM .....20
Shultz, Erik P. MD ..........15
Sibai, Baha M. MD .........15
Siller, Barry S. MD ...15, 93
Index of Perinate Providers
Índice de proveedores perinatales
Labanca, Francisco MD
Mayo Sr, Carlos O. MD ..13
Mcbride, Jr, James R.
MD .................................13
Mcknight, Monique V.
MD ...........................13, 17
Mclemore, Joe E. MD ....20
McNalley, Cheryl E. RN ...
Mcneil, Cynthia D. MD ...13
Melhem, Ziad A. MD ......13
Hector MD .....................13
Meyer, Larissa A. MD ....13
Middleton, Jaime J. MD
Miguel, Breno L. MD ......13
Miller, Harold J. MD .......13
Mohan, Sujatha MD .......17
Mohsin, Asia MD ..............6
Monga, Manju MD ...13, 95
Monthy, Wendi B. MD ....13
Moonat, Sunita MD ........13
Moreano, Walter F. MD ..13
Morris-busey, Milinda M.
MD ...................................5
Moussa, Hind N. MD .....13
Muir, Tristi W. MD ..6, 7, 18
Munn, Mary B. MD ...5, 6, 7
17, 19
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Index of Perinate Providers
Índice de proveedores perinatales
Index of Perinate Providers/Índice de proveedores perinatales
Jeane R. MD ..................15
Sinacori, Mina K. MD .....15
Skinner, Leanne S. CNM ...
Smith, Florence E. RN .....8
Smith, Sharon A. MD .....15
Snyder, Russell R. MD ....7
Soto, Wigberto MD ........15
Spinnato, Richard J. MD ...
St Amand, Pamela A.
MD ...................................7
Stephanou, Nicholas J.
MD .................................15
Stone, Amanda NP 6, 7, 18
Stone, Faith M. MD ........15
Strehlow, Stacy L. MD ...15
Strong, Steven M. MD ...19
Sullivan, Katherine T.
MD .................................15
Sundaram, Subha MD ...19
Swords, Lauren K. MD ..19
Ta, Uyen Lauren H. MD
Tarrant, Tiffany E. MD ....15
Taylor, Kristal D. MD ......15
Tharappel-Jacob, Reena
A. MD .............................20
Thibodeaux, Douglas A.
MD .................................20
Timmins, Audra E. MD ...15
Tinsley-Greely, Jocelyn
T. MD .............................15
Torres, Elvis DO .............15
Totorica, Marcelo MD .....15
Toy, Eugene C. MD ........15
Traub, Mary L. CNM ........8
Triche, Milicent P. MD ....15
Tsai, Chundar MD ..........15
Turner, Tracy L. MD .......19
Ubesie, Kanayo E. MD ..16
Uhi-King, Diane E. RN .....5
Uralil, Sherene E. MD ....20
Uribe-Torres, Brenda MD ...
Uzquiano, Nelson E. MD ...
Van Winkle, Jenny L.
MD .................................16
Vande Giessen,
Kathleen H. RN ................8
Vidaeff, Alex C. MD ..16, 95
Vincent, Kathleen L. MD ...
6, 7
Vu, Tammy H. MD ..........16
Vyas, Anuja S. MD .........16
Wade, Cynthia C. RN ......8
Walsh, Teresa M. MD ....16
Wang, Fan MD ..............16
Warren, Melita D. RN ......8
Webb, Christiaan A. MD ...
Wen, Tony S. MD ...6, 7, 19
Westmoreland, Holly M.
MD .................................21
Wheeler, Terri L. RN ........8
White, Melissa CNM ........8
Whitmire, Gerald A. MD ...
Whitmire, Rogers O. MD ...
Whitty, Janice E. MD .....16
Wichelhaus, Harlan P.
MD .................................20
Williams, Vicki J. RN .8, 45
Wirt, Andrea L. NP .....6, 18
Wong, Michelle S. MD ...20
Wright, Stanley E. MD ...16
Xydas, Nicholas P. MD ..16
Yngve, David A. MD .....7, 8
16, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95,
96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 115, 118
Young, Ronald L. MD .......8
Zapata-Cabrer, Vicente
MD .................................16
Zavala, Sharon K. MD ...17
Zhou, Xiaodong D. MD ..16
Zimmerman, Geoffrey A.
MD .................................17
Ziworitin, Dama A. MD ...19
Zurawin, Robert K. MD ....8
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Index of Perinate Hospitals/Índice de hospitales de perinatales
Hospital ....................22, 82
Bayshore Medical Ctr
23, 82
Bellville St Joseph
Health Ctr ................22, 82
Brazosport Regional
Health System .........23, 82
Children's Memorial
Hermann Hospital ....22, 82
Clear Lake Regional
Medical Ctr ..............23, 82
Conroe Regional
Medical Ctr ..............22, 82
Doctors Hospital
Parkway & Tidwell
...22, 82
Harris County Hospital
District - Acute .........22, 82
Harris County Hospital
District - Psych ........22, 82
Harris County Hospital
District - Rehab ........22, 82
Healthbridge Children's
Hospital ....................22, 82
Mainland Medical Ctr .....23
Memorial Hermann
Hospital ....................22, 82
Memorial Hermann
Northeast .................23, 82
Memorial Hospital Memorial City ...........22, 82
Memorial Hospital Northeast .................23, 82
Memorial Hospital Northwest ................22, 82
Memorial Hospital Southeast ................22, 82
Memorial Hospital Southwest ................22, 82
Memorial Hospital Woodlands ..............23, 82
Memorial Katy Medical
Ctr ............................23, 82
MHHS Sugar Land
Hospital ....................23, 82
Oakbend Medical Ctr .....23
.22, 82
Riverside General
Hospital ............22, 82, 117
Smith Clinic .............22, 82
St Joseph Medical Ctr ...22
St Joseph Medical
Center ......................22, 82
St. Joseph Medical Ctr ..22
Sweeny Community
Hospital ....................23, 82
Texas Orthopedic
Hospital ....................23, 82
The Woman's Hospital
of Texas ...................23, 82
University General
Hospital ....................23, 82
University of Texas
Medical Branch
Galveston ................22, 82
West Houston Medical
Ctr ............................23, 82
Index of Perinate Hospitals
Índice de hospitales de perinatales
Kingwood Medical Ctr ....23
Park Plaza Hospital
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
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Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Abbas, Rashida S. MD ..27
55, 70, 80, 86, 99, 106,
Abdalla, Nageeb G. MD ...
Abdelmelek, Lourice K.
MD .................................33
Abrahim, Alber R. MD ....33
44, 93
Achi, Jyothi N. MD .........68
Adames, Ricardo A. MD ...
75, 108
Adedapo, Raymond T.
MD .................................33
Adesanya, Yewande A.
NP ............................32, 91
Adesina, Olutomisin M.
MD .................................55
Adesoba, Samuel A. MD ...
47, 93
Adesomo, Adebayo J.
MD .......................9, 45, 46
Adeyinka, Olasunkanmin
W. MD ............................33
Adu-Gyamfi, Kwame PA ...
Afzal, Haider MD ...........24
Agarwal, Sandeep K.
MD ...................47, 93, 101
Agim, Onyinye A. MD ....47
Agoh, Emmanuel U. MD ...
Agrawal, Anoop MD .......55
Agrawala, Sangeeta MD ...
71, 78
Aguoru, Okezie S. MD ...33
Ahmad, Samir A. MD .....69
Ahmed, Kamran I. MD ...47
Ahmed, Moiz MD ...........26
Ahmed, Saleha R. MD ...33
Ahmed, Sheikh E. MD ...47
90, 94
Ahmed, Yousuf MD ........27
Ahmeduddin, Naureen
S. DO .............................33
Aisenberg, Gabriel M.
MD .................................47
Ajim, Alice A. MD .....47, 77
Ajmani, Surainder K. MD ...
Akhtar, Adeeba K. MD ...33
Akoma, Christiana N.
RN .................................75
Alade, Kiyetta H. MD .....55
92, 98, 99
Alam, Anjum A. MD 46, 101
Albritton, Tiffany L. MD ..76
Alexander, Sunitha C.
MD .................................79
Alford, Deborah A. RN ...27
Alhassan, Abdul-Aziz
MD .....................29, 33, 79
Ali, Amir MD .............76, 77
Ali, Kashif R. MD ...........55
Ali, Shamim MD .............67
Hussamaddin MD ..........75
Al-Khudhair, Marwan M.
MD .................................26
Al-Khush, Ahmad-Rabia
S. MD .............................67
Alkus, Pelin MD .............47
Allen, Deidra D. MD .......33
Allen, Erin M. MD ...........72
Allen, Thomas E. MD .....24
Allison, Rocio D. MD ......67
Aloia, Natalie P. MD .......55
Altman, Michael A. MD ..33
Altobelli, Mary G. MD .....55
Amer, Isra M. MD .....24, 33
Amina, Shazia MD .........33
Amoah-Honny, Yaa O.
MD .................................47
Anand, Sujatha MD .......75
Anders, Janie M. PA ......65
Andino, Cesar A. MD .....33
Andrade, Roberto A. MD ...
47, 93, 94
Andrews, Richard R. MD ...
Angelo, Christopher S.
DO .................................33
Antoine-Taylor, Mercella
P. MD .............................33
Antwi, Stephen K. MD ...69
Anwar, Faizun MD .........76
Anwar, Sadaf Q. MD ......81
Aparasu, Anuradha MD
47, 94
Aquino, Pedro J. MD .....33
Aramayo, Willy L. MD ....34
Araya, Rediet B. PA .......65
Arceneaux, Cassandra
N. MD ................28, 29, 30
Archibong, Emma K. MD ...
Arcilla, Juanita R. MD ....34
Armbruster, David R. DO ...
Armentrout, Debra C.
RN ...........................32, 91
Armstrong, Richard P.
RN .................................25
Arshad, Syed MD ....47, 94
Arthur, Allison M. MD .....28
Artise, Antonia M. PA .....27
Asawa, Ashish MD ...47, 71
Aslam, Ambreen MD ......55
Asuncion, Monina H. MD ...
Atai, Faith D. MD .....25, 71
Attema, Lee P. RN .........28
Aung, Khin H. MD ..........75
Azeemuddin, Shakeela
MD .................................55
Azeemuddin, Syed K.
MD .................................55
Azhar, Syed S. MD ..28, 29
Baggett, Bobbie J. PA ....31
Bai, Kristy Y. MD ............34
Baig, Imran MD ..34, 47, 55
Bailey, Franchelle Y. MD ...
Baker, James R. MD 48, 77
Baker, Rachel H. MD .....55
Bakht, Farid R. MD ........34
Balla, Justin D. MD ........48
Ballard, Kenneth G. DO ...
Bandi, Srijaya MD ..........69
Banglawala, Khursheed
MD .................................73
Bar-Eli, Lee H. MD .........34
Barker, Emily C. MD ......48
Barlas, Zeba MD ............34
Barnes-Jordan, Rhonda
J. MD .............................34
Barnett, Barbara S. DO
24, 34, 66
Barratt, Michelle S. MD ..31
Bartimmo, Jr, Ernest E.
MD ...........................48, 94
Bassaragh, Angella S.
NP ..................................44
Batchu, Vishalakshmi
MD .................................48
Bates, Janeen MD .........34
Batra, Dipesh MD ..........55
Batram, Esther A. RN ....25
Battu, Surya K. MD ........78
Bauer, David W. MD ......76
Bayona, Jose MD ..........34
Beach, Patricia S. MD ...30
Bedgood, Alysia M. MD
Begum, Afroza MD ..27, 55
Belcher, Megan E. MD ...34
Bellow, Pamela L. RN ....26
Bender, Nathan S. MD ...34
Benjamin, Peter MD ......56
Benjamins, Laura J. MD ...
56, 99
Bergeron, Jr, Denis E.
MD .................................71
Berios, Angelis MD ........73
Berman, Megan A. MD ..30
Bernstam, Elmer V. MD ...
Berry, Debra L. NP ........44
Bertram, Ivy A. PA ..........65
Best, Mary NP .........30, 69
Bhai, Aziz W. MD .....47, 48
Bhatt, Harshada R. MD
Bhatt, Sapan S. MD .......68
Bhojani, Rehal A. MD ....76
Billal, Shazia MD ...........75
Blackwell, Thomas A.
MD .................................30
Blicharski, Diana MD .....34
Blumenreich, Bernice J.
MD .................................34
Silvia MD ........................48
Bogwu, Justin I. MD .......34
Boisaubin, Eugene V.
MD .................................48
Bonaparte, Bernadette
D. MD ....................74, 108
Bondoc, Rosario M. MD ...
Bonthala, Savithri MD ....56
95, 99, 113
Borges, Rafael G. MD ...34
Boricha, Fatima MD .......56
Bornstein, Michael E.
MD ...........................74, 78
Bortolotti, Julie E. MD ....34
Botsford, Lindsay K. MD ...
Bottenfield, Gerald W.
MD .................................69
Boyd, Alfred A. MD ........79
Bratcher, Kristie L. RN ...32
Brentari, Pilar C. NP ......44
Brock, Sonya L. MD .......80
Broussard, Stephanie L.
RN ...........................32, 91
Brown, Anthony E. MD ..34
Brown, Chester W. MD ..56
Brown, Frederick A. MD ...
Brown, Georgiann E. RN ...
32, 91
Brown, Oscar W. MD .....30
Brown, Stephanie R. RN ...
Katherine S. MD ............56
Bryant, Cassandra M.
MD .................................26
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Cain, Jo E. PA ...............28
Callis, Tamara R. MD .....46
Campos, Bertha MD ......34
Canlas, Donna N. MD ....34
Cao, Khoa T. MD ...........34
Carmenates, Olga MD ...35
Carothers, Arnold K. MD ...
Carrero, Angela M. MD ..48
Carroll, Kelley W. MD ....35
Cass, Alvah R. MD ..28, 29
Castillo, Cesario A. MD ..35
Castillo, Robert M. MD ..46
Castleberry, Tarah DO ...28
Cazares, Jaime MD .......35
Celi, Melissa M. MD .......35
Central Care
Community, Health Ctr
NP ..................................45
Chahal, Balbir S. MD .....80
Challa, Lyla S. MD .........25
Chan, Evelyn C. MD ......48
Chan, Kin MD ................35
Chana, Harminder S.
MD .................................35
Chandiwal, Amito M. MD ...
Chandrasenan, Sachin
MD .................................26
Chang, Edward L. MD ...24
Chang, June-Chieh MD
Chang, Rhoda Y. MD .....26
Chang, Terence M. MD ..77
Charania, Zubeida S.
MD ...........................35, 46
Chau, Lieu N. DO ..........35
Chaudhary, Khalid M.
MD .................................75
Chava, Ramakrishna V.
MD ...........................35, 68
Chawla, Bandana N. MD ...
Chen, Angela MD ..........35
Chen, Yen-I G. MD ........35
Chen, Yongfang MD ......35
Cheng, Le-Beng C. MD
Cheng, Mingfang A. MD
Cheung, Kim K. MD .56, 92
Chintagumpala, Murali
M. MD ............................56
Chiu, Carrie H. MD ........56
Chorley, Joseph N. MD ..56
Chu, Hoc B. MD .............46
Chua, Albert J. MD ........35
Cinquemani, Rita D. NP ...
Cintron, Nitza M. MD .....30
Cisneros, Alfredo D. MD ...
Clark, Carlos A. MD .30, 79
Clark, Dana L. MD .........35
Clinic, L B J ....................48
Coastal Health &
Wellness ........................30
Coastal Health and
Wellness ........................79
Cohan, Sandra R. MD ...56
Cohan, Stuart K. MD .....56
Cole, Kimberly D. RN ....32
Community Health Ctrs,
Houston .........................45
Conlon, Rosemary L.
MD .................................56
Connelly, Michael W. MD ...
Cook, William B. APNP
Corcoran, Jacqueline E.
DO .................................46
Cox, Angela M. MD ........72
Cram, Lorie F. MD .........35
Crook, Debra K. RN .......26
Crouch, Michael A. MD ..77
Crouch, Susan H. NP ....69
Cruz, Leticia H. PA ........65
Cuadra, Ricardo E. MD
Cumber, Salimah F. MD ...
Cunningham, Tamara L.
MD .................................56
Cushman, DonnaLee
RN .................................77
Dailey, Warren B. MD ....35
Dalton, Emily W. RN ......44
Damaske, Paul R. MD ...35
Dandona, Suklesh MD ...74
Danek, Lisa C. MD ........35
Dang, Hoa T. MD ...........48
Dang, Hung T. MD .........48
Das, Samiran K. MD ......72
Davis, Kenneth G. MD ...26
Davis, Lisa R. MD ..........35
Davis, Melanie D. RN ....44
Dawes, Derek S. MD .....48
Day, April M. MD ............69
De Leon, Isidro G. DO ...75
De Valle, Rodrigo V. MD ...
35, 46
DeFriece, Joshua C. MD ...
Degaffe, Guenet H. MD ...
Deka, Kamal MD .....56, 99
Del Rio Rodriguez, Betty
D. MD .......................56, 72
Deleon, Berta C. MD .....35
Delvalle, LaCindy V. MD ...
76, 99
Deming, Diane L. RN ....44
Desai, Hemlata J. MD ....35
Desai, Thrity B. MD .56, 99
DeValle, Oscar L. MD ....35
Deybarrondo, Lisa E.
MD .....................56, 92, 99
Dharia, Ami D. MD .........56
Dholakia, Sonal MD .......35
Dianalan, Sittie R. MD ...76
Diaz, J J. MD .....46, 56, 99
Dike-Odimgbe, Patricia
E. MD .............................56
Dimmick, Gregg J. MD ..28
Dinh, Mai L. MD .............25
D'Lima, Shanta L. MD ...24
Do, Doan T. MD .............35
Do, Thong M. MD ..........66
Do, Victoria T. MD ..........77
Doan, Dao V. MD ...........31
Doan, Janie T. MD .........57
Dollar, Hunaid MD ...48, 70
Drab, Jarrod V. DO ........35
Draehn, Donald K. MD ..26
Duarte, Jaime E. MD .....36
Dubal, Deepali J. MD .....57
Duong, Mai D. MD .........57
Durayappah, Amaraseeli
S. MD .............................36
Dwibhashi, Vijaya L. MD ...
Dyer, Carmel B. MD .......26
Dyhianto, Christian E.
MD .................................70
Eco, Lourdes MD ...........48
Edeki, Ifeyinwa C. MD ...27
57, 80
Edwards, Michelle L. NP ...
32, 44
Egbe, Joyce E. MD ........57
Egbunike, Margaret C.
MD .................................36
Eke, Stella O. MS ..........44
Eknoyan, Garabed MD ..48
Ekong, Mfon MD ............57
El Centro de Corazon,
FQHC ......................36, 45
El Franco Lee Health
Cetner ......................36, 45
Ellington, Owen B. MD ..77
Elliott, Tricia MD .......29, 69
Ellis, Mark D. NP ...........44
Ellison, lauren D. NP .....32
Ellsworth, Misti G. DO ...57
El-Sahly, Hana MD ........48
Elsaid, Saleh MD ...........29
Eni, Ikedinobi U. MD ......27
Eppler, Maia F. MD 68, 104
Erickson, Kent MD .........75
Erickson, Richard C. DO ...
Ervine, Anne L. PA .........65
Esantsi, Michael MD ......48
Escobar, Marco R. MD ..25
26, 85
Evangelista, Monaliza S.
MD .................................57
Evans, Patricia W. MD ...57
Ezenwabachili, Obiajulu
C. MD .............................49
Falgoust, Ashley M. RN ...
32, 91
Farizani, Forough DO ....36
Farmer, Keri K. MD ........57
Farnie, Mark A. MD ..49, 57
Farrell, Jennifer A. DO ...36
Faustinella, Fabrizia MD ...
Fazili, Fatima R. MD ......25
Feldman, Jennifer M.
MD ...............32, 57, 89, 99
Fernandez-Kline, Blanca
E. MD .............................36
Ferrer, Jeanette G. DO ..36
Fiandt, Kathryn L. NP ....69
Fielder, Elaine K. MD .....46
57, 99
Fiesinger, Troy T. MD .....77
Figueredo, Giovanna
MD .................................36
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Buck, David S. MD ........34
Bui, Quang D. MD .........73
Buie, Joseph MD ...........34
Burns, William E. MD ....69
Burton, Shawn D. MD ....34
Butcher, Larry R. MD .....34
Byrne, Michael E. DO ....34
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Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
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Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Finnigan, James P. MD ..78
Fisher, Joslyn W. MD .....49
Fisher, Latronica T. RN ..44
Foldes, Cara A. MD .......49
Foo, Chieu Y. MD ...........73
Fort Bend Family Health
Ctr ................26, 71, 74, 76
Fortin-Magana, Romeo
MD .................................57
Fowler, Grant C. MD ......36
Fragoso, Veronica G.
MD .................................25
Franklin, William C. MD
Frazier, Johnnie P. MD ..57
Frimpong-Badu, Yaw B.
MD .................................72
Fuller, Lisa M. NP ..........44
Gadgil, Neetee N. DO ....36
Gale, LeTosha E. MD ....75
Gandhi, Kiran M. MD .....49
Ganguzza, Joan T. PA ...65
Gannon, Michael J. MD
Garb, Leslie J. MD .........36
Garcia, Alvaro R. MD .....36
Gardiner, Carolyn L. MD ...
49, 94
Garg, Renu MD .............57
Gaspar, Elizabeth RN ....73
Gatewood, Natasha L.
MD .................................57
Gavagan, Thomas F. MD ...
Gelfer, Polina MD ..57, 100
Geltemeyer, Abby M. MD ...
Gentry, Erika D. MD .......77
Ghanem, Fadi G. MD ....75
Ghosh, Lisa C. MD ........36
Giraldi, Rodolfo G. MD ..49
Glass, Kathryn B. MD ....58
Glazebrook, Holly M. PA ...
Goins, Trisha S. RN .32, 91
Gold, Judith MD .....69, 105
Goldstein, Sara B. DO ...58
Goli, Sadasivareddy MD ...
Harshada M. MD .....36, 58
Gonzalez, Javier A. MD ...
Gonzalez, Maria G. MD ...
Gonzalez, Sandra A. NP ...
Good Neighbor
Healthcare Ctr ...............45
Goodine, Glenda M. MD ...
Thandayarajan MD ........49
Gopalani, Salim MD .......49
Gopathi, Swapna K. MD ...
Gordon, Rhonjean NP ...44
Gossard, Geraldine C.
MD .................................77
Gotschall, Ann MD .........49
Anandapadmanaba MD ...
Graham, James L. RN ...32
Granier, Luis G. MD .......49
Greeley, Christopher S.
MD ...................58, 92, 100
Green Sr, Demetris A.
MD .................................46
Gregory, Marilyn F. RN ..26
Grillo-Paris, Ricardo MD ...
Grimes, Amanda B. MD ...
46, 49, 58
Grover, Tejpal S. MD ......49
Grubb, Laura K. MD ......58
Grumbles, Loretta L. MD ...
Gu, Ying MD ..................36
Guardia, Rene W. MD ...68
Guardiola, Amalia MD ....58
92, 100
Guerrero, Jorge MD .......36
Guidry-White, Leah E.
MD .................................36
Gundlach, Marney MD ...30
Gupta, Ganesh P. MD ....25
Gupta, Kalpana J. MD ...30
Gutierrez, Carlos A. MD ...
Guzman, Luella M. MD ..58
Gwozdz, Jennifer S. MD ...
36, 67
Ha, Caroline A. MD ........36
Haase, Douglas M. PA ..65
Haberthier-Ryan, Lucy
MD .................................69
Hadzisabic, Eva E. DO ..37
Hakemack, Brenda S.
MD .................................58
Hall, David L. MD ...........37
Halphen, John M. MD ....49
Hamid, Bassam MD .25, 84
Hamilton, Yolanda L. MD ...
Hand, Mark C. DO .........37
Hanfling, Marcus J. MD
Hanissian, Talynn A. MD ...
Hansen, Denise H. PA ...65
Haque, Mohammad A.
MD .................................37
Harbison, Matthew T. MD ...
49, 58
Hardoin, Richard A. MD ...
69, 105
Hardwicke, Robin L. RN ...
25, 32, 44
Harrell, Antwar M. MD ....49
Harris County Hospital
District, Prof Serv ...........49
Harris, Tomika S. RN .....54
Harrison, Lutricia A. RN ...
Hart, Jennifer L. MD ......79
Hartwell, Oran C. PA ......68
Harvey, Inger V. NP .......29
Haseeb, Abdul Q. MD ....28
58, 70, 81, 86, 89, 100,
106, 112
Hasnain, Shahid MD ......74
Hawkins, Thomas D. RN ...
29, 79
Hawkinson, Dora L. PA ..65
Hay, Liliane M. MD .........58
Hayes, Patricia M. MD ...49
He, Ying RN ...................32
Health Ctr, Acres Home ...
Health Ctr, Aldine ...........37
Health Ctr, Baytown .......25
Health Ctr, Casa De
Amigos ...........................37
Health Ctr, Northwest ....37
Health Ctr, People's .......37
Health Ctr, Settegast .....37
Health Ctr, Strawberry ...71
Hearn, Donald R. MD ....26
Heatly, Kristy D. DO .......80
Hebenstreit Md, Charles
G. MD ......................49, 94
Hebert, Bettina L. RN ....32
Henson, Louise C. MD ..37
Heresi, Gloria P. MD 58, 99
Hergenroeder, Albert C.
MD .................................58
Herlong, William B. MD
Herrera, Carlos R. MD ...49
Herrera, Carmen M. MD
Hess, III, Charles G. MD ...
Hiatt, Peter W. MD .........58
Hildebrand, Mary P. RN ...
32, 68
Hill, Rebecca B. MD ......67
Hill, Welton E. MD .........26
Hilmers, David C. MD ....49
Ho, Andrew M. MD .........50
Hoang, Christina D. NP
Hoang, Giao N. MD .......50
Hoang, Long B. MD .50, 94
Hoang, Nam N. MD .......73
Hoang, Thang D. MD .....73
Hoang, Thanh K. MD .....37
Holden, Mark D. MD ......30
Holleman, Marsha C.
MD ...........................37, 50
Hong, Soran MD ............50
Hope, Clinic ...................45
Hope, Julia C. MD .........50
Hormann, Mark D. MD ...58
Hoskin, Ronald A. MD ...37
Houston Area
Community Svcs ............45
Howard, III, Percy MD ....77
Howard, Lillian G. MD ....37
Hoxhaj, Shkelzen MD ....50
92, 94
Huang, William Y. MD ....37
Hubenthal, Erica A. MD
Huckabee, Tara N.
APNP .............................55
Hudson, Connie K. PA ...65
Hughes, Nancy E. MD ...30
Hunt, Madeline A. MD ....66
Hunter, Meghan E. DO ..79
Hunyh, Thai D. MD ........81
Huseby, Valerie D. RN ...32
Huss, Joshua D. PA .......68
Hussain, Mohammad
MD .................................50
Hussein, Adnan J. MD ...37
Hussein, Hanan MD ......29
Hwang, Kevin O. MD .....50
Ibraheim, Nashaat B.
MD .................................37
Ibrahim, Adel A. MD .......26
Idjagboro, Damian O. PA ...
Iguh, Bernadette U. MD ...
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Jackson, Simona MD ....37
Jackson, Tonia L. RN ....44
Jacob, Sapna M. MD .....37
Jacob, Shammy RN .......44
Jacob, Shehnaz MD 27, 59
Jafar, Aman A. MD ...37, 50
Jana, Kyu K. MD ............29
Janecek, Stephen C. MD ...
Jankowski, Yulan Y. MD ...
Jasani, Bianca S. MD ....59
Jean-Louis, Frantz MD ..59
95, 100
Jeansonne, Janice M.
NP ......................32, 37, 79
Jelinek, Katherine A. MD ...
Jiang, Nan MD ...............73
Jimenez, Margarita MD
59, 72
Jimenez, Mitzi T. MD ......37
Jimerson, Ann B. MD .7, 73
John, Janice L. NP ........55
Johnson, Chyanne D.
NP ..................................44
Johnson, III, Philip C.
MD ...........................26, 50
Jones, Monique MD .......59
Jones, Stacey N. MD .....37
Joseph, Claudine RN ....44
Joshi, Lata MD ...............26
Juneja, Malvika MD .......37
Kabir, Jahangir MD ........37
Kabir, Mohammed W.
DO ...........................17, 67
Kamdar, Shobhana J.
MD .................................59
Kancherla, Shailaja R.
MD .................................74
Kantamani, Anuradha
MD .................................67
Kanu, Laura N. RN ........71
Karim, Altaf MD ..............80
Karimjee, Najmuddin K.
MD ...............27, 50, 75, 76
Karnath, Bernard M. MD ...
Kaseb, Enas H. MD .......37
Kasule, Love S. MD .25, 37
Kaushik, Vinod P. MD ....30
Kazmi, Syed K. MD .24, 70
Keaton, Toni W. MD .......50
Keffer, Amy L. MD ..........24
Kelley, Crystal D. MD .....25
Kelly, Katherine C. RN ...32
Kelly, Marise MD ............37
Kern, James H. MD .12, 46
Keshwani, Nazmudin
MD ...........................38, 75
Ketterer, Cynthia L. MD
Khan, Arsalan Z. MD .....38
Khan, Fareed M. MD .....38
Khan, Farheen MD ........38
Khan, Fazal MD .............38
Khan, Laeeq A. MD .......59
Khan, Rubina F. MD 59, 78
Khanijow, Vikesh MD .....50
Khateeb, Naila I. MD .....59
Khatua, Sutapa MD .......59
Khawaja, Mubarak MD ..67
Khraish, Gina H. MD ......50
Kibert, Leonard G. MD ...50
Kido, Tamiko H. MD .......50
Kieffer, Otto H. MD .........72
Kientcha-Tita, Rachel C.
MD .................................38
Kim, In G. MD ................38
Kim, Matthew J. MD .......73
Kim, Yong S. MD ...........38
Kim, Young I. MD ...........50
King Health Ctr, Martin
Luther ............................38
King-Neal, Emily C. DO
Klawitter, Art L. MD ..71, 81
Klein, Connie L. RN .......25
Knight, Tamecka L. NP ..55
Knoebel, Kathleen MD ...74
78, 108, 110
Kodali, Preeti P. MD .......77
Kosarac, Branka MD .....38
Kosuri, Murali M. MD .....38
Kotagiri, Sunanda C. MD ...
Kothari, Usha D. MD ......59
Kowalchuk, Alicia A. MD ...
Kreit, Camil I. MD ..........68
Kreit, Nadia I. MD ..........67
Kannapan MD ................75
Krucke, Gus W. MD .38, 50
Krusleski, David W. MD ...
Kucera, Jennifer L. NP ..69
Kumar, Domalapalli M.
DO .................................59
Kumar, Ravindra MD .....50
Kumar, Rukmini D. MD ..59
Kumaradas Antonio,
Nirmal K. MD ...........66, 68
Kuo, Edward L. MD .......38
Kusnoor, Anita V. MD .....50
Kvinge, Debbie J. RN ....32
90, 91
Kwan, Peter C. MD ........77
Kwong, Raymond P. MD ...
Kyaw, Mie Mie MD .........81
La Rose, James M. DO
Laceras, Alexander F.
MD .................................38
Lacy-taylor, Rosaland R.
NP ..................................73
Laforte, Russell A. MD ...30
Laforte, Suzanne C. MD ...
30, 70
Lahoti, Sheela L. MD .....59
Lai-Zayas, Angeles MD
Lakhani, Salim A. MD ....50
Lalani, Suleman MD ......78
Lamping, Dorothy R. MD ...
Latifi, Haleema T. MD ....71
Latimer, Patrice MD .......38
Latthe, Bharat B. MD .....38
Lawrence, Sharlene J.
MD .................................38
Lawson, Michael S. MD ...
Laxman, Rama MD ........76
Laxman, Sunder MD ......51
Lazarus, Kimberly D. MD ...
27, 59, 80
Le, Duc Steve M. MD .....71
Le, Haiyen T. MD .....27, 59
Le, Huy Q. MD ...............38
Le, Mark D. MD ........31, 80
Le, Minh H. MD ..............51
Le, Quan H. MD .............51
Le, Richard A. MD .........51
Le, Tri M. MD .................71
Le, Vinh Q. MD ..............38
Leal, Enrique A. MD .......79
Leaming-Van Zandt,
Katherine J. MD .......38, 59
Lee, Chok K. MD ...........51
Lee, Susan T. DO ..........38
Lee, William O. MD .......28
Lee, Yates P. MD ...........38
Lee, Yong D. MD ...........59
Lee-Kim, Soo-Hyun RN
32, 91
Legacy Community
Health Services .......25, 45
Levin, Jarad I. MD .........69
Levine, Mark E. MD .......38
Levy, Steven R. MD .60, 89
Lewis, Jr, Stanley T. MD ...
26, 85
Liang, Pamela B. MD .....74
Liaw, Shih-Ning MD .......60
Lindenberg, Julie A. RN ...
Linh, Nguyen M. MD ......51
Lipsen, Bryan C. MD .....26
Liu, Min-Shern DO .........38
Lombana, Pamela E. RN ...
Lombard, Richard J. MD ...
Lomo, Adjetey K. MD .....46
Lonestar Community
Health Ctr ......................27
Long, Karen M. RN ........69
Longe, Ucheoma N. MD ...
Lopez Jr, Rene I. MD .....39
Lopez Valle, Raul G. MD ...
Lopez-Godoy, Francisco
G. MD ............................39
Louis, Alfred R. MD ........39
Low, Leah E. MD ...........30
Lowe, Dawn M. RN ..32, 91
Loya, Aslam M. MD .51, 94
Loya, Munir MD .......51, 94
Lu, Hou-Teh MD ............24
Lucas, Sharon H. MD ....75
Luckett, Floyd E. MD .....51
Lugo-Faria, Merlin D.
MD ...............25, 39, 85, 93
Luu, Jenny T. MD ...........60
Lyons Health Ctr, E A
Squatty ..........................66
Lyons, Calvin J. DO .......39
Lyou, Cindy MD .............30
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Interiano, Benjamin MD
50, 94, 101
Interiano, Jose C. MD ....58
Isart, Fernando A. MD ...59
Islam, Shahzad MD .......76
Ivan, Daniel L. MD .........59
Iwelu, Emake A. MD ......37
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Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
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Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Mac Donald, Donald G.
MD .................................24
Mack, William H. MD .....60
Mackey, Thomas A. RN ...
Macnak, Kathy B. RN ....67
Magid, Mannie L. MD ....39
Mahmooduedin, Faiz MD ...
Majid, Abdul MD 39, 60, 98
Malave, Samantha D.
MD .................................69
Maldonado, Lisa M. MD ...
60, 118
Maldonado, Rolando MD ...
Mallela, Vijaya L. MD .....39
Mallesara Sudhakar,
Shwetha M. MD .............51
Malya, Ramachandra
MD .....................51, 94, 95
Mandayam, Sreedhar A.
MD .................................51
Maness, Karen D. MD ...39
Mang, Huat Z. MD .........81
Mangon, Tanisha L. RN ...
Mansoor, Tariq MD .........25
Mao, Chi C. MD .............51
Mao, Xun MD .................60
Marchesano, Cristina R.
MD .................................60
Marin, Rudolph M. MD ...39
Martin, Barry A. MD .......39
Martindale, Nairobi D.
DO .................................39
Martinez, Alfred J. MD ...60
Marton, Stephanie A. MD ...
Maruvada, Sreekar MD
Matagorda Episcopal
Health Outreach
Program .........................24
Mathew, Christine A. MD ...
Mathis, Beth A. PA .........65
Mattioli, Martha L. MD ....46
Matuk-Villazon, Omar
MD .................................60
Maxwell, Patricia A. MD ...
Mayor, Jesus MD .....46, 60
Mazique, Edward H. MD ...
Mazur, Angela M. MD ....60
Mazur, Lynnette J. MD ...60
Mbogua, Caroline N. MD ...
28, 51, 60
McBeth, Katrina E. MD ..60
Mccolloster, Patrick J.
MD .................................39
McConnell, Rachel I. MD ...
McCormack, Owen E.
DO ...........................39, 51
Mccormick, David P. MD ...
30, 31, 70
Mccray-Dixon, Maranda
N. NP .......................25, 32
McDermott, Terry L. MD ...
McDonnell, Hilda I. MD ..60
Mckay, William J. MD ....39
Mckee, Juliet M. MD ......29
Cecilia L. MD .................25
Mckernan, Stephen L.
MD .................................26
Mcmorris, Clyde MD ......39
Mcneese, Margaret C.
MD .................................60
Mcomber, Mark E. MD ...60
Mcpherson, Mona L. MD ...
Medina, Cindy K. RN .....28
Meeks, Jacqueline MD ..51
Mefford, Ivan N. MD .......74
Memon, Jamil A. MD .....81
Mendiola, Victor A. MD ..39
Mercado, Anita C. MD ...69
Mgbeike, Esther RN ......44
Mier y Teran, Jose L. MD ...
Mintz, Aaron MD ............60
Mireles, Jamir E. MD .....39
Mishaw, Clifford O. MD ..60
Misra, Sanghamitra M.
MD .................................61
Mitra, Shrabanee MD ....39
Mitten, Carl V. DO ..........39
Mitter, Ajay MD ..51, 93, 94
95, 109
Mohammed, Jamal M.
MD .................................71
Mohi, Shagufta Z. MD ....61
Mohney, John L. DO ......39
Molina, Marta M. MD .....28
Moncayo, Rafael E. MD ...
Moncayo, Sonia P. MD ..39
Monroy, Grace A. MD ....61
Montalvo Chen, Rolf O.
MD .................................39
Montgomery, Hal E. MD ...
39, 46
Moore, Heather C. MD ..61
Moore, John R. PA ........65
Moore, Sarah E. MD ......61
Mora, Yezid F. MD ..........71
Moreno, Carlos A. MD ...40
Morrow, Achilia MD ........51
Mowa, Sunil MD .......51, 94
Mowbray, Hillary S. MD
Mucha, John D. PA ........65
Mueck, Gary P. MD ........75
Muehe, Natali M. MD .....61
Muhammad, Mehdi MD
Mui, Bong Q. MD ...........40
Mukherjee, Jeffrey D. NP ...
Munoz, Jesus A. MD ......67
Muppidi, Sridevi MD ......74
Murphy, Christine MD ....31
Murphy, Thomas J. MD ..40
Murugan, Thirumagal A.
MD .................................51
Mussaji, Murtaza MD .....51
73, 94, 108
Myers, Delbert MD .........40
Mynatt, Adrienne L. RN
Nair, Lekshmi B. MD ......70
Nandwani, Shams S. MD ...
76, 80
Napoleon, Edith PA .......65
Naschke, Jeanette E. PA ...
Nash, Kathleen A. RN ...29
Nashief, Souad PA ........65
Nathoo, Mansur I. MD ...81
Ndokama, Fidanis PA ....80
Neeley, Mary A. RN .......74
Nandakishore MD ..........66
Netchaeva, Diana V. NP ...
Newsom, Teri A. RN ......32
Ngene, John O. NP .......44
Ngo, Huan D. DO ..........40
Ngo, Khanh N. DO .........40
Nguyen, Bich V. MD .......40
Nguyen, Dzung A. MD ...46
Nguyen, Giang L. MD ....40
Nguyen, Hong P. MD .....51
Nguyen, Joanne MD ......61
Nguyen, Khanh P. MD ...51
Nguyen, Khoa D. MD .....40
Nguyen, Khoinguyen T.
MD .................................40
Nguyen, Linh M. MD ......51
Nguyen, Loi P. MD ...52, 90
Nguyen, Michael T. MD ..30
Nguyen, Nathan P. MD ..81
Nguyen, Phong H. MD ...52
Nguyen, Phuc D. MD .....40
Nguyen, Phuc X. MD .....40
Nguyen, Thien B. DO ....40
Nguyen, Tuan H. MD .....61
Nichols, Julieana MD .....61
Nicome, Roger MD 61, 100
Ninan, Mathews MD ......73
Niraj, Ashutosh MD ........52
Nisnisan, Josier M. MD ..52
Noble III, Ralph W. MD ..31
Nolasco, Alan E. MD ......40
Noor, Saba S. MD ..........40
Noor, Sohail MD ......47, 52
Nooruddin, Zohra I. MD
Norris, Kim S. MD ..........26
Nortman, Henri A. MD ...24
Nowitz, Leslie J. MD ......40
Nowlakha, Prem K. MD
52, 78, 94, 110
Nwanna, Chinyere E.
RN .................................44
Nwodo, Scholastica N.
RN .................................44
Nwosuh, Iheanyi E. RN
Obinani, Chidi M. RN .....32
Obudulu, Rosemary O.
MD .....................47, 52, 84
O'Connor, Teresia M. MD ...
Odetunde, Olufunke A.
MD .................................25
O'Donell, Aice A. MD .....31
Olubunmi O. MD ......52, 61
Ojeih, Chris H. MD .........40
Ojo, Olugbenja MD ..30, 79
Okeke, Adaeze C. MD ...40
Okotie-Eboh, Angela I.
RN .................................45
Olivares, Juan MD .........61
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Pabbisetty Naga,
Swarajyalakshmi D. MD
Pace, Renee K. NP .......25
Palacios, Carlos J. MD ..52
Palanpurwala, Khozema
A. MD .................27, 61, 80
Palm, David A. RN .........45
Palmer, Celeste D. MD ..61
Pan, Ruth L. MD ............52
Pandya, Hina T. MD .26, 52
Pankaj, Shilpa T. MD .....61
Pardo, Jorge H. MD .......40
Parikh, Mihir J. MD ........40
Paris, David M. PA .........65
Parks, Kenya M. MD ......61
Parra, Cesar A. MD .......62
Parti, Avinash C. MD .....52
Parvataneni, Sirisha MD ...
Patel, Bhagwat P. MD ....78
Patel, Binita MD .............62
Patel, Dilipkumar C. MD ...
Patel, Dinesh M. MD 52, 94
Patel, Jalpa N. PA ....28, 73
Patel, Jayendra K. MD ...73
Patel, Minal M. MD ........40
Patel, Monica P. MD 52, 90
Patel, Mukesh R. MD .....52
Patel, Rakesh R. MD .....68
Patel, Shefali D. MD 74, 78
108, 110
Patel, Shital M. MD ..41, 93
Patel, Vipul M. MD .........72
Patil, Prabhugouda B.
MD .....................52, 90, 94
Patterson, Bryan T. MD ..52
Patton, Lisa M. RN ........66
Patzakis, Nick J. DO 41, 46
Paul, Ashu MD ...............62
Payne, Norris S. MD ......62
Peacock, Cynthia L. MD ...
52, 62
Pearsall Sr, Gurney F.
MD .................................62
Peck-Samman, Tammi
R. DO .............................81
Pediatric Continuity
Clinic, Ben Taub .............41
Peganyee, Sukhdev S.
MD .................................41
Pelini, Susan E. MD .......52
Peluse, Christian D. PA
65, 66, 79
Perez, Carmen J. MD ....68
Perez, Mabel MD .....41, 46
Perez-Silva, Anna L. MD ...
Peringol, Abraham K.
MD .................................77
Perkins, Susannah C.
DO .................................28
Perveen, Shamsa MD ...41
Peter, Narmadha NP .....71
Peters, Rebecca E. RN
32, 91
Pham, Bao T. MD ...........41
Pham, Cuong V. MD ......41
Pham, Hai H. MD ...........41
Pham, Khoa N. MD ........41
Pham, Nina D. MD .........41
Phan, Duc H. MD .....52, 94
Phan, Ngoc K. DO .........41
Phelan, James H. MD ....68
Phillips, James L. MD ....62
Phung, Man K. MD ..52, 94
Piedra, Pedro A. MD ......62
Pieniazek, Jack DO .......27
Pierre, Zenithe C. MD ....73
Pinckert, Patricia RN .....66
Pineda Ayestas, Ramon
A. MD .....................72, 107
Pirali, Shiraz W. MD 41, 46
Plumb, Richard L. MD ...62
Poe, Lacey D. RN ..........77
Poo, Ivan B. MD .............46
Porras, Ciro J. MD ...41, 62
Porter, Thomas W. MD ..53
Portocarrero, Mario J.
MD .........................62, 100
Powells, Janice R. MD ...32
62, 89, 100
Powers, Jason Z. MD ....41
Prabhakar, Balakrishna
R. MD .......................67, 68
Prakash, Siddharth K.
MD .................................53
Praszek, Karie C. MD ....78
Proctor, III, Jay C. MD ...27
Qadeer, Asaf R. MD .......46
Qamar, Wajiha A. MD ....25
Quadri, Yasmeen MD ....41
Quintana, Max E. MD ....41
Qureshi, Parvez A. MD ..41
Quynh, Nhu D. MD ........80
Radwan, Iyad K. MD ......67
Rafati, Danny S. MD ......62
Rafeek, Jasmine MD .....53
Raff, Patricia A. NP ........45
Rahim, Enayet MD ..53, 94
Raimer, Benny MD ..70, 79
Rajput, Muhammad B.
MD .................................62
Raju, Vijayalakshmi MD ...
Rakers, Karen L. MD .....77
Raley, Jennifer MD ..28, 29
Ramanathan, Supriya
MD .................................62
Mahalakshmi MD ...........28
Ramirez, Elda G. RN .....45
91, 92, 109
Ramirez, John P. MD .....41
Ramirez, Juanita RN .....24
Ramiz, Naila MD ............53
Ramos, German A. MD
Ramos-Guzon, Marielou
G. MD ............................62
Randeep, Malini PA .......66
Rangan, Mythili K. MD ...27
62, 80
Rangel, Karla RN ....76, 80
Rao, Harish P. MD .........53
Rassi, Adriana I. MD 31, 70
Rauf, Abdur MD .......53, 94
Recio, Salvador R. MD ..68
Record, Sharon C. RN ...55
Reddy, Bal T. MD ...........41
Reddy, Bhavna M. MD ...75
Reddy, Tina S. MD .........62
Reddy, Vaishnavi N. MD ...
Reddy, Yogesh P. MD ....41
Reed, Brian C. MD ........41
Reichman, Alan MD .......77
Reyes, Maria A. MD .......41
Rianon, Nahid J. MD .....41
Ribbeck, Michaelene R.
RN .................................33
Rice, Terry W. MD ..........53
Richmond, Camilla A.
MD .........................62, 100
Richmond, Teriya M. MD ...
Rickard, Diana G. MD ....62
Ridge-Jackson, Laresa
A. MD .............................41
Rissmiller, Brian J. MD ..72
Rivera, Tammy B. NP ....45
Rivera-Matos, Idalia MD ...
Robertson, Jimmy D.
MD .................................74
Robichau, Alysia N. MD ...
Rodriguez, Ana V. MD ...41
Rodriguez, Jose A. MD ..28
Rodriguez, Luis J. RN ...45
Rogers, Patricia A. MD ..31
Rolon, Sam E. DO .........75
Roman, Rocio L. MD .....42
Romas, Candice S. NP
Romman, Karim H. MD
63, 72
Rossel, Anibal F. MD .....53
Rubin, Morton L. DO ......42
Ruibal, Calixto J. MD .....46
Rumph, Gregory E. MD
Rupley, Marcelina P. MD ...
27, 63, 109
Rupp, Richard MD ...31, 70
Russell, Matasha L. MD ...
Rustin, Terry A. MD ..24, 30
Saade, Rebecca E. NP
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Olutimehin, Babajide MD ...
Olutimehin, Omobolaji H.
MD .................................40
Omidvar, Kamran MD ....52
Onwudiwe, Ifeyinwa P.
MD ..................61, 111, 112
Onyemelukwe, Lillian U.
RN .................................45
Oragwu, Chukwuemeka
L. MD .......................40, 66
Orahood, Monte E. MD ..72
Ordonez, Adolfo J. MD ..40
Ordonez, Conrado J. MD ...
75, 108
Orette, Austin A. MD ......40
Ortega, Cesar A. MD .....61
Ortega-Mora, Juan A.
MD ...........................40, 46
Osai, William E. NP .......45
Ostermaier, Kathryn K.
MD .................................61
Osuji, Clara C. MD .........52
Owens, Holly A. MD .......61
Page/Página 143
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Page/Página 144
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Sadoun, Elise MD ....25, 77
Saeed, Kokab A. MD .....70
Saffari, Behrooz MD ......67
Sagullo, Raquel M. MD ..63
Sajja, Prasuna MD ...42, 67
Salek, Ata T. MD ............42
Salvato, Patricia D. MD
Samuel, Joyce P. MD ....63
Samuels, Cheryl L. NP ..55
Sanchez, Ramiro L. MD ...
Teodoro Y. MD ...............63
Sanderlin, Damien B.
MD .................................42
Sanders, Mark J. MD .....53
63, 92
Sansalone, Lisa G. RN ..33
Santiago, Mary A. MD ....42
Santos, Jonathan I. MD ...
Sarpong, Kwabena O.
MD .....................31, 63, 70
Sastry, Rathna V. MD ....63
Satterfield, Robert B. MD ...
53, 75, 81
Saunders, Andrea J. MD ...
31, 70
Sayeed, Fatima MD .......42
Scaglia, Julio F. MD .......63
Schaeffer, Amanda H.
PA ............................45, 66
Schaeffer, Luis G. MD ...66
Schaffer, Don M. MD .....63
Schmidt, Rosa M. MD ....53
Schmidt, Sheila E. MD ...73
Schneider, Julie Y. MD ...63
School-based Clinic,
Deepwater .....................71
Schwanecke, Rebecca
P. MD .............................63
Scott-Praisoody, Cynthia
C. MD .............................29
Sealock, Tiffani M. MD ...42
Sears, Thomas M. MD ...81
Segel, Joseph MD .........42
Sendos, Anusuya N. MD ...
42, 63
Seo, Duck-Gi M. MD ......47
Serrano, Inez A. PA .......66
Shah, Dimple V. MD ......53
Shah, Neha R. MD ........79
Shah, Nikita N. PA .........66
Shah, Viren N. MD .........78
Shandera, Wayne X. MD ...
Sharaf, Ambreen MD .....77
Sheikh, Mansoora A. MD ...
53, 94
Shelburne, Julia T. MD ..33
63, 115
Shepard, Mary RN .........45
Shepherd, Angela J. MD ...
Shepherd, Kelvin D. DO ...
Shepherd, Loni L. MD ....69
Shpats, Inna MD ............42
Siddiki, Saba K. MD .......63
Siddiqi, Zohra F. DO ......81
Siddiqua, Tahrin MD ......63
Siddiqui, Mohammad H.
MD .........................63, 100
Siddiqui, Nihal U. MD ....79
Siddiqui, Sohail R. MD ...78
Sidhu, Trepanjeet K. MD ...
Sierpina, Victor S. MD ...29
Silva, Gayani P. MD .31, 70
Sim, Woon Ki MD ..........42
Simms, Sonya RN ...71, 76
Singh, Gita MD ..............42
Singh, Punita MD ...........53
Singh, Sapna MD ..........78
Slaughter, Lillie S. MD ...71
Smith, Holly D. MD ..33, 53
63, 115
Smith, Kareen J. MD .....63
Smith, Keely G. MD .......63
Smith, Kimberly C. MD ..64
Smith, Lavone A. MD .....53
Smith, Mahalia D. MD ....53
Smith, Nyasha RN .........76
Smith, Teresa A. RN ......33
Smith, Valeria MD ....64, 72
Smith-Cook, Karen E.
MD ...........74, 78, 108, 110
Sohal, Guljeet K. MD .....42
Solorzano, Cindy C.
MSN ...............................45
Sonstein, Lindsay K. MD ...
Soumahoro, Zainab H.
MD .................................66
Sova, Marcia L. PA ........66
Spangler, Gary W. MD ...81
Spencer, Tina M. RN .....24
Spinks, David W. DO .....71
Spradlin, James R. DO ..66
Spring Branch
Community Health
Center ............................45
Sreshta, Dominic G. MD ...
77, 78
Nagaraja R. MD .............66
St Michael, Christina S.
MD .................................42
Stark, James M. MD ......64
Stauffer, Kathleen G.
CNM ...............................29
Steele, Kenya MD ..........42
Stephen F Austin
Community Health Ctr ...24
Stephens, Brett W. MD ..53
Stern, Herbert J. MD 64, 78
79, 98, 100, 110
Stocco, Amber J. MD .....64
Stout, Tamara A. MD ......67
Suarez, Hugo T. MD ......42
Suarez, Martha C. DO ...42
Sudhakaran, Bindu MD
Suell, Jr, Douglas M. MD ...
64, 68, 100, 104
Suhendra, Michelle A.
MD .................................64
Sultana, Nighat MD .......76
Sunkara, Durga P. MD ...72
Sustache Jr, Gilberto MD ...
Swails, Jennifer L. MD ...53
Syal, Ashu S. MD .....64, 72
Syed, Tanveer F. MD .....53
Tadros, Magdy K. MD ....27
Taghadosi, Maryam MD ...
Tahir, Saifuddin MD .28, 64
70, 81, 86, 100, 106, 112
Tait, Eric S. MD ..............54
Tamirisa, Aparna MD .....26
Tan, Robert S. MD .........42
Tang, An T. MD ..............54
Tao, Qingguo MD ...........54
Tapia, Carl MD ...............72
Tapia, Patricia O. MD .....42
Taylor Clinic, Almatha
Clark ..............................42
Taylor, Randolph W. MD ...
Taylor, Thanh H. DO ......67
Tedla, Tesfamariam M.
MD .................................42
Tellez, Maria E. MD ........64
Tello, Gladys C. NP .......69
Tennyson, Eleanor A.
MD .................................42
Terrasson, Edward L.
MD .................................70
Terrill, Louise A. MD .......54
Thai, Nguyen S. MD ......64
Thai, Ryan T. MD ...........42
Thaker, Anil P. MD .........54
Thakkar, Harish N. MD ..54
78, 94, 110
Thakkar, Heena N. MD ..64
Thampoe, Basti J. MD ...67
Thampoe, Karen X. MD ...
67, 104
Thandi, Amrit MD ...........27
Thomas, Eric J. MD .......54
Thomas, Flavia L. DO ....42
Thomas, Sally DO .........42
Thompson, Barbara L.
MD .................................29
Thompson, Patricia D.
MD .................................70
Thota, Chandralatha MD ...
Tinker, Arlene G. MD .....31
Tippit, Abigail S. RN .33, 91
Torio, Frederick U. MD ...54
Torio, Rulour B. MD .......54
Toro, Hugo M. MD ...54, 67
Torres, Francisco J. MD ...
Tosto Jr, Sebastian T.
MD .................................54
Trabulsi, Adnan MD .......64
Train, Louis MD .............42
Tran, Chau M. MD .........67
Tran, Giang L. MD .........54
Tran, Mai K. MD .............54
Tran, Van Q. DO ............43
Triana, Ana C. MD .........29
Trigazis, Abram M. PA ...66
Trinh, Cuong MD ...........76
Trinh, Trang T. MD .........67
Truong, Hong L. DO ......64
Tse, Edward K. MD ..54, 94
Turiy, Yuliya MD .............64
Turnbull, Jeffrey D. PA ...80
Uddin, Rahman S. MD ...68
Udris, Ingrid L. PA ..........66
Umah, Margaret E. MD ..74
Umair, Sonober MD .28, 64
81, 100
Umer, Arshad MD ....67, 78
Unnissa, Ifthekar MD .....68
Uribe-Botero, Gonzalo
MD .....................43, 47, 98
Urtis, Jason T. PA ..........66
Uwaydah, Nema I. MD ..43
Uzoaga, Enyibuaku R.
MD ...........................43, 93
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers/Índice de
proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Wah, Yu MD ...................43
Wali, Gouher MD ...........43
Walker, David G. MD .....43
Walker, Richard W. MD ...
43, 69
Wallace, David M. DO ...74
Walsh, Peggy D. PA ......66
Walton, Harold J. MD ....54
Wang, Jason T. MD .28, 81
Wang, Jimin MD ......54, 71
Wang, Samuel C. MD ....77
Wang, Yun MD ..25, 43, 66
Wang-Gor, Miranda O.
MD .................................73
Wania, Darius F. MD ......54
Warren, Marcia P. MD ....64
Warwick, Eric T. MD .......43
Watkins, Jr, Ulysses W.
MD .................................43
Watson, Kathleen A. MD ...
Weeden, Heather A. RN ...
33, 91
Wei, Jen-Yu DO .............43
Wendt, Elaine A. MD .....72
Wesley, Sherin E. MD ....72
West, Anna B. RN ...47, 55
Whiting, Carman H. MD ...
43, 71
Wiley, Olga V. MD ..........80
Williams, Vicki J. RN .8, 45
Willits, Jr, Verne L. MD ..26
Wilson, Cornelius A. MD ...
47, 54, 64
Wilson, Geraldine RN ....80
Winchell, Susan A. MD ..28
Winston, Thomas P. MD ...
Winter, Ronald S. MD ....43
Wissinger, John F. MD ...28
Witkowski, Wojciech S.
MD .................................76
Woerner, Marion E. MD ...
64, 100
Wolffarth, Mark W. MD ..31
Wong, Christina W. MD ...
64, 100
Wong-Domenech, Maria
T. MD .............................64
Wongsa, Peggy MD ......65
Wood, Ying-Ying P. MD ...
Wui, Matilou A. MD ........76
Wurzlow, Kathleen L. RN ...
30, 79
Wynne, Abigail F. MD ....43
Xia, Hongling NP ...........45
Xu, Xudong MD .............43
Yang, Jeong S. MD ........65
Yeh, Belinda M. MD .......65
Yetman, Robert J. MD ...65
Yin, Zhengnan MD .........43
Young, III, Donald C. MD ...
Yousefi, Pouran MD .43, 71
Yrigoyen, Edmundo D.
MD .................................54
Yudovich, Martin MD ......65
Zahedi, Mojdeh MD .......43
Zahiruddin, Shaukath Q.
MD .................................80
Zaidi, Sarah M. MD ........78
Zaidi, Syed M. MD ...78, 85
Zaidi, Tahira DO .............65
Zapata, Maria-Isabel MD ...
Zellner, Ann M. MD ........73
Zenner, Jr, George O.
MD ...........................43, 66
Zhao, Xun MD ...............78
Zhou, Yi MD ...................43
Zois, Ismene N. MD .......43
Zucconi, James P. MD ...65
Zulfiqar, Amber M. MD ...44
Zumwalt, Juliette A. PA ..66
Index of CHIP Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario de CHIP
Valdez, Rafael MD .........43
Valenzuela, Rafael E.
MD .................................47
Valloppillil, Ammini J. MD ...
Van Arsdall, Melissa R.
MD .................................64
Vanguru, Indira MD ........67
Varadarajan, Shruti MD
Varas, Grace M. DO ......54
Varghese, Betsy P. RN ..45
Varghese, Shainy B. RN ...
Vasudevan, Deepa A.
MD ...........................25, 43
Venyah, Titus K. MD ......28
Vetter, Sally A. MD .........43
Vigil, Karen J. MD ..........54
Villarreal, Graciela B.
MD .................................72
Villarreal, Rachel E. NP
25, 45, 96
Vizirov, Leila G. MD .......43
Vrotsos, Kristin M. MD ...54
Vu, Dac T. MD ................54
Vu, Loc T. MD ................43
Vyas, Nilesh B. MD ........54
Page/Página 145
Page/Página 146
Index of CHIP Hospitals/Índice de hospitales de CHIP
Hospital ....................22, 82
Bayshore Medical Ctr
23, 82
Index of CHIP Hospitals
Índice de hospitales de CHIP
Bellville St Joseph
Health Ctr ................22, 82
Brazosport Regional
Health System .........23, 82
Children's Memorial
Hermann Hospital ....22, 82
Clear Lake Regional
Medical Ctr ..............23, 82
Conroe Regional
Medical Ctr ..............22, 82
Doctors Hospital
Parkway & Tidwell
...22, 82
Harris County Hospital
District - Acute .........22, 82
Harris County Hospital
District - Psych ........22, 82
Harris County Hospital
District - Rehab ........22, 82
Healthbridge Children's
Hospital ....................22, 82
Kingwood Medical Ctr ....23
Mainland Medical Ctr .....23
Memorial Hermann
Hospital ....................22, 82
Memorial Hermann
Northeast .................23, 82
Memorial Hospital Memorial City ...........22, 82
Memorial Hospital Northeast .................23, 82
Memorial Hospital Northwest ................22, 82
Memorial Hospital Southeast ................22, 82
Memorial Hospital Southwest ................22, 82
Memorial Hospital Woodlands ..............23, 82
Memorial Katy Medical
Ctr ............................23, 82
MHHS Sugar Land
Hospital ....................23, 82
Oakbend Medical Ctr .....23
Park Plaza Hospital
.22, 82
Riverside General
Hospital ............22, 82, 117
Smith Clinic .............22, 82
St Joseph Medical Ctr ...22
St Joseph Medical
Center ......................22, 82
St. Joseph Medical Ctr ..22
Sweeny Community
Hospital ....................23, 82
Texas Orthopedic
Hospital ....................23, 82
The Woman's Hospital
of Texas ...................23, 82
University General
Hospital ....................23, 82
University of Texas
Medical Branch
Galveston ................22, 82
West Houston Medical
Ctr ............................23, 82
Page/Página 147
Index of Drug Stores/Índice de farmacias
1 Script Solution Rx .....131
1110 Texas Parkway
Pharmacy Inc ...............132
1960 Family Pharmacy 124
1960 Pharmacy ...........124
Baijes Bissonnet
Pharmacy Inc ...............125
Ballem Pharmacy ........125
Ballem Pharmacy LLC .125
Bao Chau Pharmacy ...125
Barker Cypress
Pharmacy ....................125
Bay Colony Pharmacy .124
Bayshore Pharmacy ....131
Beechnut Professional
Pharmacy ....................125
C & C Pharmacy ..........125
C & G Pharmacy, Ltd ...125
Canal RX .....................125
Canal United Pharmacy ...
Care Plus Pharmacy ....125
Carter's Pharmacy Rx ..132
Cego Infusion Pharmacy ...
Central Pharmacy ........125
Challenge Care
Pharmacy LLC .............125
Channelview Pharmacy
LLC ..............................124
Chcs Pharmacy ...........125
Choice Pharmacy ........125
Chrisco Pharmacy .......125
Citizens Prof
Uniteddrugs .................125
Ck Pharmacy ...............125
Claude's Pharmacy .....126
Clear Lake Prof Bldg
Phcy .............................133
Clinic Pharmacy ...........126
Clinical Care Pharmacy
LLC ..............................126
C-med Phcy & Hlth Care
Srvcs L .........................132
College Park Pharmacy ...
Compounding Pharmacy
Solutions ......................126
Contents Trader Inc .....126
Country Place Pharmacy ...
Crenshaw Pharmacy ...131
Crysoncare Pharmacy .126
Cullen Care Pharmacy
Inc ................................126
Cullen Care Pharmacy
Inc. ...............................126
Cunningham Airline
Phcy .............................126
Cunningham Pharmacy
Northwest ....................126
Pharmacy-gulfbank .....126
Cyfair Pharmacy ..........126
Cypress Compounding
Pharmacy ....................126
Cypress Pharmacy ......124
D&G Pharmacy ............126
D.N.A. Pharmacy Inc ...126
Darcy Pharmacy ..........126
Dashwood Pharmacy ..126
DB Pharmacy ..............126
Deangelo Pharmacy ....131
Deerbrook Pharmacy
Services .......................131
Deliverit Pharmacy Inc 132
Dell's Pharmacy ...........126
Devereux Texas
Treatment Network ......119
Diamond Pharmacy .....126
Dimension Pharmacy ..126
Discount Med Pharmacy ...
Divine Pharmacy
#1004-05 .....................126
Dollar RX Pharmacy ....126
Dow Pharmacy ............126
Dr Rita's Pharmacy Inc 126
Dream Pharmacy
Memorial ......................126
Dt Pharmacy ................131
Dunamis Pharmacy .....126
E&e Pharmacy .............126
East End Pharmacy Inc
Eco Pharmacy Of
Willowbrook .................126
Econo Pharmacy .........126
Ed's Pharmacy ............131
El Campo Professional
Pharmacy ....................124
Elite Pharmacy ............126
Ella Pharmacy .............126
E-med Pharmacy .........126
Emoss Pharmacy ........132
Empirical Pharmacy ....126
Evergreen Pharmacy ...126
Excel Pharmacy Inc .....126
Experiancare ...............126
Express Drugs .............126
Phcy/compounding ......124
Fairway Pharmacy .......126
Falcon Pharmacy Of TX
Inc ................................126
Fallbrook Pharmacy ....126
Family Care Pharmacies ...
Family Pharmacy .........131
Family Pharmacy Care 126
Familycare Pharmacy
PLLC ............................126
FamilyRX Pharmacy ....126
Farmacia Del Sol .........126
Faust LTC Pharmacy Inc ...
First Care Pharmacy ....133
First Choice Pharmacy 126
Freedom Pharmacy .....126
Freeport Pharmacy ......124
Friendly Pharmacy .......126
Fulshear Pharmacy .....124
Galaxy Pharmacy ........126
Gb Pharmacy ...............131
Generic Pharmacy Inc .127
Genesis Pharmacy Inc 127
Glenn Lakes Pharmacy
Inc ................................131
Gloyers Legend
Pharmacy ....................133
Goderich Pharmacy .....127
GR Cure ......................124
Grand Parkway Phcy
And Med Supl ..............127
Greenpath Pharmacy ..131
Greenspoint Pharmacy 127
Groveway Pharmacy ...127
Gulf States Pharmacy .127
Hall's Pharmacy ...........124
Index of Drug Stores
Índice de farmacias
A & W Pharmacy .........133
Aapex Pharmacy .........124
Abbey Pharmacy Corp 124
Abi Pharmacy ..............124
Acariahealth Pharmacy,
Inc. ...............................124
Accu Med Pharmacy ...124
Accu-care Pharmacy ...132
Advanced Pharmacy ...132
Affinity Biotech, Inc ......124
Affordable Pharmacy ...133
Airline Pharmacy
Associates #2 ..............132
Airline Pharmacy
Associates LLC ...........124
Ako Pharmacy .............124
ALLCare Pharmacy, LLC ...
Alliance Pharm D .........125
Alpha Pharmacy ..........125
Alternative Medicine &
Pharm ..........................125
Alvin Care Pharmacy ...124
Amazing Grace
Pharmacy ....................131
Amber Jar Pharmacy ...124
Amex Pharmacy ..124, 125
Amex Pharmacy No. 7 .131
Amex United Drug .......125
Angleton Health Mart
Pharmacy ....................124
Apotek Pharmacy ........125
Apple Pharmacy ..........125
Artemis Pharmacy Llc .125
Astoria Pharmacy ........125
Astro Pharmacy ...........125
Awesome Care
Pharmacy ....................125
Azteca Pharmacy 125, 131
Bellaire Discount
Pharmacy ....................125
Bellaire Pharmacy .......125
Bemaj Pharmacy .........125
Berks Pharmacy ..........125
Berry Prof United Drugs ...
Best Care Pharmacy ...125
Best RX Pharmacy ......125
Better Balance
Pharmacy, Inc. .............132
Big Tex Pharmacy LLC 125
Biocare Pharmacy .......125
Biocure, LLC ................125
Birdsongs Pharmacy ...124
Bizmart Pharmacy .......125
Blue Ribbon Pharmacy 124
Botica Familiar
Pharmacy ....................125
Bretshire Pharmacy Inc. ...
Bright Medical Supply &
Pharmacy ....................125
Broadway Drug ............124
Broadway Pharmacy ...125
Brookshire Brothers
Pharmacy ....................131
Brushman's Pharmacy 125
Budget Pharmacy ........132
Burke Family Pharmacy ...
Bvm Pharmacy Inc. .....125
Bwm Phcy And Medical
Supply ..........................125
BZ Pharmacy ...............125
Page/Página 148
Index of Drug Stores
Índice de farmacias
Index of Drug Stores/Índice de farmacias
Hart Pharmacy .............131
Hazel's Compound Rx
Pharmacy ....................132
Health Check Pharmacy ...
Healthco Pharmacy
Corp .............................127
Healthquest Pharmacy 132
Health-rite Pharmacy ...131
Healthy Pharmacy
Solutions ......................133
Heights Studewood
Pharmacy ....................127
Helping Hand Pharmacy ...
Hibbs Pharmacy ..........124
Hicare Pharmacy .........127
HillCroft Pharmacy .......127
Holman Pharmacy .......127
Hope Pharmacy ...........127
Houston Medicine Chest
Llc ................................127
Houston Southside
Pharmacy ....................127
HPB Pharmacy ............127
Humble Pharmacy .......131
Intracare Community
Pharmacy ....................127
Inwood Pharmacy ........127
Irvington Family
Pharmacy ....................127
J And I Pharmacy ........127
J And J Pharmacy .......127
Jacinto Pharmacy ........127
Jack's Apothecary ........127
James Pharmacy .........127
Jl Wellness Pharmacy .127
Joe's Pharmacy ...........132
Joshua's Pharmacy .....127
Kashmere United Drugs
Katy Medical Complex
Pharmacy ....................131
Katy Pharmacy I ..........131
Kim Long Pharmacy ....127
Kim Tam Pharmacy .....127
Kimmy Pharmacy ........127
Kingsbridge RX
Pharmacy ....................127
Kingsland Pharmacy ...131
Kingsley Pharmacy ......127
Kremco Pharmacy .......127
Kwik Meds Pharmacy
LLC ..............................127
L And B Pharmacy .......127
La Plaza Pharmacy .....127
Lakeside Pharmacy .....131
LanRX Pharmacy ........127
Leadcare Pharmacy Inc ...
Legends Pharmacy II ..127
Leland Pharmacy ........127
Life Drugs RX ..............127
Life Pharmacy ..............127
Lifecare Pharmacy ......127
Lifechek .......................131
Lifechek Drug ......124, 132
Lifechek Healthmart
Drug .............................132
Lifechek Pharmacy #43
Lifetime RX Pharmacy .127
Lincoln Pharmacy Inc ..127
Long Term Care RX .....124
Lotus Pharmacy ...........127
Lotus RX Phcy &
Medical Supplies .........127
Loving Care Pharmacy 127
LTC RX ........................132
Lyons Pharmacy ..........127
Magnolia Pharmacy .....131
Main Medical Plaza
Pharmacy ....................127
Mainland Legend Phcy 133
Pharmacy,LLC .............127
Manvel Pharmacy Inc ..131
Mariste Pharmacy ........132
Maritime Pharmacy ......127
Mas Pharmacy RX LLC
Mastery Pharmacy .......132
Mastery Pharmacy
South ...........................127
Mavis O Pharmacy ......127
Maximum Care
Pharmacy ....................128
Mayflower Pharmacy ...128
Med Pharmacy ............128
Med RX Pharmacy ......128
Med Solution Pharmacy
Inc ................................128
Med Valt Pharmacy LLC ...
Medalways Pharmacy .128
Medcare Pharmacy .....128
Medcare RX Pharmacy
Medco Specialty
Pharmacy ....................128
Medex Pharmacy .........128
Medex Plus, Inc ...........128
Medi Pro International .124
Medi Script Pharmacy .128
Medic Apothecary ........128
Medic One Pharmacy ..124
Medical Center
Pharmacy ....................132
Medical Plaza Phcy At
Clear Lakes .................133
Medical Plz United
Drugs ...........................128
Medical Square
Pharmacy ....................128
Medicine Man Pharmacy ...
128, 132
Medicine+ Pharmacy ...124
Meditex Pharmacy .......128
Medlin Pharmacy .........131
Med-pharmacy I ...........128
Medplus RX Inc. ..........128
MedRX Compndng &
Phcy Ltd Co .................128
Medsaver Pharmacy ....128
Medshoppe RX
Pharmacy ....................128
Medstar Pharmacy ......128
Medworld Pharmacy Inc ...
Medx Pharmacy ...128, 132
Memorial Compounding
Pharmacy ....................128
Memorial Pharmacy .....128
Mercury Drive Pharmacy ...
Metscript Pharmacy .....132
Meyerland Pharmacy ...128
Mi Doctor PharmacyAldine ...........................128
Midtown Specialty RX
Pharmacy ....................128
Millennium Pharmacy ..133
Mobilecare Pharmacy ..128
Modern Automated
Pharmacy ....................128
Ms Pharmacy ...............133
Muecke Prescription
Shoppe ........................124
Nahs Pharmacy ...........128
Niba II Pharmacy .........128
Niba Pharmacy ............128
Niko Rx Pharmacy .......132
Nnwood Pharmacy LLC ...
North Houston Medical
Pharmacy ....................128
Oasis Pharmacy ..........132
Oc Pharmacy ...............128
OC Pharmacy II ...........128
Ocenie Drug Emporium
Omni-one-med Phcy
Svcs, Llc ......................132
On Time Pharmacy ......128
Pacific Coast Pharmacy
Palacios Prescription
Shoppe ........................131
Park Infusion Care .......128
Park Place Health
Center Phcy .................128
Park Plaza Legend Phcy ...
Parkwood Pharmacy ...124
Pasadena Medical Plaza
Pharmacy ....................132
Patient Care Pharmacy
Pavilion Pharmacy .......128
Pcf Pharmacy ..............132
Pediacare Pharmacy ...128
Pharmacare .................128
Pharmacare Texas .......132
Pharmacia Latina ........128
Pharmacy 4 Less .........132
Pharmacy 45 ...............128
Pharmacy At Cullen
Commons ....................128
Pharmacy Depot ..........129
Pharmacy Plus ............129
Pharmcare ...................132
Pharmhouse ................132
Phar-miles Pharmacy ..129
Pharmscript Of Texas Llc ...
Pharmserv ...................129
Pharmtrust Pharmacy ..132
Pin Oak Pharmacy .......124
Pinecroft Pharmacy .....133
Pinewood Pharmacy ....129
Piney Point Pharmacy .129
Platinum RX .................124
Platinum RX North .......129
Plaza Pharmacy ..........129
Power Center Pharmacy ...
Power Center
Pharmacy,inc ...............129
Pr Pharmacy Llc ..........132
Premier Pharmacy .......131
Premiercare Pharmacy 132
Prescription Solutions ..129
Prestige Pharmacy, Inc ......
Prime RX Pharmacy ....129
Page/Página 149
Index of Drug Stores/Índice de farmacias
Primecare Pharmacy ...129
Pro Med RX Pllc ..........133
Pro Pharmacy Health,
Inc. ...............................133
Procare RX ..................129
Pro-med Pharmacy ......129
Proven Care Pharmacy,
LLC ..............................129
Prudent Pharmacy .......131
Public Pharmacy ..........129
Pve Pharmacy .............129
Pyramids Pharmacy ....129
Pyramids Pharmacy
Webster .......................133
R And Y Community
Pharmacy ....................129
RC 2 Pharmacy ...........129
RC 3 Pharmacy ...........129
Receita Phcy &
Compnding, LLC .........129
Regency Pharmacy .....129
Reliance Pharmacy .....129
Richie's Pharmacy &
Medical Supply ............124
Richmond Pharmacy ...132
Ritemed Pharmacy Llc 129
Roberds Pharmacy Lp .124
Rosa Pharmacy ...........129
Rosewood Family
Pharmacy ....................129
Rushmed Pharmacy ....129
RX Care Pharmacy ......132
Rx One Pharmacy .......124
Rx Pharmacy Inc .........129
RX To Go Pharmacy ....131
RXcare Pharmacy .......129
RXperts Pharmacy
Texas LLC ....................129
S & K Med Pharmacy ..129
Saddlebrook Pharmacy
Safeguard Pharmacy ...129
Sage Pharmacy And
Stores, LLC ..................129
Sam's Pharmacy .........129
Sav Pharmacy .............129
Save-rite Pharmacy .....129
Savon Drugs ................124
Scriptcare Pharmacy ...131
Scriptlink Pharmacy .....129
Scripts For Life ............129
Sem Pharmacy &
Medical Supply LLC .....129
Simon's United Drug ....129
Sina Pharmacy ............131
Solutions In Pharmacy 129
South Belt Pharmacy ...129
South Post Oak
Pharmacy ....................129
South Texas Pharmacy 133
Southend Pharmacy ....129
Southside Infusion .......130
Southside LTC
Pharmacy ....................130
Southside Pharmacy ...130
Southside Pharmacy II 133
Southwest Community
Pharmacy ....................130
Southwest Pharmacy ...130
Specialty Therapeutic
Care Lp ........................130
Spring Branch Pharmacy ...
St. Joseph Prof
Pharmacy, Inc. .............130
Stafford Pharmacy &
Dme .............................132
Star Pharmacy, Inc ......130
Star Rex Pharmacy .....130
Starr Plus Pharmacy ....131
Statscript ......................130
Steeple Chase Express
RX ................................130
Sterling Pharmacy .......130
Strawberry Family Drug
& Pharmacy .................132
Sugar Land
Compounding Phcy .....133
Sullivan Pharmacy .......124
Sun Pharmacy .............130
Super Script Pharmacy
Supercare Pharmacy ...130
Supreme Pharmacy .....130
Supreme RX ................130
T & S Pharmacy ..........130
Tabb Pharmacy ............130
TD Pharmacy ...............130
Tejas Pharmacy ...130, 132
Tex Care Pharmacy .....133
Texas Care Pharmacy .130
Texas Childrens Hospital ...
Texas City Pharmacy ...133
Texas Professional Phcy
Magnolia ......................131
The Medicine Box
Pharmacy ....................130
The Peoples Pharmacy
The Pharmacy .............130
The Rite Pharmacy Inc 130
The Uni Of TX M D
Anderson Cancer C .....130
Thrifty Hlth And
Compound Phcy ..........131
Tidwell Pharmacy ........130
Tidwell RX ....................130
TMP Pharmacy ............133
TN Pharmacy ...............130
Tomball Atrium Untd
Drugs ...........................133
Tomball Health Mart
Pharmacy ....................133
Tomball Pharmacy .......133
Tonna Pharmacy ..........130
Total Pharmacy Center
One ..............................130
Townwood Pharmacy ..130
Trace Pharmacy ..........130
Tricare Pharmacy ........130
Trident ..........................132
Triumph Pharmacy ......131
Truecare Allied Phcy &
Med Sup ......................130
Unicare Pharmacy .......130
Vac Pharmacy Inc ........130
Valencia Pharmacy,inc.
Vietnam Pharmacy ......130
Village Pharmacy ........124
Vita Care Pharmacy II .133
Vita-care Pharmacy .....130
Vitamed Pharmacy ......133
Wallis Pharmacy ..........130
Walter's Pharmacy Inc .124
Washington Ave
Pharmacy ....................130
Webster Pharmacy ......133
Wellness Pharmacy .....124
Wellness Plus Pharmacy
Inc ................................130
Wesley United
Pharmacy ....................130
West Oaks Pharmacy ..130
Westlake Pharmacy
Services .......................130
Westlands Pharmacy ..124
Westview Pharmacy ....130
Willowbrook Pharmacy
Cmpding ......................130
Winston's Pharmacy ....131
Woodlawn Pharmacy ..132
Xavier Pharmacy And
Med Supply ..................131
Xavier Pharmacy II ......132
Xavier Pharmacy Iii ......131
Xpress Pharmacy ........131
Your Pharmacy ............131
Your Pharmacy Inc ......131
Index of Drug Stores
Índice de farmacias
Quail Valley Pharmacy 131
Quality RX Pharmacy ..129
Quick Ck Prescription
Shop ............................129
Qvl Pharmacy #141 Lp 129
Qvl Pharmacy #162 .....129
Script Source Pharmacy
Hospitals in your
service area
Hospitales en su
área de servicio
East Houston Regional Medical Center
13111 East Fwy
Houston, TX 77015
Texas Orthopedic Hospital
7401 Main St.
Houston, TX 77030
Healthbridge Children’s Hospital
2929 Woodland Park Drive
Houston, TX 77082
The Woman’s Hospital of Texas
7600 Fannin St.
Houston, TX 77054
Bellville General Hospital
44 North Cummings St.
Bellville,TX 77418
Kingwood Medical Center
22999 Hwy 59 N.
Humble, TX 77339
University General Hospital
7501 Fannin St.
Houston, TX 77054
Lyndon B. Johnson General Hospital
5656 Kelley St.
Houston TX 77026
West Houston Medical Center
12141 Richmond Ave.
Houston, TX 77082
Memorial Hermann Hospital
6411 Fannin St.
Houston, TX 77030
Conroe Regional Medical Center
504 Medical Center Blvd.
Conroe, TX 77304
Angleton-Danbury Hospital
132 East Hospital Drive
Angleton, TX 77515
Brazosport Regional Health System
100 Medical Drive
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Sweeny Community Hospital
305 North Mckinney St.
Sweeny, TX 77480
Fort Bend
MHHS Sugar Land Hospital
17500 West Grand Parkway South
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Oakbend Medical Center
1705 Jackson St.
Richmond, TX 77469
Mainland Medical Center
6801 Emmett F Lowry Expy
Texas City, TX 77591
University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd.
Galveston, TX 77555
Bayshore Medical Center
4000 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
Ben Taub General Hospital
1504 Taub Loop
Houston, TX 77030
Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital
6411 Fannin St.
Houston, TX 77030
Clear Lake Regional Medical Center
500 Medical Center Blvd.
Webster, TX 77598
Doctors Hospital Parkway & Tidwell
510 West Tidwell Road
Houston, TX 77091
Memorial Hospital - Memorial City
921 North Gessner Drive
Houston, TX 77024
Memorial Hospital - Northeast
18951 North Memorial Drive
Humble, TX 77338
Memorial Hospital - Northwest
1635 North Loop West
Houston, TX 77008
Memorial Hospital - Southeast
11800 Astoria Blvd.
Houston, TX 77089
Memorial Hospital - Southwest
7600 Beechnut St.
Houston, TX 77074
Memorial Katy Medical Center
23900 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX 77494
Park Plaza Hospital
1313 Hermann Drive
Houston, TX 77004
Quentin Mease Community Hospital
3601 North Macgregor Way
Houston, TX 77004
Riverside General Hospital
3204 Ennis St.
Houston, TX 77004
St. Joseph Medical Center
1401 St. Joseph Parkway
Houston, TX 77002
St. Joseph Medical Center in the Heights
1917 Ashland St.
Houston, TX 77008
Memorial Hospital - Woodlands
9250 Pinecroft Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Your regular CHIP Perinate benefits include:
Sus beneficios regulares de CHIP Perinate incluyen:
network perinatal care provider you choose
in your own community
nA whole network of nearby doctors and
convenient hospitals
nAccess to perinatal specialists when you are
referred by your perinatal care provider
nPrenatal care and two postpartum doctor visits
nCoverage for the delivery of your child
Your baby’s benefits after birth include:
Inpatient care and rehabilitation hospital services
n Skilled nursing facilities
n Outpatient hospital, comprehensive outpatient
rehabilitation hospital, clinic, and ambulatory
health-care center services
nPhysician professional services
n Durable medical equipment, prosthetic devices,
and disposable medical supplies
n Inpatient and outpatient mental health and
substance abuse services
nHospice services
n Emergency services, including emergency
hospitals, physicians, and ambulance services
Your value-added benefits include:
200 one-time Lifeline cell phone
minutes with free health-related text messages
if you qualify
n 24-hour Nurse HelpLine — nurses available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your
health-care questions
n Amerigroup On Call — physicians available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week for consultation
and advice
Important phone numbers
Member Services
On Call/
24-hour Nurse HelpLine
n CHIP Help Line (to join
or change plans)
proveedor de cuidado perinatal de la red de
su elección en su propia comunidad
nUna red integral de doctores cercanos y
hospitales convenientes
nAcceso a especialistas perinatales cuando sea
referida por su proveedor de cuidado perinatal
nCuidado prenatal y dos visitas al doctor
posteriores al parto
nCobertura para el parto de su bebé
Los beneficios de su bebé después del
nacimiento incluyen:
en hospitalización y servicios de
rehabilitación en hospital
nCentros especializados de enfermería
n Servicios ambulatorios en hospital, de
rehabilitación integral ambulatoria en
hospital, clínica y centro ambulatorio de
cuidado de la salud
nServicios médicos profesionales
n Equipos médicos duraderos, dispositivos
protésicos y suministros médicos desechables
nServicios de salud mental y abuso de sustancias
para pacientes hospitalizados y ambulatorios
nServicios de hospicio
n Servicios de emergencia, incluyendo hospitales,
médicos y servicios de ambulancia de emergencia
Sus beneficios de valor agregado incluyen:
S i califica, 200 minutos adicionales de teléfono
celular una sola vez de Lifeline con mensajes de
texto relacionados con salud gratuitos
n 24-hour Nurse HelpLine (Línea de ayuda de
enfermería de 24 horas)
n Amerigroup On Call (Amerigroup de turno) —
médicos disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7
días de la semana para consultas y consejos
Números telefónicos importantes
S ervicios al Miembro
nAmerigroup On Call/
24-hour Nurse HelpLine
n Línea de ayuda de CHIP (para ingresar o cambiar de planes)