2013 FEM CHALLENGE ZONA México total CIUDAD MEXICO 11 y 18 de Mayo, 29 y 30 de Junio 2013 FECHA DUSKA MARKOTIC Collective Marks % Total Judge C Judge C Team NL NL TAURO MOR 256.50 256.50 67.50 2 Mrs Lourdes Ariza CC D.F. ANCCEMEX NAVAL 253.50 253.50 66.71 42.00 15.00 X 3 Mrs Marcela Guajardo 253.50 253.50 66.71 40.50 14.00 4 Mrs Lorena Morales NL NL SARILHO MOR 244.50 244.50 64.34 5 Mrs Daria Deraga CC CC LAVETTO 241.50 241.50 63.55 38.00 13.00 6 Ms 219.00 219.00 57.63 35.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Christine Schmidt Signature of Judges : D.F. D.F. CHARLIE CHAPLIN Judge E Mrs Lorena Morales Final Placing Total points Rider's Position 1 D.F. D.F. BOHEME Judge C Rider's Nationality Rider's NF CLASIFICACION INDIVIDUAL Name of Rider Mr/Mrs/Ms PRIX ST-GEORGES Name of Horse JUEZ C 2013 FEM CHALLENGE ZONA México total CIUDAD MEXICO 11 y 18 de Mayo, 29 y 30 de Junio 2013 FECHA DUSKA MARKOTIC Judge C D.F. D.F. Tango La Cascada 242.50 242.50 65.54 39.00 13.00 2 Mr Gonzalo Fernnandez D.F. D.F. Comtesse 240.50 240.50 65.00 36.00 13.00 3 Mr Rudy Alberto Jimenez NL NL Ultramar R 234.00 234.00 63.24 4 Mr Israel Rodal NL NL Amaranto RC 231.00 231.00 62.43 5 Mr Arnoldo Cepeda NL NL Morbo 227.00 227.00 61.35 25.50 13.00 6 Mrs Lorena Morales NL NL Libanés MOR 223.50 223.50 60.41 7 Ms Isabel Martinez D.F. D.F. Amets 221.50 221.50 59.86 36.50 12.00 8 Ms Christine Schmidt D.F. D.F. Tolando 220.00 220.00 59.46 36.00 12.00 9 Ms Mariana Talavera D.F. D.F. Sjoery Bantha 213.00 213.00 57.57 36.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Signature of Judges : Team Total Judge C Mrs Nina Jaakkola Judge E 1 Final Placing % Rider's Position Rider's Position Total points Collective Marks Judge C Rider's Nationality Rider's NF Name of Rider Mr/Mrs/Ms ADVANCED CLASS Collective Marks CLASIFICACION INDIVIDUAL Name of Horse JUEZ C 2013 FEM CHALLENGE ZONA México total CIUDAD MEXICO 11 y 18 de Mayo, 29 y 30 de Junio 2013 FECHA DUSKA MARKOTIC MEDIUM CLASS Collective Marks Collective Marks 2 Ms Edith Vega 3 Ms 4 % Total Judge C Judge C Team 268.00 67.00 39.00 13.00 X D.F. D.F. IUSA Zwiep 267.50 267.50 66.88 43.00 15.00 X Mariana Quintana D.F. D.F. Fiesta Caretero VIII 264.00 264.00 66.00 41.00 14.00 X Mr Omar Zayrik D.F. D.F. Heróico 264.00 264.00 66.00 40.50 14.00 5 Mr Rudy Alberto Jimenez 259.50 259.50 64.88 6 Mrs Nina Jaakkola 259.00 259.00 64.75 39.50 13.00 7 Mrs Maria soledad Cantú NL NL Frederick v.v. 256.50 256.50 64.13 8 Mr Eugenio Canales CC CC Delinquente Azul 254.00 254.00 63.50 38.50 13.00 9 Ms Marina Ortiz D.F. D.F. Grial Veredus 254.00 254.00 63.50 39.50 13.00 D.F. D.F. Indian Fire 251.00 251.00 62.75 38.00 13.00 10 Mrs Petra Schwarzinger 11 Mr 12 Mrs Lorena Morales Rudy Alberto Jimenez Signature of Judges : NL CC Varonette NL Cuarzo RC D.F. D.F. Zimbro La Cascada Judge E Total points Rider's Position Rider's Position 268.00 CC Judge C Rafael Lavista Rider's Nationality Mr Rider's NF Mr/Mrs/Ms 1 Name of Rider Final Placing INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFICATION Name of Horse JUEZ C NL NL Zeus Vigar 249.00 249.00 62.25 NL NL Belicoso MOR 235.00 235.00 58.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 X X 2013 FEM CHALLENGE ZONA México total CIUDAD MEXICO 11 y 18 de Mayo, 29 y 30 de Junio 2013 FECHA DUSKA MARKOTIC Mr Jorge Sánchez NL 3 Mr Jorge Sánchez NL 4 Mr. Itan Chait 5 Mr José Aran 6 Mrs Toni Camil % Total Judge C Judge C 245.50 66.35 67.00 14.00 NL Capitán MOR 243.00 243.00 65.68 NL Opus MOR 242.50 242.50 65.54 D.F. D.F. De Rossio Grance 238.50 238.50 64.46 66.50 13.00 222.50 222.50 60.14 60.00 12.00 222.00 222.00 60.00 61.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NL NL Zahonero D.F. D.F. IUSA Mazal Judge E Total points Rider's Position Rider's Position 245.50 D.F. D.F. Beduino LAM Judge C 2 Rider's Nationality Fernanda del Valle Rider's NF Mr/Mrs/Ms Ms Name of Rider Final Placing INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFICATION 1 Signature of Judges : Collective Marks Collective Marks Team ELEMENTARY CLASS ADULTS Name of Horse JUEZ C X X 2013 FEM CHALLENGE ZONA México total CIUDAD MEXICO 11 y 18 de Mayo, 29 y 30 de Junio 2013 FECHA DUSKA MARKOTIC % Total Judge C Judge C Team NL Jumanji 197 197.00 67.93 66.00 13.00 X Mrs Naomi Nakakawa CC CC Handsome 180 180.00 62.07 62.00 12.00 3 Mr NL NL Colette 179 179.00 61.72 4 Mrs Yurioko Nakakawa CC CC Escandalo 173 172.50 59.48 59.50 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gerardo Vázquez Judge E Total points Rider's Position Rider's Position NL Andoni Cepeda Judge C 2 Rider's Nationality Mr Collective Marks Collective Marks INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFICATION Rider's NF Mr/Mrs/Ms 1 Name of Rider Final Placing PRELIMINARY CLASS JUNIORS Name of Horse JUEZ C 2013 FEM CHALLENGE ZONA México total CIUDAD MEXICO 11 y 18 de Mayo, 29 y 30 de Junio 2013 FECHA JUEZ C DUSKA MARKOTIC Collective Marks Signature of Judges : PRELIMINARY CLASS ADULTS Total Judge C Judge C 209.00 72.07 71.50 15.00 2 Mr Santiago Ortiz D.F. D.F. Bogha 205.50 205.50 70.86 72.50 15.00 3 Mr Omar Zayrik D.F. D.F. Taro 200.00 200.00 68.97 69.00 14.00 X 3 Mr Santiago Ortiz D.F. D.F. Ximena 197.00 197.00 67.93 69.00 15.00 X 5 Mr Manuel Bermúdez 196.00 196.00 67.59 6 Ms Eugenia Lelo de Larrea D.F. D.F. Amneris 196.00 196.00 67.59 67.50 13.00 7 Ms Mariana Quintana D.F. D.F. Lloron AL 196.00 196.00 67.59 68.00 14.00 8 Mr Jorge Sánchez NL NL Estoico MOR 192.00 192.00 66.21 9 Mr José Aran NL NL Garibaldi 176.50 176.50 60.86 60.00 6.00 10 Ms Buba Pierce D.F. D.F. Zacatecas Mor 171.00 171.00 58.97 61.00 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Signature of Judges : NL NL Eslovaco MOR Team % 209.00 Judge E D.F. D.F. Bohemio LAM Judge C Fernanda del Valle Name of Horse Ms Rider's NF 1 Name of Rider Total points Rider's Position Mr/Mrs/Ms Collective Marks Final Placing Rider's Nationality INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFICATION Rider's Position 2013 FEM CHALLENGE ZONA México total CIUDAD MEXICO 11 y 18 de Mayo, 29 y 30 de Junio 2013 FECHA JUEZ C DUSKA MARKOTIC Collective Marks % Total points Judge E Judge C Name of Horse Rider's Nationality Rider's NF Name of Rider Mr/Mrs/Ms Final Placing DECLARED TEAM CLASSIFICATION 1 TEAM D.F. 203.78 2 TEAM Circuito Centro 197.26 3 TEAM Nuevo León 193.61 Signature of Judges : Rider's Position