Spanish A Level Reading List

Spanish A Level Reading List
Set Texts / Literature
Bodas de Sangre, Federico García Lorca (1933)
Yerma, Federico García Lorca (1934)
La Casa de Bernarda Alba, Federico García Lorca (1936)
Réquiem por un Campesino Español, Ramón Sender (1954)
Campos de Níjar, Juan Goytisolo (1960)
La Sombra del viento, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Aura, Carlos Fuentes
Las Dos Orillas, Carlos Fuentes
El Coronel no tiene quien le escriba, Gabriel García Márquez (1958)
No one writes to the Colonel, Gabriel García Márquez
One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez (1968)
Love in the Time of Cholera, Gabriel García Márquez
Como Agua para Chocolate, Laura Esquivel (1989)
House of the Spirits, Isabelle Allende
Dos Palabras, Isabelle Allende
Spain - A Brief History, Pierre Vilar
Twentieth Century Spain, Francisco J. Romero Salvadó
The Spanish Civil War, Hugh Thomas
Spanish Background
A Rose for Winter, Laurie Lee
As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning, Laurie Lee
Homage to Catalonia, George Orwell
The Face of Spain, Gerald Brenan
South from Granada, Gerald Brenan
La Chanca Juan Goytisolo, Seix Barral
Viaje a la Alcarria Camilo, José Cela