Lubbock STAR Directory - Providers – Amerigroup

Proudly serving Texas
for more than 15 years
Sirviendo con orgullo
a Texas durante más
de 15 años
Provider Directory
Directorio de proveedores
Amerigroup Texas, Inc.
Lubbock Service Area
Lubbock, Carson, Crosby, Deaf Smith, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley,
Hutchinson, Lamb, Lynn, Potter, Randall, Swisher, and Terry Counties
Call toll-free/Llame a la línea gratuita
Steps to enroll
Pasos para afiliarse
1. Read the Texas STAR brochure.
1. Lea el folleto de Texas STAR.
2.Look at the health plan comparison chart.
Choose the best plan to meet your needs.
2.Vea la tabla de comparación de los
planes de salud. Escoja el mejor plan
para satisfacer sus necesidades.
3.Look at the health plan directory. Choose
a primary care provider for each family
member. Pick a first and second choice.
4.Fill in your first and second choice on
the Enrollment Form. Answer all the
questions. Sign and date it.
5.Put the Enrollment Form into the
return envelope and mail it. You do
not need a stamp.
6.For more information, call the STAR
Help Line at 1-800-964-2777.
To find out which pharmacies are in the
Amerigroup network, you can call us at
1-800-600-4441 or look on our website at
For more information about the pharmacies,
hospitals, specialists, and other providers in
the Amerigroup network, you can call us
at 1-800-600-4441 or look on our website
at for a
comprehensive online provider directory.
3.Vea el directorio del plan de salud. Escoja
a un proveedor de cuidado primario para
cada persona de su familia. Escoja su
primera y segunda preferencia.
4.Escriba su primera y segunda preferencia
en la Forma de Inscripción. Conteste todas
las preguntas. Firme y escriba la fecha.
5.Ponga la Forma de Inscripción en el
sobre adjunto y envíela. No tiene que
poner una estampilla.
6.Para más información, llame a la Línea
de Ayuda STAR al 1-800-964-2777.
Para saber cuáles farmacias están en la
red de Amerigroup, puede llamarnos al
1-800-600-4441 o buscar en nuestro sitio
Web en
Para más información sobre las farmacias,
hospitales, especialistas y otros proveedores
de la red de Amerigroup, puede llamarnos
al 1-800-600-4441 o buscar en nuestro sitio
Web en para
ver un directorio integral de proveedores
en línea.
Nhận trợ giúp bằng tiếng Việt
Lubbock STAR Provider Directory
Lubbock STAR Directorio de proveedores
Table of Contents/Tabla de Contenido
Important Information About Your Amerigroup Health Plan..................................................
Información importante sobre el plan de salud de Amerigroup.............................................
STAR Hospitals/Hospitales...................................................................................................
STAR Urgent Care and After Hours Physicians/Cuidado urgente y después de médicos
de horas................................................................................................................................
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado primario......................................... 8
Description of Physician Specialties/Descripción de especialidades de medico................... 31
STAR Specialists/Especialistas............................................................................................. 32
STAR Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios de salud mental y abuso de
substancias........................................................................................................................... 41
STAR Dental Services/Servicios dentales............................................................................. 43
STAR Vision Services/Servicios de la vista........................................................................... 43
STAR Ancillary Providers/Proveedores auxiliares................................................................. 43
Drug Stores/Farmacias......................................................................................................... 44
Index of Hospitals/Índice de hospitales................................................................................. 48
Index of Primary Care Providers/Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario....................... 49
Index of Behavioral Health/Índice de salud mental............................................................... 52
Index of Drug Stores/Índice de farmacias............................................................................. 54
If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the
nearest Emergency Room
Si tiene una emergencia, llame al 911 o vaya a la
Sala de Emergencia más cercana
Page/Página 1
1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) ▪
For the most up-to-date list of our network
providers, visit us online at and go to Find
a Doctor.
If you haven’t already joined, call
1-800-964-2777 to choose us.
Call 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) if you need help
finding any type of provider.
Get the right care for your family
We’re here to help you get quality health care by
providing you with all your STAR benefits, like:
 A primary care provider you choose from our
large network
 Referrals from your primary care provider to
any specialist in our network
 Behavioral health services
 Our toll-free [24-hour Nurse HelpLine]
 Disease management and health education
See the back cover for a full list of value-added
Choose your own primary care provider
It’s easy to choose your own primary care
provider. Just pick one listed in this book for you
and your children. You can each have your own
primary care provider. Your primary care
provider will get to know you and your health
history, and refer you to specialists.
Get OB/GYN services
You can choose an OB/GYN from this list without
a referral from your primary care provider. Your
benefits include:
 One well-woman checkup a year
 Care during pregnancy
 Care for female health conditions
 Referrals to specialists in our network
A network OB/GYN can even be your primary
care provider. Call us at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY
711) and tell us which OB/GYN you want as your
primary care provider.
Get Texas Health Steps medical checkups
Texas Health Steps medical checkups help your
children stay healthy. Babies and children need
more health care to grow up healthy. These
checkups help your child’s primary care provider
find problems early when they are easier to treat.
These checkups include:
 Height/weight checks
 Immunizations
 Tests for TB, lead, and other health problems
 Eye and ear tests
 Tips about safety and health
Children age 20 and younger can get these
checkups from any Texas Health Steps certified
provider. You don’t need a referral.
Get behavioral health services
We can help you learn how to:
 Plan a pregnancy
 Prevent pregnancy
 Delay pregnancy
You can also get behavioral health and substance
abuse services without a referral from your
primary care provider. Call us 24 hours a day, 7
days a week at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). We
 Tell you how to get help
 Give you the name of a provider
Your primary care provider or any Medicaid
family planning provider can also help you. You
don’t need a referral for these services.
Amerigroup members in the Medicaid Rural Service Area
and the STAR Kids program are served by Amerigroup
Insurance Company; all other Amerigroup members in
Texas are served by Amerigroup Texas, Inc.
Get family planning services
TX-PD-0326-16-B STAR
Page/Página 2
1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) ▪
Para ver el listado más actualizado de los
proveedores de nuestra red, visítenos en
línea en y vaya
a Find a Doctor (Encontrar un médico).
Si no se ha unido aún, llame al 1-800-964-2777
para escogernos.
Obtenga servicios de planificación
Podemos ayudarle a que conozca cómo:
 Planear un embarazo
 Prevenir un embarazo
 Retrasar un embarazo
Llame al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) si necesita
ayuda para encontrar cualquier tipo de
Su proveedor de atención primaria o cualquier
proveedor de planificación familiar de Medicaid
también puede ayudarle. No necesita una
referencia para estos servicios.
Obtenga la atención adecuada para su
Obtenga servicios de
Estamos a su disposición para ayudarle a obtener
atención médica de calidad al proveerle todos sus
beneficios de STAR, como:
 Un proveedor de atención primaria que usted
escoge de nuestra extensa red
 Referencias de su proveedor de atención
primaria a cualquier especialista en nuestra
 Servicios de salud conductual
 Nuestra [24-hour Nurse HelpLine (Línea de
ayuda de enfermería de 24 horas)] de línea
 Manejo de enfermedades y clases de
educación sobre la salud
Usted puede escoger un obstetra/ginecólogo de
este listado sin una referencia de su proveedor
de atención primaria. Sus beneficios incluyen:
 Una revisión de mujer sana al año
 Atención durante el embarazo
 Atención para condiciones de salud femenina
 Referencias a especialistas en nuestra red
Consulte la contraportada para ver un listado
completo de beneficios de valor agregado.
Escoja su propio proveedor de atención
Es fácil escoger su propio proveedor de atención
primaria. Solo escoja uno de los que
enumeramos para usted y sus hijos en este libro.
Cada uno de ustedes puede tener su propio
proveedor de atención primaria. Su proveedor de
atención primaria llegará a conocerlo a usted y su
historial de salud y lo referirá a especialistas.
TX-PD-0326-16-B STAR
Una red de obstetras/ginecólogos que hasta
pueden ser su proveedor de atención primaria.
Llámenos al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) y díganos
cuál obstetra/ginecólogo desea como su
proveedor de atención primaria.
Obtenga revisiones médicas de Texas
Health Steps
Las revisiones médicas de Texas Health Steps
ayudan a sus hijos a mantenerse saludables. Los
bebés y los niños necesitan más atención médica
para crecer saludablemente. Estas revisiones
ayudan al proveedor de atención primaria de su
hijo a encontrar problemas temprano cuando
estos son más fáciles de tratar. Estas revisiones
 Revisiones de altura/peso
 Inmunizaciones
 Exámenes de tuberculosis, plomo y otros
problemas de la salud
Page/Página 3
Exámenes de ojos y oídos
Consejos acerca de seguridad y salud
Los niños de hasta 20 años de edad pueden
obtener estas revisiones de cualquier proveedor
certificado de Texas Health Steps. No necesita
una referencia.
Obtenga servicios de salud conductual
También puede obtener servicios de salud
conductual y para abuso de sustancias sin una
referencia de su proveedor de atención primaria.
Llámenos las 24 horas al día, los 7 días de la
semana al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Nosotros
 Diremos cómo obtener ayuda
 Proporcionaremos el nombre de un
Los miembros de Amerigroup en el Área de Servicio Rural
de Medicaid y el programa STAR Kids son atendidos por
Amerigroup Insurance Company; todos los demás
miembros de Amerigroup en Texas son atendidos por
Amerigroup Texas, Inc.
Page/Página 5
STAR Hospitals/Hospitales
Baptist St Anthony's Health System
Northwest Texas Hospital
Physicians Surgical Hospitals
Golden Plains Community Hospital
Brownfield Regional Medical Ctr
Hereford Regional Medical Ctr
Covenant Hospital Levelland
Lamb Healthcare Ctr
W J Mangold Memorial Hospital
Covenant Children's Hospital
Covenant Medical Ctr
Covenant Specialty Hospital
Grace Medical Ctr
Joe Arrington Cancer Ctr
Trust Point Hospital
University Medical Ctr
Covenant Hospital Plainview
Swisher Memorial Hospital
STAR Hospitals
Crosbyton Clinic Hospital
Page/Página 6
STAR Urgent Care and After Hours Physicians/Cuidado
urgente y después de médicos de horas
Amarillo - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
STAR Urgent Care and After Hours Physicians
Cuidado urgente y después de médicos de horas
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Wallace, Randy G. NP
2701 S Georgia St
Amarillo 79109
(806) 350-3000
M-F 8am-8pm/
Sa 9am-5pm/
Su 12pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Regence Health Network
850 Martin Rd
Amarillo 79107
(806) 374-7341
F 8am-2pm/
M-Th 8am-5:30pm
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Ray, Janice NP#
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
17 Care Cir
Amarillo 79124
(806) 468-6277
M-Su 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Young, John M. MD
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1500 S Coulter St Ste 1
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-0404
Su 1pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-5pm/
M-F 8am-8pm
Gender: Male
Family Medicine/Medicina
Hisel, Christopher G. MD
706 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-0344
M-F 8:30am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Hord, Michael S. MD#
706 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-0344
M-F 8:30am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Kendrick, Roy B. MD
706 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-0344
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Chebib, Paul F. MD
Treats patients ages 18 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 18 años en adelante
703 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-1955
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
M 8am-8pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
BRMC Rural Health Clinic#
705 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-3551
Tu 9am-5pm/
MW-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Cox, Dhana R. MD
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-F 8am-8pm/
Sa 8am-7:30pm
Gender: Female
Patterson, Lindsaye B. NP
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-Su 12am-12pm
Gender: Female
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Fuller, Gloria R. NP
1619 4th Ave
Canyon 79015
(806) 557-4138
M-F 8am-7pm
Gender: Female
Patterson, Lindsaye B. NP
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-Su 12am-12pm
Gender: Female
Wallace, Randy G. NP
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-Su 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Levelland Clinic
1804 College Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7094
M-F 9am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Mangold, Gary B. MD
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
M 8am-6pm/
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Moore, Sharman A. MD
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
M 8am-6pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Schlueter, Cynthia K. DO#
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Stennett, Kevin T. MD
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
General Practice/Medicina
Schlueter, Cynthia K. DO#
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Cogdell Clinic#
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
MW-F 8am-5pm/
Tu 9am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Doctolero-Malagayo, Susan
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
W-F 8am-10pm/
MTu 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian or Pacific
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Urgent Care and After Hours Physicians/Cuidado
urgente y después de médicos de horas
Page/Página 7
Plainview - Federally Qualified Health Ctr/Centro de salud calificado federalmente
Family Medicine/Medicina
Chungchansat, Porntip MD
416 Frankford Ave
Lubbock 79416
(806) 725-5480
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gender: Female
Gage, James T. MD
Treats patients ages 7 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 7 años en adelante
4102 24th St Ste 404
Lubbock 79410
(806) 793-5683
M-F 8am-4pm/
Sa 9am-11am
Gender: Male
Hendershot, Kerry L. MD
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9563
Sa 9am-5pm/
M-F 8am-7pm/
Su 12pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Price, Matthew M. ARNP
1910 Quaker Avenue Ste
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
M-Sa 9am-9pm/
Su 12pm-6pm
Gender: Male
Skinner, Derek I. MD
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9603
M-F 8am-7pm/
Su 12pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Tran, Marbella Z. MD
5915 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-3000
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gender: Female
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Castaneda, Joanna W. NP
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Gender: Female
Chavez, Melinda K. NP
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Gender: Female
Price, Matthew M. ARNP
1910 Quaker Avenue Ste
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
M-Sa 9am-9pm/
Su 12pm-6pm
Gender: Male
Reynolds, Mark E. RN
3712 22nd St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 795-5561
M-F 9am-6pm
Gender: Male
Swindoll, Jeanine B. NP
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
W-F 8am-10pm/
MTu 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wischkaemper, Tabra D. NP
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Gender: Female
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Larry Combest Community
Health and Wellness Center
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-6pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Regence Health Network
2601 Dimmitt Rd Ste 101,
102, 104
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-2270
M-Th 8am-5:30pm/
F 8am-2pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Batra, Swaran L. MD
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-4014
M-F 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Gender: Female
Henderson, Richard A. MD
9812 Slide Rd Ste 2200
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8400
Sa 9am-2pm/
Su 1am-5pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Arandia-Antelo, Luis F. MD
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4020 21st St Ste 2
Lubbock 79410
(806) 792-2847
M-F 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Family Medicine/Medicina
Horton, Kenneth C. MD#
1806 Quincy St
Plainview 79072
(806) 288-7891
M-F 8:30am-7pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Mcclanahan, Mark L. DO#
1806 Quincy St
Plainview 79072
(806) 288-7891
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 8:30am-7pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Urgent Care and After Hours Physicians
Cuidado urgente y después de médicos de horas
Crow, Steven M. MD
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9603
M-F 8am-7pm/
Sa 9am-5pm/
Su 12pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Wolboldt, Clinton G. MD
1910 Quaker Ave Ste 101
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
SaSu 9am-6pm/
M-F 9am-9pm
Gender: Male
Page/Página 8
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Abernathy - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Palmer, Alberta J. NP
Practice #: 01862129
409 8th St
Abernathy 79311
(806) 725-5884
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Adolescent Med - Internal
Med/Medicina para
adolescentes – medicina
Khandheria, Bharat K. MD
Practice #: 01075694
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Adolescent Medicine/
Medicina para
Khandheria, Bharat K. MD
Practice #: 01075694
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Doyal, Michael L. RN
Practice #: 01454907
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-5630
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Dozier, Kayli D. NP
Practice #: 02821184
901 Wallace Blvd
Amarillo 79106
(806) 358-1681
Gender: Female
Fithen, Dawn M. NP
Practice #: 03122661
814 Martin Rd
Amarillo 79107
(806) 351-7600
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Leathers, Erica D. NP#
Practice #: 03564219
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Petersen, Hoang K. NP
Practice #: 01465837
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Rankin, Sue A. RN
Practice #: 01454881
Spanish, German, French,
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Reel, Julie K. NP
Practice #: 03564252
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Saunders, Paula G. NP
Practice #: 03578502
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Upton, Amy E. NP
Practice #: 01892385
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 1068
Amarillo 79106
(806) 420-3550
Th 10am-5pm/
M-WF 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Medicine/Medicina
Amaro, Justin A. DO*
Practice #: 02392227
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 1048
Amarillo 79106
(806) 576-4999
TuTh 8am-7pm/
MWF 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm
Gender: Male
Axe-Lewis, Beverly D. DO
Practice #: 01077030
1400 S Coulter St Ste 5100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
MTuThF 1:30pm-5pm/
W 2pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Ehle, Eric C. DO
Practice #: 01879232
1400 S Coulter St Ste 5100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Gender: Male
Gamboa Sejas, Daniela MD
Practice #: 01452052
1400 S Coulter St Ste 5100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 351-3777
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Gender: Female
Goetz, Susan G. MD
Practice #: 01637229
1920 Medi Park Dr Ste 3
Amarillo 79106
(806) 352-2229
F 8am-1:30pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hampsten, Ellen E. MD
Practice #: 01450411
1400 S Coulter St Ste 5100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
W 2pm-5pm/
MTuThF 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Henson, Harry M. MD
Practice #: 03184204
1411 E Amarillo Blvd
Amarillo 79107
(806) 354-1015
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Kirkland, Jerry L. MD
Practice #: 01077015
1400 Coulter St Ste 5100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-Th 8:30am-12pm/
MTuTh 1:30pm-5pm/
W 2pm-5pm
Gender: Male
McCaleb, Morgan H. MD
Practice #: 10070533
1400 S Coulter St Ste 5100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9720
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Mendez, Angelica D. MD
Practice #: 01902663
3501 S Soncy Rd Ste 150
Amarillo 79119
(806) 212-6353
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Mishra, Aparajita MD
Practice #: 01802764
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Gender: Female
Rankin, Ron K. MD
Practice #: 01460812
6601 I-40 W Ste 300
Amarillo 79106
(806) 331-7905
M-F 8:30am-11:30am/
M-F 1:30pm-4:30pm
Gender: Male
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 9
Amarillo - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Sbar, Evelyn D. MD
Practice #: 02627095
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Slaton, John F. DO
Practice #: 01848351
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Tan, Marion T. MD
Practice #: 02070482
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Young, Rodney B. MD
Practice #: 01054186
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Turner, Dustin A. MD
Practice #: 01359937
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Anderson, Mary R. NP
Practice #: 01673382
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Baltz, Susan A. MSN*
Practice #: 01849810
Treats patients ages 18 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 18 años en adelante
6601 W I 40 Ste 300
Amarillo 79106
(806) 331-7905
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Doyal, Michael L. RN
Practice #: 01454907
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-5630
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Fanelli, Melissa A. NP
Practice #: 01747752
11 Medical Dr
Amarillo 79106
(806) 353-6400
F 8am-4pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hitz, Kristen L. NP
Practice #: 03736950
1001 Craig Dr
Amarillo 79106
(806) 331-7905
Gender: Female
Leathers, Erica D. NP#
Practice #: 03564219
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Petersen, Hoang K. NP
Practice #: 01465837
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Rankin, Sue A. RN
Practice #: 01454881
Spanish, German, French,
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Saunders, Paula G. NP
Practice #: 03578502
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Upton, Amy E. NP
Practice #: 01892385
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 1068
Amarillo 79106
(806) 420-3550
Th 10am-5pm/
M-WF 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wallace, Randy G. NP
Practice #: 01703610
2701 S Georgia St
Amarillo 79109
(806) 350-3000
M-F 8am-8pm/
Sa 9am-5pm/
Su 12pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Wilhelm, Lorina L. NP*
Practice #: 02952561
Spanish, Arabic
6700 W 9th Ave
Amarillo 79106
(806) 358-0200
F 8am-1pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Regence Health Network*
Practice #: 01409664
723 N Polk Ste B
Amarillo 79101
(806) 345-7917
M-F 9am-5pm
850 Martin Rd
Amarillo 79107
(806) 374-7341
F 8am-2pm/
M-Th 8am-5:30pm
General Practice/Medicina
McCaleb, Morgan H. MD
Practice #: 10070533
1400 S Coulter St Ste 5100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9720
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Geriatric Medicine/
Medicina geriátrica
McClure, Stephanie C. MD
Practice #: 01325437
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-5660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Tan, Marion T. MD
Practice #: 02070482
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Ahmed, Mashrafi MD
Practice #: 01661849
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Tan, Cristiane C. MD
Practice #: 01968359
3501 S Soncy Rd Ste 150
Amarillo 79119
(806) 212-0699
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Page/Página 10
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Amarillo - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Bell, Todd E. MD
Practice #: 01071798
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Islam, Asm M. MD
Practice #: 01852809
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
McClure, Stephanie C. MD
Practice #: 01325437
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-5660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Bharadwaj, Ravindra M. MD
Practice #: 01704471
Hindi, Spanish
Treats patients ages 55 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 55 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Jaber, Mouin M. MD
Practice #: 01476568
Spanish, Arabic
Treats patients ages 15 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 15 años en adelante
3504 Ne 24th Ave
Amarillo 79107
(806) 381-1732
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Mitchell, Holly MD*
Practice #: 02952320
6700 W 9th Ave
Amarillo 79106
(806) 358-0200
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-1pm
Gender: Female
Bridges, Walter MD
Practice #: 10042869
French, Spanish, Italian,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4300
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Jenkins, Marjorie R. MD
Practice #: 01452493
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Chandra, Rahul MD
Practice #: 01304056
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Cutts, Karen J. MD
Practice #: 01075677
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Khandheria, Bharat K. MD
Practice #: 01075694
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Khaznadar, Mohamedaouf
Practice #: 01332799
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 124
Amarillo 79106
(806) 359-9866
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Lindemann, Mark A. DO
Practice #: 01461199
Treats patients ages 18 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 18 años en adelante
4545 Bellaire Dr Ste 9
Amarillo 79109
(817) 763-8300
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Patel, Manish L. MD
Practice #: 03151996
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Singh, Manu P. MD
Practice #: 03178605
1501 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 398-3627
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Smalligan, Roger D. MD
Practice #: 01404706
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Stewart, Randy L. MD
Practice #: 03184642
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Urban, Robert S. MD
Practice #: 01257729
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Walker, James W. MD
Practice #: 01452297
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Weis, Brian C. MD
Practice #: 01176370
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Werner, Harold V. MD
Practice #: 01174864
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Wilson, Joanna D. DO
Practice #: 01395779
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-5660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wang, Jeffrey DO
Practice #: 03424458
German, Spanish
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9650
Gender: Male
Wheatley, Catherine N. MD
Practice #: 03124581
814 Martin Rd
Amarillo 79107
(806) 468-4390
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 11
Amarillo - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Blake, Christy A. NP#
Practice #: 01619002
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
17 Care Cir
Amarillo 79124
(806) 468-6277
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ray, Janice NP#
Practice #: 01619018
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
17 Care Cir
Amarillo 79124
(806) 468-6277
M-Su 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Williams, Brenda L. NP
Practice #: 03099158
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1900 Se 34th Ave
Amarillo 79118
(806) 468-4673
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Bell, Todd E. MD
Practice #: 01071798
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ellington, Susan E. MD
Practice #: 03425389
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Faircloth, Johnnie W. MD
Practice #: 03423572
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Fatunde, Oluyemisi J. MD
Practice #: 01453861
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Fletcher, Rex A. MD
Practice #: 01076411
Treats patients ages 19 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 19 años
17 Care Cir
Amarillo 79124
(806) 468-6277
M-F 8am-11:45am/
M-F 1:15pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Griffin, Amanda D. MD
Practice #: 01453854
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Habersang, Rolf W. MD
Practice #: 02069062
Italian, Spanish, German,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4300
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hasham, Sarah MD
Practice #: 01903429
German, French, Italian,
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-5630
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 2051
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4300
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Herrick, Shannon L. MD#
Practice #: 10048095
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hoving, Debbie P. MD*
Practice #: 01476733
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 2001
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4350
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Howard, Emily E. PA
Practice #: 03423849
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Lackan-McKenzie, Dianne
Practice #: 01476738
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 2001
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4350
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Leathers, Erica D. NP#
Practice #: 03564219
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Meyers, Jane C. NP
Practice #: 01613883
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
17 Care Cir
Amarillo 79124
(806) 468-6277
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Bridges, Walter MD
Practice #: 10042869
French, Spanish, Italian,
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4300
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Page/Página 12
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Amarillo - Pediatrics/Pediatría
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Parat, Sumesh MD
Practice #: 03403922
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Petersen, Hoang K. NP
Practice #: 03423935
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Reel, Julie K. NP
Practice #: 03564252
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Relph, Andrew J. DO
Practice #: 01851191
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Gender: Male
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Saunders, Paula G. NP
Practice #: 03578502
Spanish, Vietnamese
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 65
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4333
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Scott, Rebecca J. MD
Practice #: 01619005
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
17 Care Cir
Amarillo 79124
(806) 468-6277
M-F 8am-11:45am/
M-F 1:15pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Siddig, Souzan MD
Practice #: 01945646
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4300
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Uddin, Muhammad M. MD
Practice #: 01454040
Bengali, Spanish
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-5630
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Werner, Carmen M. MD
Practice #: 10040229
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
1901 Medi Park Dr Ste 2001
Amarillo 79106
(806) 468-4350
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Young, John M. MD
Practice #: 01860964
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
1500 S Coulter St Ste 1
Amarillo 79106
(806) 354-0404
Su 1pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-5pm/
M-F 8am-8pm
Gender: Male
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Holland, Rachel M. PA
Practice #: 01640640
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
1301 S Coulter St Ste 400
Amarillo 79106
(806) 676-9970
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Howard, Emily E. PA
Practice #: 03423849
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Schulz, Christine C. PA
Practice #: 01452519
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
W 2pm-5pm/
MTuThF 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Tate, Brittany G. PA
Practice #: 01450339
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
1400 S Coulter St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 414-9559
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Medicine/Medicina
Mann, Jr, Wallace H. MD#
Practice #: 01637570
202 S Mcgee St
Borger 79007
(806) 273-7118
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Weber, Ammon D. MD
Practice #: 01612512
100 S Mcgee St
Borger 79007
(806) 274-5131
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 1pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Perales, Jesse I. MD
Practice #: 01644741
Treats patients ages 10 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 10 años en adelante
202 S Mcgee St
Borger 79007
(806) 273-7118
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Asian or Pacific
Hamid, Abdool R. MD#
Practice #: 01313476
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
503 W 1st St Ste B
Borger 79007
(806) 273-5300
F 8:30am-1pm/
M-Th 8:30am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 13
Hereford - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Family Medicine/Medicina
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Hisel, Christopher G. MD
Practice #: 10007986
706 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-0344
M-F 8:30am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Kendrick, Roy B. MD
Practice #: 10039571
706 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-0344
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Chebib, Paul F. MD
Practice #: 10061196
Treats patients ages 18 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 18 años en adelante
703 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-1955
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
M 8am-8pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
BRMC Rural Health Clinic#
Practice #: 01450486
705 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-3551
Tu 9am-5pm/
MW-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Cox, Dhana R. MD
Practice #: 01640797
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-F 8am-8pm/
Sa 8am-7:30pm
Gender: Female
Cox, Eric C. MD
Practice #: 01637246
Treats patients ages 1 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 1 año en adelante
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Irwin, Marc D. MD*
Practice #: 01644136
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
McAfee, Lawrence R. MD*
Practice #: 01629312
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Patterson, Lindsaye B. NP
Practice #: 02846821
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-Su 12am-12pm
Gender: Female
Andrus, Courtni NP
Practice #: 01718383
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Fanelli, Melissa A. RN
Practice #: 03563613
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
Gender: Female
Fuller, Gloria R. NP
Practice #: 01938795
1619 4th Ave
Canyon 79015
(806) 557-4138
M-F 8am-7pm
Gender: Female
Patterson, Lindsaye B. NP
Practice #: 02846821
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-Su 12am-12pm
Gender: Female
Wallace, Randy G. NP
Practice #: 01703636
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-Su 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Crosbyton Clinic Hospita &
Rural Health Clinic#
Practice #: 01448508
710 W Main St
Crosbyton 79322
(806) 675-7382
M-F 8:30am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Horton, Kenneth C. MD#
Practice #: 01463176
901 W Crockett
Floydada 79235
(806) 402-4033
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Watkins, Jon R. MD
Practice #: 03792172
901 W Crockett
Floydada 79235
(806) 402-4033
Gender: Male
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Fritch Medical Clinic#
Practice #: 01453374
700 W Broadway St
Fritch 79036
(806) 467-5700
Tu 10am-6:30pm/
Th 8am-12pm/
MWF 8am-4:30pm
Hale Center
Family Medicine/Medicina
Horton, Kenneth C. MD#
Practice #: 01463176
315 W Cleveland Hale Ctr
Hale Center 79041
(806) 839-2100
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Watkins, Jon R. MD
Practice #: 03792172
315 W Cleveland St
Hale Center 79041
(806) 839-2100
Gender: Male
Family Medicine/Medicina
Barnes, Layne S. DO
Practice #: 01038907
540 W 15th St
Hereford 79045
(806) 364-4377
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Berry, Breanna R. DO
Practice #: 03517192
540 W 15th St
Hereford 79045
(806) 364-7512
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Hord, Michael S. MD#
Practice #: 10012382
706 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-0344
M-F 8:30am-5pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Fithen, Dawn M. NP
Practice #: 03226067
911 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-2104
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Page/Página 14
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Hereford - Federally Qualified Health Ctr/Centro de salud calificado federalmente
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Regence Health Network
Practice #: 01269233
125 W Park Ave
Hereford 79045
(806) 364-7688
M-F 9am-5pm
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Hereford Health Clinic#
Practice #: 01451687
540 W 15th St
Hereford 79045
(806) 364-7512
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Moore, Amanda D. RN
Practice #: 01443552
113 Walnut St
Idalou 79329
(806) 892-2537
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Medicine/Medicina
Babb, Franklyn C. MD
Practice #: 01294686
103 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-2465
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Bailey, Michael G. MD
Practice #: 01642458
1804 College Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-3141
M-F 8:30am-12pm
Gender: Male
Hadzic, Daniel B. MD
Practice #: 02994125
116 E John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-1514
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
116 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-1514
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hanna, John B. DO
Practice #: 01862704
1804 College Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-3141
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
1900 College Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-4963
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hughes III, Charles V. MD
Practice #: 01170299
116 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7900
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Jacinto, Rochelle MD
Practice #: 02362483
103 John Dupree
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-2465
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
103 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-2465
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Scheel, Sarah C. DO
Practice #: 02901458
1000 Fm 300
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7842
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Toor, Nadia N. MD*
Practice #: 01456912
1000 Fm 300
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7842
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Young, George J. MD
Practice #: 01045696
103 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-2465
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Weaver, Roberta C. NP*
Practice #: 01443221
500 West Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 897-9735
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Bigit Milla, Walter MD
Practice #: 02043398
116 John Dupree Dr Ste A
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7900
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
O'Reilly Flores, Daphne S.
Practice #: 02043578
116 John Dupree Dr Ste A
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7900
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
116 John Dupree Drive Ste A
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7900
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Owens, Bruce A. DO
Practice #: 01719136
Treats patients ages 17 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 17 años en adelante
1804 College Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-3141
M-F 7am-12pm
Gender: Male
Kulkarni, Rishikesh P. MD
Practice #: 02043480
116 John Dupree Dr Ste A
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7900
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Kramer, Kevin E. MD
Practice #: 02994618
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
116 E John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-1514
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
116 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-1514
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
1804 College Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-3141
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Vichugsananon, Deena MD
Practice #: 01255024
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
116 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-1514
MTuThF 8:30am-3pm/
W 8:30am-12pm
Gender: Female
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Family Medicine of
Practice #: 01452844
116 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7900
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Levelland Clinic
Practice #: 01452747
1804 College Ave
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-7094
M-F 9am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Levelland Clinic North
Practice #: 01453129
103 John Dupree Dr
Levelland 79336
(806) 894-2465
M-F 8:30am-5pm
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 15
Lubbock - Certified Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional certificada
Family Medicine/Medicina
Suit, Carol T. MD
Practice #: 01783655
1500 S Sunset Ave
Littlefield 79339
(806) 385-6411
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
General Practice/Medicina
Schlueter, Cynthia K. DO#
Practice #: 01451028
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Suit, Carol T. MD
Practice #: 01783655
1500 S Sunset Ave
Littlefield 79339
(806) 385-6411
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Stennett, Kevin T. MD
Practice #: 01259522
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
General Practice/Medicina
LHC Family Medicine#
Practice #: 01453586
1600 S Sunset Ave
Littlefield 79339
(806) 385-6424
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Mangold, Gary B. MD
Practice #: 10010059
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
M 8am-6pm/
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Schlueter, Cynthia K. DO#
Practice #: 01451028
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Sa 8am-12pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Cogdell Clinic#
Practice #: 01451683
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
MW-F 8am-5pm/
Tu 9am-5pm/
Sa 8am-12pm
Adolescent Medicine/
Medicina para
Nur, Marcela M. MD
Practice #: 01443186
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7335
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Paxton, Jeff W. MD
Practice #: 01443230
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Billingsley, Kimberly A. RN
Practice #: 01436370
3502 9th St Ste 210
Lubbock 79415
(806) 762-8461
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Clark, Calvin L. NP
Practice #: 01991693
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Doctolero-Malagayo, Susan
Practice #: 01886608
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
W-F 8am-10pm/
MTu 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian or Pacific
Elmore, Mary P. NP
Practice #: 02631196
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Fakhreddine, Kimberly K.
Practice #: 01928613
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3801 50th St
Lubbock 79413
(806) 725-7700
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Graham, Kimberly A. RN
Practice #: 01266301
3502 9th St Ste 210
Lubbock 79415
(806) 762-8461
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Grant, Annalee M. APNP*
Practice #: 01453651
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hart, Marie L. NP
Practice #: 02826169
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4102 24th St Ste 412
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6451
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hilliard, Tara C. APNP*
Practice #: 01886719
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
W-F 8am-10pm/
MTu 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hunt, Deborah F. NP
Practice #: 01803840
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3615 19th St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-3829
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Wilson, Hugh H. MD
Practice #: 01762148
1600 S Sunset Ave
Littlefield 79339
(806) 385-6424
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Moore, Sharman A. MD
Practice #: 10008212
320 N Main St
Lockney 79241
(806) 652-3373
Tu-F 8am-5pm/
M 8am-6pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Page/Página 16
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Lubbock - Certified Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional certificada
McMurry, Michael E. NP
Practice #: 01857762
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2730
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Slavik, Stacey L. NP
Practice #: 01856086
1950 Aspen Ave
Lubbock 79404
(806) 740-1440
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Smith, Mark C. MSN
Practice #: 02674127
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Stice, Jamie R. NP*
Practice #: 01705670
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Sun, Grace H. RN
Practice #: 01733363
Chinese - Mandarin
3601 4th St Stop 7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2848
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian or Pacific
Family Medicine/Medicina
Allas, Jose O. MD*
Practice #: 01384525
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
3801 50th St Ste 5
Lubbock 79413
(806) 725-7700
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Babb, Franklyn C. MD
Practice #: 01637517
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
3601 4th St Ste Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Crow, Steven M. MD
Practice #: 01445376
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Backlund, Amanda J. MD
Practice #: 01681613
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Berryhill, Marion L. RN
Practice #: 01441187
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9603
M-F 8am-7pm/
Sa 9am-5pm/
Su 12pm-5pm
Gender: Male
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9653
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Bailey, Michael G. MD
Practice #: 01862582
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Barker, Craig W. MD*
Practice #: 01440416
7202 Slide Rd Ste 100
Lubbock 79424
(806) 749-2263
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Beals, Roberta J. DO
Practice #: 01833577
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Bennett, Kelly A. MD*
Practice #: 01878235
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-2757
MTu 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2848
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Bradley, Craig S. MD
Practice #: 01442139
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Brinker, Jared Z. MD
Practice #: 01654183
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Chungchansat, Porntip MD
Practice #: 01392532
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
416 Frankford Ave
Lubbock 79416
(806) 725-5480
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gender: Female
Cook, Ronald L. DO
Practice #: 01327221
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2860
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Crossnoe, Chetlen R. MD
Practice #: 01612915
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Dalton, Stephen G. DO
Practice #: 01441652
3612 22nd Pl
Lubbock 79410
(806) 795-1393
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Deeb, Emily A. MD
Practice #: 03271090
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Dixon, Joseph A. MD
Practice #: 01611052
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Dominguez, Jeremy D. PA
Practice #: 01437453
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Dubose, Jack E. MD*
Practice #: 01356621
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9653
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Dyer, Jack W. MD
Practice #: 01306390
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-1177
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 17
Lubbock - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
3601 4th St Stop 7208
Lubbock 79403
(806) 743-2860
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Enabnit, Natalie C. PA*
Practice #: 01442045
7202 Slide Rd Ste 100
Lubbock 79424
(806) 749-2263
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Franklin, Rodney T. MD
Practice #: 01317854
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Gage, James T. MD
Practice #: 00820304
Treats patients ages 7 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 7 años en adelante
4102 24th St Ste 404
Lubbock 79410
(806) 793-5683
M-F 8am-4pm/
Sa 9am-11am
Gender: Male
Garrett, James S. MD
Practice #: 02994122
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
416 Frankford Ave
Lubbock 79416
(806) 725-5480
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hadzic, Daniel B. MD
Practice #: 02994125
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hanna, John B. DO
Practice #: 02994562
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hannel, Jeffrey W. MD
Practice #: 01609742
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Haynes, Jamie L. MD
Practice #: 01399619
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2860
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hendershot, Kerry L. MD
Practice #: 01315819
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 225-9444
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9563
Sa 9am-5pm/
M-F 8am-7pm/
Su 12pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Henry, Melissa K. MD
Practice #: 01612953
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hill, Damon H. MD*
Practice #: 01297264
3516 22nd Pl
Lubbock 79410
(806) 797-3322
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hood, Dwight D. MD*
Practice #: 01214725
5520 4th St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 761-0475
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hood, Patricia C. MD
Practice #: 01360226
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2860
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Klein, Kelly L. MD
Practice #: 01438575
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-1100
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Landry, Joel B. MD*
Practice #: 01445615
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
5915 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-3000
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Lear, Kye B. MD*
Practice #: 01619532
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 792-8843
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
5915 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-3000
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gender: Male
Jacinto, Rochelle MD
Practice #: 02994576
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Leins, Edward J. DO
Practice #: 01680310
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 788-3306
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Khan, Abdul B. MD*
Practice #: 01249731
5520 4th St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 761-0475
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Lentz, Jason B. MD
Practice #: 01649309
4105 I-27
Lubbock 79404
(806) 762-2633
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Khan, Zaurez MD
Practice #: 02631484
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 775-8200
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Lindgren, Cherrylene A. DO
Practice #: 01443398
4105 I 27
Lubbock 79404
(806) 762-2633
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Linton, Kitten S. MD
Practice #: 01345685
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Fernandez, Emily MD
Practice #: 01665474
3502 9th St Ste 240
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0707
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Hanford, Patrick J. DO*
Practice #: 01657166
4000 22nd Place Ste 100
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-7070
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Page/Página 18
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Lubbock - Family Medicine/Medicina familiar
Long, David R. MD*
Practice #: 01443418
5130 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-9378
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ordonez, Robert L. MD
Practice #: 01451351
3709 22nd Pl Unit B
Lubbock 79410
(806) 797-2616
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Pena Jr, Mario MD*
Practice #: 01443594
5130 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-9378
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Roffers II, Gene M. DO
Practice #: 02060277
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Mankin, Sarah A. MD
Practice #: 03184362
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
Gender: Female
Owen, Jeffrey M. MD
Practice #: 01306150
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Prabhu, Fiona R. MD
Practice #: 01197302
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Rosalez, Missy N. MD
Practice #: 01868900
4004 82nd St Bldg 100
Lubbock 79423
(806) 747-3277
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd Ste 2400
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8410
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Price, Matthew M. ARNP
Practice #: 02624378
1910 Quaker Avenue Ste
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
M-Sa 9am-9pm/
Su 12pm-6pm
Gender: Male
Rose, Christopher R. MD
Practice #: 01657895
3709 22nd Pl Ste A
Lubbock 79410
(806) 791-3999
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
May, Patti N. MD
Practice #: 01612982
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
McCarty, Elmore J. DO*
Practice #: 01302787
5520 4th St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 761-0475
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Mcdonald, James E. MD
Practice #: 01353223
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2848
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2860
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Mendez, Michael P. MD
Practice #: 01621784
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Moffitt, Suzelle L. MD
Practice #: 02038071
4002 22nd Street
Lubbock 79410
(806) 771-9050
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
416 Frankford Ave
Lubbock 79416
(806) 725-5480
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Paine, Carrie G. MD#
Practice #: 01304147
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9451
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Parmar, Kompal MD
Practice #: 02043654
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8490
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Paxton, Jeff W. MD
Practice #: 01443230
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Peck, Elizabeth K. MD
Practice #: 10052427
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Purdy, Tyson C. MD
Practice #: 01963773
7301 Milwaukee Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 761-0464
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Qubti, Wael F. MD
Practice #: 01612993
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ragain, Roger M. MD
Practice #: 01376376
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Rector-Wright, Ruth K. DO
Practice #: 01897066
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4601 S Loop 289
Lubbock 79424
(806) 771-7879
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Schmidt, Rita E. MD
Practice #: 01443319
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2848
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Schoor, Kourtney MD
Practice #: 02858753
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79413
(806) 761-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Scott, Karen J. DO
Practice #: 03774834
2424 50th St Ste 202
Lubbock 79412
(806) 776-0891
Gender: Female
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Shanklin, Christopher L. MD
Practice #: 01917615
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 7:30am-5pm
Gender: Male
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 19
Lubbock - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Toor, Nadia N. MD
Practice #: 02631268
3502 9th St Ste 110
Lubbock 79415
(806) 762-8461
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sikes, Amy R. MD
Practice #: 02423575
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 788-3306
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Tran, Marbella Z. MD
Practice #: 01445819
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Skinner, Derek I. MD
Practice #: 01339684
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
5915 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-3000
Sa 9am-1pm/
M-F 8am-6pm
Gender: Female
7601 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9603
M-F 8am-7pm/
Su 12pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Smoot, Jennifer L. MD
Practice #: 02631830
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Suit, Carol T. MD
Practice #: 01306152
4102 24th St Ste 300
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6905
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Gender: Female
Texas Tech Physicians of
Lubbock - Family Medicine*
Practice #: 01306388
3601 4th St Pavilion Fl 1
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
Tiemann, Kirk J. MD*
Practice #: 01443916
5219 City Bank Pkwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 761-0334
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Tyler, Cheryl M. MD
Practice #: 03027083
10507 Quaker Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79424
(806) 788-0040
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Vermillion, David L. MD
Practice #: 01307729
3615 19th St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-1011
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Villarreal, Miguel R. MD
Practice #: 01443521
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Wall, Jalyn D. RN
Practice #: 01443234
3502 9th St Ste 240
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0707
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wolboldt, Clinton G. MD
Practice #: 10077201
1910 Quaker Ave Ste 101
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
SaSu 9am-6pm/
M-F 9am-9pm
Gender: Male
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Woods, Kristin D. PA
Practice #: 01443151
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wright, David L. DO
Practice #: 01897266
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Yates, Marissa R. MD*
Practice #: 01443188
5130 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-9378
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Onger, Frederick R. MD
Practice #: 01058174
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2770
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Adams, Cynthia L. RN
Practice #: 01451425
3601 22nd St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 796-7193
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Allen, Cathy L. RN
Practice #: 01339904
1307 Martin Luther King Blvd
Lubbock 79403
(806) 749-3800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
302 N University Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 749-3803
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Archer, Jodie R. RN
Practice #: 01441893
4102 24th St Ste 409
Lubbock 79410
(806) 743-7700
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Berryhill, Marion L. RN
Practice #: 01441187
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Bolyard, Vanessa L. NP
Practice #: 03026895
4403 6th St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 791-1122
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Brady, Curtis W. NP
Practice #: 02824806
1910 Quaker Ave Ste 101
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Bruce, Kellie E. RN*
Practice #: 01453432
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
W-F 8am-10pm/
MTu 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Campbell, Amy K. NP
Practice #: 02631843
Arabic, Spanish
3509 22nd St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 799-7928
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Sheets, Randall MD
Practice #: 01885362
3601 4th St Stop 8105
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2898
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Page/Página 20
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Lubbock - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Carlile, Michelle NP
Practice #: 02631265
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Couch, Jason NP
Practice #: 03099161
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Fant, Rebecca NP
Practice #: 01917288
3502 9th St Ste 240
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0707
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hettler, Melissa G. RN
Practice #: 01443033
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Carter, Neill M. RN
Practice #: 01449099
4321 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 797-2139
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Gender: Male
Cox, Kari NP*
Practice #: 01705648
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Flathouse, Emily NP
Practice #: 01914572
4105 I-27
Lubbock 79404
(806) 762-2633
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Holmes, Maddie NP
Practice #: 02616368
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Cox, Vivian V. NP
Practice #: 02538337
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Galey, Jennifer NP
Practice #: 01914586
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Johnson, Judith F. RN
Practice #: 01442897
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2860
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Garcia, Juan R. RN
Practice #: 01707735
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Jones, Kara L. RN
Practice #: 01345801
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 775-9315
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Gard, Ruth A. NP
Practice #: 02677556
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
M-W 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Lee, Christy NP
Practice #: 01914613
1701 50th St
Lubbock 79412
(806) 761-0429
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ginn, Stacy L. RN
Practice #: 01291259
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 712-0167
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Castaneda, Joanna W. NP
Practice #: 03401395
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Gender: Female
Chavez, Melinda K. NP
Practice #: 03401596
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Gender: Female
4321 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 797-2139
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Cole, Kevin J. NP
Practice #: 01718450
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Cornwell, Darlene M. NP
Practice #: 01788784
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Donaldson, Ashley L. NP
Practice #: 01613006
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Dora, Amanda B. NP
Practice #: 01612936
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Durham, Heather R. NP
Practice #: 03135693
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Durham, Patricia A. RN
Practice #: 01264473
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Durrett, Laura G. RN
Practice #: 01737253
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Grant, Annalee M. APNP*
Practice #: 01453651
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gutierrez, Kimberlee C. NP*
Practice #: 01784363
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Lloyd, Roxanne M. NP
Practice #: 01421053
Treats patients ages 19 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 19 años
1301 Redbud Ave
Lubbock 79403
(806) 749-3800
M-F 8:30am-11:30am/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
302 N University Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 749-3803
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Gender: Female
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 21
Lubbock - Family Practice Nurse Prac/Enfermera profesional de medicina familiar
Mandrell, Cody R. RN
Practice #: 01443450
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
5219 City Bank Pkwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 761-0334
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Mcmahan, Macy D. RN
Practice #: 01443481
3502 9th St
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0747
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Mello, Inola T. RN
Practice #: 01645488
3601 4th St Stop 7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2848
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Merrill, Emily S. RN
Practice #: 01443095
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Palmer, Alberta J. NP
Practice #: 01862129
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Perez, Patricia A. NP
Practice #: 02845307
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Price, Mark M. NP
Practice #: 01856313
4105 I-27
Lubbock 79404
(806) 762-2633
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Price, Matthew M. ARNP
Practice #: 02624378
1910 Quaker Avenue Ste
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
M-Sa 9am-9pm/
Su 12pm-6pm
Gender: Male
Reast, Ruan MSN
Practice #: 02075138
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Reynolds, Mark E. RN
Practice #: 01264240
3712 22nd St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 795-5561
M-F 9am-6pm
Gender: Male
Risdon, Lindsey N. NP
Practice #: 01942308
1701 50th St
Lubbock 79412
(806) 761-0429
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Shipp, Verna K. NP*
Practice #: 01663431
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 722-3180
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Slavik, Stacey L. NP
Practice #: 01856086
1950 Aspen Ave
Lubbock 79404
(806) 740-1440
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Stice, Jamie R. NP*
Practice #: 01705670
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Swindoll, Jeanine B. NP
Practice #: 03401521
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
W-F 8am-10pm/
MTu 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Taylor, Lisa J. NP
Practice #: 01609108
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 788-3306
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Thompson, Amanda NP
Practice #: 03416856
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
Gender: Female
Tibbets, Gay A. RN
Practice #: 01440281
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Tyler-Hayes, Kelli C. RN
Practice #: 01442701
7008 Indiana Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79413
(806) 698-8088
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Walker, Darla K. NP
Practice #: 02824601
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9900
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wall, Jalyn D. RN
Practice #: 01443234
3502 9th St Ste 240
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0707
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Welch, Georgeanna L. RN
Practice #: 01451871
3502 22nd St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 799-4192
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Williams, Jennifer H. NP
Practice #: 01856161
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wines, Kendall D. NP
Practice #: 02392167
2703 82nd Street
Lubbock 79423
(806) 788-3306
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wischkaemper, Tabra D. NP
Practice #: 02885698
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Gender: Female
Zube, Stacey L. NP
Practice #: 03099151
7301 Milwaukee Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 761-0464
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Martinez, Robert L. RN
Practice #: 01443463
5022 Avenue Q
Lubbock 79412
(806) 762-3597
M-Th 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Polly, Mika NP
Practice #: 03427898
3502 9th Street Suite 110
Lubbock 79415
(806) 762-8461
Gender: Female
Page/Página 22
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Lubbock - Federally Qualified Health Ctr/Centro de salud calificado federalmente
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Arnett-Benson Medical &
Dental Clinic
Practice #: 01384311
3301 Clovis Rd
Lubbock 79415
(806) 765-2611
M-F 9am-5pm
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Chatman Community
Health Ctr
Practice #: 01396779
2301 Cedar Ave
Lubbock 79404
(806) 749-0024
M-F 9am-5pm
CHCL Mobile Medical Unit*
Practice #: 01609405
1610 5th Street
Lubbock 79401
(806) 765-2611
M-F 9am-5pm
Community H C of Lubbock
Practice #: 01654562
5424 19th St Ste 200
Lubbock 79407
(806) 722-4453
M-F 9am-5pm
Community Health Ctr of
Practice #: 01266355
1610 5th Street
Lubbock 79401
(806) 765-2611
M-F 9am-5pm
Community Health Ctr of
Lubbock 96 W
Practice #: 01670586
2401 Fulton Ave Apt B
Lubbock 79407
(806) 776-4943
M-F 9am-5pm
Larry Combest Community
Health and Wellness Center
Practice #: 01423864
301 40th St
Lubbock 79404
(806) 743-9355
MTu 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-6pm/
W-F 8am-10pm
Parkway Community Health
Practice #: 01440388
406 Martin Luther King Blvd
Lubbock 79403
(806) 767-9744
M-F 9am-5pm
Geriatric Medicine/
Medicina geriátrica
Cook, Ronald L. DO
Practice #: 01327221
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2860
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Balch, Michael T. MD
Practice #: 01421909
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
2412 50th St
Lubbock 79412
(806) 788-4000
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Baldwin, John C. MD*
Practice #: 01442001
Romanian, Spanish
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2966
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Batra, Swaran L. MD
Practice #: 01161188
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-4014
M-F 8am-5pm/
Su 1pm-5pm/
Sa 9am-2pm
Gender: Female
Bigit Milla, Walter MD
Practice #: 02043398
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Bisbee, Robert MD*
Practice #: 01441212
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 722-7400
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Brenner, John F. MD
Practice #: 01735286
3506 21st St Ste 605
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4130
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Buscemi, Dolores M. MD
Practice #: 01379805
Romanian, Spanish
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Chen, Hua MD
Practice #: 01442462
Romanian, Spanish
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-3150
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Cobbs, Lauren S. MD
Practice #: 01442466
Spanish, Romanian
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Dawson, Brittany N. MD
Practice #: 02043442
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9940
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Dihenia, Chanda S. MD
Practice #: 03026982
10507 Quaker Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79424
(806) 788-0040
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3619 22nd Pl
Lubbock 79410
(806) 771-7720
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Durham, Patricia A. RN
Practice #: 01264473
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Eckert, Lindsay J. PA
Practice #: 01441738
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 775-8600
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Edwards, David S. MD
Practice #: 01419827
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79403
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-1177
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Farthing, Vernon C. MD
Practice #: 01301942
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
4004 82nd St Bldg 100
Lubbock 79423
(806) 747-3277
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ferguson, Angela G. DO
Practice #: 01911227
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd Ste 3400
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8765
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Grant III, William N. MD
Practice #: 01991730
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 23
Lubbock - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Henderson, Richard A. MD
Practice #: 01311855
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
9812 Slide Rd Ste 2200
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8400
Sa 9am-2pm/
Su 1am-5pm/
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hinshaw, Luke R. MD*
Practice #: 01265529
3502 9th St Ste 210
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Jenkins, Marjorie R. MD
Practice #: 01895443
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Marin, Luisa F. MD
Practice #: 01653387
Romanian, Spanish
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
McCarthy, Justin H. MD
Practice #: 03026889
2424 50th St Ste 100
Lubbock 79412
(806) 761-0722
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
McDonald, Rebecca N. MD
Practice #: 01443006
Spanish, Romanian
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Mittal, Neha MD
Practice #: 01295992
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Mittal, Piyush MD
Practice #: 01065309
Hindi, Spanish
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
3801 50th St Ste 5
Lubbock 79413
(806) 725-7700
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Mulkey, Zachary P. MD
Practice #: 01315261
Romanian, Spanish
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Nath, Tapan K. MD
Practice #: 01155573
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-1950
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
O'Reilly Flores, Daphne S.
Practice #: 02043578
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Owens, Bruce A. DO
Practice #: 02993165
10507 Quaker Ave Ste A
Lubbock 79424
(806) 788-0040
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Patel, Nilesh D. MD
Practice #: 01445711
1910 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-4440
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
9812 Slide Rd Ste 2400
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-9900
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Phy, Michael P. DO
Practice #: 01283599
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Pirtle, Floyd E. MD
Practice #: 01654023
Treats patients ages 13 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 13 años en adelante
3502 9th St Ste110
Lubbock 79415
(806) 762-8461
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Popat, Shital MD
Practice #: 02774546
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
2107 Oxford Ave Ste 300
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
416 Frankford Ave
Lubbock 79416
(806) 725-5480
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ranganath, Ramakrishnan
Practice #: 02038038
2412 50th St
Lubbock 79412
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ravi, Hima B. MD
Practice #: 01254853
Treats patients ages 16 &
over/Atiende a pacientes
de 16 años en adelante
3516 22nd Pl
Lubbock 79410
(806) 797-3322
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Rodriguez, Enrique MD
Practice #: 01205408
1902 50th St
Lubbock 79412
(806) 687-6336
MTuThF 1pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Saleem, Kashif MD
Practice #: 01737246
3502 9th St Ste 110
Lubbock 79415
(806) 762-8461
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Sattar, Shamima MD
Practice #: 03094981
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Snodgrass, Brad MD
Practice #: 01946513
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
3801 50th St
Lubbock 79413
(806) 771-5500
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Soriano, Mark H. MD*
Practice #: 01447863
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 722-7400
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Hines, Kathryn M. MD
Practice #: 01268256
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Mitchell, Teddy L. MD
Practice #: 01443131
Romanian, Spanish
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Page/Página 24
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Lubbock - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Stachowiak, Janice A. MD
Practice #: 01443387
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Stewart, Holly S. MD
Practice #: 02425591
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
9812 Slide Rd Ste 3400
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Tarafdar, Kaiser R. MD
Practice #: 01274503
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
4102 24th St Ste 409
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-7015
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Texas Tech Physicians of
Lubbock - Internal
Practice #: 01332546
3601 4th St Pavilion Fl 2
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
Warmoth, Larry A. MD
Practice #: 01272337
3801 21st St Ste 200
Lubbock 79410
(806) 687-0338
M-F 8am-12pm/
M-F 1pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Winn, Richard E. MD*
Practice #: 01363579
Romanian, Spanish
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Yarbrough, Shannon D. MD
Practice #: 01332548
Romanian, Spanish
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3150
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Blann, David W. MD
Practice #: 10035869
2102 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6963
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Gender: Male
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Broome, Edward L. MD
Practice #: 01259959
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
4102 24th St Ste 300
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6977
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Gender: Male
Burkholder, Duncan M. MD
Practice #: 01875478
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
4102 24th St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6280
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Coon, Amber M. MD
Practice #: 03271080
4403 6th St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 791-1122
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Devine, Susan R. MD
Practice #: 01412345
4403 6th St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 791-1122
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hatton, Amanda B. MD
Practice #: 01384215
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4102 24th St Ste 300
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6430
F 8am-12pm/
M-Th 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Killeen, Joseph K. MD
Practice #: 01156212
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
4102 24th St Ste 502
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6745
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Gender: Male
Lampkin, Douglas A. MD
Practice #: 01974630
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
3825 22nd Pl
Lubbock 79410
(806) 791-2305
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Owen, Jennifer M. MD
Practice #: 10063660
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
2215 Nashville Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6625
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Owen, Michael F. MD
Practice #: 01315635
2102 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-7878
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Sahinler, Michelle D. MD
Practice #: 01781266
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Smith, Charles R. DO*
Practice #: 01897049
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Suit, Carol T. MD
Practice #: 01306152
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4102 24th St Ste 300
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-6905
M-Th 8am-5pm/
F 8am-12pm
Gender: Female
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Butler, Pamela A. NP
Practice #: 01788780
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Castillo, Maribel NP
Practice #: 02824036
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-6624
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
2102 Oxford Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-7878
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 25
Lubbock - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Esquibel, Karen A. NP*
Practice #: 01442064
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5219 City Bank Pkwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 761-0334
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
5502 Auburn St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 771-7257
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Harvey, Megan E. NP
Practice #: 01857759
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2244
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Lloyd, Roxanne M. NP
Practice #: 10070224
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Reeves, Shawn M. NP*
Practice #: 01444702
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 775-8828
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
302 N University Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 749-3803
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7335
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Adams, Cacey L. MD
Practice #: 01874584
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-7337
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Agrawal, Vikram MD
Practice #: 03099897
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Alkul, Mohamad J. MD
Practice #: 01224971
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
3802 21st St Ste B
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4630
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Arandia-Antelo, Luis F. MD
Practice #: 10042579
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4020 21st St Ste 2
Lubbock 79410
(806) 792-2847
M-F 9am-6pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Brodbeck, Joel T. DO*
Practice #: 10013347
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
5215 96th St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 780-6868
W 8am-12pm/
MTuThF 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Brown, Gary S. DO
Practice #: 01804901
Treats patients ages 19 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 19 años
1307 Martin Luther King Blvd
Lubbock 79403
(806) 749-3800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
302 N University Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 749-3803
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7335
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Camp, Tammy M. MD
Practice #: 10043075
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Conser, Carole E. MD
Practice #: 01316469
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Couch, Robert E. MD*
Practice #: 01346658
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 793-7257
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Ezell, Jennifer M. ARNP
Practice #: 01326916
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5130 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-9378
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Toon, Molly F. ARNP
Practice #: 01476765
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
1307 Martin Luther King Blvd
Lubbock 79403
(806) 749-3800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Page/Página 26
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Lubbock - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Dalton, Jeremy R. MD#
Practice #: 01288096
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Practice #: 03856289
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-7337
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Black
4404 19th St Ste C
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-7750
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Edwards, David S. MD
Practice #: 01419827
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79403
(806) 743-2757
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Dalton, Vanessa A. MD
Practice #: 01410334
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
4404 19th St Ste C
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-7750
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Davies, Summer D. MD
Practice #: 01874054
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-7337
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
3601 4th St # Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-1177
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Esquibel, Karen A. NP*
Practice #: 01442064
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5502 Auburn St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 771-7257
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Gonzales, Arnulfo G. MD
Practice #: 01442763
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St Ms7208
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2860
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Gragowski, Lindsay A. MD
Practice #: 01442775
Treats patients ages 18 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 18 años
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Desoto, Autum L. MD
Practice #: 01879348
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7335
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
4404 19th St Ste C
Lubbock 79407
(806) 725-7750
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Gray, David A. DO
Practice #: 01445468
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
4102 24th St Ste 506
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-5500
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hill, Jennifer L. DO
Practice #: 01862650
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Klepper, Douglas MD*
Practice #: 01212825
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 793-7257
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Guetersloh, Amanda M. MD*
Practice #: 01056831
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5215 96th St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 780-6868
Th 8am-12pm/
M-WF 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Kramer, Kevin E. MD
Practice #: 02994618
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Hanson, Holly L. MD
Practice #: 10035851
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Landry, Cheryl C. MD*#
Practice #: 01053824
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5215 96th St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 780-6868
MTuThF 8am-5pm/
W 8am-12pm
Gender: Female
4102 24th St Ste 506
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-5500
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hart, Merry B. MD*
Practice #: 02384187
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Majors, Caroline T. MD
Practice #: 01074654
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-6550
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 27
Lubbock - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Masters, Amanda S. MD
Practice #: 01442889
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 775-8200
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
6630 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Motheral, Lesley C. MD
Practice #: 01443148
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Nunez, Shaughn M. MD
Practice #: 02070184
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Peera, Fateh MD
Practice #: 03502952
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St Lubbock
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2898
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Nur, Marcela M. MD
Practice #: 01443186
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7335
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Pandya, Yogesh J. MD
Practice #: 01041701
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
4102 24th St Ste 505
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-8240
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Pankratz, Michal M. MD
Practice #: 01443218
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3205 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Pendergrass, Desiree B. MD
Practice #: 01155505
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Phillips, Rebekah G. MD
Practice #: 01862711
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Pomeroy, Brian J. MD
Practice #: 01759874
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Pomeroy, Lisa M. MD*
Practice #: 02070189
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
6603 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Raghuram, Nandkishore B.
Practice #: 01798295
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Asian or Pacific
3606 21st Ste 103
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4425
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Asian or Pacific
Rogers, Karen L. MD*
Practice #: 01168258
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5502 Auburn St
Lubbock 79416
(806) 771-7257
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Roy-Shome, Itakana D. MD
Practice #: 01244700
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8447
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Scott, Robert W. MD
Practice #: 01192655
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
McLaurin, Latisha R. MD
Practice #: 01874607
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
6630 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Page/Página 28
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Lubbock - Pediatrics/Pediatría
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Soriano, Karen T. MD*
Practice #: 01445786
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd Ste 2100
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8430
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Vuelvas, Juan J. MD
Practice #: 01413251
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
5022 Avenue Q
Lubbock 79412
(806) 762-3597
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Westerberg, Jake W. DO
Practice #: 02791317
Treats patients ages 21 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 21 años
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-1000
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
9812 Slide Rd
Lubbock 79424
(806) 725-8690
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Todd, Christopher S. MD
Practice #: 01856244
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 775-9291
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Wilson, Golder N. MD
Practice #: 01063867
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Valdez, Nancy MD
Practice #: 10036806
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-2898
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Wright, Amber L. MD
Practice #: 02766789
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-2898
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
6630 Quaker Ave Ste C
Lubbock 79413
(806) 722-2344
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Zeitouni, Nawal S. MD*
Practice #: 01443179
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 793-7257
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Boomer, Judith A. PA
Practice #: 02865588
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 725-4800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Caporale, Ronald S. PA
Practice #: 01689132
1701 50th St
Lubbock 79412
(806) 761-0429
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 788-3306
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Dennis, Melynda G. PA
Practice #: 01914506
7202 Slide Rd Ste 100
Lubbock 79424
(806) 749-2263
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Dominguez, Jeremy D. PA
Practice #: 01437453
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Dooley, Lex D. PA
Practice #: 01911392
3502 9th St Ste 130
Lubbock 79415
(806) 743-1188
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7335
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
4004 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 743-7800
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
6630 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79413
(806) 743-7660
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Eckert, Lindsay J. PA
Practice #: 01441738
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 775-8600
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Enabnit, Natalie C. PA*
Practice #: 01442045
7202 Slide Rd Ste 100
Lubbock 79424
(806) 749-2263
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Green, Megan B. PA
Practice #: 01442938
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 761-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-7223
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hargrove, Gail PA
Practice #: 02686235
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Hunter, Ashley R. PA
Practice #: 01737143
3502 9th St Ste 110
Lubbock 79415
(806) 762-8461
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Page/Página 29
Plainview - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Nichols, Mackenzie D. PA
Practice #: 01443562
5219 City Bank Pkwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 761-0334
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Jubay, Lynette K. PA*
Practice #: 01443152
7202 Slide Rd Ste 100
Lubbock 79424
(806) 749-2263
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Nieto, Jamie A. PA*
Practice #: 01443567
7501 Quaker Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 792-8843
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Kemp, Melissa L. PA*
Practice #: 01689120
5015 University Ave
Lubbock 79413
(806) 797-4357
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Owen, Julie PA
Practice #: 01705664
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Lampe, Janice H. PA
Practice #: 01942327
1701 50th St
Lubbock 79412
(806) 761-0429
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
2703 82nd St
Lubbock 79423
(806) 761-0428
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Leist, Jessica S. PA
Practice #: 01440055
4105 I-27
Lubbock 79404
(806) 762-2633
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Marcum, Kathleen J. PA
Practice #: 01798296
2107 Oxford Ave
Lubbock 79410
(806) 723-6532
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
3801 21st St Ste 200
Lubbock 79410
(806) 687-0338
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Morman, Amanda PA
Practice #: 03135699
7301 Milwaukee Ave
Lubbock 79424
(806) 761-0464
Gender: Female
Rynearson, Matthew D. PA
Practice #: 02824220
3601 4th St
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-7337
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Tippy, Amy PA
Practice #: 02777093
3502 9th St Ste 430
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-1171
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Woods, Kristin D. PA
Practice #: 01443151
3502 9th St Ste 170
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Moyer, Christa NP
Practice #: 01665524
524 E 8th St
Olton 79064
(806) 285-2633
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Family Medicine/Medicina
Hendershot, Kerry L. MD
Practice #: 02763939
2601 Dimmitt Rd
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-5531
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Horton, Kenneth C. MD#
Practice #: 01463176
1806 Quincy St
Plainview 79072
(806) 288-7891
M-F 8:30am-7pm/
Sa 9am-12pm
Gender: Male
Mcclanahan, Mark L. DO#
Practice #: 10036291
1806 Quincy St
Plainview 79072
(806) 288-7891
Sa 9am-12pm/
M-F 8:30am-7pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Ontai, Sidney C. MD
Practice #: 01349252
2606 Yonkers St Ste 4
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-8561
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Rector-Wright, Ruth K. MD
Practice #: 00802954
2222 W 24th St
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
2222 W 24th Unit 6
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Female
Watkins, Jon R. MD
Practice #: 03792172
1806 Quincy St
Plainview 79072
(806) 288-7891
Gender: Male
Wright, David L. DO#
Practice #: 01249575
2222 W 24th St
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-WF 8am-5pm/
Th 8am-12pm
Gender: Male
2222 W 24th Unit 6
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
2606 Yonkers St
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-7899
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Crowson, Sammy W. MD
Practice #: 02387766
1208 N Interstate 27
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-2444
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ross, Casey L. RN
Practice #: 01707729
1208 N Interstate 27
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-2444
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Federally Qualified Health
Ctr/Centro de salud
calificado federalmente
Regence Health Network
Practice #: 01449427
2601 Dimmitt Rd Ste 101,
102, 104
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-2270
M-Th 8am-5:30pm/
F 8am-2pm
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Lara, Sergio A. MD
Practice #: 01448476
2222 W 24th St
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Treats patients of all ages unless otherwise noted/Atiende pacientes de todas las edades;
amenos de que lo indique de otra manera
Days of the week/Dias de la semana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Jeffreys, Heidi M. PA
Practice #: 01306789
3502 9th St Ste 210
Lubbock 79415
(806) 744-0566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Page/Página 30
STAR Primary Care Providers/Proveedores de cuidado
Plainview - Internal Medicine/Medicina interna
Manson, Paul MD
Practice #: 03369205
1208 N Interstate
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-2444
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Smith, Charles R. DO*
Practice #: 01897049
2222 W 24th St Unit 6
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-F 8am-5pm
Gender: Male
STAR Primary Care Providers
Proveedores de cuidado primario
Wolf, Bernhard J. MD
Practice #: 01053833
Treats patients ages 20 &
under/Atiende a pacientes
hasta los 20 años
2222 W 24th St
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Ruiz Jr, Antonio PA
Practice #: 01650941
1208 N Interstate 27
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-2444
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Sue, Brandon J. PA*
Practice #: 01665579
1208 N I-27
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-2444
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Plainview Rural Health
Practice #: 01344146
2222 W 24th St Ste 6
Plainview 79072
(806) 293-5113
M-F 8am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Anderson, Orson A. MD
Practice #: 01985448
1104 N Avenue S
Post 79356
(806) 495-2853
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Nichols, Mackenzie D. PA
Practice #: 01443562
130 N 7th St
Slaton 79364
(806) 828-5822
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Frankls, Shane M. RN
Practice #: 01662871
1104 N Avenue S
Post 79356
(806) 495-2853
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Hannaway, Angela M. PA
Practice #: 01443030
1104 N Avenue S
Post 79356
(806) 495-2853
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Family Medicine/Medicina
Bolyard, Vanessa L. RN
Practice #: 01439885
1502 12th St Ste A
Shallowater 79363
(806) 832-4566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Carreon, Brian K. MD
Practice #: 01644292
1502 12th St Ste A
Shallowater 79363
(806) 832-4566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Slaton Family Medical
Practice #: 01645867
235 W Garza St Ste B
Slaton 79364
(806) 828-1600
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Hughes III, Charles V. MD
Practice #: 01642867
209 E Richardson
Sundown 79372
(806) 229-3229
M-F 10:30am-12pm/
Tu-F 3:30pm-5pm/
M 3pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Family Medicine of
Practice #: 01452746
209 E Richardson St
Sundown 79372
(806) 229-3229
MWF 9am-5pm/
TuTh 1:30pm-3:30pm
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Hammonds, Shannon R. NP*
Practice #: 01627015
2600 Lockwood St
Tahoka 79373
(806) 998-4544
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White (NonHispanic)
Rural Health Clinic/Clínica
de salud rural
Tulia Rural Health Clinic
Practice #: 01673756
105 Hospital Ave
Tulia 79088
(806) 995-4122
M-F 9am-5pm
Family Medicine/Medicina
Addington, Charles E. DO
Practice #: 01649305
502 E Highway 62
Wolfforth 79382
(806) 866-0158
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Family Practice Nurse
profesional de medicina
Thompson, Amanda NP
Practice #: 03416856
502 N Dowden Rd Ste 105
Wolfforth 79382
(806) 725-6885
Gender: Female
Family Medicine/Medicina
Physician Assistant/
Asistente médico
Freitag, Donald C. MD#
Practice #: 01442660
2600 Lockwood St
Tahoka 79373
(806) 998-4544
M-F 8:30am-12pm/
MTuThF 1:30pm-5pm
Gender: Male
Turner, Johnny M. PA*
Practice #: 01331569
502 E Highway 62
Wolfforth 79382
(806) 866-0158
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Male
Bolyard, Vanessa L. RN
Practice #: 01439885
1502 12th St Ste A
Shallowater 79363
(806) 832-4566
M-F 9am-5pm
Gender: Female
#Provides Texas Health Steps services/proporciona servicios de Texas Health Steps
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 31
Description of Physician Specialties
Descripción de especialidades de medico
CardiothoracicSurgery(OperationsoftheHeartandChest) Cirugíacardiotorácica (cirugíadelcorazónydelpecho)
Page/Página 32
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Amarillo - Allergy/Immunology/Alergias/Inmunología
Griffith, Melissa E. RN
Saadeh, Constantine K. MD
Anatomic Pathology/
Patología anatómica
Regueira, Oswald MD
Hickman, Thomas J. MD
Merriman, Thomas E. MD
Williamson, John B. MD
Anesthetist, Nurse/
Anestesista, enfermera
Ormson, Kerry D. AUDI
STAR Specialists
Abdalla, Ismaile S. MD
Agostini, Anthony J. MD
Allison III, Walter M. MD
Assadourian, Assadour K.
Brabham, David G. DO
Agustin MD
Chaffin, Ronald L. MD
Chu, Alfred A. MD
Cox, Sammy L. MD
Desai, Prakash K. MD
Haddad, Jon L. MD
Hernandez-Lattuf, Pedro R.
Martinez-Arraras, Joaquin
Moreau, Marc MD
Nambiar, Rajesh MD
Neelagaru, Suresh B. MD
Osborn, Joel C. MD
Ray, Arunava D. MD
Rivera, Ernesto MD
Slatton, Monte L. MD
Soya, D (Gary) G. MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Abdalla, Ismaile S. MD
Brabham, David G. DO
Agustin MD
Chaffin, Ronald L. MD
Chu, Alfred A. MD
Cox, Sammy L. MD
Desai, Prakash K. MD
Haddad, Jon L. MD
Hernandez-Lattuf, Pedro R.
Jewell, Coty W. MD
Martinez-Arraras, Joaquin
Moreau, Marc MD
Nambiar, Rajesh MD
Osborn, Joel C. MD
Ray, Arunava D. MD
Rivera, Ernesto MD
Slatton, Monte L. MD
Soya, D (Gary) G. MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Ashley, Cherie R. NP
Baker, Jennifer L. NP
Baltz, Susan A. NP
Dean, Margaret M. RN
DeLoach, Derrell D. NP
Devine, Katherine R. NP
Fithen, Dawn M. NP
Griffith, Melissa E. RN
Gutierrez, Robert S. NP
Gutierrez, Susan C. NP
Henry, Katherine A. NP
Hernandez, Sandra RN
Hunley, April A. MSN
Leathers, Erica D. NP
Link, Mary Alana NP
Loomis, Elena C. NP
McMillian, Caron S. NP
Nefstead, Barbara M. RN
Parker, Diana L. RN
Perrien, Craig L. NP
Reel, Julie K. RN
Saunders, Paula G. NP
Welch, Tanya D. NP
Andrews, Randolph J. DC
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Abdalla, Ismaile S. MD
Gallinghouse JR, Gerald J.
Jewell, Coty W. MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Khasawneh, Faisal A. MD
Waller, Jack D. MD
Diagnostic Lab
de inmunología
Periman, Phillip O. MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Arenivas, Lova T. MD
Coscia, Jr, John L. MD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Dzik, John P. DO
Sames, Thomas A. MD
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Biggs, William C. MD
Dodson, Jr, Leornard E. MD
Jackson, III, Robert E. MD
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Hromas, Frank D. MD
Zahid, Abdul Rauf R. MD
Banwait, Kuldip S. MD
Beggs, Daniel A. MD
Lusby, James E. MD
Tekeste, Hagos MD
Thannoun, Abdul S. MD
General Preventive
Clinical Cytogenetics/
Citogenética clínica
Gross, Robert D. MD
Wilson, Golder N. MD
Soler-Alfonso, Claudia R.
Wilson, Golder N. MD
Clinical Genetics/Genética
Wilson, Golder N. MD
Clinical Nurse Specialist/
Especialista en enfermería
Alexander, Deanah I. RN
Nefstead, Barbara M. RN
Colon & Rectal Surgery/
Cirugía del colon y el recto
Obokhare, Izi D. MD
Geriatric Medicine/
Medicina geriátrica
Rankin, Ron K. MD
Geriatric Medicine Nurse
profesional de medicina
Blackwell, Courtney B. NP
Esler, William V. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Periman, Phillip O. MD
Reddy, Srini B. MD
Esler, William V. MD
Periman, Phillip O. MD
Reddy, Srini B. MD
Sharp, Stewart A. MD
Cox, Eric C. MD
Hospice and Palliative
Med/Medicina de hospicio
y paliativa
Cox, Eric C. MD
Lovelace, Akinyele K. MD
Martindale, James B. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Carlisle, Joseph T. MD
Khasawneh, Faisal A. MD
Milton, John S. MD
Naguib, Tarek H. MD
Rodriguez, Pablo S. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Abdalla, Ismaile S. MD
Ahmed, Md J. MD
Alapati, Srilatha MD
Allison III, Walter M. MD
Arche, Carlos A. MD
Banwait, Kuldip S. MD
Biggs, William C. MD
Bridges, Walter MD
Bush, Jon D D. MD
Byrd, Bill F. MD
Agustin MD
Carlisle, Joseph T. MD
Chaffin, Ronald L. MD
Chu, Alfred A. MD
Cox, Sammy L. MD
Daud Aguero, Benjamin Y.
DeMuth, Robert W. MD
Desai, Prakash K. MD
Dobler-Dixon, Amber A. MD
Dodson, Jr, Leornard E. MD
Esler, William V. MD
Giron, Milton A. MD
Gonzalez, Adan MD
Gulley, Christopher O. MD
Haddad, Jon L. MD
Hernandez-Lattuf, Pedro R.
Holland, William DO
Iheukwumere, Esther O. MD
Ismaael, Thayer G. MD
Page/Página 33
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Amarillo - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Interventional Cardiology/
Assadourian, Assadour K.
Chaffin, Ronald L. MD
Chu, Alfred A. MD
Haddad, Jon L. MD
Martinez-Arraras, Joaquin
Nambiar, Rajesh MD
Osborn, Joel C. MD
Slatton, Monte L. MD
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Holmes, Heather J. MD
Medical Oncology/
Esler, William V. MD
Forero, Leonardo MD
Periman, Phillip O. MD
Pruitt, Brian T. MD
Reddy, Srini B. MD
Neonatal Nurse
profesional neonatal
Young, Amanda A. NP
Sullivan, Carisa R. MSN
Tewari, Hena MD
Tullar, Jr, Paul E. MD
Vinson, Nika M. MD
Occupational Medicine/
Medicina ocupacional
Flagle, Judith R. MD
Subhani, Muhammad T. MD
Bledsoe, Kasia L. OT
Hall, Regan B. MS
Meyer, Thomas O. OT
Sinclair, Jessica M. OT
Williams, Tanya S. OT
Arawiran, Jenda M. MD
Naqvi, Mubariz MD
Giron, Milton A. MD
Gonzalez, Adan MD
Houseal, Luzma M. MD
Iheukwumere, Esther O. MD
Maliha, Georges M. MD
Naguib, Tarek H. MD
Sreenivasan, Chiyyarath V.
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Gentry, Jonathon B. MD
Paullus Jr, Wayne S. MD
Paullus, Wayne C. MD
Gowdagere, Shivaram K.
Lewis, Douglas E. DO
Milligan, Sean M. MD
Ryan, Michael G. MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Lebron, Diana D. MD
Nuclear Medicine/Medicina
Byrd, Bill F. MD
Jackson, III, Robert E. MD
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Kauffman, Robert P. MD
Sullivan, Carisa R. MSN
Winchester, Chad C. NP
Baker, Teresa E. MD
Gerard, Beverly MD
Hands, Martin A. MD
Hickman, Thomas J. MD
Holmes, Heather J. MD
Kauffman, Robert P. MD
Sethi, Usha MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Aragon II, Antonio V. MD
Crnic, Tracy C. MD
Dobler-Dixon, Amber A. MD
Gerald, Robert E. MD
Howell, John F. MD
Klein, John W. MD
McCarty, C Alan MD
Munden, Paul M. MD
Murrell, Walter (John) J. MD
Rush III, James A. MD
Rush, Ryan B. MD
Rush, Sloan W. MD
Weinberger, Bruce L. MD
Ysasaga, Jason E. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Albracht, Brendan C. DO
Albracht, Douglas A. DO
Bjork, Keith D. MD
Longhofer, Lisa K. MD
Manderson, Michael S. MD
North, Joshua D. MD
Risko, Timothy M. MD
Sims, John B. MD
Veazey, Bradley B. MD
Hale, William P. MD
Morgan, Staci MD
Schneider, Martin L. MD
Wright, Geoffrey L. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Haseloff, Brian J. MD
Merriman, Thomas E. MD
Williamson, John B. MD
Palliative Medicine/
Medicina paliativa
Cox, Eric C. MD
Stewart, Randy L. MD
Pathology - Anatomic/
Patología - anatómica
Regueira, Oswald MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Pediatric Cardiology/
Cardiología pediátrica
Alapati, Srilatha MD
Allender, James H. MD
Yarrabolu, Tharakanatha R.
Pediatric Critical Care
Med/Medicina de cuidado
crítico pediátrica
Bustos Munoz, Sergio MD
Habersang, Rolf W. MD
Levy, Eric N. MD
Raghuram, Nandkishore B.
Zuckerman, Samuel L. MD
Pediatric Endocrinology/
Endocrinología pediátrica
Lunsford, Alison J. MD
Johnson, Abiodun O. MD
Pediatric Hematology/
Oncología pediátrica
Regueira, Oswald MD
Turner, Curtis W. MD
Pediatric Nephrology/
Nefrología pediátrica
Adesanya, Olubukunola A.
Arawiran, Jenda M. MD
Naqvi, Mubariz MD
Subhani, Muhammad T. MD
Vasylyeva, Tetyana L. MD
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Meyers, Jane C. NP
O'Kelly, Shalea E. NP
Williams, Brenda L. NP
Pediatric Pulmonology/
Neumología pediátrica
Kanu, Adaobi C. MD
Pediatric Surgery/Cirugía
Meller, Janet L. MD
Nirgiotis, Jason G. MD
Adesanya, Olubukunola A.
Allender, James H. MD
Arawiran, Jenda M. MD
Bridges, Walter MD
Bustos Munoz, Sergio MD
Ellington, Susan E. MD
Griffin, Amanda D. MD
Habersang, Rolf W. MD
STAR Specialists
Jackson, III, Robert E. MD
Jenkins, Daniel G. MD
Jewell, Coty W. MD
Johnson, Abiodun O. MD
Jou Tindo, Adeline J. MD
Karim, Adnanul MD
Khasawneh, Faisal A. MD
Lamanteer, Michael J. MD
Lovelace, Akinyele K. MD
Lusby, James E. MD
Martindale, James B. MD
Milton, John S. MD
Moreau, Marc MD
Naguib, Tarek H. MD
Nambiar, Rajesh MD
Osborn, Joel C. MD
Periman, Phillip O. MD
Pham, Elizabeth H. MD
Plata, Carlos A. MD
Pruitt, Brian T. MD
Ray, Arunava D. MD
Rivera, Ernesto MD
Rodriguez, Pablo S. MD
Saeed, Qaiser MD
Sharp, Stewart A. MD
Slatton, Monte L. MD
SmirPva, Olga V. MD
Soya, D (Gary) G. MD
Sreenivasan, Chiyyarath V.
Stewart, Randy L. MD
Tekeste, Hagos MD
Thannoun, Abdul S. MD
Thomas, Ira Lee L. MD
Wan, Bang MD
Williams, Sheryl L. MD
Wolcott, Joseph J. MD
Yalamanchili, Kishan MD
Page/Página 34
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Amarillo - Pediatrics/Pediatría
Huang, Angela A. MD
Johnson, Abiodun O. MD
Kanu, Adaobi C. MD
Levy, Eric N. MD
Lunsford, Alison J. MD
Medford, Shari O. MD
Milner, Jennifer N. MD
Naqvi, Mubariz MD
Regueira, Oswald MD
Scott, Rebecca J. MD
Soler-Alfonso, Claudia R.
Subhani, Muhammad T. MD
Turner, Curtis W. MD
Vasylyeva, Tetyana L. MD
Veggeberg, Lisa E. MD
Wilson, Golder N. MD
Yarrabolu, Tharakanatha R.
Zuckerman, Samuel L. MD
para el desarrollo
Huang, Angela A. MD
STAR Specialists
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Gwozdz, John T. MD
Stafford, James H. MD
Zusman, Jaime MD
Chen, Ming MD
Plata, Carlos A. MD
Saadeh, Constantine K. MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Cantrell, Karlen J. BS
Chalfant, Gay MS
Day, Linda K. MA
Fuller-Jones, Heather D.
Johnson, Amber R. MSLP
Russell, Sara A. MSLP
Schaumburg, Amanda M.
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Bjork, Keith D. MD
Haseloff, Brian J. MD
Veggeberg, Neil R. MD
Physical Therapy/
Aydin, Huseyin N. MD
Dillman Jr, Richard D. MD
Fillmore, Anthony J. MD
Hands, Victor V. MD
Hansen, Nathan J. MD
Lary, Michael A. MD
McNeir, David G. MD
Meller, Janet L. MD
Misra, Subhasis MD
Nazim, Muhammad H. MD
Nirgiotis, Jason G. MD
Rodriguez, Manuel I. MD
Schnatz, John P. MD
Schneider, Brian M. MD
Shields, Marty W. MD
Ames, Melissa PT
Grady, Sue S. PT
Hale, Christopher T. PT
Hyatt, Kathleen K. PT
Leathers, Bret A. PT
Miller, Misty M. PT
Morgan, Gwen W. PT
Potter, Joan M. PT
San Jose, Maria Aiza P. PT
Watson, Mitchell D. PT
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Piskun, Mary A. MD
Crawford, Patrick R. DPM
Weis, Zak H. DPM
Psychosomatic Medicine/
Medicina psicosomática
Hussain, Mustafa MD
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Baker, Thomas B. MD
Bruton, Henry D. MD
Le, Long N. MD
Muniz, Sergio E. MD
Polk, Gary R. MD
Sigler, Mark MD
Vo, Thien T. MD
Surgery of the Hand/
Cirugía de manos
Longhofer, Lisa K. MD
Surgery, Cardiovascular/
Cirugía cardiovascular
Irwin, Chance L. MD
Jarrous, Ammar MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Al-Balbissi, Laith A. MBBS
Baay, Peter L. MD
Dillman Jr, Richard D. MD
Fillmore, Anthony J. MD
Galvan, Dan A. MD
Gutierrez, Robert S. MD
Hands, Victor V. MD
Hansen, Nathan J. MD
Harper, David S. MD
Holloway, Shane E. MD
Irwin, Chance L. MD
Langley, David C. MD
Lary, Michael A. MD
Layeequr Rahman,
Rakhshanda MD
McKinley, John P. MD
McNeir, David G. MD
Misra, Subhasis MD
Nazim, Muhammad H. MD
Nirgiotis, Jason G. MD
Obokhare, Izi D. MD
Peterson, Darren L. MD
Rodriguez, Manuel I. MD
Sames, Thomas A. MD
Santos, Ariel P. MD
Sbar, Alan D. MD
Schnatz, John P. MD
Schneider, Brian M. MD
Shields, Marty W. MD
Surgery, Oncologic/
Cirugía oncológica
Holloway, Shane E. MD
Misra, Subhasis MD
Surgical Critical Care/
Cirugía de cuidados
Meller, Janet L. MD
Therapeutic Radiology/
Radiología terapéutica
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Landers, Jr, Wilson H. MD
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Landers, Jr, Wilson H. MD
Cross, Brenda F. PHD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Crowell, Thomas W. NP
Doyal, Michael L. NP
Gutierrez, Robert S. NP
Hunley, April A. MSN
Welch, Tanya D. MS
Woodburn, Georjane T. NP
General Preventive
Gross, Robert D. MD
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Blanton, Debra J. PHD
Linke, Rebecca H. MS
Wallace, Ann S. MS
Wilson, Howard F. PHD
Stafford, James H. MD
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Alzeerah, Masoud A. MD
Baay, Peter L. MD
Lavelle, John P. MD
Wilkerson, Michael D. MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Dillman Jr, Richard D. MD
Hands, Victor V. MD
Langley, David C. MD
McNeir, David G. MD
Shields, Marty W. MD
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Barnes, Layne S. MD
Lampley, Joseph C. DO
Internal Medicine/Medicina
DeMuth, Robert W. MD
Lovelace, Akinyele K. DO
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Geriatric Medicine/
Medicina geriátrica
Gregg, John T. MD
Matos-serrano, Gregorio
Garrett-Price, Ivory C. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Garrett-Price, Ivory C. MD
Patel, Tanay M. MD
Rhoton, Joel S. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Kulkarni, Rishikesh P. MD
Physical Therapy/
Clark, Paul A. DPT
Redwine, Brittney R. PT
Page/Página 35
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Lubbock - Certified Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional certificada
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Weaver, Harry T. MD
Wiri, Weerachai MD
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Dansby, Thomas J. MD
Gray, Chad E. MD
Lavelle, John P. MD
Mcbride, Luke B. MD
Mercado, Thomas M. MD
Family Medicine
Specialist/Especialista en
medicina familiar
Lentz, Jason B. MD
Physical Therapy/
Onofre, Joe I. PT
Polimeru, Madhu PT
Beck, Suzanne A. MD
Herman, James J. MD
Shome, Goutam P. MD
Talusan-Garcia, Eileen S.
Tarbox, James A. MD
Dunn, Dale M. MD
Eastman, Ann R. MD
Graham, Suzanne C. MD
Labib, Safaa S. MD
Mamlok, Viviane MD
Mattison, Tanner L. MD
Mattison, Thomas R. MD
Stuart, Rodney W. MD
Tran, Ruc M. MD
Wachtel, Mitchell S. MD
Anatomic Pathology/
Patología anatómica
Warraich, Irfan A. MD
Andrews, Christina L. CRNA
Antohi, Octavian MD
Banister, Ronald E. MD
Bickford, Rodney D. CRNA
Blanchard, Lawrence D. MD
Bosscher, Hemmo A. MD
Chaudhuri, Kallol Q. MD
Chaudhuri, Swapna M. MD
Colvin, Jeffrey N. MD
Conlay, Lydia A. MD
Anesthetist, Nurse/
Anestesista, enfermera
Aguayo, Mario L. CRNA
Avalos, Helen M. CRNA
Ayala, Luis A. CRNA
Barnicle, Cynthia A. CRNA
Bender, Dee A. CRNA
Bickford, Rodney D. CRNA
Campbell, Gary CRNA
Celestine jr, Richard CRNA
Charpentier, April H. CRNA
Cook, Barbara CRNA
Davidson, Helen C. CRNA
Doctolero, Honey Mae B.
Fanning, Brian P. CRNA
Fincher, David B. CRNA
Forrest, Cerisa D. NP
Foster, Wesley L. CRNA
Gabriel, Julie A. CRNA
Hamrick, Cody D. CRNA
Harrison, Gary L. CRNA
Hassfield, Paul M. CRNA
Hodge-Hill, Shanetra CRNA
Holland, Sue A. CRNA
Howard, Brandon G. CRNA
Howell, Daniel B. CRNA
Huskey, Jenni J. CRNA
Jackson, Chet G. CRNA
Johnson, Kendrick C. CRNA
Jones, Melissa D. CRNA
Kanoklukul, Tamsak CRNA
Krenek, Debra L. CRNA
Lebedovych, Linda R. CRNA
Lewis, Margaret J. CRNA
Lilly, Tonya S. CRNA
Long, Joshua A. CRNA
Lopez, Sabino J. CRNA
Marquez, Genero H. CRNA
Martin, Joseph W. CRNA
Napuli, Roy A. CRNA
Nayigiziki, Jerome G. CRNA
Nick, Michael L. RN
Owers, Sarah A. CRNA
Petzold, Patricia M. CRNA
Putman, Deidre M. CRNA
Randolph, Julie D. CRNA
Ray, Stephen C. CRNA
Roberson, Connie S. CRNA
Romero, Jerome R. CRNA
Stark, Dantri R. CNS
Stevenson, Joshua D.
Stevenson, Nancy S. CRNA
Thompson, Derek CRNA
Vanginault, Gregory J.
Varghese, Sophia CRNA
Vaught, Tamara L. CRNA
Woods, Shivawn R. CRNA
Fischenich, Debra D. MSLP
Gustafson, Tori J. AUDI
Hicks, Candace B. PHD
LaFave, Dee A. MS
Lau, Marcy K. AUDI
Paschall, Darwin D. PHD
Reel, Leigh A. MA
Rodriguez, Amanda E. AUDI
Zimmerman, Catherine R.
Zupancic, Steven W. MS
Arvandi, Aliakbar MD
Attaya, Nabil M. MD
Borno, Mounir Y. MD
Bradley, Jason T. MD
Brogan III, Walter C. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Carothers, Curtis J. MD
Feroze, Hamid MD
Hassan, Mohammad R. MD
Jenkins, Leigh A. MD
Karkoutly, Ayman MD
Kurdi, Juam Y. MD
Levine, Marc J. MD
Meyerrose, Gary E. MD
Moss III, James B. MD
Nguyen, Hoa X. MD
Rizo-Patron, Carlos MD
Rizzo, Joseph A. MD
Sharif, M Alan MD
Shoukfeh, Mohammed F.
Shurmur, Scott MD
Solis, Roberto E. MD
Suarez, Jose A. MD
Walter, Paul D. MD
Wells, Guy A. MD
Wey, Robert J. MD
Wischmeyer, Jason B. MD
Zias, John MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Arvandi, Aliakbar MD
Attaya, Nabil M. MD
Bradley, Jason T. MD
Brogan III, Walter C. MD
Carothers, Curtis J. MD
Cervera, Aurelio R. MD
Grattan, James G. MD
Jenkins, Leigh A. MD
Jones, Kevin C. DO
Karkoutly, Ayman MD
Levine, Marc J. MD
Nguyen, Hoa X. MD
Otahbachi, Mohammad MD
Overlie, Paul A. MD
Rizo-Patron, Carlos MD
Rizzo, Joseph A. MD
Sharif, M Alan MD
Shoukfeh, Mohammed F.
Solis, Roberto E. MD
Springer, William E. MD
Suarez, Jose A. MD
Walter, Paul D. MD
Wells, Guy A. MD
Wey, Robert J. MD
Wischmeyer, Jason B. MD
Zias, John MD
Certified Nurse
profesional certificada
Allen, Leslie L. NP
Armendariz, Gabriella T. NP
Beaver, Chadwick D. NP
Day, Mercedes K. NP
Dela Garza, Michele A. NP
STAR Specialists
Anatomic Path & Clinical
Path/Patología anatómica
y patología clínica
Danchak, Raymond M. MD
Day, Miles R. MD
De Riese, Johannes MD
Dillon, Jeffrey D. MD
Escudier, Suzanne N. MD
Farag, Ashraf N. MD
Fay, James M. MD
Gaunt, Todd A. CRNA
Gotta, Jan A. MD
Haggard, Corey J. MD
Hickle, Randall S. MD
Ho, Dennis DO
Hoover, Lance R. MD
Johnson, Kendrick C. CRNA
Johnston, Jr, Robert V. MD
Lachmansingh, Jinesh S. MD
McClain, Chase W. MD
Minielly, Robin C. MD
Moore, Russell A. MD
Moss, Robert L. MD
Pickney, Lucille M. MD
Racz, Gabor B. MD
Rivas, Elizabeth R. MD
Sabar, Rajinder MD
Sahinler, Bolkar E. MD
Salas, Fatima L. MD
Santos, Alan C. MD
Schmitz, Bettina U. MD
Thompson, Derek CRNA
Christiane C. MD
Wadhwa, Mukesh N. DO
Wasnick, John D. MD
Welch, Gary W. MD
Wilson, Selma P. MD
Yazdani, Shiraz MD
Zambrano, Gerardo MD
Zarr, Shawn P. MD
Page/Página 36
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Lubbock - Certified Nurse Practitioner/Enfermera profesional certificada
Doctolero-Malagayo, Susan
Elkins, Pamela J. NP
Gibson, Alison NP
Golden, James E. APNP
Gordon, Amy D. NP
Greenwood, Shantelle J. NP
Halfmann, Jennifer E. NP
Herrera, Angelita RN
Hunt, Deborah F. NP
Johnson, Judith F. NP
King, Magan L. NP
Lair, Tanya M. NP
Maddigan, Brandi N. NP
McMurry, Michael E. RN
Mead, Catrina J. RN
Medford, Kathryn E. NP
Mitchell, Kory L. NP
Morris, Heather K. MSN
Pilip, Monica C. NP
Porter, Darla S. NP
Purdy, Lindsey L. NP
Stice, Jamie R. RN
Thal, Wendy R. RN
Vaughn, Allison P. NP
Whitten, Barbara G. RN
Whitten, Kelli J. NP
Woods, Shivawn R. CRNA
Long, Michael D. MD
Shimizu, Ikue MD
Stetson, Cloyce L. MD
Sturgeon, Ashley L. MD
Tarbox, Michelle MD
Basom, Janet M. RD
Chauncey, Mary K. RD
Gage, Gayle L. RD
Limas, Nora N. RD
Moore, Cecilia A. RD
STAR Specialists
McAlpin, Kevin S. DC
Clinical Cardiac
Electrofisiología cardiaca
Cervera, Aurelio R. MD
Congenital Cardiac
Surgery/Cirugía cardiaca
Paone, Ralph F. MD
Critical Care Medicine/
Medicina de cuidado
Danchak, Raymond M. MD
Huizar, Isham A. MD
Johnson, Mark W. MD
Johnston, Jr, Robert V. MD
Jumper, Cynthia A. MD
Kadiyala, Srinivas P. MD
Nugent, Kenneth M. MD
Test, Victor J. MD
Wasnick, John D. MD
Welch, Gary W. MD
Akin, Russell S. MD
Brackeen, Amy R. MD
Clark, Justin W. MD
Harris, Bryan D. MD
Hope, Richard H. MD
Kim, Soo J. MD
Lehman, IV, Michael G. MD
Beceiro, Jose R. MD
Felton, Shaili K. MD
Lado, Jose J. MD
Lum, Nelson W. MD
MacAdams, Michael R. MD
Patel, Anupa K. MD
Peiris, Alan N. MD
Stetson, Cloyce L. MD
Tarbox, Michelle MD
Diagnostic Radiology/
Al-Kharrat, Houssam MD
Attar, Monzer MD
Baker, Cara M. NP
Batra, Subhash C. MD
Block, Steven C. MD
Fenton, Boyd S. MD
Ganga, Usha R. MD
Ghandour, Elias MD
Hancock, Joseph E. MD
Jabor, Miled A. MD
Kensing, Kelly P. MD
Miller, Timothy D. MD
Narendran, Kumarapillai MD
Phipps, Ted L. MD
Rakvit, Ariwan MD
Shabaneh Altamimi, Hamed
Woreta, Tinsay A. MD
Ardakani, Navid A. MD
Blackwell, David E. MD
Fornari, Gianluigi A. MD
Iyer, Padma S. MD
Markham, Jeffrey C. MD
Stewart, Laiandrea M. MD
Torres, Carlos P. MD
Vincent, Alix MD
Wells, David L. MD
Wheeler, Charles H. DO
Emergency Medicine/
Medicina de emergencia
Ahmad, Khoshnood MD
Anderson, Kyle P. MD
Bowman, Conrad B. MD
Brown, Kirk W. MD*
Celentano, James J. MD
Chen, Michael DO
Chisholm, Paul D. MD
Davis, Joanne MD*
Haider, Sajjad MD
Hamilton, Wesley H. MD
Jackson, Mark R. MD
Letbetter, Scott A. MD
Lewis, Ryan L. MD
Morris, James E. MD
Pinoli, Mario L. MD
Smit, Jozef L. MD
Stewart, Stephen P. MD
Weatherford, Zachary R.
Zarr, Shawn P. MD
Zube, Robert L. MD
Endocrinology, Diab/
Endocrinología y
Bakdash, Mohammed M. MD
Wachtel, Mitchell S. MD
Geriatric Medicine/
Medicina geriátrica
Ngo, Bich-Thy N. MD
Radhi, Saba MD
Gynecologic Oncology/
Oncología ginecológica
Phillips, Benny P. MD
Reedy, Mark B. MD
Gynecology Nurse
profesional de ginecología
Eastling, Sandra D. MSN
Cobos, Everardo MD
D'Cunha, Nicholas C. MD
Labib, Safaa S. MD
Martinez, Rodolfo E. MD
Nguyen, Diane D. DO
Quick, Donald P. MD
Tijani, Lukman A. MD
Yalamanchili, Kiran K. MD
D'Cunha, Nicholas C. MD
Dorkhom, Stephan J. DO
Dorr, Victoria J. MD
Fanasch, Hilal M. MD
Hardwicke, Fred E. MD
Nguyen, Diane D. DO
Quick, Donald P. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Tijani, Lukman A. MD
Vugrin, Davor MD
Yalamanchili, Kiran K. MD
Hospice and Palliative
Med/Medicina de hospicio
y paliativa
Dihenia, Chanda S. MD
Farrell, Tommie W. MD
Hnatek, Joyce L. MD
Hosford, Sarah L. MD
Jumper, Cynthia A. MD
Infectious Diseases/
Enfermedades infecciosas
Berk, Steven L. MD
Duriex, Dennis E. MD
Hulen, Han P. MD
Lacy, Mark D. MD
Martinelli, Lawrence P. MD
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Ahmed, Vaqar MD
Arvandi, Aliakbar MD
Attar, Monzer MD
Attaya, Nabil M. MD
Bakdash, Mohammed M. MD
Bello-Reuss, Elsa N. MD
Berdine, Gilbert G. MD
Berk, Steven L. MD
Block, Steven C. MD
Bradley, Jason T. MD
Brown, Jeremy L. MD
Carothers, Curtis J. MD
Cervera, Aurelio R. MD
Chekuru, Naidu K. MD
Chen, Hua MD
Close, David R. MD
Cobos, Everardo MD
D'Cunha, Nicholas C. MD
Dihenia, Chanda S. MD
Dorkhom, Stephan J. DO
Duriex, Dennis E. MD
Farooq, Asif M. MD
Felton, Shaili K. MD
Ganga, Usha R. MD
Grattan, James G. MD
Hancock, Joseph E. MD
Hardwicke, Fred E. MD
Huizar, Isham A. MD
Hulen, Han P. MD
Hunter, Marque A. MD
Jamel, Faisal MD
Jenkins, Leigh A. MD
Johnson, Mark W. MD
Jumper, Cynthia A. MD
Kadiyala, Srinivas P. MD
Kaleem, Hassan MD
Karkoutly, Ayman MD
Kensing, Kelly P. MD
Kurdi, Juam Y. MD
Lacy, Mark D. MD
Page/Página 37
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Lubbock - Ophthalmology/Oftalmología
Interventional Cardiology/
Bradley, Jason T. MD
Grattan, James G. MD
Kurdi, Juam Y. MD
Levine, Marc J. MD
Nguyen, Hoa X. MD
Otahbachi, Mohammad MD
Sharif, M Alan MD
Wischmeyer, Jason B. MD
Maternal/Fetal Medicine/
Medicina maternal/fetal
Atkinson, Bill D. MD
Holt, Roxane MD
Singh, Paul S. MD
Yeomans, Edward R. MD
Medical Oncology/
Close, David R. MD
Cobos, Everardo MD
D'Cunha, Nicholas C. MD
Dorr, Victoria J. MD
Figueroa, Jose A. MD
Hardwicke, Fred E. MD
Jones, Catherine A. MD
Martinez, Rodolfo E. MD
Nguyen, Diane D. DO
Quick, Donald P. MD
Radhi, Saba MD
Ronaghan, Catherine A. MD
Shalaby, Ibrahim A. MD
Tafur, Isaac MD
Tijani, Lukman A. MD
Vugrin, Davor MD
Yalamanchili, Kiran K. MD
Neonatal Nurse
profesional neonatal
Hatton, Kay R. NP
Sparks, John E. MD
Ahmed, Vaqar MD
Bashir, Mamoun E. MD
Bello-Reuss, Elsa N. MD
Jamel, Faisal MD
Myers, William D. MD
Patel, Nayankumar A. MD
Phisitkul, Sorot MD
Prabhakar, Sharma S. MD
Rose, James T. MD
Simfukwe, Maybin MD
Starnes, III, Joel D. MD
Tomacruz, Yvette C. MD
Tuncel-Kara, Meryem MD
Villa, Ruben D. MD
Warmoth, Larry A. MD
Wheeler III, Clarence J. MD
Neurological Surgery/
Cirugía neurológica
Baldwin, Nevan G. MD
Baronia, Benedicto C. MD
Belirgen, Muhittin MD
Castillon, III, Frank MD
D'Alise, Mark D. MD
Felton, Jason A. MD
George, Jr, Richard E. MD
Lapointe, Genevieve MD
Levinthal, Robert MD
Martinez, Joseph L. MD
Paullus Jr, Wayne S. MD
Smith, Harold K. MD
Toczyl, Gregory R. MD
Alderazi, Yazan J. MD
Brown, Paul F. MD
Detoledo, Joao C. MD
Dihenia, Bhupesh H. MD
Eldokla, Ahmed M. MD
Hendley, Katie L. MD
Kim, Jongyeol MD
Oommen, Kalarickal J. MD
Sabouni, Ahmad MD
Wilms, Henrik MD
Wu, Chuang-Kuo MD
Qual-Child Neur/
Neurología pediátrica
Brown, Paul F. MD
Hurst, Daniel L. MD
Nagy, Laszlo MD
Vincent, Alix MD
Nuclear Radiology/
Radiología nuclear
Huang, Jaou-Chen MD
Nurse Prac - Nursing
profesional - asilo de
Beaver, Chadwick D. NP
Smith, Mark C. NP
Nurse Practitionr Adult
certificada de salud de
Beaver, Chadwick D. NP
OB/GYN Nurse
profesional de obstetricia/
Chambers, Lana A. RN
Hart, Marie L. RN
Latham, Mia L. RN
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Wetsel, Shirley L. NP
Atkinson, Bill D. MD
Belle-Henry, Christina MD
Burke, Joanna L. MD
Burkholder, Duncan M. MD
Casanova, Robert MD
Charest, Jessica L. MD
Chohan, Lubna MD
Coon, Amber M. MD
De Riese, Cornelia S. MD
Devine, Susan R. MD
Dhari, Ammar S. MD
Dorsett, Michael M. MD
Farooqi, Naghma A. MD
Felton, Carol K. MD
Holt, Roxane MD
Hook, Shelly Y. MD
Hosford, Sarah L. MD
Huang, Jaou-Chen MD
Jester, Shaun P. DO
Katz, Kerry M. MD
Kilpatrick, Charles C. MD
Kulkarni, Rishikesh P. MD
Lampkin, Douglas A. MD
Lawrence, Larry B. MD
Loveless, Alita K. MD
Nair, Anjana R. MD
Nall, Brent B. MD
Page, Lola D. MD
Perales-Hull, Marsha R. MD
Phillips, Benny P. MD
Phillips, Dana S. MD
Phy, Jennifer L. DO
Schwartz, Tatiana D. MD
Sears, Kathleen K. MD
Singh, Paul S. MD
Thompson, Charles D. MD
Varma, Kamlesh MD
Wilson, David N. MD
Yandell, Roger B. MD
Yeomans, Edward R. MD
Occupational Therapy/
Terapia ocupacional
Brake, Rika M. OT
Cowden, Abagale OT
Precure, Lacey M. OT
Boop, James J. MD
Boothe, William D. MD
Cockings, Curt W. MD
Dominguez, Leonardo R. DO
Eisenbaum, Allan M. MD
Frasier, Kelly J. MD
Freedman, Kenn A. MD
Fuller, Christopher G. MD
Giridhar, Prashanthi J. MD
STAR Specialists
Levine, Marc J. MD
MacAdams, Michael R. MD
Mahmood, Tashfeen MD
Manson, Paul MD
Martinelli, Lawrence P. MD
Martinez, Rodolfo E. MD
May, Kevin G. MD
McKenzie, Paula A. MD
Meyerrose, Gary E. MD
Miller, Timothy D. MD
Myers, William D. MD
Nair, Nandini MD*
Narendran, Kumarapillai MD
Newton, Tracy MD
Ngo, Bich-Thy N. MD
Nguyen, Diane D. DO
Nugent, Kenneth M. MD
Nur, Adriana E. MD
Omar, Sabry A. MD
Otahbachi, Mohammad MD
Overlie, Paul A. MD
Patel, Nayankumar A. MD
Peiris, Alan N. MD
Phipps, Ted L. MD
Phisitkul, Sorot MD
Prabhakar, Sharma S. MD
Quick, Donald P. MD
Radhi, Saba MD
Rakvit, Ariwan MD
Riaz, Jehanzeb MD
Rizo-Patron, Carlos MD
Rizzo, Joseph A. MD
Rodriguez, Enrique MD
Ruiz Jr, Robert MD*
Sattar, Shamima MD
Shabaneh Altamimi, Hamed
Shalaby, Ibrahim A. MD
Shoukfeh, Mohammed F.
Shurmur, Scott MD
Simfukwe, Maybin MD
Smith, Gary D. MD
Suarez, Jose A. MD
Tarbox, James A. MD
Tello, Wael MD
Test, Victor J. MD
Tijani, Lukman A. MD
Tomacruz, Yvette C. MD
Tuncel-Kara, Meryem MD
Villa, Ruben D. MD
Vugrin, Davor MD
Walter, Paul D. MD
Wells, Guy A. MD
Wey, Robert J. MD
Wheeler III, Clarence J. MD
Williams, Brian P. MD
Wischmeyer, Jason B. MD
Woreta, Tinsay A. MD
Zias, John MD
Page/Página 38
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Lubbock - Ophthalmology/Oftalmología
Gregg, Clint W. MD
Khater, Timothy T. MD
Kopp, Douglas E. MD
Lewis, David A. MD
McCartney, David L. MD
Mitchell, Kelly T. MD
Ryburn, III, Frank M. MD
Shami, Michel MD
Sherman, Mark P. MD
Shihab, Zuhair M. MD
Yeh, Jason C. MD
Orthopaedic Sports
ortopédica deportiva
Pfeiffer, Richard J. MD
Zumwalt, Mimi A. MD
STAR Specialists
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Brindley, George W. MD
Burke, James MD
Caroom, Cyrus MD
Carr, Robert V. MD
Diab, Michel MD
Farr, Michael B. DO
Felton, Jason A. MD
Ferguson, Matthew P. MD
Gaines, Robert J. MD
Grimes Jr, Jerry S. MD
Gutheil, James P. MD
Hall, Harry E. MD
Hensal, Frederick J. MD
Hughes, Don W. MD
Jenkins, Mark D. MD
Joshi, Atul B. MD
Lehman, Stanley R. MD
Nesterenko, Sergiy MD
Pagenkopf, Eric L. MD
Pankratz, Karl MD
Pfeiffer, Richard J. MD
Rollins, Joshua W. DO
Schalow, Melinda G. MD
Schutt, Robert C. MD
Alejandro A. MD
Zumwalt, Mimi A. MD
Cordero, Joehassin MD
Demke, Joshua C. MD
Fell, William R. MD
Lewis, David A. MD
Marchbanks, John R. MD
Neal, Thomas F. MD
Nguyen, Tam Q. MD
Potocki, Stanley E. MD
Scolaro, Philip A. MD
Pain Medicine/Control del
Bosscher, Hemmo A. MD
Day, Miles R. MD
Gotta, Jan A. MD
Haggard, Corey J. MD
Johnston, Jr, Robert V. MD
Racz, Gabor B. MD
Sahinler, Bolkar E. MD
Salas, Fatima L. MD
Wilson, Selma P. MD
Palliative Medicine/
Medicina paliativa
Oblender, Melanie G. MD
Pediatric Emergency
Medicine/Medicina de
emergencia pediátrica
Myers, Amanda B. MD
Saldivar, Anthony T. MD
Pediatric Endocrinology/
Endocrinología pediátrica
Beck, Nancy L. MD
Bourgeois, Michael MD
Dreimane, Daina MD
Varma, Surendra K. MD
Graham, Suzanne C. MD
Labib, Safaa S. MD
Mamlok, Viviane MD
Mattison, Michael T. MD
Mattison, Tanner L. MD
Mattison, Thomas R. MD
Smith, Lisa A. MD
Tran, Ruc M. MD
Wachtel, Mitchell S. MD
Warraich, Irfan A. MD
Pathology - Anatomic Clinic/Patología –
anatómica - clínica
Al-Khalil, Ihsan MD
Al-Rahawan, Mohamad M.
Oblender, Melanie G. MD
Prasannan, Latha MD
Dunn, Dale M. MD
Pathology - Hematology/
Patología - hematología
Warraich, Irfan A. MD
Pathology - Pediatric/
Patología pediátrica
Mamlok, Viviane MD
Pediatric Allergy/
Inmunología pediátrica
Beck, Suzanne A. MD
Herman, James J. MD
Pediatric Anesthesiology/
Anestesiología pediátrica
Fay, James M. MD
Pediatric Cardiology/
Cardiología pediátrica
Colon-Ledee, Athos G. MD
Flippin, Mindee J. MD
Peiris, Vasum S. MD
Robinson, Andrew MD
Sopontammarak, Somkiat
Sridaromont, Somkid MD
Pediatric Critical Care
Med/Medicina de cuidado
crítico pediátrica
Anand, Rangasamy K. MD
Kasemsri, Thivakorn N. MD
Kim, Hee Won MD
Pinkney, Kerrie A. MD
Ramsey, Mary K. DO
Relvas, Monica D. MD
Salman, Najmul H. MD
Feist, Mark A. MD
Higgins, James V. MD
Simek, Robert Z. MD
Pediatric Hematology/
Oncología pediátrica
Pediatric Infectious
infecciosas pediátricas
Lampe, Richard M. MD
Levent, Fatma MD
Pediatric Nephrology/
Nefrología pediátrica
Arnold, Watson C. MD
Pediatric Nurse
profesional pediátrica
Reeves, Shawn M. NP
Pediatric Orthopedic
ortopédica pediátrica
Diab, Michel MD
Schutt, Robert C. MD
Pediatric Pulmonology/
Neumología pediátrica
Kanu, Adaobi C. MD
Pediatric Surgery/Cirugía
Goldthorn, Jane F. MD
McGill, Thomas W. MD
Pediatric Urology/Urología
Smith, Cynthia K. MD
Aderinboye, Omolara V. MD
Alabd Alrazzak, Baraa MD
Al-Khalil, Ihsan MD
Arnold, Watson C. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Parastoo DO
Barry, Floyd L. MD
Bean, Gary E. MD
Beck, Nancy L. MD
Bourgeois, Michael MD
Bowman, Audra G. MD
Brown, Jeremy L. MD
Brown, Paul F. MD
Burrell, Jason R. MD
Chhotani, Ali N. MD
Davila Rodriguez, Amanda
Dreimane, Daina MD
Dubose, Charles D. MD
Freeman, Asha M. MD
Gebhard, Daniel J. MD
Hall, Walker M. MD
Herman, James J. MD
Higgins, James V. MD
Hurst, Daniel L. MD
Kanu, Adaobi C. MD
Kapral, Jane L. MD
Kasemsri, Thivakorn N. MD
Lampe, Richard M. MD
Levent, Fatma MD
Luna, Cassidy J. NP
Machin, Amber MD
Mann, Monica J. MD
Martinez, Brenda N. MD
Mcgraw, Katherine E. MD
Oblender, Melanie G. MD
Odionu, Andrew K. MD
Okonkwo, Kingsley C. MD
Patterson, Patti J. MD
Peera, Fateh MD
Peiris, Vasum S. MD
Poshoghlian, Hagop MD
Relvas, Monica D. MD
Robinson, Kirsten K. MD
Rogers, Brooks T. MD
Rogers, Karen L. MD*
Salman, Najmul H. MD
Sparks, John E. MD
Sridaromont, Somkid MD
Valdez, Nancy MD
Varma, Surendra K. MD
Physical Medicine &
Rehab/Medicina física y
Chekruru, Syamala MD
Tuamokumo, Timi S. MD
Physical Medicine and
Rehab/Medicina física y
Chekruru, Syamala MD
Tuamokumo, Timi S. MD
Wolcott, Randall D. MD
Wolcott, Roger J. MD
Page/Página 39
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Plainview - Medical Oncology/Oncología
Physical Therapy/
Baker, Pamela A. PT
Burton, Henry F. PT
Frank, Burton H. PT
Gillean, Lexington K. PT
McCombs, Spencer D. PT
Olson, Liesl L. PT
Redwine, Brittney R. PT
Tate, Jonathan J. PT
Plastic Surgery/Cirugía
Arledge, Patricia R. MD
Scolaro, Philip A. MD
Nguyen, Adam T. DPM
Pulmonary Diseases/
Enfermedades pulmonares
Bogschutz, Renee J. PHD
Carr, Heather L. MSLP
Cathey, Bethany K. MS
Corwin, Melinda PHD
Dembowski, James S. PHD
Granados, Sarai MSLP
Hall, Brittany L. MS
Koul, Rajinder K. PHD
Layton, Carli J. MSLP
Lee, Sue Ann S. MSLP
Loyd, Debby B. MSLP
Neffendorf, Stacie L. MSLP
Perry, Carolyn G. MS
Roye, Kandra M. MS
Sancibiran, Cheryl L. MS
Van SickleBednarz, Angela
Whitaker, Melissa C. MSLP
Williams, Shawn K. MSLP
Young, Lyndi L. MSLP
Sports Medicine/Medicina
Burke, James MD
Paine, Carrie G. MD
Zumwalt, Mimi A. MD
McKee, Desirae M. MD
Schalow, Melinda G. MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Allen, Ted W. MD
Arentz, Suellen C. MD
Barragan, Alfonso B. MD
Bayouth, Charles V. MD
Brooks, Steven E. MD
Buschman, Job O. MD
Cammack, James T. MD
De Riese, Werner T. MD
Deeb, Sammy A. MD
Dhevan, Vijian MD
Dissanaike, Sharmilla D. MD
Eggl, Travis D. DO
Engel, Delphine MD
Fitzwater, John MD
Garcia, Steven G. MD
Griswold, John A. MD
Haggard, Derick R. MD
Halldorsson, Ari O. MD
Haynes, III, Allan L. MD
Howe, Thomas L. MD
Hyacinthe, Micheline MD
Layeequr Rahman,
Rakhshanda MD
Mangold, David E. MD
McKee, Desirae M. MD
Nickels, Melinda B. MD
Norkiewicz, Brian J. MD
Rivas, Sammy D. MD
Roberts, Justin K. MD
Ronaghan, Catherine A. MD
Rosen, Richard A. MD
Sallee, Caleb R. MD
Santana, Dixon MD
Smith, Bobby W. DO
Thames, Elbert A. MD
Weaver, Harry T. MD
West, Tim L. MD
Williams, Vernon MD
Yildiz, Ilhan MD
Dubose, Charles D. MD
Wheeler III, Clarence J. MD
Allen, Ted W. MD
Arentz, Suellen C. MD
Barragan, Alfonso B. MD
Buschman, Job O. MD
Campbell, Samuel J. MD
Deeb, Sammy A. MD
Dissanaike, Sharmilla D. MD
Eggl, Travis D. DO
Engel, Delphine MD
Griswold, John A. MD
Haggard, Derick R. MD
Halldorsson, Ari O. MD
Haynes, III, Allan L. MD
Hyacinthe, Micheline MD
Mangold, David E. MD
McGill, Thomas W. MD
McKee, Desirae M. MD
Nickels, Melinda B. MD
Norkiewicz, Brian J. MD
Rhyne, Craig D. MD
Rivas, Sammy D. MD
Roberts, Justin K. MD
Ronaghan, Catherine A. MD
Santana, Dixon MD
Thames, Elbert A. MD
West, Tim L. MD
Williams, Vernon MD
Sleep Medicine/Medicina
del sueño
Surgery of the Hand/
Cirugía de manos
Therapeutic Radiology/
Radiología terapéutica
Hunter, Marque A. MD
Wheeler III, Clarence J. MD
Barragan, Alfonso B. MD
Lehman, Stanley R. MD
Neumann, Thomas R. MD
Radiation Oncology/
Oncología de radiación
Anderson, Paul J. MD
Ardakani, Navid A. MD
Chou, Jui-Lien MD
McCormack, George G. MD
Neumann, Thomas R. MD
Torres, Carlos P. MD
Reproduct Endocrin/
Huang, Jaou-Chen MD
Phy, Jennifer L. DO
Pixley, John S. MD
Vasandani, Jitendra I. MD
Sleep Disorders/
Trastornos del sueño
Surgery, Oncologic/
Cirugía oncológica
Arentz, Suellen C. MD
Hyacinthe, Micheline MD
Layeequr Rahman,
Rakhshanda MD
Surgical Critical Care/
Cirugía de cuidados
Dissanaike, Sharmilla D. MD
Engel, Delphine MD
Griswold, John A. MD
Paone, Ralph F. MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Thoracic & Cardiac
Cohen, David J. MD
Eastman, Dennis P. MD
Halldorsson, Ari O. MD
Malave, David MD
Springer, William E. MD
Thoracic Surgery/Cirugía
Eastman, Dennis P. MD
Halldorsson, Ari O. MD
Hirsch, Benjamin A. MD
Paone, Ralph F. MD
Robertson, Donald J. MD
Undersea & Hyperbaric
hiperbárica y submarina
Hulen, Han P. MD
Britton, Carl L. MD
Brothers, Jorge R. MD
Cammack, James T. MD
Crone, Michael R. MD
De Riese, Werner T. MD
Haynes Jr, Allan L. MD
Kirk, James F. MD
Mittemeyer, Bernhard T. MD
Nelius, Thomas MD
Nicholson, Brian E. MD
Nicholson, Thomas C. MD
Reynolds, Rex H. MD
Smith, Cynthia K. MD
Spore, Scott S. MD
Stalcup Jr, Obie L. MD
Vascular Neurology/
Neurología vascular
Wu, Chuang-Kuo MD
Vascular Surgery/Cirugía
Campbell, Samuel J. MD
Eastman, Dennis P. MD
Santana, Dixon MD
Cardiovascular Disease/
Enfermedad cardiovascular
Jones, Kevin C. DO
Cunningham, Thomas N. DC
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Close, David R. MD
Shalaby, Ibrahim A. MD
Medical Oncology/
Close, David R. MD
STAR Specialists
Berdine, Gilbert G. MD
Chekuru, Naidu K. MD
Huizar, Isham A. MD
Hunter, Marque A. MD
Johnson, Mark W. MD
Jumper, Cynthia A. MD
Kadiyala, Srinivas P. MD
Nugent, Kenneth M. MD
Rivas, Shannon E. MD
Smith, Gary D. MD
Tello, Wael MD
Test, Victor J. MD
Williams, Brian P. MD
Yepes Hurtado, Andres F.
Speech Therapy/
Patología del habla
Page/Página 40
STAR Specialists/Especialistas
Plainview - Medical Oncology/Oncología
Shalaby, Ibrahim A. MD
Charest, Jessica L. MD
Smith, Charles R. DO
Kopp, Douglas E. MD
Orthopaedic Surgery/
Cirugía ortopédica
Farr, Michael B. DO
Rollins, Joshua W. DO
Physical Therapy/
Switzenberg, John J. PT
Cummins, Douglas G. MD
Yildiz, Ilhan MD
Surgery, General/Cirugía
Cummins, Douglas G. MD
Smith, Bobby W. DO
Yildiz, Ilhan MD
Graves, Michael T. MD
STAR Specialists
Internal Medicine/Medicina
Rodriguez, Enrique MD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
STAR Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancias
Page/Página 41
Lubbock - Lic Professional Counselor/Consejero profesional certificado
To obtain mental health/substance abuse care, please call Amerigroup toll free
at 1-800-600-4441.
Para obtener servicios de salud mental/abuso de substancias, llame gratis a
Amerigroup al 1-800-600-4441.
Addiction Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría de adicciones
Jenkins, Michael D. MD
Certified Addiction
Counselor/Consejero de
adicciones certificado
Stovall, Karla E. LPC
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Mendoza, Ruben V. MD
Clinical Nurse Specialist BH/Especialista en
enfermería clínica – salud
del comportamiento
Alexander, Deanah I. NP
Pediatrics/Pediatría del
desarrollo—salud del
Huang, Angela A. MD
Northwest Texas
Healthcare System-The
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Allen, Roberta L. LCSW
Bassett, Jodi R. LCSW
Reyes, Frank B. MSW
Rogers, Gerald W. MSW
Schertler, Dayna E. LCSW
Walton, James R. LCSW
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Stein, Nina L. MED
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Adcock, Allison B. AM
Allen, Linda K. MA
Baker, Sandra J. BS
Barber, Rhonda S. LMHC
Buecker, Tamara M. AM
Cobb, Stephanie B. MA
Davis, Matthew M. MA
Dawdy, Stephanie A. MA
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
Amarillo Council on
Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
Professional Addiction
Specialty Services
Texas Panhandle Centers
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Alexander, Deanah I. RN
Nefstead, Barbara M. RN
Hussain, Mustafa MD
Jenkins, Michael D. MD
McCorkle, Allan J. MD
McNeil, Kathryn E. MD
Nguyen, Son V. MD
Rush, James A. MD
Veeramachaneni, Murali MD
Certified Addiction
Counselor/Consejero de
adicciones certificado
Basham, Edwin W. EDD
Egerton, David R. PHD
McCord, Stacy R. PHD
Meeks, Brenda S. PHD
Pelfery, Michael C. MA
Putney, Mirenda L. PSYD
Rhodes, Mark E. PSYD
Rudolph, Diana C. PHD
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Day, Letta R. MA
Certified Addiction
Counselor/Consejero de
adicciones certificado
Bennett, Charity E. LPC*
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Bennett, Charity E. LPC*
Souder, Catina LPC
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Burkey-Sexton, Leigh S.
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Martinez, Antonio LCSW
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Skinner, Peggy J. PHD
Badgett, Scott A. PHD
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Morgan, Bobbye K. MED
Wells, Leigh A. MA
Child Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría infantil
Wakefield, Sarah M. MD
Forensic Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría forense
Wakefield, Sarah M. MD
Geriatric Psychiatry/
Psiquiatría geriátrica
Vahora, Shiraj A. MD
IP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias en hospital
Children's Hope Residential
Lic Clinical Social
Worker/Trabajador social
clínico certificado
Coates, Sally T. LMSW
Ferguson, James E. MSW
Martin, Jodie L. LPC
McMenamy, Alma LMSW
Lic Marriage/Family
Therapist/Terapeuta de
Alexander, Roy L. MED
Shapiro, Beth A. PHD
Wilbanks, Brenda J. EDD
Wilson, Dianne M. MS
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Anderson, Sheila S. MA
Arendell, Russ W. LPC
Brower, Melissa L. LPC
Brown, Kaylene PHD
Cash, Linda C. PHD
Chapa, Abel M. MED
Clemmons, Patricia D. LPC
Fortney, Robert B. LPC
Gatlin, Richard E. MS
Green, Nina K. MA
Haggard, Christine K. LPC
Hendricks, Calude B. MED
Hensley, Sharon A. MED
Hooten, David A. LPC
STAR Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancias
IP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias en hospital
Day, Letta R. MA
Eddins, Amber D. MA
Farrington-Curtis, Diane LPC
Ford, Nancy J. LPC
Fox, Susan K. MS
Goen, Betsy S. MA
Gregg, Marc A. MA
Hall, Christin N. LMHC
Hinders, Barbara D. LPC
Hunt, Louva A. MED
Jennings, Sara L. AM
Jennings, Stephen L. MA
Jones, Carrie E. LPC
Kee, Jeffery A. PHD
King, Jerry R. MA
Klein, Jon S. MA
Laurich, Jennifer E. MA
Lyles, Charles L. MA
McLaughlin, Kendra S. LPC
Morrow, Chelsea L. LPC
Paddack, Kristy S. MED
Peters, Cynthia M. MA
Pool, Jesse D. LPC
Renshaw, Kaye L. MA
Sandorskey, Stacy D. MED
Sauer, Martin E. MA
Scott, Dolores C. LPC
Shomaker, Karan K. LPC
Sorrels, Leann L. MED
Stein, Nina L. MED
Stiles, Byron B. MED
Stovall, Karla E. LPC
Timmons, Troy D. MED
Tortoreo, Kathleen M. MA
Wells-Brown, Jo AM
White, Shelley J. AM
Wilson, Susan J. MED
Woodall-Lefevre, Lee A.
Wylie, Kristin N. LPC
Page/Página 42
STAR Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse/Servicios
de salud mental y abuso de substancias
Lubbock - Lic Professional Counselor/Consejero profesional certificado
Hosek, Kristi L. MED
Johnson, Barbara G. MED
Kerr, Melinda S. LPC
Koutrelakos, Stephen P. BS
Lacey, Loralyn F. PHD
Leake, Crystal D. LPC
Lee, Shelley LPC
Luera, Delores D. MA
Martin, Jodie L. LPC
Moffitt, Bryan C. MED
Morgan, Bobbye K. MED
Robinson, Gena B. EDD
Sapien-Iezzi, Christina A.
Seacrist, Debra MED
Thompson, Shelly L. MA
Torres, Krista L. MED
Vick, Cathy L. AM
Wells, Leigh A. MA
Wilbanks, Brenda J. EDD
Wood, Robin L. MS
Mental Health OP Svcs non rs/Servicios
ambulatorios de salud
mental – no residencial
Lubbock Regional MHMR
STAR Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
Servicios de salud mental y abuso de substancias
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
Children's Hope Residential
StarCare Specialty Health
Psychiatric Hospital/
Hospital psiquiátrico
Covenant Medical Ctr
Sunrise Canyon Hospital
Trust Point Hospital
Psychiatric Nurse
profesional psiquiátrica
Self, Jessica L. NP
Stodolink, Francis E. NP
Azatian, Ashot MD
Chavez, Marina MD
Curtis, Brigitte MD
Fletcher, Eugene H. DO
Guirguis, Medhat MD
Khandheria, Priyamvada A.
Manning, Stephen M. MD
Mcmahon, Terry C. MD
Nelson, Jessica A. MD
Pascua-Lim, Elvira G. MD
Samad, Zahida MD
Trotter, David M. PHD
Vahora, Shiraj A. MD
Williams, Marion O. MD
Yaqoob, Feroz MD
Recovery Solutions
Badgett, Scott A. PHD
Bates, Julie PHD
Billings, Maralyn PHD
Carr, Brian D. PHD
Cook, Robert S. PHD
Curtis, Brigitte MD
Driskill, Patricia PHD
Giles, Charles L. PHD
Hall, Cheryl L. PHD
Keel, Shaun H. EDD
Lanham, Catherine H. PHD
Linder, Elizabeth A. EDD
Milan, Maritza J. PHD
Randolph, Patrick D. PHD
Spendlove, Stuart J. PHD
Wherry, Jeffrey N. PHD
Woodward, George D. EDD
Psychology, Child/
Psicología infantil
Lanham, Catherine H. PHD
Spendlove, Stuart J. PHD
Residential Treatment
Center/Centro de
tratamiento residencial
Children's Hope Residential
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Arredondo, Rodolfo EDD
Azatian, Ashot MD
Johnson, Barbara G. MED
Community Mental Health
Center/Salud comunitaria
de hombres
Central Plains Ctr
Lic Professional
profesional certificado
Lackey, Wilburn H. EDD
Mental Health OP Svcs non rs/Servicios
ambulatorios de salud
mental – no residencial
Central Plains Ctr
OP Mental Hlth/Substance
Abuse/Salud mental/abuso
de sustancias ambulatorio
Central Plains Ctr
Recovery Solutions
Residential Treatment
Center/Centro de
tratamiento residencial
Central Plains Ctr
Substance Abuse/Abuso
de sustancias
Central Plains Ctr
*Serves current patients only/Solo atiende a pacientes actuales
Page/Página 43
For members age 20 and younger, call the dental management organization you chose for
dental services.
Para miembros de hasta 20 años, llame a la organización de administración dental que usted
escogió para servicios dentales.
Vision Services/Servicios de la Vista
To learn more about vision services, call Superior Vision of Texas at 1-800-428-8789.
Para saber más acerca de los servicios de la vista, llame a Superior Vision of Texas al 1-800-428-8789.
Ancillary Providers/Proveedores Auxiliares
Ancillary providers are providers like laboratories, diagnostic radiology centers, and durable
medical equipment providers. Ancillary providers are not listed in this directory. To get a list of
participating ancillary providers, call Member Services at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711).
Los proveedores auxiliares son proveedores tales como laboratorios, centros de radiología
diagnóstica y proveedores de equipos médicos duraderos. Los proveedores auxiliares no
están enumerados en este directorio. Para obtener un listado de proveedores auxiliares
participantes, llame a Servicios al Miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711).
TX-MEM-0682-16 STAR
Dental/Vision Care/Ancillary Providers
Proveedores de dentales/cuidado de la vista/servicio auxiliar
Dental Services/Servicios Dentales
Page/Página 44
Pharmacy Providers
Please visit the websites listed below to locate a chain pharmacy provider. Other nonchain
contracted pharmacies are also listed in the following pages.
Proveedores de farmacia
Drug Stores
Visite los sitios web listados a continuación para ubicar un proveedor de farmacia de cadena. Otras
farmacias contratadas que no son de cadena también están listadas en las páginas siguientes.
Chain Pharmacy
Accredo Health Group
Albertsons-Sav-On Pharmacy
Americare Pharmaceutical Services
CarePoint Partners
H-E-B Pharmacy
Hunter’s Creek Pharmacy
Kelsey Pharmacy
Kmart Pharmacy
Kroger Pharmacy
Maxor Pharmacy
Randall’s Pharmacy
ReCept Pharmacy
Sam’s Club
Super 1 Pharmacy
Target Pharmacy
Page/Página 45
Texas Oncology Pharmacy
Tom Thumb Pharmacy
Drug Stores
Page/Página 46
Drug Stores/Farmacias
King Pharmacy
920 Avenue D
Abernathy 79311
(806) 298-2222
Drug Stores
Adc Pharmacy*
6700 Sw 9th Ave
Amarillo 79106
(806) 358-0331
Amarillo Pharmaceutical
1400 S Coulter St Ste 1100
Amarillo 79106
(806) 356-4620
Avondale Pharmacy*
5135 Plains Blvd
Amarillo 79106
(806) 352-2708
Best Med Panhandle
1616 S Kentucky St
Amarillo 79102
(806) 418-8568
Cash Saver Cost Plus Phy
2200 Bell St
Amarillo 79106
(806) 359-8528
Catching's Prescription*
1900 S Coulter St Ste F
Amarillo 79106
(806) 355-2924
Drug Emporium*
4210 B Sw 45th St
Amarillo 79109
(806) 358-1800
Grand Pharmacy
3500 Ne 24th Ave
Amarillo 79107
(806) 350-8455
Jo Wyatt Community Health
1411 E Amarillo Blvd
Amarillo 79107
(806) 351-7240
Martin Tipton Pharmacy*
1501 S Tyler St
Amarillo 79101
(806) 373-2812
Medical Square Pharmacy*
1215 S Coulter St Ste 101
Amarillo 79106
(806) 350-7451
Medi-park Pharmacy*
1920 Medi Park Dr
Amarillo 79106
(806) 359-5496
Pro Med LTC
704 N Polk
Amarillo 79107
(806) 379-6966
Signa Pharmacy Group
1900 S Coulter St Ste F-1
Amarillo 79106
(806) 353-7712
Southpark Pharmacy
3324 S Georgia St
Amarillo 79109
(806) 353-6530
5901 Bell St Ste C32
Amarillo 79109
(806) 358-2428
Valmed Pharmacy
3 Care Cir Ste 300
Amarillo 79124
(806) 350-6337
Holmes Pharmacy*
600 S Main St
Borger 79007
(806) 274-5334
Clinic Pharmacy
901 Tahoka Rd Ste B
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-7049
Lifecare Pharmacy*
706 E Felt St
Brownfield 79316
(806) 636-8000
Nelson Pharmacy*
805 Tahoka Rd
Brownfield 79316
(806) 637-3533
Medi Drive Pharmacy
507 23rd St
Canyon 79015
(806) 655-1024
Regional Pharmacy
622 W Main St
Crosbyton 79322
(806) 675-2001
Payne Pharmacy*
200 S Main St
Floydada 79235
(806) 983-5111
Fritch Drug And Gift Shoppe
105 W Broadway St
Fritch 79036
(806) 857-3176
Hale Center
Hale Center Clinical
601 Avenue G
Hale Center 79041
(806) 839-2466
Neutron Lab
2420 Quaker Ave Ste 203
Lubbock 79410
(806) 799-8920
Parkway Pharmacy
1824 Parkway Place Ste
Lubbock 79403
(806) 767-9999
Raff And Hall Family Park*
3404 Interstate 27
Lubbock 79404
(806) 744-8477
Hereford Health Mart
809 S 25 Mile Ave
Hereford 79046
(806) 364-3400
Southwest Hematology
4002 21st St Ste B
Lubbock 79410
(806) 793-6654
Special Care Pharmacy
3406 Interstate 27
Lubbock 79404
(806) 741-1777
Driscoll Pharmacy*
816 Frontage Rd
Idalou 79329
(806) 892-2561
Lowe's Marketplace
102 W Waylon Jennings
Littlefield 79339
(806) 385-4250
Prescription Shop
1506 S Sunset Ave Ste A
Littlefield 79339
(806) 385-4491
Hometown Pharmacy
309 N Main
Lockney 79241
(806) 296-9000
Best Discount Pharmacy*
2316 34th St
Lubbock 79411
(806) 795-4353
Drug Emporium*
5109 82nd St
Lubbock 79424
(806) 794-0022
Grace Pharmacy*
4515 Marsha Sharp Fwy
Lubbock 79407
(806) 744-3305
Iv Solutions Of Lubbock*
3706 20th St Ste A
Lubbock 79410
(806) 791-4663
The Apothecary Specialty
5214 98th St Ste 302
Lubbock 79424
(806) 368-8396
Ttuhsc Pharmacy
3601 4th St Ste 1a150
Lubbock 79430
(806) 743-3270
Twin Oaks Pharmacy*
3436 34th St
Lubbock 79410
(806) 799-3636
University Med Ctr Op Phcy
602 Indiana Ave
Lubbock 79415
(806) 775-8691
Panhandle Drug Store
201 Main
Panhandle 79068
(806) 537-3034
Porter Drug
1522 Main St
Petersburg 79250
(806) 667-2231
Hometown Pharmacy #2
3200 Olton Rd Ste B
Plainview 79072
(806) 296-9000
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Page/Página 47
Drug Stores/Farmacias
Hometown Pharmacy*
132 W Main St
Post 79356
(806) 495-2535
Shallowater Pharmacy
1502 12th St Ste B
Shallowater 79363
(806) 832-0250
Tahoka Drug
1610 Main St
Tahoka 79373
(806) 561-4041
Moore Than Medicine
105 Sw 2nd St
Tulia 79088
(806) 995-3551
* = pharmacies that are durable medical equipment providers/Farmacias que son proveedores de equipos mé dicos
²⁴ = 24-hour pharmacies/Farmacias que abren las 24 horas
Drug Stores
Slaton Pharmacy
165 S 9th St
Slaton 79364
(806) 828-4444
Page/Página 48
Index of Hospitals/Índice de hospitales
Index of Hospitals
Índice de hospitales
Baptist St Anthony's
Health System .................5
Brownfield Regional
Medical Ctr .......................5
Covenant Children's
Hospital ............................5
Covenant Hospital
Levelland .........................5
Covenant Hospital
Plainview ..........................5
Covenant Medical Ctr 5, 42
Covenant Specialty
Hospital ............................5
Crosbyton Clinic Hospital ...
Golden Plains
Community Hospital .........5
Grace Medical Ctr ............5
Hereford Regional
Medical Ctr .......................5
Joe Arrington Cancer Ctr ...
Lamb Healthcare Ctr ........5
Northwest Texas
Hospital ............................5
Physicians Surgical
Hospitals ..........................5
Swisher Memorial
Hospital ............................5
Trust Point Hospital ...5, 42
University Medical Ctr ......5
W J Mangold Memorial
Hospital ............................5
Page/Página 49
Index of Primary Care Providers/Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario
Babb, Franklyn C. MD
Backlund, Amanda J.
MD .................................16
Bailey, Michael G. MD ...14
Balch, Michael T. MD .....22
Baldwin, John C. MD .....22
Baltz, Susan A. MSN .......9
Barker, Craig W. MD ......16
Barnes, Layne S. DO .....13
Batra, Swaran L. MD .7, 22
Beals, Roberta J. DO .....16
Bell, Todd E. MD ......10, 11
Bennett, Kelly A. MD ......16
Berry, Breanna R. DO ....13
Berryhill, Marion L. RN ...16
Bharadwaj, Ravindra M.
MD .................................10
Bigit Milla, Walter MD ....14
Billingsley, Kimberly A.
RN ..................................15
Bisbee, Robert MD ........22
Blake, Christy A. NP .......11
Blann, David W. MD .......24
Bolyard, Vanessa L. NP .19
Bolyard, Vanessa L. RN .30
Boomer, Judith A. PA .....28
Bradley, Craig S. MD .....16
Brady, Curtis W. NP .......19
Brenner, John F. MD ......22
Bridges, Walter MD ..10, 11
32, 33
Brinker, Jared Z. MD ......16
BRMC Rural Health
Clinic ..........................6, 13
Brodbeck, Joel T. DO .....25
Broome, Edward L. MD .24
Brown, Gary S. DO ........25
Bruce, Kellie E. RN ........19
Burkholder, Duncan M.
MD ...........................24, 37
Buscemi, Dolores M. MD ...
Butler, Pamela A. NP .....24
Camp, Tammy M. MD ....25
Campbell, Amy K. NP ....19
Caporale, Ronald S. PA .28
Carlile, Michelle NP .......20
Carreon, Brian K. MD ....30
Carter, Neill M. RN .........20
Castaneda, Joanna W.
NP ..............................7, 20
Castillo, Maribel NP .......24
Chandra, Rahul MD .......10
Chatman Community
Health Ctr .......................22
Chavez, Melinda K. NP ....7
CHCL Mobile Medical
Unit ................................22
Chebib, Paul F. MD ....6, 13
Chen, Hua MD .........22, 36
Chungchansat, Porntip
MD .............................7, 16
Clark, Calvin L. NP ........15
Cobbs, Lauren S. MD ....22
Cogdell Clinic .............6, 15
Cole, Kevin J. NP ...........20
Community H C of
Lubbock .........................22
Community Health Ctr of
Lubbock .........................22
Community Health Ctr of
Lubbock 96 W ................22
Conser, Carole E. MD ....25
Cook, Ronald L. DO .16, 22
Coon, Amber M. MD 24, 37
Cornwell, Darlene M. NP ...
Couch, Jason NP ...........20
Couch, Robert E. MD .....25
Cox, Dhana R. MD .....6, 13
Cox, Eric C. MD .13, 32, 33
Cox, Kari NP ..................20
Cox, Vivian V. NP ...........20
Crosbyton Clinic Hospita
& Rural Health Clinic ......13
Crossnoe, Chetlen R.
MD .................................16
Crow, Steven M. MD ..7, 16
Crowson, Sammy W. MD ...
Cutts, Karen J. MD ........10
Dalton, Jeremy R. MD ...26
Dalton, Stephen G. DO ..16
Dalton, Vanessa A. MD ..26
Davies, Summer D. MD .26
Dawson, Brittany N. MD 22
Deeb, Emily A. MD .........16
Dennis, Melynda G. PA ..28
Desoto, Autum L. MD .....26
Devine, Susan R. MD ....24
Dihenia, Chanda S. MD .22
Dixon, Joseph A. MD .....16
Susan B. APNP ..........6, 15
Dominguez, Jeremy D.
PA ............................16, 28
Donaldson, Ashley L. NP ...
Dooley, Lex D. PA ..........28
Dora, Amanda B. NP .....20
Doyal, Michael L. RN ...8, 9
Dozier, Kayli D. NP ..........8
Dubose, Jack E. MD ......16
Durham, Heather R. NP .20
Durham, Patricia A. RN ..20
Durrett, Laura G. RN ......20
Dyer, Jack W. MD ....16, 17
EBOH, NGOZI I. MD ......26
Eckert, Lindsay J. PA .....22
Edwards, David S. MD ...22
Ehle, Eric C. DO ..............8
Ellington, Susan E. MD ..11
Elmore, Mary P. NP .......15
Enabnit, Natalie C. PA ...17
Esquibel, Karen A. NP ...25
Ezell, Jennifer M. ARNP 25
Faircloth, Johnnie W. MD ...
Fakhreddine, Kimberly
K. NP .............................15
Family Medicine of
Levelland .......................14
Family Medicine of
Sundown ........................30
Fanelli, Melissa A. NP ......9
Fanelli, Melissa A. RN ....13
Fant, Rebecca NP .........20
Farthing, Vernon C. MD .22
Fatunde, Oluyemisi J.
MD .................................11
Ferguson, Angela G. DO ...
Fernandez, Emily MD ....17
Fithen, Dawn M. NP ...8, 13
Flathouse, Emily NP ......20
Fletcher, Rex A. MD .......11
Franklin, Rodney T. MD .17
Frankls, Shane M. RN ...30
Freitag, Donald C. MD ...30
Fritch Medical Clinic .......13
Fuller, Gloria R. NP ....6, 13
Gage, James T. MD ...7, 17
Galey, Jennifer NP .........20
Gamboa Sejas, Daniela
MD ...................................8
Garcia, Juan R. RN ........20
Gard, Ruth A. NP ...........20
Garrett, James S. MD ....17
Ginn, Stacy L. RN ..........20
Goetz, Susan G. MD ........8
Gonzales, Arnulfo G. MD ...
Gragowski, Lindsay A.
MD .................................26
Graham, Kimberly A. RN ...
Grant III, William N. MD .22
Grant, Annalee M. APNP ...
15, 20
Gray, David A. DO .........26
Green, Megan B. PA ......28
Griffin, Amanda D. MD ...11
Guetersloh, Amanda M.
MD .................................26
Gutierrez, Kimberlee C.
NP ..................................20
Habersang, Rolf W. MD .11
Hadzic, Daniel B. MD .....14
Hamid, Abdool R. MD ....12
Hammonds, Shannon R.
NP ..................................30
Hampsten, Ellen E. MD ...8
Hanford, Patrick J. DO ...17
Hanna, John B. DO ..14, 17
Hannaway, Angela M. PA ...
Hannel, Jeffrey W. MD ...17
Hanson, Holly L. MD ......26
Hargrove, Gail PA ..........28
Index of Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario
Adams, Cacey L. MD .....25
Adams, Cynthia L. RN ...19
Addington, Charles E.
DO .................................30
Agrawal, Vikram MD ......25
Ahmed, Mashrafi MD .......9
Alkul, Mohamad J. MD ...25
Allas, Jose O. MD ..........16
Allen, Cathy L. RN .........19
Amaro, Justin A. DO ........8
Anderson, Mary R. NP .....9
Anderson, Orson A. MD .30
Andrus, Courtni NP ........13
Arandia-Antelo, Luis F.
MD .............................7, 25
Archer, Jodie R. RN .......19
Arnett-Benson Medical &
Dental Clinic ...................22
Axe-Lewis, Beverly D.
DO ...................................8
Page/Página 50
Index of Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario
Index of Primary Care Providers/Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario
Hart, Marie L. NP ...........15
Hart, Merry B. MD ..........26
Harvey, Megan E. NP ....25
Hasham, Sarah MD .......11
Hatton, Amanda B. MD ..24
Haynes, Jamie L. MD ....17
Hendershot, Kerry L. MD ...
7, 17, 29
Henderson, Richard A.
MD .............................7, 23
Henry, Melissa K. MD ....17
Henson, Harry M. MD ......8
Hereford Health Clinic ....14
Herrick, Shannon L. MD .11
Hettler, Melissa G. RN ...20
Hill, Damon H. MD .........17
Hill, Jennifer L. DO .........26
Hilliard, Tara C. APNP ....15
Hines, Kathryn M. MD ....23
Hinshaw, Luke R. MD ....23
Hisel, Christopher G. MD ...
6, 13
Hitz, Kristen L. NP ...........9
Holland, Rachel M. PA ...12
Holmes, Maddie NP .......20
Hood, Dwight D. MD ......17
Hood, Patricia C. MD .....17
Hord, Michael S. MD ..6, 13
Horton, Kenneth C. MD ...7
13, 29
Hoving, Debbie P. MD ....11
Howard, Emily E. PA 11, 12
Hughes III, Charles V.
MD ...........................14, 30
Hunt, Deborah F. NP ......15
Hunter, Ashley R. PA .....28
Irwin, Marc D. MD ..........13
Islam, Asm M. MD ..........10
Jaber, Mouin M. MD .......10
Jacinto, Rochelle MD .....14
Jeffreys, Heidi M. PA .....29
Jenkins, Marjorie R. MD 10
Johnson, Judith F. RN ....20
Jones, Kara L. RN .........20
Jubay, Lynette K. PA ......29
Kemp, Melissa L. PA ......29
Kendrick, Roy B. MD .6, 13
Khan, Abdul B. MD ........17
Khan, Zaurez MD ...........17
Khandheria, Bharat K.
MD .............................8, 10
Mohamedaouf A. MD .....10
Killeen, Joseph K. MD ...24
Kirkland, Jerry L. MD .......8
Klein, Kelly L. MD ..........17
Klepper, Douglas MD .....26
Kramer, Kevin E. MD .....14
Kulkarni, Rishikesh P.
MD .....................14, 34, 37
Dianne S. MD .................11
Lampe, Janice H. PA .....29
Lampkin, Douglas A. MD ...
24, 37
Landry, Cheryl C. MD ....26
Landry, Joel B. MD ........17
Lara, Sergio A. MD ........29
Larry Combest
Community Health and
Wellness Center ........7, 22
Lear, Kye B. MD .............17
Leathers, Erica D. NP ..8, 9
11, 32
Lee, Christy NP ..............20
Leins, Edward J. DO ......17
Leist, Jessica S. PA .......29
Lentz, Jason B. MD .17, 35
Levelland Clinic ..........6, 14
Levelland Clinic North ....14
LHC Family Medicine .....15
Lindemann, Mark A. DO 10
Lindgren, Cherrylene A.
DO .................................17
Linton, Kitten S. MD .......17
Lloyd, Roxanne M. NP ...20
Long, David R. MD ........18
Majors, Caroline T. MD ..26
Mandrell, Cody R. RN ....21
Mangold, Gary B. MD 6, 15
Mankin, Sarah A. MD .....18
Mann, Jr, Wallace H. MD ...
Manson, Paul MD ....30, 37
Marcum, Kathleen J. PA 29
Marin, Luisa F. MD .........23
Martinez, Robert L. RN ..21
Masters, Amanda S. MD 27
May, Patti N. MD ............18
McAfee, Lawrence R.
MD .................................13
McCaleb, Morgan H. MD ...
8, 9
McCarthy, Justin H. MD .23
McCarty, Elmore J. DO ..18
Mcclanahan, Mark L. DO ...
7, 29
McClure, Stephanie C.
MD .............................9, 10
Mcdonald, James E. MD ....
McDonald, Rebecca N.
MD .................................23
McLaurin, Latisha R. MD ...
Mcmahan, Macy D. RN ..21
McMurry, Michael E. NP 16
Mello, Inola T. RN ..........21
Mendez, Angelica D. MD ...
Mendez, Michael P. MD .18
Merrill, Emily S. RN ........21
Meyers, Jane C. NP .11, 33
Mishra, Aparajita MD .......8
Mitchell, Holly MD ..........10
Mitchell, Teddy L. MD ....23
Mittal, Neha MD .............23
Mittal, Piyush MD ...........23
Moffitt, Suzelle L. MD .....18
Moore, Amanda D. RN ..14
Moore, Sharman A. MD ...6
Morman, Amanda PA .....29
Motheral, Lesley C. MD .27
Moyer, Christa NP ..........29
Mulkey, Zachary P. MD ..23
Nath, Tapan K. MD ........23
Nichols, Mackenzie D.
PA ............................29, 30
Nieto, Jamie A. PA .........29
Nunez, Shaughn M. MD 27
Nur, Marcela M. MD .15, 27
Onger, Frederick R. MD .19
Ontai, Sidney C. MD ......29
Ordonez, Robert L. MD ..18
O'Reilly Flores, Daphne
S. MD .......................14, 23
Owen, Jeffrey M. MD .....18
Owen, Jennifer M. MD ...24
Owen, Julie PA ..............29
Owen, Michael F. MD .....24
Owens, Bruce A. DO 14, 23
Paine, Carrie G. MD 18, 39
Palmer, Alberta J. NP 8, 21
Pandya, Yogesh J. MD ..27
Pankratz, Michal M. MD .27
Parat, Sumesh MD ........12
Parkway Community
Health Ctr .......................22
Parmar, Kompal MD ......18
Patel, Manish L. MD ......10
Patel, Nilesh D. MD .......23
Patterson, Lindsaye B.
NP ..............................6, 13
Paxton, Jeff W. MD ..15, 18
Peck, Elizabeth K. MD ...18
Peera, Fateh MD .....27, 38
Pena Jr, Mario MD .........18
Pendergrass, Desiree B.
MD .................................27
Perales, Jesse I. MD ......12
Perez, Patricia A. NP .....21
Petersen, Hoang K. NP ...8
9, 12
Phillips, Rebekah G. MD ....
Phy, Michael P. DO ........23
Pirtle, Floyd E. MD .........23
Plainview Rural Health
Clinic ..............................30
Polly, Mika NP ................21
Pomeroy, Brian J. MD ....27
Pomeroy, Lisa M. MD ....27
Popat, Shital MD ............23
Prabhu, Fiona R. MD .....18
Price, Mark M. NP ..........21
Price, Matthew M. ARNP ...
7, 18, 21
Purdy, Tyson C. MD .......18
Qubti, Wael F. MD ..........18
Ragain, Roger M. MD ....18
Raghuram, Nandkishore
B. MD .......................27, 33
Ramakrishnan MD .........23
Rankin, Ron K. MD ....8, 32
Rankin, Sue A. RN .......8, 9
Ravi, Hima B. MD ..........23
Ray, Janice NP ..........6, 11
Reast, Ruan MSN ..........21
Rector-Wright, Ruth K.
DO .................................18
Rector-Wright, Ruth K.
MD .................................29
Reel, Julie K. NP ........8, 12
Reeves, Shawn M. NP ...25
Regence Health Network ...
6, 7, 9, 14, 29
Relph, Andrew J. DO .....12
Reynolds, Mark E. RN .....7
Risdon, Lindsey N. NP ...21
Rodriguez, Enrique MD .23
37, 40
Roffers II, Gene M. DO ..18
Page/Página 51
Index of Primary Care Providers/Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario
Rogers, Karen L. MD .....27
Rosalez, Missy N. MD ...18
Rose, Christopher R. MD ...
Ross, Casey L. RN ........29
Roy-Shome, Itakana D.
MD .................................27
Ruiz Jr, Antonio PA ........30
Rynearson, Matthew D.
PA ..................................29
Tan, Cristiane C. MD .......9
Tan, Marion T. MD ............9
Tarafdar, Kaiser R. MD ..24
Tate, Brittany G. PA .......12
Taylor, Lisa J. NP ...........21
Texas Tech Physicians of
Lubbock - Family
Medicine ........................19
Texas Tech Physicians of
Lubbock - Internal
Medicine ........................24
Thompson, Amanda NP 21
Tibbets, Gay A. RN ........21
Tiemann, Kirk J. MD ......19
Tippy, Amy PA ................29
Todd, Christopher S. MD ...
Toon, Molly F. ARNP ......25
Toor, Nadia N. MD ...14, 19
Tran, Marbella Z. MD .7, 19
Tulia Rural Health Clinic 30
Turner, Dustin A. MD .......9
Turner, Johnny M. PA ....30
Tyler, Cheryl M. MD .......19
Tyler-Hayes, Kelli C. RN 21
Uddin, Muhammad M.
MD .................................12
Upton, Amy E. NP ........8, 9
Urban, Robert S. MD .....10
Valdez, Nancy MD ...28, 38
Vermillion, David L. MD .19
Vichugsananon, Deena
MD .................................14
Villarreal, Miguel R. MD .19
Vuelvas, Juan J. MD ......28
Walker, Darla K. NP .......21
Walker, James W. MD ...10
Wall, Jalyn D. RN .....19, 21
Wallace, Randy G. NP .6, 9
Wang, Jeffrey DO ..........10
Warmoth, Larry A. MD ...24
Watkins, Jon R. MD .13, 29
Weaver, Roberta C. NP .14
Weber, Ammon D. MD ...12
Weis, Brian C. MD .........10
Welch, Georgeanna L.
RN ..................................21
Werner, Carmen M. MD .12
Werner, Harold V. MD ....10
Westerberg, Jake W. DO ...
Wheatley, Catherine N.
MD .................................10
Wilhelm, Lorina L. NP ......9
Williams, Brenda L. NP ..11
Williams, Jennifer H. NP 21
Wilson, Golder N. MD ....28
32, 34
Wilson, Hugh H. MD ......15
Wilson, Joanna D. DO ...10
Wines, Kendall D. NP ....21
Winn, Richard E. MD .....24
Wischkaemper, Tabra D.
NP ..............................7, 21
Wolboldt, Clinton G. MD ..7
Wolf, Bernhard J. MD ....30
Woods, Kristin D. PA .....19
Wright, Amber L. MD .....28
Wright, David L. DO .19, 29
Yarbrough, Shannon D.
MD .................................24
Yates, Marissa R. MD ....19
Young, George J. MD ....14
Young, John M. MD ...6, 12
Young, Rodney B. MD .....9
Zeitouni, Nawal S. MD ...28
Zube, Stacey L. NP ........21
Index of Primary Care Providers
Índice de proveedores de cuidado primario
Sahinler, Michelle D. MD ...
Saleem, Kashif MD ........23
Sattar, Shamima MD .....23
Saunders, Paula G. NP ...8
9, 12, 32
Sbar, Evelyn D. MD .........9
Scheel, Sarah C. DO .....14
Schlueter, Cynthia K. DO ...
6, 15
Schmidt, Rita E. MD ......18
Schoor, Kourtney MD .....18
Schulz, Christine C. PA ..12
Scott, Karen J. DO .........18
Scott, Rebecca J. MD ....12
Scott, Robert W. MD 27, 28
Shanklin, Christopher L.
MD .................................18
Sheets, Randall MD .......19
Shipp, Verna K. NP ........21
Siddig, Souzan MD ........12
Sikes, Amy R. MD ..........19
Singh, Manu P. MD ........10
Skinner, Derek I. MD .7, 19
Slaton Family Medical ....30
Slaton, John F. DO ...........9
Slavik, Stacey L. NP 16, 21
Smalligan, Roger D. MD 10
Smith, Charles R. DO ....24
30, 40
Smith, Mark C. MSN ......16
Smoot, Jennifer L. MD ...19
Snodgrass, Brad MD .....23
Soriano, Karen T. MD ....28
Soriano, Mark H. MD .....23
Stachowiak, Janice A.
MD .................................24
Stennett, Kevin T. MD 6, 15
Stewart, Holly S. MD ......24
Stewart, Randy L. MD ....10
Stice, Jamie R. NP ...16, 21
Sue, Brandon J. PA .......30
Suit, Carol T. MD 15, 19, 24
Sun, Grace H. RN ..........16
Swindoll, Jeanine B. NP
Page/Página 52
Index of Behavioral Health/Índice de salud mental
Index of Behavioral Health
Índice de salud mental
Adcock, Allison B. AM ....41
Alexander, Deanah I. NP ...
Alexander, Deanah I. RN ...
32, 41
Alexander, Roy L. MED .41
Allen, Linda K. MA .........41
Allen, Roberta L. LCSW .41
Amarillo Council on
Alcoholism & Drug
Abuse .............................41
Anderson, Sheila S. MA .41
Arendell, Russ W. LPC ..41
Arredondo, Rodolfo EDD ...
Azatian, Ashot MD .........42
Badgett, Scott A. PHD ...41
Baker, Sandra J. BS ......41
Barber, Rhonda S.
LMHC .............................41
Basham, Edwin W. EDD 41
Bassett, Jodi R. LCSW ..41
Bates, Julie PHD ............42
Bennett, Charity E. LPC .41
Billings, Maralyn PHD ....42
Brower, Melissa L. LPC .41
Brown, Kaylene PHD .....41
Buecker, Tamara M. AM .41
Burkey-Sexton, Leigh S.
LPC ................................41
Carr, Brian D. PHD ........42
Cash, Linda C. PHD ......41
Central Plains Ctr ...........42
Chapa, Abel M. MED .....41
Chavez, Marina MD .......42
Children's Hope
Residential Svcs ......41, 42
Clemmons, Patricia D.
LPC ................................41
Coates, Sally T. LMSW ..41
Cobb, Stephanie B. MA .41
Cook, Robert S. PHD .....42
Covenant Medical Ctr 5, 42
Curtis, Brigitte MD ..........42
Davis, Matthew M. MA ...41
Dawdy, Stephanie A. MA ...
Day, Letta R. MA ............41
Driskill, Patricia PHD ......42
Eddins, Amber D. MA ....41
Egerton, David R. PHD ..41
Farrington-Curtis, Diane
LPC ................................41
Ferguson, James E.
MSW ..............................41
Fletcher, Eugene H. DO .42
Ford, Nancy J. LPC .......41
Fortney, Robert B. LPC ..41
Fox, Susan K. MS ..........41
Gatlin, Richard E. MS ....41
Giles, Charles L. PHD ....42
Goen, Betsy S. MA ........41
Green, Nina K. MA .........41
Gregg, Marc A. MA ........41
Guirguis, Medhat MD .....42
Haggard, Christine K.
LPC ................................41
Hall, Cheryl L. PHD ........42
Hall, Christin N. LMHC ...41
Hendricks, Calude B.
MED ...............................41
Hensley, Sharon A. MED ...
Hinders, Barbara D. LPC ...
Hooten, David A. LPC ....41
Hosek, Kristi L. MED ......42
Huang, Angela A. MD ....34
Hunt, Louva A. MED ......41
Hussain, Mustafa MD ....34
Jenkins, Michael D. MD .41
Jennings, Sara L. AM .....41
Jennings, Stephen L. MA ...
Johnson, Barbara G.
MED ...............................42
Jones, Carrie E. LPC .....41
Kee, Jeffery A. PHD .......41
Keel, Shaun H. EDD ......42
Kerr, Melinda S. LPC .....42
Khandheria, Priyamvada
A. MD .............................42
King, Jerry R. MA ...........41
Klein, Jon S. MA ............41
Koutrelakos, Stephen P.
BS ..................................42
Lacey, Loralyn F. PHD ...42
Lackey, Wilburn H. EDD 42
Lanham, Catherine H.
PHD ...............................42
Laurich, Jennifer E. MA .41
Leake, Crystal D. LPC ...42
Lee, Shelley LPC ...........42
Linder, Elizabeth A. EDD ...
Lubbock Regional
MHMR Ctr ......................42
Luera, Delores D. MA ....42
Lyles, Charles L. MA ......41
Manning, Stephen M.
MD .................................42
Martin, Jodie L. LPC 41, 42
Martinez, Antonio LCSW ...
McCord, Stacy R. PHD ..41
McCorkle, Allan J. MD ...41
McLaughlin, Kendra S.
LPC ................................41
Mcmahon, Terry C. MD ..42
McMenamy, Alma LMSW ...
McNeil, Kathryn E. MD ..41
Meeks, Brenda S. PHD ..41
Mendoza, Ruben V. MD .41
Milan, Maritza J. PHD ....42
Moffitt, Bryan C. MED ....42
Morgan, Bobbye K. MED ...
41, 42
Morrow, Chelsea L. LPC 41
Nefstead, Barbara M.
RN ............................32, 41
Nelson, Jessica A. MD ...42
Nguyen, Son V. MD .......41
Northwest Texas
Healthcare System-The
Pavilion ..........................41
Paddack, Kristy S. MED 41
Pascua-Lim, Elvira G.
MD .................................42
Pelfery, Michael C. MA ..41
Peters, Cynthia M. MA ...41
Pool, Jesse D. LPC ........41
Professional Addiction
Specialty Services .........41
Putney, Mirenda L.
PSYD .............................41
Randolph, Patrick D.
PHD ...............................42
Recovery Solutions ........42
Renshaw, Kaye L. MA ...41
Reyes, Frank B. MSW ...41
Rhodes, Mark E. PSYD .41
Robinson, Gena B. EDD 42
Rogers, Gerald W. MSW ...
Rudolph, Diana C. PHD .41
Rush, James A. MD .......41
Samad, Zahida MD ........42
Sandorskey, Stacy D.
MED ...............................41
Sapien-Iezzi, Christina A.
MA .................................42
Sauer, Martin E. MA .......41
Schertler, Dayna E.
LCSW ............................41
Scott, Dolores C. LPC ....41
Seacrist, Debra MED .....42
Self, Jessica L. NP .........42
Shapiro, Beth A. PHD ....41
Shomaker, Karan K. LPC ...
Skinner, Peggy J. PHD ..41
Sorrels, Leann L. MED ..41
Souder, Catina LPC .......41
Spendlove, Stuart J.
PHD ...............................42
StarCare Specialty
Health System ...............42
Stein, Nina L. MED ........41
Stiles, Byron B. MED .....41
Stodolink, Francis E. NP 42
Stovall, Karla E. LPC .....41
Sunrise Canyon Hospital ...
Texas Panhandle
Centers ..........................41
Thompson, Shelly L. MA ....
Timmons, Troy D. MED .41
Torres, Krista L. MED ....42
Tortoreo, Kathleen M.
MA .................................41
Trotter, David M. PHD ....42
Trust Point Hospital ...5, 42
Vahora, Shiraj A. MD .....41
Veeramachaneni, Murali
MD .................................41
Vick, Cathy L. AM ..........42
Wakefield, Sarah M. MD 41
Walton, James R. LCSW ...
Wells, Leigh A. MA ...41, 42
Wells-Brown, Jo AM .......41
Wherry, Jeffrey N. PHD ..42
White, Shelley J. AM ......41
Wilbanks, Brenda J.
EDD .........................41, 42
Williams, Marion O. MD .42
Wilson, Dianne M. MS ...41
Page/Página 53
Index of Behavioral Health/Índice de salud mental
Wilson, Susan J. MED ...41
Wood, Robin L. MS ........42
Woodall-Lefevre, Lee A.
MA .................................41
Woodward, George D.
EDD ...............................42
Wylie, Kristin N. LPC .....41
Yaqoob, Feroz MD .........42
Index of Behavioral Health
Índice de salud mental
Page/Página 54
Index of Drug Stores/Índice de farmacias
Adc Pharmacy ...............46
Amarillo Pharmaceutical
Care ...............................46
Avondale Pharmacy .......46
Best Discount Pharmacy
Best Med Panhandle
Cash Saver Cost Plus
Phy .................................46
Catching's Prescription ..46
Clinic Pharmacy .............46
Driscoll Pharmacy ..........46
Drug Emporium ..............46
Fritch Drug And Gift
Shoppe ..........................46
Index of Drug Stores
Índice de farmacias
Grace Pharmacy ............46
Grand Pharmacy ............46
Hale Center Clinical
Pharmacy .......................46
Hereford Health Mart
Pharmacy .......................46
Holmes Pharmacy .........46
Hometown Pharmacy ....46
Hometown Pharmacy #2 ...
Iv Solutions Of Lubbock .46
Jo Wyatt Community
Health Ctr .......................46
King Pharmacy
Lifecare Pharmacy .........46
Lowe's Marketplace
Pharmacy .......................46
Martin Tipton Pharmacy .46
Medi Drive Pharmacy ....46
Medical Square
Pharmacy .......................46
Medi-park Pharmacy ......46
Moore Than Medicine
Pharmacy .......................47
Nelson Pharmacy ..........46
Neutron Lab ...................46
Panhandle Drug Store ...46
Parkway Pharmacy ........46
Payne Pharmacy ...........46
Porter Drug ....................46
Prescription Shop ..........46
Pro Med LTC ..................46
Raff And Hall Family
Park ...............................46
Regional Pharmacy .......46
Shallowater Pharmacy ...47
Signa Pharmacy Group .46
Slaton Pharmacy ...........47
Southpark Pharmacy .....46
Southwest Hematology
Oncology ........................46
Special Care Pharmacy .46
Tahoka Drug ..................47
The Apothecary
Specialty Phcy ...............46
Ttuhsc Pharmacy ...........46
Twin Oaks Pharmacy .....46
University Med Ctr Op
Phcy ...............................46
Valmed Pharmacy
Solutions ........................46
Amerigroup follows Federal civil rights laws. We don’t discriminate against people because of their:
• Race
• Color
• National origin
• Age
• Disability
• Sex or gender identity
That means we won’t exclude you or treat you differently because of these things.
Communicating with you is important
For people with disabilities or who speak a language other than English, we offer these services at no cost to
• Qualified sign language interpreters
• Written materials in large print, audio, electronic, and other formats
• Help from qualified interpreters in the language you speak
• Written materials in the language you speak
To get these services, call the Member Services number on your ID card. Or you can call our Member Advocates
at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). STAR Kids members, call 1-844-756-4600 (TTY 711).
Your rights
Do you feel you didn’t get these services or we discriminated against you for reasons listed above? If so, you can
file a grievance (complaint). File by mail, email, fax, or phone:
Member Advocates -- Amerigroup
823 Congress Ave., Suite 400
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)
STAR Kids members, call 1-844-756-4600
(TTY 711)
Need help filing? Call our Member Advocates at the number above. You can also file a civil rights complaint with
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights:
On the Web:
By mail:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave.
SW Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201
By phone:
1-800-368-1019 (TTY/TDD 1-800-537-7697)
For a complaint form, visit
Amerigroup cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles. No discriminamos a las personas por:
• Raza
• Color
• Nacionalidad
• Edad
• Discapacidad
• Sexo o identidad de género
Esto quiere decir que usted no será objeto de exclusión o trato diferente por alguno de estos motivos.
La comunicación con usted es importante
Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios a las personas con discapacidades o que no hablen inglés, sin costo para
• Intérpretes calificados de lenguaje de señas
• Materiales por escrito en formato electrónico, letra grande, audio y otros
• Ayuda de intérpretes calificados en su idioma
• Materiales por escrito en su idioma
Para obtener estos servicios, llame a Servicios al Miembro al número que aparece en su tarjeta de identificación.
O bien, puede llamar a nuestro defensor del miembro al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Los miembros de STAR
Kids pueden llamar al 1-844-756-4600 (TTY 711).
Sus derechos
¿Cree que lo(la) hemos discriminado por alguno de los motivos señalados o que no recibió estos servicios? De
ser así, puede presentar una queja (reclamo). Puede hacerlo por correo, correo electrónico, fax o teléfono:
Member Advocates -- Amerigroup
823 Congress Ave., Suite 400
Austin, TX 78701
Teléfono: 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)
Los miembros de STAR Kids pueden llamar al
1-844-756-4600 (TTY 711).
Fax: 512-382-4965
¿Necesita ayuda para presentar una queja? Llame a nuestro defensor del miembro al número indicado.
También puede presentar un reclamo por derechos civiles al U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Office for Civil Rights:
En Internet:
Por correo: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue
SW Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
Por teléfono:
1-800-368-1019 (TTY/TDD 1-800-537-7697)
Para obtener un formulario para presentar reclamos, visite
Hospitals in your
service area
Hospitales en su área
de servicio
Baptist St Anthony’s Health System
Northwest Texas Hospital
Northwest Texas Surgery Center
Physicians Surgical Hospitals
Golden Plains Community Hospital
Brownfield Regional Medical Center
Crosbyton Clinic Hospital
Hereford Regional Medical Center
Covenant Hospital Levelland
Lamb Healthcare Center
W J Mangold Memorial Hospital
Covenant Children’s Hospital
Covenant Medical Center
Covenant Specialty Hospital
University Medical Center
Covenant Hospital Plainview
Lynn County Hospital District
Swisher Memorial Hospital
Your regular STAR benefits include:
Sus beneficios regulares de STAR incluyen:
are from a network primary care provider
you choose
■■ Prescription coverage
■■ Hospitalization coverage
■■ Specialist referrals
■■ Immunizations
■■ Texas Health Steps checkups
■■ Adult wellness checkups
■■ Maternity care
■■ Allergy testing
■■ Vision benefits
■■ And more
Your extra Amerigroup value-added
benefits include:
24-hour Nurse HelpLine — get help from nurses
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
■■ Real Solutions® Healthy Rewards debit card dollars
for getting certain checkups
or screenings
■■ Boys & Girls Club membership for members
ages 6 to 18 (up to $50 per semester and
where available)
■■ One sports or school physical every year for
members ages 6 to 18
■■ Rides to doctor visits when the State Medical
Transportation program is not available
■■ Free cellphone with 350 monthly minutes
from SafeLink*
■■ Taking Care of Baby and Me® program for
pregnant women and new mothers
■■ Free first aid kit when you complete a disaster
plan online
■■ Dental kit to keep teeth clean and healthy
(for members age 21 and older)
■■ And more
Specific benefit details, including exclusions and
limitations, can be found in the member handbook.
*SafeLink Wireless® is a Lifeline-supported service. Lifeline is
a government benefit program. Only those who qualify may
enroll in Lifeline. It can’t be transferred. It is limited to one per
household. You may need to show proof of income or that you
take part in the program to enroll.
Important phone numbers
Member Services/
24-hour Nurse HelpLine
■■ STAR Help Line
(to join or change plans)
Atención de parte de un proveedor de atención
primaria de la red que usted elija
■■ Cobertura de prescripciones
■■ Cobertura de hospitalización
■■ Referencias para especialistas
■■ Inmunizaciones
■■ Revisiones de Texas Health Steps
■■ Revisiones de bienestar para adultos
■■ Atención de maternidad
■■ Pruebas de alergias
■■ Beneficios de la vista
■■ Y más
Sus beneficios adicionales de valor agregado de
Amerigroup incluyen:
24-hour Nurse HelpLine (Línea de ayuda de
enfermería de 24 horas) — obtenga ayuda
de enfermeras las 24 horas del día, los 7 días
de la semana
■■ Dinero en la tarjeta de débito de Real Solutions®
Healthy Rewards por hacerse ciertas revisiones
o exámenes de detección
■■ Afiliación al Boys & Girls Club para miembros
ßentre 6 y 18 años de edad (hasta $50 por
semestre y donde esté disponible)
■■ Un examen físico para deportes o la escuela cada
año para los miembros entre edades de 6 a 18
■■ Transporte a visitas médicas cuando el programa
State Medical Transportation no esté disponible
■■ Teléfono celular gratuito con 350 minutos
mensuales de SafeLink*
■■ Programa para mujeres embarazadas y
madres primerizas Taking Care of Baby and Me®
(Cuidando de mí y de mi bebé)
■■ Kit de primeros auxilios gratuito al completar
un plan de desastres en línea
■■ Kit dental para mantener los dientes limpios y sanos
(para miembros de 21 años de edad y más)
■■ Y más
En el manual del miembro se pueden encontrar
detalles específicos sobre beneficios, incluyendo
exclusiones y limitaciones.
*SafeLink Wireless® es un servicio respaldado por Lifeline.
Lifeline es un programa de beneficios del gobierno. Solamente
aquellos que califiquen pueden inscribirse en Lifeline. No
puede ser transferido. Está limitado a uno por hogar. Tal vez
necesite mostrar prueba de ingresos o que usted participa en
el programa para inscribirse.
Números telefónicos importantes
Servicios al Miembro/
24-hour Nurse HelpLine ■■ TDD/TTY
■■ Línea de Ayuda de STAR
(para ingresar o cambiar de planes)
Documentos relacionados