www.gramatica-inglesa.es - Síguenos en Facebook y en Twitter (@gramaticaingle) Lista de verbos irregulares con ejemplos (parte 1) – Comenzamos con los primeros 15 verbos. Infinitivo be I am tall (soy alto) Pasado was/were I was tall (era alto) Participio Significado been Ser / estar I have been tall (he sido alto) become became become Convertirse How to become a How he became a pilot How he has become a pilot (cómo (cómo el se convirtió en pilot (cómo el se ha convertirse en piloto) convertido en piloto) piloto) begin began begun Comenzar They begin to do They began to do (ellos They have begun to do (ellos empiezan a empezaron a hacer) (ellos han empezado a hacer) hacer) blow blew blown Explotar, soplar They blow the They blew the candles They have blown the candles (ellos (ellos soplaron las velas) candles (ellos han soplado soplan las velas) las velas) break broke broken Romper He breaks the He broke the rules (el He has broken the rules rules (el rompe rompió las reglas) (el ha roto las reglas) las reglas) bring brought brought Traer He brings me He brought me roses (el He has brought me roses roses (el me trae me trajo rosas) (el me ha traido rosas) rosas) build built built Construir He builds the He built the house (el He has built the house (el house (el construyó la casa) ha construido la casa) construye la casa) buy bought bought Comprar He buys a book He bought a book (el He has bought a book (el (el compra un compró un libro) ha comprado un libro) libro) catch caught caught Coger The frog catches The frog caught the fly (la The frog has caught the the fly (la rana rana cogió la mosca) fly (la rana ha cogido la coge la mosca) mosca) choose chose chosen Elegir I choose London I chose London (elegí I have chosen London (he (elijo Londres) Londres) elegido Londres) come came come Venir I come home I came home (vine a casa) I have come home (he (vengo a casa) venido a casa) cost cost cost Costar It costs too much It cost too much (costó It has cost too much (ha (cuesta mucho) mucho) costado mucho) www.gramatica-inglesa.es - Síguenos en Facebook y en Twitter (@gramaticaingle) cut He cuts the flower (el corta la flor) do They do the exam (ellos hacen el examen) draw You draw a circle (tu dibujas un circulo) cut cut Cortar He cut the flower (cortó la He has cut the flower (el flor) ha cortado la flow) did done Hacer They did the exam (ellos They have done the exam hicieron el examen) (ellos han hecho el examen) drew drawn Dibujar You drew a circle (tu You have drawn a circle dibujaste un circulo) (tu has dibujado un circulo)