SPEECH DREAM AMERICAN The American dream is the opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination and initiative. It is also the opportunity for children to grow up with a good education and great opportunities currently there are people who dream of this and others who criticize Today we know stories of people who emigrate to the United States with the dream of becoming, have financial freedom, achieve their personal goals, but according to statistics most people end up doing jobs that were not what they expected, they have a hard time ascending at work, they end up for life in a job they do not want and occasionally return to their country. By the way, there are also people who achieve their goals and achieve that American dream tambien es la oportunidad de que los niños crezcan con una buena educacion y grandes oportunidades actualmente existen person que sueñan con esto y otros quienes lo critican hoy en dia se conocen historias de person que emigran a estados unidos con el sueño de realizarse, tener libertad financiera, lograr sus metas personales,pero segun las estadisticas la mayoria de personas terminan haciendo trabajos que no eran lo que esperaban, les cuesta mucho ascender en el trabajo, terminan de por vida en un trabajo no deseaso y ocasionalmente vuelven a asu pais. porsupesto tambien existe personas quienes logran sus metas y alcanzan ese sueño americano