Subido por Farid Essalhi

Mobile Game Marketing Strategy: User Acquisition & Optimization

Please have a look at the scenarios below. Provide an answer to each of them with one or
two slides. The overall business case/marketing strategy shouldn't be more than 14
slides. You can place the number of each question you are answering at the top left of
the slide and you do not need to copy the whole question. Just the question number
should do.
1. It is October with a 6 years old game and you need to increase volume with quality. You have negative
seasonality for the game and negative market situation because everybody is trying to buy everything,
last quarter of the year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween... You have all your regular digital
channels at the maximum bid that you can pay already (equal to LTV) and quality is also starting to
decrease because of this market saturation.
○ What do you do?
○ How will you increase the volume of installs with the quality given this situation?
○ How would you increase the NGU (New game users) levels?
○ Recommendations/checks to improve the quality of any campaign
○ If you have experience in managing Video Ad networks, please specify the different actions
you can implement if you want to increase volume.
■ If the ad network tells you that you are underbidding and that with higher bids you will
unlock the high-quality traffic, which will be your next step? How will you propose this
2. You have a new game to launch (this game is still not in the stores) and you want to understand how
you convert on the market and the average CPI that you will get to understand the if you are
competitive enough. How would you make this test?
○ How do you decide which markets do you want to launch in?
○ How do you decide on the budget?
○ How do you determine the maximum bid you can pay?
○ What channels?
○ Which would be your strategy? Why?
○ Roadmap
○ Budget
3. You are in a soft launch phase and you want to have everything tested and ready for the launch.
○ What things would you test?
○ Which set of channels would you use?
○ What input would you be looking for with the previous tests?
○ What else do you think is worthy to have prepared in advance?
○ How do you evaluate if a new creative is performing well? Do you test it in advance?
Explain it.
○ Budget
○ Roadmap
4. 60% of your Android traffic used to be Google traffic but now with the new UAC your campaigns are
not converting, your CPI is too high and quality doesn’t increase accordingly.
● What do you do?
● Which test will you make?
● Why?
5. You have a game that has been advertising on a great scale for years on Facebook. You paused this
channel 2 years ago because the combination of channel fatigue, channel saturation and age of the
game we're playing against you and the results in terms of quality and CPI were too bad in comparison of video ad
networks results. Now you want to recover this channel for strategic reasons:
● Which will be your strategy to recover it?
● Which test will you make?
● Which KPI will you look at each test?
6. Your main market is the US, but you have realised that you need more knowledge about your market as
we want to be as customer-centric as possible, things they like, type of creative, how they react in front
of certain things…
● How would you get this knowledge?