Subido por Nancy Limon

English Connectors List with Spanish Translations

Lista de los conectores en inglés más frecuentes
Conectores en inglés de introducción
Son los conectores que utilizamos para exponer una idea. Por esto, se colocan al principio de la
 First / First of all : primero, antes que nada. Suele seguir una enumeración o una idea > First
of all, I’d like to thank you for being here. Then, let me introduce you my business partner.
 In / At the beginning : en, al principio > At the beginning we thought to work as a team.
 To begin : para empezar > To begin I’d like to talk about what we want to achieve.
Conectores de adición en inglés
Los conectores en inglés que expresan un aumento son los más frecuentes. Estos conectores en
español los expresamos con «y» y en inglés «and».
Otro conector muy utilizado en español es «además». Además en inglés puede expresarse de
diferentes formas como verás aquí debajo:
 Secondly: obviamente se usa después de first (segundo) > First, you did a good job. Secondly,
you delivered in time.
 Then / Next: después, luego, siguiente > I went to the bar, then I met him. Next thing I
remember, we were drunk.
 Also / too: también. Also se usa al principio de la frase, después del sujeto. Mientras que too se
usa al final de la frase > You should wear a scarf too.
 As well as: además de > She brought me a cake as well as a present.
 Moreover / furthermore: además, es más > Moreover, Grace broke a glass too!
 In fact / as a matter of fact: de hecho > You misunderstood, as a matter of fact.
 Actually: de verdad, en realidad > After all these texts, I can’t wait to actually meet John.
 Anyway: en cualquier caso, de todas formas > I didn’t mean to be harsh with Kevin anyway.
 Besides: además > The movie was bad. Besides, I don’t like that director.
 By the way: a propósito, por cierto > By the way, I saw your mother at the grocery store
 In the same way: de la misma manera > The braidsmaids were dressed in the same way.
 In other words: en otras palabras, dicho de otro modo > I’m very busy these days; in other
words, I can’t help you anymore.
 That is to say: o sea, es decir > That dress is very particular. That is to say, I won’t never wear
 In addition: además > Paul brought some ice cream in addition.
 Such as: como, por ejemplo > I like flowers, such as roses and sunflowers.
 Like: como, por ejemplo > The bar has a lot of sandwiches, like with egg salad, tuna, ham and
 Above all: sobretodo > I want the party to be fun above all.
 Or rather: o, o mejor > You should listen to them more, or rather you should actually do what
they say.
Conectores de contraste u oposición
Para expresar una idea contraria a lo que hemos dicho, utilizamos los conectores de oposición.
 However: de la manera que, como > I hear you. However, I disagree.
 While: mientras > While this works for me, I can see why it’s not good for you.
 Instead of: en lugar de > Fred should be studying more, instead of hanging out so often.
 Nevertheless / nonetheless: sin embargo, aún así > I don’t agree with you completely,
nevertheless I’ll help you.
 If not: si no > If it’s a sunny day tomorrow we can go to the sea. If not, let’s make a nice dinner
at home.
 Whereas: mientras que > My father likes to sky whereas my mother is a good swimmer.
Unlike: a diferencia de > Unlike my brother, I like vegetables.
Contrary to: contrariamente a > Contrary to the weather forecast, it was a beautiful day today.
In comparison (to): en comparación, comparado con > Greg’s a genius; my grades are bad in
In spite of: a pesar de, pese a > In spite of your efforts to explain me, I didn’t understand, sorry.
Conectores comparativos en inglés
Los utilizamos para expresar un grado de igualdad o diferencia entre diferentes elementos de la
frase. En esta ocasión, no se trata de conectores formados por una sola palabra, sino que se
componen por dos palabras separadas de un adverbio o adjetivo.
 As: como
 As … as: tan … como
 Not… as/ so…as: no tan… como
 As if/ as though: como si
 Than: que
Conectores condicionales en inglés
Utilizamos los conectores condicionales cuando queremos expresar una condición positiva o
negativa entre dos parte de la frase.
 If: si > If you really like pizza, you should try Mario’s.
 Unless : a menos que, a no ser que > I can come with you, unless you want to go alone.
 As long as / so long as : siempre y cuando, en tanto que, mientras que > Her mother told him
he could play soccer as long as his grade were good.
 Otherwise: si no> Behave, otherwise you won’t go to the concert.
 In case: por si, por si acaso > In case you get hungry, there’s a meatlof in the fridge.
 Supposing: suponiendo que, en caso de que > Supposing they accepted our invitation, what
will we have for dinner?
Conectores en inglés causales
Podemos utilizar los conectores de causa para expresar una unión de causa y efecto de un
hecho. El conector de causalidad más común es because.
Pueden utilizarse al principio de la frase, o en medio de la frase para unir dos ideas.
 Because: porque > Hillary was promoted because she worked very hard.
 Because of: por esto, a causa de > We can’t sell our home easily because of the plumbing
 Due to : debido a > Sally was late due to tube strike.
 Thanks to: gracias a > My party was a blast thanks to this great DJ.
 For: para > Tom brought her a doughnut to make up for he knew her very well.
 As: mientras, porque, aunque > The dog ran away as it fears pigeons.
 Since : desde > Since Ben knows her well, he will toast her at her birthday party.
 This is the reason why : esta es la razón por la que, por esto> His new novel is very different
from the previous ones. This is the reason why it’s selling bad.
 This is why : esto es porque lo que > Erin you look great! Thanks, this is why I love my
 For this reason : > Those trees have some disease, for this reason they will be cut down.
Conectores de finalidad y consecuencia en inglés
Para expresar la finalidad o una conclusión en inglés de una acción o bien la consecuencia que se
deriva de la misma:
 So: entonces > Kate will move to France so she’s learnig French.
 For: por> The eagle is making a nest for her baby birds.
 So as to: para, con el objetivo de > Let me know when you decide so as to I can organize my
Thus / Therefore: así, por consiguiente > The student didn’t like his teacher therefore he didn’t
In consequence / consequently: entonces > Lisa forgot to set an alarm, consequently she’s
late for work.
As a result: como resultado, como consecuencia > I spent my weekend sleeping. As a result I
was very active on Monday.
Though: sin embargo, aunque > The waiter was impeccable though his clients were very
In this / that case: en este/ en ese caso> It’s getting cloudy, maybe it will rain. In that case, we
have umbrellas.
That is why: por esto > I need a shoulder to cray on, that is why I called you, my friend.
In order to: para, con el fin de > In order to have a good harvest, the farmer has to protect his
field from crows.
Finally finalmente > Finally the mechanic fixed my car.
At the end / in the end : al final > In the end, my grandmother was right.
At last: al fin, por fin> My daughter is going to take her last exam at last.
In conclusion / to conclude: en conclusión, para concluir > In conclusion, our firm has had a
great year.
To sum up: en resumen > To sum up my presentation, we need to invest more in marketing.
Conectores comunes