Subido por Gina Paola Gonzalez Fuentes

Digital Media & Social Communication: Study Guide

Digital media is any medium encoded in
a machine-readable format. Digital media can be created, visualized, distributed, modified and preserved in digital
electronic devices. Computer programs
and software; digital images, digital video; video game; web pages and websites, including social media; of data and
databases; digital audio, such as MP3;
and e-books are examples of digital media. They involve the interaction and use
of text format, images, graphic elements,
animation and sound, to create digital
products that can be used with or without
University of the Coast
Politecnico Corporation
Autonomous University of the
free University
Digital media is any medium encoded in a machine-readable format.
Digital media can be created, visualized, distributed, modified and
preserved in digital electronic devices. Computer programs and software; digital images, digital video;
video game; web pages and websites, including social media; of data
and databases; digital audio, such
as MP3; and e-books are examples
of digital media.
To train professionals in Social Communication and Digital Media, capable of addressing the needs of the
media, social development and organizations, through a responsible and
critical attitude, based on a solid professional, disciplinary, ethical and humanistic training.
It is a necessity for those who have and feel
the desire to inform and be informed, understanding the power exercised by the media in the social construction of people..
agrees that we all need to communicate, deliver and receive information, both in our
daily lives, as in our work environment, and
hence the need to have both in the media
and in companies, people who know how to
make effective messages. Thanks to the
arrival of the internet, this career has expanded even more, because through digital media, audiovisual communicators can find new
ways to connect with their audience, and a
he is a competent professional in the
field of journalism and communication,
who applies his knowledge by using new
technologies; It promotes critical thinking, problem solving, transformation
through research, reflection, social responsibility and civic commitment in students, valuing above all cultural diversity.
It is synthesized in tasks, functions, activities and conjugated actions, responsibilities established as:
- Journalist and photojournalist in traditional and digital media.
- Director, producer and editor of audiovisual content and digital media.
The Social Communication and Digital Media program of the Universidad de la Costa in 2020 will be recognized nationally and internationally for its leadership in the training
of professionals in Social Communication and Digital Media, competent
to respond to the challenges of society. the information, with academic and investigative quality.
- Organizational communicator
- Cultural manager
- Researcher of social communication
and digital media.