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Yoast SEO Readability: Improve Your Content

There are two parts to the traffic light system, namely the content analysis (SEOproof) and the readability analysis (if it is readable for a general audience).
The readability analysis uses an algorithm to determine how readable your post is. At the
moment, Yoast SEO uses the following checks:
Transition words: Using these words improves the flow of your article as they
provide hints to the reader about what is coming next. (most importantly,
because, therefore, besides that, ...)
Sentence beginnings: Always mix up your sentences to keep your article
readable and free of obstacles, unless you want to prove something or use it as a
writing style, of course.
Flesch reading ease: Texts with a very high Flesch reading ease score (about 100)
are very easy to read. They have short sentences and no words of more than two
Flesch reading ease measures how complex a text is. Before you start editing your text,
decide how easy to read your text should be for your audience. Then your content should
be relatively easy to read, for a broad group of readers. you can decide to aim at a specific
audience and write text with a lower Flesch reading ease score.
Paragraph length: Some people tend to use extremely long paragraphs. Break it
up, use shorter paragraphs and insert subheadings.
Sentence length: If your sentences are too long – over 20 words – people might
lose track of your point. Often, readers have to jump back a few words to find out
what you mean. Try to keep the number of words in a sentence in check.
Passive voice: Using a lot of passive voice in your text makes it appear distant,
and your message will be less clear. Your sentences become wordy and hard to
grasp because you have to work harder understand the sentence structure.
Whenever you use the passive voice, always consider whether a better, active
alternative is available. We’ve set the recommended maximum percentage of
passive sentences to 10%.
Google started recognizing synonyms. It also understands which words, entities, and
content are related to each other.
What makes a text easy to read?
How do people read web copy? Visitors scan through texts, read subheadings and the
first sentences of paragraphs. They look for transition words in order to quickly abstract
what the main conclusion of an article will be.
All the things humans do while reading text are things Google will do. That means that
the structure of your text, the way you write your paragraphs, will become increasingly
important. Core sentences — the first sentence of every paragraph — will be crucial.
Having a clear and logical structure in your text will be invaluable.
How to use the readability analysis in
Yoast SEO
I just start writing the article I want to write. I keep the audience I’m writing for in the back
of my head and try to use the words they use daily. Only after (the draft of) my article is
finished, I’ll check the readability score and see if I have to fix anything. If I get an orange
or red bullet, I can click on the eye icon to jump to the spot where improvements can be
Tips to keep your text readable
Make sure to write in an appealing style. That can be really hard; not everyone has a
talent for creative writing. Make sure to mix it up a little! Try to alternate long sentences
with shorter ones. Use synonyms. Avoid starting sentences with the same word.
Measurement of overall readability score
The present readability analysis of Yoast SEO contains 6 different content checks. These
6 checks all are equally important in the calculation of the overall content score. A red
bullet equals 3 penalty points, while an orange bullet equals 2 penalty-points. If your
article scores 7 or more penalty points, the overall content bullet will be red. If your article
scores 5 or 6 penalty points, your article will receive an orange bullet. Articles with 0, 2, 3
or 4 penalty points will be rewarded with the much-wanted green bullet.
In order to score an overall green readability score, you are allowed to have one red bullet
or two orange bullets.
Para generar contenido escrito para Wordpress de acuerdo a los parámetros de
evaluación de Yoast, los cuales son:
Transition words: Using these words improves the flow of your article as they
provide hints to the reader about what is coming next.
Sentence beginnings: Always mix up your sentences to keep your article
readable and free of obstacles.
Flesch reading ease: Texts with a very high Flesch reading ease score (about 100)
are very easy to read. They have short sentences and no words of more than two
Flesch reading ease measures how complex a text is. Before you start editing your text,
decide how easy to read your text should be for your audience. Then your content should
be relatively easy to read, for a broad group of readers. you can decide to aim at a specific
audience and write text with a lower Flesch reading ease score.
Paragraph length: Some people tend to use extremely long paragraphs. Break it
up, use shorter paragraphs and insert subheadings.
Sentence length: If your sentences are too long – over 20 words – people might
lose track of your point. Often, readers have to jump back a few words to find out
what you mean. Try to keep the number of words in a sentence in check.
Passive voice: Using a lot of passive voice in your text makes it appear distant,
and your message will be less clear. Your sentences become wordy and hard to
grasp because you have to work harder understand the sentence structure. We’ve
set the recommended maximum percentage of passive sentences to 10%.
Otros tips IMPORTANTES a considerar:
1. Longitud de texto: para esto sólo toma en cuenta la descripción larga y
debe tener mínimo 300 palabras.
2. Uso de la Focus Keyword el primer párrafo del copy. Yoast toma en cuenta
es la descripción larga para puntualizar este Item, sin embargo Google, que
también analiza y evalúa nuestro contenido, toma en cuenta que esta Focus
KW aparezca en el primer párrafo de la descripción corta.