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Pesticide Technical Data Sheet: Uses, Crops, Formulations

多菌灵+乙霉威 乙霉威高效对抗多菌灵抗性的病原体
arbendazim + Diethofencarb is a formulated mixture of fungicide, which could be used to control
a wide range of plant diseases effectively. Diethofencarb is highly effective against
Carbendazim-resistant plant pathogens.
Carbendazim is used for controlling of Septoria,壳针孢(病原菌) Fusarium,镰刀菌 Erysiphe 白
粉菌 and Pseudocercosporella 假尾孢属 in cereals; Sclerotinia 菌核病, Alternaria 链格孢菌 and
Cylindrosporium 柱盘孢属 in oilseed rape 油菜; Cercospora 尾孢菌病 and Erysiphe 白粉菌属
in sugar beet 甜菜; Uncinula and Botrytis(灰葡萄孢菌) in grapes 灰霉病; Cladosporium 枝孢
霉 and Botrytis in tomatoes; Venturia 黑星菌 and Podosphaera 白粉菌科 in pome fruit 梨类 and
Monilia 念珠菌 and Sclerotinia 菌核病 in stone fruit 有核水果. Application rates 施用量 vary
from 120-600 g/ha, depending on crop. A seed treatment (0.6-0.8 g/kg) will control Tilletia 黑穗菌,
Ustilago 黑粉菌, Fusarium and Septoria in cereals, and Rhizoctonia 立枯丝菌 in cotton. Also
shows activity against storage diseases 贮存病害 of fruit as a dip (0.3-0.5 g/l).
Diethofencarb is used for controlling of benzimidazole-resistant strains of Botrytis spp.(分类到属)
on vines, cucumbers, aubergines 茄子, tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruit 柑橘类, lettuce 生菜,
onions, and beans. Has secondary activity against powdery mildews 霜 霉 病 (Cercospora,
Available formulation
Carbendazim 250 + Diethofencarb 250 WP
Packaging details
Customized 1G ~25KG for solid formulations.
Applicable crops
vines, cucumbers, aubergines (eggplant), tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruit, lettuce, onions, beans
Carbosulfan 克百威(CAS No.55285-14-8) is a systemic insecticide with contact and stomach
Carbosulfan is used for controlling of a wide range of soil-dwelling and foliar 叶的 insect pests.
Examples of uses include control of millipedes 千 足 虫 , springtails, 弹 尾 虫 symphylids,
wireworms 线虫, pygmy mangold beetles 侏儒芒果甲虫, frit flies 飞虫, white grubs 蛴螬, aphids
蚜虫, caterpillars 毛毛虫, flea beetles 跳甲, Colorado beetles 科罗拉多甲虫, stem borers 螟虫,
leafhoppers 叶蝉, planthoppers, 稻飞虱 codling moth 苹果蠹蛾, scales and free-living nematodes
野线虫. The product is used in a wide range of crops, e.g. cotton, sugar beet, potatoes, rice, top
fruit, citrus, maize, vegetables, sugar cane and coffee.
Available formulation
200 EC
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations.
Applicable crops
cotton, sugar beet, potatoes, rice, top fruit, citrus, maize, vegetables, sugarcane, coffee
Cartap 杀螟丹,巴丹 (CAS No.15263-53-3) is a systemic insecticide with stomach and contact
action. Insects discontinue feeding, and die of starvation.
Cartap is used for controlling of chewing and sucking insects (particularly Lepidoptera and
Coleoptera 鳞翅目鞘翅目), at almost all stages of development, on many crops, including rice
(Chilo suppressalis, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus and rice-leaf beetle 二化
螟稻纵卷叶螟,稻水象甲和叶甲虫), potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables (Agromyzidae,
Leptinotarsa decemlineata and Plutella xylostella); also on soya beans, peanuts, sunflowers, maize,
sugar beet, wheat, 小麦,pearl barley 珍珠麦, pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, vines, chestnuts,
ginger 生姜, tea, cotton, and sugar cane 甘蔗.
Phytotoxicity 药害
May be phytotoxic to cotton, tobacco, and apples, under certain soil and climatic conditions.
Available formulation
500 SP
Packaging details
Customized 1G~25KG for solid formulations.
Applicable crops
potatoes, cabbage, vegetables, soya beans, peanuts, sunflowers, maize, sugar beet, wheat, pearl
barley, pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, vines, chestnuts, ginger, tea, cotton, sugar cane.
Chlorfenapyr 溴虫腈 (CAS No.122453-73-0) is a insecticide and acaricide 杀螨剂 with mainly
stomach and some contact action. Exhibits good translaminar 跨层转移 but limited systemic
activity in plants.
Chlorfenapyr is used for controlling of many species of insects and mites 螨, including those
resistant to carbamate 耐氨基甲酸酯, organophosphate 有机磷 and pyrethroid insecticides 拟除
虫菊酯 and also chitin-synthesis inhibitors 几丁质合成抑制剂, in cotton, vegetables, citrus, top
fruit, vines and soya beans. Among pests resistant to conventional products which are controlled
by chlorfenapyr are Brevipalpus phoenicis (leprosis mite), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado
potato beetle), Helicoverpa 夜 蛾 spp., Heliothis 夜 蛾 spp., Plutella xylostella 菜 蛾
(diamond-back moth 钻石背蛾) and Tetranychus 红蜘蛛 spp. Also control of many species of
structural and household Formicidae (especially Camponotus 木 蚁 , Iridomyrmex 虹 臭 蚁 ,
Monomorium 小家蚁, and Solenopsis 火蚁), Blattellidae 蜚蠊(especially Blatta 蜚蠊, Blattella 德
国小蠊, Periplaneta 美洲大蠊 and Supella spp.), Kalotermitidae 木白蚁 (especially Incisitermes
楹白蚁) and Rhinotermitidae 鼻白蚁 (especially Reticulitermes 散白蚁, Coptotermes 乳白蚁,
Heterotermes 异白蚁) at use rates of between 0.125 to 0.50% a.i. w/w.
No phytotoxicity observed at field use rates.
Available formulation
100, 150, 240 SC
700, 800 WP
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.
Applicable crops
cotton, vegetables, citrus, top fruit, vines, soya beans, structural, household
Chlorothalonil 百菌清 (CAS No.1897-45-6) is a non-systemic foliar fungicide with protective
Chlorothalonil is used for controlling of many fungal diseases in a wide range of crops, including
pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, bush and cane fruit, cranberries, strawberries, pawpaws 木瓜,
bananas, mangoes, coconut palms 椰子树, oil palms 棕榈树, rubber 橡胶, pepper 胡椒, vines,
hops 啤酒花, vegetables, cucurbits 南瓜, tobacco, coffee, tea, rice, soya beans, peanuts, potatoes,
sugar beet, cotton, maize, ornamentals 观赏性植物, mushrooms, and turf. Application rates for
food crops are 1-2.5 kg/ha.
Russeting is possible with flowering ornamentals, apples, and grapes. Some varieties of flowering
ornamentals may be injured. Pittosporum foliage 海桐花科 is sensitive. Phytotoxicity may be
increased with oils or oil-containing substances.
Available formulation
500,720 SC
750 WDG
750 WP
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations, 1G~25KG for solid formulations.
Applicable crops
pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, bush and cane fruit, cranberries, strawberries, pawpaws,
bananas, mangoes, coconut palms, oil palms, rubber, pepper, vines, hops 啤酒花, vegetables,
cucurbits 南瓜, tobacco, coffee, tea, rice, soya beans, peanuts, potatoes, sugar beet, cotton, maize,
Ornamentals, mushrooms, turf
Chlorpyrifos (CAS No.2921-88-2) is a non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach, and
respiratory action.
Chlorpyrifos is used for controlling of Coleoptera 鞘翅目, Diptera 双翅目, Homoptera 同翅目
and Lepidoptera 鳞翅目 in soil or on foliage 叶子 in over 100 crops, including pome fruit, stone
fruit, citrus fruit, nut crops, strawberries, figs 无花果, bananas, vines, vegetables, potatoes, beet,
tobacco, soya beans, sunflowers, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rice, cotton, alfalfa 苜蓿, cereals, maize,
sorghum 高粱, asparagus 芦笋, glasshouse and outdoor ornamentals, turf, and in forestry 林业.
Also used for control of household pests (Blattellidae, Muscidae, Isoptera), mosquitoes (larvae
and adults) and in animal houses.
Non-phytotoxic to most plant species when used as recommended. Poinsettias, azaleas, camellias,
and roses may be injured.
Available formulation
400, 480 EC
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations.
Applicable crops
animals, pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, nut crops, strawberries, figs, bananas, vines,
vegetables, potatoes, beet, tobacco, soya beans, sunflowers, sweet potatoes, peanuts, rice, cotton,
alfalfa, cereals, maize, sorghum, asparagus, glasshouse and outdoor Ornamentals, turf, forestry
Chlorpyrifos + Abamectin is a formulated mixture of insecticides, which could be used to control
series of insect pests.
Chlorpyrifos is used for controlling of Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera in soil or
on foliage in over 100 crops, including pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, nut crops, strawberries,
figs, bananas, vines, vegetables, potatoes, beet, tobacco, soya beans, sunflowers, sweet potatoes,
peanuts, rice, cotton, alfalfa 苜蓿, cereals, maize, sorghum, asparagus, glasshouse and outdoor
ornamentals, turf, and in forestry. Also used for control of household pests (Blattellidae, Muscidae,
Isoptera), mosquitoes (larvae and adults) and in animal houses.
Abamectin is used for controlling of motile stages of mites, leaf miners 潜叶虫, suckers 吸式虫,
Colorado beetles, etc. on ornamentals, cotton, citrus fruit, pome fruit, nut crops, vegetables,
potatoes, and other crops. Application rates are 5.6 to 28 g/ha for mite control, 11 to 22 g/ha for
control of leaf miners. Also used for control of fire ants.
Available formulation
Chlorpyrifos 148 + Abamectin 2 EC
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations.
Applicable crops
Ornamentals, cotton, citrus fruit, pome fruit, nut crops, vegetables, potatoes, ants
Chlorpyrifos + Cypermethrin is a formulated mixture of insecticides, which could be used to
control series of insect pests.
Chlorpyrifos is used for controlling of Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera in soil or
on foliage in over 100 crops, including pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, nut crops, strawberries,
figs, bananas, vines, vegetables, potatoes, beet, tobacco, soya beans, sunflowers, sweet potatoes,
peanuts, rice, cotton, alfalfa, cereals, maize, sorghum, asparagus, glasshouse and outdoor
ornamentals, turf, and in forestry. Also used for control of household pests (Blattellidae, Muscidae,
Isoptera), mosquitoes (larvae and adults) and in animal houses.
Cypermethrin is used for controlling of a wide range of insects, especially Lepidoptera, but also
Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and other classes, in fruit (including citrus), vines, vegetables,
potatoes, cucurbits, lettuce, capsicums, tomatoes, cereals, maize, soya beans, cotton, coffee, cocoa,
rice, pecans, oilseed rape, beet, ornamentals, forestry, etc. Control of flies and other insects in
animal houses; and mosquitoes, cockroaches, houseflies and other insect pests in public health.
Also used as an animal ectoparasiticide.
Available formulation
Chlorpyrifos 459 + Cypermethrin 45.9 EC
Chlorpyrifos 500 + Cypermethrin 50 EC
Chlorpyrifos 500 + Cypermethrin 50 EW
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations.
Applicable crops
animals, public health, citrus, vines, vegetables, potatoes, cucurbits, lettuce, capsicums, tomatoes,
cereals, maize, soya beans, cotton, coffee, cocoa, rice, pecans, oilseed rape, beet, Ornamentals,
Chlorpyrifos + Dimethoate is a formulated mixture of insecticides, which could be used to control
series of insect pests.
Chlorpyrifos is used for controlling of Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera in soil or
on foliage in over 100 crops, including pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus fruit, nut crops, strawberries,
figs, bananas, vines, vegetables, potatoes, beet, tobacco, soya beans, sunflowers, sweet potatoes,
peanuts, rice, cotton, alfalfa, cereals, maize, sorghum, asparagus, glasshouse and outdoor
ornamentals, turf, and in forestry. Also used for control of household pests (Blattellidae, Muscidae,
Isoptera), mosquitoes (larvae and adults) and in animal houses.
Dimethoate is used for controlling of a wide range of Acari, Aphididae, Aleyrodidae, Coccidae,
Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Pseudococcidae and Thysanoptera in cereals, citrus,
coffee, cotton, fruit, grapes, olives, pastures, beetroot, potatoes, pulses, tea, tobacco, ornamentals,
ornamental shrubs, and vegetables. Also used for control of flies in animal houses. Typical
application rates for cereals 340-680, citrus 2100, olives 720, beetroot 84-600, vegetables 330
-600 (all in g/ha per application).
Available formulation
Chlorpyrifos 278 + Dimethoate 222 EC
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations.
Applicable crops
animals, cereals, citrus, coffee, cotton, fruit, grapes, olives, pastures 牧场, beetroot 甜菜根,
potatoses, pulses 豆类, tea, tobacco, Ornamentalss, Ornamentals shrubs 观赏灌木, vegetables
Clethodim (CAS No.99129-21-2) is a systemic herbicide, rapidly absorbed and readily
translocated from treated foliage to the root system and growing parts of the plant.
Clethodim is used post-emergence for controlling of annual and perennial grasses, at 60-240
g/ha, in a wide range of broad-leaved crops (including such field crops as soya beans, cotton, flax
亚麻, sunflowers, alfalfa, peanuts, oilseed rape, sugar beet, tobacco, and potatoes), vegetable
crops, trees and vines. To be used with a non-phytotoxic crop oil concentrate.
Good tolerance in broad-leaved crops.
Available formulation
120 EC
Packaging details
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations.
Applicable crops
soyabeans, cotton, flax, sunflowers, alfalfa, peanuts, oilseed rape, sugar beet, tobacco, and
potatoses, vegetables, trees, vines