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1 JESUS AND UMMOWOA Jesus and Ummowoa are two important examples for their brothers
and ours, from OEMMIIWOA agencies. In other cold Astros of non-early hominization, we have
accused the emergence of as many OEMMIIWOA. In very advanced civilizations, where one of
these brain quantum leaps has not yet emerged, the cosmobiological model that makes the
phenomenon possible has already been developed, and the event is expected with scientific
expectation. There is no presumption that such a brain mutation is governed by a law that
makes the phenomenon predictable. It seems that; As it happens in the other quantum leaps
of the nervous structure, this arises by chance, although regulated from BB As proof of
randomness, we find that one of these organisms arises in disparate moments of
civilization. Jesus is born in the surroundings of a society still little developed culturally,
impregnated with irrational and magical ideas, far from the scientific era. In UMMO, our
OEMMIIWOA (UMMOWOA) is born in a much older Social Network, where a Science and
Technology comparable to that observed on Earth between the 19th and 20th centuries is
developed, in other Astros monitored by our ships, its appearance was much more early, when
its inhabitants lived under a tree plant species. As proof that BB exercises some feedback control
system, we note that once an OEMMIIWOA has emerged, the phenomenon does not reproduce
in millions of years to come. We know that a feedback mechanism (whose exact nature we still
do not know), activates the BB and then does not allow any other mutation in a long time. It is
as if an exotic plant was suddenly born in a garden, and it expelled a contaminating substance
that prevented fruiting its own congeners. Meanwhile, the rest of the brains, still at the previous
quantum level (hominized), continue to evolve and improve. Many millions of years pass, and
suddenly, as if that inhibitory reactive mechanism had ceased its action, thousands of
OIXIOOWOA mutations arise in the Social Network. The OEMII that still remain, soon become
accustomed to living with superior congeners, who do not die, but disappear in space. They are
two different species of inferior organisms, living in symbiosis, not with another race, but with
another superior species. Soon, the old OEMII family is extinguished by reduction, while new
beings, who follow sublime ethical guidelines, forming a perfect social structure, they last a short
time, because their ASNEIIBIAEDOO (BB Absorption or disappearance) decimates that
wonderful Social Network, until it disappears from the cold Astro. It is the natural death of an
old planetary humanity. [13] A cosmobiophysical event, whose rarity among other natural
phenomena we have just defined, is logical to create strangeness and amazement among the
peers of that unique organism. one It is logical that it creates strangeness and amazement
among the contemporaries of that singular organism. one It is logical that it creates strangeness
and amazement among the contemporaries of that singular organism. one
twoIts external anatomy is similar to that of the OEMII, so it is qualified as a man. (We have
already seen that taxonomically within the framework of the different biological species, their
structure has to be classified separately). Its intelligence is much higher than average, due to
the development of frontal cortex. This makes him a leader, his power of persuasion, of affective
radiation, of capturing wills, is logically superior, so his verbal information is collected with deep
respect, and disseminated. The behavior patterns are inevitably impeccable. Let us not forget
that a being of these characteristics not only reaches a very high level of awareness, but that a
new chain of atoms of Krypton directly transfers some sorting patterns from the same
cosmological pole of information: WOA. Although their free will reaches a value close to the
percentage of one hundred percent, it is almost unpredictable that they adopt behaviors that
violate the same UAA, so diaphanously engrammed in their unconscious, and that easily emerge
to consciousness. In a sometimes almost corrupted environment, in which their lives unfold, the
fame of their impeccable morality expands with great ease. Naturally, the established powers
capture the danger posed to them by a leader whose ability to drag the masses would probably
turn against their interests. And this is what happened precisely in our respective cold Astros,
although in disparate historical areas. UMMOWOA is sent to jail for a cruel and despotic girl. His
captors are preparing to carry out biological experiences with his body. The first distorted
accounts, surely, speak of the fact that his body disappeared at the moment of his death. It is
useless to speculate on whether ASNEIIBIAEDOO (border effect mutation), developed before
or not of its death. This occurs at the moment when the degree of awareness, because of an
intense dysthymic or emotional picture that disturbs the limbic system, endangers the WAAMWAAM [9] We can imagine the impression it would cause in those corrupted biologists. It was
a time of rationalist scientific development in which there was no room for ideas of a magical
nature, and therefore the miracle concept was unknown to logical minds. Naturally, the notion
that a mass object may suddenly disappear from view could only be explained at first, for a
scarcely credible hallucination phenomenon, collective. A subsequent consideration of the
course of events, and an examination of the doctrine disseminated by that strange OEMII, forced
everyone to reconsider the explanation. Although the notion of WOA was not as mythical as
the one that OYAGAA theologians support, the idea of a divine being had caught on many
brains. That seemed a direct test of the intervention of a Supreme Being, and this Faith
contributed to the dissemination of some UAA, on the other hand essential for the operation of
a Social Network. [10] You observe as BB in a maneuver that we could describe as great, he uses
some psychosocial mechanisms of suggestive exaltation, to fulfill his ultimate goal. Naturally,
when we came to OYAGAA; my brothers, once the language barriers have been overcome, and
when they were able to orient themselves through more and more transparent schemes around
their cultural heritage, they immediately focused on the strange figure of Jesus of Galilee. Of
course, other brothers of his had caught their attention, 2
3Generators of religions, some such as the Hinduist, with greater philosophical and doctrinal
wealth than the Christian. The study of Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad was very
important for us. The parallelism with UMMOWOA in Jesus was impressive, after a first reading
of the New Testament texts. But there were historical-social elements that did not fit. The life of
Jesus appeared in the context of these books, full of contradictions and historical errors. On the
other hand, it was impossible to find in the small group of historians of that time, allusions to
the experiential image of Jesus of Galilee. We also soon discovered that the brief quotation
about Christ from the historian Josephus is a blatant interpolation made, in later copies, by the
same Christian fanatics. Josephus, I ignored or despised this Jewish figure. Three of my brothers,
OAROO 4 son of YUIXII 48, YUU 1 daughter of AIM 368 and ADAA 66 h. of ADAA 65, travel to
Israel and Egypt and then to Jordan, to capture information. With UWOOLOO techniques, they
were able to locate and unearth very important documents embodied in metallic scrolls and
inscriptions on stone and clay, which together with other archaeological information recovered
by you, has allowed us to reconstruct part of this exciting stage of your History. (The
archaeological documents captured in OYAGAA, work in our possession in UMMO. We will
return them to OYAGAA in the future stage of your cultural evolution). Jesus was born in Galilee
(not in Bethlehem; but about twelve kilometers from the site of the later town of Nazareth), in
year eight of the Era, called by you, Christian (not therefore in the first year -year zero-). His
parents were nomadic (transhumant) shepherds, and his birthplace was a modest shop. (It has
been impossible to determine the exact place of that camping). Jesus had, at the time of his
birth, two brothers and one sister. Later one more brother was born. From here, the New
Testament account appears plagued by gross errors, of subsequent historical pseudo
additions. On this background; sometimes with a certain historical rigor, the doctrine of Jesus,
dictated by his subconscious, is somewhat distorted. [11] Jesus does not found any Church. The
story concerning the creation of the papacy with the apostle Peter, as the first Pontiff, and the
various allusions to a congregation of Faithful, is also the result of later additions. Hebrew terms
like qahal, and the Greek ekklesia, lavished later, grafting them into the oldest writings. The myth
of death originates from a false interpretation of the martyrdom of Jesus. It is absolutely true
that this OEMMIIWOA is subjected to the torment of the crucifixion, although also the New
Testament chronicles, about the persecution of Jesus, are substantially deformed until they
become a legend, but Jesus does not die. His followers manage to rescue his almost inanimate
body, although they run the species of his death [14] to avoid further persecution. They heal
their wounds and the religious leader, once restored, resumes his doctrinal activity. Shortly after,
the ASNEEIIBIAEDOO (Disappearance) would occur before his astonished disciples. The story of
this fact was later deformed, interpreting it as Ascension to Heaven. The phenomenon should
not have been so amazing to some fanatized human beings convinced of the Divinity of their
Master. 3
4We have verified that the canvas preserved in Turin, wrapped the body of Jesus. We
recommend a deeper study of this historical rest. The thesis, after the impregnation of the tissue
by the phytotherapeutic substances with which the healers healers impregnated the body of
Jesus to relieve his wounds, explains the image primer. The thesis that some of his brothers have
issued about a hypothetical mysterious radiation is totally absurd and unscientific. The tunic was
preserved by a peasant named ISMAHI, who attended the miraculous disappearance of the
Galilean Master. It is important to note that, unlike in our UMMOWOA History, the number of
people who contemplated the portentous act of their disappearance was enormous. Possibly,
because of the documents we have located; between two hundred and five hundred people. If
the version given at the beginning by a few biologists, was described as psychonosological, by
those who heard the story, although a police investigation restored the truth of the
phenomenon, here dozens of shepherds, peasants and fishermen, threw themselves full of
exalted fanaticism to narrate with mystic enthusiasm what they had seen with their own eyes. [15]
Immediately a Christian sect is developed that acquires an unusual boom, from the year thirtyeight (Western Era), until the year 129 to 133. During this period, the witnesses of the event, their
children and other exalted adherents, faced to the doctrines prevailing in Israel, they are
launched into a messianic campaign, to expose something deformed, the ethical doctrine of
Jesus. From these dates, the first splits are observed, The formation of sects, the gestation - led
by the most ambitious leaders - of an EKKLESIA congregation, emerges strongly. Jesus in life,
had frequented friendship with relevant people who led the assemblies or synagogues. Do not
forget that in Judea, the wealthiest pro-men were integrated into the priestly caste; that is, the
hierarchs of the High Priesthood of the Temple. The money flow was immense, coming from
donations from Jews and from religious taxes. Thus, the Sanhedrin had a secret power that
extended to all areas of Judea. Some of these pro-men had become secret followers of Jesus
and were able to attend the prodigy of his disappearance. They manipulated with their large
economic assets, the gestation of such sects, and through their children and grandchildren. In
principle two important groups arise. One, from Jewish (minority) sectors, and others from
Palestinian Social Networks (although in some ways also linked to Judaism). An Essene group is
also born, which strongly distorts the doctrine. An important role in later dates was the
descendants of a sect that embraced a monastic way of life, formed by some friends of Jesus
and who lived in caves, near Jerusalem. Discrepancies about the meaning of Jesus' ideas
become increasingly tense. Only a common memory united those men: Their parents or
grandparents had seen the prodigious miracle of a divine Master, who suddenly became
transparent. The germ of the ecclesial idea appears precisely, led by a monastic group from
Jerusalem, strongly hierarchical. Among them were former disciples of another historic OEMMII
(although their history is also distorted) JUAN EL BAUTIZADOR. [16] 4
5These mixed disciples impose the so-called sacrament of Baptism. It is this same sect that
creates the myth of the twelve apostles. Not because they did not exist, in reality those apostles
were some more of Jesus' followers, but by joining the group of Anacoretas, they took a leading
role that they did not really have. They would be the SHELIHIM. The leaders of the new
hierarchical congregation. Around Esteban, one of the leaders of another sect, the so-called
Hellenists; very cultured Jews that embrace the already very adulterated doctrine of Jesus are
agglutinated. The conflict between these and the old monacal group becomes very serious. The
first departed from the principle that it was necessary to suffer persecution and martyrdom, like
Jesus. Their dialectic was richer, they were more intelligent men than the monacales. The Zealots
had bitter disputes with them that degenerated into bloody brawls. Esteban was barbarically
killed. His genitals were removed in life, his eyes were torn off and his abdomen was
opened. Then, the version of the remaining sectarians was that Esteban had simply been
executed. The rest of the supporters fled to Samaria. The Hellenists continued to expand along
the Mediterranean coast, through Syria, Phenicia. Ecclesial congregations are formed along this
theological line, competing with the effort of the monacales who had been captained by the
twelve apostles in principle. He stood out, in the persecution of the Hellenists, a dark OEMII
named Pablo de Tarse. In principle he had been attached to the Zelotas. Then he betrayed
them and they swore to kill him. A Hellenist named THAIS, He initiated him into the mysteries
of the doctrine of Jesus. THAIS had also attended the disappearance or ascension to
Heaven. After joining the group, he travels to Syria to create new groups, new churches. In these
communities, an intense respect for the freedom of adherents was enhanced. The rigid
hierarchy and the severe norms that must govern in later centuries the most sclerotized
communities are unknown. The faithful are exhorted to regulate their acts according to the
divine teaching of Jesus, so that he does not seriously violate the right of the weakest
beings. Here the true UAA, arises with all its purity. By the year 49, the Zealots cause serious
disturbances in Jerusalem. The origin of the revolt must be focused on the fact that a young
Zealot woman, one such DHIFA or DIVA, was barbarously raped by a soldier from Rome. The
rebellion extends throughout Palestine. Rome suffocates the rebels, finally occupying Jerusalem
and destroying the Temple. Christian sects are severely affected at this time. Later Santiago dies,
and the Jerusalem sect is dispersed. By the year 72, it has suffered a notable decline in its old
influence. Meanwhile, the Hellenistic groups are strengthening. They had written the so-called
Gospel according to St. Mark, by the year 52, and they expand it rapidly. For his part, an exiled
Palestinian named NAUR, writes the Apocalypse according to St. John in 79. This man hated the
Jews and writes his text to foster the social climate that existed against that race among the
Palestinians. The so-called Epistle of Santiago is written between 78 and 81. We can reveal that
it is not written by Santiago either. It is the work of two authors, one of whom is called Daniel,
the Jew. Both Christians who strive with their text, attract dispersed Jews to Christianity after the
destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. 5
6The Gospel according to St. Matthew, is written in the year 82, remains unpublished two years,
and rewritten corrected in the year 84 by a small group of leaders in a community in Syria,
located in Antiochia. The story of the Gospel of St. John is more complex. It is precisely John
who recounts the agony of Jesus and his life, as he knew it through adulterated versions of other
disciples of Jesus, and as he himself has lived, to various adherents of the Smyrna
community. These collect the stories mentally and write the gospel, which they do not make
known except after successive subsequent tweaks. The Gospel takes two years and five months
to take its final form. And his text begins around the year 96. Christians in the last period of the
first century, met in the homes of the most important leaders of the sects. There they held
collective dinners in remembrance of the Master Jesus, where stories of his death were read. This
custom was ritualized, until in the first quarter of the 2nd century (around the year 118), it
appears as the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The elders were in charge of a cult that by then was
already ritualized and even codified in some communities. The episcopes, were responsible for
administering goods from a common fund of congregants. In the end, these were done with
the control of the communities. The period that mediates between the years 170 and 243, is
characterized by the emergence of the Church institution. The episcopes understand that it is
necessary to unite the dispersed communities, under a common control and a uniform
codification of the doctrine, which until then was exposed in an anarchic way by each of the
independent congregations. [12] But not all groups are satisfied with this merger. In fact, the socalled Christian Sect, is divided into a multitude of small groups, some of which, following an
eclectic line of thought, mix doctrines from Roman and Greek Mythology with Christianity; when
there is no strange symbiosis of Jewish, Egyptian and Christian ideas. The most important group
of opponents to the other line is the one formed by the gnostic schools. It is another more
refined way of understanding Christianity. The falsified official interpretation of the historians of
the Roman Catholic Church places special emphasis on presenting the conflict between two
ideologies. A, the pure one would be represented by CHRISTIANITY in its origins
GNOSTICISM. Historical reality, as we have valued it with documents not accessible to you, is
another. These are two mythical interpretations of Christianity. Both adulterate the genuine
message of Jesus, whose cosmobiological origin we have exposed. Jesus only wanted to
influence his subconscious engrammer of the patterns of neguentropic behavior, to teach his
disciples those pure elements of Ethics. The magical mentality, the ideological excrescences
coming from diverse mythological cultures and the natural absence of rigor in the transmission
of data by oral or written means, gestated two great bodies of doctrine called Christian: The
Hellenistic, 6 Historical reality, as we have valued it with documents not accessible to you, is
another. These are two mythical interpretations of Christianity. Both adulterate the genuine
message of Jesus, whose cosmobiological origin we have exposed. Jesus only wanted to
influence his subconscious engrammer of the patterns of neguentropic behavior, to teach his
disciples those pure elements of Ethics. The magical mentality, the ideological excrescences
coming from diverse mythological cultures and the natural absence of rigor in the transmission
of data by oral or written means, gestated two great bodies of doctrine called Christian: The
Hellenistic, 6 Historical reality, as we have valued it with documents not accessible to you, is
another. These are two mythical interpretations of Christianity. Both adulterate the genuine
message of Jesus, whose cosmobiological origin we have exposed. Jesus only wanted to
influence his subconscious engrammer of the patterns of neguentropic behavior, to teach his
disciples those pure elements of Ethics. The magical mentality, the ideological excrescences
coming from diverse mythological cultures and the natural absence of rigor in the transmission
of data by oral or written means, gestated two great bodies of doctrine called Christian: The
Hellenistic, 6 Both adulterate the genuine message of Jesus, whose cosmobiological origin we
have exposed. Jesus only wanted to influence his subconscious engrammer of the patterns of
neguentropic behavior, to teach his disciples those pure elements of Ethics. The magical
mentality, the ideological excrescences coming from diverse mythological cultures and the
natural absence of rigor in the transmission of data by oral or written means, gestated two great
bodies of doctrine called Christian: The Hellenistic, 6 Both adulterate the genuine message of
Jesus, whose cosmobiological origin we have exposed. Jesus only wanted to influence his
subconscious engrammer of the patterns of neguentropic behavior, to teach his disciples those
pure elements of Ethics. The magical mentality, the ideological excrescences coming from
diverse mythological cultures and the natural absence of rigor in the transmission of data by
oral or written means, gestated two great bodies of doctrine called Christian: The Hellenistic, 6
7 poorer, more influenced by the terrible notion of a vengeful and cruel Jehovah, a protective
God of the aggressive Jewish ethnicity, and Gnosis with a more elaborate and logical philosophy,
which sees Jehovah in an evil entity and elaborates an idea of God much more pure. The later
story was a brutal clash between both conceptions. In the end, the first one, which imposed its
concept of the Church and its doctrine, won. It is evident that if it had happened in reverse, you
in the West would have developed a Christian philosophy, also mythified and distorted, but
more intellectual and with a concept of divinity more in line with Science. Albacete January 8,
8(Received by JB January 20, 1988) (Opened on January 24, 1988) NOTES ON JESUS AND
UMMOWOA [9] Although the information that has come to us about UMMOWOA is more
accurate and reliable than that possessed by you about OYAGAAWOA (Jesus), we resent an
important lack of data about his life, due in part to the hired assassins of the young Head of
State of the time, ordered to destroy almost all the documentation they could find about that
exceptional hominid. It is necessary to refer to the cruel dictatorship of a girl: WIE 1 daughter of
OOUUA 3. With low age, she takes over the power to the death of her mother IEE 456 daughter
of NAA 312. This, had been proclaimed absolute queen of UMMO, after to give frightful death
to nine hierarchs, who along with three other representatives, ruled the Social Network
wisely. She was a fan of scientific research. His culture was not excessive, but he felt respectful
fear and enthusiasm for progress. In his lavish house he surrounded himself with researchers
and made many rooms be destined to be converted into laboratories. Many mornings he went
quietly, without the company of his policemen, to the rooms carved into the rock, and if he saw
no activity, he ordered the execution of the scientists and collaborators responsible. She had a
brilliant but distorted cosmological idea, which in part has confirmed Science, although its
structure is fallacious. He wrote that the creators of the Universe are the OEMMII. When one of
them formulates a physical law, he is creating it at that moment. It is not exactly like that, but
his dogma served much later to discover the modeling action of the thinking brain on WAAMWAAM. The Anthropoteismo, oriented to believe that the Social Network of UMMO is the same
God creator of the Universe, and that in the body of her the brain of WOA is lodged. He
appeared at the foot of a volcano, climbed and sat among the branches of a IXXISOO (very
leafy tree species), and made his infant figure come to contemplate hundreds of thousands of
subjects, who had to appear before her naked, and with his head and face impregnated with
eyougii (a gelatinous substance that produced stinging in the epidermis). The servants of his
body were all humans dedicated to Science. It was an honor to put the orange tunic, a symbol
of his power, or to introduce the XUUXU into his mouth, a long flexible tube through which he
sucked the juices. His egolatry reached a limit. It projects a great industrialization plan, tending
to provide Energy from IUMMA (Sun) for the production of production goods, and huge
amounts of instruments for research, in various areas of Physics-Biology. Agents (police)
roamed underground homes across the continent, pulling women and men out of their home
(at that time it was common to live in 8
9communities of forty to eighty OEMMII, mixed the YIEE with their husbands and children with
other family members, residing together in an underground circular ship). The agents arrived,
randomly selected the OEMMII, stripped them of their clothes and in gigantic multipedal
vehicles, crowded them to their strangers; for them, work points. During the trip, they were
selected by dialing a number, with incandescent metal types, on the forehead and on the
buttocks, and they were provided with a garment that only covered them up to the waist. Then
the rest of the body was brushed; genitals, buttocks and legs, with a transparent plastic
substance, leaving only the holes that allowed them to perform their physiological
evacuations. One of these unfortunate beings was UMMOWOA. Mixed between a multitude of
GEE (men) and YIEE (women), and destined to work in the construction of a gigantic solar plant,
in the immense plain of SIIIUU. They had to dig long and huge strips of parabolic section, which
covered with specular metal, were used to concentrate the rays of IUMMA and produce energy
by conversion (UC Note: Probable typing error. I should say convection); in liquid
circuits Nothing is known about the parents of UMMOWOA. The police later destroyed all the
files that alluded to his family. Indirect references of contemporary followers of his doctrine,
allude to the fact that his Father was an engineer specialized in lighting devices, and his mother
professor of zoology, or perhaps of general biology. It seems that he had a sister who was
destined like him to a plant to obtain SUUX (porous blocks to store liquids), but his brother did
not contact his relatives again after the brutal separation. It seems that his father was called soaii
(SOAII 41 son of?), But the most surprising thing is that we ignore the real name of UMMOWOA
(several are attributed to him, without authentic historical rigor). His followers were so convinced
about his divinity that they simply called him UMMOWOA. As the slave workers officially lost
their name, it has only come to us that the number engraved on the epidermis of their forehead
and buttocks, was the (in decimal number): We know few stories of life made by UMMOWOA
and his unfortunate brothers, through of one of his slavery companions, one YOODAA 60, who
had the number engraved: One of his stories, alludes to the last era in which WIE 1 daughter of
OOUUA 3 had already come to power. This, by one of his frivolous whims and to humiliate the
slave workers, had replaced more than seventy percent of the Guardian policemen, for girls
aged nine to fifteen years old. One afternoon UMMOWOA and YOODAA 60 were working
together placing large curved metal sheets on the parabolic ditches, when the girl who watched
them had a sexual desire and asked YOODAA, a woman who would then have about 9
10twenty-six Earth years old, to prostrate before her and perform lingual caresses. The
worker; Submissive, did what was requested. A refusal would have meant death, accompanied
by horrible torture. The girl must have been dissatisfied with the zeal shown by the subordinate,
and with her UHULAA (steel rod provided at the end of needles), she began to beat her
defenseless body barbarically. UMMOWOA who had hitherto attended the impotent scene, ran
to the couple and stared at the little tyrant. This gesture was inadmissible at that time, when
looking at a superior was considered as something nefarious and repulsive, but in those
circumstances set his sights on the watchman, he also reported death. The young girl could not
resist the look of her slave, He threw away the UHULAA and ran to hide behind other
workers. This girl would become days later a faithful follower of UMMOWOA. IE 456 dies
murdered in circumstances not yet clarified by our experts in History. The most likely version is
that a professor of perfume mixing technique (IAI KEAII): GOEEXOO 87 daughter of GOEEXOO
82, in revenge for having been punished by introducing her buttocks in boiling water, placed
an explosive in the ESAAVII (bath room) . At least they provided false or real evidence of their
plot. The only victim was Tirana. He was succeeded by a weak girl, his daughter WIE 1, who soon
showed pathological features focused on his cruelty, which far exceeded those of his father. His
refinement in making the slave subjects suffer surpassed everything imaginable in UMMO. First
he ordered that his faeces be ingested by all his subjects as a sign of submission. His tutors
terrified by the unpredictable reaction of the girl if they opposed her wishes, made her see with
simple explanations, that it was impossible to achieve that such a small fecal mass could be
distributed to millions of inhabitants of the cold Astro. He had to meet a commission of
intellectual servants to find a solution to the problem, because she threatened to make a terrible
genocide, leaving alive only those who were fortunate to submerge their excrement. Finally the
solution that satisfied her was found. The feces of its servers, police officers, local leaders and
the entire social structure governing the UMMO Social Network, were mixed with a solution of
infinitesimal gradation, in huge amounts of water, from the depositions of the tirana. The orders
issued to meet this requirement, generated multiple revolts among slave workers, many of
whom were brilliant scientists. The brutal police drowned the uprising, killing thousands of
innocents by dipping their heads in animal manure. The waves of the uprising also reached the
SIIUU valley, and the police prepared to suppress it. UMMOWOA enjoyed a great moral
ascendancy, not only among those 10 The waves of the uprising also reached the SIIUU valley,
and the police prepared to suppress it. UMMOWOA enjoyed a great moral ascendancy, not
only among those 10 The waves of the uprising also reached the SIIUU valley, and the police
prepared to suppress it. UMMOWOA enjoyed a great moral ascendancy, not only among those
elevenworker-servants, but among the guardians themselves. He himself snatched a phonic
amplifier from one of the hitmen, and silenced the large OEMMII group that was listening to
him. His sublime words placated the emotional reactions of hate. The servants obeyed the
imperial orders to chew every twelve days, the humiliating feces, and the leaders and vigilantes
decided a pact of silence to forget the provocations and to disregard the orders of execution
and torture that had been dictated to them. UMMOWOA was surrounded every night by
hundreds of OEMMIIs, including mixed vigilantes and leaders of the camp, who collected with
anointing each TAAUU (moral maximum) that left its phonation organ. UMMOWOA; If we are
to accept the testimony of some of his listeners, he spoke persuasively. At that time, The
proportion of OEMMII that enjoyed phono-emissive faculties was much higher than today, and
UMMOWOA had no atrophied vocal cords. At that time, the faculty of issuing a double message
in verbalization began to develop, but the second was poorer although endowed with rich
emotional nuances. UMMOWOA hardly used its normal transmission powers, which you call
telepathic. UMMOWOA wrote the famous WOABOOXII on transparent sheets. Unfortunately
after his arrest, the police took over the original and copies, and when WIE 1 ordered to destroy
everything that alluded to UMMOWOA, his text was lost forever. YODAA 60 relates that the text
was illustrated with beautiful schemes of what should be a system of moral relations between
the OEMMII of the vast continent of UMMO. But his voice has reached us through bands of
ZUUROHO (band capable of recording the sound optically), paradoxically preserved by one of
the very young vigilantes who refused to follow the strict orders of destruction. After some time,
UMMOWOA's fame came to the same girl WIE 1, through her fearsome network of vigilant
spies. WIE 1, by then, had replaced much of the adult guardians, with girls about their age. The
training to which they were subjected, made them more cruel than the GEE (men). WIE 1 tried
to create a terrible theocratic structure, in which she was arrogated the function of WOA (God,
in a mythical conception), in which the hierarchy would be integrated by girls of her age, the
subordinate positions would be granted to the YIE, and The exterminated GEEs: except for a
few stallion slaves. But the fluctuations of emotionality in that young neuronosada, prevented
any coherent planning of that monstrous genocidal plan. It was enough that one of her
maidservants made a decision, after punishing her barbarically, hurrying to enact cruel laws
against women. His famous instruction that forced all the YIEE of UMMO to necessarily become
pregnant, eliminating the sterile ones, was dictated by OGIIA (Supreme Hierarch of UMMO),
when YAA 63, one of the maidservants destined to drink the urination of their supreme mistress,
spilled a few drops of the liquid, staining the thighs of the OGIIA. Acute tensions are created
between the new and brutal young guardians, and the male agents that remain in the
Valley. The latter, faithful to UMMOWOA. One of these warns the sublime teacher that orders
have been issued to lead him to the girl governor of the region, to interrogate him through
torture. eleven
12UMMOWOA flees the valley, but adult guards are reduced and tortured. In order not to
compromise those unhappy OEMMII, that OEMMIIWOA, voluntarily presents itself to the
authorities in your area. WIE 1 heard about his arrest through IBAYAANII. (Information channel
consisting of posts that emitted and decoded modulated light. They were high cylinders of a
chrome alloy, which acted as relay of light signals). The story tells that the girl was in the
IAIQUEAII compound (art of aromatizing), with her maidservants. Giving an ululant shout of joy,
he immediately gave orders to be skinned alive, to do biological research with his body. The
last days of his life, UMMOWOA issued its TAAUU to its followers, by issuance of
OANEEAOIYOIYOOO (Telepathy). Your end is known by a document that we sent you some
time ago. Back [10] The cosmophilosophical ideas of that time were relatively developed. There
was no doctrinal body that you could identify with a Religion. But there was a concept of WOA
that presumably could be associated with the idea of God of many scholastic theologians of
OYAGAA. WOA was a generator of laws. WOA was not eternal, according to that old
version. He was born, had developed until he reached absolute intelligence, at which point he
had dictated his laws, making reality. In this way, the cloud of stars that our brothers of that
period, identified as WAAM (perceptible Universe) would have been created. WOA wishing that
the Universe also possessed intelligence, decided later to create living beings. It was thought
that all of them possessed UYUUIYWE (could be translated by intelligence or vital spirit), only
that the OEMII had it more developed. When humans and other living died, their UYUUIYWE
merged into a WOAUWI being, which was like a kind of vitalizing angel, whose function would
be to develop the evolution of organic beings. There was no cult around these ideas, and they
were accepted without much enthusiasm, as a plausible hypothesis of the transcendent. The
ideas launched by decree, by IEE 456 and of his daughter WIEE 1 of Theocosmic character, or
pantheist as you would say, and as a high tendency to identify the cruel sovereigns, with WOA,
were not taken seriously by anyone, except at the beginning by schoolchildren who received a
rigid education in this regard. No one dared in public to contradict them, for WIE 1 had even
decreed that whoever denied his divinity be exposed naked in a transparent sphere. On the
other hand, there were no precedents of OEMMII who would have dared to identify with
WOA. Our ancestors, knowing the surprising thaumaturgical fact, for them, of the
disappearance of UMMOWOA, thought that WOA had incarnated to contradict the
blasphemous affirmation of the two tyrants. Back [11] Many of Jesus' experiences related in the
New Testament context are pure legends, when not weakly reflected and strongly dislocated
versions of reality. The intense impact generated by his sudden disappearance, surrounded by
a 12 there were no precedents of OEMMII who would have dared to identify with WOA. Our
ancestors, knowing the surprising thaumaturgical fact, for them, of the disappearance of
UMMOWOA, thought that WOA had incarnated to contradict the blasphemous affirmation of
the two tyrants. Back [11] Many of Jesus' experiences related in the New Testament context are
pure legends, when not weakly reflected and strongly dislocated versions of reality. The intense
impact generated by his sudden disappearance, surrounded by a 12 there were no precedents
of OEMMII who would have dared to identify with WOA. Our ancestors, knowing the surprising
thaumaturgical fact, for them, of the disappearance of UMMOWOA, thought that WOA had
incarnated to contradict the blasphemous affirmation of the two tyrants. Back [11] Many of Jesus'
experiences related in the New Testament context are pure legends, when not weakly reflected
and strongly dislocated versions of reality. The intense impact generated by his sudden
disappearance, surrounded by a 12 Back [11] Many of Jesus' experiences related in the New
Testament context are pure legends, when not weakly reflected and strongly dislocated versions
of reality. The intense impact generated by his sudden disappearance, surrounded by a 12 Back
[11] Many of Jesus' experiences related in the New Testament context are pure legends, when
not weakly reflected and strongly dislocated versions of reality. The intense impact generated
by his sudden disappearance, surrounded by a 12
13Supernatural halo their life, and the slings of this halo illuminated vulgar aspects of their
passage through the Palestinian lands, turning them into wonderful events. For example: the
version of which he had died, spread on purpose to avoid the persecution of the authorities,
but reported in successive versions by the apologists, became a miraculous resurrection. Back
[12] Many of these early Christian communities were a wonderful Social Network model, based
on moral patterns. A community of goods was maintained, and the members, always bearing
in mind the venerated image of the sublime master Jesus, carried out their high teachings. It
didn't matter that the doctrine was already vitiated by a historical mythification of the teacher's
life. The important thing is that a regime of life was practiced among them, which because of
the data we have, resembled the ethical bases that govern the customs of our UMMO. That is
why we have been greatly seductive, the style of Western civilization of OYAGAA. It was not
because scientific rationalism was created within the Helenic forms of thought, or because as a
consequence the nations of that area have reached a level of economic well-being in line with
the consequent technification and their planning mentality. Nor for their forms of religious
ideology. Actually, the structured religion in Christianity presents a much less imaginative
theology than Hinduism, Buddhism and other exotic forms of transcendentalist thought. Which
is, therefore, The reason why we initially chose our interest in this segment of the Social
Network? Simply, the still incomprehensible contrasts that could be described as brutal,
observed within communities with religion of Judeo-Christian origin. If we confine ourselves to
Catholicism, it is disconcerting to analyze how OEMMII has coexisted in it, whose rules of
conduct have been governed by the most sublimated moral law, capable of surrendering their
lives in the service of their brothers, with their more fanatic brothers than in the name of Jesus,
they have reached the limits of more abject cruelty. It is not a secret for you, that within the
framework of that institutionalized religion, the pages of its history are impregnated with blood
and suffering, for those who did not think like them, and of kindness and charity. You would say
that Catholicism is a saga of demons and angels. A study done by us, throws a very negative
balance. The ecclesial phenomenon has done more harm than good to the humanity of
OYAGAA. It has slowed the development of Science and Culture, has eugulated the desire to
emancipate the conditions of poverty and slavery. We don't need to remember many black
pages. In their early days, the communities of some cities were a true model of ethical behavior,
and Christians of many groups suffered terrible persecution, inhuman torture, giving honest
testimony for their FAITH. But constantinism annihilated the last vestiges of a Social Network
based on community and ethical principles. 13 The ecclesial phenomenon has done more harm
than good to the humanity of OYAGAA. It has slowed the development of Science and Culture,
has eugulated the desire to emancipate the conditions of poverty and slavery. We don't need
to remember many black pages. In their early days, the communities of some cities were a true
model of ethical behavior, and Christians of many groups suffered terrible persecution, inhuman
torture, giving honest testimony for their FAITH. But constantinism annihilated the last vestiges
of a Social Network based on community and ethical principles. 13 The ecclesial phenomenon
has done more harm than good to the humanity of OYAGAA. It has slowed the development
of Science and Culture, has eugulated the desire to emancipate the conditions of poverty and
slavery. We don't need to remember many black pages. In their early days, the communities of
some cities were a true model of ethical behavior, and Christians of many groups suffered
terrible persecution, inhuman torture, giving honest testimony for their FAITH. But constantinism
annihilated the last vestiges of a Social Network based on community and ethical
principles. 13 We don't need to remember many black pages. In their early days, the
communities of some cities were a true model of ethical behavior, and Christians of many
groups suffered terrible persecution, inhuman torture, giving honest testimony for their
FAITH. But constantinism annihilated the last vestiges of a Social Network based on community
and ethical principles. 13 We don't need to remember many black pages. In their early days, the
communities of some cities were a true model of ethical behavior, and Christians of many
groups suffered terrible persecution, inhuman torture, giving honest testimony for their
FAITH. But constantinism annihilated the last vestiges of a Social Network based on community
and ethical principles. 13
14The most serious thing is not that it was structured under the myth of Peter's primacy,
hierarchizing his organization and shaping his doctrine through dogmas. What truly corrupted
the Church was the temporal power and paranoid ideas of its leaders and theologians. The old
myth of the devil, plagiarized from the biblical pages of other ancestral religions of OYAGAA,
was assumed with great intensity by the thinkers of this institution, as it allowed them to justify
any nephanda conduct. This is how poor women are persecuted in the number of several
thousand, accusing them of cohabiting with Satan, in a nauseating persecution that Catholics
and Christian Protestants share throughout the darkest centuries of their history. All the murders
committed by fans (Night of St. Bartholomew, murders of the Gironde, genocide of the priest
Ante Palevic in collaboration with the Nazis, death of Giordano Bruno, torture and Spanish
Francoist crimes, horrible torture of the Argentine military supported by the Catholic hierarchy
...), have been justified by the moral of the Church, under the base that the victims tried (in
collaboration with forces inspired by the evil power) to subvert the established order. That
Church, therefore, is guilty of perverting the message of Jesus, discrediting him, and therefore
preventing a process of mentalization of the Social Network that allows him to follow the
UAA. When OEMMII kindly, noble and willing to follow the pure doctrine of Jesus, have sought
from the very bosom of the Church, to reform it; The system has either created an antiseptic
cleanly. You
examples. Francisco de Asís, Juan XXIII, Archbishop Romero, the founders of the theological
doctrine of Liberation, and the unprecedented case of his brother Albino Luciani (Juan Pablo I),
killed with a double capsule of botulinum agent and potassium cyanide, when He planned to
demand accountability from finance managers, and propose their new plan (Blue Folder.
Document S / 655 Fine paucis) of deep economic reform. The naive hopes that a structure
vitiated at its origin could undergo a conversion, going back to the primitive sources of the
gospel, have already observed their brothers who have dissolved after the flash of the Second
Vatican Council. Pope John Paul II has been responsible for abortion. The anticlericals should
be very grateful to their person. In a few years he has done more damage to his Church, than
all his atheist enemies. Back [13] The sampling that we have been able to perform in different
known cold Astros shows a profile-type of OEMMIIWOA corresponding to both sexes, extrovert,
loquacious, but not very likely to establish intimate and sexual affective relationships. It is true
that even if he tried, the results would be negative, given the characteristics of his chromosomal
background. Probably his sexual inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of the BB, in
front of the risk of an excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous
OEMMIIWOA arise, the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative,
collective social phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 May
all your atheist enemies. Back [13] The sampling that we have been able to perform in different
known cold Astros shows a profile-type of OEMMIIWOA corresponding to both sexes, extrovert,
loquacious, but not very likely to establish intimate and sexual affective relationships. It is true
that even if he tried, the results would be negative, given the characteristics of his chromosomal
background. Probably his sexual inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of the BB, in
front of the risk of an excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous
OEMMIIWOA arise, the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative,
collective social phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 May
all your atheist enemies. Back [13] The sampling that we have been able to perform in different
known cold Astros shows a profile-type of OEMMIIWOA corresponding to both sexes, extrovert,
loquacious, but not very likely to establish intimate and sexual affective relationships. It is true
that even if he tried, the results would be negative, given the characteristics of his chromosomal
background. Probably his sexual inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of the BB, in
front of the risk of an excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous
OEMMIIWOA arise, the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative,
collective social phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 Back
[13] The sampling that we have been able to perform in different known cold Astros shows a
profile-type of OEMMIIWOA corresponding to both sexes, extrovert, loquacious, but not very
likely to establish intimate and sexual affective relationships. It is true that even if he tried, the
results would be negative, given the characteristics of his chromosomal background. Probably
his sexual inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of the BB, in front of the risk of an
excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous OEMMIIWOA arise,
the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative, collective social
phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 Back [13] The sampling
that we have been able to perform in different known cold Astros shows a profile-type of
OEMMIIWOA corresponding to both sexes, extrovert, loquacious, but not very likely to establish
intimate and sexual affective relationships. It is true that even if he tried, the results would be
negative, given the characteristics of his chromosomal background. Probably his sexual
inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of the BB, in front of the risk of an excessive
proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous OEMMIIWOA arise, the
fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative, collective social
phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 but little inclined to
establish intimate and sexual affective relationships. It is true that even if he tried, the results
would be negative, given the characteristics of his chromosomal background. Probably his
sexual inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of the BB, in front of the risk of an
excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous OEMMIIWOA arise,
the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative, collective social
phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 but little inclined to
establish intimate and sexual affective relationships. It is true that even if he tried, the results
would be negative, given the characteristics of his chromosomal background. Probably his
sexual inhibition constitutes a powerful defensive system of the BB, in front of the risk of an
excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous OEMMIIWOA arise,
the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative, collective social
phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 against the risk of
excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous OEMMIIWOA arise,
the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative, collective social
phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14 against the risk of
excessive proliferation. In the late phases of a humanity, in which numerous OEMMIIWOA arise,
the fecundatory mechanisms between them become almost inoperative, collective social
phenomena occur in which thousands of OEMMII gather to meditate 14
fifteendeeply, reaching an emotional state so intense in magnitude, that they all disappear
instantly. Procreation is almost nonexistent on the other hand, to the point that the
disappearance rate called by us ASNEIIBIAEDOO greatly exceeds that of OISIOOWOA
mutations added to that of rare births of the new species. The Social Network of that inhabited
star, therefore tends to become extinct in a few hundred Earth years. We want to point out that
the cold stars that reach that final stage do not even reach 0.002 percent. They are true
biological oddities in the WAAM-WAAM. Back [14] Although the death of Jesus versed in the
New Testament documents officially admitted by the Christian Churches, is the historical fraction
that suffers the least deformations, the reality of the succession of events keeps numerous
discrepancies with the narratives transcribed in those sacred texts for you. The true social life of
Jesus begins when this OEMMIWOA, in the company of some pastors from the vicinity of
Nazareth, approaches the group of Essenes who followed John the Baptizer. Jesus closely
follows the word of this leader. Many of his harangues ideologically approached the ethical
conceptions of Jesus. But this, finally discovers great discrepancies and confronts the teacher
publicly. He perceives worried that the rhetoric of the disciple, snatches many of his followers
and rightly fears a serious schism in his ranks in which that dark Galilean could snatch almost
the bulk of the group. John reacts with violence, annoys Jesus and expels him from their
ranks. Much of his supporters choose to follow the new leader. Jesus does not get carried away
by resentment. Keep, despite everything, a nostalgic memory of the Baptizer and travels
through Galilee recruiting followers who secretly see in the future hierarchy of Judea, the
anointed one by God. Jesus attracts members of the Sanhedrin. These are skilled, powerful and
rich. They are more seduced by the great power of suggestion of the new teacher, his great
eloquence, than the ethical-ideological content of his messages. One of them: Jonan plans to
Priest. Maybe
teacher. OYAAGAAWOA probably ignores such conspiracies, although one of the documents
obtained by my brothers contains a text from which it seems to be deduced that Jesus rebukes
the followers conspired with this idea, and corrects them severely. But rumors that Jesus is
considered as Messiah, the anointed one as future Jewish King, disturb the hierarchs. The news
that a plot is brewing in the ranks of his followers fully alarms them. He is accused from the field
of his enemies of practicing magic against Jehovah, of worshiping false idols, of conspiring
against established power, of being an imposter who proclaims himself Messiah; mixing
interpretations of the sacred books (Old Testament). fifteen of being an imposter who proclaims
himself Messiah; mixing interpretations of the sacred books (Old Testament). fifteen of being an
imposter who proclaims himself Messiah; mixing interpretations of the sacred books (Old
Testament). fifteen
16Joshua (as they called him in Galilee), is already marked to choose the right time to destroy
it. Of all the men who lead popular religious movements on Palestinian lands, opposing the
established system, Joshua (Jeschuaah), that is, Jesus, is the most dangerous. By then he had
been appointed procurator, by Rome; in Judea, Pontius Pilate under the intrigues of Lucio Elio
Sejano, minister of Tiberius, a human who hated the distant Roman province of Judea and who
had received news of the turbulence that was brewing in the popular classes. To Lucio; Pilate
was the guarantee that strict discipline would be imposed. Pontius Pilate arrives in Judea and
gives up residing in Caesarea. The legionaries are transferred to Jerusalem itself, and he himself
establishes his residence in the holy city. It was the same followers of Jesus who encouraged
him to proselytize in Jerusalem. Probably, with the secret hope of revolting the citizens against
the hated ROME. At this point, the tensions of the teacher with the most levantisks are
continuous. The spirits were very exalted in Jerusalem since the legionaries entered the narrow
streets of the city with medallions that highlighted the effigy of Emperor Tiberius. The Jews
abhorred iconographic representations, prohibited by the Mosaic law. From the rooftops, they
threw stones at the soldiers and they brutally repressed the insurgents. The Sanhedrin is
restless. Some of his are with Jesus. Pontius Pilate's spies inform him about the risk of riots, if
Jesus continues to speak to the natives of the Capital. The legend of Judas, has a real
foundation. The Romans had mixed with the followers of Jesus, agents who reported on the
words of the teacher. It was these who advised on the most suitable time to arrest him. To avoid
the repeated attempts of those hierarchs, tending to imprison Jesus, many of his followers had
formed an armed host. Jesus appeared in the smell of a multitude in his spiritual harangues,
and the authorities feared serious disorders if in those circumstances they proceeded to arrest
him. The episode of the Garden of Gethsemane does not seem to have the slightest historical
foundation, which is a later addition to the New Testament account. Nor do the documents in
our possession agree on the circumstances of this arrest. The most reliable text written by one
of his many followers, one Joram, describes his teacher as surrounded by eighteen followers,
between men and women, at the home of one of the members of the Sanhedrin, his disciple
(named Zhacar, or such this time he was the son of the counselor). It is immediately after the
afternoon meal, when legionaries from Rome, sent there for the information of the traitors to
Jesus, proceed to his arrest. Zhacar accompanies Jesus. The strict orders are to hand it over to
the Jewish religious authority. Zhacar and other advisers of the Sanhedrin argue violently with
their peers. The splitting of the Council threatens to severely crack the religious Authority that
governs the Temple. It is precisely what Pontius Pilate wishes in his strategy of dividing the
Jews. 16
17The High Priest foresees the danger and orders the Roman authority to be given to the
prisoner, to get rid of a man whose mere presence threatens to crack the weak Jewish
structure. Pontius wishes to humble Jesus before the people of Jerusalem, to show them that
he is not the Messiah, the envoy of God. Start by neutering him, then cauterizing the
wound. Roman legionaries are responsible for the torture of the inmate. They dress her as a
woman, cover the genital wound with false hair and show her body to the mobs. These cruelly
mock that man exhausted and almost faded by blows. Someone places a wicker cylinder with
hawthorn on his head, crowning him as king. Tired of playing with a body that suffers an acute
shock, its crucifixion is decided. Jesus is effectively taken to Golgotha, but not with two other
inmates, but with five. He would be the sixth sacrificed that day. Members of the Sanhedrin
operate in the meantime in the shade. The Roman officer in charge of executing the condemned
is earned with money. They are disciples of the Master and have power and influence. That
night, the two legionaries who make the guard, let three relevant disciples and two women pass
through, who quietly rescue Jeschuaah's almost agonizing body. We have been unable to
determine the identity of such YIEE. We still ignore if OYAAGAAWOA's mother lived on that
date and was even one of the women who helped kidnap the Master. The entire mythical history
of the intervention of Mary in the period of the crucifixion is an addition in much later texts. It
could be simple invention, but we also do not rule out that it was based on an oral tradition,
more or less distorted. The news was kept quietly that the rescued body was alive, before the
rest of the followers. The pro-men of the Sanhedrin knew that among them there were spy
agents, and they feared both the reaction of the merciless companions of the enemy Sanhedrin
of the Prophet, and that of the solicitor Pontius, who, if he felt mocked, would have looked
everywhere for the rebel Jesus. The legend that the disciples were reduced to twelve, is already
clarified by us. My brothers had missed the contradiction of the version of Jesus being
accompanied by so few followers with the fact that a group supposedly so small, aroused such
serious fears of the Sanhedrin and the Romans. The archaeological documents discovered by
us, shed enough light on the subject. The myth was developed later, when twelve of its followers
form the sect of Jerusalem, opposed to the Christian Hellenists. Those claim the merit of having
been chosen especially by Jesus. The reality is that within the numerous set of acolytes, the
tensions derived from the different interpretations of the ideas expressed by the Master were
very serious. The crucifixion and falsified news of his death, engendered the division into four
groups, one of them led by Peter, James the son of Zebedee, and John, who were three of the
seven minor leaders chosen by Jesus to organize their hosts. The Jerusalem group also develops
the myth of the betrayal of Judas Iscariot. This was with Peter and five other disciples, one of
the most active subliders, but disagreeing with Peter's criteria. Judas not only appears in writings
of the 17th
18time as free from any guilt, but with many of its supporters a revolt in the streets of Jerusalem
against the enemy mobs of Jesus and the Jewish leaders, while other followers of Jesus, including
Peter, flee and hide. Slander gestated in the caves of Jerusalem years later, reaches plausibility
because of the proven fact of the existence of agents paid by Rome and the High Priest in the
ranks of the Master. Judas Iscariot (his name is correct), he was a human of the humble
people; enemy of the rich disciples of Jesus, among whom were men of the Sanhedrin. When
Jesus and his supporters entered Jerusalem, his group camped in the garden of
Gethsemane. The afternoon of Jesus' imprisonment, he was not in the house where the last
meal was made. The successive accounts of the events that occurred in those hours, were mixed
and deformed successively until creating the legend of a Jesus praying in the garden of
Gethsemane. An emissary arrives at the Judas store with the news of Master's arrest. This
harangue their hosts and proceed to invade the streets of the City, while Jesus is barbarously
tortured. Judas is caught, beaten and his body hung. The remaining sub-leaders quietly leave
the capital. Just arrived at OYAGAA, my brothers developed the hypothesis that Jesus is a true
OEMMIIWOA, as it has been confirmed, but they mistakenly thought that his ASNEEIIBIAEDOO
(disappearance due to border effect), could be carried out at the time of his death on the cross,
of so that the subsequent account of the resurrection was a mythified legend in the gospels. As
you can see, a subsequent analysis in view of the documentation obtained, dissolves this
hypothesis. We are sorry to disagree, therefore, with the different historiographic schools
developed by his brothers in Earth. The mythological school, some of whose historians
developed an excellent work in the Soviet Union, is not right to deny the existence of Jesus. The
historical school represented by his brothers Renan, Loisy, Staton, Bultmann ... is a bit closer to
reality, but for lack of documentary data, it is debated in the shadows. The school represented
by the ecclesiastical historians, is totally discredited, while it tended to develop a pseudo
Christological history based on texts that the same rigorous critique of you considers plagued
by mythical elements. All his brothers of the different tendencies, animated by excellent good
faith, but lacking sufficient information, are torn between lacerating doubts. Our contributions
are not going to free them from them, because we refuse to provide the evidence we
have. Doing so would mean being forced to identify as OEMM of UMMO. Back [15] Although
the ideological environment of those humans was plagued by superstitious ideas about the
magical powers of prophets and sorcerers, people could not observe in practice, more than
naive luck of elementary illusionism. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in
broad daylight must have overwhelmed them deeply. Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a
very important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic
moment for the Jewish people under the 18 encouraged by excellent good faith, but lacking
sufficient information, they are torn between lacerating doubts. Our contributions are not going
to free them from them, because we refuse to provide the evidence we have. Doing so would
mean being forced to identify as OEMM of UMMO. Back [15] Although the ideological
environment of those humans was plagued by superstitious ideas about the magical powers of
prophets and sorcerers, people could not observe in practice, more than naive luck of
elementary illusionism. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in broad daylight
must have overwhelmed them deeply. Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a very important
historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic moment for the
Jewish people under the 18 encouraged by excellent good faith, but lacking sufficient
information, they are torn between lacerating doubts. Our contributions are not going to free
them from them, because we refuse to provide the evidence we have. Doing so would mean
being forced to identify as OEMM of UMMO. Back [15] Although the ideological environment
of those humans was plagued by superstitious ideas about the magical powers of prophets and
sorcerers, people could not observe in practice, more than naive luck of elementary
illusionism. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in broad daylight must have
overwhelmed them deeply. Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a very important historical role
in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic moment for the Jewish people
under the 18 but lacking sufficient information, they are torn between lacerating doubts. Our
contributions are not going to free them from them, because we refuse to provide the evidence
we have. Doing so would mean being forced to identify as OEMM of UMMO. Back [15] Although
the ideological environment of those humans was plagued by superstitious ideas about the
magical powers of prophets and sorcerers, people could not observe in practice, more than
naive luck of elementary illusionism. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in
broad daylight must have overwhelmed them deeply. Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a
very important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic
moment for the Jewish people under the 18 but lacking sufficient information, they are torn
between lacerating doubts. Our contributions are not going to free them from them, because
we refuse to provide the evidence we have. Doing so would mean being forced to identify as
OEMM of UMMO. Back [15] Although the ideological environment of those humans was
plagued by superstitious ideas about the magical powers of prophets and sorcerers, people
could not observe in practice, more than naive luck of elementary illusionism. The instantaneous
disappearance of a human being in broad daylight must have overwhelmed them deeply. Back
[16] John the Baptizer, occupies a very important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA
(Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic moment for the Jewish people under the 18 Our contributions
are not going to free them from them, because we refuse to provide the evidence we
have. Doing so would mean being forced to identify as OEMM of UMMO. Back [15] Although
the ideological environment of those humans was plagued by superstitious ideas about the
magical powers of prophets and sorcerers, people could not observe in practice, more than
naive luck of elementary illusionism. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in
broad daylight must have overwhelmed them deeply. Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a
very important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic
moment for the Jewish people under the 18 Our contributions are not going to free them from
them, because we refuse to provide the evidence we have. Doing so would mean being forced
to identify as OEMM of UMMO. Back [15] Although the ideological environment of those
humans was plagued by superstitious ideas about the magical powers of prophets and
sorcerers, people could not observe in practice, more than naive luck of elementary
illusionism. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in broad daylight must have
overwhelmed them deeply. Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a very important historical role
in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic moment for the Jewish people
under the 18 Back [15] Although the ideological environment of those humans was plagued by
superstitious ideas about the magical powers of prophets and sorcerers, people could not
observe in practice, more than naive luck of elementary illusionism. The instantaneous
disappearance of a human being in broad daylight must have overwhelmed them deeply. Back
[16] John the Baptizer, occupies a very important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA
(Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic moment for the Jewish people under the 18 Back [15] Although
the ideological environment of those humans was plagued by superstitious ideas about the
magical powers of prophets and sorcerers, people could not observe in practice, more than
naive luck of elementary illusionism. The instantaneous disappearance of a human being in
broad daylight must have overwhelmed them deeply. Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a
very important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic
moment for the Jewish people under the 18 Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a very
important historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic moment
for the Jewish people under the 18 Back [16] John the Baptizer, occupies a very important
historical role in the life of OYAGAAWOA (Jesus). It was a sad and dramatic moment for the
Jewish people under the 18
19subjugation of the Roman pagans, who were ideologically far behind than the Yahavista
monotheists. Long ago, the lineage of the hierarchs called Herod had begun, towards which
the people felt hatred and disgust. Herod son of Antiphatro, had offered slavishly to Octavian
in Rome, and disembarked in Judea with his hosts, finally defeating the defenders of Jerusalem,
imposing a new Sanhedrin headed by the new High Priest Aristobulus, a young relative of
Herod, and proclaiming himself King from Judea with the support of Rome. The upper classes
supported him, as Herod educated in Rome, intelligently planned the Country, and initiated an
era of new constructions based on Roman architectural techniques. But the popular strata felt
hatred for him. He was considered a traitor who had sold the ethnic group of proud tradition,
to the barbarian invaders of the Italian peninsula. They began to emerge, years later, restless
and rebellious men, with neuropsychic minds of leaders, who presented themselves as prophets,
preaching the end times, interpreted in the light of the sacred books. Juan was the most
intelligent and famous among them. He was followed by fanatical followers, Essenes and
Samaritans. In those days, a descendant of Herod son of Antiphatro Herod Antipas; exacerbated
the talk of peasants, shepherds, artisans and fishermen. He had decided to join nuptials with his
carnal niece. The intensely puritanic Mosaic law considered this incestuous event as nefarious
and execrable. John the Baptizer, encouraged those who wished to listen to him, to purify his
body in the water, to organize an uprising against the hierarchs cursed by Jehovah, and pass
them by a knife. Among the early followers of John, was Jesus. He had been seduced by the
purest ideas preached by his Master, who called for a return to a purer life and a faithful
interpretation, to the Mosaic law. Jesus was a much smarter being than John; endowed with a
more powerful persuasive capacity. Many of the Master's followers focused their attention on
the young sub-leader. Jesus publicly opposed John, when he begins to preach the murder of
Herod and other Jewish leaders. Juan reacts, expelling him from his ranks, and Jesus takes with
him many followers. Back 19 and pass them by knife. Among the early followers of John, was
Jesus. He had been seduced by the purest ideas preached by his Master, who called for a return
to a purer life and a faithful interpretation, to the Mosaic law. Jesus was a much smarter being
than John; endowed with a more powerful persuasive capacity. Many of the Master's followers
focused their attention on the young sub-leader. Jesus publicly opposed John, when he begins
to preach the murder of Herod and other Jewish leaders. Juan reacts, expelling him from his
ranks, and Jesus takes with him many followers. Back 19 and pass them by knife. Among the
early followers of John, was Jesus. He had been seduced by the purest ideas preached by his
Master, who called for a return to a purer life and a faithful interpretation, to the Mosaic
law. Jesus was a much smarter being than John; endowed with a more powerful persuasive
capacity. Many of the Master's followers focused their attention on the young sub-leader. Jesus
publicly opposed John, when he begins to preach the murder of Herod and other Jewish
leaders. Juan reacts, expelling him from his ranks, and Jesus takes with him many followers. Back
19 who called for a return to a purer life and a faithful interpretation, to the Mosaic law. Jesus
was a much smarter being than John; endowed with a more powerful persuasive capacity. Many
of the Master's followers focused their attention on the young sub-leader. Jesus publicly
opposed John, when he begins to preach the murder of Herod and other Jewish leaders. Juan
reacts, expelling him from his ranks, and Jesus takes with him many followers. Back 19 who called
for a return to a purer life and a faithful interpretation, to the Mosaic law. Jesus was a much
smarter being than John; endowed with a more powerful persuasive capacity. Many of the
Master's followers focused their attention on the young sub-leader. Jesus publicly opposed
John, when he begins to preach the murder of Herod and other Jewish leaders. Juan reacts,
expelling him from his ranks, and Jesus takes with him many followers. Back 19 expelling him
from his ranks, and Jesus takes with him many followers. Back 19 expelling him from his ranks,
and Jesus takes with him many followers. Back 19