Subido por Kishytta Glint

Enzymatic Biodiesel Production: Commercialization & Benefits

Commercializing Enzymatic Biodiesel Production
Enzyme catalyzed biodiesel production has long been on the cusp of revolutionizing the
way in which biodiesel is produced. Historically, the high cost of enzymes has outweighed any
benefits they might offer, such as their ability to convert low quality, high free fatty acid
feedstocks, savings on energy consumption, and co-production of technical grade glycerin.
Recently, the hurdle of making the process economically viable on a commercial scale has been
Viesel Fuel LLC, in collaboration with Novozymes and Tactical Fabrication LLC has
developed and implemented a biodiesel production process that uses enzyme to currently
produce at a rate of 5 million gallons annually. Further, this process is easily scalable to larger
capacities. Recovery and reuse of the enzymes to catalyze several batches makes the enzymes
economically feasible, and simple resin based technology is used to bring the crude biodiesel
into ASTM specifications. Additionally, this process requires a lower capital investment, works
at a production cost per gallon that is comparable to that of traditional biodiesel, and most
importantly, allows the use of less expensive, more varied feedstocks with free fatty acid content
as high as 100%.
Feedstocks in the Market
Demand for biodiesel in recent years has greatly increased due to consumer acceptance as
well as incentives and mandates, such as the Renewable Fuels Standard, that are in place through
state and federal governments. Consequently, the economic viability of many biodiesel facilities
relies heavily on these ever changing policies related to biodiesel. Because the cost of feedstock
is the largest single expenditure in the production of biodiesel, the flexibility that enzymes allows
to use any feedstock that may appear in the market place, from brown grease to virgin oil, is
economically advantageous and offers a reprieve for biodiesel producers whose sustainability
shifts and destabilizes with the changing value of tax credits and RIN prices.
Pre-treatment of feedstock is required to remove impurities that may be harmful to the
reaction kinetics (in this case the enzymes) and/or prohibit compliance with ASTM D6751
standards. The use of low quality feedstocks has been problematic for traditional processes and
catalysts, even after all other impurities have been neutralized, due to their high free fatty acid
content. A major advantage of enzymes is their ability to easily convert FFA to fatty acid methyl
esters (FAME) at temperatures around 95ºF and with less methanol. The appropriate
pretreatment method depends on the feedstock, and might include water washes and settling,
neutralization of pH, or filtration. Sulfur is one of the more troublesome contaminants in low
quality feedstocks, but research and development of technologies including filtration and resins
for sulfur reduction to 15 ppm in either feedstock or crude biodiesel assists in making
inexpensive, high FFA feedstock a viable option.
Enzymatic Reaction
The reason enzymes are able to convert high FFA feedstock is because the reaction
chemistry is based upon a two-step reaction where the first step is hydrolysis of glycerides to
FFA followed by a second step that esterifies the FFA and methanol to produce FAME. When
using high FFA feedstock, the hydrolysis step has already occurred and the main job of the
enzyme becomes the conversion of FFA to FAME. In the esterification step water is produced
and absorbed into the heavy phase, which also consists of glycerol, excess methanol and
enzymes. Conveniently, water is a necessary component to activate the enzymes and does not
lead to soapy contaminants, as it does in many traditional processes.
Careful monitoring during the reaction of methanol, water and enzymes in the heavy
phase, temperature, and rate of conversion is critical to ensure high quality finished biodiesel and
optimum number of enzyme reuses. The “happier” the enzymes are, the longer they will remain
active, and the more economical they become.
Enzyme Recovery & Reuse
To recover the enzymes, the reaction mixture must go through two different stages of
settling. Initial settling results in a heavy phase that includes glycerol, methanol, water, and
enzymes, as well as a light phase of crude biodiesel. At this point, the crude biodiesel can be
withdrawn from the reactor and refined, while the heavy phase requires further separation. The
second stage of settling results in a transparent glycerin phase, which falls to the bottom of the
reaction vessel, and the enzymes which migrate to the interface between crude biodiesel and
glycerin. This second separation can be expedited by the use of flocculants or mechanically
separated with membranes. A portion of the glycerin phase is withdrawn and refined, while the
remaining glycerin and the layer of active enzymes are retained in the reactor and reused to
catalyze the next reaction. Combining proper feedstock pretreatment and optimized reaction
conditions allows Viesel to run a series with a minimum of 8-10 enzyme reuses, with a 10%
addition of fresh enzyme to each batch.
The glycerin can be cleaned easily to eighty percent purity with simple vacuum
distillation to remove methanol and water. If a processor chooses to add additional processing,
such as resins, filtration, or active carbon, this glycerin could be purified to greater than ninety
seven percent. In either event, the glycerin can be sold into value-added applications not
normally available for crude glycerin.
Biodiesel Refining
The use of enzymes results in a crude biodiesel with 1.5 - 2.0% unreacted FFA. Viesel
initially used a caustic wash to turn this FFA to soap, followed by washes and centrifugation to
remove the soap and water. The recovered soap was acidulated back to FFA, for re-use as a
blend component in the feedstock
Viesel has most recently adopted the use of resin technologies; both as a catalyst to
convert FFA to FAME and in an ion exchange capacity to adsorb any remaining FFA. The
optimization of resins makes the refining process simpler, reduces yield loss, and has allowed
Viesel to transition to a continuous flow process for the biodiesel refining section of the plant.
Viesel will further develop the capability to convert the current batch enzymatic reaction process
into a continuous process throughout 2014.
The benefits of enzyme catalysts in the production of biodiesel have long been apparent,
but until now their adoption on a commercial scale has not been economically feasible. With
production approaching 150 batches in six months, Viesel’s process has demonstrated that
enzymes are an exciting catalyst that requires less energy and fewer chemicals. When coupled
with resin technologies for refining to ASTM specifications, the process becomes cost
comparable to traditional catalysts. But the true economic benefit of enzymes comes in their
ability to handle a variety of inexpensive feedstocks making enzymes a financially prudent route
for biodiesel producers, allowing them to thrive despite low RIN prices and the disappearance of
tax incentives.