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Cascadia Newsletter JULY 2019

Happy 4th of July! Our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a
universally recognized symbol of liberty and freedom. It is the history or our
nation, and it is marked by the blood of those who died defending it.
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We hope you have a fun and safe 4th of July!
In February of this year, we celebrated the one-year anniversary of
Cascadia Advisory Services, LLC—our Registered Investment Advisor arm.
We celebrated as a Cascadia family in a fun afternoon of bowling, pizza, and
healthy competition (we made sure Doug didn’t finish last). Establishing CAS
has allowed us to provide an even greater depth of service to our clients, by
offering a more robust platform, and a wider range of products and services
through our strategic partners.
Welcome to the first edition of “The Monthly Dividend.” We wanted
to provide an extra opportunity to keep you updated, along with helpful
tips, whimsical anecdotes, recipes we think you’ll enjoy, and thoughtful
While our intent is to provide an enjoyable and informal way to
connect, we also know that you might have some wonderful ideas or
feedback about some specific content you might like to see—whether onetime or ongoing. Please feel free to email Jeremy at with your feedback and ideas for how we can
make this newsletter better for everyone. All links in this newsletter are
active and can be clicked through if viewing digitally.
In addition to our daily focus on you as clients, we continue to enjoy
time with our families, the occasional adventure out of town, along with
some adventures right here at home.
While our business is directly to provide holistic planning and
portfolio management services, we do not lose sight of who we are serving,
and why we do what we do. We are grateful for your business and trust.
Thank you.
Technology today has created opportunities that have advanced
our capabilities substantially. However, opportunities for scams have also
advanced. We have seen a recent spike in these activities—whether it’s
phishing emails that mimic the look and language of well-known
organizations; or someone calling you via phone claiming to be from the
IRS or Social Security office.
As we enter the summer months, we’d like to kick off our recipe
sharing section with a bit of lighter fare—for those nights when the sun
stays a bit warmer, and lasts a bit longer into the evening. Here are a
couple of favorites for fish or chicken tacos, a summer favorite—light,
delicious, and easy to prepare. Spice them up or cool them down to your
liking. Thanks to Chrissy for sharing her favorites.
Phishing emails are perhaps the most prevalent scam cycling
through inboxes across the country. Typically these emails will falsely use
a company’s logo and design, and imply the need to verify your personal
information—providing a link for you to “verify” your information. We
recommend contacting the organization directly to verify if the request is
legitimate. A good resource to stay knowledgeable on current scams is the
Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information website:
> From
> From
No doubt we’ll be trying these out this summer. Yum!! Enjoy.
As we have reached the middle of the year, and the end of the
second quarter, it seems prudent to take a look at the broad market and the
various factors playing a role in the overall market conditions and
environment. Each month we will provide insight into more specific trends,
factors, or sectors in the market. As a precursor, let’s set the table regarding
the marketplace as a whole.
2019 has, so far, been a year of confusion and contradiction. The
broad focus has been on issues such as the escalating global trade war, but
overall, markets have largely shrugged off these threats. The G20 Summit
ended with the U.S. and China agreeing upon a “trade war truce,” that
should relieve the heightened tensions enough to stimulate productive
trade talks, and potentially a favorable trade deal in the near future.
The market began 2019 with a healthy recovery from the difficult
end to 2018. Though some retraction occurred in May, historically stocks
have traditionally risen in June during years with similarly healthy starts,
and 2019 seems to be proving that history can be a great guide.
With the Federal Reserve Board taking a more passive stance in
their rate adjustments, fears regarding inflation continue to fade, and there
is even discussion now of a potential rate cut at the Federal level, numerous
analysts are offering a bullish outlook for the remainder of 2019.
Additionally, while many analysts see a rate cut as an unnecessary economic
stimulus, it would potentially provide an additional bullish element to
current market conditions.
Positive sentiment and analysis can provide a great outlook,
however, market conditions are always changing and influenced by a wide
range of indicators. Remaining focused on your overall financial plan, goals,
and objectives is crucial when uncertainty and volatility remain in the
marketplace due to a variety of factors—as is the case currently.
Sources: Chaikin Analytics, LLC; University of Michigan; Institute for Supply Management Manufacturing
Index;;; CFRA Research
The colors of the American Flag
represent traits perceived as
integral to the newly formed country
Red—Hardiness & Valor
White—Purity & Innocence
Blue—Vigilance, Perseverance, &
Whether it’s a “stay-cation,” in your own neck of the woods, or an
international adventure, travel seems to be a common thread amongst many of our
clients. Traveling is an opportunity to accumulate precious memories and spend time
with those close to you. Regardless of why you travel, here’s a couple choice tips to
make the most out of each travel experience, as we enter the summer travel time:
> Spend More Time in Fewer Places: When planning a trip, don’t try and go
everywhere and do everything—that’s a recipe for burnout. The less you feel you
have to see and do, the more enjoyable and stress-free your adventure will be.
> Talk to the Locals: Regardless whether you’re traveling domestic or
international, engaging with the locals can dramatically enhance your overall
enjoyment of a new destination. Locals typically have the best knowledge of what to
see, do, and eat in their own town, and often thoroughly enjoy sharing info and
stories about their town .
> Put Down Your Phone and Camera: Unless you’re a professional
photographer and getting paid for your plethora of photos, take time to just enjoy and
be present in the moments. By all means be sure to capture places and memories, but
just be sure you don’t miss everything going on around you by spending your vacation
behind a lens or video screen.
DOUG PERRY — Managing Principal
 JEREMIAH BEAM —Financial Advisor
 CHRISSY BOELL — Advisor Assistant
Portland Office
8050 SW Pfaffle Street, Suite 100
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 620-5236
Enjoy your adventures! We look forward to hearing about them soon.
Investment advisory services provided by Cascadia Advisory Services, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Brokerage services offered through Cetera Advisors LLC,
member FINRA/SIPC. Cascadia Wealth Management and Cascadia Advisory Services, LLC are separate and independent entities from Cetera Advisors LLC. Content provided is
not solicitation or recommendation for any product or service.