In vitro deformation of acetyl resin and metal alloy removable partial denture direct retainers Jean C. Wu, BDSc, MDSc, DDS,a George H. Latta, Jr, DDS, MS,b Russell A. Wicks, DDS, MS,c Robert L. Swords, DDS,d and Mark Scarbecz, PhDe College of Dentistry, University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn Statement of the problem. Acetyl resin removable partial denture (RPD) direct retainers may provide an esthetic alternative to conventional metal direct retainers. The effect of repeated stress on acetyl resin direct retainers is unknown. Purpose. This study compared deformation of acetyl resin and metal alloy RPD direct retainers after repeated dislodgments over a test die. Material and methods. Ten acetyl resin (Thermoflex) and 10 metal alloy (Ticonium Premium 100) RPD direct retainers, fabricated to manufacturers’ specifications, were dislodged over a stainless steel die by means of a laboratory test apparatus for a simulated 3-year period (5000 cycles). Occlusal and facial digital images made before and after cycling were measured (mm) for direct retainer deformation by using computerimaging software (Scion Image 1.62). Student t tests (␣⫽.05) were performed for statistical comparisons. Results. A significant difference in deformation between acetyl resin and metal alloy direct retainers occurred in the occlusal view (P⫽.045), but not in the facial view (P⫽.832). Average deformation varied but was greatest in the occlusal view: 0.09 ⫾ 0.8 mm for acetyl resin direct retainers compared with 0.01 ⫾ 0.9 mm for metal alloy direct retainers. Average facial view deformations revealed no significant differences: 0.039 ⫾ 0.6 mm for metal alloy and 0.033 ⫾ 0.7 mm for acetyl resin direct retainers. Conclusion. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, significantly greater deformation resulted with acetyl resin compared with metal alloy direct retainers after 3 years of simulated use. (J Prosthet Dent 2003; 90:586-90.) CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS Within the limitations of this in vitro study, deformation of acetyl resin direct retainers was significantly greater than their metal alloy counterparts. Because deformation of RPD direct retainers may adversely affect their clinical performance, it is likely that acetyl resin direct retainers may lose some of their retentive characteristics. A n increased awareness of esthetics in dentistry has resulted in the need for removable partial dentures (RPDs) that reveal little or none of the metal supporting structures or retentive elements. Krol and Finzen’s1 review of rotational path of insertion RPDs heightened interest in RPD designs that avoid anterior direct retainers. Unfortunately, many clinical situations are not suitable for using these concepts, and conventional retainers in the anterior region of the mouth are often necessary. Direct retainers fabricated in a tooth-colored material, Supported by a research grant from the University of Tennessee, College of Dentistry Alumni Endowment Fund. a Private practice, San Diego, Calif. b Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry. c Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry. d Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry. e Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Community Oral Health. 586 THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY such as acetyl resin (thermoplastic technopolymer), may be more esthetic. The function of an RPD is affected by the physical properties of its direct retainers.2 Because acetyl resin has a modulus of elasticity lower than that of metal alloys,3 the effectiveness of RPD direct retainers fabricated in this material may be inadequate. In addition, it is known that metals undergo deformation and fatigue after repeated stress,4 and studies of metal alloy direct retainers have demonstrated this phenomenon.5-7 There have been few investigations of thermoplastic direct retainers, and a recent study did not address the problem of repeated stress.3 This study compared deformation of acetyl resin and metal alloy RPD direct retainers after repeated dislodgments over a test die. The null hypothesis tested was that there was no difference between deformation of acetyl resin or metal alloy RPD direct retainers when subjected to repeated dislodgments over a test die. VOLUME 90 NUMBER 6 WU ET AL THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY Fig. 1. Occlusal view of metal alloy direct retainer (metal specimen #8, pretest) and millimeter ruler in test apparatus. Fig. 2. Facial view of acetyl resin (above) and metal alloy specimens. MATERIAL AND METHODS An extracted molar tooth served as a model for production of a stainless steel test die with a Vickers hardness number of 613 (Personal communication; North Central Tool (NCT), Collierville, Tenn). A vinyl polysiloxane impression material (Extrude Extra; Kerr Corp, Orange, Calif) was used to make an impression of the metal die and 2 identical definitive casts were produced in dental stone (Microstone; Whip Mix Corp, Louisville, Ky). Retentive assemblies that included a circumferential direct retainer incorporating a 0.254 mm undercut were fabricated on these casts, 10 with a metal alloy (Premium 100; Ticonium Co, Albany, NY) and 10 with acetyl resin (Thermoflex; Austenal, Inc, York, Pa) (Figs. 1 and 2). The metal alloy has a Vickers hardness number of 360,4 whereas the acetyl resin hardness number is unknown but was assumed to be less than the stainless steel test die. The selected sample size followed that of a previous investigation.8 The direct retainers were fabricated by a commercial laboratory and possessed different dimensions; the metal alloy specimens exhibited conventional cast circumferential design, whereas the acetyl resin specimens were more bulky. Specifically, the width of the acetyl resin direct retainer (specimen 10) tapered from approximately 5.84 mm at the base to 2.01 mm near the tip; the thickness varied from 2.01 mm to 1.40 mm. In contrast, the width of the metal alloy direct retainer (specimen 10) tapered from approximately 2.73 mm to 1.82 mm, and the thickness varied from 0.93 mm to 0.89 mm. The dimensions of the acetyl resin direct retainers followed manufacturer’s recommendations. The test die formed a part of a test apparatus used in a previous investigation (Fig. 3).8 Another component of the apparatus was a precision-machined device that held the direct retainer in a constant position during its travel over the test die. This device moved forward and DECEMBER 2003 backward in a keyway, simulating placement and removal of an RPD along its guide plane. Each retentive assembly was subjected to 5000 placement and removal dislodgments, simulating 3 years of clinical use.9 A digital camera (PhotoMed 1680; PhotoMed International, Van Nuys, Calif) mounted on the test apparatus in 2 positions (horizontal and vertical) recorded the contour of each retainer before and immediately after the 5000 test dislodgments. A focal length of 10 cm was maintained in both dimensions throughout the study by a camera-mounting device (University of Tennessee, Health Science Center, Division of Biomechanical Instrumentation, Memphis, Tenn), and the direct retainers were positioned identically for each before and after image. The horizontal photo images were considered to be equivalent to occlusal views of the direct retainers, whereas the vertical photo images recorded changes in the facial views. The photo images were analyzed by straight-line measurements of identical before and after positions on each retainer using computer imaging software (Scion Image 1.62; Scion Corp, Frederick, Md). Two millimeter rulers were positioned on the test apparatus at the same horizontal and vertical dimensions as the direct retainers; the rulers were included in each of the photo images and provided the baseline for software measurements. The linear measurements were subjected to an independent sample t test (␣ ⫽.05) using statistical software (Microsoft Excel 2000; Microsoft Corp, Redmond, Wash) to determine significant differences between groups. RESULTS Statistical analysis of the data for the deformation of the direct retainers in the occlusal view revealed a signif587 THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY WU ET AL Fig. 3. Test apparatus. D, Test die; R, retainer; K, keyway; RH, retainer holding device; T, natural tooth. Fig. 4. T tests for occlusal (O-) and facial (F-) deformation of direct retainer types (95% CI about mean): occlusal view (P⫽.045), facial view (P ⫽.832). icant difference between the acetyl resin and metal alloy direct retainers (P⫽.045). A second t test of the facial view revealed no statistically significant difference (P⫽.823). Average deformation of the direct retainers after 5000 dislodgments occurred in varying amounts (Fig. 4), but was greatest in the occlusal view: 0.09 ⫾ 0.08 mm for the acetyl resin direct retainers compared with 0.01 ⫾ 0.09 for metal alloy direct retainers. The 95% CI for the mean difference between retainer types was ⫺0.155 to ⫺0.002 mm. These results showed there was 588 a difference in deformation between the 2 retainer types. This difference may be as small as 0.002 mm or as large as 0.155 mm, or somewhere in between. Average facial view deformations were similar: 0.039 ⫾ 0.06 mm for metal alloy and 0.033 ⫾ 0.07 mm for acetyl resin direct retainers. This was a mean difference of 0.006 mm (95% CI ⫽ ⫺0.05255 to 0.06455 mm). The range of deformation in the occlusal view for the acetyl resin direct retainers (0.19 mm) was slightly less than for the metal alloy direct retainers (0.22 mm). The range of deformation in the facial view was identical but VOLUME 90 NUMBER 6 WU ET AL reversed, 0.19 mm for metal alloy direct retainers to 0.22 mm for their acetyl resin counterparts. There was no visual evidence of wear on the metal die following any of the test cycles, nor after completion of the investigation. This observation was expected because, as previously noted, the Vickers numbers of the test specimens were much less than that of the stainless steel test die. DISCUSSION The attractiveness of chromium-containing base metal casting alloys for RPDs “stems from their corrosion resistance, high strength and modulus of elasticity, low density, and low cost”; however, these attributes also contribute to some disadvantages, including fatigue under repeated load.4 In addition, the amount of retention a direct retainer is capable of generating is dependent in part upon flexibility, a quality that is the product of several factors, including dimension and the material from which the retainer is made.2 Matheson et al7 subjected wrought wire direct retainers to 1200 flexures (1 year simulation) and found that they suffered permanent deformation, which the author determined may be clinically significant. The influence of direct retainer shape and pattern dimensions, as well as material and fabrication procedures, have also been shown to significantly affect their behavior.3,5,6 Repeated dislodgment of metal alloy direct retainers of various designs cause wear of enamel and restorative materials, and even the retainers themselves.8,9 VanderBrink et al3 compared certain physical properties of various RPD direct retainers, including thermoplastic materials (Flexite M.P. and Flexite II, Rapid Injection Systems Corp, Mineola, NY) injection-molded into rectangular cross-section beams. The authors found no significant differences in the stiffness or proportional limit for direct retainers fabricated in these thermoplastic materials from their metal counterparts. That investigation differed from the present study as the direct retainers were deflected only once in 0.125-mm increments up to and beyond the proportional limit, rather than subjected to repeated stress. As previously noted, the acetyl resin direct retainers studied in the present investigation possessed different dimensions than their metal alloy counterparts; in addition, their material content was different. Considering the previously-described investigations, it is not surprising that these characteristics resulted in differences for this study as well. Regardless of whether the observed deformations were permanent in nature was not addressed, and the factor of resiliency is an area for future research. The range of deformation for retainers was either 0.19 mm or 0.22 mm, depending on whether viewed from the facial or the occlusal. The difference of only DECEMBER 2003 THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY ⫾0.03 mm is practically negligible, but the fact that both direct retainer types exhibited this wide range of deformation, in some instances deforming 0.10 mm, may be the more important factor. Even though the limitations of this investigation did not quantify the extent to which these amounts might affect clinical performance, some effect might be expected on the basis of a previous report.7 This investigation revealed remarkable dimensional stability after a simulated 3-year period in the occlusal view for the metal alloy direct retainers (0.01 mm), but much less stability for the acetyl resin direct retainers (0.09 mm). In addition, a total deformation for acetyl resin direct retainers of 0.17 mm (average ⫾ 1 standard deviation) represents two thirds of the 0.254 mm of undercut ordinarily used. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, deformation of acetyl resin direct retainers was significantly greater than their metal alloy counterparts, and therefore it might be inferred they may also lose more of their retentive characteristics. CONCLUSIONS Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Deformation of the acetyl resin direct retainers was significant in the occlusal view (P⫽.045), whereas no significant differences between metal alloy and acetyl resin retainers could be detected in the facial view (P⫽.832). 2. Average deformation varied, but was greatest in the occlusal view: 0.09 ⫾ 0.8 mm for acetyl resin direct retainers compared to 0.01 ⫾ 0.9 mm for metal alloy direct retainers; no significant differences between retainer types could be detected in the facial view: 0.039 ⫾ 0.6 mm for metal alloy and 0.033 ⫾ 0.7 mm for acetyl resin direct retainers. 3. The range of deformation was greater in the occlusal view for metal alloy direct retainers (metal alloy: 0.22 mm, acetyl resin: 0.19mm), but was reversed in the facial view (acetyl resin: 0.22 mm, metal alloy: 0.19 mm). The authors acknowledge the generous support of the following faculty and staff, University of Tennessee, Health Science Center: Mr Bob Gallik, Senior Design Technician, Department of Biomedical Instrumentation, and Ms Katherine Troughton, Senior Research Associate, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology. REFERENCES 1. Krol AJ, Finzen FC. Rotational path partial dentures. Part 2. Replacement of anterior teeth. Int J Prosthodont 1988;1:135-42. 2. McGivney GP, Carr AG, McCracken WL. McCracken’s removable partial prosthodontics. 10th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Science; 2000. 3. VandenBrink JP, Wolfaardt JF, Faulkner MG. A comparison of various removable partial denture clasp materials and fabrication procedures for placing clasps on canine and premolar teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1993;70: 180-8. 589 THE JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY 4. Mjor IA, O’Brien WJ. Dental materials and their selection. 3rd ed. Chicago: Quintessence; 2002. 5. Brudvik JS, Morris HF. Stress-relaxation testing. Part III: Influence of wire alloys, gauges, and lengths on clasp behavior. J Prosthet Dent 1981;46: 374-9. 6. Morris HF, Asgar K, Brudvik JS, Winkler S, Roberts EP. Stress-relaxation testing. Part IV: Clasp pattern dimensions and their influence on clasp behavior. J Prosthet Dent 1983;50:319-26. 7. Matheson GR, Brudvik JS, Nicholls JI. Behavior of wrought wire clasps after repeated permanent deformation. J Prosthet Dent 1986;55:226-31. 8. Latta GH Jr, Wicks RA, Huget EF, Murray GA. Wear of visible light-cured restorative materials and removable partial denture direct retainers. J Prosthodont 1997;6:104-9. 9. Hebel KS, Graser GN, Featherstone JD. Abrasion of enamel and composite resin by removable partial denture clasps. J Prosthet Dent 1984;52:389-97. Noteworthy Abstracts of the Current Literature WU ET AL Reprint requests to: DR GEORGE H. LATTA, JR DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY MEMPHIS, TN 38163 FAX: (901) 448-7104 E-MAIL: Copyright © 2003 by The Editorial Council of The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 0022-3913/2003/$30.00 ⫹ 0 doi:10.1016/j.prosdent.2003.09.020 Prosthodontic status among old adults in Pomerania related to income, education level, and general health (results of the Study of Health in Pomerania, (SHIP) Mack F, Mundt T, Budtz-Jorgensen E, Mojon P, Schwahn C, Bernhardt O, Gesch D, John U, Biffar R. Int J Prosthodont. 2003;16:313-8. Purpose. The aim of the study was to evaluate associations among prosthetic status, socioeconomic factors, and general health of subjects aged 55 to 79 years. The data were taken from the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP). Materials and Methods. Socioeconomic information (age, sex, education level), medical information (number of diseases), and details on smoking and alcohol consumption were obtained. Prosthetic status in the maxilla and mandible was classified into complete denture (CD), removable partial denture (RPD), ⱖ10 natural teeth or teeth replaced with fixed prosthodontics (10T⫹), and ⱕ9 natural teeth including fixed prosthodontics (9T⫺). Results. The data of 1877 subjects were evaluated. CDs in the maxilla were more frequent than in the mandible. RPDs were more frequent in the mandible and in the group aged 65 to 74 years. Of the individuals with a low education level, 47% had a CD in the maxilla, and only 21% had 10T⫹. However, of subjects with a high education level, 22% had a CD in the maxilla, and 54% had 10T⫹. The odds ratio of having a CD in the maxilla increased to 11.9 at the age of 75 to 79 years, compared to 0.6 at the age of 55 to 59 years. Logistic regression analyses showed that the risk of wearing a CD was significantly associated with old age, low education level, low income, smoking, and alcohol abuse, whereas the number of diseases (used as an indicator of general health) was not. Conclusion. Alcohol abuse, smoking, low education level, low income, and old age were significant predictors of wearing CDs.—Reprinted with permission of Quintessence Publishing. 590 VOLUME 90 NUMBER 6