MEMBERS: Asalde Farfan Milka. Gutiérrez Guevara Luis. López Sialer Viviana. Mendoza Malca Araceli. Saucedo Osores Jessenia. Vega Reyes Keyko. TEACHER: Mba. Lenny Osores. Conjunctivitis: • Definition: Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, a transparent membrane that covers part of the eyeball and the inner portion of the eyelids that, when inflamed, give the eye a reddish appearance. Causes: Allergies. Infection by bacteria. Virus infections. Mushrooms. Use of contact lenses. Symptoms: • • • • • Redness. Itching. Swelling of the eyelids. Tearing. Secretions. Cataracts: • Definition: They constitute an important public health problem when related to age. It consists of an opacification of the lens, an inner lens of the eye that serves to focus and that is normally clear and transparent. It is not about any disease but an ocular aging. It is not about any disease but an ocular aging. Causes: Diabetes. Inflammation of the eye Family history of cataracts. Exposure to radiation. Smoking Double vision or multiple images. Blurry vision. Symptoms: Altering when seeing colors. Visual decrease . Normal clear crystalline Cloudy crystalline because of a cataract Myopia Myopia is a greek word meaning “close the eye”. Anomaly or defect of the eye that produces a blurred or unclear vision of distant objects; it is due to an excessive curvature of the lens that causes the images of the objects to form a little before reaching the retina. Etio-pathogenesis Genetic factors (play an important role). Degeration of retine. More growth of the retina. Degeneration of the choroid. Stretching of the sclera. Increase the axial length. Blurry vision when looking at distant objects. Treatment The need to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly. Difficulty seeing while driving a vehicle, especially at night (night myopia). Headaches caused by eyestrain. ASTIGMATISM • DEFINITION: It is an anomaly or defect in the eye that consists of an irregular curvature of the cornea, which causes the images to look somewhat distorted and the outline of things unclear. SYMPTOMS • Blurred or distorted vision. • Eye fatigue or discomfort. • Headaches. • Difficulty with night vision. Dry Eye Definition: The dry eye syndrome is a pathology that occurs when the eyeball suffers from the tear film, which is necessary to moisturize the eyes and eliminate particles that can be changed. Symptoms : .Heaviness in the eyelids. .Red eyes. .Burning sensation. .Blurry visión. .Itchy eyes. Many of the eye diseases are of genetic origin, others appear over the years due to poor hygiene and care of our eyes. VISIT THE OPHTHAL MOLOGIST FREQUEN TLY. Mandatory visit to detect eye problems. AVOID SUN EXPOSURE. It is advisable to wear sunglasses that block the sun's rays. CORRECT USE OF NEW TECHNOL OGIES. MAINTAIN A GOOD DIET. USE OCULAR HYDRATION. Keep distance with the screen, rest every 15 minutes. Eat vegetables, fruits with vitamin C and foods rich in vitamin A. The use of moisturizers to prevent dryness. LINKOGRAPHY • • • tml • • •