Presente Pasado Futuro Present Presente Simple Trabajo Present Continuous Presente Contínuo Estoy trabajando Past Pasado Simple Trabajé Past Continuous Pasado Contínuo Estaba trabajando Present Perfect Presente Perfecto He trabajado Present Perfect Continuous Presente Perfecto Contínuo He estado trabajando Past Perfect Pasado Perfecto Había trabajado Past Perfect Continuous Pasado Perfecto Contínuo Había estado trabajando Future in the past with (“going to“) Iba a jugar Future Futuro Simple Trabajaré Future (with “going to”) I play tennis He plays tennis Sujeto + presente I am playing You are playing He is playing Sujeto + am/are/is + base-ing I played I do not play He does not play Sujeto + do/does + not + base Do I play? Does he play? Do/Does + sujeto + base? Sujeto + am/are/is + not + base-ing I did not play am/are/is + sujeto + base-ing Did I play? Sujeto + pasado I was playing You were playing Sujeto + was/were + base-ing I have played He has played Sujeto + have/has + paticipio I have been playing He has been playing Sujeto + has/have + been + base-ing I had played Sujeto + did + not + base I was not playing You were not playing Sujeto + was/were + not + base-ing I have not played He has not played Sujeto + have/has + not + participio I have not been playing He has not been playing Sujeto + has/have + not + been + base-ing I had not played Did + sujeto + base? Was I playing? Were you playing? was/were + sujeto + base-ing Have I played? Has he not played? Have/has + Sujeto + participio? Have I been playing? Has he been playing? Has/have + sujeto + been + base-ing Had I played? Sujeto + had + paticipio I had been playing Sujeto + had + not + participio I had not been playing Had + Sujeto + participio? Had I been playing? Sujeto + had + been + base-ing I was going to play You were going to play Sujeto + was/were + going to + base I will play Sujeto + had + not + been + base-ing I was not going to play You were not going to play Sujeto + was/were + not + going to + base I will not play Had + sujeto + been + base-ing Was I going to play? Were you going to play? was/were + sujeto +going to + base Will I play? Sujeto + will + base I am going to play tennis Sujeto + will + not + base I am not going to play tennis Will + sujeto + base? Am I going to play tennis? Futuro “be going to” Voy a trabajar Future Continuous Futuro Contínuo Voy a ser jugado Condicional Future Perfect Futuro Perfecto Habré trabajado Future Perfect Continuos Futuro Perfecto Contínuo Habré estado trabajando Future in Past Continuous (with “going to”) Conditional Condicional Trabajaría Conditional Continuous Condicional contínuo Estaría trabajando Conditional Perfect Condicional perfecto Habría trabajado Conditional Perfect Continuous Condicional perfecto contínuo Habría estado trabajando Modal Perfect Continuous Tiempo #24: You are going to play tennis He is going to play tennis Sujeto + am/are/is + going to + base I will be playing Sujeto + will + be + base-ing I am going to be played Sujeto + am/is/are + going to be + present participle I will have played You are not going to play tennis He is not going to play tennis Sujeto + am/are/is + not + going to + base I will not be playing Sujeto + will + be + base-ing Are you going to play tennis? Is he going to play tennis? am/are/is + sujeto + going to + base Will I be playing? Will + sujeto + be + base-ing? I will not have played Will I have played? Sujeto + will + have + participio I will have been playing Sujeto + will + not + have + participio I will not have been playing will + sujeto + have + participio Will I have been playing? Sujeto + will + have been + base-ing He will be going to work next week Se irá a trabajar la semana que viene. Sujeto + will + not + have been + base-ing Will + sujeto + have been + base-ing? I would play I would not play tennis? Would I play tennis? Sujeto + would + base I would be playing Sujeto + would + not + base I would not be playing Would + sujeto + base? Would I be playing? Sujeto + would + be + base-ing I would have played Sujeto + would + not + be + base-ing I would not have played Would + sujeto + be + base-ing Would I have played? Sujeto + would + have + participio I would have been playing I would not have been playing Would I have been playing Sujeto + would + have been + base-ing Sujeto + would + not + have been + base-ing Would + Sujeto + have been + base-ing Aquí tienes ejemplos de los tiempos pasivos más importantes del inglés. En todo caso, no se usa mucho la voz pasiva al hablar – es más bien para el lenguaje periodístico o escrito. Otra vez, los ejemplos son con el verbo “do”. Presente simple pasivo: It is done. Presente continuo pasivo: It is being done. Presente perfecto pasivo: It has been done. Pasado simple pasivo: It was done. Pasado perfecto pasivo: It had been done. Pasado continuo pasivo: It was being done. Futuro simple pasivo: It will be done. Futuro perfecto pasivo: It will have been done.