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Fountain of Youth: Self-Healing & Bio-Circuits

Fountain of youth
And the water of life healing system
The Body cures itself – The human bio circuit
For many years our quest was to find the one true healing modality a sort of cure all.
People had been searching for the elusive fountain of youth, the elixir of life since the
dawn of time. We may not all strive to life forever, but I am pretty sure we all would
like to enjoy our lives in a reasonable healthy state.
With today’s high demand in productivity and our own natural competitive streak. Our
quest to be better than our co-workers, outperform on the sport field, and at home.
We have to face it we all live in a high strung stress full environment.
Where stress became the number one killing machine.
The medical profession make millions at our expense, with no sure fire cure for
And yet we all possess the answer to our own health and happiness. Yet we are led
to belief that the cure lays in the death pills we get from our friendly doctor.
Facts prove conclusively that the human system is a self-curing, self-healing
mechanism. But the essential materials for the work of healing and repair must be
available. So what heals a cut finger? Is it the ointment that is applied? No, the
healing is done by and through the blood. Even if no ointment were apply the wound
would heal by itself. The best that an ointment can do is to keep the wound clean
and possible supply some materials that the blood can attract and utilise.
Nature alone creates, and nature should have the ability to restore what she has
created. While the original source of life is Infinite and the basic reason for disease
and death is being out of harmony with God and nature, physical life is in the blood;
“The Blood is The Life”. Hence pure, chemically balanced blood is a guarantee of life
and health, and the person who has a good circulation of pure blood in his body is a
well being.
Anything which depletes or disorganises the blood brings about disease, which as
the name implies is a lack of ease (dis-ease) a lack of harmony in the body. Wrong,
negative thinking, morbid and negative emotions, faulty diet and bad habits of living
all tend to disorganise the blood and bring about disease conditions of the brain and
But with the fundamental fact that the body is self-curative if the blood is normal, and
that with pure blood there must be freedom from tension and illness. All that the **
can do is to assist nature.
In the end it is the body which cures itself by taking hold of and utilising the
assistance given through the various forms of mental and physical healing.
Suppressive drugs change symptoms and interfere with the system’s healing forces.
Natural therapies assist nature. A drug can kill germs and suppress pain, but such a
drug does not remove the basic cause of the pain or remove the reason why disease
germs are present.
Pain is nature’s warning that something is wrong, and the cause cannot be removed
by a campaign of germ slaughter or by using pain killing poisons which are foreign to
the body.
Germs of disease can only flourish in poisoned blood, this is a environment were the
Ph and oxygen levels is imbalance, so the real remedy is to restore the blood to a
condition of purity and chemical balance.
In this instance we are dealing with what we consider to be one of the most logical
and effective methods of normalising the blood and through the blood all the organs
of the body, ever discovered by man. This method enables the human body to utilise
its total healing force and at the same time necessary vital elements are introduced
into the body and handled by the blood and cell intelligence in a manner strictly in
accord with natural law.
Having established that the body cures itself one may rightly ask the question; how is
it that when the best of natural treatment is applied on all three planes of being,
results are not in evidence? And we have to confess that this is so often the case.
Nine out of ten people may get well but the ten one does not respond at all. The
answer is this; the system cannot utilise and apply curative force of any nature when
it is tensed up and in an unbalanced condition.
We so often hear and see these days how stress and our rushed lives affect us, and
the importance of total relaxation become even more important. Health specialists
agree that we need to learn to relax. But so many people will not get well unless they
learn how to relax. And, it would appear that many people just cannot relax, no
matter what is done to help produce such a desirable state. Yet it should be possible,
even in the most high strung person no matter how busy you may think you are
relaxation should become your first priority. for the human system should react to
the operations of natural law.
We had combined two of the best natural healing modalities into one single system.
Both of these are technically free, the first is the human’s natural energy system and
the second is urine. Ok do not throw away this booklet as yet, please read on and
then decide for you self.
The first system we will look at is the work of LE Eeman, a health scientist and
investigator of considerable ability, for a reasonable answer to this question.
My own personal introduction to the work of Eeman were a book my teacher gave
me, entitle the Scientific and Technical congress of radionics and radiesthesia of
The thing that struck me the most of all Eeman’s research were the one paragraph.
“Would drugs, vaccines, sera, urines, or any other blood extract placed in series in
the circuit between subjects and neither ingested by nor injected into them act on
them specifically? And, if these substances do act by conduction, does not that
suggest that their efficacy, when ingested or injected may rest on the radiations of
electronic, or other specific frequencies, rather than on chemical properties?
Later on I found the following; Rife, like Lakhovsky, developed the idea that
electromagnetic waves were necessary to health. He wrote: “In reality, it is not the
bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe it is the chemical
constituents of these microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism
of the human body that in actuality produce the disease. We also believe if the
metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no
Beside Eeman, Jacques Benveniste and Fritz Popp became my heroes
It was Popp that said; “Thus we swallow chemicals in order to expose ourselves to
the resonating wave that the chemical is—that is, we ingest healing substances in
order to get their vibrational effect”.
Our body consists of a large number of cells which are akin to minute electrical
batteries. Each individual cell has its positive and negative electrical qualities, and
when the entire mass of cells is balanced, or polarised, tension departs and the mind
and body is relaxed. When there is an excess of the positive flow, tension results.
When the negative is out of balance there is fatigue. Health results from a perfect
state of balance between the positive and negative. Many sufferers have electrical
leaks, there energy is not conserved and built up, but flows away owing to a
condition of electrical imbalance. Of course, such leaks can be caused by faulty
thinking and living; such as sexual abuse, for example. Some degree of electrical
imbalance is present in ALL mental and physical disorders. When the entire body is
out of balance we have a serious condition. When only a specific groups of cells
become imbalanced we have localised disorder; an ache, some inflammation, or a
local anaemia. In all cases the blood is affected and so is its normal flow throughout
the body. It is only when a state of balance has been restored that the healing force
can get to work. Eeman found a unique method of polarising the body, stopping
electrical leaks and conserving energy. His system positively induces mental and
physical relaxation.
LE Eeman wrote extensively about his discovery. In brief, it amounts to what follows;
Any apparatus operated by electricity must act in accord with known electrical laws.
As in a battery, there must be a positive pole and a negative pole. When the two
poles are linked a circuit is formed through which the electrical current flows. Thus,
when the positive and negative flows meet in a light bulb, light results. Any electrical
“leak” will cause the battery to run down rapidly.
The human body, being composed of billions of electric cells, all of which are linked
up, forms a living battery. When the flow of human electricity is normal the body is in
a state of health. It is active, yet relaxed. There is no tension. If, through any reason,
any part of the organism becomes more positive than it should be, or more negative,
that part suffers from pain, congestion or inflammation as the case may be. If the
vital electrical force is wasted in any way, and there is a “leak”, the entire organism
will suffer and there exists a condition known as innervation. In other words, when
the electrical flow between positive and negative is imbalanced we have DIS-EASE
in one form or another. This condition of electrical imbalance is evident in all known
diseases, even as tension is also present in all disease conditions. When the
imbalance condition is normalised by polarising the electrical flow, tension goes and
the body can commence to heal itself and take up and utilise remedial elements and
curative foods.
In all animal bodies the head is electrically
positive, while the feet are negative. The
sacrum (hip and lower back area) is also
negative. In right-handed people the right
hand is positive and the left negative. The
right foot is positive and the left negative,
although together they form a negative
pole. Every organ has its positive and
negative poles. A proper balance between
the poles produces a state of relaxation
and organic balance. By linking up the
extreme positive and negative poles the
entire body tends to become polarised;
relaxation result and self-healing laws
For example: by crossing the feet at the
ankles (right over left or vice versa) two
opposite poles are united and there is a
flow of vital force between the two. The
same applies to the hands when they are
lightly linked together by the fingers being
crossed. But there should not be any hard
grip, as gripping means tension which
takes away the value of the link-up. If the head and sacrum are connected up by
means of a piece of cable, then we have a very effective link between two powerfully
operative poles. Eeman devised metallic mats, one to go under the head and the
other under the sacrum. These mats were linked by a piece of cable connecting the
two and running along the spine. The mats were covered with cloth, or any organic
material, for comfort and convenience. It must be noted that this human electricity, or
vital force, will pass through clothing; in this respect alone it differs from commercial
electricity. The exact nature of human electricity is debatable. Many of the
scientifically minded have tried to unveil the mystery, and various names have been
given to this vital force. All we do know is that, apart from its ability to flow through
organic matter, it acts in total harmony with the known laws of ordinary electricity.
When the opposite poles of the body are linked we form what is known as “the
Eeman circuit”. The curative effects have in many instances, been spectacular. Even
with the fingers linked and the feet crossed excellent effects have been obtained,
although for the full value of circuit treatment the head and sacrum should be
Our own research leads us down a slightly different path, with equal astonishing
results. My first question was, if Eeman were familiar with radionics, why not using a
radionic instrument in place of the liquid medicament?
Our experiments show that this form of treatment has brought benefit to many
sufferers from insomnia, neurasthenia, nervous tension, high blood-pressure,
abdominal distress, indigestion, general debility and mental conditions characterised
by excitement, restlessness and moodiness. Also there have been noticeable effects
in cases on neuritis, rheumatism, feverish conditions, asthma, respiratory weakness,
urinary troubles, and almost all disorders has been intensified considerably when
suitable medicaments have been introduced into the circuit.
In formulating a natural medicament for use with the Bio-Balancer, it was decided to
produce a remedy that was not only natural to the body system, but which acted on
all the chemical processes and vital organs. Also, it was decided to use mineral
substances only, as it was thought that the wave energy from these could be
conducted into the body by this method in a more positive manner than the energy
from vegetable substances. But it was also concluded that these mineral substances
should be split up thoroughly by the process of prolonged triturating as employed by
the homoeopaths and Schuessler biochemists.
When minerals are thoroughly titrated and their molecules “smashed”, a great deal of
curative energy is liberated. After about the 6X titration we have a mineral in about
as fine a form as that same mineral that is found in plant life; but the titration has
vitalised the substance and its action is far more profound. It may be argued that the
logical way is to make minerals as provided by the vegetable kingdom. Rightly so.
Yet why is it that people suffering from say calcium deficiency disease often fail to
get well when they take an abundance of calcium-rich food? Obviously they do not
assimilate properly. They pass calcium via their urine, but the system fails to take it
up. In such cases a few doses of homoeopathically triturated calcium removes the
reason for the faulty calcium assimilation. It appears that the triturated mineral
attracts it’s like from the food eaten and the body can then assimilate. The wave
energy from calcium (triturated) in the Bio-Balancer has the same effect as when
homoeopathic calcium is taken orally, and probably to a more marked extent. The
same applies to all the principal minerals which have been included in the special
medicament made up for use in the instrument.
The object in preparing this medicament was to provide the system with a flow of the
most vital and essential energies necessary to encourage every organic process in
the body, paying very special attention to the blood itself and to its requirements.
When an organ is nourished with pure blood and functions normally it cannot
become diseased. Hence we consider that the use of the Bio-Balancer will perform a
great service in disease prevention, either with or without the medicament, although
better results are to be expected when the medicament is employed.
Without the medicament all that is required in the Bio-Balancer is plain tap-water (we
prefer distilled water), with a good pinch of sea salt or Himalayan salt added.
Not many may realise that the use of one’s own urine for healing purposes is as old
as the hills. From time to time urine has been taken internally and applied externally
for a variety of ailments, and more especially for rheumatic and skin disorders.
The idea of swallowing one’s own urine is very distasteful, to say the least, to the
majority of people. And the idea is so repulsive to most people, that they will not give
the matter a second thought.
Don’t worry I do not expect you to drink your own urine – so relax.
However, we have to face the fact that there is considerable evidence that the value
of urine as a remedial agent has been fully proven. In a way, taking one’s own urine
is a form of homoeopathy a method of “like curing like”. The urine contains small
quantities of the toxic substances responsible for certain disorders in the system,
and when the urine is taken orally these same substances act “homoeopathically” on
the organism, thereby establishing a cure in the same manner.
The answer lies in the vibrionics unit. When one’s urine is place in a container the
curative energies flow through the circuit and charge the body with its own healing
powers. But for me the most stunning part of this system is that you can also make a
“homoeopathic” copy of your urine and drink it. Don’t say, but you said ”don’t worry”
you were not expecting to drink your own urine! Well you not actually drinking urine
you drink ordinary water charge with your urine sample. This still stay with the
“homoeopathic” concept of “like curing like”, and obviously without you actually need
to drink actual urine (unless you want to).
We personally think that this method of urine therapy is superior in every way to the
distasteful method of taking urine orally.
Urine is not, as many believe, the excess water from food and liquids that goes
through the intestines and is ejected from the body as "waste". It is much different
and much more. When you eat, the food you ingest is eventually broken down in the
stomach and intestines into extremely small molecules. These molecules are
absorbed into tiny tubules in the intestinal wall and then pass through these tubes
into the blood stream.
The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food molecules and other
nutrients, along with critical immune defence and regulating elements such as red
and white blood cells, antibodies, plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones,
enzymes, etc., which are all manufactured at different locations in the body.
As the blood circulates, it passes through the liver where toxins are removed and
later excreted from the body in the form of solid waste. Eventually, this now purified
"cleaned" blood makes its way to the kidneys. When blood enters the kidneys it is
filtered through an immensely complex and intricate system of minute tubules called
nephron through which the blood is literally "squeezed" at high pressure. This
filtering process removes excess amounts of water, salts and other elements in the
blood that your body does not need at the time.
These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of a purified,
sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the constituents of this filtered watery
solution, or urine, are then reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the
bloodstream. The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the bladder
and is then excreted from the body.
The function of the kidneys is to keep the various elements in your blood balanced.
When your body doesn't need something at a particular time, it is excreted - not
because it is toxic or poisonous or bad for the body, but simply because the body
does not need that particular element at the time.
Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood that are
found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when reintroduced to the body,
they boost the body's immune defences and stimulate healing in a way that nothing
else does.
What’s in urine?
Urine, 95% of which is water, 2.5% of which is urea, and 2.5% of which is a mixture
of minerals, salts, hormones, and enzymes, is not a toxic waste product. Urine is a
blood by-product and though it contains some body waste, it is non-toxic. In 1975,
Dr. A.H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which
he presents a few critical nutrients found in urine:
Alanine, total ..... 38 mg/day
Arginine, total ..... 32 mg/day
Ascorbic acid ..... 30 mg/day
Allantoin ..... 12 mg/day
Amino acids, total ..... 2.1 g/day
Bicarbonate ..... 140 mg/day
Biotin ..... 35 mg/day
Calcium ..... 23 mg/day
Creatinine ..... 1.4 mg/day
Cystine ..... 120 mg/day
Dopamine ..... 0.40 mg/day
Epinephrine ..... 0.01 mg/day
Folic acid ..... 4 mg/day
Glucose ..... 100 mg/day
Glutamic acid ..... 308 mg/day
Glycine ..... 455 mg/day
Inositol ..... 14 mg/day
Iodine ..... 0.25 mg/day
Iron ..... 0.5 mg/day
Lysine, total ..... 56 mg/day
Magnesium ..... 100 mg/day
Manganese ..... 0.5 mg/day
Methionine, total ..... 10 mg/day
Nitrogen, total ..... 15 g/day
Ornithine ..... 10 mg/day
Pantothenic acid ..... 3 mg/day
Phenylalanine ..... 21 mg/day
Phosphorus, organic .....9 mg/day
Potassium ..... 2.5 mg/day
Proteins, total ..... 5 mg/day
Riboflavin ..... 0.9 mg/day
Tryptophan, total ..... 28 mg/day
Tyrosine, total ..... 50 mg/day
Urea ..... 24.5 mg/day
Vitamin B6 ..... 100 mg/day
Vitamin B12 ..... 0.03 mg/day
Zinc ..... 1.4 mg/day
The following are the average quantities of various substances, in 100 milliliters of
urine as reported in Introduction to Biochemistry by Dr. Pharon:
Substance Milligrams
1] Urea nitrogen 682.00
2] Urea 1459.00
3] Creatinin nitrogen 36.00
4] Creatinin 97.20
5] Uric acid nitrogen 12.30
6] Uric acid 36.90
7] Amino nitrogen 9.70
8] Ammonia nitrogen 57.00
9] Sodium 212.00
10] Potassium 137.00
11] Calcium 19.50
12] Magnesium 11.30
13] Chloride 314.00
14] Total sulphate 91.00
15] Inorganic sulphate 83.00
16] Inorganic phosphate 127.00
17] N/10 acid 27.80
This make the most potent combination for the most perfect individualize
homoeopathic remedy.
But as you'll discover, urine is not a waste product of the body, but rather, an
extraordinarily valuable physiological substance that has been shown throughout the
history of medical science right up until today to have profound medical uses that
most of us know absolutely nothing about.
One of the first things we need to clear up is the common perception of urine urine is not what you think it is. As a matter of fact, you probably have no idea
what urine is or how your body makes it.
In reality, urine is not, as most of us believe, the excess water from food and
liquids that goes through the intestines and is ejected from the body. I know that
we generally think of urine in just this way - you eat and drink, the intestines
"wring" out the good stuff in the food, and the urine is the left-over, dirty waste
water that your body doesn't want, so it should never, ever be reintroduced back
into the body in any form - right? Wrong.
No matter how popular a conception this commonly shared scenario may be, it just
isn't true. Urine is not made in your intestines. Urine is made in and by your
kidneys. So what does this mean and why should it change the way you feel about
In layman's language, this is how and why urine is made in the body: When you
eat, the food you ingest is eventually broken down in the stomach and intestines
into extremely small molecules. These molecules are absorbed into tiny tubules in
the intestinal wall and then pass through these tubes into the bloodstream.
The blood circulates throughout your body carrying these food molecules and other
nutrients, along with critical immune defense and regulating elements such as red
and white blood cells, antibodies, plasma, microscopic proteins, hormones,
enzymes, etc., which are all manufactured at different locations in the body. The
blood continually distributes its load of life-sustaining elements throughout the
body, nourishing every cell and protecting the body from disease.
As it flows through the body, this nutrient-filled blood passes through the liver
where toxins are removed and later excreted from the body in the form of solid
waste. Eventually, this purified, "cleaned" blood makes its way to the kidneys.
When the blood enters the kidneys it is filtered through an immensely complex and
intricate system of minute tubules called nephron through which the blood is
literally "squeezed" at high pressure. This filtering process removes excess
amounts of water, salts and other elements in the blood that your body does not
need at the time.
These excess elements are collected within the kidney in the form of a purified,
sterile, watery solution called urine. Many of the constituents of this filtered watery
solution, or urine, are then reabsorbed by the nephron and delivered back into the
bloodstream. The remainder of the urine passes out of the kidneys into the bladder
and is then excreted from the body.
So, you say, the body's gotten rid of this stuff for a reason - so why would we want
to use it again? And here's the catch: The function of the kidneys is to keep the
various elements in your blood balanced. The kidneys do not filter out
important elements in the blood because those elements in themselves are
toxic or poisonous or bad for the body, but simply because the body did not
need that particular concentration of that element at the time it was excreted.
And medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the
blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when they
are reintroduced into the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and
stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.
As medical research has revealed:
"One of the most important functions of the kidney is to excrete material and
substances for which the body has no immediate need..."
But this isn't the end of the story. Scientists have discovered that urine, because it
is actually extracted from our blood, contains small amounts of almost all of the
life-sustaining nutrients, proteins, hormones, antibodies and immunizing agents
that our blood contains:
So I dare you go ahead make your healing remedy today!!