Subido por Alejo Carranza

Become a Surrogate: Earn Income & Help Families

Earn Income for Your Family
Meet Catherine! She’s part of the Omega Family Surrogate community. Our surrogates are selfless
mothers wanting to help others have a family of their own.
Watch video (CTA)
Become a Surrogate
You have the power to help make other´s dreams of parenthood a reality, while earning an extra
income for your family, by carrying a child for families who struggle with infertility.
Omega Family Surrogates provides you with support 24/7 every step of your surrogacy journey,
from beginning to end. You also get to choose the Intended Parents who share the same
aspirations about your journey.
More Info. (CTA)
Extra Family Income
You can earn up to $75,000 based on journey experience.
Full coverage by health insurance.
Monthly various allowances
Apply now (CTA)