Subido por Braian Bohorquez

Overfishing Report: Global Fish Stock Depletion & FAO Data

Excess fishing in the world will end
many species
Bohorquez Garcia Brayan
Muñoz Ortiz Juana Camila
Tuta Rodriguez Cristian Mauricio
What is it?
© Jo Benn / WWF-Canon
69 % zone (1995 Fao)
World map of fisheries statistical areas monitored
D: depleted | F-D: ranging from fully exploited to deleted | O-D:
ranging from over exploited to depleted | U-D: ranging from
unexploited to depleted
Snapshot of the global situation Of the 600 marine fish stocks monitored by FAO:
3% are underexploited
20% are moderately exploited
52% are fully exploited
17% are overexploited
7% are depleted
1% are recovering from depletion
Gadus morhua : 21, 27 D
Salmo salar 27 F D
Melanogrammus aeglefinus: 21: D 27: OD
Thunnus thynnus D 37
Global list of fish stocks ranked as either "overexploited,"
"depleted," or "recovering," by FAO statistical region
Thunus thynnus 150-900kg 2 a 4 mts
Pollachius virens 35 cm a 135 cm 32kg
fish and chips