Subido por Arturo Perez Santander

International Logistics & Transport Systems in Mexico

Module 3. International Transport Systems.
Difference between means and mode of transport.
of cargo.
de Carga.
General or dry cargo: it is the one that is present in solid, liquid or gaseous
state, and that is properly packed or un packed at all, can be treated as a
single unit.
Dry cargo is transported in packages/bulks
which shape, weight and
dimensions conform to the characteristics of such, and its handling is
out with basic equipment.
Split or loose general cargo: It is the load that is handled in sacks, boxes, lumps,
bales, parts, garter machinery, etc.
Refrigerated (reefer) cargo or cold chain: Uses normal handling, but requires
special care such as temperature control and weather conditions.
Hazardous cargo or HazMat: It is subject to strict national and international
regulations regarding its handling, packaging, labelling, storage and transport.
Special cargo: It is material that by its nature, particular characteristics,
dimensions or weight, requires very special equipment for its transportation.
Tipos de Carga.
Mexican Port System.
• Mexico has more than 11.000 kilometers of coastline, and is located in
an excellent position in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean which makes it a
highly competitive country in the maritime sector.
• Seaports carry out different types of operations:
Boarding, landing and transfer of passengers and crew.
Shipment, disembarkation and transfer of cargo to and from a ship.
Storage and warehousing of goods on land and stowage to and from ships.
Provide internal access and intermodal connectivity.
Complementary services to maritime carriers.
Mexican port system.
The main functions of seaports are:
– Guarantee the safety for the ships during the arrival, during the operation and when
leaving the port.
– Provide the necessary facilities and equipment for ships in the anchorage, arrival,
loading and unloading, as well as embarking and disembarking passengers.
– Provide transportation of goods, loading and unloading, warehousing and shipservicing at port.
– Provide shelter, repair, maintenance of the necessary services to ships and other
ships in emergency cases.
Provide other services to ships, people and cargo.
– Container ports. Container port operations include four steps:
Ship-to-dock: stage when load is discharged
Transfer: Load is discharged to a temporary area
Storage — the stage in which the containers are maintained for a longer period of time.
Delivery and Receiving: It is the delivery movement (liberalization) of the freight.
Or the reception at the terminal.
Type of ports.
International (deep water) ports
This category is assigned to sea port which is in a position to receive large-draught
vessels, i.e. of large quantities of cargo, is characterized by shipping and receiving
international vessels. In Mexico these ports are administered by private own companies.
API, SSA-CARRIX, Contecon, Hutchinson Ports ICAVE-LCT-TIMSA-TILH-EIT, etc.
Cabotage ports
In naval terms cabotage is the transport of cargo and passengers between ports of the
same country, sailing relatively close to the coast
Dry port
It is an intermodal terminal of goods located inside a country or economic region that
connects, through the rail network or highway, with the seaport of origin or destination of
the treated traffics. Intermodality is one of the characteristics of a dry port. It means
combining different modes or modalities of forms of transport, in order to make the
transport of goods more agile, flexible, reliable and efficient
Sea Transport logistics.
• Positive feutures.
• Negative features.
Characteristics of maritime transport.
All kinds of products: from a box to turnkey projects.
All types of packaging: Unified, Loose, Containerized, non-containerized, duly
protected for sea crossing.
Rate: broken down or all inclusive. General or seasonal. Additional charges
Chargeable Base: Per Container – Ton/M3.
Service: FCL or LCL, trap or conference, specialized, through shipping lines,
agents or NVOCC.
Logistic process: Determination of ports, itineraries, frequencies and voyages,
request of booking, date of cut off of documentation, positioning programming,
export clearance, loading-loading-transfering handlings, departures, emission
of BL, arrival and revalidation of BL, return of empty container and cut off of
Transit time.
Tiempos de transito y su impacto en costos y operaciones.
• Maritime Transport.
 15 to 21 days on transatlantic FCL and LCL travel.
 5 to 15 days Central and South America.
 Consider 7 to 10 days for positioning and export sailing.
 Maximum 7 days for import clearance.
 It generates storage charges if it exceeds that period, in
addition to demurrages, detentions or false freight
Contract / Ocean Bill of Lading.
Tipos de Carga.
Equipo de Transportación Marítimo.
Tipos de Contenedores.
Top Ten Shipping Linersp
Top Ten Ocean Forwarders NVOCC
Tipos de Carga.
Mexican Airport System.
Airports are an important asset of the national logistic infrastructure, which makes it
possible to trade by air cargo, which, while representing the most expensive means, also
offers very high levels of service for transportation times Associated.
An airport is defined as a civil public service aerodrome that has the appropriate facilities
and services for the reception and dispatch of aircraft, passengers, cargo and mail of the
regular and non-regular air transport service, as well as the transport Private commercial
and non-commercial.
All foreign trade goods entering the airport facilities are protected in warehouses and
transfer areas, including within the supervised enclosures authorized by the internal
Customs office and are subject to the recognition Customs for its dispatch, both in import
and export. It is usual that the offices of the customs brokers and the cargo agents, as well
as those of services related to the dispatch of the goods, are located within the
aforementioned supervised precincts.
Mexican Airport System.
The Mexican airport system consists of 85 airports and 1.385 civil aerodromes. From
1998, 34 were concessioned from the main Mexican airports to private groups, with the
system of 85 installations being integrated, as follows:
12 assigned to the Pacific Airport Group (GAP).
13 to the North Central Airport Group (OMA) and
9 to the southeast Airport Group (ASUR).
24 are administered by ASA and,
27 in charge of the secretariats of national and marine defense, as well as of various state and
municipal governments.
The most important airports of the system are:
AI CdMx Benito Juárez. + 400,000 tons of cargo per year.
Miguel Hidalgo Gdl. + 130,000 tons of cargo per year.
AI Mty Mariano Escobedo + 49000 tons of cargo per year.
AI Cancun + 25000 tons of cargo per year.
AI Tij Abelardo L. Rodríguez + 15000 tons of cargo per year.
Sistema aeroportuario mexicano.
Air transport logistics.
• Positive features.
• Negative features.
Air transport features.
Características Transporte Aéreo.
Products: urgent, perishable, high value, not bulky and light.
Medicines, jewellery, autoparts, airparts, flowers, fashion accessories,
printed, electronic, gadgets, messaging, etc.
Packing: Duly palletized or otherwise bundled and packaged for air
Rates: Airport – airport, per kil0gram, rate by ranks or flat rate.
Additional to charges apply.
Chargeable Base. Gross weight or volumetric weight.
Service through airlines, cargo agents or forwarders with IATA
Logistic process: Determination of the airport of loading and unloading,
availability of flights and routes, closing of booking, closing of
documentation of load, issuance of air waybill and release.
Transit time.
Tiempos de transito y su impacto en costos y operaciones.
• Air transport.
 1 day on direct flights.
 2-3 days on flights with transshipments.
 Consider 2 to 3 days for pickup and export clearance.
 Maximum 2 days for import clearance.
 It generates storage if it exceeds that period.
Contract / Air Waybill.
Tipos de Carga.
Transporte airplanes.
Características del Transporte Terrestre.
Airbus 319, Airbus 320 y Airbus 321
Airbus 330 y Airbus 340
Boeing 737
Boeing 777-200
Boeing 747
Cargo airplanes.
Características del Transporte
Características del Transporte Terrestre.
• Boeing 747- 400 ERF
• Boeing 747 F Freighter
Características del Transporte
Super Cargo
Características del Transporte Terrestre.
• Airbus 300-600 ST
• Antonov 225 Mriya
Airfreight Containers.
Tipos de Carga.
Mexican Highway System.
In Mexico, as in many other countries, the road network is the most widely used transport
infrastructure, given the flexibility it confers on cargo movers as well as its large extension,
allowing door-to-door delivery services.
The 370,000 kilometers of intercity roads available to Mexico are integrated by highways,
roads, roads and gaps that allow connectivity between virtually all the populations of the
country, irrespective of the number of inhabitants with whom Count and its economic
On the other hand, within the federal network of 50000 km and responding to the density
of the traffic of goods and passengers that annually register, as well as the importance of
metropolitan areas, production nodes, logistics activities and consumption They link, have
identified 14 main road runners, which together total nearly 20000 kilometers along various
longitudinal axes north-south and transverse east-west.
Mexican Highway System.
The 14 backbone axes are:
México-Guadalajara-Hermosillo-Nogales, con ramal a Tijuana
México-San Luis Potosí-Nuevo Laredo, con ramal a Piedras Negras
Querétaro-Aguascalientes-Zacatecas-Cd. Juárez
Manzanillo-Guadalajara-San Luis Potosí-Tampico, con ramal a Lázaro Cárdenas
Veracruz-Monterrey, con ramal a Matamoros
Transpeninsular de Baja California
Corredor del Altiplano
Puebla-Cd. Hidalgo
Circuito Transístmico
Circuito Turístico de la Península de Yucatán
Sistema aeroportuario mexicano.
Mexican rail system.
The railway infrastructure represents one of the most important logistical assets, because
it is the main element within the logistic network that facilitates the so-called intermodal
transport, where several modes of transport combine their advantages To achieve greater
The Mexican rail system is composed of 26727 km of railways, of which 20722 km are
trunk and branch, and 6005 are secondary, of which 4450 km are auxiliary roads (patios
and siding) and 1500 km are owned by individuals , connected to the different trunk tracks.
Currently they are concession to private consortiums for operation 17799 km in 3 main and
3 short lines, as well as the railway Terminal of the Valley of Mexico, to a mixed capital
company, where the federal government participates with 25% of actions. For its part, the
222 km of the isthmus of Tehuantepec line are administered by the federal government.
Mexican railroad system.
• The main sistems are called:
– Northeast Railway, assigned to the North American company Kansas City
Southern de México, with 4283 km;
– North Pacific Railway, concession to the Ferromex company with 8439 km,
and the
– Southeastern Railway with 1954 km to the company Ferrosur.
• Short lines include
– Coahuila-Durango railway with 974 km;
– Ferrocarril Chiapas-Mayab with 1558 km
– The path that runs from Salina Cruz, Oax. Coatzacoalcos , Ver., with 222
km, and which is the only one operated by a public organism called the
Isthmus of Tehuantepec Railway.
inland transport logistics.
Pros y Contras Transporte Terrestre.
• Advantages.
• Disadvantages.
del Transporte
of land Marítimo.
Características del Transporte Terrestre.
All kinds of products:
Truck: Just one box to oversized goods.
Railway: High volume Products: automotive, minerals, agricultural, fuels, general
All types of packaging: Unified, break bulk, unpacked, packed, but properly protected and
stacked inside the cargo unit.
Trucking: If LTL by weight-distance (product class NMFA may apply). If FTL, per unit type
and size. Tariff per mile in the USA and Canada.
Railway. By product type. Fixed fee per tonnage + distance factor per tonnage.
Surcharges apply.
Charging Base: Weight-volume, unit of charge, distance.
Service: FTL, LTL, dedicated, specialized. Urgent.
Logistic process: request of positioning or pick-up, arrival Border, transfer, dispatch to
destination, cut of detentions if any.
Transit time.
Tiempos de transito y su impacto en costos y operaciones.
• Road transport.
• 24 to 48 hours arrival at the border. Mexican portion.
• 2 to 7 days transit to Canada.
• 6 to 10 days of transit arriving in Central America (GuatemalaPanama)
• Consider 1 to 2 days for border crossing.
• Consider time or days free of stays.
• You can generate penalties if you exceed that term or false freight.
• Rail transport.
Transit time Ramp – consistent ramp, for example:
Mexico-Nuevo Laredo 2 days.
Chicago-Mexico-12 days
Toronto-Mexico-16 days
Mexicali – Bajio/Mexico-5 days
Veracruz-Mexico-1 day
Contract / Truck bill of Lading.
Contract / Railroad Bill of Lading.
Tipos de Carga.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
• Tractor: Motor vehicle designed to haul trailers and
– Articulated: Tractor + trailer, coupled by articulation
– Double articulated: Tractor + semitrailer + trailer, coupled
by means of articulation mechanisms the environment, but
does not need temperature control.
• Trailer: vehicle without front axle, intended to be
coupled to a tractor so that it is pulled and part of its
weight is supported by it.
53 ' Dry cargo box: Used for all kinds of cargo, protects
against the environment, but does not need temperature
External measures:
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Largo 15.90 m,
Width 2.55 m,
Alto 2.85 m.
Internal measures:
Largo 15.75 m,
Width 2.48 m,
Alto 2.68 M.
Maximum load Capacity: 35 ton/104.68 m3
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
48 ' Dry cargo box: Used for all kinds of cargo, protects against
the environment, but does not need temperature control.
External measures:
Largo 14.400 m,
Width 2.55 m,
Alto 2.85 m.
Internal measures:
Largo 14.25 M,
Width 2.48 m,
Alto 2.68 M.
Maximum load Capacity: 35 ton/104.68 m3
40 ' refrigerated box: Used for all kinds of load requiring stable
temperature control.
External measures:
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Length 12 m,
Width 2.4 m,
High 2.52 m.
Internal measures:
Width 2.35 m,
Alto: 2.47 m.
Maximum load capacity: 30 ton, 66.90 m3
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Equipo de Transportación Carretero.
Tipos de Carga.
Train: It is called Railway train to a series of wagons or
connected cars, which usually circulate on permanent rail
rails for the transport of goods or passengers from one place
to another.
There are several types of wagons:
Equipo de Transportación FFCC.
Railcar of 50 ': The vans are used to transport products that
require protection against the weather. Some variations
include dampers for transporting fragile cargo such as works
of art, electronic components, or goods sensitive to vibration
and abrupt movements.
Length 50 ' 6 ";
Length with couplings 58 ' 5 1/2 "
Height 17 ' 0 "cubic capacity 6.197 cu. Ft.
Net weight no load 75.000 lbs.
Equipo de Transportación FFCC.
Furgón de 60’ High Cube: Pueden ser
utilizados para el transporte de productos
ligeros, pero muy voluminosos como:
envases, plásticos, electrodomésticos, papel,
etc., así como de alimentos y bebidas como:
azúcar, refrescos, enlatados, etc.
Longitud 60' 9 3/4"
Longitud con coples 66' 1 1/2 "
Altura17' 0 7/8“
Capacidad cúbica 7,598 cu. ft.
Peso neto sin carga 87,200 lbs.
60 ' refrigerated railcar: There are variations
of these cars of 60 ' with climate control
goods that require such as fruits, fresh
flowers, frozen meat, dairy products and live
Length 60 ' 9 3/4 '
Length with couplings 66 ' 1 1/2 "
Altura17' 0 7/8“
Cubic capacity 7.598 cu. Ft.
Net weight no load 88.500 lbs..
de Transportación FFCC.
Multi-purpose Gondol: Carriage with open lid, but
de Transportación
with closed walls, for lumps or other
goods that
can slip, carry all kinds of material that does not
need protection against the environment. These
carts are designed to facilitate loading and
unloading by means of car tipping cranes or
Length 68 ' 4 "
Length with couplings 72 ' 11 1/2 "
Height 12 ' 6 3/8 "
Capacity at side walls level 3.366 cu. Ft.
Net weight no load 77.900 lbs.
Mineral Bulk Hopper: For seeds hoppers are used for the
transport of industrial products that do not require
protection against the environment, such as coal. It has
floodgates at the bottom that makes it easy to unload bulk
products. Among other metals that are transported
include products such as sheets, planchón, wire rods,
cable, ingots and billets and the waste of iron; Joists,
scrap metal, steel rolls; Aluminium rolls and sheets, as
well as copper rods and cathodes.
Equipo de Transportación FFCC.
Length 68 ' 4 "Length with couplings 72 ' 11 1/2"
Altura9' 0 7/16"
Wall-level capacity Laterales3,242 cu. Ft.
Net weight no load 72.000 lbs.
Cement Hopper: The traditional movements
ofde Transportación
concrete are in bulk, by means of cement hoppers
and van for the movement of cement in sacks.
This type of hoppers are used to transport
products that require protection against the
environment. They have lower floodgates for the
discharge of the product.
Length 39 ' 3 1/2 '
Length with couplings 41 ' 11 "
Height 15 ' 1 "
Capacity at side walls level 3.000 cu. Ft.
Net weight no load 56.000 lb
Tanker: Tanks have hermetic seal to avoid
leakage or possible contamination,Equipo
and are used
for the transport of liquid or gaseous products
such as wine, juices, hydrogen or liquid oxygen
and some petroleum derivatives as Combustoil,
petrol, diesel, lubricating oil, gas L. P., propane
gas, etc.).
Length 40 ' 5 1/4 "
Length with couplings 43 ' 9 "
Altura15' 15/16"
Cubic capacity 17.574 Gals.
No-load net weight 82.000 lbs
Transportación FFCC.
• Automotive Trilevel-Autorack: These
de Transportación FFCC.
are used to transport new cars, there are
variations of open and closed, to guarantee
the integrity of the product.
– Length with couplings 145 ' 4 "
– Width 10 ' 8 "Height 20 ' 2"
– Maximum automotive capacity 24 units.
Semi Trailer Box – Trailer 53 ': Trailer
boxes can
de Transportación
be moving by rail on platform cars, reducing the
cost of transportation over long distances. There
are also variations for ambient temperature control
in goods that require it
Length 53 '
Height 9 ' 6.5 "
Ancho8‘ 6.375“
Load capacity 26.500 ton.
Intermodal platform: The platforms are used for the
transport of cargo in general or heavy load
that does
not require protection against the environment.
They have attachments that make it possible to
secure the load during transport.
Length per unit 58 ' 4 "
Height without containers 57 "
Load capacity 586.500 lbs. Net weight no load 215.500
Transportación FFCC.
• Intermodal corridors are the land routes of a country that have
outstanding characteristics for the efficiency of logistic chains. Must
include mainly:
– Connectivity in road and/or railway infrastructure with ports. We are
talking about a modern and efficient infrastructure.
– Offer of services identified clearly as high quality in the autotransport
and/or railways.
– Presence of dry ports or intermodal terminals that facilitate the rail-road
– Simplified and uniform customs processes (at least on the way).
– In general, that the various government bodies have incorporated as public
policy the promotion of these transport alternatives contributing to their optimum
– Presence of logistic operators capable of integrating services. We refer to the
operator's ability to generate a true added value in the integration of links in the
logistic chain.
– Here stand out the OTM, the cargo agents and all those who are in a strategic
disposition to offer these services.
– Perhaps the most important components to fully understand the development of
the corridors are intermodal and communication technologies, as in practical
terms have made the traditional geography elastic.
A logistic platform is a specialized area that has the necessary infrastructure
and services to facilitate the activities related to transport packaging and
distribution, for national and/or international transit of goods where different
Agents coordinate their actions to benefit the competitiveness of the products
that make use of the infrastructure.
The logistic platforms can be managed by a single entity, public, private or
There are three types of logistic platforms.
– Unimodal Distribution Centers
– Logistic zones
– Multimodal platforms.
Unimodal distribution centers.
– They are infrastructures that act as warehouse and are mainly oriented to the
management of the flow of goods towards the final customer and of the associated
inventory, mainly oriented to the terrestrial transport by road.
The logistic zones:
– They imply a greater degree of integration of operations through activities of
consolidation, localization and re-routing of inventories. These logistical
infrastructures include points of concentration of traffic and of load breakdown,
connecting it with other points through a different mode of transport. This type of
infrastructure incorporates at least two modes of transport, so it is possible to
implement here some distribution strategies and cross docking.
– Typically here are classified air cargo centers or areas
of port logistics activities.
Multimodal platforms.
– They are logistical nodes that connect different modes of transport in a transparent
way for the user, where the emphasis of the process is in the services of value
added to the load and not in the mode of transport used.
– This type of infrastructure is also known as hub-type infrastructure, usually linked to
the existence of a port to take advantage of economies of scale on international
Logistics Platform
Transporte Multimodal.
• It is not a means of transport itself, rather it is a technique that
combines different modes of transport.
• A single load unit is transferred by different modes of transport,
under one document and formalizing a single transport contract,
either the BL multimodal or the multimodal air waybill.
• The contract is formalized with a single transport operator who
assumes responsibility for the coordination of the entire chain and
the claims.
• Objective increased transport efficiency: reduction of time,
manipulation, theft, damage and decongestion of land routes
• Actors: The Multimodal transport operator is responsible for
• Infrastructures: cargo terminals, multimodal platforms, dry ports.
Multimodal Transport Features.
• Higher efficiency (occupancy • Not suitable for certain types of
index, and node
cargo (bulk and special cargo).
• Substantial reduction of time
(operations) and costs
(insurance, wages).
• Coordination and efficiency
of controls (customs,
• More security.
• Circulation imbalance (empty
• Requires greater investment in
equipment and handling.
Contract / Multimodal Bill of Lading.
Tipos de Carga.
Modal techniques
Trucking – Railway:
TOFC (trailer on flat car) –
trailer transported on wagon,
usually reduced and provided
with bags for the housing of its
COFC (Container on flat car) –
Trailer transported on chassis
wagon or lowered wagon,
especially for containers or also
traditional platform wagon.
Modal techniques
Truck – Maritime:
RO - RO (Roll on / Roll off ), You can have three alternatives:
1. COFC wagon or trailer pulled and stowed in the warehouse of specialized
Ro/RO ships by means of a terrestrial access ramp.
2. Rolling platform loaded with unification units such as containers, trailers,
pallets, etc. o rolling platform loaded with units out of pattern or indivisible load,
pulled and stowed in the warehouse of specialized RO/RO vessels.
3. Loading of containers in the warehouse of RO/RO specialized vessels, by
means of large forklifts or piggy Packers without the use of container chassis,
or rolling platform.
Modal techniques
Truck – Air:
Trailer or container stowed at the edge of cargo planes,
jumbo type, or wide body, ready to receive ISO and TIR
models (International convention for Physical and
operational characteristics of road vehicles), using tiltable
ramps for embarkation – Landing of trailer and elevator.
Drayage and load equipment
Drayage and load equipment
Drayage and load equipment
Drayage and load equipment
Equipo Intermodal Ferromex
Contenedor 53'
Capacidad de carga
26,500 tons.
Plataforma Intermodal Maxi Stack III (Doble Estiba)
Longitud de cinco unidades
Longitud por unidad
Altura sin contenedores
304' 11 3/4"
58' 4"
Capacidad de carga
586,500 lbs.
Peso neto sin carga
215,500 lbs.
Thank you very much for your kind
MAE Arturo Pérez Santander
móvil 554253 2521