Subido por Diego Turcios

Shriners Patient Transportation Handbook

Patient Transportation
The Safety of our Patients and the
Safety of our Drivers is our Top Priority
Transporting a patient to Shriners Hospitals for Children® is a tremendous
responsibility. Shriner volunteer drivers and the temples that sponsor them share
an obligation to ensure patient transportation is safely performed. Pursuant to that
important goal, here are some recommendations.
These recommendations were developed after many requests for the
establishment of minimum qualifications for drivers and, consequently, are not all
encompassing. Some temples use vehicles, such as buses, that require drivers to
have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). CDL’s have additional driver qualification
requirements. Please note, insurance information is only required if you
permit patient transportation in a noble’s personal vehicle. On page 7,
section 3, there is a paragraph for this purpose. (We do not recommend that
this be permitted, unless patient transportation vans are not available.)
It is recommended that temples ensure drivers meet all state and legal
requirements, which may include background checks. It is also recommended that
all trips outside of the local area include a co-driver. The driver of a vehicle
actively engaged in transporting a patient or guardian should not, as a matter of
policy, utilize cell phone or mobile devices when operating the vehicle.
Co-drivers may use cell phones when necessary. A medical exam, including
a vision test, may be needed to confirm the driver’s ability to safely
operate a vehicle. It is also recommended that drivers receive periodic training
with courses provided by the National Safety Council, AAA or AARP, or other
providers. All drivers must have an Annual Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) on file.
Temples should set up a driver’s qualification file, which includes documentation,
i.e. copies of license, training certificate, medical exam, and MVR (Drivers
Abstract), etc.
Executive Vice President/COO
Shriners International
PLEASE NOTE: This entire section (page 2) of the handbook
contains material that was not in the previous version of the
manual, but was provided in a cover memo. Items that are new
or revised will be shown in red.
Hospital Patient Transportation Driver Expectations
» »Driver must have a valid, current driver’s license.
» »A co-driver is recommended when traveling outside of the local area.
» »It is recommended that the driver take a preliminary drive with an approved
driver in order to become familiar with the van.
» »Driver should not use a cell phone or mobile device when operating a vehicle.
» »It is recommended that the driver take at least two preliminary hospital trips
as a co-driver with an approved driver.
» »It is recommended that the driver attend at least one temple safety
meeting annually.
» »All drivers should have an Annual Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) on file.
» »Generally, personal vehicles are not recommended for use to transport
patients or guardians.
Physical Examinations
» »A physical examination including a vision test may be required if needed to
confirm a driver’s ability to safely operate the vehicle.
» »The temple’s hospital patient transportation fund may be used to pay for a
required examination.
» »A copy of the physical examination and the bill must be turned in to the
Recorder’s office, and a copy should be kept in the driver’s qualification file in the
dispatcher’s office.
Safety Meetings
» »It is recommended that the temple conduct safety meetings at least four times
a year.
» »These meetings can cover substantive areas related to van care, driving safety,
first aid, C.P.R., etc.
» »Drivers who do not attend at least one safety meeting annually may be removed
from the list of eligible drivers.
Driver Pre-Trip Inspection
» »As you approach the van, observe the general appearance of the van. It
should be clean and easily identified as a “….Temple Hospital Patient
Transportation Van.”
» »A driver is encouraged to perform a walk-around inspection before each trip,
which may include review of:
• • All lights, including turn signals
• • Tires, wheels, and wheel covers
• • Windshield and wiper blades
• • Mirrors
• • Safety belts
• • Rear emergency door
• • Proper papers in the glove box (registration, insurance, contact information)
• • Fire extinguishers, first aid kits and emergency reflectors
• • Exhaust and tailpipe systems
• • Extra motor oil, windshield wiper solvent and coolant are on board
» »If any major problems are found, driver must take another van or postpone
the trip.
» »Minor problems should be reported on a trip sheet when returned to the
Van Maintenance
» »It is recommended each van be taken to a reputable auto service center
regularly, at least every 5,000 miles, for preventative maintenance. This
servicing may include lube and oil changes and general maintenance as needed.
The dispatcher schedules this service.
» »Drivers must report any malfunctions of the engine, lights, accessories, braking,
and steering or unusual engine noises on their trip ticket when they return.
» »Drivers must completely fill out a trip ticket with mileage before and after,
fuel expenses with receipts, meal expenses with receipts, and maintenance
expenses with receipts, if any are incurred.
» »The dispatcher should maintain a complete file on each van. It should list
mileage, last maintenance inspection date and when the next inspection is due.
» »It is recommended each van has an annual safety inspection by a certified
mechanic, and a copy of any inspection report is recommended to be kept in that
van’s file in the dispatcher’s office.
Parent And Patient Instructions
» »The driver is in charge of the van at all times.
» »Inform passengers that seat belts must be worn at all times and smoking is not
allowed in the van.
» »Patient pick up and drop off location and times are controlled by the dispatcher.
» »Ask the patients and guardians not to litter the van.
Traffic Tickets
» »Any moving violations must be reported to the temple recorder.
» »A driver must immediately report receipt of a license suspension or revocation.
» »Fines for traffic or parking violations are the responsibility of the driver.
» »The safety of the passengers, public and drivers are of primary importance.
» »Safety training is provided to prevent injury to our passengers and our drivers,
and to avoid damage to our vans.
» »If an accident occurs, it should be handled calmly and efficiently and must be
reported to the proper authorities (including temple recorder).
In The Event Of An Accident
» »Stop the van as soon as possible in a safe, secure location. Call 911 if need be.
» »Immediately check to see if any of the passengers are injured.
» »If necessary, contact the appropriate police or fire agency as soon as possible
(remember, most truck drivers have C.B.’s and fire extinguishers).
» »After the police/rescue are notified, call the temple and report the accident,
providing complete details.
» »Investigate the cause and gather as much information as possible, including:
• • Names, addresses, ages and phone numbers of all parties and witnesses
• • The license plate numbers of the other vehicles involved
• • The driver’s license number and insurance information of any party involved
» »Complete and deliver your report to the temple as soon as possible (report
forms are available in the vans).
» »In case of any accident, all details and injuries must be reported, including
where the injured parties were taken.
Accident Review Board
» »If an accident review board is convened, all deliberations should be under
attorney/client privilege.
» »The purpose of the review board is to determine if the facts and circumstances
of the accident require any remedial action be taken.
Operating Procedures
» »Safety and traffic laws must be obeyed at all times.
» »Our branding is on each van: make a good impression to others on the road.
» »Be proud of your personal appearance, the appearance of your van and
your driving.
» »Never leave the van unattended when there are passengers on board.
» »Keep the dashboard clean and clutter-free at all times.
» »When parked, make sure all lights are off, windows up and doors locked.
Personal Behavior
» »Be courteous and cheerful to your passengers.
» »Keep personal problems to yourself when on the job.
» »Report any disobeying of rules to the recorder.
» »Vans are to be used for patient transportation to Shriners Hospitals
locations only (unless other travel is authorized by the recorder).
» »Consumption of alcoholic beverages before or during the van trip is
strictly forbidden.
Recorder’s Office: __________________________________
Dispatcher’s Office: _________________________________
Annual Driver Certification
Temple: Noble: Address: Telephone: I, ______________________________ do hereby certify:
1. I offer my services to __________________________ temple
as a volunteer driver for patients, parents and guardians of children who require
transportation to and from a Shriners Hospital location and other related Shriners
hospital transportation.
2. I am the holder of a valid driver’s license, number _________________
________________, issued by the state or province of
_______________________, which expires on ____________.
3. I have motor vehicle liability insurance coverage in the amount of
__________________ with _____________________
Company, policy number __________________________.
4. I am in good health, possess good hearing and have corrected vision of at least
20/40. My last medical examination was___________________ (date).
5. I have not been convicted on any motor vehicle violation for the past 12 months
other than _______________________________________
6. I have not been involved in any motor vehicle accident for the past 12 months
other than _______________________________________
7. I will obey the law and rules of the road; and I will use a safety harness when
transporting children and will make certain that all adult occupants use safety
harnesses and that children use safety devices required by law or appropriate to
their physical condition.
8. If requested by the potentate, I am willing to participate in any temple sponsored
defensive driver program for hospital vehicle drivers and any temple sponsored
medical examination for hospital vehicle drivers.
9. I authorize the recorder of this temple to verify my driving record with
appropriate state or province authorities, and release all parties from action taken
based on information learned from driver’s record check.
Signature: _________________________ Dated: __________
Shriners International Headquarters
2900 Rocky Point Dr.
Tampa, FL 33607