REQUIEM for soprano solo,mixed choir, and small orchestra (or organ with instrumental ensemble) Requiemis available in two different instrumentations; these cannot be combined. 1. For organ with six instruments: Flute Oboe 3 Pedal timpani Clockenspiel Harp Cello Organ The organ part is differentfrom the piano reductionthat appearsin this vocalscore,and must be rentedtogetherwith the otherinstrumentalparts. 2. For small orchestra (without organ): 2 Flutes Oboe 2 Clarinets in B flat Bassoon 2 l{orns in F 3 Pedal timpani Glockenspiel Harp Strings Requiem was first performed on 13 October 1985 at Lovers' Lane United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas (Director of Music: Alien Pote) by the Sanctuary Choir and orchestra. Movements 1, 2, 4, and 7 were first performed on 14 March 1985 at Fremont Presbyterian Church, Saciamento, California (Minister of Music: Mel Olson) by the Sanctuary Choir and ensemble. Both performances were conducted by the comp o s e r . T l r e L o r di s n r r ts h c p h c i d w a s o r i g i n a l l y w r i t t e n i n 1 9 7 6a i a s e p a r a t e anthem. Requiemhas been recorded by the Cambridge Singers and City of London Sinfonia with soprano soloists Caroiine Ashton and Donna Deam, conducted by the composer. The recording is on the Collegium label, COL 1 0 3 ( a l b u m ) , C O L C 1 0 3 ( c a s s e t t e ) ,a n d C O L C D 1 0 3 ( c o m p a c t d i s c ) . Duration: 40 minutes in memoriamL.F.R. I REQUIEM i JOHN RUTTER Englishtranslationby John Rutter 1. REQUIEM AETERNAM Slow and solemn(i =oo) Piano Reduction S. A. R e - q u i - em Grant them rest nam, _ nal, - Pp- * --- Gp) t' r' -l\\--l (p) re - qul-em nam, _ grant them rest nal, re-qui-em grant them rest p- o )ta o Oxford UniversityPress1986 *3} Photocopyingthis copyrightmaterialis ILLEGAL. Printedin Great Britain OXFORD UNIVERSITYPRESS,MUSICDEPARTMENT,GREAT CLARENDONSTREET,OXFORD OX2 6DP nam do na e - is, Do-mi-ne,- nal, Lord - our God, we pray to thee,- * T,TT )vl--=-_---ll\-7tl namnal, - do Lord - do Lord - - e na our God, is, 'we Do - mi -ne, pray to thee, - na e - is, Do-mi-ne,- do na our God, we pray to thee,- Lord - our do na Lord - our e-ls, God, we Do -mi pray to t\f Do- mi- ne, pray to thee, do na e Lord - our God, -ls, we Do pray ---l---. ---P l*f, -p -P 2l T " et lux per and light per - --PP | pe - tu-a, pe - tu-al, - - l\ -PP lux, _ et and light, il tee)a. ------=-l-l pe - tu- a, pe - tu'al, per per et lux and light l' I a ----------.**-=ll -aa It - ,u{r :8t - pe -tu-a -pe -tu-al lu - ce- atshine on them .for e-is, ev - er, ....----pe - tu- a -pe - tu- al -l i ad a B a tittt" raster(J =ol) lu - ce- at e shine on them for E e tittt. faster(.1=09) l-,=-=--==-- 1----..-..-.--"-------.-.-.-.-.-.-\ .d ,a' SOPRANOS (and ALTOS) p dolcee legato 34^., a e - t e r - n a m--__-_- -do-na e -ter- Lord our God, nal, e - - per et lux and light per - pe pe - tu-a - tu-al shine on them IS, we .unis.p dolce Re- qui - em Grant them resl unls. fo, p dolce - ter - nam - ter - nal, do-na e - Lord our God, Do- mi-ne: pray to thee: et lux and light I per per - pe pe Piiranimato(J =zo) - 1f risoluto accel. marcato hym - nus,- shipped,- 7 -3et ti - bi red-de - tur- De-us wor - shipped thy prais-es shall ev - er be V fi?? vo sung_ ,o+' l tum in. + N tt sa - lem,_ sa - lem, - ru ru ln all \t l -a --__.: mf dim. I Je Je Ex- o l\ It a- me-am pray - er; au hear b)) ad to te thee om-nls shall all IL Temporr r''(J=os) P @ remporr(l =oq) o - ra - ti - Lord, hear thy faith -ful o aa_ poco rit. P au - di ex di, us, ca- mor-tal ni - et. re - turn. o -nem ser-vants' Ky - - rie lei - Al 1,e-a Ky- ri - e Ky- ri - e Ky- ri - e son, 8 -mf 83 e - le-i-son:- _ Ky - ri - e e - e-le - i-son, e - le - i -son, f dolce e-le-i-son, e - - e e-lei - son, f le-i - son:np ie-i-son, dolce lei - son, '--:_-)' - Chri - ste son,- legato espress. Chri - ste-- Chri - stel- sonr_ legatoespress. ste e- lei-son, tr Hp. Chri-ste e - -- Chri-ste e - lei mf Chri - ste e m1f - lei atempo(J = es) pocorit. dim. { lei - Ky-ri-e- son: e-le- i-son,- dolce - lei - son: Ky-ri-ep dolce ste- - lei - Ky-ri - e son: p d^olce Ky-ri - e a tempo(J = oq) rimnl---f E **.. t0. e-le-i-son,- Ky-ri-e- e-le-i-son,- Ky-ri-e- e - le- i- son, rl rrl - e -lei - PP son. -w Ky- ri-e- e - lei - son, -w Ky-ri-erit. e - lei - son. e - lei - son. 2. OUT OF THE DEEP Psalm130 Slow, with somerubato (J =c.S+) SOLO CELLO \_r- .--------->=- f____, ryp- poco stringen.lo -------_-.\- :=...----- --- Out of the deep - 7-5 p @OxfordUniversityPress1986 Photocopyingthis copyright material is ILLEGAL. p have I l2 -PP -\____ \._ called un - to thee, O hear- my volce.-- hear- voice. / -P called un - to thee, O my -fv II -p np3 v-==----- Out of the deep - \- have I called un - to thee, O -:_; t-; Out Out of the deep - i have- I of the -mp hear- my Lord: ...........-.....--P 3 have -rhrg' 'called: I called un - to thee, O hear- my Lord: ) Out E have- I called: brl).-- l3 -- O let thine ears volce. - hear 'my con - si -der well of my conr voice. hum br^r- --_------- volce (hum) of my- com-plaint,.Y? O let thine ears si - der well voice - of' my com. lA l+ '.11j trpii _ mossoQ =lz) PP --=---If thou, Lord, wilt be J accel.- Piri mosso Q = n ) treme to mark r5 - nf Lord,- whomaya - bide Lord, - who may a - :--.-.---r- Pii mosso(i = so) o For there is - bide it? Piil g mosso(J =to) ob. -.---\ --'--\ with - -_ there -fore shalt thou r-3 be - nf I cresc. molto + I -------r J__J word \ ). Itf is m y - My I lt a- - nfdim. Tempo Ir (J =uz) :i ^D "f J un - to the TempoII D -=-- Q --n) r' rt / Lord be fore the morn-ing watch, I 18 -rtp legato espress. e be-fore the morn-ing watch. J I l-l J'- nP ." rcgarc espress. for with the thereis Lord mer - cy: ,rtf trust J nf, in the Lord, J with the Lord .nl thereis and with him is plen - teous re - l9 tr -.-1--f - demp-tion.- rr J And he shall - l:.--ll ++ re - e from all dot,, deem | .2 Is - ra-el jli^.Tll from all his sins, J - U -: a_- all J mP his his "t 20 TempoI Q = ,.sq) P *, "t ". o.}-- have I called un - to ttr..i5 l,---i--tt---*---- Lord, hear- my w Out of the deep veI called un- to thee, O hear- Lord: my TempoI (J =c.s+) 8va B. ad lib. (staggerbreathing) voi( ce) (staggerbreathing) (ce). G EP -e 2l 3. PIE JESU* ----------:-: Andante e dotce (J = eo) l''-_- --{;-}- e1 Piano Reduction P dolcee semPlice soPRANo sol-o Pi- e Je - su Bless-ed Je - su, re - qulgrant them re-qul-em grant them rest ae - ter-nam e - ter-nal, Do- mi - ne, Lord, I pray, do-na e do-na e - is in thy mer - cy - Lord our God, *It is suggestedthat the choir should remain seatedduring this number. OOxford UniversityPress1986 Photocopyingthis copyright material is ILLEGAL. lS' I 22 do-na e Lord our God, - ls, I unis./9P do-Lord- our God, we pray-thee,- Do Lord- Je-su Je - su, - {_j do- na e -is re grant them ev - e r - l a s t - - qui - em. ing rest, na e-is,Do-mi-ne, our God, we pray- thee, Do -mi -ne, Lord, I pray, 23 -- do-na in e - thy mer - ls re - qur- em; grant them rest; do Lord - T -\__/ na e - is. Do-mi-ne.our God, I pray- thee,- poco rit. 7o molto dolce grant - ae - ter them rest e - t e r pocorit. a tempo - nam. - nal. Do Lord unls. Pbo Lord - - na e-is.Do-mi-ne. our God, we pray-thee,- na e -is,Do-mi-ne, our God, we pray-thee, 24 _ SOPRANO SOLO LDry 34 qul em. ing resl. Je Pi-e Bless-ed Je nPt -t su su, I bl. .."...-P Do - mi-ne, Lord, I pray, do-na in e - is thy mer - cY s e m - p l - ter grant them rest re-qul-em, grant them rest; re- qui -em, ter - nal, sem-pi - ter grant them rest sem- pr - ter grant them rest nam e nam e 25 re - qui-em - ter - nal, do-na e - Lord our God, lS' I D o - m i -n e , pray- thee, do-na -Do-mi-ne:- e pray - thee: Lord our God, .v e - is, Do-mi-ne, our God, we pray- thee, na P Do Lord - sem-pigrant them na e - is Do-mi-ne, our God, we pray-thee, ter-nam re ev-er - Iast - qul ins 26 a-_.- Do-mi-ne, Lord, I pray, Je-su Pi-e Bless-ed Je - su, do-na in e thy mer - is re - qul -em, cy grant them rest, ri atempo /i {> p molto dolce pl them - ter qul ev unis. flp do-na e-is, Do-mi-ne, Lord our God, we pray-thee, sem- pi - ter-namre grant them ev-er-last - em. rest. ri qui - em. ing rest. unis.1p Do- na e- is, Do-mi-ne,Lord our God, we pray- thee atempo /i + ll 4, SANCTUS AndantemaestosoQ=n) SOPRANOS nW poco marcato con frI. mf cresc. San Ho - ctus ly ---------...\ -/----\ Do Lord, 3 mi-nus De - us Sa God of power-and ma - ba - oth._ jes - ty.- @OxfordUniversityPress1986 Photocopyingthis copyright material is ILLEGAL. 28 8 SOPRANOS,4p San TENORS Ho f poco marcato San Ho - San Ho ctus, ly, - nus of miGod San Ho ctus Do Lord, - nf Sa De-us po'wer-and ma ba jes ------- mi-nus God of -ly ctus ty San Ho ctus, ly, --{ Do Lord, ctus, ly, - San Ho ctus,ly, - - oth. ty. a,------==-\ De - us poweL- and I r;'l |l\I v SOPRANOS m./ t) Ple Hea Ple Hea sunt and . i_'i tl!.!. ni li are cae earth i19t! sunt TTi -t el!)ttll!tt li are cae ven and earth , glo-ri - a full of thy i-i-l -cresc. tu-a, glo glo- ri - a full of thy ry, 11{l F l1 29 Ho - san Ho - san tu glo ta, ho -san-na in ex - cel na, ho-san-na in the sis,est, - high f tu glo /,---\ -4. san -n) san na, na, ho -san-na in ex - cel ho-san-na in the high f tu glo d. ry. - san-na in ex- cel -san-na in the high - sis, est, (f) h o - s a n - n ai n e x - c e l ho-san-na in the high ho - san-na in ex - cel ho - san-na in the high cresc. - sls, - est, ho - san ho - san ff- na. na. =---------------- > ho-san-na in ex- cel - sis, ho - san ho-san-na in the high - est, ho - san - na. - na. ffho- san - na. ho- san - na. hoho- 30 23n TENORSr4if Ple Hea - ni ven sunt cae and earth BASSESzuf -nl - Ple Hea ven sunt and li are cae earth .l|-l-l-']i_!-i i-i-] rJlJtJl)i i-'1 11 11 l- glo -ri - a full of thy i-i 11 lt 11 tstSOPRANOS.f ;- 2nd SOPRANOS Ho - san Ho> Ho - san Ho - san li are a, glo AI glo-ri - a full of thy tu-a. glo tu-a. glo - ry' ry. l8t na, D&, na, -san-na in ex ho-san-na in the HoHo- 3I ---\ - cel high sls,_ est,_ ----\ ho - san-na in ex - cel ho - san-na in the high cresc. ho - san-nain ex - cel ho-san-na in the high sis, est, - srs, est, hoho- ff- ho-san-na in ex- cel - sls, ho-san-na in the high - est, ho-san-na in ex- cel - sis, ho ho-san-na in the high - est, ho- ff > hoho- ff na, ho-san-na in ex - cel - sls, na, ho-san-na in the high - est, ho - san-nain ex - cel ho-san-na in the high - sls, - est, ho- san - na, ho ho- san - na, ho - ft= hoho8ua- J./. - san - san - na. na. - na. na. > - san - san p rnNons 35 p dolceelegato qui ve - nit in who comesin the ne -di-ctus- no name mi -ne Do the Lord of BASSES p dolceelegato Be Bless -'-i r-'-i ?+lJtlJa+a! i-i i-r d!tJt-L+Le qui ne-di-ctus he ed rs i.....']Tl ve - nit in who comes in the i-i -)e 33 SOPRANOS p dolce e legato ne - di - ctusrs heed Be Bless qui ve - nit 1n who comes in the ALTOS p dglceelegato Be Bless miour no name - Dlt- God, mi-ne of the Do Lord -l-l|-l-|-1|-l-l-i 4 )1) 1)lil! no name ne - di - ctusheed ,s mi-ne the of ml - nl: our God: T-i i-'i'-'l i-i-i-i i-i-i-i blbl)J)t14lrlr i-i mi - ni: our God:- Do Lord qui ve - nit who comesin i-i-] 4)tJtJlJ!Jl )1 ln the no name - mi-ne of God: o-san Ho - san na, na, o non legato Ho bJ. ho- san-na in ex ho-san-na in the 34 - - 18' na, -san-nain ex - cel ho-san-na in the high ho - san-nain ex- cel ho - san-na in the high sis,est,- sii, est, > - san - san - -san-nain ex -cel -san-na in ex - cel high ho-san-na in the tr4' na, ho-san-na in the high ex the cresc. sis,est,- - san-nain ex- cel - san-na in the high h o - s a n - n ai n e x - c e l ho - san-na in the high ho ho - na, na, sis, est, na. na. san san -> ho - san-nain ex- cel - sis. ho - san ho-san-na in the high - est, ho - sqn sis,I est,\ -na,na,-fit. - na. _ >> nQ. > san na. - san - na. ho - san na, ff-= - san ho - san na. na. i ?, j& -san-na ln ex - ho-san-na in the cresc.