ADMINISTRATIVE GLOSSARY 1. ACTIVIDAD/TAREA (ACTIVITY / HOMEWORK) Synonyms terms, although it is customary to treat the task as a component action of the activity. In general they are human actions that consume time and resources, and lead to a concrete result within a certain period. They are finite although they can be repetitive. 2. ALGORITMO (ALGORITHM) Procedure by means of which certain problems are solved. It is the graphic representation of a logical succession of operations or steps that lead to the solution of a problem or the production of a good or the provision of a service. 3. ANÁLISIS (ANALYSIS) Action of dividing a thing or problem into as many parts as possible, to recognize the nature of the parties, the relationships between them and obtain objective conclusions of the whole. 4. CONTROL (CONTROL) Types: 1. quality control; 2. quantity control; 3. cost control; 4. time control. It is the act of recording the measurement of results of activities carried out by people and teams in a given time and space. Ex-ante, During and Ex-post are exercised regarding the execution of activities. 5. CONTROL DE CALIDAD (QA) Quality control is responsible for guaranteeing the achievement of the quality of work objectives regarding the achievement of the level of quality planned for production and on the reduction of quality costs. 6. CONTROLAR (CONTROL) Act of measuring and recording the results achieved by an agent of the organizational system in a specific time and space. 7. COODIRNAR (TO COORDINATE) Act of exchanging information between the parts of a whole. It operates vertically and horizontally to ensure the harmonic and synchronized course of all the elements involved in the work. 8. DEPARTAMENTALIZACIÓN (DEPARTMENTALIZATION) Phase of the administrative analysis that deals with analyzing and dividing the work as a whole, establishing the levels of specialization and complexity of all the parts or components of the work and giving shape to the organization chart. 9. ORGANIZACIONAL (ORGANIZATIONAL) Maintenance action and permanent update of the changes applied to an organization and with respect to its environment. 10. DIAGNÓSTICO (DIAGNOSIS) Identification and explanation of the direct and indirect variables immersed in a problem, plus its background, measurement and the effects that occur in its environment. 11. DIRIGIR (LEAD) Act of driving and motivating human groups towards the achievement of objectives and results, with certain resources. 12. DIVISIÓN DEL TRABAJO (DIVISION OF LABOUR) Act of segmenting the total work of an organization, by specializations and levels of difficulty. 13. EFICACIA (EFFECTIVENESS) Indicator of greater achievement of objectives or goals per unit of time, as planned. 14. EFICIENCIA (EFFICIENCY) Indicator of lower cost of a result, per unit of factor used and per unit of time. It is obtained by relating the value of the results to the cost of producing those results. 15. ESTRATEGIA (STRATEGY) In an adjustable process; It is the set of rules that ensure an optimal decision at all times. A strategy usually encompasses the objectives, goals, goals, policy and programming of actions of an organizational or individual whole. 16. EVALUAR (EVALUATE) Act of comparing and prosecuting the results achieved in a given moment and space, with the expected results at that same time. It is to look for the causes of their behavior, understand them and introduce appropriate corrective measures. 17. FINES (FINNISH) They are the effects that are obtained with the achievement of the objectives. 18. FLUXOGRAMA (FLUXOGRAM) Graph showing the flow and number of sequential operations of a process or procedure to generate a good or a service. It belongs to systems engineering and is also known as algorithm, logic or flowchart. Industrial engineering uses another diagram known as a "process, route or road map" with a different symbology than systems. Like the first, it applies to the design of processes and procedures. 19. FODA (SWOT) Technique for assessing potential and organizational and personal risks, regarding decision-making and the environment it affects. Means: Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats. 20. FORMULARIO (FORM) Printed document containing "fixed" structured information on a given aspect, to be complemented with "variable" information according to each application and to meet a specific objective. 21. FUNCIÓN (FUNCTION) Permanent and impersonal formal mandate of an organization or a job. 22. GERENCIA (MANAGEMENT) Function through which companies and the State achieve results to meet their respective demands. 23. ÍNDICE (INDEX) Mathematical relationship of one value to another value. The result can be an absolute or relative number. 24. LOGÍSTICA (LOGISTICS) 1. Explain the process of how to obtain the necessary resources in the right place, amount and time. 2. Someone cares about what each situation requires and also ensures that all necessary resources will be available at the right time. 25. MICROANÁLISIS ADMINISTRATIVO (ADMINISTRATIVE MACROANALYSIS) Global study of more than one institution, seen as units of a total system of general administration. It is the analysis of the "state system" constituted by all the institutions and bodies that form it. 26. MANUAL (MANUAL) Document that contains valid and classified information on a specific subject of the organization. It is a compendium, a collection of selected and easily located texts. 27. MANUAL DE FUNCIONES (FUNCTION'S MANUAL) Document similar to the Organization Manual. It contains valid and classified information about the departmental functions and products of an organization. Its contents are and departmental description of functions and products. 28. MANUAL DE ORGANIZACIÓN (ORGANIZATION MANUAL) Document that contains valid and classified information about the structure, functions and departmental products of an organization. Its contents are organizational charts and departmental, functions and product descriptions. 29. MANUAL DE POLÍTICAS (POLICY MANUAL) Document that contains valid and classified information on the policies, norms and instructions that govern the work of short, medium and long term of the officials of an organization. Its contents are policies, rules and instructions. 30. MANUAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS (PROCEDURES MANUAL) Document that contains valid and classified information about the structure of production, services and maintenance of an organization. Its content is the work procedures, which entail specifying its nature and scope, the description of the sequential operations to achieve the product, the regulations that affect it and a process chart (road map, flow chart). 31. MANUAL DE PUESTOS (POSITION MANUAL) Document that contains valid and classified information on the nature and functions of each job or job title, with their respective entry and assessment requirements, of a given organization. Its contents are the jobs, which entail specification of their nature and scope, assessment, description of their functions and the profile of the output products. 32. MANUAL TÉCNICO (TECHNICAL MANUAL) Document that contains valid and classified information about the structure and way of operating a device. Its content allocates a smaller percentage to the description and a larger percentage to the graphic. Manual Examples of TV and Sound, CPU, vehicles, etc. 33. META (GOAL) It is the quantification of the specific objective. Indicates the quantity and unit of measurement of the desired result and the time and place to achieve it. It consists of Verb + quantity + unit of measure + time + location. 34. MÉTODO (METHOD) Logical succession of steps or stages that lead to achieving a predetermined objective. 35. MICROANÁLISIS ADMINISTRATIVO (ADMINISTRATIVE MICROANALYSIS) Thorough study of an institution or an organ, from the general to the smallest operational detail. It evaluates the doctrinal nature of the entity, its aims, structure, functions, positions, systems, forms, norms, resources and plant, to ensure its congruence with the functions of the State and with the demands of the population. 36. MODELO (MODEL) Set of interrelated and interacting variables, which in dynamic block lead to a predetermined result or to solve a problem. 37. OBJETIVO ESPECIFICO (SPECIFIC GOAL) It is the specification of a part of the overall objective. The set of specific objectives achieve the general objective. 38. OBJETIVO GENERAL (OVERALL OBJECTIVE) It is defined as "a desire to achieve." 39. ORGANIZAR (ORGANIZE) Act to collect and integrate dynamically and rationally the resources of an organization or plan, to achieve expected results through the operation. 40. ORGANIGRAMA (ORGANIZATION CHART) It is the graphic representation of the formal structure of an organization, according to specialized division of labor and hierarchical levels of authority. 41. PLAN ANNUAL OPERATIVO (ANNUAL OPERATIONAL PLAN) Short-term institutional plan but linked to the medium and long-term plan. It is the harmonious set of policies, strategies, objectives, goals, activities and the institutional budget, programmed over time and conducive to a common objective. It is executed in a year (short term) and with certain resources. 42. PRESUPUESTO (BUDGET) Financial plan for short-term income and expenses made up of programs, projects and activities to be carried out by an organization, presenting itself in certain classifications. 43. PROCEDIMIENTO (PROCESS) Cycle of operations that affect several employees who work in different sectors and that is established to ensure the uniform treatment of all the respective operations to produce a certain good or service. 44. PRODUCTO (PRODUCT) It is the partial or total result (goods and services), tangible or intangible, that leads to an activity carried out. 45. PROGRAMA (PROGRAM) Harmonic set of objectives, policies, goals and activities to be carried out in a given time and space, with certain resources. Your results are "services."