How has the covid-19 pandemic affected the life of people around the word? By:Daniel Matute The covid-19 pandemic haved affected all the word because No country was prepared for a pandemic like covid-19. Even if covid-19 doesn’t affect too much to younger people. Doctors are risking their lifes to stop this pandemic. Covid-19 originated in china, because chinese people eat exotic food. Animals like bats have covid-19 but for these animals covid-19 doesn’t affect them, but for human is very dangerous. Some animals more also have covid-19 but doesn’t make nothing to them. Covid-19 spread too fast because it was winter in that regions and it also was the chinese new year so chinese people that live on other countries go to china to visit their families and then they went back to their homes on other countries with the virus covid-19 and they didn’t know this is why covid-19 spread too fast in the globe. There are already ways to prevent this virus (covid-19) like washing our hands with soap and water or hand gel with a 70% of acohol to kill every bacteria and you hands. Other way to prevent covid-19 is to don’t touch your face because covid-19 can enter on your body through your eyes, mouth, and nose. Another way to prevent covid-19 is to use medical face mask every time you go out from your home. Another way is to try to don’t go out from your home. Of course scientist are doing all what they can to create a vaccine for covid-19. There are already prototipes of vaccines to fight covid-19 there are even vaccines that scientist are testing to see if it works. Some scientist test a vaccine on monkeys with covid-19 and it works but there are waiting to be sure everything is good with the vaccine. Covid-19 is a dangerous virus but there are ways to prevent it and there are prototipes of vaccines to fight covid-19 the thing is that people doesn’t follow this ways to prevent covid-19 thats why more and more people is getting the virus(covid-19).