1-HUE: A shade of a colour. 2-PACKAGING: A container for a product. 3-FITNESS: Health and strength. 4-FLASH: Light or bright colour on a dark background. 5-INDICATOR: Sign. 6-REGULATIONS: Rules. 7-SIGNIFICANT: 1 Not by chance 2 with an important meaning. 8-UNINTENTIONAL: Not planned. 9-BLANKET: A covering that keeps you warm in bed. 10-CLOTH: Material used for making clothes, etc. 11-COOPERATIVE: A business or organization owned by the people who work in it and who all a profit from it. 12-PONCHO: A traditional SOUTH AMERICAN coat made from a single piece of cloth, with a a hole in the middle for the head. 13-SELF-SUFFICIENT: Able to provide everything you need for yourself. 14-SHAWL: An article of clothing worn around the shoulders. 15-SPIN: Twist fibres of a material into thread to make cloth. 16-THREAD: A long thin line of fibre (British). 17-WEAVE: Make cloth by crossing threads over and under each other. 18-WEAVER: A person who weaves. 19-WOOL: A material made from the hair of sheep and other animals. 20-YARN: A long thin line of fibre (American). 21-EVE: The night before a significant date or day. 22-VINTAGE: From an earlier time or era. 23-AUDIENCE: A group of people who watch or listen to something. 24-BEAT: Rhythm. 25-BEAT: Hit again and again. 26-BOUNDARY: Limit. 27-COMMUNITY: A group of people who live in an area. 28-DRAIN: Take away from. 29-BRING TOGETHER: Join. 30-DRUM: A musical instrument that you hit with a stick. 31-DRUM: Play a drum. 32-DRUMMER: A person who plays a drum. 33-DRUMSTICK: The stick a drummer uses to hit the drum. 34-ESSENCE: The most important aspect of something. 35-FEAR: Be afraid of. 36-PERFORMANCE: The act of playing music for other people. 37-PIONEER: One of the first people to do something. 38-UNITY: The feeling of being together. 39-WARRIOR: A soldier. 40-BOW: The front of a ship or boat.