Subido por Celestino García Gómez


(Arial, size 14, centered text)
Author 1(1), Author 2*(2) (Arial, 10, Normal, align left, no Justify)
Institution, street, N°, city, Country (Arial, 10, Normal, left, no Justify)
Institution, street, N°, city, Country (Arial, 10, Normal, left, no Justify)
*Corresponding author: e-mail.
The abstract should give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results of the
The abstract must be prepared in Spanish or English, following the indications in
this template and using A4 paper size.
The abstract title should be typed single-spaced in Arial 14 bold, center-aligned (2
lines maximum).
Author names (given name initials and complete surnames) should be listed singlespaced in Arial 10, left-aligned, without justification, using superscripts to specify
affiliations and indicating in bold type the name of the author who will present the work.
On the next line, detail the full affiliation of each listed author (Arial 10 italic) and
indicate the e-mail address of the corresponding author.
Start writing the abstract leaving 1 empty line (Arial 12, single-spaced, justified) after
the last affiliation address. Each paragraph should be written leaving a first line indent
of 0.5 cm.
The references, if necesary1, should be cited in the text with superscript Arabic
numbers and detailed at the end of the text in Arial 10, after the keywords.
The file to be sent should be a Word document, not exceeding 3 MB and one page
maximum. Name the file following the instructions in the Call for Abstracts and send it
Keywords: 4 keywords maximum.
1- A reference.