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Argentina Tax Reporting User Manual (Daily VAT & CITI)

User Manual for Report: Argentina Tax Reporting ( Daily VAT and CITI Reports )
Customizations needed:
1. Maintain Official Document Type - Table: J_1AOFTP, View: V_1AOFTP
2. Determination of Official Document Type – Table: J_1AOTDETR, View: V_1AOTDETR
➢ Program Name to be maintained: RPFIGLAR_TAXREPORTING
3. Maintain AFIP VAT Details – Table: J_1A_VATCODE, View: V_J1AVATCODE
➢ Regime to be maintained: 3685 Regime for Sales and Purchases
4. Maintain Tax Class Identification - Table: FIARC_TAXID, View: FIARV_TAXID
➢ In this customizing activity, you define the tax class for each combination of tax procedure, tax code, and
internal processing key. For VAT tax class, you also specify the reason for zero tax if the tax rate is zero,
and the prorated indicator if you want to manage the computable and non-computable VAT in only one
tax code. You can also specify the region and county for which the tax is applicable. This customization
enables the classification of taxes in documents and the calculation of VAT when generating reports.
➢ Example:
Procedure Tax
Processing Class
Jurisdiction for Zero
➢ Prorated Checkbox (Prorated Indicator) - Indicates whether the tax amount for this processing key needs
to be considered while calculating VAT amount in reporting. It is only used in the “CITI Compras” report
with “VAT Computable Credit by doc.” output option.
▪ Use - Enables you to specify whether a tax code and its corresponding processing keys are
eligible for VAT calculation in reporting.
▪ Dependencies - The processing keys considered for VAT calculation and reporting must have the
tax class configured as TX, VL, VN, or VS.
▪ Example - In the example below, only the tax amounts for processing keys VST and J1I are
considered for calculating VAT amount in reporting.
Tax Procedure
Tax Code
Internal Processing Key
5. Maintain History Table: Time Dependency Information - Table: FIARC_TIMEINFO, View: FIARV_TIMEINFO.
➢ In this customizing activity, for each client, country, and company code, you define the time dependency
for resetting the page numbers on the printed and print preview output generated for the Daily VAT
You can set the time dependency to any of the following:
• Fiscal Year: The page number is reset after the end of the configured fiscal year. A summary
for the fiscal year is displayed after its records.
• Fiscal Period: The page number is reset after the end of the configured fiscal period. A
summary for the fiscal period is displayed after its records.
• Calendar Year: The page number is reset after the end of the calendar year. A summary for
the calendar year is displayed after its records.
• Calendar Month: The page number is reset after the end of the calendar month. A summary
for the calendar month is displayed after its records.
• Fiscal Year/Monthly Summation: The page number is reset after the end of the fiscal year
but the summary is reset after the end of each configured fiscal month.
• Calendar Year/Monthly Summation: The page number is reset after the end of the calendar
year but the summary is reset after the end of each calendar month.
Use - Based on the time dependency defined in this customizing activity, the page numbers and the
summaries of the set period on the print preview and printed output of the report are reset.
Example-If you set the time dependency as calendar month, the page number of the report’s print
preview or printed output is reset to one for each calendar month’s records. Also, as the summary
will accumulate per calendar month, there will be a summary with only amounts of the documents
of each month.
Report Run:
 At the Selection Screen:
1. Select the Report to be executed (Daily VAT/Electronic Duplicate/CITI Ventas/CITI Compras) in Report
2. Enter the mandatory selection parameters: Company Code, Posting Date & Fiscal Year and execute.
3. To generate File output, check – Create File and enter a File Name. File output is not applicable for Report
Selection – Daily VAT.
 At the Output Screen:
1. Upper Left-side shows Company Code level information.
2. Lower Left-side shows the Files generated as per Report selection.
a. For Report selection – Electronic Duplicate, following files should be generated:
i. Issued documents – Header type 1 (per document) and 2 (per period)
ii. Issued documents – Detailed
iii. Sales type 1 (per document) and 2 (per period)
iv. Purchase type 1 (per document) and 2 (per period)
v. File for other perceptions (not VAT)
b. For Report selection – CITI Ventas, following files should be generated:
i. Sales Doc Detail
ii. Sales Vat Details
c. For Report selection – CITI Compras, following files should be generated:
i. Purchase Doc
ii. Purchase VAT Rates
iii. Import Purchases
iv. Import VAT Credit Services
3. Right-side shows the Document level information. Double clicking on the document number will lead to
Document Display (FB03).
4. Click on Error Log to view the report run log. Any error with documents will be reported here.
5. To download the File, click on Download Text File.
In the following screen, enter the download details and execute.
File gets downloaded.
Back-Ground Execution
Daily VAT (Print Preview & Tax Details)
1.Select “Daily VAT” option in selection screen.
2.Select Version on Correspondence Section (Default it’s always 1- Credit).
3.Execute Report on Back-Ground.
4.In case you want to display “Tax Details” in back ground need to select Tax Details (Background Exec.)
5.For both cases you can check the output on SM37(Job Selection).
Electronic Duplicate/Sales/Purchase
1. Execute the report on Back-Ground.
2. You will not be able to display ALV output.
3. You can always download the text file from AL11(SAP Directories).