Subido por Ricardo Chegwin


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in the Dublin Institute of Technology
What is RPL?
RPL (recognition of prior learning) is a process which acknowledges, and gives value to, learning achieved prior
to registering on a DIT programme, or prior to seeking a DIT award.
Prior learning may be a result of successful participation in a formal learning programme in further or higher
education, or through your working career, for which you were awarded certification. If you use your prior
certificated learning towards a DIT award, the process is called: Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning
Prior learning may also be an outcome of non-formal or informal learning achieved through work, voluntary
activities or private study, for which you may not have a certificate. The process of using this type of learning for
higher education purposes is called: Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).
It is not uncommon for both APCL and APEL to be considered together in an RPL process.
What RPL is used for in the DIT
RPL can be used for a number of purposes in the DIT including the following:
1. for entry to a programme at the initial stage where the applicant may not meet the standard entry
2. for advanced entry to a programme at a stage beyond the first stage
3. for transfer from one programme to another
4. for exemption from some programme elements or from programme modules
5. for exceptional case entry to post-graduate programmes where the applicant may not have the
standard honours primary degree but has considerable, relevant learning from work or self-study
6. for application towards a full award.
Words of caution: Not all DIT programmes offer RPL for entry, for transfer, for module exemptions, or towards a
full award. Where RPL is available there may be specific conditions, limitations and application procedures.
The RPL Process
There are different processes for RPL depending on the purpose for which it is used. However, all RPL
processes require the applicant to provide evidence of appropriate past learning, whether that is certificated or
experiential learning. In some cases it may be sufficient for the applicant to provide copies of appropriate
certificates. In other cases there may be a self-assessment exercise, preparation of a file or ‘portfolio’ of
appropriate evidence of learning, an interview, and perhaps a demonstration or assessment task.
Where to go for information about RPL in the DIT
It is likely that applications for RPL will be from adult learners, mature students or holders of third level awards. It
is likely that applicants already know the particular programme, or set of programmes, that they wish to apply for.
Therefore it is probably wise to find out if those particular programmes permit RPL. Usually this information is
available under the information section related to entry requirements. It is generally good advice to enquire about
the precise availability of RPL with the Department or School offering the programme, or programmes, of your
choice. Contact email addresses and phone numbers will be available on the website and usually in the
programme prospectus.
Dr Anne Murphy, RPL Policy Officer. November 2010
A summary of the stages of an RPL processes both for employment and for higher education
Stage 1 Reviewing
to establish
learning styles
Stage 2 Identify achievements
required skills
and knowledge
which correspond to
Stage 3 State achievements
course entry
specific course
learning outcomes
specific awards
as ‘competences’
Stage 4 Assemble evidence
of relevant
as specified by
Stage 5 Organise the
evidence as Europass CV
Stage 6 Present evidence
in the required format
for evaluation by
Admissions Office
Programme team
Awarding body
towards FULL AWARD
Stage 7 Possible outcomes
( RPL + Learning Contract to fill gaps)
A Structure to get started on your CV/Learning Profile for an RPL application
NAME as on passport
Second Level Education
Schools attended
Achievements and results
Further Education
Colleges or Training Centres
Courses taken
Awards gained and results
Copies of certificates
Higher Education
Colleges attended
Courses taken
Awards gained
Examination transcripts
Copies of certificates
Other Education
Provide detailed information
about any relevant formal
learning experiences not
mentioned earlier.
Include certificates etc
List your work record starting
with the most recent, using
the following headings:
a. Self-employment details
b. Employer 1:
Your roles and
c. Employer 2:
Your roles and
d. Employer 3
e. Employer 4
List the relevant training
events and courses giving
dates and any certificates
You may be required to
produce copies of certificates
or to provide other evidence.
List all relevant professional
bodies or organisations with
dates. Include your status as
a member of those bodies
and organizations
List any publications and say
where they are available.
You may be required to
include them in a formal
List and explain any prizes or
awards you achieved that are
relevant to your application.
Here you might consider your
main reasons for applying for
a higher education
Here you might consider how
best in include RPL in your
professional development
plans .
Frequently asked questions about RPL in the DIT
1. What precisely is RPL and what is its purpose?
RPL stands for ‘recognition of prior learning’. Its purpose is to give formal acknowledgement to past, or prior, learning. Past
learning may contribute to further learning by using it to gain entry to a DIT programme at the first stage, or at an advanced
stage. Past learning may also be used to gain exemptions from parts of programmes (modules) on some DIT programmes,
but not on all. It may also be used to transfer from one programme to another.
2. Where would I get detailed information about RPL in the DIT?
You will get detailed information on the DIT website at:
Who could I contact in the DIT to discuss RPL?
The first place to contact for general information is The Admissions Office:
Phone – + 353 1 402 3445
Email –
Your enquiry may be referred onwards to a particular member of academic staff involved with the programme you are
interested in. However, detailed information about RPL on individual programmes may only be available from the
Department offering the programme. The DIT website usually provides information about the contact numbers and email
addresses for individual programme enquiries.
4. What precisely is prior certificated learning?
Prior certificated learning is formal learning which was assessed and for which a certificate was issued on completion.
5. What is accreditation of prior certificated learning (APCL)?
APCL is the term used to describe the process of using awards gained through formal training or education - prior
certificated learning - to gain entry to a programme, to transfer to another programme, or to gain module exemptions.
6. What is prior experiential learning?
Prior experiential learning is learning you have acquired through work, voluntary activities or private study. It is sometimes
called non-formal or informal learning.
7. What is accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL)?
APEL is the process of using experiential learning in support of an application for the purpose of entry to a DIT programme
or for an application for module exemption.
8. How could I use my prior certificated learning in the DIT?
In general, prior certificated learning may be used for initial entry purposes, for entry at an advanced stage, for module
exemptions, for transfer into a DIT programme, or towards achievement of a full award. However, the use of prior learning
may vary from programme to programme.
9. What are levels of learning as used in RPL?
RPL processes use the same levels of learning as described in the National Framework of Qualifications (NQF). Level 6
through to Level 10 apply to higher education.
10. How would I know the level of my prior certificated learning?
All certificated learning/awards are now being placed on the National Qualifications Framework. The rainbow diagram below
shows the new award titles together with the main titles used before the development of the framework. In general, awards
of higher level than Leaving Certificate are from 6 to 10 on the framework. Undergraduate degrees are level 7 or 8.
Postgraduate programmes are at levels 9 and 10.
Tips for reading the qualifications framework diagram (Rainbow and Fans)
The purple coloured band illustrates the levels of programmes provided by the universities: bachelor degree
levels 7 and 8, Masters degree level 9, and Doctorate level 10.
The DIT range of awards is indicated in orange from level 6 Higher Certificate to level 10 Doctorate.
The red band represents all the institutes of technology, the private colleges and other providers for which the
Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) is responsible, with awards ranging from Higher
Certificate to Doctorate.
The green band represents all awards up to and including Higher Certificate which can be awarded by the
Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) including the National Craft Certificate for apprentices.
You will notice that FETAC, HETAC and the DIT provide Level 6 awards but that the universities do not.
In the fans extending above the rainbow you will see the names of older award types which are now given a
number on the National Qualifications Framework. You will notice that there are many types of older awards now
placed at Level 6.
You might also note that Level 7 is now called an ordinary bachelor degree. Many older Diplomas are now
described as ordinary degrees.
You will notice that there are Higher Diplomas at Level 8 and Postgraduate Diplomas at Level 9.
All Irish award levels in the national Qualifications Framework (NQF) are now related to the European
Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF-LLL) and to the framework of levels for the European
Higher Education Area (EHEA) as illustrated in the table below.
If you need to know more about these meta-frameworks go to the website of the National Qualifications Authority
of Ireland
The relationship between the Irish National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF), the European
Qualifications Framework (EQF-LLL) and the framework of the Bologna European Higher
Education Area (EHEA), with indicative major award types
EHEA Framework
Irish NFQ Levels
Irish NFQ Major Award-types
Level 1 Certificate
Level 2 Certificate
Level 3 Certificate, Junior Certificate
Level 4 Certificate, Leaving Certificate
Level 5 Certificate, Leaving Certificate
Short Cycle within First
Advanced Certificate (FET award)*
Higher Certificate (HET award)
First Cycle
Ordinary Bachelors Degree
Honours Bachelor Degree, Higher
Second Cycle
Masters Degree, Post-Graduate Diploma
Third Cycle
Doctoral Degree, Higher Doctorate
*The Advanced Certificate is a further education and training award at Level 6 on the NFQ and is not aligned with the Bologna Framework
Source: NQAI, Country Education Profile: Ireland (October 2009)
Higher Education LEVELS - Irish National Framework of Qualifications
and Skill
and Skill
Learning to
Specialised knowledge
in a broad area
Specialised knowledge
across a variety of
An understanding of
theory, concepts and
methods pertaining to
a field (or fields) of
A systematic
understanding of
knowledge, at, or
informed by, the
forefront of a field of
Some theoretical
concepts and abstract
thinking, with
underpinning theory
Recognition of
limitations of current
knowledge and
familiarity with
sources of new
integration of
concepts across a
variety of areas
specialized technical,
creative or conceptual
skills and tools across
an area of study
Detailed knowledge
and understanding in
one or more
specialized areas,
some of it at the
current boundaries of
the filed(s)
A critical awareness of
current problems
and/or new insights,
generally informed by
the forefront of a field
of learning
Demonstrate mastery
of a complex and
specialized area of
study skills and tools;
use and modify
advanced skills and
tools to conduct
closely guided
research, professional
or advanced technical
Exercise appropriate
judgement in a
number of complex
planning, design,
technical and/or
functions related to
products, services
operations or
processes, including
Use advanced skills to
conduct research, or
advanced technical or
professional activity,
accountability for all
related decision
making; transfer and
apply diagnostic and
creative skills in a
range of contexts
Act effectively under
guidance in a peer
relationship with
qualified practitioners;
lead multiple, complex
and heterogeneous
Demonstrate a range
of standard and
specialized research or
equivalent tools and
techniques of enquiry
Learn to act in
variable and
unfamiliar learning
contexts; learn to
manage learning tasks
professionally and
Express a
internalized personal
manifesting solidarity
with others
comprehensive range
of specialise skills and
Formulate responses
to well defined
abstract problems
Exercise appropriate
judgement in
planning, design,
technical and/or
supervisory functions
related to products,
services, operations or
Act in a range of
varied and specific
contexts involving
creative and non
routine activities;
transfer and/or
technical or creative
skills to a range of
Utilise diagnostic and
creative skills in a
range of functions in a
wide variety of
Exercise substantial
personal autonomy
and often take
responsibility for the
work of others and/or
for allocation of
resources; form, and
function within
multiple complex and
heterogeneous groups
Learn to evaluate own
learning and identify
needs within a
structured learning
environment; assist
others in identifying
learning needs
Accept accountability
for determining and
achieving personal
and/or group
outcomes; take
significant or
responsibility for the
work of others in
defined areas of work
Take initiative to
identify and address
learning needs and
interact effectively in a
learning group
Express an
internalized, personal
world view, reflecting
engagement with
Express an
internalized, personal
world view,
manifesting solidarity
with others
Select from complex
and advanced skills
across a field of
learning; develop new
skills to a high level,
including novel and
emerging techniques
A systematic
acquisition and
understanding of a
substantial body of
knowledge which is at
the forefront of a field
of learning
The creation and
interpretation of new
knowledge, through
original research, or
other advanced
scholarship, of a
quality to satisfy
review by peers
Demonstrate a
significant range of
the principal skills,
techniques, tools,
practices and/or
materials which are
associated with a field
of learning; develop
new skills, techniques,
tools, practices and/or
Respond to abstract
problems that expand
and redefine existing
procedural knowledge
Act in a wide and
often unpredictable
variety of professional
levels and ill-defined
Exercise personal
responsibility and
largely autonomous
initiative in complex
and unpredictable
situations, in
professional or
equivalent contexts
Take significant
responsibility for the
work of individuals
and groups; lead and
initiate activity
Communicate results
of research and
innovation to peers;
engage in critical
dialogue; lead and
originate complex
social processes
Learn to self-evaluate
and take responsibility
for continuing
Learn to critique the
broader implications
of applying knowledge
to particular contexts
Scrutinise and reflect
on social norms and
relationships and act
to change them
Scrutinise and reflect
on social norms and
relationships and lead
action to change them
Note: The outcomes at each level include those of all the lower levels in the same sub-strand.
11. What are ECTS credits and RPL credits?
ECTS credits refer to a system of describing volumes of student learning effort on higher education programmes
across Europe (European Credit Transfer System = ECTS).
The system represents one credit as being roughly equivalent to twenty (20) learning hours, or hours of student
effort. So a module that is worth 5 credits would demand at least one hundred hours learning effort on the part of
the student. (This formula does not logically apply to RPL however.)
Modules may be small as in a 5 credit module, or large as in a 30 credit module.
A year’s programme would generally be designed to involve 30, 40, or 60 credits depending on whether it is fulltime or part-time.
12. What is meant by RPL transfer credits, general RPL credits and specific RPL credits?
The DIT policy for RPL distinguishes among three types of RPL credits – transfer, general and specific - as
RPL transfer credits may be awarded within the process of advanced entry to a DIT programme. Such transfer
credits may be achieved through DIT or other programmes, or through APEL.
General credits are awarded when an RPL claim has been processed in relation to a stage of the receiving
programme or to a set of programme modules but not necessarily in relation to individual module learning
outcomes. These types of credits are awarded as exemption from a block of study (stage or named modules).
Specific credits are awarded when an APCL claim has been processed in relation to the module learning
outcomes and credits of the receiving programme. Specific credits may be awarded where APEL is used to
achieve module exemption/s. In both these cases it is usual to award the same level and number of credits as
available for the module where an applicant can provide evidence of learning equivalent to the learning outcomes
of the module and where RPL is acceptable for module exemptions in the first instance as outlined in the
programme validation document.
13. How would I know the credit value of my prior certificated learning?
Most certificates/awards are now related to the National Qualifications Framework. Awards on the Framework are
allocated a range of ECTS credits at the different levels. For example, what is now described as a Higher
Certificate at Level 6 may have from 60 or 90 credits attached to it.
However, you should be aware that you may not get the same number of RPL credits as your original programme
credits. Your prior learning normally needs to be of immediate relevance to the receiving programme in terms of
content and level to be considered for advanced entry or for module exemptions.
14. How would I know if my prior certificated learning could be used to gain entry to a DIT
In general, school-leavers use the CAO application system to gain a place on a full-time DIT programme.
Adults/mature students may use the mature student access scheme, or specific initiatives such as Access
programmes, the Labour Market Activation Fund, or the Globalisation Fund, to gain entry
There are many part-time programmes which have direct entry procedures. Some programmes accept only prior
certificated learning for entry purposes, others do not require a certificate and will consider prior experiential
learning or a mix of both. The specific entry requirements for any DIT programme are clearly stated in recruitment
15. How would I assess myself for the value of my certificated learning?
Some programme documents state clearly how much prior learning may be used for entry and/or for module
exemptions. Sometimes lists of possible certificates are mentioned: sometimes not. It is probably best to read the
recruitment literature carefully before you contact the particular course co-ordinator to get further information.
The example of a self-assessment activity on page 16 of this booklet might be useful as guidance. However, selfassessment of your prior learning is simply an exercise to prepare for a formal application.
16. How would I know if my prior certificated learning could be used to get into a DIT programme at
an advanced stage?
The DIT has a specific procedure for advanced entry to undergraduate programmes.
For details go to:
Some programmes offer applicants an opportunity to apply for module exemptions based on particular prior
certificated learning, others do not.
It is best to check with the particular programme you have in mind.
17. How would I know if I could use my prior certificated learning to transfer into a DIT programme
from another DIT programme?
There is information about procedures for transfer available at :
18. How would I know if I could use my prior certificated learning to get exemptions from programme
Some programmes have arrangements in place to apply for module exemptions. These arrangements are
generally included in the students’ Programme Handbook.
It is best to enquire directly with the particular programme co-ordinator when you start your programme. The DIT
does not process RPL applications for module exemption until an applicant is a registered student on a
19. When does my prior certificated learning go out of date?
It depends: some learning, such as latin, or algebra, stay in date for a long time. Other learning, such as software
design goes out of date very quickly. Applications for RPL are usually judged for their ‘currency’ or ‘recency’ of
learning as well as other qualities. If your learning is quite old and you have not kept it up-to-date it might be wise
not to look for module exemptions!
20. Would I need certificates to prove my prior certificated learning?
Generally Yes! If you have lost your certificate you might be able to get transcripts of examination results, or a
formal letter from the awarding body instead. However, it is best to check the requirements of the receiving
programme in this regard.
21. Would I need examination results as evidence?
Frequently Yes! especially if you are seeking advanced entry or transfer. In general you need to show your
capacity to succeed and benefit from being offered a place at advanced entry or through transfer.
22. Would I need detailed information about the courses I have successfully completed such as a
syllabus or handbook?
Frequently Yes!
23. If I have no certificates would a letter do and whose letters might be acceptable?
Sometimes, as 20 above.
24. If I got my certificates in another country how could I use RPL?
Certificates from other countries are generally measured against databases of known awards such as the NARIC
system or Qualifications Recognition. Other countries may not use similar descriptions of awards as we do, so do
not be surprised if a foreign qualification seems more or less valuable than a similar Irish award.
The Diploma Supplement is frequently used to present information about prior formal learning.
25. Will I get the same number of credits for RPL as I got for my prior course?
It depends. If you are using RPL for transfer within DIT programmes you may get the same number of RPL
transfer credits but this may vary from programme to programme.
You may also get the same number if there are arrangements between the DIT and other institutions for this
precise purpose.
However, it may be the case that very little of your prior learning is of relevance to the new programme, and in
such a case, you may get very few, or perhaps no, RPL credits.
26. Who decides the number of RPL credits I get for my prior certificated learning?
Each DIT programme decides about RPL credits separately, and generally keeps a record of past decisions to
guide current and future decisions. Outside agents or negotiators are not used in processing RPL in the DIT.
27. Can I appeal a decision about RPL credits and apply again?
You can appeal an RPL decision on the grounds that you did not have all the necessary documentation required
at the time of application but you now have them.
28. Would I have to be examined again for RPL if I have certificates?
Unlikely! But you may be required to attend an interview or to make a case in writing.
29. How is RPL recorded on my examination record?
In general RPL does not result in grades, but in may do so on programmes with this particular procedure in place.
If you accept RPL credits or module exemptions you should understand the impact it might make on your final
assessment results and award classification. It is best to discuss this with the programme Co-ordinator.
It may be the case that your academic record will show that you accepted RPL credits and/or module exemptions.
30. How is RPL graded for classification of awards?
Generally prior certificated learning is not re-graded for RPL or award classification purposes.
Generally RPL on the basis of prior experiential learning is not graded either, but it may be in programmes where
there are specific arrangements for the process. This kind of information should be in your Programme Handbook.
If not, ask your programme Co-ordinator.
31. Would I be better off taking a module instead of accepting RPL if it affects my final grade or
award classification?
It is best to fully consider the implications of RPL for award classification before accepting any exemptions.
32. Is there a cost for RPL by certificated learning?
At present the cost is subsumed in the cost of processing your application. But this may change in the future.
However, payment for an RPL process cannot in any way be interpreted as payment for credits or exemptions.
Programme fees are generally paid on an annual or half-yearly basis, so it might not be possible to offer fee
reductions per module.
33. How long might an RPL process take for a module exemption based on certificated learning?
This is generally a very quick process taking days rather than weeks. Be prepared to attend an interview if
34. What is my responsibility in making an RPL claim through certificated learning?
You, as applicant, are generally responsible for the entire application, including supplying the correct certificates,
letters, examination results etc. though you may be given directions regarding what is required. The DIT does not
use the services of external agents in preparation or processing of RPL applications.
35. How would I prove that I have learned from work and life experience in an RPL claim?
The particular programme applications procedure/RPL procedure should indicate what is involved for you to prove
your prior experiential learning. You may be required to make a written application only, or a mix of written
application, interview, presentation, etc.. In some cases you may be offered a challenge test. Please do not be
surprised if you are required to prove your learning in several ways as the DIT is keen that you have the capacity
to succeed and that you have sufficient learning outcomes to merit entry, advanced entry, or module exemptions.
36. What kinds of APEL evidence might I offer as proof of appropriate learning?
You are likely to be required to provide authentic documents, products, artefacts, publication, letter of support etc..
You should be given specific advice on the size and content of the application required and the nature of the
evidence you should include.
37. Who might guide me through the APEL process?
It is likely that you will receive sufficient guidance from the programme co-ordinator or from the Admissions Office.
If a specific application form is required it will be made available to you, generally on the DIT website.
38. How long would it take from application to decision?
Applications are generally processed in good time for start dates of programmes and modules.
The more time you give yourself to prepare your application the better for yourself. So apply in good time.
39. How much does an RPL application cost?
Currently there is no cost separate fee for an RPL application other than any normal application fee. This may
change in the future.
40. What are the risks and benefits of accepting APEL credits or module exemptions?
There are generally two risks as follows:
Risk 1:
If you accept module exemptions you may miss out on important learning.
Risk 2:
If you accept module exemptions at award stage you may not have them included in
calculation of your final award classification.
The main benefits are:
Benefit 1: You do not need to learn again what you already know
Benefit 2: You get more time to devote to other parts of the programme
Benefit 3: You may not need to attend class so often
Benefit 4: If the DIT moves to paying fees per module in the future, you could have a smaller overall fee for your
programme. However, this is not the case at the moment.
41. What is the difference between entry by RPL and non-standard entry?
RPL is the process of making a judgement on the value of prior learning.
Non-standard entry is the process of applying for a place on a programme where the applicant does not have the
usual prior qualifications/certificates required as ‘standard’ but who can provide evidence of ‘equivalent’ learning
as well as evidence of the capacity to succeed on the programme.
42. Can I use RPL to gain entry to post-graduate programmes?
Prior learning can be used in what is called ‘exceptional case’ entry to postgraduate programmes. It may be the
case that the applicant has a Diploma but may not have had the opportunity to gain a degree - perhaps there was
no degree at the time of award – and has significant work-based learning since graduating.
It may be the case that an applicant has a pass degree but not the honours degree required for ‘normal’ entry and
has gained valuable work-related learning since graduating.
In both these cases a combination of APCL and APEL may be used to decide if an applicant gains entry.
However, it is up to the receiving programme team to decide the entry requirements.
Non-standard applicants may be required to demonstrate their capacity to succeed and benefit from being offered
a place on a post-graduate programme, usually through an interview, and perhaps through completion of a
‘qualifier’ activity.
Each postgraduate programme has its own specified entry requirements, though holding an honours degree with
at least a second class honours classification is normal.
43. Can I apply for RPL at postgraduate level?
It is not usual for RPL module exemptions to be offered at postgraduate level, though it may be the case that an
applicant has a doctoral level qualification that would justify an exemption, and where the specific programme/s
permit it.
44. Can I apply for RPL at an award stage?
This will depend on the specific regulations and conditions for each programme or award.
45. Can I apply for a whole DIT award by RPL?
Theoretically, an application for a whole award is possible, but rare. In any case, an application for a full DIT award
by RPL will normally involve at least one year’s registration and successful completion of a process which clearly
proves achievement of the learning outcomes for the award.
There is an existing arrangement for a PhD by Publications, which could be described as RPL, which involves one
year’s registration and an agreed work schedule.
46. How might I self-assess myself for my prior certificated learning?
The criteria for assessment of prior certificated learning normally includes the following:
a. Relevance of the title of the award
b. Equivalence of the award as determined in accepted databases
c. Appropriate level on frameworks of qualifications
d. Years of study involved
e. Relevance of learning outcomes to the receiving programme
f. Relevance of the syllabus
g. Completion of a research project or thesis
h. Relevance of literature covered
i. Types and outcomes of examinations as recorded in transcript of results
j. Professional recognition of the award where relevant
k. Status of the awarding institution
l. Diploma Supplement record.
47. Where might I see a sample of APEL evidence for a DIT module?
Programmes which offer advanced entry usually indicate the type of prior learning evidence they require in their
Student Handbook.
If you are applying for a module exemption on your programme you will be given sufficient information to put
together the appropriate evidence. The type of evidence required will vary from module to module.
48. What assessment criteria are used for APEL assessment activities?
It is general practice that there are common criteria for prior experiential learning such as:
it is genuinely your own learning evidence
there is sufficient learning to ‘match’ the volume of learning required
the learning is relevant to the learning outcomes of the receiving programme
the learning is not out of date
the learning can be proven with evidence or demonstrated in a an RPL task.
Additionally a programme team may use other assessment criteria specific to the particular module or stage. It is
best to request these criteria directly from the programme team as criteria are likely to vary from programme to
49. What happens at an RPL interview?
If you are applying for module exemptions the RPL interview team will probably use the opportunity to discuss
your evidence of learning with you in relation to your RPL claim.
If you are using RPL for entry or transfer purposes the interview team will wish to establish that your evidence is
sufficient, relevant and valid, and that you have the capacity to succeed on the programme and to benefit from
being offered a place.
50. How is RPL shown on the Diploma Supplement?
The DIT is developing its Diploma Supplement and RPL exemptions may be indicated on it together with other
standard information.
Note: The responses to the frequently asked questions above are for general information only and do not represent a contract.
DIT Programme using this module
Module Title
Module Level
ECTS credits (5 credits = 100 hours notional learning effort)
Multiple usages across programmes
Introduction to Business Finance
Select the self-assessment responses that best match your prior learning in relation to the 7 learning
outcomes below.
Module Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner should be able to…
I have learned this
through my former
studies or working
career and can
provide paper
I know most
of this but I
have no
I am willing to
complete a
task or
assignment to
show I have
learned this
I really
need to
take the
1. Explain the importance of financial management within a
business environment
2. Record basis business transactions and produce final
3. Evaluate accounts within the context of performance
4. Describe the relationship between costing, pricing, cash
and profit
5. Prepare basic budgets and budget projections, and carry
out simple variance analysis
6. Carry out bank reconciliation and stock variation exercises
7. Discuss the underlying principles of investment appraisal
Types of RPL evidence you might consider for this module: your CV, job descriptions, work
responsibilities in relation to the outcomes, training courses attended, certificates gained, awards,
reports your produced yourself or with others, letters of commendation, examples of documents
produced/completed, etc.
Sample task/assignment to show prior learning in relation to the 7 learning outcomes for
the module.
Write and submit a 1,000 word report using the headings below the timescale agreed:
Report Title:
The Key Elements of Business Finance
Recommended headings/sections:
The importance of good financial management in a small/medium enterprise
How best to manage cash flow, overheads and investment of profits
How best to monitor finances on a day-to-day basis
How best to maintain competitiveness through knowledge of investment opportunities.
Format of the Report:
Times New Roman
1.5 line spacing
Page numbers at foot and centred
One side only
Cover page:
Author’s name, Date, Programme Title and Module Title concerned in the RPL application
Page header:
As details on cover page
No binding required: Staple at top left-hand corner only.