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The Matrix Conspiracy Theory Outline

The Matrix Conspiracy Theory Outline
Esteban Sanchez
May 21, 2020
1. Are we living in the matrix where all of our thoughts and what we do are
controlled by the government?
a. Rizwan Virk, a computer scientist and the author of the new book “The
Simulation Hypothesis” told Vox that he also thinks “there’s a very good
chance we are, in fact living in a simulation.”
b. Scientist can’t prove we are in a simulation but they have plenty or
evidence that point to it
c. Nuclear Physicist Silar Beane and some colleagues suggested in a 2014
paper that perhaps that mass simulation we could be living in would use
that same coordinate system.
2. We are being controlled by the government in a computer and they control and
monitor our every move.
a. “If we’re indeed a simulation, then that would be a logical possibility, that
what we’re measuring aren’t really the laws of nature, they’re some sort of
attempt at some sort of artificial law that the simulators have come up
b. Elon musk said in one of his teds talks that there is 1 in a million chance
that we are living in a simulation
c. Some believe that they way humanity will end itself of with its own
3. We are just a simulation.
a. In Bostrom’s paper he suggests that we are being controlled by post
humans controlling other in simulation
b. His paper was written in 2003 4 years after the first matrix movies come
c. Many scientists believe that we are living in a simulation
d. “the movie’s protagonist, Neo, discovers that his reality isn’t real. Instead,
Neo’s world is a vast simulation orchestrated by hyper-evolved AL that
harvest humans for the energy.”
e. Many believe that we are being controlled by a super computer
We are controlled with every move
4. Could be just a videogame
a. “Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions
of people playing simultaneously and it’s getting better every year. And
soon we’ll have virtual reality, we’ll have augmented reality.
b. We have video games where we control characters and what if we are a
video game of life and when we forget what we could be like the game of
life and when we forget what we could be like that me sims where you can
cancel your character’s thought.
c. Video games have become so advanced that we have virtual reality and this
quote form elon musk is fast coming true.
d. “if you assume any rate of improving at all, then the games will become
indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable”
e. Musk believes that we are likely already living in a computer simulation,
created by an advance future civilization.
5. We have sent billings sending probes into space to find aliens, how haven’t we
found them yet.
a. NASA and other space companies have spent billions on sending probes
into space try to find extraterrestrials how haven’t we found any yet.
b. It can be by a super computer we are being run by.
c. Or they found a way to escape the simulation
d. Or they are the ones controlling the simulation
e. The evidence to support these claims is extraterrestrials would be way more
advanced than us and either found us or we would have found them by
6. Clime change and natural disasters
a. “our civilizations are set on the cusp of environmental chaos, suggesting
we could be an ancestor simulation created in hopes that we show our
creators how to solve an energy crisis.
b. In the game sim city, you can create your own city and send natural disaster
and clime change to the city
c. That could be happening right now because we could be in a simulation
where they can change the climate and natural disasters
7. Are We living in the matrix where all of our thoughts and what we do are
controlled by the government
8. We are being controlled by the government in a computer and they control and
monitor our every more
9. We are just a simulation
10. Overall, we should put more research in on us being just a simulation and we need
to figure out if we are just a simulation.